Gypsy question: how to make a nomadic tribe work. Column by Evgeny Ben

Unlike medical suggestion, which is carried out for therapeutic purposes, gypsy hypnosis is a highly effective technique for lightning-fast processing of a person’s consciousness. It is so powerful and masterfully developed that even people experienced in life’s issues often succumb to it.

The peculiarity of gypsy hypnosis is that, as a result of targeted psychological pressure, the person - the object of suggestion - does not go into the stage of classical hypnotic sleep, but remains in a state of wakefulness, but his consciousness is inhibited.

He is able to talk and walk, but cannot adequately analyze the information he hears. The victim of hypnosis at this moment cannot think logically, therefore he perceives everything said as the truth beyond doubt.

The purpose of such manipulations is usually dishonest. Often this method of influence is used to take possession of the victim’s property or force him to perform the desired actions. Historically, it is the gypsies who have extensive experience in the practice of hypnosis of this kind. They have been improving it for centuries, passing on the stock of knowledge from generation to generation. That is why it is called gypsy hypnosis, although anyone is capable of such manipulations. He is well known in criminal circles among scammers.

Unlike classical hypnosis, the secret of gypsy hypnosis lies in simple knowledge of human psychology and the ability to accurately influence it in one’s own interests. At its core, it is a game on human emotions, instincts, weaknesses, addictions and fears. Gypsies are excellent judges of human nature and natural actors, so achieving the desired result is not at all difficult for them. By tradition, this type of hypnosis is used only by women, unerringly finding among the mass of people the most suggestible individuals.

What is the technique of gypsy hypnosis, and what it clearly represents, will be interesting to know for many. This will help you recognize scammers in advance and not fall for their hook. No less useful will be some tips on how to avoid the effects of hypnosis, so as not to be deceived or robbed.

Gypsy hypnosis: how it happens

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for influencing the psyche in the hands of a specialist. With its help, he can put a person into a special state of trance, when it is possible to work with the subconscious. There are many options for how to do this. In the classical technique of hypnosis, the effect occurs slowly, and all suggestions are aimed only at the benefit of the patient.

Speed ​​is the hallmark of hypnosis scammers. The success of the process is based on certain sequential actions with the help of which fraudsters achieve their goals. Moreover, the result of such hypnosis is predictable. This is deprivation, loss, disappointed hopes. Gypsy hypnosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dynamic and flexible program of action;
  • use of voice capabilities (timbre, volume and speed of pronunciation of words);
  • frequent use of addresses and non-standard speech;
  • mirroring the victim’s actions and theatrical gestures aimed at attracting attention and enhancing the effect of hypnosis;
  • excessive persistence and obsessiveness of actions.

The gypsy hypnosis technique allows scammers to influence the “client’s” subconscious, fettering a person’s ability to think sensibly and resist suggestion. Now he becomes an easy prey, especially since he himself is interested in following all instructions. There are two more distinctive features of gypsy hypnosis - mandatory physical contact (by the hand) and a gaze into the eyes. This only enhances the effect of the impact. In addition, this hypnosis technique actively uses the opportunities provided by local superstitions. This is also pure psychology. Installations that have long been ingrained in the subconscious work flawlessly.

Houses are burning in the EU

According to statistics, Roma account for three percent of all crimes in Russia. Not much, it would seem. One “but” - they themselves make up about one and a half percent of the total population. However, on the federal channels that covered the fight in Chemodanovka, the presenters diligently tried to avoid the word “gypsy.” But this is not a solution.

What explained the incredible popularity of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi? Among other things, tough measures against gypsy antisocial elements. He gave city prefects the power to expel them from the country, even if they are EU citizens. Who will tolerate it when children start being stolen straight from their strollers in a store, as happened in Turin?

Budulai, performed by Mihai Volontir, became the favorite gypsy of the USSR

And residents of Marseille set fire to about 40 houses in the temporary village of Romal. And no one arrested them for this - fortunately, there were no casualties. In tolerant Portugal, residents of the town of Beja erected a brick wall to isolate themselves from their troubled neighbors. In the Czech Republic, the police barely saved dark-skinned criminals from lynching in the village of Litvinovo - they got it! We don’t want fires to blaze in Russia, do we?

The feeling of impunity among the criminals in Chemodanovka arose thanks to the corrupt local authorities. Case in point: many gypsies came here from other places. However, unlike the Russians, who have been unable to obtain land rights for years, their problems with documents were resolved instantly.

Political will is needed to destroy criminal ethnic communities. And for starters, at least force them to pay taxes like all other Russians.

By the way

  • The Roma have a national anthem and a flag, although they have never had their own state.
  • The lower part of an adult woman's body is considered "bad". Along with clothing below the waist, shoes and even the ground underneath. Therefore, women are forbidden to rise above the first floor of the house.
  • Gypsies live on all continents except Antarctica. In Europe alone, their number, according to various sources, ranges from 8 to 12 million people.
  • Eastern and Western gypsies practically do not communicate with each other.
  • Gypsies do not encourage intimate relationships before marriage. It is even customary after the first wedding night to show guests a bloody sheet as proof of the wife’s virginity.

Gypsy hypnosis: technique

More detailed information about such hypnosis can be obtained if we consider it in detail. The technique of gypsy hypnosis itself is not complicated, which is why it is effective. First, scammers choose a victim. They carefully examine the potential candidate, assessing his psychological state by clothing, posture and behavior. They are also interested in the social status and financial situation of a person. The category of victims includes people who are vulnerable, impressionable and unable to think soberly as a result of stress, conflict or a negative event in life.

To carry out suggestion, the location of the events is also important. Fraudsters often choose crowded areas: squares, train stations, parks, markets, supermarkets, hospitals and public institutions. This creates ideal conditions for rapid hypnosis. Extraneous noises make it difficult to concentrate, resist and throw off the obsession. Especially talented scammers don’t need this. They can make personal visits to where the object of their interest lives.

Then comes the moment of personal contact. Here the hypnosis technique can be individual. On the street, this is any phrase that attracts attention. What follows is a barrage of verbal information, a search for clues and an emphasis on the most painful areas. At the same time, the actions of scammers are benevolent, but intrusive. They do not ask permission, but act. Their speech in a state of hypnosis is perceived as logical, although it is not so in essence. The change of concepts and attitudes is based on knowledge of psychology, therefore it is very difficult for a person to evaluate. To confirm the action, all sorts of tricks and factors of experience and fear are used:

  • the likelihood of serious illness for yourself or your relatives;
  • various options for damage in all its manifestations;
  • prophecies of imminent death;
  • predictions of loss of money or material assets;
  • mentions of possible difficulties and hardships, etc.

A person of sound mind and in adequate condition is able to understand that these are just templates. This can be said to anyone. But under the influence of gypsy hypnosis, critical thinking does not work. All attitudes are perceived as truthful. A person is susceptible to outside influence and is ready to do whatever they want from him.

Therefore, the next stage is convincing the victim that there is a way out of the situation. But it costs money, jewelry, property, etc. At this moment, the payment seems modest and insignificant to the person, compared to the prospect of getting rid of misfortunes and problems. He parts with everything voluntarily, which is the main goal of the scammers.

The final chord of gypsy hypnosis is the disappearance of the scammers from the scene before the victim comes to his senses. To do this, the person is asked to perform certain actions supposedly necessary for the programming to take effect. This could be an offer to go to a certain place, call a friend, etc. A person who has come to his senses after hypnosis almost does not remember what happened, but understands that he was robbed. But he cannot change what happened, because the main characters of the play have already disappeared without a trace. It is also interesting that the technique of gypsy hypnosis may differ, but the goal may not.

Gild the handle

- Yakhont, precious, gild the handle! — An elderly gypsy woman moved closer to me. Just five minutes ago I got off the train in St. Petersburg and, in order to quickly get rid of it, I casually slipped a 10-ruble coin to the beggar. But then strange things began... Taking me by the hand, the gypsy began to mutter something like: “Golden-silver, handsome-daring, kind-sweet, take this money, wrap it in a handkerchief, tie it in three knots, go to the yard, bury him in a hole...” And suddenly I felt with amazement that I was plunging into some kind of trance. The stupid tongue twister crowded out all thoughts, and for a while I forgot where I was and what I was doing here. Realizing this, I resolutely pushed my aunt aside and quickly walked away. This is how I had the opportunity to experience the power of the famous gypsy hypnosis. It turns out that everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail - the scammer takes the victim by the right hand, partially neutralizing the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for rational thinking. Many people, as a result of such techniques, give all their savings to criminals! This, alas, is just one of the criminal areas of activity in which the gypsies find themselves.

In Ukraine, nationalists destroyed a gypsy camp in Goloseevsky Park near Kiev. Photo:

For example, the village of Lopatki, neighboring Chemodanovka, where the vast majority of citizens of Roma origin live, was considered the center of the drug trade in the Penza region just a few years ago. According to specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Roma have created the most secretive and extensive distribution networks.

And there’s nothing to say about theft. There is even a legend invented for this. When Christ was crucified, one of the gypsies stole a nail with which they wanted to nail the Son of God. And he allegedly said: “You are allowed, you steal!”

How to protect against the gypsy hypnosis?

Despite the fact that all people are susceptible to hypnosis to one degree or another, this form of it can and should be fought. To avoid falling into the hands of criminals, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • He is wary of suspicious individuals who offer to tell fortunes, predict fate, or disperse sadness. All these tricks are nothing more than prerequisites for gypsy hypnosis and subsequent deception of money.
  • Avoid visual and tactile contact with strangers, especially those who show an increased unhealthy interest in communication. You can quickly pass by, dial a number on the phone and even allow yourself a little rudeness in order to interrupt the unwanted influence. Fraudsters are not touchy people; they will not answer.
  • Be proactive. In order not to fall under the influence of hypnosis, if contact has already occurred, you should choose one of the methods of protection: often interrupt the interlocutor, ask many diverse questions, behave deliberately emotionally. This can confuse the harasser and his interest will cool down.
  • Don't stand still. A prerequisite for hypnosis is a calm, submissive state of the victim. To avoid being in a trance, it is recommended to move, gesticulate, and step from foot to foot.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of life. To do this, you need to remember some important and joyful event, which will eliminate the opportunity for scammers to begin the hypnosis procedure. This could be the birth of a child, a declaration of love, or achieving a goal.

And the main thing is worth remembering. Everyone has problems and fears, but it is impossible to solve them by paying a reward. There are many other viable options for this. If we talk about hypnosis, then there are proven methods used in medicine that can heal the soul, but will not harm. But gypsy hypnosis can only cure recklessness and greed.

Characteristics of a hypnotizable individual

There are very few people who cannot be hypnotized. It's all about the right choice of tactics to influence one or another psychotype. But when it comes to gypsy hypnosis, scammers try to choose an easy victim so that the influence definitely has the desired effect. It is quite simple to recognize in a crowd a person who would easily succumb to hypnosis at the moment and give up his last resources. For a skilled fraudster this will not be difficult.

Emotionally stressed people are more susceptible to influence. Girls looking for love and romance and ready to agree to fortune telling just to find out how soon they will get married. Elderly people, missing care and empathy, enter into conversation with scammers as soon as they start talking about how good life used to be and how little attention their grandchildren now pay to them. People with financial difficulties and health problems cling to any opportunity to improve the current state of affairs.

People burdened with a series of failures are betrayed by their appearance. Hunched shoulders, dull eyes, sad expression on his face. Gray and boring clothes, without bright accents, characterize an individual who does not want to attract attention and dresses without mood. Such people give the impression of being weak and tired. They are distinguished by a slow gait and inhibited movements. Sometimes they choose people who are fussy, constantly adjusting their clothes and hair, and who are under severe nervous tension.

Mental problems leave a noticeable imprint on a person’s behavior. Gypsies, being excellent psychologists, notice all the details and then act according to a masterfully adjusted scheme.

Who isn't afraid of gypsies?

If you think that happy, confident, successful and sober-minded people will never become victims of a gypsy, you are mistaken. According to scientists, the ability to be suggestible does not depend at all on personality traits, but on how a person’s brain centers are structured.

At the same time, psychiatrists are inclined to believe that hypnosis is a more or less voluntary “cooperation” of people, which means that if a person is extremely skeptical and actively resists the hypnotist, it will most likely not be possible to subjugate him.

In addition , neither a gypsy nor a professional hypnotist will be able to influence a person suffering from an acute mental disorder, mental retardation, or someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Moreover, these people will not find themselves under hypnosis even with a strong desire - their psyche simply will not be able to process the verbal and non-verbal means that are used.

In total, according to scientists, about 25% of the planet’s inhabitants cannot be hypnotized—everyone else is at risk. Source

How do gypsies get married?

Matchmaking sometimes happens very early: the bride and groom may be infants, the choice is made based on the family's wealth. A girl can go to live with the groom’s family when she reaches 10 years old, and the wedding takes place when the bride turns 13-15 years old. If there is no prior agreement, the father chooses the groom for the bride. The beauty and thriftiness of the girl herself plays a role. Refusal to marry is regarded as disobedience and great shame. This happens rarely: marriage gives a girl a higher social status. Gypsies are usually not registered at the registry office, but Orthodox Gypsies are sure to get married.

In some communities, a fairly large ransom is paid for the bride, as gratitude for the worker. The negative side of this custom is that the young wife is forced to work exorbitantly in order to quickly recoup the investment. Nowadays it is customary to give part of the ransom amount to the newlyweds.

Girls are sometimes kidnapped, and if they fail, the punishment is very severe.

Modern matchmaking begins with sending a “promotional” video of the bride to the parents of potential grooms. If the parents agree, the wedding can take place the very next day. And the process of the first fulfillment of marital duty can take place in the presence of the two oldest representatives of the clan. If the girl's innocence is not confirmed, the wedding is cancelled!

The concept of defilement among gypsies

A woman of sexual maturity from the waist down is considered “unclean”, with the exception of marital contacts. This custom dates back to ancient Indian traditions, but among the gypsies it has been elevated to the rank of law to such an extent that everything that is on a woman below the belt is considered “dirty”: for example, shoes. Therefore, Gypsy men are careful not to offend women: they can respond by “defiling” them by hitting them with their skirts.

“Filth” is capable of penetrating through ceilings: if a man is on the floor below a woman, he will be “defiled” and in turn become a source of “filth.”

As a protection against “filth,” gypsies wear aprons - it is believed that in this way she protects food and utensils.

The concept of “filth” has passed into the criminal world. Therefore, the thieves in law have some prohibitions in the gypsy community: for example, kissing a woman on the lips (or in intimate places).

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