Unique techniques for cleansing brain vessels and preventing complications

Why is cleaning necessary?

Many vital processes in the body depend on brain activity. For its normal operation, a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients is necessary. Brain activity affects stress resistance, thought processes, and attention. The influx of necessary substances occurs with the blood flow, which moves through the vessels.

Why is it necessary to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain?

However, if they are clogged with deposits, then the flow of nutrition to all parts of the brain slows down significantly. At the same time, a person’s performance decreases and there is a risk of developing concomitant diseases. To remove deposits, it is necessary to periodically clean the blood vessels of the brain.

The procedure is carried out:

  • for problems with memory, concentration;
  • for dizziness;
  • if there are visual and hearing impairments;
  • with systematic fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance.

Restoration of blood flow is achieved after several medical procedures or a course of treatment with folk remedies.

When is it better not to self-medicate?

If you have chronic pathologies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, blood vessels and heart, as well as if you are allergic to certain substances, you should begin self-medication with great caution. It is best to consult with a specialist; he will help you decide on the cleaning method and tell you what symptoms you should pay attention to during treatment.

You should also not engage in such procedures if you are carrying or breastfeeding a child. This can have a detrimental effect on the baby.

Where do plaques come from and how to deal with them?

A sedentary lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, and bad habits lead to the fact that with age, cholesterol contained in food accumulates on the walls of blood vessels. Smoking and alcohol abuse are especially harmful to the normal condition of blood vessels. These are the main enemies of blood vessels. Without giving up these habits, there is no point in cleaning blood vessels.

Plaques narrow the gaps between the walls and impede blood flow . The supply of oxygen and nutrition to the body tissues is disrupted. This negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, especially the functioning of the brain. Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain and the entire body will protect you from dangerous diseases and prolong your work activity.

To remove accumulations, the vessels are cleaned. The number of procedures depends on the state of health, but the minimum number is 1 time per year. The manipulation is therapeutic and prophylactic; it removes existing deposits and prevents the appearance of new ones.

As a result, the lumen between the walls of the vessels expands. They become elastic, this leads to improved blood flow, and with it the supply of oxygen and necessary nutrition to the brain. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke is reduced.

Cleansing guarantees:

  • elimination of tinnitus;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improving brain function (eliminating memory problems, increasing performance);
  • stopping headache attacks;
  • reduced weather dependence;
  • no dizziness.

Methods of cleansing

You should not start the procedure without consulting a doctor. The cleansing technique is chosen depending on the general health of the person and the accumulation of cholesterol. There are 3 ways to eliminate plaques: medication, folk, based on nutritional correction.

The optimal result is achieved by combining all types of vessel cleaning. It is possible to clean the blood vessels of the brain at home, or undergo therapy in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Medication method

Purification using medicinal methods is usually carried out in a hospital setting. There are 3 possible methods of cleansing: extracorporeal hemocorrection, taking medications, herbal medicine .


The most effective method of cleansing the blood vessels of the brain is to filter the blood. This method is called extracorporeal hemocorrection. The bottom line is that a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient. It is divided into 2 fractions - blood cells and plasma.

The plasma is cleared of cholesterol, and the blood cells are reintroduced to the person. Purified plasma is infused into blood vessels. The procedure is repeated several times until the cholesterol level returns to normal. The method allows you to quickly and effectively cleanse blood vessels and restore normal blood circulation .

Taking medications

Before cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with medications, you should undergo a full examination. The doctor prescribes products containing cholesterol-resolving components, vitamins C and B2.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe:

  • preparations containing nicotinic acid;
  • agents regulating fat metabolism;
  • medications intended to remove bile acid.

Medicines should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of the course is selected individually and depends on many factors. During this period, it is good to take vitamins - E, A, and preparations containing minerals - zinc and calcium.

Medicines help restore normal blood flow due to the fact that after the elimination of plaques, the clearance between the walls of blood vessels increases. Blood begins to flow more intensely, oxygen and nutrients are delivered in greater volumes.


Herbal treatment has been known for a long time. Berries - raspberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, hawthorn are widely used in herbal medicine. Decoctions have a good effect on restoring blood flow and have no side effects.

Traditional methods

Before cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor. Using the experience of traditional medicine is accessible, painless and gives good results. This method has no side effects. However, cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies will require more time than drug treatment.

The use of simple and accessible means should be agreed with your doctor. Homemade medicines should be prepared according to the recipe.

Bay leaf

To prepare the decoction, take 7 g of leaves and add 2 glasses of water and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting composition is poured into a thermos and left for several hours. Then filter and drink after meals. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Lemon with garlic

The large amount of ascorbic acid in lemon has been known for a long time. Thanks to it, the fruit effectively reduces the amount of cholesterol and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic. Garlic contains antioxidants that prevent the formation of new plaques.

The combination of these products leads to a double result: existing layers are removed and a barrier is created for the appearance of new ones.

The most popular recipes using garlic and lemon:

  • pour a glass of chopped garlic with juice squeezed from 1 kg of lemons . Stir the resulting composition and keep in a dark place for 3 days. One serving is made from 20 g of the mixture diluted with water. Take 1 time per day before meals. The course of treatment lasts until the prepared composition is completed;
  • 200 g of garlic, 3 lemons and 1 onion through a meat grinder/grind in a blender. Add honey to the resulting mixture. Take 20 g before meals 3 times a day.

Vegetable and fruit juices

To clean the vessels, it is recommended to drink a mixture of potato, beet and carrot juices. To prepare the composition, take juices in quantities of 300 ml of potato and carrot, 500 ml of beetroot. The mixture is taken 3 times a day before meals.

Of the fruit juices, pomegranate juice is the most effective in cleaning blood vessels. In order to cleanse blood vessels from plaques, and also as a preventive measure, drink pomegranate juice every day.

Potato peel

To prepare the medicinal composition, take clean peels from 5 root vegetables, add 2 glasses of water and boil for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction is taken 100 g before meals.


They can be eaten either on their own or combined with honey and ginger. The mixture is taken before meals.

Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies can combine several recipes. This will speed up the cleaning process.

Nicotinic acid preparations

Some patients resort to medication. The most commonly used preparations are nicotinic acid. You need to take such drugs only in a certain dosage (usually 2-6 g of the active ingredient). Nicotinic acid allows you to quickly cleanse blood vessels, reduce triglyceride levels in the bloodstream within a couple of hours after the first use, and cholesterol levels within a few days.

The most popular drugs:

  • Nikolar . Price per package 280-450 rubles;
  • Niaspan . Analogue of the previous drug. The cost of packaging is 550-650 rubles;
  • Acipimox . Price per package is 380-520 rubles.

The active component of all these drugs is vitamin B3 (PP). Otherwise it is called niacin. After several uses, side effects may occur in the form of headache, burning and itching of the skin, as well as hyperemia.

You should not take any of the listed medications if your liver function is impaired, since vitamin B3 can cause the development of fatty hepatosis.

Nutrition correction

By changing your diet, you can significantly reduce the number of plaques and also prevent the appearance of new ones. To prevent the formation of deposits, you should exclude from the menu foods that contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol: butter, smoked and fried foods, canned food, pastries and cakes.

When creating a low-cholesterol diet, you should take into account that you cannot completely eliminate foods containing this substance. Since cholesterol is involved in important processes in the body, completely avoiding it can have negative consequences.

It is important to maintain the right balance - to maintain the required amount, avoiding excess and deficiency. To do this, the diet should include: lemons, nuts, beets, legumes, lean meats and fish.

Steamed foods should be consumed instead of fried foods. Butter should be replaced with vegetable oil. It is good to eat foods high in fiber - cabbage, apples, cereals, greens.

Green tea has long been known to help fight cholesterol. In order for blood vessels to be effectively cleansed, you should drink green tea and exclude black tea.

Neumyvakin method

One of the most popular and effective methods of cleaning blood vessels is the system of Professor Neumyvakin. He suggests using regular baking soda, which helps:

  • thin the blood flow, which prevents the formation of clots in blood clots;
  • eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins;
  • cleanse the walls of the veins (by changing the alkaline balance in the bloodstream).

Soda should be consumed according to a certain scheme in combination with plain water or milk.

Treatment regimen:

  • stir a quarter teaspoon of soda in a glass of the selected liquid (water or milk);
  • drink the resulting drink half an hour before breakfast;
  • similarly, drink the drug before dinner;
  • repeat the procedures for 3 days;
  • take a three-day break and resume treatment.

In total you should have five of these mini-courses.

At the last stage of treatment, you need to increase the amount of soda each time (the maximum should be one teaspoon).

You can use a solution of soda in combination with lemon. In this case, for one glass of liquid there will be the juice of half a lemon and 1 teaspoon of soda. You need to drink the mixture immediately after you prepare it. The duration of this course is two full weeks, then a break is taken for 14 days.


  • hypotension;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions of various etiologies.

What else should you know before cleaning blood vessels?

In order for the procedure to be successful and the maximum therapeutic effect to be achieved, before cleaning you should:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • move more, do moderate exercise;
  • consume as many foods as possible without heat treatment:
  • observe the regularity of the procedure.

Healthy people should clean their blood vessels once a year; if necessary, this should be done once every 3 months. It is best to discuss the method and frequency of the procedure with your doctor. If the manipulation was successful the first few times, then in the future you can clean the brain vessels yourself using folk remedies. A healthy lifestyle and constant monitoring of your health are good measures to prevent the appearance of plaques. To prevent the accumulation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels, you should review your lifestyle and daily diet.

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