Report on the topic “Means of psychological influence”

Types of psychological influence

Type of influenceDefinition
1. PersuasionConscious reasoned influence on another person or group of people, aimed at changing their judgment, attitude, intention or decision
2. Self-promotionDeclaring your goals and presenting evidence of your competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, when appointed to a position, etc.
3. SuggestionConscious unreasoned influence on a person or group of people, aimed at changing their state, attitude towards something and predisposition to certain actions
4. InfectionThe transfer of one’s state or attitude to another person or group of people who in some way (not yet explained) adopt this state or attitude. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and voluntarily, and acquired - also involuntarily or voluntarily
5. Awakening the impulse to imitateThe ability to evoke the desire to be like oneself. This ability can either manifest itself involuntarily or be used voluntarily. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can also be either voluntary or involuntary
6. Building FavorAttracting the involuntary attention of the addressee by the initiator demonstrating his own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or providing him with a service
7. RequestAppeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the influence
8. CoercionThe threat of the initiator using his control capabilities in order to achieve the required behavior from the addressee. Controlling capabilities are the powers to deprive the recipient of any benefits or to change the conditions of his life and work. The most severe forms of coercion may involve threats of physical harm. Subjectively, coercion is experienced as pressure: by the initiator - as his own pressure, by the addressee - as pressure on him from the initiator or “circumstances”
9. Destructive criticismExpressing disparaging or offensive judgments about a person’s personality and/or rude aggressive condemnation, slander or ridicule of his deeds and actions. The destructiveness of such criticism is that it does not allow a person to “save face”, diverts his energy to fight the negative emotions that have arisen, and takes away his faith in himself
10. ManipulationHidden encouragement of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and/or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals

The above classification meets not so much the requirements of logical correspondence as the phenomenology of the experience of influence on both sides.
The experience of destructive criticism is qualitatively different from the experience that arises in the process of persuasion. Anyone can easily remember this difference in quality. The subject of destructive criticism is the recipient of the influence, the subject of persuasion is something more abstract, removed from him, and therefore not so painfully perceived. Even if a person is convinced that he has made a mistake, the subject of discussion is that mistake, not the person who made it. The difference between persuasion and destructive criticism is thus at issue. On the other hand, in form, destructive criticism is often indistinguishable from the formulas of suggestion: “You are an irresponsible person. Everything you touch turns to nothing.” However, the initiator of the influence has as its conscious goal “improving” the behavior of the recipient of the influence (and the unconscious goal is liberation from frustration and anger, a manifestation of force or revenge). He does not at all have in mind the consolidation and strengthening of those models of behavior that are described by the formulas he uses. It is characteristic that the consolidation of negative behavior patterns is one of the most destructive and paradoxical effects of destructive criticism. It is also known that in the formulas of suggestion and auto-training, positive formulations are persistently preferred over the negation of negative ones (for example, the formula “I am calm” is preferable to the formula “I am not worried”).

Psychology of influence. Psychological impact

Library » Psychology of influence

Hypnosis and hypnotic influence. Hypnotization technique (A. Panasyuk) Impact also has two meanings: impact for the purpose of inducing hypnosis and influence on a person already in hypnosis »»» Psychotechnologies of hypnotic manipulation of human consciousness (S. Zelinsky) Hypnotic influence on a person and the masses »»» Ericksonian hypnosis (M. King, W. Cohen, Ch. Tsitrenbaum) Practice of psychology of influence and induction of hypnotic trance »»» Hypnosis: treatment of allergies and phobias (G. Ivanov) Doctors have long noticed that it is enough to turn the reception of patients into a complex ritual, like the word immediately acquires magical power. »»» Psychology of deception, manipulation, coding (R. Garifullin) Monograph dedicated to the psychology of influence, techniques and analysis of manipulation and illusions in various spheres of human activity »»» Psychology of manipulation: the foundations of psychotherapy (R. Garifullin) We live in a world of illusions and manipulation. It is this world that perhaps distinguishes us from animals. »»» Modern psychotechnologies of manipulation (S. Zelinsky) Psychological influence occurs everywhere and always. Relationships in society are impossible without manipulation... »»» The world of smells and behavior management It is generally accepted that the sense of smell in the life of a modern person plays a much smaller role than, for example, vision or hearing. »»» Psychologists in the service of intelligence services (N. Taratorin) Practices of interaction between intelligence services and psychologists are especially characteristic of the United States.»»» “Brainwashing” as a technology of influence (G. Pocheptsov) “Brainwashing” as a technology is intended to work in closed systems: including totalitarian sects. »»» “Pioneers” of the transformation of consciousness: from brainwashing and totalitarian sects to the present day (G. Pocheptsov) History of the term “brainwashing” and analysis of the mechanisms of transformation of consciousness. »»» CIA brainwashing experiments The history of secret programs of the US intelligence services in the field of psychological influence on the human brain and psyche. »»» Technologies of the “25th frame”: truth and fiction (V. Sorochenko) History of experiments to develop methods of psychological influence on the subconscious... »»» Love as a psychological weapon (E. Sushko) The intelligence services of all countries continue to mercilessly exploit the most powerful psychological weapons - both the natural physiological human need for sex and the great feeling - Love... »»» Dopamine, neurobiology and neuromarketing: why we mistake desire for happiness (K. McGonigal) How neuromarketing uses the discoveries of neurobiology to manipulate us and fabricate desires, and what can be done to counteract this. »»» Neuromarketing in the service of political technologies Observing the brain, the state of the pupils and the pulse of voters is more effective than listening to their words. »»» What is “behavior modification” (I. Nepomnyashchiy) Fundamentals of behaviorism and the psychology of influence. We are all rats locked in a box, and we are all looking for a piece of cheese. Psychological impact on our reflexes... »»» “Behavior modification” in action (I. Nepomnyashchiy) In the early 1970s, an epidemic of “behavior modification” swept the United States. Her methods were widely used in prisons, schools, and hospitals for the mentally ill. The specter of psycho-fascism clearly looms over America. Today in the United States they do not like to remember this. But then the means of psychological influence... »»» Psychology of persuasion: false arguments (D. Halpern) During business and interpersonal communication, as well as in political and commercial advertising, it is possible to use false arguments - deliberately unconvincing reasoning for the purpose of psychological influence on someone. »»» Compliance without pressure. Psychological technique “foot in the door”. (D. Friedman, S. Fraser) How can you influence a person to do something that he otherwise would not do? Description of classical experiments."""

How false healers, psychics, magicians and fortune tellers deceive the population (O. Vzdorik) They hook clients on the needle of meetings and work for a long time and very deeply. They create the illusion of well-being and subjective comfort. »»»

Pushing towards correct behavior: British experience (G. Pocheptsov) Very often you can turn a person’s behavior in the right direction by making his choice automatic. »»» Different types of unconventional propaganda (G. Pocheptsov) If in the past they tried to solve the problem of controlling other people’s minds with medication, today the communicative approach dominates. »»» Toolkit of influence: past approaches and new perspectives (G. Pocheptsov) Influence is the basic parameter with the help of which all human behavior is set. »»» How agents are recruited and hostages are released: rules of communication in action (G. Pocheptsov) Influence is the basic parameter by which all human behavior is determined. »»» Information manipulation (V. Britkov, S. Dubovsky) Interactive telephone surveys of Russian viewers and listeners show that the necessary ideas can be instilled in a fairly high percentage of participants. Figures are quoted from 50 to 75%. »»» Propaganda and manipulation as tools of spiritual enslavement (V. Bessonov) Psychological tools for building trust are needed everywhere: from intelligence to business. It is also the cornerstone for communications with mass audiences. »»» Manipulators of consciousness (G. Schiller) Fragment of the book. Radio, cinema, spectator sports as modern psychotechnologies. A large number of shows have weakened and continue to weaken people's ability to resist. »»» Technologies of information influence and social vaccination (M. Barbashin) Information methods of influence are not an omnipotent means, however... »»» Heliopsychology. The solar factor in our life The sun and the psychology of influence? Did you know that the solar cycle influences factors such as divorce rates, serial murder rates, and the effectiveness of political propaganda? What is heliopsychology? »»» Sunspots and psychoses (A. Chizhevsky) In certain eras, when the activity of the Sun increases, we note a simultaneous rise in the neuropsychic excitability of large human masses. »»» El Niño contributes to the emergence of civil wars (Psi-news) The impact of climate change on social conflicts. »»» Suggestion and its role in public life (V. Bekhterev) Excerpts from the book. The essence of suggestion as a psychological influence and mental phenomenon, the emergence of mental epidemics and the role of suggestion in their origin are revealed. »»»

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Impact on a person's hidden passions

The basic hidden desires of a person are not difficult to determine; at all times people have similar needs. Everyone wants love, power, wealth, sexual satisfaction, with the only difference being the options and strength of these passions.

It is at such vulnerable points as base desires that manipulators hit. Advertising companies are also trying to use these needs for influence. The organizers of election events act in the same way.

In such cases, people are given hope, promising that all they have to do is do as they are told and then all their dreams will come true. This method of manipulation can be made even more effective. In this case, the person is not told directly, but hinted at, thereby allowing him to independently reach the desired opinion and he will think that he figured it out himself.

For influences of this kind, an image is often used, which, when associated with any needs, gives the desired result. And a person tormented by loneliness, passionately dreaming of a happy family life, will most likely react in the right direction to an advertised family video.

Often a person’s desire to be first in everything and to go through life as a winner is kindled. To study the ways it affects people, various scientific studies are carried out, for example, they study how color affects a person’s condition and mood. A color like orange evokes something joyful and cheerful.

Therefore, advertising producers will definitely take advantage of this to their advantage in order to attract people who need positive emotions.

How to deal with this?

If you wish, you can successfully overcome influences of this kind. You just need to track the origin of your needs and transfer them from the subconscious level of perception to the conscious level.

At the conscious level of perception, you can already, through logical reflection, make a correct, informed decision and refuse those actions that the insidious manipulator is pushing you to take.

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