How to overcome anxiety and fear: 5 effective tools

Why does constant fear occur?

  • psychological trauma;
  • features of the human psyche;
  • unforeseen life situations;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • character traits;
  • negative emotions about one’s own life, health, etc.
  • phobias;
  • increased irritability;
  • delusional;
  • hallucinations;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy and menopause;
  • hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus.

Psychosomatics of anxiety and restlessness

Psychosomatics of anxiety is a series of symptoms that arise as a result of an anxious state. People with pathological anxiety most often feel shortness of breath, shortness of breath, heart pain, palpitations, and headache.

Public transport becomes a major obstacle. Traveling on the bus turns into an ordeal. It seems that you are about to die. Sweat begins to flow in streams. It becomes cold or hot, you are suffocating.

Pathological anxiety leads to sleep disturbances. You can't sleep or wake up in the middle of the night and wait for the morning. Insomnia, heart pain, shortness of breath lead to irritability. It's getting harder and harder to concentrate on work.

If you do not pay attention to alarming symptoms, then sooner or later a person becomes a prisoner of his own home. Fear of going out and fear of other people contribute to job loss. A person becomes essentially disabled, although he is not one.

Disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract are less common. Frequent urge to go to the toilet and diarrhea seriously ruin your life.

Understanding the condition is half the solution

Why do some people strive to experience artificial stress (for example, by practicing parachute jumping and active sports), while for most people, stressful situations only bring problems? It's simple. The fact is that short-term stress is good for the body, but long-term stress is harmful. During such conditions, there is a massive release of adrenaline into the blood. In small quantities it is not scary and even has a positive tonic effect, but when adrenaline enters the blood constantly and keeps the whole body and organism in tension, problems begin.

Stress is the body’s reaction to any unplanned changes in the usual way of life that require adaptation. This could be an exam, a change of place of residence, the birth of a child, or even marriage. Those. Stress is a normal reaction of the body. But if the body is constantly emotional, stress can play a cruel joke. The fight against stress must begin while it is still in its development stage. If it covers the entire body, it will be more difficult to overcome this condition.

But why do anxiety states occur? Anxiety for one’s health, for the well-being of relatives, fear of death, and so on. Most often, anxiety occurs after prolonged stress or goes along with it. Adrenaline makes the heart beat faster and stronger, but to the alarmed body it seems that these are signs of a heart attack, and then there is a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, etc.

Man by nature is very resistant to shocks. But sometimes the troubles just don't end. Relationships with colleagues deteriorate, there is no promotion at work, a difficult financial situation. During such periods it seems that life is over. Hopelessness, hopelessness and anxiety squeeze the heart. And this is where self-defense comes into play. The human body is designed in such a way that at the slightest threat to its well-being, it turns on barrier reactions. Enormous physiological and psychological changes occur in all vital systems. The brain begins to protect itself, but does not spare other organs. With prolonged stress and anxiety, serious heart, nerve and digestive diseases can develop, as well as exhaustion or obesity.

How does a person feel with increased anxiety?

First of all, when there is internal tension, he feels exhausting unpleasant sensations, in addition to the fact that he is restless in his soul. They are described as a tight feeling in the chest or a lump in the throat. Sometimes, due to a disorder in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, a person begins to shiver noticeably.

With unconscious anxiety, a person feels constantly tired. This is explained by the fact that he spends a lot of energy on his negative emotions. And if he forces himself “not to worry,” then this makes the situation even worse. An anxiety attack can occur at any time of the day.

  • constant or sudden pain in the head area;
  • cardialgia (sometimes the patient begins to think that he is having an angina attack and begins to take heart medications);
  • insomnia;
  • burning in the chest;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety in the morning;
  • feeling that the heart is beating very hard;
  • constant trembling and muscle tension;
  • the appearance of anxiety associated with the need to be active in society (so-called situational anxiety).


Overcoming Anxiety

    Be honest with yourself.

    Write down your terrible sad feelings, but also make a list of “opportunities” and “good thoughts” for improvement, and ways to have fun or “do something worthwhile” in a journal or other notebook: just let it all out. But understand that it can make you depressed if you simply list or churn out negative thoughts in your mind.

    Recognize the cause of your anxiety:

  • We feel uncomfortable and start to panic only when we feel that a situation has arisen in life that is impossible or quite difficult to cope with.
  • If you find the cause of the tension, then half the battle is already done.
  • For example: “Yana always felt tense when her boss gave her deadlines. Once she understood her problem, her next step was to find a solution.”
  • Think positively and be persistent:
  • “Sasha will find a way to get into the girls’ dorm if she wants.” We must always maintain positivity and trust our feelings in order to improve. We grow by solving our problems, whether it's algorithms, science, arithmetic, or competition at school. If you have never lost, then you cannot lose now. So calm down and think about how to find a solution to your problem.
  • Share your problems:
    • At certain times, simply being aware of the problem and being more positive is not enough to solve it. You may need to discuss the problem with a friend. This will not only relieve you, but also involve your friend in finding a solution.
  • Do some light exercises:
    • Try getting some exercise or a light sport. Deep breathing exercises, such as inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other, will certainly help you relax. Light sports, such as swimming or cycling, will greatly refresh and rejuvenate you. Even meditation or yoga will help calm your nerves and relieve all stress.
  • Entertain yourself:
    • Find the latest movies and catchy music or your favorite music at your local store. Watching can take your mind off tension and provide you with time to calm down. Even your favorite TV show can work. You never know, even some TV shows may provide the perfect answers to all your questions.
  • Look for affordable anti-anxiety pills at the pharmacy that will help you relax temporarily.

    Find out if antihistamines can help you relax and sleep.

    However, they can make some people nervous, meaning “worry” is reported to disrupt the autoimmune system and can trigger allergy-like reactions with dire consequences.

    Understand and accept your situation.

    There is nothing terrible that you need to run away from or distract yourself from. When we fill a leaky bucket with water, we realize that it will never be filled. So we start pouring water faster, trying to solve the problem that (we think) exists. We pour water faster and faster, but the faster we fill the bucket, the faster it becomes empty. We shouldn't fill up any faster. We just need to see the hole...worry is not a problem. The problem is that we consider it a problem.

    Think about the worry

      Think back to the situation that led to your anxiety.

      Address the emotion and let go.

      Think about the emotion - keep it in the field of awareness, without judging or trying to get rid of it.

      Learn the right attitude towards emotions without getting lost in thoughts that bring you back. Try to treat anxiety as you would treat a friend in need.

      Give the emotion an imaginary form.

      It could be a scene, an abstract object, a person's face - anything that is associated with emotions.

      Study this picture and then explore what is missing and what you can add to this picture to help the solution. If it is a child's fear, then it would be appropriate to return to the fearful child to alleviate the fear.

      Repeat and improve until the emotion resolves on its own and you calm down.

    • Avoid drinks with high caffeine content as they stimulate the nervous system and add stress instead of relaxation.
    • Breathe deeply or meditate.
    • You can apply some lavender oil to help relax and calm your nerves. Just one drop behind the ear works wonders.
    • For some women, anxiety can be caused (or worsened) by low levels of hormones, most commonly progesterone...and progesterone levels drop during times of stress (like the holidays). Progesterone helps keep serotonin levels from falling, and low serotonin levels can lead to anxiety and depression. A doctor can test you for low progesterone and prescribe it (although many doctors are unaware of its connection to anxiety/depression). It is also available without a prescription, which lets you know how safe it is when used as directed. Signs that anxiety may be related to progesterone include: symptoms worsening two weeks before your period, before menopause, during menopause, or after childbirth. Sometimes symptoms are accompanied by mood swings or insomnia, and some women may have headaches/migraines. NOTE: Synthetic progestins and birth control pills may worsen these symptoms rather than relieve them. We are talking specifically about progesterone, and not its “substitutes”. Progesterone is available as a cream (over-the-counter) and capsules (with a prescription). Different pharmacies have different dosages in different dosage forms (for example, progesterone lotion 50 mg/ml).
    • Try all the simple remedies before taking any sedative. It is very easy to start using them, but almost impossible to stop.
    • Add a squeeze of lemon to green tea to calm your nerves.
    • Try to try and recognize what type of anxiety you have. For example, if you have ochlophobia, you might look at photos of crowds or watch videos of large crowds. After this, you can try going to a crowded place with a family member or friend who knows about your fear. Gradually facing your fears can help ease your anxiety.
    • Identify the cause of your anxiety and tension. Never leave them, they are your friends, not your enemies.

    How to get rid of feelings of anxiety and worry for no reason

    When leaving on a business trip or on vacation, I was constantly tormented by fear of whether I turned off the iron, whether I left the curling iron plugged in, or whether I locked the door. Sound familiar? These thoughts and fear gave me a migraine. There was no panic attack. Easy case. Worries about relatives and feelings of anxiety due to one’s own carelessness.

    The psychologist advised before leaving the house to always note in your head the moments that cause anxiety. I turned off the iron and put a plus sign in my head. I looked at the stove in the kitchen - another plus. By noting every moment, I forever saved myself from worrying about my apartment.

    With fears for the health of relatives, things were more complicated. It wouldn't be possible without perception cards. The psychologist advised me to write down what exactly worries me about my relatives. Then you need to realistically assess the threat. Is the risk of death, heart attack or stroke so high for parents? What is the risk percentage that a son will become a drug addict or a daughter will get involved with bad company? You may have to change your perception of the situation.

    The problem of traveling in transport is solved in the same way. If panic begins to set in, take a deep breath and focus your attention on your surroundings. Note to yourself where you are. Describe the weather and nature outside the bus window. Describe the people standing nearby. This technique will help you take your mind off fear.

    No one has ever died from panic and suffocation in transport due to fear.

    Make sure you are safe. If you find it difficult to travel long distances on the bus or subway, try riding one stop. Increase the distance gradually.

    The treatment of such disorders is medication. Mostly tranquilizer-type drugs are used, which allows you to quickly relieve symptoms in case of exacerbation.

    Medicines available without a doctor's prescription include:

    1. "Novo-passit" - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.
    2. Valerian - 2 tablets daily. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.
    3. "Persen" - should be taken 2-3 times a day, 2-3 tablets. Treatment for anxiety and similar disorders takes up to 6 weeks.
    4. "Grandaxin" - take 1-2 tablets three times a day. The duration depends on the current condition of the patient, as well as the overall clinical picture.

    Psychotherapy is also used. It can effectively remove any feelings of anxiety and worry for no reason. The approximate duration is 5-20 sessions depending on the doctor’s experience.

    It will also allow him to overcome his fears in a safe environment. By combining medications with visits to doctors, you can quickly get rid of anxiety without leading it to a chronic condition.

    Anxiety and anxious feelings at work

    Anxiety, activity, enthusiasm.
    Work, as they say, makes horses die. But horses have no intelligence, although they are very sensitive animals. What exactly can interfere with a person at work, why does work and at work make you feel bad? Emotional burnout syndrome is known as a disease, when a person, as a result of activity for a certain period of time, from 5 to 10 years, in a number of professions, loses interest in work and in life, becomes insensitive and indifferent.

    In this article I will try to describe another situation when a person experiences emotional, mental pain in relation to his activities, to his work. My soul aches for my work... A man is burning at work... What is the color of the flame?

    In this article I will try to answer this question: “What are they, negative feelings that interfere with active work?” I’ll start with newcomer syndrome, because the most popular article on my website is about how to adapt to a new team, at a new job. If the difficulties are so serious that you cannot be at work, welcome to a psychologist for a personal consultation, or to a psychologist on SKYPE.

    Anxious feelings at work for a newbie

    What might you be experiencing as a newbie? Restlessness and anxiety, difficulty concentrating, distracting thoughts at work, such as:

    • I can't cope with the plan, I do less than required
    • I don't get paid for what I actually do
    • I'm not very good at my job

    There may be other thoughts that lead to feelings of anxiety or shame. Anxious feelings at work. Moreover, most young people, and not only young people, will not name these feelings.

    Feelings are not experienced explicitly, they are latent, not coming to the surface, that is, unconscious.

    But they spoil your mood, your performance becomes worse, and there is a risk that you really won’t be able to cope with your work.

    By comparison, if your boss calls you “on the carpet,” then you may experience a real sense of shame. Your cheeks and ears are burning, and you are being reprimanded, all in reality.

    The latent, unconscious feeling of shame is different in that it’s simple: you feel bad, you’re in a depressed mood, you don’t want to go to work. You ask yourself questions - “why is it difficult for me at work?” or “why do I feel bad at work?”

    Bad things happen at work for a variety of reasons: 1. You are a newbie and you need to join the team, and, in addition, fulfill the plan and obligations of the employment contract.2. You are sick and need a rest, but you don’t want to take sick leave and be sick at home, again, for fear of losing your job or income.

    3. You don’t really like this job, you don’t like it, and you are an uncompromising and honest person, and you are sick of this particular job.

    All this causes negative feelings and stress. What exactly these feelings are may not be clear, but the work is not fun. And the usual “is it easy for anyone now” and “pull yourself together” are not very helpful as support. It is necessary to somehow distinguish these feelings from such fears as social phobias and fear of authorities, that is, bosses.

    Such thorns are usually experienced by a young worker. If you worked in your specialty for 5-7 years or more, reached the stars, and it became bad, this is a different situation, but it is probably also associated with anxiety.

    Here it would be correct to remember the burnout syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome , when a person gets tired and loses interest in work completely. At the same time, there is a decrease in interest in everyday life.

    The question arises: “Who provides the fuel, who “burns out” the human psyche completely?” It is very likely that all this is caused by your anxiety and anxiety, from which, for some reason, it is impossible to either defend yourself or realize its energy in activity .

    Anxious feelings, causes and consequences

    If we remember that the human body is 80% water, then we can state some similarities with a cucumber, but plants do not experience anxious feelings. And we are such anxious cucumbers. Remember that meme about anxious cucumbers? Anxious feelings at work from you, especially if you are the boss, will be transmitted to the entire department. The entire company, if you are the owner.

    If what you do at work, your profession, is not to your liking, then you are not interested in work. This means that the fulfillment of duties occurs “automatically”. This method of alienating oneself from one’s feelings is not new, and a person is taught it from childhood.

    Just look at how textbooks with assignments are structured, in which for each topic you need to complete a dozen similar, very uninteresting, tasks that have nothing to do with you. This, from a pedagogical point of view, is the consolidation of a skill that is otherwise lost and does not form the basis of the knowledge pyramid.

    If you also look at the fact that, in essence, a schoolchild always does his work in the same conditions, with a notebook and pen, or with a computer, then it is quite clear that perseverance and diligence, such useful qualities of a performer, are also trained, in the background, and this “training” does not depend on the subject itself. This type of training occurs over a long period of time.

    The ability to experience frustration of meaning is also trained, that is, to do something that makes no sense, or something that does not arouse interest.

    In new conditions, when you start working, in the office, in a school classroom or behind the counter, behind the reception partition in a bank, anywhere, there is an opportunity to test in practice how capable you are of perseverance, of maintaining attention, how high is your endurance to endure frustration. You can do all this because you have been training insensibility and alienation from your own feelings for a very long time.

    Frustration of meaning, difficulties in relationships and activities ignite a flame of anxiety, which grows over time.

    Anxiety and anxiety are evolutionarily designed to cope with stress, to be alert, to maintain attention and alertness.

    Anxiety signals the emergence of your soul energy, which requires action, activity, not only in order to reduce the level of anxiety, as some psychoanalysts suggest, but in order to survive, win, achieve and conquer. To get the loot.

    I will name the degrees of anxiety in increasing order: state of rest, mild anxiety, restlessness, anxiety, panic. On this axis, if we touch upon activity, the experiences of vivacity, active activity, enthusiasm for work and frenzy, “work orgasm,” are directly opposite.

    It is absolutely clear that extreme states are rare and unusual in relation to work and activity. The energy of the soul manifests itself in the degree of excitement, its amount at a given moment determines your state. Moreover, a person does not always have a choice of what to experience, anxiety or enthusiasm.

    When anxious thoughts and feelings arise, even if not yet consciously realized, anxiety seeks a way out, and then either you choose to act, or your anxiety acts.

    How unconscious anxiety works at work

    The problem that I describe in the article does not apply at all to those people who instinctively feel the balance of their anxious and aggressive feelings.

    If you don’t agree with the proposed topic at all, but for some reason you’re reading all this, pay attention to tired people. To your subordinates, for example. I suppose it might be useful for the manager.

    Anxious feelings at work, what do they look like and how are they implemented in behavior?

    a) Anxiety at work is manifested in behavior: more fussiness, distractibility, and difficulty concentrating. A conscientious worker or entrepreneur goes to trainings and reads special literature from business publishers to spur himself on or relieve stress.

    b) Anxiety is realized in thoughts that feed this same feeling, in a circle. I listed my thoughts at the very beginning of the article. Basically, these are different types of thoughts on the topic: “I can’t cope” with work.

    c) Anxiety at work begins to corrode relationships with colleagues and superiors, as well as with clients, if you work with clients as a salesperson or account manager. Since anxiety must find a way out, it comes out in behavior that does not contribute to the understanding of you by colleagues or clients, they simply notice that you are “not adequate.”

    d) Anxiety that has not found a way out is somatized, that is, it is unconsciously sent back to your body, worsens the function of the digestive system, and reduces immunity to the common cold. When it comes to somatization, the energy of anxiety hits the “weak” link, and this is individual, psychosomatics can be different in each case.

    This means all sorts of questions “which organ corresponds to this particular situation and mental problem,” lists and tables by Louise Hay, on psychosomatic organs - all this with great distrust, or better yet, straight away, into the firebox, because psychosomatics is individual, and work with psychosomatics is too .

    If at the beginning of your career you are healthy, cheerful and cheerful, not like in the film about children in the camp, but in reality, everything goes differently! Adaptation, mastering a profession, first successes and promotion... Usually a fresh and vigorous, young, healthy person is given a period of 5-10 years for this.

    During this time, professionalism is honed, you become a specialist. All this time, the energy of anxiety is directed towards mastering new skills, knowledge and abilities, and does not cause much harm. After this period, you, as an employee, burn out.

    You have completely adapted, there is nowhere to invest your anxiety, it’s time to change your profession or position.

    It happens that anxiety affects very young workers, and they “burn out” in just six months. It happens that an adult quits his job, tries to get a job again, works for six months, regains his strength for six months: during the rest, the mobilizing anxiety weakens, and the person somewhat forgets all the difficulties he has experienced.

    How to counteract anxiety that shows up at work The first piece of advice is to choose a job you like. Psychologists do not give advice. But this one can be given: where you have the opportunity to invest your energy in something you like, where there is interest, the possibility of activity, including physical activity.

    An interesting and attractive activity gives you a choice where to invest energy, in anxiety or in experiencing enthusiasm. If you don’t like your work, look for interest in its elements. Explore why others are interested in this particular activity.

    If such interest is not enough, and this happens, make a compromise. Make an agreement with yourself that clearly states how long, how many months, you are willing to endure a job that is not very suitable for you. And make a plan for how you will gradually move closer to those activities that bring more interest into your life.

    Even if it was bad, and then it became a little easier, that’s value. A less interesting job is better than one that is not interesting at all.

    If you have no interest in work, what should you do?

    If you have no interest in activity at all, you can’t find it, and you don’t want to work at all, you are probably a dependent person, or simply parasitic, in connection with some benefits and personal attitudes or beliefs.

    Usually a person has an inherent interest in activity, and anxiety in this case is invested in any suitable activity.

    For example, if you are a housewife who has not worked for a long time, you will invest your anxious energy in cleaning, supervising and controlling the servants or your own children.

    Yes, so zealously that your children will be infected by your ways of dealing with anxiety and will learn from you.

    If there is no interest in work, in case of depression, when the anxiety that has returned has already hit your psyche and brought it into a deplorable state: bad mood, poor sleep, nothing makes you happy, and this state lasts, you will need the help of a psychotherapist.

    If you have no interest in work, but want to be “like everyone else,” it’s better to go to a psychologist, look together for your ways to deal with anxiety, remember your interests in work and activities that are now dormant, forgotten and abandoned.

    A psychologist-psychotherapist will help you return to the activity that suits you best, which you once studied, and, for personal reasons, failed and became disillusioned with your profession, or in general, with activity as such.


    Help needed: diagnostics

    Feelings of excitement or anxiety in the soul may well occur in everyday life: in a new unfamiliar environment, uncertainty, anticipation. These are normal emotional reactions. A painful condition occurs when these emotions become difficult to control, psychosomatic reactions are activated, and certain symptoms are observed for several months.

    Psychological symptoms:

    • fear that something might happen to loved ones;
    • anxiety for their and one’s fate;
    • irritability;
    • excitability;
    • blurred perception;
    • desire to control everything;
    • feeling of time slowing down.


    • absent-mindedness;
    • moving things from place to place;
    • continuous manipulation of the object;
    • fussiness;
    • constant hand washing;
    • avoiding someone or something.

    Vegetative-vascular symptoms:

    • muscle tension;
    • sweating;
    • cold extremities;
    • holding your breath;
    • gastrointestinal disorder;
    • weakness;
    • nausea;
    • stuffy ears.

    Anxiety attacks can be associated with different objects and subjects:

    • compulsive actions occur when a person constantly checks whether appliances are turned off, as well as the safety of other objects;
    • with perfectionism, the results of activities are repeatedly rechecked, the patient experiences fear that someone may suffer because of his actions;
    • with various phobias, people are afraid of non-existent objects or objects that do not pose a real danger;
    • with hypochondria – they experience a constant fear of getting sick;
    • Fear of crowded places occurs with agoraphobia.

    Anxiety neurosis occurs in its mildest form. It is often associated with hormonal imbalance and is triggered by overwork and stressful situations. At this stage, recovery is much easier.

    Untreated anxiety neurosis can develop into depression. “De pressio” in Latin means lack of incentive. In this state, the patient has no desire for any activity or communication for a long time. Habitual activities are uninteresting, anxiety, fatigue, and indifference increase. Depression can be caused by experiencing a series of failures, a serious illness, or the loss of a loved one.

    A phobia is an inexplicable, intense fear that intensifies when confronted with a specific object. A person tries in every possible way to avoid these objects. Phobic syndrome is better corrected at the first signs of its manifestation.

    When alcohol intoxication occurs, the nervous system is primarily affected. Hangover anxiety is characterized by sudden changes in mood, dizziness, irrational fears, palpitations, and gastrointestinal upset.

    A panic attack is a particularly severe attack-like manifestation of anxiety. Characterized by the above symptoms, but differing in suddenness and greater severity. A person is accompanied by fear of death, madness, and a feeling of the unreality of what is happening. There is a sharp deterioration in physical condition: nausea, chills, trembling, rapid heartbeat, surges in blood pressure.

    After the first panic attack, there is a fear of its repetition, since its very manifestation is frightening for a person.

    Diagnosis should only be made by a specialist. The symptoms show that all anxiety states are intertwined; there are no clear objective indicators that can clearly and accurately separate one form of anxiety disorder from another.

    Diagnosis by a specialist is made using color techniques and conversation. A simple conversation, a leisurely dialogue, which is a “secret” survey, will help reveal the true state of a person’s psyche. The treatment stage begins only after the correct diagnosis has been made.

    Do you suspect the development of anxiety disorders? You need to contact your local physician. This is the first stage.

    Then, based on all the symptoms, the therapist will tell you whether you need to see a psychotherapist or not.

    When searching for a doctor, you need to take into account several rules: do not rush into dubious advertisements; it is better if the psychotherapist has recommendations and experience; During the sessions it should be comfortable; if the patient feels constrained, there will be no result.

    All interventions should be made only depending on the degree and severity of the disorder. It is important to note that treatment is tailored only individually. There are techniques and general recommendations, but the effectiveness of treatment is determined only by the correct approach to each patient separately.

    Before overcoming fears and anxiety, a diagnosis from a specialist is necessary. It can determine whether generalized anxiety disorder is a natural condition associated with nervous and other stress, or whether it is a symptom of a mental illness. It is imperative to diagnose GAD when such dangerous signs appear.

    1. The appearance of dizziness, profuse sweating with unreasonable fear.
    2. Sudden disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract during anxiety.
    3. Dry mouth.
    • blood and urine tests;
    • electrocardiographic examination of the heart;
    • blood tests for hormones, etc.

    A patient who is uneasy at heart needs to take an anxiety test. It will show the reasons for feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

    Section V. The passion of sadness, the state of anxiety and overcoming them

    How can a modern person overcome his anxiety or sadness? The Holy Fathers described their experience of struggling with passions. Modern psychology, psychophysiology and medicine also offer people many means to regulate their negative states. Pedagogy contributes to solving the problem of raising a non-anxious personality.

    Let's consider what means psychology, medicine and pedagogy have to overcome anxiety and anxiety, which can probably complement the ascetic experience of dealing with sadness and much sorrow.

    2.1. Psychological methods for correcting anxiety

    The experience of practical psychological work with a person shows that to some extent a person can be taught to manage his condition.

    A practical psychologist has many methods in his arsenal to help an anxious person - methods for correcting an anxious state. These methods can be classified into three main areas.

    A-direction – physiological means of regulation.

    B-direction – emotional-volitional regulation.

    B-direction – value-semantic level of regulation.

    2.1.1. Physiological means of regulating anxiety (A-direction)

    Physiological means of regulation are addressed to the properties of a person as a biological individual - the lower, bodily level of a person.

    Such means include:

    – medicinal effects (taking sedatives);

    – motor, muscle relaxation: various tonic exercises can be used here (such as “stand up, stretch out, strain all the muscles behind you from the heels to the neck, raise and firmly stretch your arms with your palms forward, spread your fingers firmly”), and soothing (relaxing, which underlie autogenic training);

    – breathing exercises – it is recommended to take several deep breaths and hold your breath a little; you can make several exhalations twice as long as your inhalations.

    It should be noted that these remedies are not highly effective; in a situation of stress, they can provide some relief if a person is specially trained and has such skills. The use of autogenic training methods to regulate one’s condition is not very desirable from the point of view of the Orthodox worldview.

    Some authors have developed a theory of adaptation to stress and, based on their experimental studies, recommend using physical activity to increase resistance to stress, which should be strictly dosed so as not to cause overwork, and at the same time increase the body’s active-adaptive capabilities to stress.

    2.1.2. Emotional-volitional regulation of anxiety (B-direction)

    The second direction of state regulation includes means of emotional-volitional and behavioral regulation.

    In this direction, we can highlight means of increasing mental stability that the person himself uses - the so-called self-correction; and the means that the “other” uses in relation to him - a teacher, examiner, educator, psychologist, coach, parent, that is, external correction.

    B.1. Self-correction. Let us consider in more detail the psychological techniques of self-correction, that is, how a person himself can regulate his emotional state. Emotional-volitional regulation of one’s state on the basis of a conscious, arbitrary decision is the basis for the formation of mental stability and tolerance to stress [see: 3, p. 27].

    1. Attunement to an optimal emotional state. A person is asked to mentally associate an excited, anxious emotional state with one melody, color, landscape, or some characteristic gesture; associate a calm, relaxed state with another melody, color, landscape, or some characteristic gesture; and connect the confident, winning, active state with the third melody, color, landscape, gesture. In a stressful situation, first remember the first melody, landscape or color, then the second, and then the third melody, color, gesture and repeat this memory several times.

    2. A pleasant memory. In a situation of stress, in order to relieve the state of anxiety and excessive excitement, remember and imagine as clearly as possible all the details and sensations, a situation in which a person experienced complete peace and relaxation (a walk through a field, along a forest edge, along the seashore, a sea sunset or any other pleasant situation).

    3. Control of expression. With an anxious person, you need to talk about what gestures, intonations, and smiles express timidity, fear, confidence, and calmness. It is useful for a person to practice gestures, a smile, eye contact in a businesslike, confident, calm state in front of a mirror, and intonation - using a tape recording.

    The examiner sometimes, without delving into the content of the answer, focuses on the student’s intonation, sighs, hesitant coughing, a facial expression that says “suffering,” an SOS signal, “drowning,” a search for sympathy, ingratiation, fawning, a silent cry for help. To the examiner, all this signals supposed ignorance of the subject.

    The direction of self-correction can also include correction of a condition through a change in behavior in a situation of increased nervous tension. Behavior change can begin by:

    A) with mental training. The situation that causes anxiety is presented in advance in all details, difficult moments that cause negative experiences, one’s own behavior is thought out in all details;

    B) then you can try a rehearsal.

    B.2. External correction. In a rehearsal situation, you already need the help of another person; your own efforts are not enough. Another person - a teacher, psychologist, parent, confessor - can help cope with anxiety.

    Rehearsal: the psychologist plays out, for example, with a student a situation that causes him anxiety, playing the role of a “strict examiner” or a “mocking classmate.” The “tutor” can unexpectedly change the tone of the conversation, become aggressive, express impatience, interrupt the student, or cut him off rudely. The student must practice “modes of action” for all cases.

    It is useful for a school psychologist to conduct examination training with students, where, through game modeling, they can develop the following skills:

    – calmly enter the classroom and take a test form or ticket;

    – establish emotional contact with the teacher;

    – present the question logically and figuratively;

    – conduct a dialogue with the teacher;

    – be stable and self-possessed under the influence of a disturbing factor (neighbors’ conversations, teachers’ negotiations, noise, etc.).

    It is possible for a teacher to help anxious students in an exam stress situation - the examiner or teacher can:

    1. Conduct exam training in test form with some examinees.

    2. Relieve high emotional stress in an anxious examinee before the exam with a joke, humor, and switch attention in a different direction.

    3. Conduct an oral survey of such students in a particularly friendly, encouraging tone (anxious students admit that they are completely paralyzed by the desire of some teachers to biasedly find out not what they know, but what they do not know).

    2.1.3. Value-semantic level of regulation of anxiety and sadness (B-direction)

    Above we said that the tendency to anxiety is considered as a stable personality trait.

    Correction of the value-semantic sphere is aimed at personal changes.

    A person’s personality is his worldview, a system of meanings, values ​​and relationships. A person’s values ​​regulate his behavior through the structure of motives and aspirations.

    In order for a person’s behavior to change in a given situation, it is necessary to give this situation a different meaning and significance. In particular, to develop a person’s emotional stability in a stressful situation, it is necessary to reduce the significance of this situation, rethink the value of success in it, and conduct a kind of “revaluation of values.”

    If a student, a student or a speaker is concerned not only with the grade he will receive on an exam, or with how he looks, but, for example, with the very process of conveying an interesting fact, knowledge, a story about what is of interest to him, then Negative emotions recede.

    This phenomenon in psychology is known as de man - the center - is the egocentric axis of his world and the rest of the Big World “revolves” around his small one, then it is natural for a person to have the feeling that the whole Big World looks at him, notices and evaluates every movement of his spiritual impulses. It seems to an egocentric that the whole World is watching him and evaluating not what, but how he does something. Hence the super-importance of every public situation where he is supposedly assessed.

    If the egocentric is convinced that the Big World is interested not in what price the result is acquired, but precisely in what is the result of his activity, in this case the attention of the anxious person is decentered from the process of predicting a negative result to the process of activity itself. If the activity, the process itself, captivates a person, then the painful fixation on its result goes away. Egocentrism is a natural stage of a child’s development, but for an adult, naturally, it is necessary to overcome it.

    Decentration is possible as a result of rethinking values, giving a different meaning to familiar phenomena.

    In the worldview of an anxious person, there is a lack of trust in God, people, and oneself; Perhaps, from the first weeks of his life, anxiety and distrust of the world appeared in him - this is what can be called the existential roots of anxiety.

    The author of the stress theory, G. Selye, wrote a book at the end of his life in which he said: in order not to suffer from stress, you need to change your existential attitudes, that is, rethink the values ​​of life. A person suffers from the melancholy of an aimless existence as well as from inevitable fatigue and stress.

    The search for meaning in life is often understood as human spirituality. Meanings are in the spiritual dimension.

    Spiritual help for a believer can consist of reminding him of the words of Jesus Christ addressed to man:

    Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not the life more than food, and the body than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into a barn; and your Father in heaven feeds them. Aren't you much better than them? (Matthew 6:25–26)

    These words of the Savior reflect the need for the normal and prosperous existence of a person to trust in the world and the Creator - the belief that the world is good, that the world was created for man by the Creator, that it is good for man in it, that the Heavenly Father takes care of him.

    In the process of existential psychotherapy, completing work with the client, the psychotherapist can recommend that he continue to work on the spiritual plane: becoming familiar with the Gospel sayings and understanding them:

    1. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth... but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20).

    2. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24).

    3. Ask, and it will be given to you; look for; and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7).

    4. So in everything as you wish; so that people do to you, do so to them (Matthew 7:12).

    5. Let the dead bury their dead (Matt. 8:22).

    6. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matt. 11, 15)

    7. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? (Matthew 16:26)

    So, experience shows that the most effective means of correcting the state of anxiety and much sadness are overcoming egocentrism through decentration, rethinking the significance of situations and life values.

    It seems that a person’s understanding of the nature of stress and anxiety, reflection on the values ​​of life and its meaning will help him learn to cope with his stress and anxiety.

    Anxiety in an adult, which provokes hyper-responsibility, on the one hand, can lead to overexertion and nervous breakdowns, and on the other hand, it may not have the best effect on others, loved ones, and one’s own children. Understanding the mechanisms of development of anxiety in early childhood will hopefully contribute to its prevention in family and preschool education.

    In addition to psychology, methods for regulating the state have been developed in spiritual practices: in Christian asceticism there is a deeply developed and tested system for dealing with emotional states - passions - for 2000 years.

    2.2. Spiritual-ascetic practice of overcoming the passionate state of sadness

    In asceticism the question is not raised: can a person learn to manage his condition? A Christian can not only learn to manage his condition, but must also be able to overcome his passion, say the holy fathers [see: 15, p. 22].

    Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) called the science of ascetic work “the science of sciences.” Collecting bit by bit their spiritual experience of struggling with passions, the holy fathers passed it on to us.

    The holy fathers called self-correction of one’s condition invisible warfare; In fact, the invisible battle with passions begins with the fight against thoughts.

    How does an ascetic propose to fight the passion of much sorrow?

    Invisible abuse with passion begins with the 1st stage - non-acceptance of the excuse. A preposition is a thought, a thought that leads further to a stable feeling or action.

    Let's look at the struggle with our anxiety using the example of a student taking an exam. If thoughts and worries came (“How will I look in front of the examiner? Probably the teacher will say what a fool I am... What will my friends (classmates, co-workers, people around me) think when I say something stupid?..”), then pray. “Do not let your heart be sad, but console yourself in the Lord,” says St. Ephraim the Syrian [4, p. 407].

    If a person could not do this, then he finds himself at the 2nd stage - combination with this sad thought and begins to think more and more about what will happen if tomorrow (certainly) he gets a “2” on the exam, as everyone else will scold... “How will the director (boss) look at me? Probably, if they give me a “2” (“3”), they will expel me from school (kick me out from work). How can I even continue to live?.. What will I do tomorrow?.. If I make a bad report, a bad message at a meeting, the boss (head of the company) will fire me from my job (kick me out of the company)..."

    As soon as these “mental worries” come, the first thing to do is to cut them off. Forbid yourself to think like that, drive them away, focus your thoughts on something else.

    Of course, a believer here should also pray and ask God for deliverance from these sad thoughts.

    “Fight,” said Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov), “against thoughts and feelings of sadness with short words: “Lord! Thy will be done! Blessed and Holy is God in all His works! "" [6, p. 467].

    In sorrow and distress, expect relief and help from God.

    “If we acquire joy that is peaceful in difficult circumstances, then we will easily reflect with thanksgiving the sorrows that find us and not allow into ourselves the roaring demon of sadness, which, seeking to devour the soul, especially attacks it in sorrows, preparing a place for the spirit of despondency in order to darken the soul even more. soul and destroy her labors" [13, p. 256].

    “In sorrows, be most grateful; because through them the grace of intercession is felt more clearly. Thus, by driving away the sadness of the sorrows that befall you with thanksgiving, you will not darken the brilliant beauty of courageous complacency,” writes St. Neilus of Sinai [13, p. 257].

    An unbeliever can only rely on himself. Again, you need to interrupt the chain of sad thoughts in yourself, for which you try to look at them critically:

    • “Maybe I’ll still remember something when I get a ticket and the examiner gives me a “3” (“4”).”

    • “After all, sometimes I turned from a cowardly hare into a brave hare and achieved well-deserved success.”

    • It is very good to remember those situations when you were able to behave confidently and cope with the situation.

    • It is also useful to remember that so far you have somehow managed to pass the previous exams (and, by the way, not so bad!).

    • Remember also that you are still studying at this school (university), and your classmates (classmates, colleagues) respect you, and teachers (bosses, managers) sometimes praise you!

    • Finally, you may be angry at yourself for still having this “pessimistic” thought! How long!

    • Shift your thoughts to good ones: show patience in sorrows and wait for the approach of joy.

    • Make fun of your fears!

    If a person has not succeeded in this, then he finds himself already at the 3rd stage of addition to the thought - enjoying it. Here comes the “delight of bitterness” - we feel so sorry for ourselves, the unfortunate one: “I’m definitely going to fail now; Well, let everyone laugh at me; everyone abandoned me; everyone will turn away from me; no one needs me; nobody understands me".

    There is a peculiar sweetness in this state of sadness (after all, someone becomes a masochist!).

    “Do not think that you are the only one who endures more sorrow than anyone else. Just as it is impossible for someone living on earth to avoid this air, so it is impossible for a person living in this world not to be tempted by sorrows and illnesses. Those who are occupied with earthly things experience sorrows from earthly things; and those who strive for the spiritual about the spiritual get sick. But the latter will be blessed; because their fruit is abundant in the Lord” [4, p. 407].

    “He who loves the world has many sorrows, but he who despises everything in the world is always cheerful” [13, p. 255].

    If we continue to give in to ourselves, then we find ourselves at the 4th stage of complete captivity with the thought of much sadness - we completely lose peace, we are tormented by fears that “something has already happened, something has happened,” although we do not know what. Psychology has shown that the greatest fear and the most painful experiences are caused by uncertainty, the non-objectivity of fear. Our anxieties intensify to an unlimited limit and turn into a stable depressive state.

    A believer will be helped in the temple, he will be saved by the hope of God’s mercy, His protection and support, but a non-believer will have to seriously work with a psychotherapist.

    Encouragement to combat feelings of fear and anxiety

    Praise yourself for every victory over fear and anxiety. Positive emotions are needed like air. Reward yourself for every day you live without panic. At the same time, encouragement in the fight against feelings of anxiety and restlessness should not provoke new trouble. If you love sweets, treat yourself to a piece of cake or chocolate, but don’t eat up your fears with kilograms. Extra pounds will only provoke a new wave of dissatisfaction with oneself. The consequence will be the same fear of loneliness.

    If you decide to reward yourself with new things, then make purchases that do not affect the family budget. Otherwise, you can move from a neurotic to the ranks of pathological shopaholics.

    Completely detach yourself from the world

    Just turn off all means of communication, sit back and do nothing. However, you are unlikely to be able to resort to this method in any situation. Make sure this is necessary and you have the opportunity. Also, be sure to warn others that it is better to leave you alone for now, and indicate how much time you will need for privacy. But you also need to disconnect from the outside world according to certain rules. Give up TV, computer, tablet, phone. Take a relaxing bath instead. Turn to aromatherapy: basil, anise, chamomile will become the best companions of calm. They reduce stress and help restore mental clarity.

    Features of treatment

    You can cope with the manifestations of feelings of fear and anxiety on your own.

    First, you need to analyze the situations that could be the true cause of the excitement. Next, trying to turn off emotions, you should soberly consider the reality of their threat. This helps you separate from the scary object. Switching to physical or mental work promotes distraction and dissipates the concentration of the source of excitement.

    You can “play” your health condition. Sometimes a demonstration of confidence and calm is perceived by the subconscious as a signal to calm down, helping to stabilize the state.

    Physical methods of getting rid of anxiety involve exposure to space and environmental factors. It is necessary to remove unnecessary irritants: turn off the Internet and TV, eliminate watching and listening to negative news, programs and music.

    It is effective to use the following relaxation methods: breathing control with leveling, slowing down and slowing down breathing movements, contrast showers and self-massage. You should not take medications without finding out the cause of the problem, as this can lead to addiction. Allow yourself to ask others for help - this will reduce the uniqueness of your experience and help you gain peace and confidence.

    If you are unable to cope with the problem of anxiety and irrational fears on your own, you should seek medical help. A psychotherapist will help you find out the true causes of the problem, prescribe an examination, and advise which tests to take. When treating anxiety disorders, diabetes mellitus, tumor processes, and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are excluded, and blood biochemistry, hormonal levels, and ECG are also checked.

    Panic attacks and other anxiety disorders can be effectively treated with body-oriented therapy, which effectively relieves tension, removes blocks and promotes awareness and elimination of causes.

    Medication to combat anxiety disorders consists of taking anxiolytics, antidepressants and tranquilizers.

    Prevention of causeless fears and anxiety includes regular physical activity in the form of sports, exercises, and breathing exercises. A nutritious diet containing the necessary microelements and vitamins is mandatory. It is also important to adhere to a work and rest schedule and sleep that corresponds to human biorhythms. And taking care of your information environment is just as important as hygiene for the body, as it can contribute to pollution or, conversely, restoration and improvement of the mental sphere.

    Irrational fear and anxiety involve deep layers of the psyche. They cause a lot of trouble, but armed with knowledge and looking at them without fear, you can cope with this problem yourself, with the help of loved ones or by seeking help from a specialist.

    Very often, to get rid of increased anxiety, groundless fear, panic attacks and nervousness, doctors use tranquilizers and antidepressants (Tiapride, Chlordizepoxide and others).

    Such treatment is only symptomatic, that is, it only relieves the unwanted symptoms of the experience, but does not in any way eliminate the problem itself. After discontinuation of psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers, a relapse may develop, which is more difficult for further treatment.

    Anxiety can be treated with psychotherapy courses. The most commonly used are auto-training and breathing exercises.

    Infusions and decoctions of mint, lemon balm, and motherwort are used as traditional methods of treatment. All of them should be used as an adjunct to therapy.

    How does alcohol affect feelings of anxiety and restlessness?

    A glass of cognac helps you relax. Men will understand me if they were somehow brought to this article. Alcohol and anxiety are not friends. The average person may think so, but this is not true. Sometimes anxiety occurs after drinking alcohol.

    Drinking alcohol only temporarily muffles fear and anxiety, but does not eliminate the causes. So I don’t advise you to abuse alcohol, no matter how much you want to relax.

    Unreasonable anxiety and panic attacks cannot be eliminated through alcohol. Remember this truth.

    If you read to the end of the article, then I want to praise you for your determination and perseverance. It's not all bad if you were able to concentrate on reading. Finally, I want to say that without eliminating the causes that cause anxiety, you cannot get rid of anxiety and poor health.

    It's okay, I'm just worried and a little scared

    One of the preceding stages of the appearance of neurosis can be the unreasonable occurrence of anxiety and worry. A feeling of anxiety is a tendency to experience a situation, to be constantly worried.

    Depending on the character of the person, his temperament and sensitivity to stressful situations, this condition can manifest itself in different ways. But it is important to note that unreasonable fears, anxiety and worry, as a pre-stage of neurosis, most often appear in tandem with stress and depression.

    Anxiety, as a natural feeling of a situation, not in a hyper form, is useful for a person. In most cases, this condition helps to adapt to new circumstances. A person, feeling anxious and worried about the outcome of a particular situation, prepares as much as possible, finds the most suitable solutions and solves problems.

    But as soon as this form becomes permanent, chronic, problems begin in a person’s life. Everyday existence turns into hard labor, because everything, even the little things, scares you.

    In the future, this leads to neurosis, and sometimes to phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) develops.

    There is no clear boundary of transition from one state to another; it is impossible to predict when and how anxiety and a feeling of fear will turn into neurosis, and that in turn into an anxiety disorder.

    But there are certain symptoms of anxiety that appear constantly without any significant reason:

    • sweating;
    • hot flashes, chills, trembling throughout the body, tremors in certain parts of the body, numbness, severe muscle tone;
    • chest pain, burning stomach (abdominal distress);
    • fainting, dizziness, fears (of death, madness, murder, loss of control);
    • irritability, a person is constantly “on edge”, nervousness;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • any joke can cause fear or aggression.

    GAD - fear of everything, always and everywhere

    There is such a concept as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) - this is one of the forms of anxiety disorders, with one caveat - the duration of this kind of disorder is measured in years, and affects absolutely all areas of a person’s life.

    We can conclude that it is precisely this monotonous state of “I’m afraid of everything, I’m afraid always and constantly” that leads to a complex, painful life.

    Even ordinary cleaning of the house, not done according to schedule, upsets a person, going to the store for a necessary thing that was not there, calling a child who did not answer on time, but in his thoughts “they stole, killed”, and many other reasons why There is no need to worry, but there is anxiety.

    And all this is generalized anxiety disorder (also sometimes called phobic anxiety disorder).

    Losing doesn't mean you're a failure.

    All people fail. However, each person reacts to them differently. So, someone gets upset, becomes depressed, begins to consider himself a complete loser, etc. At the same time, someone tries to adequately assess the current situation, learns from it and moves forward towards the intended goal. It is important to understand that you cannot fix what has already happened. However, it is in your power to ensure that this does not happen again in the future. Therefore, do not worry about the past, draw the right conclusions and move on with your life.

    And then there’s the depression...

    Anxiety-depressive disorder, as a form of neurosis, according to experts, by 2020 will take second place after coronary heart disease among disorders that lead to disability.

    The states of chronic anxiety and depression are similar, which is why the concept of TDR appeared as a kind of transitional form. The symptoms of the disorder are as follows:

    • mood swings;
    • sleep disturbances for a long period;
    • anxiety, fears for yourself and loved ones;
    • apathy, insomnia;
    • low performance, decreased attention and memory, inability to learn new material.

    There are also vegetative changes: increased heartbeat, increased sweating, hot flashes or, conversely, chills, pain in the solar plexus, gastrointestinal disorders (abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea), muscle pain and more.

    Anxiety-depressive syndrome is characterized by the presence of several of the above symptoms over several months.


    Scientists have found that meditation has a beneficial effect on brain functioning and helps cope with stress. This spiritual practice has been studied more than once as part of the development of psychological rehabilitation programs, and its effectiveness has been proven. This is why we recommend that you take a yoga class or simply meditate at home. Yoga is a combination of physical activity, breathing exercises and meditation practice. This method helps many people overcome depression.

    Complex of manifestations

    Symptoms of anxiety disorders are divided into two groups:

    1. Somatic symptoms. Characterized by pain, deterioration of health: headaches, sleep disturbances, darkening of the eyes, sweating, frequent and painful urination. We can say that a person feels changes on the physical level, and this further aggravates the anxious state.
    2. Mental symptoms: emotional stress, a person’s inability to relax, fixation on the situation, constantly turning it over, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate on something, inability to remember new information, irritability and aggression.

    The transition of all of the above symptoms into a chronic form leads to such unpleasant consequences as neurosis, chronic depression and stress. Living in a gray, scary world, where there is no joy, no laughter, no creativity, no love, no sex, no friendship, no delicious dinner or breakfast... all these are the consequences of untreated mental disorders.

    Social anxiety disorder

    Social anxiety disorder is defined as extreme anxiety and discomfort in social situations. According to some studies, social anxiety (also known as social phobia) is the third most common mental disorder after depression and alcoholism. Fear of being around other people, communicating with them, fear of negative assessments from others are common signs of social anxiety. Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces, crowds, public places, and/or being alone) is another severe form of anxiety.

    How to overcome fears, worries and anxiety

    To get rid of fear, anxiety and anxiety today there are two main approaches.

    Psychotherapy sessions

    Psychotherapy sessions, alternative name for CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). During such therapy, the causes of mental vegetative and somatic disorders are identified.

    Another important goal is a call for proper stress relief and learning to relax. During sessions, a person can change his stereotypical thinking; during a calm conversation in a conducive environment, the patient does not fear anything, which is why he opens up completely: calmness, a conversation that helps to understand the origins of his behavior, realize them, and accept them.

    Next, a person learns how to deal with anxiety and stress, get rid of unreasonable panic, and learns to live. The psychotherapist helps the patient accept himself, understand that everything is fine with him and his environment, that he has nothing to be afraid of.

    It is important to note that CBT is carried out both on an individual basis and in groups. This depends on the severity of the disorder, as well as the patient's willingness to be treated in one way or another.

    It is important that a person must consciously come to a psychotherapist; he must at least understand that this is necessary. Forcibly pushing him into the office, and for longer also forcing him to talk - such methods will not only not give the desired result, but will also aggravate the situation.

    In combination with psychotherapy sessions, a massage session and other physical procedures can be performed.

    Sometimes the use of medications is practiced - these are antidepressants, sedatives, beta blockers. But it is important to understand that medications will not cure anxiety disorders, nor will they be a panacea for getting rid of mental disorders.

    The purpose of the medication method is completely different; drugs help you keep yourself under control and make it easier to bear the severity of the situation.

    And they are not prescribed in 100% of cases; the psychotherapist looks at the course of the disorder, the degree and severity, and already determines whether there is a need for such medications or not.

    In advanced cases, strong and fast-acting medications are prescribed to obtain the fastest effect in order to relieve an anxiety attack.

    Specialists tell their patients what these medications are, why they are needed, and what course is needed in this particular case. It is important to convey to the patient that once you have started taking medications, you should not suddenly stop taking them.


    • Even the lightest tablets should be taken only after consulting a doctor in order to “avoid incompatibility” with other medications.
    • These measures are not a substitute for medical care, but may help with mild problems. Please see a doctor if your phobia is severe. Too much anxiety and stress can have harmful effects on the nervous system and blood pressure. An untreated phobia can lead to significant problems, social anxiety and a lack of confidence to cope with situations. Medications will not help in the long term, it is better to keep them as a last option.
    • Most recommendations are only suitable for short-term concerns, when the causes can be discovered and fully understood. If the problem persists for a long time, consult a doctor.
    • Keep working through all the methods until you find what works best for your fears. This course of action will help you face your fears and get rid of your problems over time. Remember that all methods and methods have different effects on people, and results may vary depending on the person. Be calm and patient, no one can stop you from winning the battle except yourself.
    • If these tips don't help, and nervousness continues to affect the person's behavior, then it may not be simple anxiety, but a specific mental disorder that requires medical treatment.

    Today, a significant percentage of the adult population in many countries around the world constantly experiences feelings of worry and anxiety. This affects not only a person's ability to enjoy life, but also their physical and mental health. How to deal with constant anxiety? We offer you 12 tips to help you say goodbye to this feeling.

    Emergency situation - what to do?

    In emergency cases, an attack of panic and anxiety can be relieved with medication, and also only by a specialist; if he is not present at the time of the peak of the attack, it is important to first call medical help, and then try with all your might not to worsen the situation.

    But this does not mean that you have to run and shout “help, help.” No! You need to show calm by all appearances; if there is a possibility that a person could cause injury, leave immediately.

    If not, try to talk in a calm voice and support the person with the phrases “I believe in you. WE are together, WE will get through this." Avoid saying “I feel it too”, anxiety and panic are individual feelings and everyone feels them differently.

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