Sexual neuroses. Sexual neurasthenia is curable

Sexual neurasthenia: symptoms and treatment, consequences

Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are fraught with such pathological deviations as decreased sexual activity or neurosis. According to statistics, the age of people suffering from this problem varies. This category includes both young people and more mature ones.

The human nervous system has a certain reserve of strength and energy, which is spent and has time to recover.

But in the process of super-heavy loads, mental work, long periods of time without rest and sleep, the nervous system is depleted, and disruptions in its functioning begin.

Regular exhaustion leads to increased fatigue, lethargy, irritability and apathy. Among all these consequences, sexual neurasthenia may also occur.

Sexual neurosis is characterized by a disorder that appears as a result of the development of psychological mechanisms. The provoking factor can be any stress, experience, or character traits. Often the problem originates from childhood, but can be acquired during an unsuccessful experience in adolescence.


The disease can be divided into two types:

  • those that manifest as pathological disturbances of a sexual nature due to experiences, behavior or functionality. Among them there is a division according to severity in terms of existence and perception, as well as concentration and emphasis on the problem;
  • those that do not have a neurotic nature of appearance, but provoke disruptions due to underdevelopment, any damage, or deformations.

Causes of pathology

Incomplete rest and regular stress lead to a decrease in all indicators of the body, because in this state it exhausts even reserve reserves. The disease develops due to the following factors:

  • personality traits. Excessive emotionality and impressionability can become neurosis and lead to negative consequences and poor health;
  • inability to let off steam and get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day, because at work one cannot avoid difficulties and brain or mental activity. Simple techniques, breathing exercises or work with a psychologist can correct this condition;
  • unbearable loads. The frantic pace of life that modernity dictates to us sometimes does not imply proper rest and sleep. A dangerous form of the disease can develop if stressful situations are not given vent.

Provocateurs can be poor nutrition, alcohol and tobacco abuse, poor sleep, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and acute chronic diseases.

Neurosis can be accompanied by various manifestations, such as severe headaches, migraines, temperament swings, sudden changes in mood, loss of strength, decreased productivity, poor memory, apathy, pain in various systems and internal organs, etc.

Possible consequences of neurasthenia

A person adapts to neurotic changes in the body through compensation:

  • presenting a more attractive image of a partner, idealizing and revaluing his real qualities and appearance;
  • constant self-improvement in the process of having sex by learning new techniques, positions, experimenting with various practices, giving more importance to your achievement of pleasure;
  • Difficulties with erection are brightened up with the help of prolonged caresses and skillful foreplay. The ascension of spiritual pleasures above the physical act, the idealization of relationships with a partner. Entertaining stories about their achievements and skills, endless flirting, boasting about victories and a comprehensive demonstration of their sexuality and experience.

With the development of sexual neurosis, a person tries in every possible way to get away from the problem. He looks for problems in partners, avoids intimacy, and tries to find a replacement for sex in other activities and benefits. Such a person always has excuses for himself, because he does not want to realize his sexual inadequacy. This is especially true for men.

Often such a person looks for opportunities to test his abilities on the side. Such a decision can lead to two outcomes: it will suffer the same failure as in the previous relationship, or a relationship with a random partner will bring success. Usually in such a couple the relationship is so aggravated that it soon breaks up, because one of the partners still cannot stand it.


Diagnosis of pathology is problematic and untimely, because such a delicate problem creates many obstacles to seeking help. People of any age are not always ready to talk about difficulties in their intimate life and trust a specialist, denying to the last the presence of any deviation.

Even frequent constipation, absent-minded attention and pain in the lumbar spine can give a competent specialist the first grounds for diagnosing sexual neurasthenia.

With timely treatment and diagnosis, treatment takes on average about two months. In more severe cases - longer.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to limit all factors that provoke the central nervous system, adjust your diet, start moving more, do exercises, perform light physical activity, and eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Sexual activity is also excluded during the period of treatment; testing your abilities must be postponed.

To improve the functioning of the nervous system, a full eight-hour sleep and walking in the fresh air are important. For sexual neurasthenia, physical work, gymnastics, yoga, Pilates are very important. It is very important to find an activity that will distract from negative thoughts, reduce irritation, fatigue and apathy towards everything that is happening, switching the patient’s attention.

Drug therapy is prescribed in combination with rest and relaxation. Usually these are sedatives, vitamin complexes, and general strengthening substances. Hormonal drugs are also prescribed that increase libido and have a positive effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes and the functioning of the central nervous system.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture or massage are effective. Impact on certain nerve centers and points of the body can activate the work of certain organs. You can use warm baths with soothing herbs.

An important part of the treatment journey is working with a psychologist who will tell you how to gain confidence and get rid of fears and concerns.



Conventionally, neuroses of a sexual nature are divided into those that:

  • manifest themselves in the form of sexual disorders (corresponding experiences, functions or behavior). They vary in degree of severity in relation to their objective existence, as well as in relation to their subjective perception, the patient’s level of concentration on the problem;
  • do not have a neurotic nature, but lead to neurotic disorders, for example, with underdevelopment, prenatal damage. The neurotic component may even dominate the overall clinical picture. Treatment is aimed simultaneously at eliminating the organic disease and the neurology.

Gender (sexual) neurasthenia: causes, symptoms – Harmony within


Sexual neurosis is a psychological disorder that negatively affects a person’s sex life. Its causes are not related to somatic diseases. The launch of the pathological process is facilitated by stress, problems in interpersonal relationships, and mental characteristics of the patient. The disease often begins in early childhood or puberty.

What is sexual neurosis?

Sexual neurosis is a sexual disorder not associated with diseases of the genital organs. It differs from neurotic reactions in the greater severity of symptoms and inability to spontaneously disappear. The following disorders are considered sexual neuroses:

  • resulting from distorted, neurotic personality development in childhood;
  • appeared as a result of long-term influence of psychotraumatic factors;
  • occurring unnoticed by the patient;
  • appearing during the first intimacy with a woman or man;
  • having a chronic course.

Causes and symptoms of sexual neurasthenia

The emergence of a neurotic state is facilitated by:

  1. Obsessive thoughts. Fear of unwanted pregnancy is a common cause of mental disorders and sexual disorders in women with neuroses. Excessive anxiety can be caused by overwork, craving for alcohol and stress, which negatively affects sexual performance if there is a desire to have an intimate relationship.
  2. Negative experiences from the past. Neurosis can be triggered by memories of failures, especially if the sexual partner showed dissatisfaction. Men are afraid of being weak at a crucial moment, women are haunted by the fear of being unable to achieve orgasm.
  3. Problems in relationships. With frequent quarrels and lack of mutual understanding, harmony is lost, partners move away from each other. More severe neuroses arise when there are requests to engage in forms of sexual contact that are unacceptable for a person, indifference or ridicule from a partner.
  4. Features of the psyche. Neurosis is often found in suspicious people who are critical of themselves and their bodies or tend to control themselves during sexual intercourse in order to prolong intimacy or demonstrate their own strength. People who often experience irritation and feelings of anger are susceptible to neurotic disorders.
  5. Wrong upbringing. The idea of ​​an act of love as something forbidden and sinful has a negative impact on the development of sexuality. In this case, a person suffers from a feeling of guilt during intimacy, without receiving pleasure.

The clinical picture of neurosis includes:

  • psycho-emotional disorders, inadequate perception of a partner’s emotions;
  • problems in relationships with the opposite sex, causeless jealousy, vulnerability;
  • incorrect assessment of one’s own sexual capabilities (overestimated or underestimated);
  • anxious thoughts, fear (in severe cases, phobias and panic attacks develop, accompanied by severe autonomic disorders: tachycardia, increased sweating, fever, feeling of lack of air);
  • shyness, conflicting desires, pessimistic attitude, cynicism;
  • constant mood swings, low stress tolerance;
  • decreased performance, increased fatigue, impaired intellectual activity, insomnia;
  • decreased libido, lack of sexual arousal, the appearance of unnatural fantasies, inability to begin or complete sexual intercourse;
  • erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature;
  • dissatisfaction (patients complain of a lack of orgasm and pleasure from sex);
  • dizziness, headaches, blood pressure surges, impaired coordination of movements;
  • changes in eating behavior (refusal of food, gluttony, constant feeling of hunger, lack of appetite);
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • hypochondria (unreasonable fear of illness, body pain, itching in the external genital area).

Treatment of sexual neurosis

To treat sexual neurosis use:

  1. Psychotherapeutic methods. They are considered the main method of treating neurotic disorders. The technique is selected taking into account individual mental characteristics. Activities aimed at eliminating worries about past failures can save a man from sexual neurosis. Women need to free themselves from the fear of unwanted pregnancy and hostility towards their bodies.
  2. Medicines. Antidepressants (Amitriptyline), tranquilizers (Afobazole) and sedatives (Persen) help cope with the problem. This treatment normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates psychotic manifestations and phobias. Erection stimulants (Levitra) are used to correct sexual dysfunctions. Drug treatment for sexual neurosis is auxiliary.

The disorder is reversible, so it is possible to get rid of the problem without consequences for mental and physical health.

Dear readers! We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before taking medications or self-medicating. There are contraindications.


Sexual neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment

The most common variations in the manifestation of this syndrome include disorders associated with sexual impotence in men, childhood psychological trauma and hormonal problems in women. In any case, this problem can only conditionally be classified as a disease, and the disorders themselves are quite easy to correct and completely restore the physiological psychological state.

Symptoms and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Neurasthenia - manifestations and methods of correction

To understand what sexual neurasthenia is, you need to study the nature of the course of ordinary neurasthenic disorders.

We are talking about a disorder of a group of neuroses (neurosis is a reversible disorder of a psychogenic nature), the characteristic feature of which is increased fatigue, resulting in the manifestation of constant or symptomatic irritability, as well as loss of the ability to withstand mental and physical stress.

Symptoms and treatment of teenage depression

Signs of the disorder include the presence of obvious mental trauma with excessive physical activity.

The load, in turn, can be associated with lack of sleep, insufficient rest, chronic infections, alcohol abuse or smoking.

At the same time, irritability and a specific form of behavior may be associated with shortcomings in upbringing. In the classic case, irritability is the body’s reaction to living conditions that exceed a person’s physiological resource.

It should be borne in mind that neurasthenia was described by Georg Beard in 1869. During this period, special attention was paid to behavioral disorders in women, which were classified by specialists of that time as sexual disorders.

In severe cases of neurasthenia, experts recommended methods that were exceptional by today’s standards—hysterectomy.

Nowadays, such manifestations are treated more tolerantly, but this concept understands a wide range of manifestations of behavior disorder.

Integrated approaches to the treatment of neurasthenia

In medical practice, one often has to deal with advanced forms of sexual neurasthenia, when behavior becomes stable and is motivated by the patient as a natural reaction to local circumstances. In this case, recovery is possible only with an integrated approach, working with the victim of psychologists or psychotherapists, who must remove the formed behavioral patterns.

Due to the peculiarities of their manifestation, these disorders are usually referred to as mental disorders. In this case, the causes of the occurrence fade into the background, and their elimination can significantly improve the patient’s condition and the conditions for the restoration of the nervous system.

What to consider when treating sexual neurasthenia

In case of sexual neurasthenia, factors related to the physiological state and signs of behavioral disorders are taken into account. The fact is that the initial manifestations of neurosis, as a rule, go unnoticed.

You only have to deal with bright manifestations when correction with regular rest is difficult.

At the same time, in the majority of people whose behavior can be attributed to neurasthenia, and in the case of sexual disorders - to sexual neurasthenia, the manifestations have not acquired the character of stable patterns.

To correct the condition, it will be enough to pay attention to cause and effect, this means:

  1. Improving psychological comfort, ranging from the standard of living and quality of nutrition, to minimizing relationships with relatives, leading to permanent mental trauma.
  2. For girls during puberty, it is important to adjust their diet and balance it with the necessary estrogens, the deficiency of which affects quite a lot of young representatives of the fair sex. The lack of female hormones leads to psychological changes in behavior.
  3. For women over 30 years of age, when hormonal imbalances may occur, hormonal levels should also be normalized. This problem is now being actively addressed by gynecologists specializing in reproductive problems. A short course of treatment, a certain diet and dietary supplements can completely solve the problem of a woman of any age category.
  4. The male problem of sexual impotence (complete or partial) is often associated with infectious processes in the prostate. They can be solved by comprehensive treatment of the male genital area. A little psychological help helps correct behavioral disorders.

Additional correction methods include the work of a psychologist associated with the sublimation of the state. The specialist reorients the patient from physical sensations to their logical awareness (from the right to the left half of the brain).

The fact is that not all problems can be eliminated (and often the patients themselves do not want to solve them), but it is possible to change the attitude towards those moments that can compensate for the shortcomings characteristic of sexual behavior. This can be solved by changing the attitude towards the practical component, for example, to sexual games that compensate for the lack of sensations during intimacy, and to the replacement of caresses that smooth out the lack of partnerships.



Sexual neurosis is a sexual disorder that arises for psychological reasons. Expressed in specific dysfunctions. Somatic pathologies may accompany the disorder, but not necessarily. That is, the problem can be solved exclusively by working with such a mysterious characteristic of a person as the psyche.

To begin with, it is worth defining general neurosis. Neurosis is a functional (that is, manifested in specific dysfunctions, for example, psychogenic impotence, inability to begin or complete sexual intercourse) reversible, psychogenic disorders. The following symptoms are typical for patients:

  • Asthenia (complaints of weakness, decreased vitality, performance, drowsiness,
  • Obsessive ideas (examples: fear of closed spaces, unreasonable fear of failure in bed, despite the fact that the patient is physiologically healthy).
  • Hysterical state (excessive manifestations of emotions).

Obsessive ideas deserve special attention. They are diverse. But they are always distinguished by illogicality, inappropriate reactions, dead-end moves - so much so that it is obvious: it is necessary to work with a problem in the field of the psyche.

  • Example No. 1: a man cannot complete sexual intercourse with his wife, experiences fear of failure, avoids intimacy, while no problems arise with his mistress.
  • Example No. 2: a man who has had a sexually transmitted disease in the past feels unreasonable itching of the genitals after each sexual intercourse, although there is no objective evidence of the disease.

Many experts do not classify sexual neurosis as a separate category of diseases. There is no sexual neurosis in ICD-10. It can be classified in category F40-F48- “Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.”

Genital (sexual) neurasthenia: causes, symptoms

Today, an increasing number of people are exposed to psychological illnesses. Sexual neurasthenia is a serious problem that deprives an adult of a full life.

About the disease

Sexual neurasthenia is usually called a disorder in the functioning of the central nervous system, the result of which is a decrease in desire. Men are most often affected by this disease. This type of neurasthenia poses the greatest danger to people between 20 and 40 years old.

This deviation manifests itself in the form of dysfunction of sexual behavior. Damage to the genital organs can also be a side effect.

Reasons for development

The intense pace of life is the main factor causing psychological problems due to overwork. The occurrence and course of the disease is influenced by:

  • regular stress on the nervous system;
  • lack of rest and entertainment;
  • poor lifestyle, lack of sleep, poor nutrition;
  • frequent masturbation since childhood;
  • incomplete sexual intercourse, unsatisfied sexual desires;
  • obsessive fears associated with sex, distorted ideas about it, fear
  • undesirable consequences of sexual intercourse, bad experience;
  • mistrust and lack of emotional intimacy in love relationships;
  • embarrassment, improper sex education.

Like every mental disease, neurasthenia develops individually. Personal character and external circumstances play a huge role.

Manifestation and symptoms

Most patients prefer not to see a doctor. This behavior is due to a lack of awareness of the seriousness of the situation. The pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • frequent feelings of sexual arousal;
  • regular emissions;
  • difficulties with erection;
  • painful/premature/involuntary ejaculation;
  • weak sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • a prevailing depressed state, bad mood, lack of interest in life, loss of performance;
  • pain in the lower back, problems with stool.

Sexual neurosis is often accompanied by the following obsessive states: asthenia, hysteria, excessive emotionality, the presence of accompanying phobias (claustrophobia), illogical and inappropriate behavior.

The patient develops eating disorders (overeating or lack of appetite) and sleep disturbances.

Neurasthenia in an advanced stage can cause the onset of depression. A person’s self-esteem decreases, he is afraid that others will become aware of his deviation, and tries to avoid people of the opposite sex.

Sexual intercourse during illness is a means of self-expression, a way to prove your worth to your partner.

Being in constant tension and fear of doing something wrong, the patient stops enjoying this process.

Possible consequences

The lack of a full intimate life is not the only consequence of sexual neurasthenia. There are threats in the field of andrology and gynecology.

  • For men, neurosis threatens with prostatitis or impotence.
  • For women - frigidity or vaginismus, accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse and excessive compression of the vaginal muscles.

Therapy methods

The key to success in the treatment of sexual neurasthenia is the patient’s desire to overcome it.

  • General therapy after consultation with a sexologist and psychotherapist traditionally involves giving up bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a diet. You should refrain from intimate relationships during treatment. The patient must create a favorable environment around himself that promotes the desire to live to the fullest. Relatives and close people can help him with this.
  • Sleep - full, at least 8 hours a day, lying on your back, to prevent stagnation of blood in the bone marrow. It is advisable to take a vacation and go to a health care facility or resort.
  • An effective method is water therapy. It provides the patient with relaxation and distraction from problems, and prevents stress from developing. With the help of acupuncture, you can influence the nerve endings for the purpose of relaxation.
  • Drug therapy includes taking tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs that increase libido, as well as vitamins to improve the general condition of the body. Medicines in this situation are only an aid. The main role belongs to psychotherapy.


Neurasthenia is a psychological disease that is formed under the influence of a number of factors, the main one of which is complexes. The disease is curable, the success of therapy depends on the patient and his desire to be cured.


The article was written with the support of the site Expert Marianna Piyanova - Master of Psychology. Crisis psychologist. Experience since 2011. Portfolio

Scientific articles used:



  1. Khukhlaeva, O.V. Developmental psychology: Youth, old age, maturity: textbook. allowance / O.V. Khukhlaeva. – M.: Publishing House, 2002. – 208 p.
  2. Godefroy, J. What is psychology. At 2 o'clock / J. Godefroy. – M.: Mir, 2000. – Part 1. – 472 p.
  3. Druzhinin, V.N. Psychology: textbook. for humanities universities / V.N. Druzhinin; edited by V.N. Druzhinina. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 656 p.
  4. Nemov, R.S. Psychology: textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments / R.S. Nemov. In 3 books. Book 2. Educational psychology. – 4th ed. – M.: VLADOS, 2002. – 608 p.

/Neurosis/Treatment of sexual neurasthenia


Sexual neurasthenia: symptoms and treatment

Due to the fact that in the realities of the modern world a person is forced to make the maximum amount of effort to achieve what he wants, many psychological diseases have developed.

To some extent, this can be frightening, because psychological illnesses are considered one of the most severe, since a person must heal himself on an emotional and intellectual level.

Experts in this field of medicine recommend devoting more time to rest, because endless work not only exhausts the body, but also the person’s personality. The article is aimed at providing information about this type of disease such as sexual neurasthenia.

What is sexual neurasthenia?

It would be appropriate to start with a general definition of neurasthenia, because this will help to better understand the intricacies of the disease and understand how it may differ from other diseases of this type.

Neurasthenia is a mental disorder that belongs to the group of neuroses. It occurs due to the maximum exhaustion of the human psyche as a result of constant and heavy stress on it. According to statistics, this disorder occurs among young and middle-aged people - from twenty to forty years.

The disease itself can be caused by many factors, but in each case it is guaranteed to have unpleasant consequences. Sexual neurasthenia is a disorder of the central nervous system that leads to a decrease in human sexual activity.

Sexual neurasthenia mainly affects young people, and most often these are men. Scientists have proven that this disease occurs due to prolonged psychological and physical stress.

Today, each of us experiences constant stress at work, at home, in transport, in the store and in other similar places.

Therefore, neurasthenia can be safely called a disease of civilization, because it affects those who are not able to cope with stressful everyday life.

Causes of sexual neurasthenia

Due to the characteristics of the disease, many factors can be called the causes of sexual neurasthenia, but what they all have in common is that they significantly affect the human psyche.

The main causes of sexual neurasthenia include:

  • stress on the nervous system;
  • lack of rest;
  • frequent masturbation from an early age;
  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of healthy sleep;
  • frequent and incomplete sexual intercourse.

The peculiarity of neurasthenia is that it occurs in everyone individually, stimulated by individual circumstances. At such moments, the support of family and friends is important for the patient; they are the ones who will not allow you to fall into depression.

Symptoms of sexual neurasthenia

When a person suffering from this type of neurasthenia realizes his problems, he is not necessarily in a hurry to go to a specialist in this field for full treatment. This may be due to simple embarrassment or a reluctance to accept that a person may have problems with intimate health.

The main symptoms of sexual neurasthenia:

  • constant feeling of excitement;
  • frequent emissions;
  • weak or absent erection;
  • pain during ejaculation;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • weak orgasm;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • weakening of sexual sensations;
  • changes in the functioning of the genital organs;
  • depressed mood;
  • negative emotions;
  • reduced ability to work;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • constipation

Doctors say that it would be extremely unwise to ignore such a disease, because mental illnesses can lead to consequences of varying severity.

Many people who suffer from sexual neurasthenia experience a depressed state and signs of depression.

This can be called very dangerous, because a person who is depressed may have thoughts about his own insignificance and worthlessness.

Treatment of sexual neurasthenia

For successful treatment of sexual neurasthenia, the person’s attitude is extremely important, how much he wants to get rid of this uncomfortable illness, which significantly lowers self-esteem.

Doctors have developed several methods that will allow you to completely get rid of sexual neurasthenia, but for this you need to strictly adhere to all the instructions that were prescribed by a competent specialist.

To begin with, the patient must give up all sorts of bad habits that in one way or another worsen his health. Also, during treatment you will have to refrain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, it is not recommended to stay in medical institutions throughout the entire treatment; this will not allow the patient to escape from the disease, and the quality of treatment may decrease due to worries.

For healing, it is important to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep. It is recommended to rest often and well, this will allow you to remove all accumulated stress.

Don’t forget about proper nutrition, it will give your body the strength to fight the disease.

According to the recommendations of medical professionals, it is best to sleep lying on your back, this will not allow blood to stagnate in the bone marrow.

Water therapy can be called effective: while undergoing it, the patient relaxes as much as possible, enjoys it and stops thinking about his own inferiority. This type of treatment allows you to get rid of all kinds of stress and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Acupuncture is also considered an effective method of combating sexual neurasthenia. Games directly act on the nerve endings, allowing them to relax. It is also possible to use sex hormones, which reduce desire.

To summarize, we can say that sexual neurasthenia is a disease that can be cured. To do this, you need to strive as much as possible for the desired result and choose the right course individually.



There are no officially designated species. The most typical situations can be described:

  1. Neurosis of expectation of failure. Negative experiences of “wanting and not being able” can lead to the development of this inadequate reaction. Objectively, the patient is able to perform sexual intercourse, but he is paralyzed by the fear of not being up to par, as a result of which he gives up trying to do something in advance. And his body says “helps”. Neurosis of expectation of failure can be understood more broadly; such a reaction can occur to any important event, for example, an exam. The patient follows an unconscious internal logic: it is better not to pass at all than to try and fail.
  2. Neurotic masturbation. It should be distinguished from normal, although the Russian sexologist L. Ya. Yakobzon claims that any masturbation is a neurosis. We can talk about neurotic masturbation if self-satisfaction completely replaces or has led to specific problems in normal paired sexual intercourse. If masturbation is only a way to realize libido, for example, during a wife’s pregnancy, there is no talk of pathology.
  3. Neurosis, expressed in specific somatic dysfunctions. For example, itching of the genitals, despite the fact that all tests are normal and no pathologies are observed. A classic example of such neurosis is described in the “Lives of the Saints” from Epiphanius, about the attack of “ant” on his “secret uds” (genital organs), although, of course, in his story the story takes on a touch of a miracle and is replete with specific details: ants attacking the genital organs the holy hermit, were the most natural, and in order to get rid of the monstrosity, the elder needed to pray properly. But as an illustration of a neurotic reaction, the wonderful story is ideal. Unpleasant sensations that arise in the area of ​​the external genitalia, which are of a neurotic nature, can indeed be extremely realistic, and they cannot be eliminated with medications.

The causes of sexual neuroses, as well as the manifestations of the disease, can be so diverse that any classification is difficult.

Sexual neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Nowadays, an increasing number of the country's population is exposed to psychological illnesses. Sexual neurasthenia involves a significant problem that deprives an adult of a full existence.

What is this phenomenon?

You should start with a general definition of neurasthenia, as this can help you better navigate the nuances of the disease and understand how it can differ from other diseases of this type. Neurasthenia is a psychological disorder that belongs to the group of neuroses.

It appears due to the extreme exhaustion of the human nervous system as a result of a stable and strong load on it. According to statistics, this disorder occurs at different ages, from 20 to 40 years.

The disease itself can be determined by a large number of factors, but the results are not pleasant.

Sexual neurasthenia is a pathology of the central nervous system, which leads to a decrease in a person’s sex life. The pathology mainly affects young people, and more often these are representatives of the stronger sex.

Scientists have confirmed that the disease appears due to prolonged emotional and physiological stress. Every person experiences regular stress under different circumstances.

For this reason, neurasthenia can easily be characterized as a disease of civilization, since it affects those who are unable to cope with hard work days.

Pathologies of excitability of the central nervous system are considered frequent initiating conditions of sexual disorders. According to statistics, numerous young and middle-aged men suffer from neurasthenia and have sexual disorders.

The human nervous system simply responds to all kinds of unnerving conditions, expends its own forces, which can accumulate again, and for this reason a person in good health constantly has them in reserve to perform intellectual and physiological work.

But with loads on the nervous system, it is still exhausted, and functional work decreases, fatigue and hot temper arise.

With a lack of entertainment, good sleep and nutrition, reserves run out, and over time, the developing neurasthenia disrupts good physiological functions, and various types of sexual abuse, against the background of the formation of neurasthenia, stimulate sexual disorders. Problems with sexual activity are considered a factor or result of pathologies of nervous activity.

Weakness and fatigue over time, under the influence of harmful conditions, take possession of a person and this is especially noticeable by the occurrence of more frequent emissions, low erection or its absence. Frequent complaints from patients include stabbing pain during ejaculation, poor orgasm, or premature ejaculation.

There is also a decrease in normal sexual feelings, their slowdown, the emergence of coldness and loss of sexual desire. Sexual disorders in women with neurasthenia are less common than in men.

However, a change in the functioning of the sexual organs, a transient reduction in sexual opportunity, is also typical for girls. The factors of weak sexual activity are worries, fear, anxiety, and grief.

Mental fatigue, emotional distress, and negative feelings lead to overwork of the nervous system.

In men

Guys have high excitability, functional weakness if not treated correctly is complicated by prostatitis. Irritability, gloomy mood, decreased work activity, discomfort and unpleasant feelings lead to disorders of the sexual sphere, which can result in sexual impotence.

Among women

In women, such disorders provoke the appearance of vaginismus, a disease that causes contraction of the vaginal muscles, a feeling of discomfort, burning and pain during vaginal penetration, which makes sexual intercourse impossible.

Both girls and boys suffering from sexual neurasthenia are predisposed to early and prolonged masturbation, sexual excesses, and interrupted acts, since all this produces prolonged arousal.

In the prostate area in boys and in the body of the uterus in girls, chronic hyperemia can be observed, which is why nervous disorders involuntarily appear.

Water therapy

Water therapy can be described as an effective method of treating sexual neurasthenia: when undergoing it, the patient calms down extremely, enjoys it and stops thinking about his inferiority. This type of therapy makes it possible to free yourself from various stress and avoid the emergence of new ones.


Acupuncture is also an effective way to combat sexual neurasthenia. The needles directly act on the nerve endings, allowing them to relax. In addition, it is permissible to use sex hormones, which reduce desire.

Summarizing everything described, it can be noted that sexual neurasthenia is a disease that can be cured. To achieve this, it is necessary to strive extremely hard for the desired outcome and choose the right course individually.


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