"Reflection in the educational process"

Interesting test

To confirm that a person has the ability to direct thoughts to someone else’s consciousness, we will present one of the well-known tests.
Three test takers are shown the details: 3 black and 2 white caps. Then they put blindfolds and black caps on them. At the same time, they report that any of them can wear either a black or a white cap on their head. Then the bandages are removed, and the test takers are given the following task:

  1. Raise your hand if you see at least one black cap;
  2. Leave the room if you guess which cap you are wearing.

As a result, everyone immediately raises their hand, but then there is a delay. Eventually, someone leaves the room.

This is where reflection regarding someone else’s thinking manifests itself: “Am I wearing a white cap?”, “No, if he were white, then one of the other two participants would see that the third was stretching out his hand, since he sees the black cap only on himself. But then he would go out, but he sits. So I’m wearing a black cap!”

The unique ability to reason for two other participants at once helped them guess the color of the cap. The one who came out first has more developed reflexivity than others.

How to develop reflection

The best thing you can do to develop reflection is to practice it. There are many ways to do this:

  1. Just contact this world and spend active time, and then analyze the past day;
  2. Talk to someone who thinks differently or read something unusual for yourself;
  3. Take time to think deeply about a specific object;
  4. Make a list of the most important issues and analyze it.

You can’t choose just one method – you need to use everything, but in different proportions. Read more about each of them below.

Don't avoid the outside world

To reflect means to react to external influences.
Every day a person faces difficulties, conflicts, doubts, choices, opinions, criticism, etc. The more a person experiences such external stimuli, the more his boundaries are stretched. Accordingly, the range of reflection will be wider, deeper and richer. This is the first opportunity to develop reflection - there is no need to hide from the outside world and contracts.

After a busy day, you can replay everything that happened in your head like a movie. Along the way, draw conclusions, think about what your thoughts were or what the thoughts of another bright character of the day were. Finding mistakes and thinking about how to avoid them is a habit of a successful person.

Running water

The lake has the ability to stagnate, and so does a person who constantly communicates in the same circle. But running water is fresh and clean. An excellent reflection training is communicating with a person who has a completely opposite point of view and way of life.

It is no less useful to read unusual literature, watch a film from a category that you have constantly ignored. This does not mean deliberately watching horror, but going beyond boring TV series and melodramas. There are many good genres that are full of new information.

Stop and think

In the age of social networks, people began to feed on information without chewing it. All this is reminiscent of McDonald's, the food from which is not famous for its benefits - quick calories and obesity. There are tons of news, pictures, videos, life hacks, horror stories, comments and more. Most of this is garbage information that does not bring any benefit.

Scientists who study the brain say that such an informational “vinaigrette” is very harmful for humans. None of the components are absorbed, but create only noise and interference in thinking. Our brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time.

As a form of reflection training, it is useful to think about a read book, film, dialogue, past or some future task. You should choose one thing and “chew” it in detail:

  • Is this a useful thing?
  • What new have I learned?
  • How should I use it?
  • Do I like this character?
  • Who do I resemble in this book?

All this brings pleasure, relaxes, makes you smarter and teaches you to concentrate.

Question paper

Write down on a piece of paper or in a notebook the most significant questions that have worried you throughout your life. Then we sort the compiled list into groups:

  1. Questions about the meaning of life;
  2. About purpose;
  3. About relationships with other people;
  4. About the spiritual world;
  5. About the past;
  6. About future;
  7. About material things, etc.

Now we need to calculate what prevails on this list. This experiment can tell something about a person that she had no idea about.

Reflection is the most powerful source of knowledge. It is the impetus for change and progress. The most important ability of reflexive activity is to move from automatism to awareness. The habit of mindfulness brings much more fruit than living on autopilot.

The concept of the reflection method

Definition 2

The reflection method is a method, subject to the application of which only the one that was realized by the student becomes the educational result of learning.

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The main goal of reflection methods is to create a methodological framework for the carried out substantive activity, which will subsequently be used due to its effectiveness and productivity.

The leading methods of reflection used by the teacher for conducting in a team and group are:

  • Problem-search method
  • Motivation and stimulation of the learning process
  • Modeling
  • Boolean Methods
  • A control method, which consists of a number of the following techniques: organizing problem-based learning situations, posing problematic questions and tasks, conducting problem-based experiments and research.

Of great importance for the organization of reflection is the presence of reflective activity skills in students and teachers. That is why it is important to form and develop reflexive skills through specially organized educational and cognitive classes.

The reflective activity of students (pupils) during training sessions manifests itself in the form of reasoning about how the lesson went, what knowledge was gained, how new educational knowledge is related to previously learned knowledge, what is its value. Based on the students’ reflection, the teacher draws conclusions about their use of methodological techniques and methods of work, recognizes their own activities, evaluates them, and corrects them if necessary.

What does it mean to reflect?


- is to think, to think logically, to analyze actions and actions, to know oneself.

Is it worth understanding your personality? Of course yes. If a person has not understood himself, he is led by others and lives someone else’s life. Low self-esteem, complexes, and feelings of guilt sit deep inside and interfere with further development. They need to be found and neutralized.

By reflecting, we learn:

  • Think rationally.
  • Stop mental “garbage”.

A low level of self-analysis is the path to making the same mistakes and blunders throughout your life. At the everyday level, the concept of a reflective person is often associated with such definitions as: “to be nervous”, “to worry”, “to worry too much”. Therefore, in any action, moderation and reasonableness are important.

It is necessary to approach your inner world soberly and calmly, without allowing emotions to overwhelm the arguments of reason. A person who knows how to reflect is his own psychoanalyst; not everyone is capable of this.

In order to “self-examine” for the benefit of your business, you need to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. You should think about the motives behind your actions, not the actions themselves.

    . For example, a husband who cheated on his wife may realize his betrayal and vow not to do it again. But if a man does not understand what pushed him to cheat, no force will stop him from repeating the mistake, since the motives for the need to go “to the left” will remain undeveloped.

  2. "Saw sawdust"

    , as D. Carnegie said. This means constantly grinding past sins and failures in your head, coming up with possible other consequences of what has already happened. What was is no longer there, think about the current moment, make plans for the future.

  3. Cultivate a sense of guilt

    . Yes, we made a mistake, but we got our lesson for it. There is no point in berating yourself for something that cannot be fixed. Everything is not without sin.

  4. Responsible for the whole world

    . Processes in the world occur against our will. We should not take responsibility for something we cannot influence.

If you follow the rules outlined, then reflection is not only possible, but also useful.

Eliminating self-reflection and reducing feelings of self-importance

Basic techniques for self-stalking

Getting rid of habits.

Moderation. Breaking the routine.

Erasing personal history.

Eliminating self-reflection and reducing feelings of self-importance

A warrior must constantly practice tracking, and first of all, tracking himself (his weaknesses and obsessions). Weaknesses here mean everything that makes a warrior less than perfect, that is, everything that takes away his energy.

All people are different, and therefore a warrior must track himself, observing what exactly takes energy from him, after which he must throw out everything unnecessary from life. Thus, a warrior must get rid of bad habits.

As already mentioned, habits are exactly what closes the world of magic to people. A person gets terribly tired of the world and of himself, but he can no longer change anything, because he has become accustomed to his habits in order to believe in the possibility of changing something that he is used to thinking of as unchangeable.

And since a person's attention tends to stay on what it has been holding for a long time before, and constantly return to it, people's habits are supported by their attention, and, as a result, remain with people forever. Getting rid of habits is much more difficult than creating them, since attention itself constantly returns to what it was on, and to switch it to something else requires control, requires the intention to do it, requires energy. This is why the best way to save energy is to break habits, and in light of this, any habit is harmful.

A warrior is moderate in everything. The warrior treats everything with tenderness and caution, touching everything exactly as much as necessary, and not allowing his attention to be fixed on anything for a long time. Thanks to this, the warrior never gets tired of the world, and the things he loves cannot tire of him.

A warrior knows that he will always find a way to achieve his goals, because he knows how to control his desires, so he does not worry. To worry is to become inflexible, immoderate, recklessly immoderate. As soon as a person begins to worry, clinging to something in desperation, he immediately becomes tired or tired of the one or thing he is clinging to.

To be moderate means that a warrior should not use violence in anything: to do only what he must, according to his predisposition, and in the same way, he must always allow others to do what they must do. The warrior uses his world with care and tenderness, whether it is the world of people, things, animals, plants or power.

But in order to live this way, you need to get rid of the habits accumulated before you began studying magic. Any routine in life must be destroyed. To achieve this, you need to track yourself, and if you discover any habit, immediately direct all efforts to eradicate it. Magicians call this technique breaking the routine of life. Once a routine is defeated, the warrior hunts down to prevent new habits from forming.

Habits can be in everything, but in order to effectively fight your habits, you must first get rid of personal history, since personal history is exactly what helps strengthen habits.

A person constantly checks his actions with his past; keeping attention on this, a person is forced to constantly repeat what he did before, sometimes without noticing it. This is the property of attention.

Another problem is that a person has to update his personal history all the time by telling his relatives and friends about everything he does. This socially supported habit of discussing personal history forces a person to constantly concentrate on his previous actions and use them as a guide to future actions.

Personal history creates an individual image in a person’s mind, which a person uses as the main force directing his actions. So, over time, a person develops a certain idea of ​​himself, which finds a lot of “confirmation” in the outside world: a person’s relatives and friends, the people around him, observing the formation of his personal image, also consolidate in their consciousness a very definite idea of ​​him, “laying it out.” on the shelves" in his mind, "knowing" who he is and what he does. And there is no force on earth that could force them to change their opinion about him, since they develop the habit of thinking about him in a certain way, acting with him in a certain way, believing that he is this and that.

As a result, the person himself begins to believe in this more and more, and then, when communicating with them, he has no choice but to reinforce their idea of ​​himself, subconsciously trying to follow the image of himself that they take for granted: During communication, a person’s subconscious strives to find means to establish contact, and the first most suitable means is to revive the old image of oneself, acting as one acted before, to show that you are still the same you whom they know well. The importance of oneself and one’s actions is one of the most important elements of the description of the world accepted by society, since these feelings are a kind of glue that keeps people’s attention on the elements of the usual description of the world. That is why society makes great efforts to make a person feel the importance of his actions.

Thus, personal history is the basis of self-reflection, the process of involving yourself in your image, and its consequences are the confidence that you are such and such, and cannot be anything else. A person begins to feel that some of his actions are more important than others, and some things in the world are more important than others. A person simply gets used to paying attention to certain things more often, and as a result, it begins to seem to him that these things are more important than others. Thus, self-reflection is the basis of a sense of self-importance.

Based on all of the above, from the point of view of solving problems of abstract magic, the best thing is to erase all personal history, because this makes a person free from the enveloping thoughts of other people.

Often a person with a personal history is faced with another problem in addition to those discussed above. Maintaining his personal story and explaining his actions to other people, telling them about everything that a person does in order for his story to be reliable, he is forced to talk about it impulsively, as if he had just lived it. And at the same time, he must maintain the freshness and novelty of what he does, so that all his activities do not turn into an ordinary, boring routine. But, constantly telling others about everything that a person does, he can no longer be admired. As a result, his whole life becomes boring and monotonous, and over time it begins to seem to him that it cannot be any other way. All that remains for a person to do in such conditions is to look for a variety of entertainment that is acceptable to his self-reflective image, which would help him forget, distract him from this dullness and monotony. But over time, they inevitably become boring, because a person does not act moderately in relation to his world.

On the other hand, if a person has no personal history, then he is free and can do whatever he wants without losing the sense of novelty and admiration for what he does. No explanation is required, no one is angry, no one is disappointed in his actions. As a result, having gotten rid of personal history, a person gets rid of his self-reflective image and discovers in himself abilities that he did not suspect, and the idea of ​​himself that he previously had does not at all correspond to the actual state of affairs.

The problem with man is that he is too real. His sentiments are all too real. Don't take things so much for granted. Instead, you should start erasing yourself.

To get rid of a personal history, you first need to truly want to get rid of the personal history, and then you need to act harmoniously to cut it off eventually. Little by little the warrior must create a fog around himself. He must erase everything around him until nothing can be taken for granted.

Everyone has their own personal history, so it is impossible to give specific recommendations for erasing personal history. All that can be advised is to be guided by the following rules at every moment of communication with other people in your daily life.

1. A warrior must carefully monitor what he says and to whom.

2. A warrior should never bring up personal history in conversations. He can talk about what happened to him, perhaps illustrating the warrior's path along which he is walking, however, he must be completely free from any sense of self-importance.

3. A warrior should under no circumstances share his plans for the future with anyone: telling others about his plans means laying the foundation for a future personal history.

4. A warrior does not seek advice from people who know him well, because he understands that the advice he receives will be in full accordance with their image of his personality.

A warrior, in general, treats other people's advice with great caution, understanding that the advice will be received in accordance with the personality and life experience of the adviser, and it is not at all necessary that this advice will be successful for him.

In addition, the warrior knows that when we want advice from someone, we usually just want to avoid the responsibility of making a decision, placing it on the shoulders of another. A warrior always takes full responsibility for everything he does.

5. A warrior, when it comes to his activities, simply shows people what he finds necessary to show them, but at the same time he never says exactly how he did it.

6. When you have no personal history, then nothing you say can be taken as a lie. Therefore, when communicating with new people, a warrior, answering their questions about himself, tells them stories in which there is not a single word of truth. And to make it all sound authentic, a warrior learns to be an actor.

7. A warrior must be able to direct any conversation in the direction he wants, and for this he must be able to convince his interlocutor of anything. And therefore, a warrior must constantly improve in the art of dialogue. A warrior must be a master of conversation.

Of course, all these recommendations should be applied wisely, and based on your inclinations. But it should always be remembered that inclinations are inclinations, not a self-reflective image of oneself. The warrior gets rid of self-reflection by getting rid of personal history, and only as he gets rid of it does he really begin to understand what are his inclinations and what are his habits. To know what to get rid of, a warrior must have the greatest sobriety of thinking.

By getting rid of self-reflection, the warrior also gets rid of the sense of self-importance. But in order to get rid of self-reflection, in order to erase personal history, you must first, to some extent, reduce your sense of self-importance.

Just as self-reflection underlies the growth of a sense of self-importance, so too the feeling of self-importance is the cause of self-reflection. Therefore, you should get rid of them at the same time.

Self-importance is, on the one hand, the core of everything good in us, and on the other, the core of everything rotten. It is the rotten part of the sense of self-importance that needs to be gotten rid of. Therefore, it is more correct to say that a warrior should not get rid of the sense of self-importance, but reduce it to the minimum that is necessary for the survival and well-being of the warrior.

The rotten part of self-importance is all that makes a person create habits and follow them. The good part includes, for example, a warrior’s desire to survive, the desire to change his life according to the recommendations of magicians, the desire to be impeccable. These are the kind of habits that a warrior must develop in himself in order to get rid of habits; they are habits without habits, because following these guidelines requires being highly creative, and creativity is incompatible with habits.

But just as before, a person again and again performed those actions that became his habits over time, now he must repeat all the non-doings of himself again and again, putting into practice the concepts of the magicians. Everything new in our life must be repeated until we are completely exhausted, and only then do we open up to it. This is how, under the influence of our social environment, we acquired our routines and our self-reflective images over time.

The warrior must again and again deliberately place himself in situations where he knows he will experience a strong sense of self-importance, and then destroy it. Of course, this should be done carefully and harmoniously, since a warrior does not need stress and obsessions.

To destroy the feeling of self-importance, you need to understand that it is self-pity, masquerading as something else. Therefore, self-pity is the real enemy of man and the source of suffering. Without a certain amount of self-pity, a person would not be able to be as important to himself as he is. And to get rid of self-importance, you need to become ruthless. If a person does not feel sorry for himself, then naturally he will get rid of all the suffering that comes from indulging the feeling that you feel very bad, that you are unhappy, and that fate is unfair to you. But to do this, a person must stop concentrating on himself, stop considering only himself in his thoughts, and getting rid of concentration on himself is getting rid of the feeling of self-importance. After a warrior performs such a maneuver, his “I” becomes abstract and impersonal.

There is only one effective way to do this. Since the reason for feeling self-importance is focusing on things that seem important, the way to get rid of the feeling of self-importance is to, in situations where this feeling makes itself felt, switch attention to things according to which what is seemed important, is no longer so. Obviously, such things cannot be anything that is known to an ordinary person, since everything that he knows has already been divided by him into important and unimportant.

That is why, in order to get rid of the feeling of self-importance, the warrior switches his attention to elements of the magical description of the world.

The warrior thinks about the beauty and mystery of the world that extends around him. The average person gets tired of looking only at himself, and this fatigue makes him stupid and blind to everything else. As a result, he does not feel the world of himself. A warrior, in contrast to an ordinary person, seeks and looks at miracles all around him. The warrior uses the first requirement of the stalker rule: the world around is truly mysterious.

The world around us is amazing, scary, magical and immeasurable. To perceive the world in this way is the task of a warrior.

People constantly destroy themselves by thinking that they were offended by someone else's actions. Their sense of self-importance makes them spend most of their lives being insulted or offended by someone. This is where the energy goes!

A warrior cannot be offended by someone, even if he has suffered great physical harm. For a warrior, there is nothing offensive in the actions of the people around him as long as he himself is and acts in the right mood, as long as he himself uses his attention correctly. The warrior simply reduces his sense of self-importance, and after that he can no longer feel that some of his actions are more important than any others, and as a result, the warrior no longer feels the importance of any of the actions of other people.

Therefore, for a warrior, all the countless paths that a person goes through in his life are equal. A warrior has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, but only a life to live, and under such circumstances, the only thing that connects him with people and allows him to interact with the world of people is his controlled stupidity .

So for a warrior there are no winners or losers. The oppressor and the oppressed meet at the end of the road, and the only thing that matters is that life was too short for both. Because both of them were people first and foremost.

More material on this topic

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Oracle Books 2013. A universal tool for communicating with the subconscious (book + set of 34 cards + scarf for fortune telling)

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Forms and types of reflection

We described reflection as a complex process directed both within oneself and into the external world, leading to benefit for the individual, or, on the contrary, to its destruction. Let's consider what forms and types of introspection exist in psychology.

From the point of view of the impact on the future state of a person:

  • Correct constructive self-analysis, which allows you to understand yourself, draw logical conclusions and not step on familiar mistakes again.
  • Harmful destructive self-analysis, leading to neurotic disorders and deep fixation on problems, often imaginary. In such situations, feelings of guilt, helplessness and hopelessness are cultivated. A person needs the help of a specialist.

Taking into account time periods, reflection occurs:

  • Event-based or situational
    . The individual analyzes a problem that takes place in the present time, “here and now.”
  • Retrospection
    , looking to the past. A person evaluates past events and his actions, draws conclusions about their correctness and timeliness.
  • Perspective
    , facing future events. The individual plans further actions and events based on self-analysis.

Based on the object of study, the process can be divided into the following forms:

Self-reflection, turning to one’s own inner world, personal experiences and emotions. Communicative. In this form, reflection is devoted to other people, interaction with friends, relatives, and colleagues. A person tries to analyze relationships and interactions. Sanogenic is a type of self-analysis in which a substantive study of strong emotions is carried out, a search for means to minimize or eliminate unnecessary suffering and experiences. Intelligent

The individual’s attention is focused on the application of knowledge, skills, and the possibilities of their use in the material world

A combination of forms of reflection under given conditions gives the best results; it is always necessary to combine methods of analysis for a specific situation.

Concept of self-reflection

Self-reflection is often identified with reflection. This is partly true. The difference between the concepts is that the prefix “self” indicates a reflection of oneself, and not just the external world, events and other people.

Self-reflective people constantly listen to their own feelings and emotions and try to analyze them. Such exercises are very useful for understanding your own self, personal desires and needs. How often do we focus on the expectations of other people, looking for an assessment of our actions from the outside. As a result, one’s own dreams and internal needs remain unfulfilled.

Young people enter training in prestigious professions, and their souls are drawn to creative delights. As a result, the profession does not bring satisfaction, but the parents are happy! A person lives an uninteresting life, suppressing existing talents.

There is another side. In hypertrophied cases, a person constantly listens to emotions. He becomes fixated on personal experiences and becomes neurotic, not seeing the outside world, which is beautiful. A person stops enjoying life, constantly analyzing his own condition.

In this case, it is important to get out of yourself in time, take a deep breath, feel material things: table, floor, wall, hands, feet, sounds and smells. Many people are wary of their own body signals

Often, excessive reflection leads to neurotic diseases, for example, hypochondria (a pathological condition in which we find ourselves with all possible and impossible diseases)

Many people are wary of their own body signals. Often, excessive reflection leads to neurotic diseases, for example, hypochondria (a pathological condition in which we find ourselves with all possible and impossible diseases).

Cases have been recorded when women find all the signs of pregnancy, and only the results of repeated laboratory examinations (for example, ultrasound) can dissuade them from this. Of course, if you suspect a disease, you must undergo a medical examination. But when a person realizes that his fears are far-fetched, he should move away from focusing on personal feelings and ignore them.

Reflection as a mental process

Words with the root “reflex”, which comes from the Latin reflexus (reflected), are often used in psychology. The most common, in fact, reflex is the body’s response to any impact. But unlike an innate, spontaneous reaction, reflection is a conscious process that requires serious intellectual effort. And this concept comes from another Latin word - reflexio, which means “turning around”, “turning back”.

What is reflection

Reflection in psychology is understood as a person’s comprehension and analysis of his inner world: knowledge and emotions, goals and motives, actions and attitudes. As well as understanding and assessing the attitudes of others. Reflection is not just an intellectual activity, but a rather complex spiritual activity associated with both the emotional and evaluative spheres. It has nothing to do with innate reactions and requires a person to possess certain skills of self-knowledge and self-esteem.

Reflection also includes the ability to self-criticize, since understanding the reasons for one’s actions and thoughts can lead to not the most pleasant conclusions. This process can be very painful, but reflection is necessary for normal personality development.

Subjectively, that is, from the point of view of the person himself, reflection is felt as a complex set of experiences in which two levels can be distinguished:

  • cognitive or cognitive-evaluative, it manifests itself in awareness of the processes and phenomena of one’s inner world and their correlation with generally accepted norms, standards, and requirements;
  • the emotional level is expressed in the experience of a certain attitude towards oneself, the content of one’s consciousness and one’s actions.

The presence of a pronounced emotional side distinguishes reflection from rational introspection.

Undoubtedly, it’s nice to think about your actions and exclaim: “What a great fellow I am!” But often the reflexive process brings us far from positive emotions: disappointment, a feeling of inferiority, shame, remorse, etc. Therefore, a person often consciously avoids reflection, trying not to look into his soul, fearing what he might see there.

But psychologists also recognize that excessive reflection can turn into self-examination and self-flagellation and become a source of neuroses and depression. Therefore, we must ensure that the emotional side of reflection does not suppress the rational.

Reflection manifests itself in different areas of our activity and at different levels of self-knowledge, therefore it differs in the nature of its manifestation. Firstly, there are 5 forms of reflection depending on the focus of consciousness on a particular area of ​​mental activity:

  • Personal reflection is most closely related to emotional-evaluative activity. This form of understanding a person’s inner world is aimed at analyzing significant components of personality: goals and ideals, abilities and capabilities, motives and needs.
  • Logical reflection is the most rational form, which is aimed at cognitive processes and is associated with the analysis and assessment of the characteristics of thinking, attention, and memory. This form of reflection plays an important role in educational activities.
  • Cognitive reflection is also most often observed in the field of cognition and learning, but unlike logical reflection, it is aimed at analyzing the content and quality of knowledge and its compliance with the requirements of society (teachers, lecturers). This reflection not only helps in educational activities, but also helps to broaden one’s horizons, and also plays an important role in adequately assessing one’s professional abilities and career opportunities.
  • Interpersonal reflection is associated with understanding and assessing our relationships with other people, analyzing our social activities, and the causes of conflicts.
  • Social reflection is a special form, which is expressed in the fact that a person understands how others treat him. He is not only aware of the nature of their assessments, but is also able to adjust his behavior in accordance with them.

Secondly, we are able to analyze our past experience and foresee possible developments of events, therefore there are two types of reflection related to the time aspect of evaluative activity:

  • Retrospective reflection is an understanding of what has already happened, an assessment of one’s actions, victories and defeats, an analysis of their causes and learning lessons for the future. Such reflection plays an important role in organizing activities, since by learning from one’s mistakes, a person avoids many problems.
  • Prospective reflection is the anticipation of possible results of actions and assessment of one’s capabilities under different scenarios. Without this type of reflection, planning activities and choosing the most effective ways to solve problems is impossible.

It is quite obvious that reflection is an important mental process that a person needs in order to achieve success, to become a person of whom he can be proud, and not to experience a loser complex.

Reflection in psychology

A sign of a mature person is the ability to accept responsibility for her actions and the life she has. If a person constantly blames others and circumstances for what happens to him, he is considered weak. Changing your worldview can be difficult.

Reflection in psychology is used precisely for such purposes. As a separate, independent topic in psychology, reflection was highlighted by A. Busemann. This scientist suggested that this process is nothing more than the transfer of circumstances of the external world to oneself.

In Russian science, the problems of reflection were studied by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, B.V. Zeigarnik. In their opinion, the basis of the concept is thinking, leading to self-understanding, the ability to find the motivation for one’s actions, and answers to questions about personal characteristics. Scientists first defined reflection as an opportunity to “learn the truth about oneself.”

Today, reflection is one of the main directions in psychology used to expand the client’s consciousness. For example, if a person is stressed due to negative daily thoughts, but does not understand this, then he will not be able to get rid of his bad mood. In this case, it is possible to stop suffering only by understanding the underlying cause of the decadent mood, and by determining steps to eliminate it.

With a conscious decision, you can stop the flow of unnecessary thought forms and accept yourself in the “here and now” state. The specialist encourages you to look at yourself “from the outside,” as if at the hero of a series on a TV screen. The goal of a good psychologist is to teach independent introspection and obtain answers to nagging questions. Within psychology, reflection and introspection are identical concepts.

When analyzing a certain situation or action, it is necessary to realize and work through the following points:

  1. A person’s sense of self at the current moment in time. What he experiences: anger, fear, shame, guilt, resentment, etc.
  2. A weak point in self-awareness that has been damaged by events that have occurred. For example, inflated expectations regarding the behavior of a spouse or other family members, which led to resentment.
  3. The ability to use the situation, as well as the difficulties that arise, to your advantage.

Reflection promotes understanding of how a person is perceived from the outside, and not just for self-analysis. The result of reflectivity is self-analysis, the formation of desired personal characteristics, and an understanding of the connection between actions and results.

Psychological reflection functions in the following directions:

  • Consciousness control, which includes awareness of one’s own thoughts and actions. Formation of logical thinking.
  • Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is self-criticism. The ability to recognize the relationship between current events, successes, failures and actions taken.
  • Finding the keys to solving complex problems and tasks. The ability to plan your steps to achieve goals.
  • Getting rid of destructive, destructive attitudes and thought forms.
  • Finding opportunities to make thoughtful, correct, useful decisions.
  • Accumulation and identification of latent abilities, talents and resources.

In psychology there is an opinion that reflection is not always good

In practice, there are cases when soul-searching and excessive thinking led to negative consequences (“woe from mind”, “many knowledge, many sorrows”). For this reason, it is important to learn to reflect competently, preferably accompanied by an experienced specialist.

Reflection of activity

Reflection is considered a special skill, which consists in the ability to realize the direction of attention, as well as track the psychological state, thoughts, and sensations. It provides an opportunity to observe oneself as if from the outside through the eyes of an outsider, allowing one to see where exactly one’s attention is concentrated and its direction. Modern psychology understands by this concept any reflection of an individual that is aimed at introspection. This is an assessment of your condition, actions, reflection on any events. The depth of self-analysis depends on the level of morality, education of a person, and his ability to control himself.

Reflection of activity is the main source of new ideas. The reflective state, providing certain material, can subsequently serve for observation as well as criticism. The individual changes as a result of self-analysis and the reflexive position represents a mechanism that makes implicit thoughts explicit. Under certain conditions, the reflective state becomes a source of obtaining even deeper knowledge than what we possess. The professional development of an individual is directly related to this condition. Development itself occurs not only technically, but also intellectually and personally. A person for whom reflection is alien does not control his life and the river of life carries him in the direction of the flow.

Reflection of activity allows the individual to realize what the person is doing now, where he is and where he needs to move in order to develop. A reflective state aimed at understanding the reasons, as well as the basis of personal judgments, is often referred to as philosophy.

Reflection of activity is important for a person engaged in intellectual work. It is needed when interpersonal group interaction is necessary. For example, management relates to this case. Reflection must be differentiated from the individual’s self-awareness.

Types of reflection

A. Karpov, as well as other researchers, identified the following types of reflection: situational, retrospective, prospective.

Situational reflection is motivation and self-assessment that ensures the subject’s involvement in the situation, as well as analysis of what is happening and comprehension of the elements of analysis. This type is characterized by the ability to relate one’s own actions to the objective situation, the ability to control and coordinate elements of activity depending on changing conditions.

Retrospective reflection of a person is an analysis of events, activities performed, and events that took place in the past.

Prospective reflection is thinking about upcoming activities, planning, presenting the progress of activities, choosing the most effective ways to implement them, predicting possible results.

Other researchers distinguish elementary, scientific, philosophical, psychological, and social reflection. The elementary goal is consideration and analysis by the individual of his own actions and knowledge. This type is characteristic of every individual, since everyone thought about the causes of mistakes and failures in order to change ideas about the environment and the world, correct mistakes, and prevent them in the future. This state allows you to learn from personal mistakes.

Scientific reflection is aimed at a critical study of scientific methods, the study of scientific knowledge, methods for obtaining scientific results, and procedures for substantiating scientific laws and theories. This state finds expression in the methodology of scientific knowledge, logic, and the psychology of scientific creativity.

Social reflection is understanding another individual through thinking for him. It is classified as internal betrayal

Representing what others think of an individual is important in social cognition. This is knowledge of another (but I think), how they think about me and knowledge of oneself, presumably through the eyes of another

A wide circle of friends allows a person to know a lot about himself.

Philosophical reflection

The highest type is philosophical reflection, which includes reflections and reasoning about the foundations of human culture, as well as the meaning of human existence.

Socrates considered the state of reflection to be the most important means of personal self-knowledge, as well as the basis of spiritual improvement. It is the ability of critical self-esteem that is the most important distinguishing feature of an individual as a reasonable person. Thanks to this state, human misconceptions and prejudices are eliminated, and the spiritual progress of humanity becomes real.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin noted that the reflexive state distinguishes man from animals and allows the individual not only to know something, but also gives the opportunity to know about his knowledge.

Ernst Cassirer believed that reflection is expressed in the ability to isolate certain stable elements from all sensory phenomena for isolation and focusing attention on them.

Self-reflection in various professional fields

Self-reflection is of great importance in the formation and development of professional communicative competence of specialists in various fields of activity.

Self-reflection in psychology

In social psychology, when studying and analyzing communication problems and problems of interpersonal perception, the concept of “self-reflection” is very common. It is also involved in interpersonal communication and perception.

Social psychology defines self-reflection as a person’s understanding of how he is perceived by his interlocutor. This is no longer just a perception of a partner, but knowledge of how the other person feels about his opponent. A kind of phenomenon of mirror mutual reflection of each other. Systematic representation, the essence of which is to symbolize the inner world of the interlocutor. It is worth noting that the essence of the first is equally imprinted in this inner world.

The use of self-reflection in medicine

Self-reflection contributes to the development of therapeutic or advisory competence of doctors. It includes the following positive qualities:

  1. Allows you to more accurately feel and control your thinking. This confirms the fact of the relationship between self-reflection and self-regulation.
  2. Allows one to judge the objectivity of judgments, their logical systematicity, validity and regularity.
  3. Allows you to get the correct answer to most questions that arise during practice. Especially those associated with difficulties in interacting with patients. Without the use of self-reflection, they would remain uncertain and unresolved.

When treated thoughtfully and judiciously, self-reflection acts not only as a tool to facilitate the patient's perception within the framework of mutual interaction or a clinical approach to solving his problems. It becomes a practice of “supervision” in understanding and solving a number of difficulties in interacting with patients in the process of their consultation.

Self-reflection in pedagogy

While working with a child, the teacher analyzes his actions at the planning stage of the process in the person of one of the parties to this interaction. During pedagogical self-reflection, the teacher observes what is happening from the perspective of fellow teachers and the student. He also studies personal activity in the light of certain pedagogical situations and technologies, and identifies himself with the essence of pedagogical interaction.

Self-reflection in economics

Self-reflection provides an opportunity for an individual to explore and analyze his inner world, reveal hidden potential and identify personal psychological skills. The uniqueness of this phenomenon lies in the fact that through self-reflection a person can accept or not accept personal psychological characteristics and properties.

Self-reflection in economics is interpreted as an individual’s reflection of himself with a system of certain mathematical knowledge with the help of self-awareness and self-knowledge.

Understanding reflection

Russian psychology identifies four approaches to studying the understanding of reflection: cooperative, communicative, intellectual (cognitive), personal (general psychological).

Cooperative is the analysis of subject-subject activities, the design of collective activities aimed at coordinating professional positions, as well as group roles of subjects or cooperation of joint actions.

Communicative is a component of developed communication, as well as interpersonal perception, as a specific quality of cognition of an individual by an individual.

Intellectual or cognitive is the ability of a subject to analyze, highlight, correlate his own actions with an objective situation, and also consider it depending on the study of the mechanisms of thinking.

Personal (general psychological) is the construction of a new image of one’s “I”, in the process of communication with other individuals, as well as active activity and the development of new knowledge about the world around us.

Personal reflection consists of a psychological mechanism for changing individual consciousness. A.V. Rossokhin believes that this aspect is a subjective active process of generating meaning, which is based on the unique ability of the individual to be aware of the unconscious. This is internal work, leading to the formation of new strategies, methods of internal dialogue, changes in value and semantic formations, integration of the individual into a new and holistic state.

What is reflection?

Reflection in psychology is the ability to reflect on past events and subject them to detailed analysis. This psychological phenomenon consists in the ability to direct the course of one’s own thoughts, as well as the accumulated knowledge and skills towards already committed actions or planned actions. In simple terms, reflection is the ability to look inside one’s own subconscious, to give an adequate assessment of behavioral patterns, emotional responses to the environment and decision-making mechanisms.

Reflect what does this mean in psychology? This phenomenon represents the ability of an individual to go beyond his own prejudices, carry out deep introspection and draw appropriate conclusions from the analysis. A critical and adequate look at shortcomings and aspects of character that should be subjected to positive metamorphosis is considered an indispensable attribute in modern society. The ability to independently analyze thoughts and actions is a sign of a self-sufficient person.

Socrates owns a statement according to which reflection is considered one of the most important tools of self-knowledge, distinguishing man from the kingdom of animals that do not have the ability to contemplate themselves from the outside. A person who rejects knowledge and refuses self-knowledge cannot count on spiritual growth and comprehensive development. Aristotle and Plato considered thinking and reflection to be attributes characteristic of the higher mind (demiurge). Only divine reason, in the understanding of ancient Greek philosophers, has the ability to bring the thinker and his thoughts into a single whole.

In Neoplatonism (an idealistic movement that originated in late Antiquity), reflection was considered the peacemaking activity of the deity and was viewed from two different points of view. According to the first of them, only the individual himself has the ability to subject his own thoughts and actions to detailed analysis. Another position involves assessing a person’s actions and thoughts from the outside. For people who consider themselves believers, the role of an objective caretaker is performed by the supreme demiurge (God). Members of society tend to grant similar powers to other people occupying a higher position in the social hierarchy.

Philosophical concepts consider reflection as the most essential property of human consciousness. Thus, only that person who has knowledge about the qualities and mechanisms of functioning of his own psyche can be called thinking and sensibly reflecting. In simple terms, a person who is unable to analyze his emotions and state of mind cannot be considered thinking.

By developing skills for reflection, a person acquires unique traits that distinguish him favorably from the rest of the mass of people, realizes his own uniqueness and learns to direct his train of thought in the required direction. The level of reflection varies depending on the age of the subject, his professional skills, life guidelines and views on the surrounding reality. Unlike useless digging in the past and accumulation of grievances, this psychological phenomenon allows you to rethink and improve your existence as a whole.

What is reflection in psychology? An example of this phenomenon can be given as follows: several people watch the same movie. A subject who has the ability to analyze will take away much more useful information from the film he watches and will be able to see analogies in the behavior of the characters in the film with his own life in order to use the information received for good.

Social reflection

In social life, reflection is a kind of awareness of a person of who he is for other individuals. In other words, social reflection in psychology is not only a person’s awareness of himself, but also an understanding of how other people treat him. This includes a person’s personality traits, reactions to various events, emotional impulses, mood and character. When joint activity arises between members of society, social reflection turns into subject-reflective relationships.

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Examples of exercises for development

If a person over 20 years of age realizes that his level of self-knowledge is low, the situation can be corrected. Simple methods that anyone can handle will help with this:

  1. Meditation. People are hesitant to start meditating because they doubt their ability to maintain concentration for a long time. You can start with 3-5 minutes a day. You need to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. Detachment will organize your thoughts and prepare you to think rationally about the situation.
  2. Keeping a diary. Transferring thoughts to paper disciplines and helps get rid of accumulated negativity. Re-reading your diary helps you look at your thoughts from the outside and ease your emotional attachment.
  3. Working with affirmations. Repeating positive attitudes increases self-esteem and the level of self-confidence. To enhance the effect, you need to pronounce sentences while looking at your reflection in the mirror. “I respect myself, I trust myself, my mistakes and my experiences do not determine my future” is an approximate set of phrases with which you can begin self-analysis. Affirmations reduce nervous tension and increase concentration.

You cannot engage in reflection in a bad mood. First you need to calm down, restore emotional balance, and only then begin analysis. Even if the conclusion is disappointing, you need to try to find a reason to praise yourself. This way you can keep your self-esteem at an objective level.

If an attempt at reflection always causes negative emotions, there is no need to force yourself. This characteristic speaks of serious internal contradictions. They need to be worked through together with a psychologist. A mistake that an individual may accidentally make can worsen the situation. Therefore, you cannot plunge into a negative state without the supervision of a psychologist. The main thing in reflection is not to harm yourself.

Interesting video

The video describes the main mistakes that beginners make when conducting reflection:

Why do we need it?

With the help of reflection, a person is able to correct the course of his thoughts, plan and control thinking (the famous “I’ll think about it tomorrow!”), and evaluate the reliability and logical interconnectedness of emerging thoughts.

One of the most important tasks that can be solved with the help of reflection is finding a way out of dead-end situations. It is thanks to reflection that a person takes the position of an observer, as if he rises above the problematic situation and above the methods with which he tried to solve the problem.

By making amendments to the methods used or to the initial premises, he sees the situation in a new way, acts differently - and breaks the deadlock.

Reflection also plays an important function in interpersonal communication. For example, if you have a certain idea about a person, and he suddenly displays new qualities that are unfamiliar to you, then reflection is activated and your idea of ​​this person is corrected.


The word "Reflection" is of Latin origin. Literally speaking, it means “to look back.” In psychology, reflection is called introspection or introspection. They can be called synonyms. The definition of reflection is the totality of a person’s thoughts about his life and actions, as well as subsequent assessment of himself. A person is able to evaluate himself using communication mechanisms. For this reason, the existence of such a concept as reflection is impossible without communication.

Self-observation can be different:

  • Ordinary reflection
    - a person thinks about his actions, notices the mistakes he has made, but does not get hung up on it.
  • Deep reflection
    - a person engages in soul-searching, analyzes his actions and the response of society. This includes reflections on the universe and moral standards.

Any human action can become reflexive. For example, feelings, actions, words, impulses, emotions. They become reflexive if a person turns to his consciousness and tries to carry out introspection. Thanks to reflection, a person thinks and fantasizes, goes into the world of dreams and begins to feel like a part of reality. By creating a picture of an ideal world in his head, he begins to feel like a certain person and acts in society according to his attitudes.

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What is reflection?

Reflection is a thought process directed deep into one’s consciousness in order to understand actions, thoughts, feelings through critical reflection and observation of one’s mental space. Translated from Latin, the word literally means “turning back,” that is, reliving past experiences. The ability to analyze and draw conclusions from previous actions is considered one of the most important abilities of a person, which distinguishes him from other living beings on earth.

Reflection is studied in different sciences and each has a definition of this concept with minor additions:

Elementary – the simplest analysis of your mistakes. Allows a person to draw his own conclusions so as not to step on the same rake twice.

Scientific is the ability to criticize scientific conclusions, methods, techniques in order to get to the truth in research.

Philosophical - a way of turning consciousness deep into oneself for endless self-knowledge

It is considered an important and main character trait of all famous philosophers.

Theological - reflections on the immortality of the soul outside the body through self-knowledge and knowledge of God.

Psychological – the ability to analyze not only one’s actions, but also feelings, emotions, states, experiences.

The origin of reflection.

Like many scientific concepts, reflection received its first definition in ancient philosophy. Pythagoras and Heraclitus interpreted this concept as a manifestation of the higher mind, the ability of a person to rise above the material world in order to freely think about the sublime. That is, to philosophize. The concept was further expanded by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. It is on reflections on continuous self-knowledge that the famous endless dialogues of ancient philosophers are built.

With the increased influence of religion on people's lives, the concept of theological reflection was formed. It paid more attention to faith as the only way to know oneself in inextricable connection with higher powers. The most famous works on this topic are Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.

With the gradual differentiation of science from the church, reflection becomes a sign of a living mind, which is able to critically comprehend early ideas about nature and criticize the most unscientific ones. The first scientific concept of reflection was introduced by Descartes, and it was further developed by J. Locke, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer and others. From such an abundance of famous names, it becomes clear that the concept of reflection is very complex and multifaceted.

As a psychological definition, reflection was formulated at the beginning of the twentieth century. It focuses specifically on the process of self-knowledge and self-criticism. Psychologists have identified certain concepts of personal reflection, which helps not to get lost in a difficult world. Personal reflection in psychology is divided into 3 types:

  • Situational is an analysis of the situation in the present.
  • Retrospective - an assessment of events that took place in the distant or recent past.
  • Prospective – predicting the future based on analysis of previous actions.

The topic of reflection was actively studied not only by philosophers and scientists. A thoughtful exploration of their individuality was depicted on canvas by artists and described by writers and poets. The works of Shakespeare, Pushkin, Proust, Bunin, Berdyaev, Freud, Dostoevsky are devoted to the theme of knowing one’s individuality.

Reflection exercises

The following reflection exercises in training are called very effective:

  1. Self-portrait
    – contributes to the formation of the ability to recognize an unfamiliar person, the development of skills to describe people according to various characteristics. Here you need to imagine that you need to meet a stranger and you need to describe yourself so that he can recognize you. This work should be done in pairs.
  2. Without a mask
    - helps to remove emotional and behavioral rigidity, to develop the skills of sincere statements in order to analyze one’s “I”. Each participant receives a card with a phrase without ending. Without preparation, you need to finish the phrase. The answer must be sincere.
  3. Yes
    – helps improve empathy and reflection skills. The group needs to split into pairs. One of the participants needs to say a phrase expressing his state, mood or feeling. After this, the second participant must ask questions.
  4. Carousel
    - will help develop quick response skills during contact. This exercise involves a series of meetings, each time with a new person. Here it is important to easily start contacting, maintain a conversation and say goodbye.
  5. Qualities
    – will contribute to the development of objective self-esteem among participants. Each person will have to write down at least ten positive and at least ten negative qualities of their own, and then rank them. It is important to pay attention to the first and last qualities.

Gatherings under a tree

Action in reflection is the ability to stop the abundance of thoughts by willpower, perceiving oneself in the existing reality.

Reflect - be able to think, analyze, self-knowledge. You can learn to avoid mistakes and answer many important questions (everyday or psychological) if you analyze correctly.

As a result, a person learns to think rationally (reflect), regardless of conjectures and fantasies, and also:

  • subject your thinking to analysis and self-control;
  • evaluate your attitude to the situation;
  • avoid negative thoughts;
  • develops the ability to make conscious choice;
  • opening up new possibilities.

Poorly developed reflection pushes an individual to make the same type of mistakes every day, getting upset every time.

Also “reflect” in relation to a subject who tends to strongly perceive everything personally, delve into himself, and become overly excited.

Having heard the phrase about fools around, such a person takes it upon himself, looking for negative traits in himself. This should be avoided; you can’t take everything literally; moderation is always needed. It is impossible to have a strong desire to change something for the better, and without doing anything continue to live in the same mode - you will only get dissatisfaction.

Constructive reflection is considered especially important, thanks to which the right conclusions are drawn, using them in the future will help avoid patterned failures. This innovation came to us from capitalist countries

Thus, wanting to evoke a feeling of guilt for the socialist past, forgetting about their dark spots of history. And don't dwell on it

This innovation came to us from capitalist countries. Thus, wanting to evoke a feeling of guilt for the socialist past, forgetting about their dark spots of history. And don't dwell on it.

What is the use of reflection?

Reflective activity opens up new possibilities for a person. Thinking over his actions and deeds, he learns to live correctly:

  • It becomes possible to control your thinking. A person tries to think in the right direction.
  • Reflection promotes self-criticism, which allows you to see your own shortcomings, analyze them and work on mistakes.
  • Self-analysis allows you to get rid of negative and depressing thoughts that poison human existence.
  • The analysis of experienced life situations begins, with subsequent conclusions.
  • Realizing past mistakes, an individual develops a strong personality and acquires his own position.

In the process of reflection, personal growth is observed. A person changes and learns from his mistakes without repeating them in the future. But if a person lacks reflection, then he repeats similar mistakes and does not understand the cause of his distress. Misanthrope and misanthropy: determination of personality type

Purpose of reflection

Without reflection there is no learning. An individual who repeats an activity suggested in a sample a hundred times may never learn anything.

The purpose of reflection is to identify, remember and understand the components of an activity. These are types, meaning, methods, ways to solve them, problems, results obtained. Without awareness of the methods of learning, the mechanisms of cognition, students are unable to appropriate the knowledge that they have acquired. Learning occurs when guided reflection is involved, thanks to which patterns of activity are identified, namely ways of solving practical problems.

Reflective feeling is an internal experience, a way of self-knowledge, and also a necessary tool for thinking. Reflection is most relevant in distance learning.

How to develop reflection

The best way to learn a skill is to start practicing it. To develop reflection, you need to start practicing it.

How to do it?

  • Try to understand what feelings you are experiencing at the current moment. The habit of being attentive to emerging joy, anger, melancholy and connecting them with ongoing events or communications with certain people.
  • Monitor stories in which you react too harshly, painfully. If certain events hit you particularly hard, you need to understand what the trigger is.
  • If you notice that in the process of thinking about something you experienced melancholy or painful emotions, then it is better to stop soul-searching and return to the roots of the problem a little later. Highly sensitive people cannot do without the help of a specialist.
  • Give up total control of reality. Reflection is not a reason to put the material world into pieces. Allow life to flow outside of your participation.
  • In the evening, you can “scroll” your day in your head, all its pros and cons, and form plans for tomorrow.
  • To develop reflection, make it a rule to think systematically about any phenomenon or object that interests you.

After gaining reflection skills, you can ask yourself a few questions and give honest answers to them:

  • Think about whether there is something in the past that would be worth returning to and trying to start over. This could be family, work, hobbies, friends, etc. Sometimes a return to the past means the beginning of a new stage.
  • Clearly establish for yourself what brings pleasure and makes you happy. This will be the strategic goal to which you should devote your future life.
  • If you are not happy with the point you are in now, determine the actions you need to take to get out of it. Do not slip into self-flagellation or attribute all problems to external circumstances.
  • Truthfully answer the question of what you are doing wrong. You should not wring your hands with the question: “Why do I need this?” Take responsibility for failures personally. Where was the mistake, the flaw? The truth can be unpleasant, but without it it’s difficult to fix anything.
  • If you fail at a question, analyze whether everything possible has been done or whether you can try something else.
  • Analyze actions from the point of view of achieving the goal. This does not mean that you cannot be spontaneous and that you need to think through every step. However, when time is short, prioritization becomes necessary.

There is an opinion that the purpose of life is life itself, getting pleasure from it and those things that correspond to our internal needs. Reflect wisely, achieve what you want and be happy!

Examples of reflection from life

Reflection in life, how does it manifest itself?
The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to think about important and serious issues. In fact, in the world around us there are many opportunities to develop reflection and look at life differently.

Try to think

Social networks on the Internet provide a person with so much information that there is not even time left to think about it. People no longer have to put in effort or introspection, because all they have to do is type a query online to get an answer. For this reason, reflection is not developed in most of the population. Experts say that a large amount of various information harms a person. A large flow is not absorbed by the brain, as a result only fragmentary pictures and phrases remain, which will not be useful. The brain is designed to think about a specific topic.

Without getting out of the rhythm of life, you can develop reflection in yourself. An example from life could be a common action. It’s enough to choose one case, for example, a book you read, a movie you saw, or a trip to a museum, and then answer the following questions for yourself:


  • Was there any benefit from this?
  • Have I received new information?
  • How can I use this experience?
  • Did I like the character (place)?
  • What did I learn from this?

This will allow you to relax and concentrate at the same time. While a person answers the questions that interest him, the brain will actively act and develop reflection.

Keep a special notebook

The tendency to introspection is developed by a special attitude towards life. It is important to pay attention to all the details and try to even think about what could cause negative emotions. This is the only way a person can realize his mistakes. Reflection develops from an early age, but once you start thinking about all your actions, you can do this even in adulthood. A person must think about the most important and pressing issues in his life, even if they may cause him pain. There should be a lot of questions, because they cover the whole life.

After this, all this should be written down in a special notebook.

, dividing the questions into the following categories:

  • Questions about life and death.
    Philosophical reasoning, the meaning of life and purpose.
  • The main goal in life.
    Did you manage to achieve it? If not, then for what reasons?
  • Relationships with others.
    Not only well-wishers should be included, but also those with whom relations have been damaged. Answer the question “why did this happen and how could it have been avoided?”
  • About the spiritual world, religion and God.
  • About past mistakes and actions.
    Answer the question “what did I do wrong and how could I fix it?”
  • About plans and cherished dreams.
    Answer the question “how can I achieve this”.
  • About material values.
    Answer the question “what is most important to me in my life.”


Most of these questions can cause serious difficulties for a person, because they must answer honestly. Reflection involves introspection. A person must be able to recognize not only his positive sides, but also his shortcomings. By answering all the questions honestly and analyzing them, a person can learn a lot about himself.

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