Why are people so cruel? Why do kind people become cruel? Part 1.

Cruelty - psychology

Human society has been constantly and intensively developing for many centuries.
One era gives way to another, progress in all spheres of activity has raised man to the pedestal of the dominant species on planet Earth. One thing is bad: everything changes on the path of progress, but no one, with all their aspirations, strengths and capabilities, could either ban, overcome or abolish cruelty. This character trait, like many others, manifests itself in different situations, changing a person to unpredictable consequences.

Cruelty is selfish selfishness, envy, hatred and malice towards other people, towards life and towards oneself. This is the result of a lack of success in achieving one’s own goals and objectives with intentional or accidental harm to everything around.

It's no secret: what goes around comes around - cruelty begets cruelty. Causing harm to everything around in order to gain benefit for themselves, people do not think about the consequences that will not take long to arrive.

Cruelty has different forms of manifestation: inflicting physical pain on a living being without any pity or compassion, offensive words, all kinds of actions and even inaction, and often unhealthy fantasies. She finds a loophole in straightforwardness and stubbornness, in mockery and deceit, in anger and unfriendliness, in intolerance for the mistakes of others.

The worst thing is when cruelty brings moral or physical pleasure. This is already sadism. Moreover, people, animals, plants, buildings, monuments, transport, places of leisure, etc. suffer from the harmful consequences.

Reasons for cruelty

People are not born cruel. In society there have always been norms of behavior, ethics and morality, on the border of which cruelty lay dormant. Abusive people become abusive for many reasons:

  1. High or low self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with life and yourself.
  2. The concepts of morality and morality have lost their power.
  3. Self-affirmation in a distorted form as a misunderstanding of methods of self-preservation.
  4. Childhood fears that persist into adulthood among people who faced indifference, cruel punishments and a strict upbringing regime in childhood.
  5. Demonstration of one's greatness and power through humiliating, mocking words, oppression and suppression, violence, murder. Sadism is the highest form of cruelty.
  6. Pride and, as a result, a feeling of revenge.
  7. Hiding personal complexes due to inferiority and weakness.
  8. Manifestation of inhumanity in inaction, taking pleasure in it, deliberate refusal to help.

To better understand what cruelty is, we need to consider it as a reaction to intolerable circumstances that threaten human existence. And the more fierce they are, the more the response will go off scale.

The psychology of cruelty is a fine line on which good and evil are balanced. Is it possible to be a harmless, sympathetic, compliant person for everyone if you are faced with meanness, injustice, humiliation and insults? I think no. But the cruel are feared, shunned, and sometimes even respected.

Why do cruel people exist? Man by nature is a predator. If you look back at the whole history, you can’t count the wars with the most brutal destruction of all living things. Therefore, in any developed society, laws are necessary, the violation of which is fraught with severe punishment. Cruelty is an integral part of life, which means you need to learn to live and fight with it, and look for new models of behavior.

Every person has at least once asked what is also cruelty, examples of which are found all the time. All media are simply replete with reports of outrages and violence. Television, radio, the press, the Internet, fiction and scientific literature, history textbooks - everywhere you can encounter examples of cruelty.

Any historical social system, kings, serfdom, wars, repressions - everything is permeated with cruelty. The cult of cruelty in religions, sacrifice, aggression, intimidation, abuse of power, sky-high crime rates and impunity, terrorism are also cruelty.


In family life, examples of cruelty include suppression of will, energy vampirism, creation of obstacles in the realization of intellectual, creative and professional opportunities, all kinds of prohibitions in planning offspring, budget, leisure, etc.

And, of course, cruelty to animals is an abyss from which it is impossible to escape. If a person is capable of offending a dumb creature, then it is difficult to call him a person.

Very often, cruelty manifests itself in children who are out of control. Child cruelty is primarily associated with unfavorable family relationships. Lack of respect between family members and frequent quarrels in the presence of children reduce the level of trust in parents, which results in anger and aggression in the child.

Attention, care, patience, and frankness will help protect children from cruelty. A personal role model is very important.

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Seeing and appreciating a child’s personality, taking into account his opinions and interests, trying to see the world through his eyes is the key to success in the age-old problem of fathers and children.

Knowing and understanding what cruelty is, you can take certain measures to protect yourself from it. Among them are simple methods and work on yourself:

  1. If you realize that cruelty is evil, then this is the first step towards solving the issue of getting rid of it.
  2. It is necessary to love yourself, people and the whole world around you, thereby getting rid of internal fears.
  3. You need to give to the world what you yourself want to receive: mercy, compassion, kindness.
  4. Increasing self-esteem, the desire for success, and social recognition is one of the effective ways to combat cruelty.
  5. Limiting your social circle. Surrounded by kind and decent people, the world becomes cleaner.

Thus, cruelty is caused by both external and internal factors that are ingrained in a person from childhood. We talked not only about our own ability to be cruel, but also about the very attitude of other people to such manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary to fight and prevent this character trait from childhood, instilling in the child kindness and mercy towards the people around him.

Why are there so much cruelty in people?

Why are some people very cruel? Where does it come from in a person? The answer to this question is very simple. All human character traits, good and bad, are formed at an early age. And first of all, the baby copies his parents.

Dad and mom are the main example for them. A standard, one might say! If the parents did this, acted this way and not otherwise, then it’s right! So that's how it should be! Therefore, once you notice negative traits in your child, one of which is cruelty, please do not be too surprised! This means that you once did not control your behavior in the presence of a child. And as a consequence, this is the result. Of course, in the future lives of our children, the people around them also play a vital role. Kindergarten, school, friends, neighbors and much more. But still, we, the closest people, invest kindness or cruelty.

Very often, you can come across such a picture. The child grabbed the kitten or puppy by the throat or tail. And he hits him with his fist or palm, pulls his ears, his mustache, pokes his fingers into his eyes. As a rule, there are adults nearby. But no one will prevent such behavior from their child. On the contrary, they admire their child. "Oh! How brave he is among us!”, “Ah! How strong and fighting he is!” And at the same time, they laugh with genuine admiration. And the child sees that he is not scolded, that he pleases his loved ones, because they laugh so happily. That means everything is fine, that’s how it should be. He remembers this moment as positive. The child grows up and abuses animals with even greater cruelty.

Look around you. Look how many mutilated and mutilated cats and dogs! Our children boast to each other, showing their childish cruelty. Eyes and teeth are knocked out. They set animals on fire alive, cut off their tails and whiskers. They break their paws. The surviving animals after such sadistic torture continue to exist in wild torment! Not only are there many abandoned and homeless animals among them that are starving and freezing from the cold. So, young thugs still mock them! They maim them, kill them!

Tell me, why don’t we parents put prickly hedgehogs, bees or a live snake, for example, in the hands of our little ones? Well, or a crocodile, a small piranha? Because we realize that these creatures can prick, sting, and even more so bite our little blood very painfully. Of course. We feel very sorry for our children! We don't want them to experience pain! So why, with a calm soul, do we allow our children to squeeze and knead little puppies, kittens, and birds? After all, they are so defenseless! They, just like us, experience pain, as with a bruise, dislocation, fracture, cut or burn. Let's teach our children kindness and compassion.

We will teach them to love, feel sorry for, feed, and care for animals. Don't mock them! Believe me, they are very grateful creatures! No need to offend them! And if you were once bitten by a dog, this does not mean that now all dogs must be beaten to death! Apparently, when someone very cruelly hurt the dog. That's why she has such an aggressive reaction. They also have their own feelings. Just like us, they are offended, angry, happy, crying, sad.

And speaking of devotion and fidelity, we people also need to learn from them! It’s not for nothing that people have the expression: “Loyal as a dog.” Indeed, there is probably no creature in the world more devoted than them! There are many films and stories about how dogs and cats save their owners from trouble. Be it a flood, fire, natural disaster.

When earthquakes occur, rescue dogs, thanks to their sense of smell, save people from under the rubble who were on the verge of imminent death. And cats can heal people. They feel sore spots on the human body and lie down there. After such therapy, the pain miraculously disappears. Well, at least the pain becomes less noticeable. And the singing of birds has a very beneficial effect on humans. Listening to the singing of a canary or swallow, I am completely delighted!

So why am I telling you all this? You yourself know all this very well. Do you agree with me that animals deserve to be treated with care? In the West, societies for their protection have been created for stray animals. People voluntarily transfer their own funds to the fund of this society. But most importantly! No one would ever come up with the wild idea of ​​breaking a bird’s wing, cutting off a dog’s ears, or setting a tied kitten on fire.

People, let us always remember that evil always begets evil. And in due time it may turn against you! After all, cruelty to animals can easily spread to people. So, let's unite together against evil and sadism against animals. Let's teach our children to be kind to our smaller brothers. Using our own example, we will show them that animals, too, must be loved and protected! How to do this, you ask? Yes, it’s simple, shelter an abandoned puppy or kitten. Feed, warm, cuddle. And let our children take the most active part in this matter.

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What is the harm of cruelty?

The consequences of cruelty are destructive not only for the person or animal at whom it is directed, but also for the aggressor himself. With physical and psychological discomfort, the victim loses his personality traits. Low self-esteem, apathy, depressive moods and, possibly, a desire for revenge and retaliatory cruelty develop.

What causes cruelty

For the aggressor himself, it is important that such a feeling as cruelty is a consequence of deep-seated psychological problems that the individual is trying to solve with the help of destructive forms of behavior. This is how the human psyche works, which is protected by any known methods. However, this behavior can progress. If at first the child only hurt kittens, then with age the beatings can be inflicted on people, even to the point of serious injury and even death.

Reasons for cruelty

A child is not born cruel. He acquires inhumanity in the course of his life. Moreover, there is a normal stage of child development in which the manifestation of cruelty is a form of testing the boundaries of other people. The child bites or pulls the cat’s tail because he doesn’t know that this is not allowed. Moreover, not all children do this. If parents explain that a living being is in pain and do not clearly show cruelty to others, the child understands the rules and stops doing so.

Cruelty among teenagers is no longer the norm, even despite all attempts to explain this by hormonal changes. If a person grows up in an environment where beatings and humiliation become the norm, then he carries this model into adulthood. Another explanation for the abuse of those who suffered abuse in childhood is that a small child cannot respond in kind to adults due to his physical characteristics. He endures everything, but internal bitterness forms inside, which will certainly spill out in a destructive form in adulthood.

The reasons for cruelty due to this may be:

  1. Low self-esteem, which an individual seeks to raise by humiliating others.
  2. Lack of education, instillation of moral and ethical values.
  3. Fear of your weakness, which is disguised as a pre-emptive strike.

reasons for cruelty

What is cruelty? | Literary guru

(387 words) Cruelty is an angry and indifferent attitude towards other people, which most often manifests itself in aggression and violence. It can hardly be called an innate quality - it has its roots.

Often cruelty begins with the family or social circle. If, at the moment of choosing between good and evil, honesty and meanness, a person prefers the second, he thereby allows cruelty to enter his heart.

To most fully characterize this concept, let us turn to domestic literature for examples.

Thus, A. Shvabrin, one of the negative heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter,” can be considered the personification of this quality. The young officer whom Pyotr Grinev meets in the Belgorod fortress does not initially seem evil and dishonest to the reader.


However, it later turns out that Shvabrin is petty, vindictive and ready to do anything for his own benefit. Manifestations of Alexei’s cruelty can be found, for example, in the scene of the duel between him and Grinev: he took advantage of the moment, and when the main character was distracted, he wounded him.

From this we can conclude that the young man showed cruelty. Another, more large-scale example is Pugachev’s capture of the Belgorod fortress. The cynical officer immediately goes over to the enemy’s side and becomes one of his commanders, participating in reprisals and lynching of prisoners.

It is precisely this behavior that characterizes a cruel hero, because he not only hurts people, but also does not see a problem in it. He walks over corpses to his goal and feels no remorse.

Another example is the main character of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov. He is the embodiment of reflection, hesitation and even a furious search for the meaning of life.

Despite the fact that the woman he killed was not the embodiment of virtues, Raskolnikov soon realizes what a terrible mistake he made in his judgment. What he considered to be a manifestation of humanity towards society turned out to be just an act of aggression towards him.

Murder is the weapon of a cruel person, and when the protagonist realizes this truth, he undergoes deep mental suffering and pangs of conscience. The cruelty he showed during the crime becomes his own punishment.

Thus, based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: cruelty is an aggressive, indifferent and evil attitude towards people around us, which a person shows by choosing the wrong priorities in life. If he decides that his needs are higher than moral laws, ethical principles or religious canons, then his heart will certainly harden.

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Historical cruelty

The older generation likes to wonder why so many cruel people appeared? Everyone was kinder before. Listening to their complaints, you involuntarily agree. You just have to open a newspaper or watch the news.

People used to be kinder. It's worth thinking about. And before – when? Millennia ago, when cannibalism flourished? Well, these people can, by and large, even be justified somehow. They were primitive. And they didn’t know at all about humane treatment of one’s neighbor. Or maybe those who lived during the era of the Inquisition were kinder? Or during the reign of Stalin? Many people were in prison thanks to denunciations. How many of these “good-natured people” sincerely tried to present their neighbor with a “gift”!

Why does it feel like there are so many cruel people today? Of course, the media made their contribution. In the era of democracy, they pay more attention to manifestations of cruelty. It should be noted that the level of humanity among humanity has increased, which is why aggression is so striking.

The second part of this article will cover

about the manifestation of cruelty in relationships with loved ones and about the root of evil
that lies in this.
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Can cruelty be justified?

If bloodthirstiness is a clear deviation from normal behavior, and such people require the help of specialists, then there are justified forms of cruelty. It can be acceptable only in those moments when an individual or his close people are in danger, both physical and moral. When an individual defends his life when attacked by criminals or repels the attacks of psychological vampires, then he cannot be called a cruel person. In such situations, there is no desire to humiliate or maim another for obvious gain, only to protect one’s body and morale.

Types of cruelty

All abusive people may display their negative character traits in different ways:

  1. The most extreme form of cruelty is physical violence against living beings.
  2. Moral humiliation, manifested in bullying, evil jokes, gossip and curses that poison the lives of other people.
  3. Constant irritability, in which a person can throw out his negative feelings at any, even the most insignificant, actions on the part of other people.
  4. Committing destructive acts “for evil”, destroying existing canons and dogmas.

Can cruelty be justified?

Self-improvement March 25, 2015

What causes cruelty

We often complain about how cruel the world is to us.

Our censure falls on the malicious judgments of colleagues, aggression emanating from teenagers, and the ruthless attitude of wealthy officials towards people lower on the social ladder.

What is cruelty? How to deal with it? We will look for the answer to these difficult questions not only in the reality around us, but also in the depths of our own consciousness.

General psychology describes in detail what cruelty is. According to experts, this is the desire, ability and ability to cause pain and suffering to people, animals, and nature.

A person in a fit of rage can attack with his fists not only his interlocutor, but also ordinary household items: he breaks furniture, breaks vases, destroys equipment. You will say that it is impossible to be cruel to inanimate things. Yes, this is partly true. But in this case, the outburst of negative emotions is indirect.

After all, in this way the individual acts cruelly not with things, but with the person who bought them, spent the money he earned, and lovingly furnished his home.


The most common form of cruelty is child abuse. At first it arises due to ignorance: the baby does not understand that, by crippling the cat, he brings her pain.

Over time, upbringing and age bear fruit, the child develops compassion, empathy, and the ability to empathize. In this case, cruelty is easily eliminated.

If a child consciously injures a living organism and gets pleasure from it, the help of psychologists is simply necessary.

We are not born evil people. People become like this after experiencing severe trauma or stress. This usually happens in childhood, when the fragile psyche cannot cope with deep experiences.

Observing conflicts and assault in the family, the baby becomes embittered and aggressive.

There may be several reasons: he copies the behavior of the one who causes pain, or he sympathizes with the victim and shows embitterment towards the entire human race because of the suffering suffered by a loved one.

A teenager can develop particular cruelty because of his selfishness: he is disadvantaged by the fact that he is not noticed at home, is not praised at school, and is not singled out as a leader in the yard. Unable to earn a reputation in any other way, he resorts to violence against his peers and family.

Interestingly, some unpleasant odors, such as tobacco, also cause attacks of anger.

They can also be caused by mental disorders, somatic illnesses, social factors, love experiences, inferiority complexes, and even watching action films that demonstrate cruelty and ruthlessness.

The essence of the problem

Every parent should be a bit of a psychologist and understand what is happening to the child. In particular, understand the differences between concepts such as anger, aggression and cruelty.

Aggression is caused by natural reasons: the desire to achieve what you want at any cost, the struggle for survival or living space. It is activated by a certain factor of irritation and stress. For example, a child needs a toy - to get it, he can hit or bite.

Anger is an outburst of anger that is provoked by some external circumstance. It is a reaction to injustice or insult. Characterized by severe irritation that passes quickly. For example, a student was unfairly given a bad grade. In response, he was rude to the teacher, threw the notebook on the floor, and left the class right during the lesson, loudly and defiantly slamming the door.

Cruelty is already a character trait that manifests itself in a consciously rude attitude and treatment of other people or animals. Often accompanied by pain and damage (not only physical, but also mental). At the same time, the child feels satisfaction from the fact that he made someone suffer.


Firstly, there are a number of alarm bells that may signal a child's tendency towards cruelty. If parents notice them in a timely manner and take appropriate measures, it will not become a stable character trait. Which indicates an emerging problem:

  • loves not only to command and lead, but also to manipulate and intrigue;
  • jokes are full of bile and hatred, evil ridicules everyone;
  • calls people names, labels people;
  • divides the world into white and black, people into friends and foes;
  • clearly outlines his social circle, not allowing any particular category of people close to him;
  • constantly condemns someone, is dissatisfied with the actions of others, sees only the bad in others;
  • rarely shows sympathy;
  • treats even the cutest animals with indifference;
  • stubbornness, self-will, inflexibility, uncompromisingness are the main character traits.

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Secondly, child cruelty itself can have different forms of manifestation. There are verbal (calling names, verbal bullying, swearing) and physical (fighting, pushing, biting). Can be aimed at different objects.

In relation to other children

Most often, child cruelty manifests itself at school and is called bullying. Most bully those who are younger and weaker. Thanks to them, they assert themselves in society, but at the same time they themselves have low self-esteem. Those who were raised in a family as the only spoiled and beloved child, to whom everything is allowed, are ruthless even towards their peers.

What causes cruelty

In relation to animals

Often observed in preschoolers and primary school students. If a child is physically punished at home, he cannot respond and takes his anger out on defenseless animals. Teenagers often engage in group bullying of cats or dogs due to crowd influence or to post a shocking video on their social media page to get as many likes as possible. They think it’s “cool” that this way they gain authority in the eyes of others.

In relation to adults

Recently, cases have become more frequent when children demonstrate undisguised cruelty towards their parents. There can be many factors. If a father constantly beat and humiliated his mother, a mature teenager, having accumulated negativity within himself, is capable of beating and mutilating him in revenge. If the parents did not pay attention to the child, held drinking parties at home, mocked him, in the end he will begin to do the same and even worse to them.

It is not only parents who find themselves targets of child cruelty. Homeless people, alcoholics, disabled people, old people, and infirm people often become targets of bullying by teenagers. So they take out their anger on the world of adults, because of whom they had to endure injustice.

Typical manifestations of cruelty:

  • receiving almost physical pleasure from someone else's pain and suffering;
  • unmotivated aggression, conflict, uncompromisingness;
  • preference is given to games and films with violence and murder;
  • hatred towards most surrounding people and animals;
  • manipulation of loved ones;
  • lack of pity and sympathy;
  • they cannot stop in a fight;
  • involuntary grimaces of anger and hatred;
  • lack of self-control.

Usually, child cruelty is visible to the naked eye. Parents and teachers just need to be more attentive to their children’s behavior and not hide cases of its manifestation.

I care what world I live in

  1. We all think that our life is bad. It's a pity that no one wants to start with themselves.
  2. In a world of cruel men and women, I somehow don’t want to look for a soul mate.
  3. Yes, of course, you have the right to do so. But know that your action tied my hands and forever killed my faith in the future.
  4. Don't let other people's cruelty break your wings. You will be offended, you will suffer yourself!
  5. The world is cruel, if only because everything in it has its end.
  6. Finding a place is not that difficult. But being on it is a completely different matter.
  7. During the day I have the courage to pretend that everything is fine. But at night you can’t pretend like that.
  8. Life is not sugar at all. Especially if you constantly meet “bitter” people.
  9. Live and fight. The main thing is that the stripe that seemed black does not turn out to be white...
  10. The very fact that a person like you was in my life is already cruelty!
  11. You can leave, quit, break up, but the most difficult thing is the memories.
  12. Just because you can afford to be cruel does not mean you are brave. Maybe you're a coward...
  13. No, I'm not cruel at all. But as for my ex, then you can think about it :D.
  14. Loving a “bad boy” is so beautiful. But then no one wants to live with a rude man!
  15. Remember, girl, you should never be cruel: to your parents, to animals and to your own destiny.
  16. I want to believe in justice, but I can’t find it anywhere. But I see cruelty everywhere.
  17. I don’t know about anyone, but I dissolve in a person when I fall in love. And I let him be cruel :(.
  18. I don't want you to smile. I don't want you to want my smile. I just don't want to know you.
  19. There is no need to understand, everything is already clear. You like to be cruel, and I can tolerate it.
  20. You only needed my body, but I opened my soul to you. You turned out to be too cruel to appreciate her...
  21. I cannot live in a world where animals are killed so calmly. Let's stop the cruelty.
  22. Did you do something cruel? Apologize. Nothing will happen to you, and the person will not feel injustice so keenly.
  23. You can't feel safe with abusive people. Even if they swear they are protecting you...
  24. Girls, find the strength in yourself, quit, leave. Leave the place where they are cruel to you.
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