Why men cheat - common reasons for husbands to cheat

Family life is full of joy if there is love and trust, but prosperity can collapse...

There can be many reasons for this, but most often relationships suffer after one of the spouses cheats. How many deceived women know that their husband has someone else, but they cannot do anything about it, because the husband does not leave the family until he is given an ultimatum.

So what is the reason for such betrayals?

Consequences of infidelity

When they cheat, they hardly think about what consequences await them and how this affair will affect their wives

. And at this moment they don’t think at all about their possible condition.

It often happens that after cheating a man experiences a feeling of guilt. He becomes nervous, afraid that all this will come to the surface.

When adultery becomes known, the perpetrator begins to feel regret

. Often he repents and asks for forgiveness. At this moment, the wife experiences severe pain and depression, and feels betrayed.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. The couple talk for a long time, sort things out, but decide to save the marriage
    . However, one must understand that on both sides in such a situation a lot of patience and desire to return to their former relationship will be required. However, the trust that was there before can be forgotten.
  2. The spouses understand
    it will not work out and decide to divorce
    . At the same time, the man believes that he will be able to take his relationship with his mistress to the official level. But often in such a situation they are faced with the fact that she does not need it or the relationship simply does not work out. It is usually also difficult for a wife to start a new relationship, since due to past betrayal it is difficult for her to trust men.

Why do men cheat but not leave their wives?

Cheating is not always planned by a man, like leaving for another life. Most of the cheating is just spontaneous sex after a friendly party, corporate event or other situation when he is left alone with another woman. Very often, it is the woman who initiates quick sex, so such casual relationships are not considered by a man as a serious relationship. Why leave your loved ones, such as your wife and children, for the sake of the unknown.

Some men allow themselves to obey the voice of instinct, because they believe that cheating is normal for the stronger sex.

This belief is a consequence of upbringing, a clear example of the family of one’s parents. The father walked, but did not abandon his family - a very common phrase from such men.

Psychologist's opinion

Why do married men cheat but not leave their wives?

Why does a man have a mistress but not leave his family? Psychologist's answer.

For many women, a man's exchange is an event that can put an end to a relationship. Even if it is strong love, only a few can forgive betrayal. And is it worth it?

After all, even after a slight affair, no one can guarantee that this will not happen again. Today we would like to understand why men cheat on their wives and lovers.

Perhaps understanding the reasons for this phenomenon will allow you to take steps that will prevent betrayal and preserve your relationship.

When a man cheats or leaves for another woman, his ex-lover begins to delve into the reasons for what happened. Some people reassure themselves that “all men are assholes.” For some, the source of all troubles is their own shortcomings. There are those who blame “that woman” for everything.

But in fact, it is possible to find the true reasons only after a detailed analysis and consideration of a specific situation. Here psychology will come to the rescue, especially that part of it that studies the differences between women and men.

This science has made it possible to identify several main reasons for cheating:

  1. Psychological tendency.
    It manifests itself in a category of men who are called ladies' men. They simply cannot imagine life without romance novels. And after each such adventure, there is nothing more pleasant than boasting about your victories in an all-male company. Such lovers of romantic adventures rarely get married, but even having a family is not an obstacle to going to see their mistress.
  2. Life in an eternal holiday.
    Family life and everyday life dull feelings over time, and only a memory remains of romance and constant anticipation of a meeting. A man who gets bored in such conditions most often goes to look for what he has lost with other women. There he satisfies the need for novelty and romance.
  3. The desire for self-affirmation
    . If a man is not confident in himself, has a bunch of complexes and low self-esteem, victories on the love front become the only thing he can boast about.
  4. Hypersexuality
    . There are situations when partners differ so much in temperament that a calmer woman is simply unable to satisfy all the desires and needs of her lover.
  5. A woman's disinterest in sex
    . In the absence of constant sex, a man begins to look to the side. And if his beloved continues to refuse him satisfaction, in his opinion, a natural need, then betrayal is a matter of time. Having a healthy, constant and varied sex life, which both partners strive for, is the key to a long relationship without betrayal.
  6. Searching for new relationships
    . It happens that a man leaves for another woman not because he is cheating, but because he is actively looking for a new relationship. After all, the old ones have already outlived their usefulness, and for some reason the man is in no hurry to finish them. But having found a more suitable companion “on the side,” he will break off the old relationship.

The monotony of family everyday life

This reason rightfully takes first place in the ranking of reasons for the appearance of a mistress. As a rule, love passion over time gives way to a calm and measured family life, in which there is no longer that romance of first meetings, shining eyes and anxious anticipation of a new date. The wife, immersed in household chores, no longer strives to constantly look her best in order to be attractive in the eyes of a man. Washing, cleaning, cooking, children, all this takes up too much time, and there is almost no time left for yourself. A robe, curlers, a couple of extra pounds after the birth of children - this is what the average wife usually looks like after a couple of years of marriage.

Routineness and regularity have a depressing effect on a man. After all, he is a hunter by nature! And he must constantly achieve something - be it success at work or victories on the personal front.

It is clear that he begins to subconsciously look out for some “victim” on the side. Younger, with a more toned figure and, most importantly, melting, as it seems to him, some kind of mystery. This is where he gives free rein to his hunter instinct! After all, in order to conquer another, he will have to apply all his skills, and this is exactly what a man needs! Competition with other men, excitement!

To prevent such developments, try to put your feminine attractiveness first. Get it straight - you should always look no worse than the day you met!

What is the danger of cheating?

If you still thought that cheating is not such a dangerous thing, then we advise you to think about it again. Regardless of the reason that entailed going “to the side,” such betrayal is the greatest threat to the relationship between partners. And this threat does not depend on how formalized your union is.

You've probably heard the opinion that cheating strengthens a marriage. But such a statement is not true. And psychology can provide confirmation here. Indeed, as a result of such “hikes,” a man develops a feeling of guilt, which does not have the best effect on the union. In addition, a woman who is being cheated on may engage in soul-searching and, as a result, reach not the most pleasant thoughts (for example, about suicide).

In addition to the obvious problems in relationships, which are indicated by psychology, there are a number of consequences that arise as a result of betrayal.

Among them are:

  1. Possible pregnancy on the side
    . It's no secret that one of the main ways to keep the man you love near you is pregnancy. And many mistresses do not hesitate to use this. But even if a man does not leave for a new family, alimony and child visits cannot be avoided. And most importantly, “this woman” will forever enter your life and become an integral part of it.
  2. Venereal diseases
    . Today there are a great many of them known. But in men they are asymptomatic. Therefore, your lover, having become infected from a “friend,” will transfer the disease to you. And after she manifests herself, she will accuse you of “playing her out.” And this situation occurs, unfortunately, often.
  3. New love
    . Even if a man initially took a mistress in order to satisfy his exorbitant sexual appetite and this relationship was not obligatory to anything, then there is always the possibility that feelings will arise. And then the man will begin to be torn between past and new relationships, most often giving preference to the latter.

There is also an esoteric view of treason. Many healers claim that it manifests itself in the aura as damage and is located in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs. What could it lead to?

Firstly, a union of souls that has been blessed, if betrayed, is deprived of patronage from above. Secondly, health problems begin in the genitourinary system, which are quite difficult to get rid of.

Thirdly, betrayal is reflected in the souls of children who subtly sense the world around them. This negativity can leave an invisible imprint and ruin their fate.

Fourthly, the line of the traitor may be tainted for several generations to come and, ultimately, lead to its disappearance. Especially if infidelity is a characteristic feature of the ancestors.

He has not become what he wants and should have become, or has not found the one he really needs.

You may think this is an excuse, but it is reality. How many times have you met a man who said, “When I earn enough, I'll think about commitment” or “I'll get that promotion and settle down”? This guy is still trying to fulfill himself, and while he is moving in that direction, he is not going to be distracted by a relationship with you. He tells himself that he simply does not have time for this - for him this is not an end in itself.

That's why his behavior will be so slippery.

The same may be true for a married man with children. A mature man who understands who he is and is happy with what he does and how much he earns probably has a well-organized life; he became what he wanted and put his priorities in the following order: God, family, education, business and everything else. But if family does not come second on this list, then problems arise - he will devote himself to his priorities in the order in which he placed them.

What to do if you find out about cheating

Having learned about betrayal, answer the question: do you want to continue building a relationship with this man? If the answer is “yes,” then you should try to forget about the one-time affair (if it was just that) and try to find out what the man was missing in your union, that he went on the side.

By following these tips from psychology, you can improve your relationship. But be prepared for the fact that this is not so easy to do. For your idea to be a success, you should talk frankly with the man, finding out the seriousness of the new relationship and the reasons that prompted him to do this.

But what to do if the answer is no? Then it’s worth putting an end to the relationship. And it should be done correctly. It will hurt a lot at first. But in order to live further from this pain you need to get rid of it. How to do it? Psychology can help you here too. Give yourself a few days to grieve.

Do everything during this time to express your feelings as much as possible. And then return to your normal life. At the same time, try to ensure that news about the life of your ex-lover reaches you as little as possible. Also limit your communication with those who want to set you up again. If you decide to break up, then stick to it.

Cheating at the resort

Holiday romance has long become the talk of the town. A man, finally freed from the constant supervision of family, friends and colleagues who are very attentive to other people’s personal lives, takes the opportunity to diversify his sex life.

As a rule, holiday romances end immediately after the trip expires. Returning home, the husband again becomes an exemplary family man.

To avoid such casual connections, try to spend your holidays together.

Debunking myths about cheating

Cheating is a sign of an unhappy marriage

This statement is true when it comes to women. Often it is an unhappy union that forces them to look for relationships on the side.

But according to surveys, 56% of men who cheat consider their marriage to be absolutely happy. At the same time, they are confident that they can easily get away with such behavior.

Male infidelity is more common

In the old days it was like that. But now the percentage of male and female infidelity has leveled off. And this is connected, first of all, with the increased role of women in society. Feeling underappreciated, she goes “to the left” in search of someone who will recognize the “treasure” in her.

After all, cheating is a sure way to increase self-esteem. Men rarely look for a “soul mate” on the side, receiving only the necessary sex. But a woman always connects physical and spiritual intimacy.

Men who don't have enough sex cheat

As we have already seen, only some men try to find a sufficient amount of sex on the side.

In fact, there are many reasons for cheating, and the task of a woman who wants to maintain a relationship is to correctly determine what a man really lacks.

If he cheats, he doesn't love you

And this is also not true. Men view sex as a physiological need that they want to satisfy. Like hunger, thirst, desire to rest.

Men share sex and feelings. And if there is spiritual and physical intimacy with the beloved, then with the mistress there may simply be a desire to prove that “he is a man.”

No sex - no cheating

For more than 80% of couples, their love affair began with friendship and emotional attachment.

And this type of betrayal is the most terrible, because people become completely confused and can no longer definitely say who they love. And this is where the big problems begin.

Each of us, one way or another, has encountered betrayal. Even if not in your own relationships, then through the example of close relatives or friends. Adultery is an invariable attribute of romance novels, feature films, interviews about the lives of stars and television shows. We come into contact with this phenomenon so often that we consider it part of life. And, when someone once again says that “all men cheat,” we do not try to dispute this statement, but nod our heads in understanding, somewhere in our heads convincing ourselves that “my man is not like that.”

Is a man really polygamous and cannot exist in a relationship?

What generally pushes representatives of the stronger sex into the arms of another woman?

And is there insurance against treason?

Surveys show that more than a third of men cheat. Let's try to understand their motives.

  1. "The body requires"

Lack of sex or absence of it in a relationship

. I will write this reason first, although this is one of those aspects that a man can come to terms with for a while. But when other factors are combined or when there is an opportunity, this one will “work” very quickly.

Sex is a natural basic need of the body. Let's compare - if your man wants to eat, he comes home and expects dinner, but instead receives an empty table and refrigerator. The situation repeats itself throughout the month, and first you try to find reasons for the lack of food, and then you simply report “there is no dinner!”

How long a man will stay on a diet is an individual question. It is only important to understand that as soon as someone beckons him with a full table of food, he will go. And not because he is “bad” or “wants to destroy the relationship,” but because the body demands it.

  1. "This is fine"

These are “womanizers” who are not capable of deep relationships, and those whose fathers were not faithful, and such a model of behavior is considered “normal” among them.

These are also those men in whose heads there lives a pattern that the presence of a mistress is an indicator of success and status: a director has a secretary-mistress, a millionaire has a young mistress, a successful man, in principle, has many women.

These stereotypes are brought up by society and are sometimes not even realized. These men do not feel guilt or are not tormented by remorse; they consider this model of behavior absolutely natural.

  1. "I'll prove"

Sometimes it is the woman herself who provokes men to cheat.

claiming that he has a “small penis” / “he is not able to satisfy her” / “he can’t do anything in bed, but her ex was...”.

Women often say this in the heat of a quarrel and forget after a while, but for many men this is a blow below the belt. Then he looks for other women in order to prove to himself that he is a “hero-lover” and can give a woman pleasure.

The same thing happens when a woman humiliates her partner as a person: “You are not capable of anything! Who needs you anyway?!” You have to find someone who “needs and cares” in order to dispel this myth.

  1. "We live under the same roof"

Yes, and it happens: the feelings have faded, there has been no sex for a long time,

Children and habit hold together. For a relationship between a man and a woman, this is certain death: living with a feeling of uselessness, hopelessness and, at the same time, hopelessness. A man is looking for someone who will give him emotions and passion to compensate for what he does not receive at home.

When a crisis in a relationship lasts for several days, life seems gray, and routine makes you depressed, cheating becomes a way to break out of this vicious circle and bring something new into life!

  1. "She's not like that"

Many men are afraid to share their erotic fantasies with their woman.

. After all, their woman is “not like that!” She will say that it is dirty and immoral, and will classify them as perverts. Therefore, he is looking for someone who will not be offended or judge, but will share his fantasies with him. Such situations are far from uncommon; they occur in couples who “love and respect each other very much.”

I have come across similar cases in my practice: a man took a mistress in order to have oral sex with her, because he was deeply convinced that such things “will humiliate his wife as a person, and decent women do not do this.”

  1. "Middle age crisis"

Yes, this is one of the stages in a man’s life when he is most prone to cheating

. After all, he has reached a certain stage in life: his youth is behind him, and there are many questions in his head: “What’s ahead? What have I achieved in this life? Is the best already in the past?

At this moment, the man is trying to feel “young” again, trying to prove to himself that there is still powder in the flask, that he is interesting to women and is capable of winning many.

  1. "Diversity"

This is the main reason for male infidelity

. They are looking for variety!

A new body, new emotions, risk - all this stimulates a powerful release of hormones. After all, in a long relationship, passion, as a rule, subsides, we get used to each other, and the closeness of bodies evokes, rather, not lust, but love and tenderness. We know everything about each other, sex turns from a hurricane of passion into a ritual where words, actions, and positions are known in advance.

Cheating makes you feel “alive.” Men are looking not only for a new partner, they are looking for variety in caresses, sensations, and emotions.

It is clear that these are not all the reasons why men cheat, but they are definitely the main ones. Is there insurance against cheating? I think no!

But there are ways to minimize the risks.

Remove the “everyone changes” attitude – our worst expectations usually come true


Where there are thoughts, there is energy! Are you sure this belief is worth feeding? The world is a mirror: having a clear belief in something in our heads, we seem to ask our subconscious to confirm it. So you will meet only womanizers along the way.

Stop suspecting him!

The brain is a tricky thing; very often it helps us see only what we want to see. If you start to think that your partner is cheating, you will very soon find convincing evidence of this.

A couple who had experienced betrayal came for a consultation. When the question arose why this happened, the man answered simply and directly: “I would never cheat on her. And it was not in my thoughts! But she was so annoying with her suspicions and constant attempts to convict her of treason that I decided that rather than endure all this for nothing, I’d rather “suffer for the cause.”

Respect your man and listen to him

– do not allow yourself to speak disparagingly about your partner, either alone or, especially, in the presence of strangers.

Do not evaluate his “bed” exploits and “geometric” parameters - let this be a taboo for you. Even if you don’t like or aren’t happy with something!

Find a way to correct the situation without criticism and mutual reproaches; if the situation cannot be changed, then try to find the positive aspects rather than emphasizing the shortcomings. Listen to your partner: Talking about your desires is great, but sometimes just listening to your loved one will give you much more useful information.

Love yourself - many women in relationships forget about themselves


Stop being a free addition to your home and children, remember that you are young and beautiful. Take care of your health and beauty, find time to care for yourself - if you realize your value, a man will feel it.

Be different - give your man surprises and break out of your usual image


This also applies to everyday life! If you are used to wearing jeans and a T-shirt, put on a dress and heels; walk around at home with a bun and no makeup - do make-up and hairstyle; You’re used to being a businesswoman – put on shorts and a funny T-shirt and play like a teenage girl. A woman is capable of changing not only externally, but also internally. Try on different looks!

Add extreme - most cheating attracts men with its spontaneity


But this will cease to be interesting if he can get an adrenaline rush and new emotions with the woman he loves. When was the last time you had sex outside the bedroom? What about outside the home? Try it! Most women get no less pleasure from quick sex than men.

Add variety to your sex life

– sometimes we don’t even think about the abundance of caresses and manifestations of eroticism that exist in the world.

Since ancient times, chosen women have been taught the “art of love,” but our sex education culture, of course, does not provide this. Try to learn new skills by taking a course or training. Variety is what every man is looking for, but for this it is not necessary to change partners. Now each of us has a chance to become a “chosen” and unique lover.

Very soon I will launch an online course “Secrets of the Marriage Chambers”, these are three trainings aimed at awakening the state of a lover in a woman

. After all, it is in this state of fire and passion that we, like a magnet, attract men, and make our beloved languish with desire. The ability to give the highest pleasure to a partner increases the value of a woman, encourages a man to protect, care, give gifts and treasure.

You will master the knowledge, techniques and skills that will allow you to build deep and sensual relationships, add variety to your sex life, and will also be invaluable when you cannot have vaginal sex, for example, during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The trainings will be held on September 16, 17, 19 from 20.00 to 21.30 in a webinar format; a recording will be available for those who cannot attend.

Details and registration by phone at.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.
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Every married man has thought about cheating at least once. Experienced psychologists say that even the thought of adultery affects behavior.

It is a rare man who manages to hide his infidelity from his wife. I have a friend who pays a lot of attention to his wife, shows care and does not even look towards other representatives of the fair sex - that is, he behaves as a good husband should behave, and when she is not around (she often does on business trips) - sleeps with other women.

He himself motivates his behavior with the confidence that everything in his family life is exactly as it should be. A man doesn’t worry about his infidelity, so he doesn’t make various annoying mistakes

, and there are no problems in the family - the wife does not even suspect that her husband is “walking to the left.”

If a man is well aware that infidelity is bad, that betrayal in family life should be avoided, he begins to worry about his adultery. As a result, hiding one’s infidelity becomes a problematic
, and a man (it has been scientifically proven that representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not know how to lie as masterfully and plausibly as ladies) “gives himself away.”

A smart wife will always notice cheating. To do this, she will not necessarily have such irrefutable physical evidence as the smell of someone else's perfume, traces of lipstick on a shirt and daily delays at work.

A man's eyes give him away!

True, it is worth noting that in some cases they “don’t even hint” about his moves to the left. Then 10 signs of betrayal come to the rescue. After all, a man will not be able to hide everything in any case!

1. Forgetfulness and fatigue

He suddenly began to forget your memorable dates

: day of acquaintance,
He even remembers your birthday only after an appropriate reminder from the electronic diary.
He stopped wearing the ring
, putting it somewhere on the back shelf of the closet or hiding it in his jacket pocket.
He constantly complains about being tired
, explaining his reluctance to have sex or go to a movie together (restaurant, theater, etc.).

In principle, his lack of sexual desire is the first sign of betrayal.

Even if the reason is him and not you. Also, one of the brightest signs is that sex has turned into a banal input-output process: no foreplay or tenderness, record speed of sexual intercourse. In general, if previously multiple orgasms were the norm for you, now even a single orgasm has become a holiday.

2. Unusual behavior

Depending on the character of the man and the reasons why he goes to the left, his behavior becomes different from what you are used to. A sudden change in behavior is also a clear sign of betrayal. It should be noted that the behavior changes as if from the inside - outwardly he is trying to show that everything between you is the same as before.

There are two options here. If the wife is to blame for the betrayal (at least if the husband thinks so), then the husband behaves extremely irritably. But if betrayal is entirely on his conscience and, in principle, there is no one to blame but himself, then the spouse, on the contrary, becomes unusually caring, gentle and loving. Let's look at both.

He is “Soft and fluffy”...

So, he became slightly distant, thoughtful, very attentive and kind. Not a day goes by without him giving you some nice trinket or flowers, arguing for his unusual extravagance by saying that he simply “wanted to do something nice.” This is how a man tries to pay off, to compensate for his adventures with increased attention, even of a material nature.

... then angry and irritable

On the other hand, he can become harsh and boorish. If earlier during quarrels

he was the first to seek reconciliation, trying in every possible way to smooth out the conflict, but now he doesn’t even think about correctness and gentleness. This often means that you are annoying him and are not satisfying him sexually. That is, he simply puts all the blame on you.

3. Mistrust

If earlier you had a common profile on your computer, one email account for two, now he has created his own profile and mail

, putting clever passwords on both.
He argues that he receives important documentation from work
- he is afraid that you might accidentally delete it.

If before his phone was lying around, and he often asked you to answer the call, now even in his heart he has conversations with business partners. He doesn't let go of his mobile phone

, even takes it to the toilet, afraid to leave the phone unattended, “alone” with you.

Does not explain the reasons for such behavior or provides dubious arguments in their favor. He tries not to answer calls and SMS messages

, - for example, goes out into the corridor or simply turns away, covering the phone screen with his hand from your curious or even indifferent glances. Every time it rings, he shudders anxiously.

He began to react inadequately to jokes and did not take well to jokes about adultery. Any playful hint (for example, “dear, what’s that long woman’s hair on your jacket, I have short hair”) confuses him.

He looks with frightened eyes and rather stupidly tries to get out of an unpleasant situation, to “hush up” it. He became thoughtful. Often he just sits or lies, thinking about something, silent, not hearing anyone and not seeing anything in front of him.

10 signs that a man is cheating on you

5. New things in bed

He uses new poses that are unexpected for you

, and does it confidently and skillfully. To your “who taught you this?” He replies with irritation that he saw something like this in a movie.

The opposite may also happen - a complete loss of interest.

in bed. Your husband no longer hugs you when he wakes up in the morning, for example. He makes comments about unshaven legs or a “not so” intimate hairstyle, which has not been observed before.

6. The smell of another woman

He smells like someone else's perfume. It only works if the “foreign smell” has been noticed more than once. This includes taking a shower immediately after work.

. He didn’t even have time to say hello to you as a human being, but he had already gone to wash himself - isn’t it strange? This has not been observed in family practice before.

Women's hair appears on his clothes, scratches and lipstick marks appear on his body. By the way, because of scratches he goes to bed in a T-shirt

, hiding his body from you in every possible way. Supposedly because he is cold.

Cheating due to male complexes

If you forget to constantly tell your husband that he is the best male in the world, then he may begin to seriously doubt his masculinity.

Naturally, to be convinced of the opposite, he will need to find confirmation of his masculine strength somewhere on the side, with someone who can appreciate him. This desire is especially acute during a midlife crisis. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to periodically admire your husband’s masculine abilities.

So we looked at the main reasons for male infidelity. Be more attentive and tolerant of your spouse, praise him, diversify your family life and he will always be faithful to you!

Expert opinion

Natalya Mikhailova, psychologist:

– According to statistics, 85% of unfaithful husbands do not intend to leave their family and only 10% marry their mistresses. Therefore, having learned about your spouse’s betrayal, do not rush to throw him out or leave yourself. Stay with your mother or a friend for a few days: you need to rationally and without emotions decide what to do next. If you absolutely do not want to forgive him, think about whether you can live without this person and how you will do it. If your decision is to forget and forgive the betrayal, you must try to really forgive and forget - reproaches and random reminders will only complicate your relationship.

Once again about robes and curlers

Most men “go to the left” in search of a better life. And this is not surprising - after all, he probably married a beautiful fairy who was ready to go with him to the ends of the earth. But what if, after some 5-6 years, she begins to turn into a boring vixen? Moreover, this metamorphosis is almost always accompanied by the children’s pranks, arguments about who will walk the dog today and meet their mother at the station. And, of course, between these worries there is no place for a pedicure and well-groomed hair - your husband is his, he knows that you can be a queen twice a year - on your birthday and on March 8th, the rest of the time he will tolerate you and “home”. If you really think this way, take a closer look at your reflection in the mirror - perhaps young horns are already emerging. At all times, men have been attracted to women who are friendly and pleasant to talk to, and your husband is hardly an exception to the rule. Even if you are tired, try to greet him when he comes home from work with a smile. Forget about a stretched tracksuit and a washed-out robe and stop walking around with your husband in a frightening green clay mask, even from the Dead Sea. If you want to remind him what treasure he is the owner of, you need to be beautiful in everything, and hair removal, menstrual periods and curlers should remain “behind the scenes.”

When trying to impress your husband with your new look, don't overdo it. Your newly appeared gloss should be natural. If he realizes that you are going out of your way to get him back, but in fact you feel good in a holey robe, all you will achieve is pity.

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