Blood sugar due to stress: why does the amount decrease, can it increase?

Stress and blood sugar levels

The nervous system and sugar are interconnected. When overexerted, the body releases stress hormones that affect the amount of glucose. This triggers the body's protective functions. A huge amount of energy is generated in order to protect ourselves and escape from a dangerous situation. Glucose levels may be 9.7 mmol/L. despite the fact that the norm is from 3 to 5.5 mmol/l.

Different systems of the body take part in metabolic processes, namely:

  • pituitary;
  • adrenal glands;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pancreas;
  • sympathetic division of the nervous system.

During stress, the adrenal glands release hormones - adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine. Cortisol increases the liver's ability to produce glucose and inhibits its absorption, increases appetite, and the desire to eat sweet, fatty foods. Stress increases the amount of cortisol and sugar in the blood. When the hormone is normal, blood pressure stabilizes, wound healing accelerates, and the immune system strengthens. An increase in cortisol provokes the development of diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease, and weight loss.

Adrenaline promotes the conversion of glycogen into energy, norepinephrine works with fats.

Cholesterol is produced more intensively, which leads to blood clots.

If energy is used at this time, pathogenic processes do not start in the body.

Under stress, all processes work faster; the pancreas does not have time to process sugar, which is actively supplied from reserves. Therefore, insulin levels increase and type 2 diabetes develops.

Stress in type 2 diabetes provokes an increase in glucose to a critical level.

The question of whether sugar rises from nerves can be answered unequivocally. Even if you are overweight or pre-diabetic, hypoglycemia can occur and a person can fall into a hypoglycemic coma.

Since diabetes affects the nervous system, a pathology called peripheral diabetic neuropathy develops. The nervous system is affected when the dose of insulin is correctly selected and when the endocrine disease is properly treated. After 5 years, the first signs of neuropathy appear.

Blood sugar is always 3.8 mmol/l

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Types of stress

A person faces different types of stress:

  • emotional stress of a positive or negative nature (death of a loved one, wedding, birth of a child);
  • physiological stress associated with injuries, severe physical exertion, serious illness;
  • psychological – occurs during relationships with people (quarrels, scandals).

In some cases, when making a decision, a feeling of anxiety or nervous tension arises.

Letters from our readers

Topic: Grandma's blood sugar has returned to normal!

From: Christina ( [email protected] )

To: Administration

Christina, Moscow

My grandmother has been suffering from diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently there have been complications in her legs and internal organs.

I accidentally found an article on the Internet that literally saved my life. They gave me a free consultation over the phone and answered all my questions and told me how to treat diabetes.

2 weeks after completing the course of treatment, my grandmother’s mood even changed. She said that my legs no longer hurt and the ulcers are not progressing, next week we will go to see a doctor. I am sending a link to the article

Consequences of nervous breakdowns

The consequences of nervous breakdowns can be colossal not only in terms of the development of diabetes, but also provoke serious complications. Thus, the peripheral nervous system will suffer from a deficiency of a component or a low degree of sensitivity of internal tissues. In this case we are talking about peripheral neuropathy, which can be distal symmetrical and diffuse autonomous.

Experts point out that:

  • in the first case, damage to the nerve endings of the upper and lower extremities is noted. For this reason, they lose their normal degree of sensitivity and mobility;
  • distal neuropathy can be sensory (damage to sensory nerves), motor (motor nerves), sensorimotor (a combination of two pathologies). Another form is proximal amyotrophy, which consists of deterioration of the neuromuscular system;
  • diffuse neuropathy destabilizes the functions of internal organs. In the most severe cases, complete cessation of their functions is possible.

In the second case, we are talking about pathological deviations in the activity of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. The genitourinary system may suffer, which manifests itself in urinary incontinence and frequent urge to urinate. Often, as a result, sexual impotence develops. Partial damage to other organs and systems is possible, for example, lack of reflexes in the pupils or forced sweating. Considering the severity of the condition, treatment and prevention should be carried out in full.

Is it possible to worry about diabetes?

Insulin and adrenaline are oppositely acting hormones that stabilize each other’s work. Insulin converts glucose into glycogen, adrenaline works the other way around. The development of diabetes on a nervous basis occurs with the death of pancreatic islets.

Nervous tension inhibits the production of insulin, and the digestive and reproductive systems suffer. To reduce insulin levels, small mental stress, fasting, and physical stress are enough. Long-term form provokes the development of type 2 diabetes. When stressed, an increase in blood sugar causes complications of diabetes.

When nervous, a person may ignore the recommendations and consume prohibited foods, which will cause an increase in blood sugar.

Prevention of stress hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemic attacks caused by emotional experiences and accompanying complications (myocardial infarction) can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. If glycemia rises sharply, it is necessary to follow the treatment algorithm drawn up by the doctor. Complications can be cured if they are detected at an early stage.

Advice! Early diagnosis of diabetes (during or outside of pregnancy) helps prevent further increases in glycemia. It is recommended to treat hyperglycemia under the supervision of a doctor. If there is strong emotional stress, the patient (child or adult) may require tranquilizers. Some of them can increase glycemia, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a qualified specialist.

Chronic stress

If a person has experienced a short-term stressful situation, the body recovers. This is typical for a healthy person, but with diabetes or prediabetes, prolonged overexertion affects health.

Increased risk:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetic nephropathy develops;
  • immunity weakens;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • renal failure develops.

An increased concentration of stress hormones enhances the work of the pancreas, converting glycogen into glucose. Working the pancreas in this mode exhausts the organ. Therefore, a person needs hypoglycemic drugs. It is important to adhere to a special diet, engage in moderate physical activity, and sometimes the doctor can give advice on how to cope with stressful situations.

How to regulate glucose levels when anxious

If glucose levels are elevated, it is necessary to identify the cause and reduce the impact of the stressful situation. It is useful to do breathing exercises and use available relaxation methods. If necessary, take a sedative. It is necessary to carefully ensure that food products contain minimal carbohydrates. Even for a healthy person, during times of stress it is important to avoid foods high in glucose.

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It is recommended to have a spare dose of insulin with you. Regardless of the injection schedule, making an unscheduled injection stabilizes sugar levels and thereby reduces the risk of consequences.

Neutralization of stress hormones is carried out with the help of physical activity. For example, walking at a moderate pace for 45 minutes stabilizes hormone levels and, accordingly, sugar. In addition, a walk in the fresh air has a restorative effect on the entire body. To avoid being so bored, it is recommended to listen to music. Listening to your favorite music triggers chemical processes that are responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria.

It is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations. If you have diabetes, it is important to monitor your sugar levels and enter readings in a special notebook, where the indicator is noted during times of stress.

An active lifestyle and a positive attitude help relieve stress. An effective method is:

  • visit to a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoneurologist for depressive diseases;
  • relaxing hobbies;
  • take vitamins that contain zinc;
  • if necessary, change work or environment;
  • sedatives, anti-anxiety, sleeping pills.

You should buy medicine to stabilize the nervous system only as prescribed by a doctor, since not all drugs are suitable for diabetics. You should be selective when choosing entertainment (books, movies, watching TV, news).

Diabetes in adolescents occurs in a special way. Sugar can rise even from a minor situation. The psycho-emotional state of adolescents during puberty is not stable, therefore, to relieve tension, the help of a psychologist is necessary.

Traditional sedatives for diabetes

For diabetes, you can use various soothing teas, infusions, and decoctions that reduce glucose.

Recommended brewing:

  • nettle leaves;
  • Linden blossom;
  • Bay leaf;
  • clover;
  • dandelion;
  • bean flaps.

To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, filter the broth and drink 150 ml 3 times a day.

Dandelion, especially the root part, affects insulin production. Therefore, the plant is included in herbal preparations to lower glucose.

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