NLP is simple. Techniques for covert management of people, page 1


Has this ever happened to you:

  1. During communication, “suddenly” you start to feel bad and your mood deteriorates?
  2. Are there any dark and negative thoughts that appear in your head that are difficult to get rid of?
  3. Are you constantly struggling with internal conflicts within yourself?
  4. From year to year, your desires and dreams “for some reason” are not achieved
  5. It begins to seem that the world is hostile and only you have problems

The list goes on and on.

All this happens to each of us. Sometimes other people do this to us. Sometimes deliberately. Sometimes we engage in this kind of self-sabotage on our own.

NLP techniques for manipulating people

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. It is interesting that each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises if you combine several techniques at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but for the purpose of possibly countering many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP in action - hidden management of human psychology and people in general

First of all, it is important to note that today there are many ways to covertly control consciousness. So, some of them can only be learned by those who have been familiar with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for a long time, but there are also techniques that each of us has used at least once in our lives, sometimes without even realizing it. /p>

It would not be superfluous to consider in more detail some of the most effective NLP techniques for manipulating the consciousness of both men and women:

  1. Deliberate questioning
    . Has it ever happened to you that you are talking to a person and he, supposedly, in order to better assimilate the information coming from you, asks again several times, first repeating your words sentences, and then, adding to what you said, completely different meaning? In other words, he is trying to do everything possible so that what you say has some benefit for you. What needs to be done in this case to avoid becoming a victim of a manipulator? It's simple: listen to what they tell you. Did you see a catch somewhere? Don’t be afraid to ask again and clarify. Get ready for your interlocutor to quickly move on to another topic. Don't back down.
  2. Jumping from one topic to another
    . In this case, the manipulator strives in every possible way, having voiced some information, to immediately move on to considering new information. Why does he need this? Yes, so that previously said information, which your consciousness did not have time to analyze, passes into the subconscious. And, if this happens, after a while it will become conscious and the manipulator will easily be able to manipulate you. Here, as in the previous paragraph, clarifications are appropriate. Turn into a schoolchild who, when he doesn’t understand something, will ask the teacher for an hour, trying to understand what is necessary for himself.
  3. Lying inattention
    . Does your interlocutor show indifference during a dialogue? And, in order to interest him even more, you, without realizing it, are posting more and more information that should have been kept silent? You may not understand, but the manipulator provokes you to do this with his behavior. Learn to watch what you say and to whom, strengthen your volitional control.
  4. An invented weakness
    . Have you ever noticed that you want to be more lenient towards a weak dialogue partner, because he is so defenseless and incredibly sweet? Here you are hooked by a cunning manipulator: imaginary weakness is his trick. By turning it on, you do not consciously perceive the information and, thus, it goes into the subconscious. Learn to completely control the information entering your brain.
  5. Deceptive love
    . Many girls whose hearts have been broken by passionate macho men know what this is. The manipulator pretends that he has fallen head over heels in love with you, shows incredible respect for you, is ready to “kiss the sand you walked on” and in this way achieves not just what he wanted, but even more. The main thing is not to succumb to such provocations. The mind should always be clear.


As you know, NLP techniques are used from two sides:

  1. Humanistic or empowering.
  2. Combat or destabilizing and limiting resources.

Both sides are good and both are useful. However, many people know about the humanistic side of NLP, but much less about the manipulative side. But only a few are able to show and teach.

And we will teach you... all two sides of NLP.

Why did we decide to reveal all the secrets of NLP for manipulation?

Because once you learn HOW to manipulate, you will receive a “vaccination” for the rest of your life, real immunity from the manipulations of other people. No one can repeat this to you again. And if you wish, you can masterfully manipulate in response.

We want there to be more conscious and knowledgeable people.

What will you learn at the master class?

You will learn:

  1. How to destroy other people's goals and desires. And don't let this happen to you.
  2. Build your own goals so that they are actually achieved, regardless of the circumstances
  3. Safety precautions and protection from manipulation by other people
  4. How to recruit people to do what you need. NLP recruiting patterns.
  5. Monitor non-resource states. Notice when and how you are negatively affected
  6. Use unconscious levers of influence on your interlocutor.
  7. Much more that is not usually discussed in the text...

As we said above, once you learn HOW you can manipulate, you will receive a “vaccination” for the rest of your life, immunity from the negative influences of others. And if you wish, you can skillfully manipulate it yourself. Plus, you will significantly improve your communication skills. As you understand, this can only be learned live.

We won’t even talk about the fact that all this knowledge brings calmness and a certain “background” self-confidence. After all, now you will know what is happening...


Probably each of us has encountered this situation at least once in our lives:

You say obvious things, argue, lay out evidence. It would seem that everything is clear, the truth is in the palm of your hand, but your opponent categorically disagrees with you, he cannot even really explain why, but remains unshakable, like a rock, and you, having achieved nothing, leave with nothing. You can only be perplexed and shrug your shoulders. There have been such cases in my life. Such problems can be successfully solved using NLP.

A large number of books have been written on the topic of NLP, covert hypnosis, and manipulation. This literature is voluminous, serious, far from fiction, and contains special terms. It’s quite difficult to read, and you don’t always have time for it. I offer a kind of summary in which I will outline the main points of NLP practice, simplifying the content as much as possible.

In fact, all areas of psychological influence have one common definition - this is a set of techniques, techniques, methods, the purpose of which is to achieve a hidden influence on a person . There is nothing wrong with hidden influence on people. Every day, without noticing it, we both use psychological influence and are subject to it. When using these methods, you need to remember only one thing - do no harm . Your thoughts must be pure and your actions morally sound.

There are many manipulation techniques. They are quite easy to learn and use. But it is convenient to use them in the case of communication between equal parties: buyer-seller, business partners, friends - comrades. If you need to apply psychological influence on people on whom you depend (bosses, officials, government officials, sponsors) or on people close and loved (this happens), then it is better to use NLP methods.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a set of techniques and methodologies based on the interaction between the brain, language and body, allowing one to subtly penetrate the subconscious of a person and control the state of his mind and psyche .

NLP involves constant practice, brought to the point of automation. Based on my own experience, I can say that step-by-step study and practice is most convenient: read the first point, remember, realize, feel, practice, it starts to work out - move on to the second point.

I would formulate the basic rule of NLP as follows: You have no opponent, you do not prove, do not argue, do not conflict. You, swaying on the same wavelength as a person, penetrate his subconscious and establish the order you need there.

But guarding a person’s subconscious is his consciousness (mind, reason). Consciousness is a rigid, static structure, limited by a system of values, which is almost impossible to “break through” using conventional methods. The subconscious, as opposed to the mind, is creativity, intuition, it is the experience of our entire life, it is a dynamic structure with various possibilities, without restrictions.


In order to bypass the mind and establish contact with a person’s subconscious, it is necessary to put him into a light trance - downtime . What it is? We all find ourselves in a state of downtime a huge number of times during the day. When we think, turn to our memories, solve a puzzle, make plans, think about new possibilities, we plunge into downtime, at least for a few minutes. This state is familiar and unconscious to us. At these moments we are detached from the outside world and do not control it, our mind is asleep, and the subconscious comes into the picture. Simply put, downtime is a relaxed state when the level of critical perception of the surrounding world is reduced to a minimum . It is at the moment of downtime that you can transfer ideas, instructions, tasks, images, and sensations to your interlocutor. How to put a person into such a state?

In NLP and in psychology in general there is such a thing as rapport. Psychological rapport is a connection between people, established on a subconscious (I emphasize) level, positive emotionally, filled with an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. Without it, the use of NLP techniques makes no sense. I am sure that you have met at least one person in your life whom you sympathized with and trusted unconsciously, from the first minute of meeting, it seemed to you that you had known him all your life. This was a well-established rapport. There are people who are endowed with this gift by nature. Rapport presupposes a correspondence between your behavior and the behavior of your interlocutor.

The first method of establishing rapport is adjustment (mirroring) - you imitate, copy individual elements of the interlocutor’s behavior. You behave like your interlocutor. He sees his own image in you. Who does a person trust most? Of course, for yourself! If you adapt to your interlocutor and coordinate all your actions and movements with his body, then you will put him into a state of downtime and be able to control his thoughts, feelings and behavior . And the training that I mentioned above is needed in order to make adjustments quickly, in real time.

Basic adjustment parameters:

  1. Physiology: body position and body movements.
  2. Breathing: rhythm and depth.
  3. Voice: intonation, volume, speech rate, etc.
  4. Language and way of thinking: vocabulary and the corresponding “representation system” (vision, hearing, sensations).
  5. Beliefs and life values.
  6. Personal experience: search for commonalities in professional, cultural and everyday interests.

Very important : any adjustments must be made respectfully, sensitively, and carefully. In no case should this be blatant and thoughtless copying.


By adapting to the body position of your interlocutor, you actively build his unconscious trust. By the way, between people who are in agreement, this adjustment occurs automatically.

First, you must take the same body position as the interlocutor : tilt of the torso, head, position of the arms and legs. If a person is sitting opposite you, then you adjust as if you were looking in a mirror.

If you are sitting next to each other, for example, on the sofa, then in this case, try to look with him in the same direction, as if confirming a commonality of views and at the same time adapt to the position of the body. On the one hand, the position of the interlocutors on the same line indicates that they are “in the same camp,” but on the other hand, in this case there is no eye contact.

Try to sit down so that the position of the bodies, yours and your interlocutor’s, is at a right angle. This way you can maintain eye contact, look with your interlocutor in the same direction and adapt to his posture. This provision is universal.

It is very important not to be at different levels with the interlocutor (one is standing, the other is sitting). In this case, you will not achieve rapport.

Reproduction of the interlocutor’s body position can be direct (as in a mirror) or cross (if your partner puts his right hand on the armrest of the chair, you do the same with your right hand).

You can see the importance of adjustment in practice: if during a conflict or dispute, you strive for a peaceful outcome, then by maintaining adjustment, you have a great chance of a successful resolution. If you interrupt the adjustment, the conflict will remain unresolved.

Practice. To be continued.

Who is the presenter?

Domnikov Maxim Sergeevich

NLP Trainer . Expert in the field of extreme communications and protection from psychological influences.

Retired Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He has extensive experience in using psychotechnologies in operational work and business.

From personal experience: the use of NLP helped to achieve 300% greater results compared to the average in the field.

Co-owner of a training company included in the TOP-5 in the region.

Married, 2 children.

He is interested in horse riding.

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