How to make a guy jealous by correspondence in contact examples

Jealousy in a relationship is like spices in a dish - it adds a special taste. But just as too much spice can ruin the most delicious dish, so too much jealousy can destroy the strongest relationships. What jealousy is, why and when it is useful, and how to induce this feeling in a guy will be discussed in the proposed material.
  • In what situations is jealousy useful?
  • How can you make a guy jealous and afraid of losing on VKontakte and by correspondence?
  • In life
  • On distance
  • Techniques that will make a man jealous
  • Ignoring your partner
  • How to make your ex boyfriend jealous
  • Possible mistakes that can ruin everything
  • How to make a young man jealous?

    There are several ways to make the guy you like jealous:

    1. 1. Appearance. You should try your best to always look attractive. This will push the man to the idea that he may have rivals. If a woman begins to wear makeup more often, wear elegant dresses, do her hair and look great, this will cause a feeling of anxiety in her partner. He will think that his chosen one is being courted by many fans, this will fuel a feeling of jealousy in him.
    2. 2. Behavior. Sometimes it is useful to show a man that his chosen one may be busy. This usually manifests itself in ignoring phone calls and SMS. If a woman does not get in touch, citing being busy, then such behavior will make her partner doubt her, and therefore spur him to action.

    How to get rid of jealousy

    Jealousy in relationships

    In a couple, making your partner jealous is much more difficult. There is already a certain degree of trust that has been built up over many months. Therefore, the girl needs to be extremely careful. To somehow stir up a man, a woman should show how charming she is. With him, choose outfits, put on makeup and be in a playful mood. Answer questions quite calmly in a flirting tone, making it clear that this is for him. But on a subconscious level, a man perceives this mood and behavior as a signal that someone is vying for his woman. This will provoke him and stir up interest in his chosen one.

    1. 1. Self-development. If a guy notices that after the breakup the girl began to behave more freely and relaxedly, look more beautiful and became interested in something, then he will immediately think that she was inspired by her new chosen one. This will hurt his pride and make him jealous.
    2. 2. New company. After the breakup, the girl found many acquaintances, even friends, and with all her appearance she shows that among them there are many males who look at her with interest. This option is the most effective. Since a guy’s feelings fade away rather slowly after a breakup, such a picture will make them flare up with renewed vigor, which will contribute to his return.

    However, men are not always able to return to relationships after a breakup. In certain situations, even feelings of jealousy will not help them return.

    How to make a girl chase you - psychology

    How to make someone jealous from a distance

    Any distance is a serious test for both partners. Usually their communication is carried out via the Internet. At first, feelings may intensify due to a long absence of meetings, but then they fade. If there is no opportunity to come, then a slight intrigue will help to renew the guy’s former passion. There are several ways:

    1. 1. Appearance. A beautiful appearance will always make a partner wonder who it is intended for. And if the girl is far away, then such changes will cause more suspicion, this can make the guy afraid of losing his woman.
    2. 2. Stirring up interest. Don't limit your conversations to just school or work. Random mentions of colleagues or funny incidents that happened during the day will intrigue a man.
    3. 3. Lack of attention. There is no need to immediately respond to calls and SMS; a little ignoring is always useful for the dynamics of the relationship. This will hurt a man’s pride and force him to act actively.
    4. 4. Pendulum of emotions. You should show interest unevenly: be online less often, abruptly end the conversation by leaving the social network, read SMS and remain silent. Such manipulations will show that there are more important things to do, and the man will have a slight feeling of jealousy.
    5. 5. Random error. You can send the guy intriguing messages or photos, citing the mistake. Through correspondence, the partner will immediately sense some kind of secret, which will arouse in him a desire to act.

    However, such techniques must be used quite carefully. Excessive passion for them can undermine the partner’s trust in the chosen one, which will negatively affect the relationship. The girl and the guy will lose mutual understanding.

    Is it necessary?

    Before you begin to implement your plans, think about whether you really need your husband to be jealous? Maybe you should just arrange a romantic evening for your loved one to awaken old emotions? After all, this is a very dangerous feeling. Within reasonable limits, it helps to maintain interest in the relationship and always cherish each other. But if you overdo it, you can kill even the strongest and most stable relationships. So you need to do it right.

    What is jealousy? She wakes up only to the person who is truly loved and close. It appears when we feel that for some reason we can lose it. And this, most likely, is not one of the manifestations of love, but the fear of being left without it. Jealousy, or rather, can be described as selfishness, and it awakens in a person the owner and the fear of losing his soul mate.

    And all these feelings together can make old feelings flare up again. Why is this happening? In terms of emotional outburst, love and jealousy are exactly the same. And this relationship explains that one is generated by the other.

    Therefore, in small doses, jealousy is very useful. In this way, two problems can be solved: how to make a husband respect his wife and make it clear that he can lose her.

    And now more about the methods.

    Jealousy in Marriage

    To make your spouse jealous, you can tell him that there is a fan who is showing signs of attention, but be sure to add that this does not matter and that the husband is the only love in life. It should be mentioned that such attention is still flattering. This will make the husband become more active, because he will think that he only knows about one admirer, but there may be many more.

    Many families try to avoid feelings such as jealousy. It’s no good for a lady to walk around covered in bruises if her husband, Othello, sees a rival in every post. It’s disgusting when a wife squeals at her husband who is late from work and smells of women’s perfume.

    But there are times when you literally need to make a guy jealous. It would seem - why? Destroy a family by provoking betrayal? But no - on the contrary, keep it, even without betraying your lover. How and why should this be done?

    Call me

    The telephone is a real Pandora's box for jealous people and their targets. When a couple is nearby, those who like to control their partner are sure to check him for suspicious messages, calls and photos.

    When people are at a great distance, this is not possible - so a simple telephone conversation can make you jealous.

    Most alarming:

    • Mysterious tone, reluctance to talk about news or plans for the evening.
    • Conversations about how wonderful a friend's older brother looks after returning from Harvard University and how much his neighbor earns at his new job.
    • Extraneous noise - for example, the sounds of a noisy company, men's voices or loud club music.
    • If the communication takes place via video conference, various objects can alert you - a vase of flowers or a short dress on the back of a chair, which the hostess clearly plans to wear that very evening.
    • Of course, endless long beeps or a message that the subscriber’s phone is turned off also make you suffer from doubts.

    Today it is not difficult to create the effect of a hectic personal life while your loved one is in another city or even country - if you wish, you can download the sounds of a noisy company on the Internet, or clink empty glasses near the phone. But the question “Why?” still remains relevant.

    Imprisoning yourself in a tower because your beloved prince has left to earn money is not an option. Hobbies, communication, parties - everything is permissible if the unspoken code of the couple allows it. But awakening the beast in a guy is behavior that is not very worthy even for today’s independent ladies.

    Men who need a shake-up with jealousy

    It’s much easier to live without Othello in the family. There are no unnecessary problems. The wife of such a man has a lot of free time, she is not controlled, do what you want. Everything seems to be fine.

    But on the other hand, she is unhappy - if her husband is dearly loved and there is no disgust for him. There is no such thing as prostitution as arranged marriage. But the attention from the man I love is so lacking! Are there really such fossil Neanderthals?

    Unfortunately, there are, and here are their names:

    Business man

    Yes, workdogism can be compared to alcoholism - a person’s gaze is also clouded: only in one it is from drinking alcohol, and in the other from fatigue. Well, at least a drunk will sober up, but a workaholic will never.

    Such a man does not see anything around him - only business. He can hardly remember what hairstyle his wife has, how old his children are. He quickly swallows his evening dinner, without even looking at the plate, as there is a laptop with some numbers in front of his eyes.

    He can notice the absence of his wife only because there is no dinner on his plate. And also because the bed is cold - there is no one to warm up against. And on the phone there will be no one to say: “Darling, I’ll call you back, I don’t have time!”

    Passionate madman

    He is somewhat different from a workaholic - he can generally hammer a big bolt on work. But the eccentricities are the same - he will close himself off from the world completely. He will stare at the monitor around the clock, go fishing, or invent a perpetual motion machine.

    He doesn't even care about the family budget. Money is a means to buy new uniforms for a computer game or to purchase parts for his “perpetuum mobile”.

    In principle, this guy will have the same reaction to his own wife as in the first case. It flickers somewhere between the monitor. Something is rattling in the kitchen. At night he snores nearby. What? Jealousy? What is this? I didn't hear it.

    Still from the film "Back to the Future"


    Still from the film "Back to the Future"

    Gray mouse husband

    In this case, the woman herself is to blame if she neglected herself in marriage. Well, who will set their sights on her if she:

      I stopped putting on makeup, doing my hair and manicures. In general, she completely forgot about herself, at least she washes herself well.

      Even at work, none of the men notice her. So, executive worker, nothing more.

      Her husband’s friends also don’t see her point-blank. So, a gray spot with a mop. Something else is muttering under my breath.

      Sex comes last for her. And even her husband doesn’t really want to have anything to do with her.

    So why be jealous of her? Well, who is she to be an object of mental suffering? No man would covet such a thing, so there is no smell of jealousy here.

    Boyfriend in search

    The guy hasn’t decided yet - who is the girl he’s dating for him?! Just a girlfriend - probably yes. Future wife - unlikely.

    This boy naively believes that she will not get away from him anyway - she looks with loving eyes, runs after him. Why should he be afraid of losing one?

    And there is no one to be jealous of - there are no worthy competitors. He's handsome himself. Egoist, ladies' man, favorite of women of any age. And the one who is next to him will always be his faithful dog on a short leash.

    He does not know the feeling of jealousy - no one has ever pinched his tail. But his girlfriend gave no reason. Well, never mind, this guy will still know how his brain boils from this very jealousy.

    If in the reflection of the mirror you see a woman tortured by life, or you really have the eyes of a beaten dog, then you must agree that no one will be jealous. And the fact that you are shuffling around with dishes in the kitchen will not add to your beauty.

    So let's start with your image:


      Even if you are plump and can't lose weight, you should still look appetizing and not obese. For example, a tightening belt and a dress tailored to your figure will help you with this, and not a tank cover. Just don’t lie to yourself that you can’t find this anywhere - the time of scarcity has passed.


      . Never forget about her, even at home. If friends come to see your husband, then they should not see you as a gray mouse with a mop. Even a maid can be a sex fantasy for men. Let your friends give you a compliment, and let your husband twitch with jealousy.

      Various little things.

      Every woman can have small defects that men often notice: unwashed hair, sloppy nails, unshaven legs, cracked heels. We need to fight this somehow. There is no need to run to beauty salons - everything can be done at home.


      It’s strange, but for some reason women often forget about perfume. She didn’t get into the habit of spraying drops of perfume behind her ear. Or, on the contrary, she douses herself with different perfumes indiscriminately. And there should be an individual smell of your favorite perfume - barely perceptible.

      The ability to shock the public.

      Every day people look at you looking almost natural - with light makeup, in a neat suit or house dress. But at some celebration you should go like a queen! So that, thanks to your image and outfit, you can make everyone present say: “Ah!”

    Now compare your new self and look from the outside at what you were like. See for yourself. At the same celebration where they said to you: “Ah!” Look what idiots are sitting with their husbands, who literally broke their necks looking at you. Gray knitted blouses, hair in a bun, skirts about nothing. That's how you were.

    Now that you are completely different (and everyone will notice this 100%), get used to being admired. Even at work. Do you remember Kalugina in “Office Romance”, when she was Mymra and became a real beauty? And her famous phrase: “Now I will always look like this!”

    So, you also need to be able to accept compliments. Without arrogance and without modesty. With a dazzling smile and sparkle in his eyes. Thank you, give me a kissing pen if you ask for it.

    Under no circumstances should you avoid male companies. Even if your boyfriend begins to narrow his eyes and purse his lips in jealousy. This means that something in him still sank with jealousy. So let it stand, letting steam out of its nostrils.

    But don't go too far. There is no need to go away and be alone with anyone. The guy should see your success among men. He should hear every compliment said to you. There should be such flirting at a distance - it seems that you are intrigued by the attention, but you keep up appearances.

    Nothing is more frightening than the unknown. You can even make a guy jealous with the help of mystery. No, there is nothing magical or supernatural about this - just a little feminine cunning.

    For this you will need a faithful girlfriend. Your actions:

      Don’t be lazy - buy a second SIM card for her phone.

      Write it down with a male name, for example, “Mikhail.”

      Ask your friend not to answer this SIM card.

      Ask her to call you from this number using a pre-arranged signal (for example, you will send her an SMS).

    Why this is needed - you will find out a little later. In the meantime, behave a little unnaturally around your husband, especially when he is next to you. Look dreamily confused. Forget to prepare dinner on time.

    By the way, it is precisely because of the lack of food that both the workaholic and the enthusiastic madman will notice you. This will knock him out of his usual rhythm of life. To the question: “Man, where’s dinner?”, you have zero reaction, and you’re sitting by the window, all so dreamy and dreamy.

    And when dinner is ready, there will be a call from “Mikhail,” that is, from your friend. And you answered the phone so mysteriously: “Hello. Yes. Yes OK. Ha ha ha. Okay, agreed, bye." That's it, period, you don't explain anything if your boyfriend doesn't ask anything.

    But if there are several such calls, then only a stupid person would not ask - who calls you like that in the evenings? Who is Mikhail? Or just a work colleague? Well, okay. What does he want from you in the evenings? Ah, official matters. It's clear.

    An unknown force will still force him to find out who Mikhail is. He'll get into your phone and try to call a stranger. And in response there is silence - your friend has already warned you that you cannot answer this SIM card.

    Buy yourself some new underwear. Again - what's wrong with that? But if this purchase occurs during calls from the mysterious “Mikhail,” it will alert the husband.

    What's the point here? There is no way to accuse you of cheating - in the evenings you are at home, and nothing special happens. Just a little distracted, just calls from a colleague, just laundry. But for your man, all these metamorphoses no longer seem simple, and this is how you can first arouse jealousy in a phlegmatic husband.

    Why is it important not to go too far?

    Jealousy is wonderful when it is in moderate doses. Only when a man is a little nervous about his woman does she realize that she is not indifferent to her husband, that she is loved and he values ​​her.

    But even your not-so-temperamental husband needs a very slight shake-up. There is no need to make him madly jealous of you. The goal is not for him to doubt your loyalty, but for him to be afraid of losing you and value you more. And also to learn to see dangerous competitors in other men. Therefore - a little of the good.

    Finally - an unusual technique

    Let's do a thought experiment.

    Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have problems in your relationship at all.

    And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

    If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

    When relationships are no longer as cloudless as before, many women begin to wonder how to make a husband become jealous and afraid of losing his wife?

    Scientists have found that a temporary emotional shake-up is beneficial for relationships. Its most striking manifestation is jealousy. Women don't like this feeling when they have to be jealous. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to make a husband jealous.

    Most women think it is difficult and risky. After all, at some point, all women experience the role of homemaker. At least for a few years of maternity leave.

    What can you observe? The husband’s attitude is different from what it was when we met and the first years after the wedding. He sees you as a mistress and mother of his children. And wives, meanwhile, so need male attention.

    Subscriber not available

    Don't pick up the phone if your husband calls. While listening to long beeps, let him have time to think about what you are so busy with. Surely, not the most rosy pictures of your pastime will be drawn in his head. If they didn’t answer the call at all, then call back in ten minutes and explain in a quiet voice that you have so much work to do that you don’t have time to talk on the phone.

    But when convincing that you are busy, make sure that not a single male voice is heard in the background. Otherwise, you risk losing your husband’s trust forever.

    Should you make a man jealous?

    If you are thinking about how to make a man jealous, then be careful. In this matter, it is very easy to go too far and end up with nothing.

    Not always and not all men should be forced and provoked to jealousy. This feeling can be useful only in certain cases:

    1. If you and a man have been together for quite a long time and are already expecting some further actions from him.
      Sometimes you just need to spur them on with a whip called “jealousy” and “fear of losing.”
    2. If you suspect that your husband is cheating on you
      . Unfortunately, men are polygamous by nature. They may cheat even if they love you. It's in their blood. In such cases, it is simply necessary to fan a real fire of passion from a spark of feeling. And jealousy is the best tool for this.
    3. If you have a feeling that your relationship has cooled and become mired in everyday life
      . And slight jealousy in this case will help restore feelings and passion.

    Word of mouth is like a wave

    They say that worldly rumor is like a wave of the sea. She quickly leaves. But when it comes to jealousy, it may well take away relationships that people valued. If a loving couple had to separate for some time and they have mutual acquaintances, if the parties behave inappropriately, there may well be informants, people who will be happy to report all the juiciest news.

    Jealousy is the strongest emotion, to one degree or another, characteristic of almost all people without exception. Jealousy can both destroy a relationship and strengthen it if you play on this feeling correctly. In any case, you need to make a man jealous skillfully and very carefully, so as not to go too far. A jealous man is capable of the most decisive actions, but at the same time, a woman must behave wisely in order to direct his behavior in the right direction, and at the same time not provoke a conflict. So, if you have problems in your relationship, you can try to correct them by provoking jealousy. But in order for the result to turn out exactly the way you want, be sure to use the tips given in this article.

    The main ways to cause jealousy

    So, you have decided to add fuel called “jealousy” to the fire of your feelings. There's just a little bit left to do. Study the basic advice of a psychologist on how to make your husband jealous. Then everything is simple - act!

    • Ignore him for a bit.
      After all, he was used to the fact that his wife could be heard after the first telephone ring. Miss a few of his calls. And then say that you didn’t hear or were busy.
    • Dress nicely, wear bright makeup.
      Let your husband ask the question: “Who is this all for?” If a man expresses it out loud, then answer that all this is only for him. This method will 100% cause jealousy, because such an explanation will clearly not be enough for the husband.
    • Try to always look your best
      . So that men look back after you. But this is most likely necessary not to make the husband feel jealous, but to make him feel proud. A spouse will look at a man looking back after his wife and think, “That’s MY wife!”
    • Bring home a bouquet
      . Or order flowers home. Sami. And pretend that you don’t understand what’s going on. The presence of a secret admirer will stimulate the husband's deeds. And how can he make his wife jealous?

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    • When watching a film, casually hint that this actor is so handsome
      that you would go to the ends of the earth with him. Husbands, as a rule, really don’t want to share their wives even with a movie character.
    • Well, as a last resort, if your husband has left you or is about to leave. Appear at some event where your husband will definitely be present, in the company of another gentleman
      . If your spouse has any feelings for you, he will definitely do something.

    Start with yourself

    Start with your own transformation. After all, your husband is already accustomed to your appearance. Moreover, marriage after the birth of a child becomes something commonplace and women pay less and less attention to themselves. The man begins to think that you will not get away from him.

    Change your hairstyle, do good makeup and manicure, buy a lot of new things, go on a diet. But do not do all the procedures at once, but gradually, spreading out the complete transformation over several days. For example, tell your husband that you didn’t have time to cook dinner because you were at the spa. The next day we returned late, as the beauty salon was doing several procedures at once. By transforming, you will achieve several goals at once.

    1. You will feel more confident.
    2. Make your husband remember the times when he just started courting you.
    3. He will have an uneasy feeling that, while transforming, you are trying for someone.

    What can you do to make a man afraid of losing?

    Psychologists say that men can be afraid of anything, just not losing their wife. This is to some extent true with one BUT. Men may be afraid, but they don't realize it. Sometimes they need to tell them in plain text what you want from them.

    Some tricks that are worth trying to create a fear in your loved one of losing you.

    • Try to control your man as little as possible
      . There is no need to demand from him an account of when, where and with whom he was. You shouldn’t call him every half hour and bombard him with messages. Men value freedom very much. So give it to him.
    • Try to share his hobbies
      . Of course, if he is a fisherman, you don't have to go fishing with him. But it will be useful to know what a spinning rod and a float are. The more common interests you have, the more interesting you are with each other. And men appreciate this very much.
    • Set aside time in which you will “take a break from each other
      . All people need solitude sometimes. Let this be your common decision.
    • If your husband had an evening of rest, you should not torture him with questions about where he was
      . If he wants, he will tell. And you, in turn, do the same.
    • Don't force your husband to do things he doesn't like.
      For example, going shopping with you. Try to put yourself in his place. Will you enjoy going with him and buying parts for your car?
    • Don't show your husband that you are jealous of him
      . For example, because he allows himself to look at other women. For most, this happens at the level of instinct. If you feel calmer, then also look at other guys.

    Like me

    Social networks are another source of constant quarrels for many couples. The reason for the outburst of rage can be anything - likes and comments from unfamiliar men, compromising photographs, mysterious statuses with ellipses, downloaded dating apps...

    Men are much more observant than women are accustomed to believe.

    Most likely, the guy will notice the stranger’s hand resting possessively on his girlfriend’s waist. She will notice that he liked all her photos in a swimsuit. Will understand the meaning of ambiguous words about outgoing love in status. This is a great way to sow doubt - which will most likely lead to a dead end.

    But an avatar with a new haircut or in a stylish dress is a harmless option, and yet effective to remind you of your beauty and the fact that there may be many connoisseurs of it around.


    There are men who need to constantly feel jealous. And while he is jealous of you, he is with you. But as soon as he stops being jealous, you become uninteresting to him.

    Some men, on the contrary, suffer greatly from this harmful feeling. And if you go too far, he will simply leave.

    If you decide to play the “jealous of me” game, then be prepared for possible unpleasant consequences. After all, a man can also spend time with others for show. Just to make my wife jealous. Daria Sosenkova

    Not a million red roses, but still

    It doesn’t matter where you are coming home from, from work or from the store, but you should have a bouquet of flowers in your hands. Of course, you have to buy it yourself. But you should tell your husband what his grateful visitor gave you for a job well done. Or, on the street, a complete stranger handed you gorgeous roses.

    As already mentioned, when starting to implement a plan, analyze whether you can and whether you can achieve the desired results. After all, the effect can be completely different and instead of the expected portion of jealousy and love, you can, on the contrary, provoke scandals and cause mistrust.

    How to make a man jealous from a distance

    In this article you will learn how to make a man jealous of you from a distance. I would like to say right away that jealousy can manifest itself as a pathological feeling of possessive egoism, so you should not inflame it too much. It’s a completely different matter to awaken jealousy with the noble goal of tickling your lover’s nerves a little. Jealousy at a distance is a psychological state of a man, which is caused by the lack of objective information about who his woman is really interested in. Let's listen to the opinion of an expert on sociological issues you already know, Andrei Viktorovich.

    Good health, dear readers! Today I have an important task ahead of me - to teach all women in the world how to incite male jealousy)) What will happen to us then? We are so defenseless when we are jealous - and vulnerable as well)) But I have to disappoint you a little: you cannot make a man jealous if he has not reciprocated your feelings. True, there is a small chance that feelings of possessive jealousy will awaken in him when he notices you with someone else. But this risks the fact that he will never return to you again. If a man loves and trusts, then he wants you to talk about it as often as possible. A woman is a subtle and mysterious creature, sometimes even contradicting herself. This is exactly why we love you. When a man has completely figured out a woman, she ceases to be a subject of concern for him. In this case, experienced psychologists advise making him jealous from a distance, using very simple methods.

    1). Try to reduce the number of calls to his mobile number for a while. In fact, if Lyubushka calls often, it means she is very bored and will not escape from the “submarine”. Get the man to think about you when he is worried, and this is only possible when you are out of reach. Just be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you’ll make a mess. Everything should be in moderation. To a jealous question related to the fact that you call less often, answer that you don’t think so and there is no reason to worry. If a man, slightly irritated, answers that he is not jealous, then most likely this is not so) 2). As if by the way, tell him about how many good friends you have who would tear their heads off if someone offended you. Let him know that your life does not belong entirely to him. If a man confidently believes that he has occupied all your thoughts, then you cease to be a mystery to him, which means he feels at the top of the podium. This shouldn’t happen: let him go down one step) 3). Tell him carefully and without any ulterior motive that the other day a very interesting man tried to walk you home. Of course, you refused, because loyalty to your loved one comes first. This technique is necessary so that your macho does not think that no one needs you except him. This is especially true for those whose age is approaching forty. If a man believes that he is your last hope, he will soon lose all interest in you. If, as a result of such a reception, you felt how angry he was, then you can calm him down by saying that you are not to blame for anything. Jealousy provoked in this way must be localized in time, otherwise the “fire of love” can sharply burn with a word spoken in the heat of the moment. 4). Try not to use the word “love” often. In general, find an adequate replacement for it. Say how dear he is to you, that you miss him a lot, and give a very streamlined answer to direct questions. At the same time, a man should not assume that you don’t feel anything for him. Let him believe that you have not yet sorted out your own feelings. 5). Try to buy an inexpensive trinket and say that this is a modest gift from an employee returning from a trip abroad. Just don’t even think about buying an expensive thing, otherwise your man will begin not only to be jealous, but also to swear, because luxurious gifts oblige you to something. If you felt that you made him jealous, then laugh it off by saying that your colleague gave the souvenir to someone else. The fire of indignation will be extinguished)

    Well, dear women, with my light hand you now know how to make a man jealous from a distance. Just don’t tell him about it, otherwise God forbid we ever meet))

    The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

    I express my heartfelt gratitude to the experienced expert on sociological issues, Andrei Viktorovich, for his help in writing this article.

    Be happy!

    Tired of the routine in your relationship? Do you want an explosion of emotions and fireworks of feelings?! Your man’s furious jealousy, caused by our advice, will help bring back the novelty of sensations!

    Jealousy, widely known as one of the most destructive and painful feelings, can also be a powerful weapon, indispensable for the fair sex who are dissatisfied with their personal lives.

    Is the game worth the candle?

    When making plans on how to make a guy you care about jealous, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, honestly answering the question - is it worth doing?

    • In one of the most beautiful texts about love in world history, the biblical Song of Songs, it is rightly said that the arrows of jealousy are arrows of fire, and “it is a very strong flame.” These lines are thousands of years old, but they still have not lost their relevance. Jealousy is a feeling where it is very difficult to feel the line, the point of no return, when the previous relationship can no longer be restored due to lost trust. If we take care of our feelings and value our relationship with a person, it is better to stimulate his interest in a more “humane” way.
    • Games with jealousy at a distance are especially dangerous. When a man is jealous, but he does not have the opportunity to immediately sort out the relationship, he realizes that he is very far from the lady of his heart, and he begins to doubt her honesty... This can lead to anything. Firstly, it is very difficult for him psychologically - to be angry or confused, but not have the physical ability to find out what is happening or influence the situation. Secondly, such suspicions can push many men to rash acts that they had never thought about before - in retaliation. Distance exacerbates negative emotions, and when going down the path of jealousy, you need to think a hundred times: is it worth adding fuel to an already strong fire?

    Men are different: some are real Othello, while others are practically not characterized by jealousy.

    The effect that this feeling produces on representatives of the stronger half of humanity also varies - from imaginary indifference to an attack of uncontrolled aggression. And it doesn’t depend much on who we are playing such games with - teasing Capricorn or irritating Libra, putting on a performance for a husband after 20 years of marriage or a guy we’ve known for a week and a half.

    As for the means that make men nervous at a distance, there are several of them in the modern world: telephone and video communications, social networks and primitive rumors.

    Why provoke jealousy?

    By making a man jealous, you can revive a relationship, add fire to it, as well as regain lost interest and even push your chosen one to take decisive action.

    Women who have perfectly mastered the science of manipulating this feeling are able to quickly achieve the attention of the desired person and significantly strengthen the emerging connection.

    Another important aspect: a jealous man is just a hurricane in bed, promising a woman long, hot and passionate sex. Trying to surpass an imaginary opponent, he tries his best, and the overflowing fantasy gives the sensations newness and a slight taste of “pepper.”

    How to make a man jealous

    Such rare calls

    A restless woman, annoyingly constantly reminding herself of herself with numerous phone calls, a priori cannot be of any interest to a man. A hunter by nature, he will pursue only that “prey” that is unattainable and elusive.

    Therefore, if you want to arouse jealousy, you need to significantly reduce the number of calls, pick up the phone less often, and sometimes completely disappear, decisively turning off any means of communication.

    Hints "by the way"

    Men are terrible owners who can hardly tolerate even a hint of competition. The mere thought that the woman they love has become the object of someone else's attention can lead them into a state of uncontrollable rage.

    That is why, telling your chosen one about a chance meeting with an old acquaintance or about a colleague who gallantly walked you home can generate jealousy that reaches the point of madness.

    Less "love"

    To tirelessly repeat words of love and devotion to your beloved means doing yourself a disservice.

    As practice shows, a man spoiled by excessively close attention, over time, completely ceases to appreciate his chosen one.

    You can only provoke an attack of jealousy in this type by eliminating the word “love” from the vocabulary as much as possible or replacing it with more neutral verbs - “appreciate”, “respect”, “sympathize”.

    Going out in public

    Women in love often make two mistakes: they create an idol for themselves from the object of passion and, plunging headlong into a new feeling, they lose touch with the world around them. You can make a man who is the culprit of these events jealous only by “returning everything to normal.”

    To begin with, it is quite enough to be in public more often, meet with friends more actively and not refuse to attend cultural and entertainment events.

    Cute present

    To paraphrase an old Russian proverb, we can say that “if you don’t deceive, you won’t cause jealousy.” For a woman who wants to somewhat revive a fading relationship, it makes sense to come home with a chic bouquet or some elegant trinket.

    At the same time, the chosen one, serenely reclining on the sofa, does not necessarily need to know that the cute gift was purchased at a nearby store and at his own expense.

    Changeable and beautiful

    The most difficult thing is to arouse jealousy in a long-married man who is completely confident in the trustworthiness of his wife. However, even this person will not be able to resist seeing that she has become significantly prettier, since for some time now she has been actively engaged in improving her appearance.

    Some husbands with extensive family experience know very well that a change in image most often indicates changes in their personal lives.

    1. It is important to have “your own life”
      . By becoming fixated on your partner and ceasing to pay due attention to your own concerns, responsibilities and hobbies, you can lose yourself as a person and become completely uninteresting. In this case, it will be quite difficult to make a man jealous; first you will have to work hard to again prove to him that you are in demand.
    2. There must be a mystery in a woman
      . Ladies who stubbornly introduce each new lover to the smallest details of past relationships are making an unforgivable mistake. The absence of intrigue is tantamount to boredom, while the presence of a juicy secret allows you to incite intense jealousy without making much effort.
    3. A man needs to be kept in good shape
      . Most of all, representatives of the stronger sex value what can be taken away from them. Being content with little and demonstrating her devotion in every possible way, a woman allows her chosen one to relax and turn from a valiant conqueror into a serene owner. This type will not be jealous until he feels a threat to his dominance.
    4. A change of mood is welcome
      . Being different is an art that every woman who wants to arouse jealousy must master. It has been experimentally proven that even an adult and self-confident man is driven crazy by trying to figure out why his chosen one is sometimes cheerful and compliant, sometimes cold and unapproachable.
    5. You can and should keep secrets
      . Many representatives of the fair sex, who are sincerely in love with their men, have the bad habit of reporting to them for every call or SMS message received. Expecting to revive the relationship with the help of jealousy, you will have to forget about daily reports and allow your partner to suffer in guesses and doubts.
    1. Flirt with his friends
      . By recklessly flirting with the best friends of your chosen one, you can achieve not so much jealousy as a speedy separation. In the eyes of men, such behavior will be regarded as an attempt to drive a wedge between them, or to present a loved one in a funny and unsightly light.
    2. Give up carnal pleasures
      . Sexual abstinence can undoubtedly cause furious jealousy, but it will be destructive. If you only want to revive the relationship, and not end it, never deny sex to your partner.
    3. Admit having a lover
      . Arousing jealousy in your chosen one by not answering calls, slightly flirting with unfamiliar men and wearing bright outfits is one thing, but even jokingly admitting to cheating is quite another. Restoring trust after such an outburst can be difficult and, as a rule, it takes months and years.
    4. Meet with your ex
      . Some people, like actions, should remain where they belong – in the past, which means you shouldn’t rush to date a person you obviously don’t need. Moreover, thanks to this meeting you can easily lose your true love.

    When making every effort to make your man jealous, you must remember to observe the measure. The famous American journalist Henry Louis Mencken once said: “To keep a man, make him a little jealous; To lose a man, make him a little more jealous." And he was absolutely right. Therefore, balance, but never cross the line!

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