How to cope with constant stress at work - effective advice from a psychologist

New markets, new clients, new projects, meetings and discussions with colleagues, professional communities that you need to join... And there’s also a flood of emails, not to mention documents that you also need to devote time to... Of course, you can learn to organize your day better (let’s say , do not keep the mail program window open, but allocate a certain period of time for letters) and fight the tendency to get distracted (do not start something and immediately abandon it for another). But it is also important to be able to see what exactly suits us at work and what needs to be changed. We tend to forget that our experience of the workday depends on how comfortable we feel at work. Our experts, existential psychotherapist Svetlana Krivtsova and narrative psychologist Olesya Simonova, talk about how to manage your working time with benefit and pleasure.

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Why is stress the plague of the 21st century?

According to sociological surveys, a significant part of the world's population employed in one service or another suffers from constant psycho-emotional stress associated with professional activity. Stress is becoming an epidemic and, according to scientific research, is one of the most important social problems of modern humanity. It is one of the causes of heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases, injuries and suicides. Insurance companies provide interesting statistics. "A silent killer":

  • becomes the reason for every second absence of an employee from the workplace;
  • is the main factor leading to the dismissal of an employee at his own request;
  • reduces physical and mental health to such an extent that the employee seeks medical attention.

stress causes psychosomatic disorders in the body, as a result of which a person constantly feels unwell, becomes unproductive and can no longer live normally without medication

If you are leading a team

The main task of a manager is to organize the work of the team entrusted to him in such a way as to ensure maximum output from each employee. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the influence of irritating factors is minimal, which will certainly increase everyone’s performance. To achieve an ideal state of affairs in which productivity will be maximum and the number of stressful situations will be minimal, you need to analyze the influence of all aspects and eliminate the reasons that interfere with normal work.

Causes of stress in the workplace

Stressors are factors that contribute to an increase in emotional stress of the psyche and a decrease in performance. Let's list the main ones.


The work collective is a second family. But it contains ill-wishers, envious people, rude leaders, and unscrupulous subordinates. The need to communicate with the listed categories of people heats up the work environment to the limit. Unfortunately, clients and partners also “add fuel to the fire.” The field of activity with “person-to-person” relationships is the most stressful. Constant tension, the need to please and be polite, to inspire trust and defend your position drains the psyche. All this requires considerable effort on the part of the nervous system.

Lack of opportunity to realize oneself

If you work “under pressure” and do not approach your work with your soul, the work is done mechanically, without enthusiasm and dedication. Such a situation makes a person think about changing his field of activity, but various circumstances can keep him in the service. Having to go to a hated office every day causes a lot of negative emotions.

Lack of time

We often hear the phrase: “I don’t get anything done.” It is pronounced by those who do not know how to effectively organize their workday or by people who have taken on too many responsibilities. As a result, work efficiency and personal life suffer.


Most managers struggle with this feeling. High responsibility puts pressure on the psyche of people who are responsible for the lives of others or those whose work involves financial risks.

Low salary

The main purpose of labor is to satisfy material needs. Unfortunately, there are important but low-paid professions, such as an emergency medical technician or a kindergarten teacher. Earnings equal to the utility bills for an apartment lowers self-esteem and causes job dissatisfaction. This is especially true for the male half of humanity.

Working conditions

To work effectively, you need to have a comfortable workplace. Insufficient lighting, the location of the monitor opposite the front door, the lack of windows and fresh air flow into the room, unpleasant odors and noise negatively affect the emotional state of the employee. Frequent business trips and the need to spend several hours a day on the road to the office or enterprise lead to stress.

Cure for stress Afobazol instead of extremes

There are two extremes:

  1. Anti-anxiety drugs (classic tranquilizers such as phenazepam), which act directly on the central nervous system, inhibiting it. They cause drowsiness and addiction, and when you stop taking them, withdrawal symptoms appear—feelings of melancholy and irritation. Of course, taking such drugs is impossible when you need to drive or participate in negotiations.
  2. Cheap herbs - motherwort, valerian, mint, which, in turn, only temporarily relieve the symptoms of stress, but do not cure it.

There is an excellent alternative to the two extremes in the domestic market - a unique innovative medicine for stress Afobazol.

Types of occupational stress

Psychologists and sociologists distinguish 3 types of work stress.


Associated with increased mental workload. Occurs when the brain is unable to process a large amount of information. Its reasons are high workload, conflicting information that has to be processed during project implementation, and the receipt of unstructured data.


Arises from the need to contact unpleasant people. For example, going to planning meetings every day with an unbalanced boss, managing the activities of unscrupulous and slow performers, finding a common language with “difficult” partners.


Caused by dissatisfaction with the result of work or working conditions, unresolved conflict situations and the inability to separate personal relationships in the team from workers.


Those of us who perform more demanding jobs (compared to others) experience greater joy and satisfaction in our work. When we enjoy our work, when we understand the necessity of what we do, we feel balance in life and feel that our time has not been wasted. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi defined the concept of “optimal experience,” which he called “flow.”* Flow is a subjective state of “feeling good” that occurs when we are deeply immersed in an interesting activity. In this state we work to the maximum of our capabilities. But flow occurs only when the task is feasible, but not too simple. When the bar is set too low (with low abilities), we experience apathy. When it is too high (with low or average abilities), we feel anxious. And boredom appears in a situation where we can do much more than is required of us. Therefore, it is so important to be attentive to our sensations and feelings, to redistribute time so as to spend it on what we consider useful, and thus remain in harmony with ourselves. The biggest myth of the time management system is the idea that we can do anything.

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Consequences of constant stress

As we already mentioned, occupational stress is called the plague of the 21st century or the “silent killer”, and all because it:

  • leads to decreased concentration;
  • reduces immunity;
  • provokes insomnia;
  • worsens the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • leads to migraines, heart disease;
  • causes early skin aging;
  • causes overeating and obesity.

A person exposed to stress at work becomes depressed, apathetic, and irritable. He transfers professional problems into the family, loses interest in life and ruins relationships with family and friends.

in order to reduce the likelihood of the destructive consequences of stress, you need to pull yourself together in time - change your lifestyle and thinking, because a lot depends on our perception of what is happening and the fullness and brightness of our lifestyle

Conscious choice?

I have many acquaintances, men and women, who live in constant time pressure: “I’ll call you back, I’m busy”, “My project is on fire”, “They’re fed up: they don’t want to do anything”...

For many, increased activity in the office is due to internal problems. But gradually they accumulate, tension grows and confronting stress eventually takes up all the time.

Ideally, a person, no matter whether a man or a woman, does what he loves, realizes himself and still has time to learn something new.

At the same time, he does not divide his life between work and the rest of the time. He just lives, does what he likes and develops.

But in reality, few people succeed at all. I’m sure that the situation is familiar to many of you: you wake up, get ready, turn on the “office-smoke break-lunch-office-coffee-home” mode and barely make it home alive.

And in this state, many women take loneliness as a lifeline: the husband doesn’t have to cook, the children don’t have to do homework, and the cat can survive on dry food.

Because these tasks are already completely draining of strength. So there are three main reasons

, due to which you succumb to work stress.

Attempt to escape

This happens to women who, for some reason, do not want or cannot be at home. It doesn’t matter whether you are single or have a family.

This is all just an indicator of the situation, an indicator that such a quantity has accumulated in a relationship with a man and with oneself that one wants to run away “just not to go home.”

But such tactics will not help you escape. It will only aggravate existing difficulties. And the work will be ineffective, and there will be more stress than can be endured without consequences.


Businessmen sometimes turn into avid “gamblers”. Yes, but they don't place bets in casinos. They focus on their work and goals that can be achieved.

The most difficult thing is if the attitude towards work is complemented by perfectionism, workaholism and hyper-responsibility. All these forms are already a sign of an unhealthy attitude towards her.

They also have their roots in, but the result is the same.

24/7 at the computer, overwork, negotiations day and night. All this is driven not only by the desire to make money.

This is work for the sake of the process itself, and the process closes internal conflicts with oneself and becomes a kind of gambling.


Continuing the topic of internal problems. It's not just men who want to prove their worth by becoming the big boss.

Along with all this, they often do something irreparable in relationships with men (and also with relatives, friends, etc.) - they transfer the same style of communication into their personal lives.

That’s why they often remain completely alone. “Strong and independent” is not just a joke from the Internet. This is not an eco-friendly lifestyle for a woman.

How to learn to cope with stress?

What do psychologists say about this? Let's find out how to cope with constant stress at work.

Admit the problem

This simple advice will help you understand how mentally exhausted you are. Many people are designed in such a way that they prefer not to notice problems with the nervous system and health. Psychologists recommend writing down what causes you negative emotions at work and acting based on the reason.

Take breaks

A short break helps you relax and recuperate. Several times a day, arrange five-minute sessions during which you will switch to something unrelated to your current activity. Do eye exercises, enjoy a cup of herbal tea, and tidy up your desk.

Listen to music

Did you know that classical music has the healing properties of reducing stress? It also normalizes blood pressure and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. As soon as you feel like you’re about to boil, turn on the melody of Beethoven and Chopin and lose yourself in the music for a couple of minutes.

Delegate tasks to others

Don't try to control everything. Surely there are those among your subordinates who would be happy to take on a little more responsibility. Feel free to give out assignments if your position requires it, or ask colleagues for help. Learn to trust people.

Come to work early

Show up at your workplace 15-20 minutes before the start of the work day. During this time, you can drink a cup of coffee, ventilate the room and get ready for activity. This groundwork will allow you to collect your thoughts and smoothly enter the work day. You may have to reconsider your routine and wake up a little earlier. By coming to work on time or being a little late, you create an additional stressful situation.

Learn to prioritize

There are no exclusively urgent and important matters. Complete important and urgent tasks first, important but less urgent ones second. Afterwards you can get down to routine and routine. Leave the remaining time for minor tasks, and if you don’t have enough, assign them to colleagues or put them in a “distant drawer”. Someday you will return to them.

Take a time management course

If you feel like you don't get anything done or are constantly late at work, think about whether you are organizing your workday correctly. Read popular literature on time management. In these books, psychologists and successful managers share tips on how to organize the space around you and allocate time to work effectively.

Organize your space using the 5S system

The Japanese workplace organization system has proven its effectiveness. It is believed that at work we spend about 10% of our time finding the necessary item. As a result, we do not have time to complete some task or get nervous, creating even more chaos around us. The method includes 5 steps:

  • sorting and deleting - get rid of souvenirs on the table, old documents, sort folders on your computer according to an understandable system, delete unnecessary files;
  • maintaining order - label the papers, leave one stationery item on the table;
  • maintaining cleanliness - keep your work area tidy, regularly wipe away dust, remove food crumbs;
  • standardization of processes - maintain order by constantly monitoring the implementation of the previous three steps;
  • improvement - think about how you can improve the space to make it more comfortable for you to work.

Don't neglect sleep

Only a fully-rested employee works effectively. If you have already discovered a problem with sleep due to constant psycho-emotional stress at work, consult a doctor or think about how to change your daily routine so that you can sleep at least 6 hours a day. Do not use gadgets in bed, do not watch TV, take a relaxing bath or shower before bed, and drink herbal tea. Go to bed at the same time every night.

Eat well

Do not skip meals, regardless of whether you are busy with physical or mental labor. The nervous system needs food in order to recover and receive enough minerals and vitamins to keep it functioning in a healthy state. Your lunch should be complete and your snack should be light and nutritious. Drink more clean water, eat seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, keep nuts in your desk drawer. Do not eat fast carbohydrates and fast food. They seem to help you get through unpleasant moments, but in reality they only harm your health and cause addiction to bad food and obesity.

Don't forget about family and friends

The most effective method to get rid of constant stress at work is to leave it within the walls of the office or enterprise. Don't drag problems into your family. At the end of the day, you are a family man, a friend, a parent or an athlete. No job is worth neglecting family and friends, these are the most important things life gives us. If you don't have enough time for your family or hobbies, you won't be happy even if you follow all the above tips.

Reconsider your priorities

Think about why your professional activity no longer brings you satisfaction. Perhaps you have no reason to stay in this place and should look for something new. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone if your current position is stressing you out. What if it's time to ask for a raise (especially if you deserve it) or send out your resume to other employers?

Don't fight stress, but organize your workday correctly and set priorities. Professional activity, no matter how important it is, should not replace family and relaxation with friends. We hope that thanks to our article, you understood how to reduce the level of emotional stress associated with the professional sphere.

Self-help techniques for stress

If you don’t know how to disconnect from your problems, then try using our tips:

  • — First of all, you need to drive away obsessive thoughts about your problem. Watch your favorite movie, play with your children or read a book.
  • — Try to master deep breathing. The body's reaction can also be controlled through relaxation yoga exercises.
  • — If you can’t switch off from heavy thoughts, then try to give your body rest. Relax in a chair or lying on your bed and smile. Your mood will immediately begin to change, because with a smile there simply cannot be any problems.
  • — Try dividing your day into time periods. Divide tense moments with at least a five-minute break in which you can drink coffee or just relax.
  • - Make time for simple happiness. Doctors assure that if at least once a day you find time to do things that are pleasant to you and those that make your soul happy, then stress will not defeat you.

If you cannot immediately solve the problem, use a solution that is more suitable for you. Either put off solving your problem until you are calmer and can adequately respond to the problem, or take up physical exercise and you will soon feel relief.

Stress is a series of nonspecific reactions of the body that arise as a result of exposure to unfavorable factors of various nature (physical, psychological), which disrupt its normal functioning, as well as the state of the nervous system.

As a result of exposure to various factors associated with danger or surprise, the body begins to produce specific hormones (adrenaline), which stimulate energy sources.

Thanks to this reaction, people cope with difficult situations. But, if this helped primitive people survive, such situations are easy for modern people. The whole point is that it is not so much the stress itself that is scary, but its intensity.

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Negative staff attitude

If you are a manager, carefully observe what is happening with your subordinates.
Interaction should not be limited to the formal exchange of tasks and material goods - be sensitive. This doesn't mean you need to become a psychotherapist for your employees, but your developed emotional intelligence and empathy will become a driver of success for the entire team. Important: first identify the causes of stress and only then move on to solving problems. If you don't, you will encounter them again. A situation in which the manager does not explain the task at hand, and employees do not ask questions because they are afraid of his displeasure, can cause a negative attitude among the staff. A vicious circle arises: the fewer questions subordinates ask, the less they understand what their superiors want. The worse they understand, the more mistakes they make, which causes the manager’s dissatisfaction to grow, which, in turn, prevents employees from asking questions.

As a result, staff experience professional burnout and quit, and the company is left without qualified employees and is forced to spend resources on training new ones.

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