Psychology of money and wealth

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Psychology of Money

- a branch of psychology that studies a person’s attitude to money and to other people in connection with money relationships, as well as the influence of monetary factors on human behavior, in particular on decision making.

Closely related to economics and neuroeconomics. Experimental studies show that human behavior in situations in which he operates with money is quite predictable, although in some cases such predictions diverge from the provisions of classical economic theories. Although the topic of “man and money” has long been considered the domain of the cultural sciences, recent research shows that the biological mechanisms of the brain play an important role in it. It turned out that brain operations are in many ways similar to processes in economic systems. Researchers believe that studying the psychology of money will help improve a person's life and ultimately make him happier.

Basic principles of money psychology

Lack of money is in your head, not in your pocket. The psychology of lack of money is a branch of psychology that studies how a person relates to material wealth and valuable things. She highlights several basic principles:

  1. Money is an energy flow. Money energy shows how strong a person’s internal energy is. Material benefits enter the life of a person who is ready to accept them, excluding limiting boundaries. You yourself block the cash flow with boundaries and stereotypes.
  2. Income directly depends on thinking. Pay attention to your internal beliefs about money, its quantity, think about whether there are negative ones among them. Write down the restraining attitudes on a piece of paper, replace them with the opposite ones.
  3. See money as an opportunity, pay with pleasure, feel the joy of acquiring new things.
  4. Be prepared to put money in. It’s not enough to say “I want two million dollars.” You need to know why money is needed. Indicate the goal of earning money - a new apartment, car, dacha. Another problem of not being prepared for money is the inability to refrain from unnecessary purchases. This expresses the desire to quickly get rid of money.

Subtleties of attracting money

To attract money, you need to try to change your previous life, in which there is no money. Make it a rule to read stories of successful people. Stories of such people can inspire you to great deeds, give you an interesting idea, and you yourself will be on the path to success.

Become interested in finances and things related to money. Sign up for courses, read a few books, study economic news and economic magazines, attend free business training, make money an integral part of life. Try to meet entrepreneurs, people who do what they love and have turned it into income. Make a business plan for your future project.

Problems of the psychology of money

All problems are related to people’s feelings and their attitudes; they are the ones that push away wealth. Very often people themselves put up barriers that prevent them from getting what they want. Moreover, there can be an unlimited number of such barriers. One of them is the psychology of a beggar who is forever without money. A man without money, but still happy with such a life. The next barrier is a depressive mood when there is no confidence in one’s abilities. Another significant problem is fear, that is, a person is afraid of earning a lot of money and losing it, so he does nothing.

The magic of money

There are a huge number of rituals that allow you to attract cash flow. A few simple ways:

  1. Count your money. Let's look at the word "poverty". It is formed from 2 words - “not to count”. Money is found where it is counted.
  2. You cannot tear or crush banknotes. They must be whole and even.
  3. You cannot throw money or coins. If small change falls, pick it up. This is how you express respect to the egregor of money.
  4. If you give alms, do it with pleasure.
  5. Do not spend money after receiving it, let the bills stay in your wallet.
  6. Keep bills in one place, do not divide money into several wallets.
  7. Money loves cleanliness and order, so the house of successful people is always clean.
  8. You cannot leave your wallet empty; put at least one banknote or a few coins.
  9. Place a money frog on your desk. Burn incense to attract customers, wear a money amulet in the form of a round coin with a hole through which a red thread is threaded. Money mice and paws are good at attracting money.
  10. Carry horseradish root in your wallet, it can attract money.
  11. When choosing a wallet, give preference to red, gold, green, black colors. Don't buy a cheap wallet. “House for money” should be beautiful. A cheap wallet carries the energy of poverty and cannot attract large sums of money.
  12. Make sure there is no trash or receipts in your wallet. Only money should be in the wallet.
  13. Money loves clarity. Form the intention to receive a certain thing and then over time the required amount will appear. Perhaps it will come from unexpected sources.

Rituals to attract money are carried out during the waxing moon or on the full moon. Track the phase using the lunar calendar. A few rituals to help attract abundance:

  1. The simplest ritual to get rich: put several bay leaves in a separate pocket of your wallet, saying: “leaves grow, money goes.” Make sure that the leaves are not touched by strangers.
  2. On the first night of the new moon, pour a glass of water and leave it on the windowsill. When midnight comes, wash your face with water from a glass, repeating, “As the month has become full, so I am full of good things.”
  3. Ritual to attract financial well-being with a green candle, basil: draw out the required amount on the candle with a needle or small knife. Rub the candle with vegetable oil and roll in dried basil. Light a candle while reading the words of the spell: “Money grows, it comes, it finds its way into my wallet.” Let the candle burn out, and put its remains into savings. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon at midnight. It is important to be in an empty room with the door closed

Spend 20 minutes daily on money meditation. Feel the sincere joy and happiness of having money. This is a good psychological technique that allows you to create positive emotions from owning money, feel like a wealthy person, and then prosperity will enter your life.

Decide on your priorities

Priorities and goals for the future determine all interactions with money. Therefore, it is so important to understand what kind of life a person is going towards and what basic values ​​he is guided by. Having a clear goal, it is easy to stop wasting money and work effectively with your finances.

The following things depend on the set financial goals:

  • planned item of expenditure;
  • expected profit;
  • tools for increasing funds;
  • “islands” of financial relief.

But how easy is it to decide on life priorities ? First, it is necessary to understand what is the main business of life for a person. Perhaps he has children and wants to take care of their education. Then the emphasis is on saving money to invest in the future of the offspring.

Secondly, you need to understand how soon finances will be needed. If there is no need to spend a large amount in the near foreseeable future, you can try investing money to generate passive income. Then a strategy for increasing funds by purchasing stocks and bonds or a deposit account in a bank is suitable for a person.

money and luck. How to attract them into your life

How to stop pushing money away?

Many people grew up in a mentality of not having enough money. To change this, you need to understand what beliefs block the cash flow:

  1. “You can’t make a lot of money in my job.”
  2. “No one needs my creativity and ideas.”
  3. “There were no rich people in my family, which means I am also doomed to be poor.”
  4. “To get rich you need to steal, and I’m not a thief.”
  5. "Millionaires are corrupt people."
  6. “It’s impossible to get anywhere without money and connections.”
  7. “I don’t have a college degree (or special education) so I can make a lot of money.”
  8. “A prosperous life is not for me.”
  9. “It’s impossible to make a lot of money in our state.”
  10. "It's too late to change your life."
  11. “Not everyone can be rich, I’m happy with what I have now.”
  12. “Money is earned only through hard work, pleasure comes from work, it is not work.”
  13. “I am not worthy to lead a successful life.”
  14. "Money is evil."
  15. “Money splashes.”
  16. "I do not need anything".
  17. “I don’t know how to save.”

These are just some of the beliefs that block money energy. Remember what emotions you experience when you see expensive things, hear the news that a colleague bought an expensive house, car, apartment - envy, annoyance, joy. Try to change your perception, rejoice at the acquisition of another person.

Articles of Faith Regarding Money

Get into the habit of thinking: “The more I give, the more will come.” This attitude of people towards money will be more correct. Why do the poor get poorer and the rich get richer? The latter have a mindset of excess , while the poor are in a constant state of need . How do the poor and the rich spend money and what do they experience, and what thoughts do they have when parting with another amount of money?

Attitude to money among the “wealthy”

A rich person simply does not think about such expenses as utility bills and food; he does it automatically or a “special person” does it. He spends money on pleasure and feels pleasure at the same time, happily parting with huge sums of money. He spends on buying expensive cars and gets pleasure from the purchased goods and the fact that he parted with his money. Goes on a trip and enjoys luxury, relaxation and places where he can leave his money. A wealthy person's attitude towards money looks like a means to achieve good goals that bring him pleasure in life.

The poor person's attitude towards money

Now let's look at the poor man. How does he spend money and what does he think about it? He goes into a store, buys a pack of cigarettes, and the seller says that cigarettes have become more expensive today. What is happening to his thinking at this moment. He thinks: “Oh, damn freaks, they raised the price of this poison again...”. Not only does he spend money not according to his own desire, but for dependence, but at the same time he is also reluctant to part with his money . How can more come to a person if he is shaking over what he has? He is limited to what he has, his “volume” does not allow him to let in more. If you look at middle-aged people with little income, you will notice how they count every penny when shopping in a store and give away money with the same dissatisfaction when they learn that some product has become more expensive. Will that little thing help save money or improve the standard of living or somehow influence the life of such a person? Those aimlessly saved “pennies” will play absolutely no role except for shaping a way of thinking from a position of need and a negative attitude towards money in general.

More on the blog: How to treat money correctly

The right attitude towards money.

One of the main factors is the way you think about parting with money . What kind of thinking do you have in relation to money? Some may think that money is evil, and others that money is the path to freedom, others like the smell of money (those who say that money does not smell are lying), and some just like the pressure on their buttocks when they lie down in the back pocket of my jeans.

As for hoarding , there are two sides to it. If a person saves money for a specific purpose, then this is good. He mentally imagines how he will give the required amount of money for something and gets pleasure from it. There is a positive attitude towards money itself as a means, and a positive feeling when parting with money. But there is also hoarding in the form of hoarding , if a person has money, but he does not have a specific purpose for which he could spend this money and at the same time presses to spend on things that he wants to buy or needs. This is already called elementary greed. Such people will not have money for long.

More on the blog: Responsibility exists where choice is possible

More on the topic: Negative money beliefs

Each person has his own attitude towards money in accordance with his way of thinking and, as a result, has such wealth.

There are two types of attitude towards money, this is perception from the position of need or from the position of excess, prosperity . For example, you find out that your friend has begun to earn a lot of money and you begin to feel envy. What is your attitude towards money? You start to think that you don’t earn enough and look for where to get more. This is a position of need, the absence of any positive goal and only a fetish in the form of the amount of money, the source of which is need. The correct attitude towards money in this case will be such that you perceive the situation as a positive example, that it is possible to earn more money if there is a certain goal and a sense of respect is included.

Another example, if you have lost a certain amount of money, then in no case should you regret the loss, it is better to think something like “you gave more, more will come.”

What is your attitude towards money? What do you think is the right attitude towards money?

Read our classified materials

Refusal of pettiness

Beautiful things hang in the closet waiting for an occasion, beautiful dishes are put away in the closet before the holiday, the tea cup has a few chips, but it’s not time to change it. New shoes and a beautiful dress are worn only on special occasions.

It's difficult for you to buy new things because you don't have enough money. You often buy cheap food in the store, simpler clothes, feeling a constant shortage of something good.

Be happy, do not deny yourself pleasures and small joys, then money will come much easier. Buy beautiful things, love yourself. Remove old, torn, and unnecessary items from your home. Buy new things, make room for them. Old unnecessary things create energy blockages. Do not store broken dishes. Take a beautiful set out of the closet, eat from beautiful dishes and let it bring joy. Positive emotions are a source of well-being and happiness.

Thoughts are material

If you want to become a rich person, start thinking like a successful person. Successful people don't watch TV, preferring books. They talk about success by constantly trying to see opportunities rather than difficulties. They do not worry about the lack of money, do not try to save, but look for ways to earn more.

If you want to be a successful person, stop complaining about how difficult your life is, why you can’t become a rich and happy person, don’t make excuses. Take responsibility for life and well-being without shifting it to the gods, government, city, country, economic and political conditions. Accept that you yourself have determined the outcome in life, find the strength to make efforts to change the situation. Be a leader.

Favorite business - a way to attract money

To be rich you don’t have to become an actor or singer. It’s enough to just do what you love, for which you didn’t have enough time. Think about who you want to be, without reference to salary or diploma. One of the authors on the topic of esotericism, Vadim Zeland, who founded the “Reality Transurfing” direction, emphasizes that when a person does what he loves, doors open to him on the path to prosperity and wealth.

The main thing is not to pursue material gain. Do what you love because it brings you joy, don't turn it into work. Work is perceived at the subconscious level as a difficult, negative occupation that takes time, strength and health. Discard the thought that it is too late for you to start something.

JK Rowling was a suicidal single mother at the age of 28, and Harrison Ford first worked as a carpenter. Keanu Reeves told reporters that he is not at all concerned about wealth, and that acting is his calling.

Think about how much benefit you will bring to people, instead of chasing material benefits. By focusing solely on amounts of money, you subconsciously set yourself up for a lack of money. Focusing on work as a calling will make you a happy person, and the money will come. Set aside a small amount of money from each earnings, see what is in demand today. Think about what you can give up so you have a little more money in reserve.

The psychology of money helps to form a healthy attitude towards money and other material goods, to get rid of poverty and complexes. A person with the correct internal attitudes and knowledge of monetary laws ensures a happy, comfortable life. In order to understand in more detail how to attract money into your life, you can watch the video:


Already the first psychological studies of human actions in the economy showed that human behavior in situations in which he makes decisions related to money is quite predictable, although it may not correspond to the schemes of classical economic theories (Furnham and Argyle, 1998).

Among the predictable psychological effects, the following were identified:

  • Money illusion
    is a person’s tendency to perceive a nominal rather than a real amount of money, that is, without adjusting for inflation (E. Shafir et al., 1997; Fehr and Tyran, 2001).
  • Monetary conservatism
    is resistance to any monetary reforms, even if they are useful. An example is the resistance to the introduction of a one dollar coin in the US (Caskey and St Laurent, 1994).
  • Money taboos
    are cultural restrictions on monetary exchange, even if such exchange is economically desirable. For example, in some cultures it is not customary to pay for sex or give money to parents and grandparents.
  • Silencing effect
    . It is not customary to talk about money. An undoubted difficulty associated with studying individual characteristics of attitudes towards money is the “closed nature” of this topic. The place of money and people’s attention to it in Russian psychology is often underestimated, money topics are missed, hushed up, considered profane and indecent for discussion, and are crowded out. As the British say, “Any conversation is a conversation about money,” but this topic is subtextual. In some cultures it is not customary to talk about money. As Russian researchers note, “survey participants consider topics such as... the size and source of income (67.7%), money savings (73.2%), adultery ( 77.6%) and sexual relations (78.5%)" (Myagkov, A. Yu. 2002). A. B. Fenko also draws attention to this: “Confirmation of the affective charge of the topic of money for respondents was the distrustful attitude of many of them towards the survey procedure itself. Thus, in one of the groups where the respondents were school teachers, 58% refused to fill out the questionnaire, considering the questions “indecent” (Fenko A. B., 2004).
  • The effect of money tension
    is the emotional intensity of people’s relationships with money and relationships between people regarding money. Money is accompanied by love and hatred, envy and sacrifice; people experience different, but usually strong feelings, which characterizes this area as emotionally contaminated, contrasting or ambivalent in relations to money. The flip side of this effect is the phenomenon of attributing increased monetary value to emotionally significant phenomena. A clear example can be found in Max Singer’s article “The Viability of Mythical Numbers” (2005), in which the author shows that the real damage from property crimes of drug addicts in New York is overestimated by about 10 times, but at the same time the “mythical” number is stable in people’s minds and is constantly used in official sources. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that compensation for emotional stress occurs due to the inflated - in monetary terms - cost of the phenomenon or its consequences.
  • The effect of the illusion of the materiality of money
    . Traditionally, money is attributed to the material sphere, the need for money is considered a material need and the value of money is considered a material value. In his works, M. Yu. Semenov (2005, 2010) develops the idea that money does not relate exclusively to material things, but, being a socially conventional means, can be used to satisfy most needs, including social and spiritual . However, M. Yu. Semenov explains the shift in the position of money in the social views of scientists towards the material by the fact that typical material needs are easily satisfied for money, and social or self-actualization needs, in addition to impersonal money, require the use of personal resources.
  • The effect of monetary profanation
    . The use of money as payment for labor and other types of human interaction shows a quantitative assessment of these actions, which turns human interaction from sacred, unusual into profane, ordinary. Such a transformation is experienced as vulgarization and is assessed negatively by people. Therefore, for example, in Russian culture, relatives prefer to provide services to each other for free or through barter.
  • The effect of different money
    . Although people use the same word “money,” the meanings can be different, just as money itself is different: money in general (as a function), cash and non-cash, coins and bills, rubles and dollars, money on deposit or on a credit card. Different money means different relationships, different people have different attitudes towards the same type of money. In a psychosemantic study using a private semantic differential, conducted by A. A. Kapustin in Yaroslavl (1999), multiple attitudes to various monetary forms (rubles, dollars) and monetary concepts (money and ideal money) were recorded. Thus, real money is characterized as evil, immoral, invisible, and ideal money is characterized as clean, reliable, kind, easy, moral, generous, respected. Therefore, studies usually indicate what type of money they are talking about, and when comparing studies it is necessary to pay attention to this point.
  • Money size effect
    . A change in the amount of funds also implies a change in the rules for handling them. They don’t raise small change (see studies by A. Furnham in 1984-1985, Semenov M. Yu. in 2009 and 2010), and they try to hide large amounts. It is obvious that on the continuum of the amount of money there are certain thresholds, after which a change in attitude towards money occurs. For example, the “one hundred dollar threshold” known in the USA.
  • The lending effect
    . Usually, borrowing money is morally condemned and lending, moreover, in the form of gratuitous financial assistance, is morally approved. Social norms and stereotypes of financial behavior of citizens in Russia do not give a clear answer to the question: whether to borrow money or not. Lending and credit have been a constantly discussed topic in the early 2000s: first as a source of development of consumer demand and a new sphere of monetary relations for Russians, and then as a source of stress and new forms of behavior when financial debt arises.
  • The effect of individual economic behavior
    . Money behavior, its forms and its motivation vary significantly at the macro, meso and micro levels. Economics and sociology are actively exploring this topic, but mainly at the macro level, at the level of social communities. Individual economic behavior turned out to be significantly different from the behavior of groups and organizations (see, for example, Parkinson S.N. “Parkinson’s Laws”), research in this area is actively carried out both within the framework of behavioral economics and within the framework of economic psychology.
  • The effect of monetary arithmetic
    . Formally, logical mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division, etc.) with abstract numbers and with money have distinct rules and regulations. M. Yu. Semenov proposed calling such operations with money “monetary arithmetic.”
  • The effect of the superior value of money
    . Money is more valuable than goods of similar value. Money is a very plastic thing: it is easily transformed into other things or services due to the prevalence of the purchase and sale operation. That is, money is tightly connected with trade and serves social exchange. Unlike most things, money is a highly liquid commodity, so money is extremely rarely owned by anyone, with the exception of small change. The transfer of money in exchange for things is easier than things in exchange for money, therefore the state, participating in “money-goods” transactions, as a rule, protects the side of those who have money. The Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” was created to protect money holders - consumers. Most things require more resources (temporary, intellectual, material, physical, social, etc.) in order to turn into money or other things, but the reverse operation is much simpler.

The identification of these psychological patterns served as an incentive for further research in the field of experimental psychology.

A study published in 2006 (Vohs et al., 2006) reported that simply mentioning money or using it as part of a psychological experiment (for example, reading phrases about money out loud or silently) had a significant impact on the behavior and goals of subjects. When making decisions, subjects begin to focus on their own opinion, that is, they strive for self-sufficiency. Similar results were observed by other researchers (Bargh et al., 2001), who showed that subjects only needed to read a few achievement words to outperform a control group in solving puzzles.

In parallel with psychological research, neuroeconomics has begun to develop (Glimcher, 2003), which argues that brain functions such as motivation and decision making are similar to solving similar problems in economic systems. For example, it has been shown that different parts of the brain are activated when analogues of economic factors are manipulated—the time between completing a task and receiving payment for it, or the amount of payment.

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