How not to be afraid of flying on an airplane? Fear of flying on an airplane: how to overcome it

A little nervousness before a flight is considered normal. Almost all people experience it. It's another matter when this condition gets out of control and turns into a real phobia. Fear can be so strong that every flight becomes a huge stress for a person. And some people even refuse to travel by air, thereby missing out on a lot of opportunities and worsening their quality of life. The article talks about how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane, provides advice from psychologists and recommendations from specialists in this regard.


  1. Trick #1: Read the stats before you fly.
  2. Trick No. 2: Study the equipment correctly
  3. Trick #3: Prepare in advance
  4. Trick #4: Trust the crew
  5. Trick #5: Have fun
  6. Trick #6: Choose appropriate clothing.
  7. Trick #7: Maintain Fluid Balance
  8. Trick #8: Use Useful Mobile Apps
  9. Trick #9: Prepare for Turbulence
  10. Trick #10: Seek Professional Help

I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what to do? Pilot's advice

And first, let’s define a couple of simple details about what to do if you are afraid of flying on an airplane. The first and basic rule is not to use alcohol as a sedative.

Dry air and low pressure on board, supported by a glass of whiskey, will instantly intoxicate and increase excitement, and by the end of the flight a hangover will set in.

Therefore, try to make do with lollipops during landing and landing, eat chocolate or drink water, since coffee can also excite an already excited nervous system. Now let's move on to the main part.

Protect yourself

Impeccably follow all flight attendant instructions, even the smallest ones. For example, be sure to open the window shade during takeoff and landing. Why do this? Firstly, you can always see what is happening overboard. Secondly, in the event of a hard landing, if the metal curtain is lowered, it could injure passengers.

Do not ignore requests to turn off all cell phones and not use cameras during takeoff and landing. Theoretically, the aircraft's electronic system could be affected by electronic devices. Of course, this is only in theory, but still it’s not worth the risk. Therefore, turn off your mobile phones for a while - you will not be harmed. As for cameras, they, of course, do not emit any waves. However, during a sharp takeoff or landing, you risk dropping the device on someone's head.

Trick #1: Read the stats before you fly.

While you are traveling on a train, about 5,000 planes are flying in the sky.
Surely you have heard that the plane is considered the safest mode of transport: every second, on average, 5,000 (!) thousand cars are in the sky.

Every year, 5 billion (!) people travel by air, and the average annual number of air crash victims hovers around 300-400. That is, 1 out of 12 million dies.

Now, if you are looking for advice on what to do if you are afraid to fly on an airplane, remember the number of victims in all kinds of accidents. The count goes into tens of thousands.

Tip: If you fly every day, it will take you 21,000 years to become a victim of a plane crash.

After the flight

You have arrived! It would be good to compensate for the time spent practically motionless during the flight. Try to do light exercise or take a walk in the fresh air on this day. This will reduce stress and help you fall asleep easier.

Distribute your activities wisely, taking into account your usual pace of life. Don’t try to fill up whole days with a busy excursion program. Leave time for leisurely rest and contemplation. Instead of a non-stop run to all the sights, indulge yourself in ice cream in the park or just watch the life of the locals from a street cafe.

Try something new. Getting out of your comfort zone can be very helpful. Open yourself up to new experiences. This could be hiking in the mountains, diving, watching the sunrise on the beach, dancing at a city festival, tasting unfamiliar dishes, or chatting on fingers with sellers at the market. If you started your morning with coffee, start with a smoothie! Why not?!

Free yourself from ubiquitous technology. A gadget detox while on holiday means you enjoy your surroundings, the people you travel with, the culture, the food and the sights. Use social media wisely and try to check your email as little as possible while waiting for work emails. When your body is on the beach, you don't want your mind to be in the office.

Following these recommendations is not at all difficult, and the effect will exceed the expectations of even the most distrustful skeptics. After a relaxed preparation and flight, you will never want to go back to your old approach.

Read more tips for a happy holiday here

5 simple ways to relieve stress in any situation

How to make friends with stress?

Stress. Mechanism, consequences and management methods

Trick No. 2: Study the equipment correctly

Before each flight, aircraft are thoroughly checked.
The key word is correct. Once you have purchased your tickets, do not immediately start Googling statistics on air accidents involving the aircraft you will be flying on. These attempts will end in insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nervous breakdown and lost money.

Better read some useful reassuring facts:

  1. All systems on the plane have 2-3 takes.
  2. Each airliner has 2 engines: if one fails, the ship can safely fly on the second for at least 2 hours, while the risk that both will fail at the same time is equivalent to two hundred years of its continuous operation.
  3. Aircraft have a long technical life and undergo a thorough check before each flight. Do not be afraid to fly on planes that are 15 or 20 years old, be it Lufthansa or Air Nigeria - all air companies are necessarily certified in accordance with world standards.
  4. Each case of a plane crash is a confluence of circumstances that are carefully studied to prevent them in the future.
  5. Every year the number of accidents, despite their replication on television, decreases by 15%.

How does aerophobia manifest itself?

People who are afraid to fly on an airplane mistakenly perceive the heightened instinct of self-preservation as a manifestation of a phobia. It should be understood that this disorder is significantly different from the usual feeling of fear. The main difference is the severity of this feeling. A person who suffers from this disease experiences not just discomfort, but uncontrollable panic attacks. They may be accompanied by attacks of suffocation, increased heart rate, tremors and foam at the mouth.

Aerophobia is a mental disorder that is treatable. If you discover symptoms of this disease, it is recommended to immediately contact an appropriate specialist. A thorough analysis of the cause of fear allows us to find the answer to the question of how to deal with such a disorder. According to statistics, ninety percent of people suffering from aerophobia successfully cope with their problem thanks to drug treatment.

Trick No. 3: I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do? Prepare in advance

Arrive at the airport early to give yourself time to settle in.
Minimize stress by choosing the right flight. Some people find it more convenient to fly at night, while others prefer daytime flights. Think about what is more comfortable for you. When purchasing a ticket, do not forget to take into account the time difference.

Before your flight, check in online to avoid any additional worries. The night before your trip, try to sleep as little as possible - this will increase the chance that you will fall asleep on board, and the flight will be easy.

Tip: When purchasing a ticket, reserve your seat. The most comfortable places for those who are afraid of flying are in the front part and at the wings. For Airbus A 320 it is 8-15 rows, for Boeing 737-800 it is 12-18.

Psychologist's advice

1. Study the structure of the aircraft

This advice is especially suitable for those passengers who have decided to use airline services for the first time. Everything that a person does not know about is fear for him. In order not to flinch at the moment of departure or landing, carefully read why the plane accelerates so quickly and takes so long to land.

Also, many passengers worry that if the engine breaks down, the plane will immediately fall to the ground. Actually this is not true. The plane has more than one engine. Even if something happens to one, the others will work.

2. Convince yourself that fear is normal.

Don’t think that you are mentally ill because you are afraid of flying. Every second person faces this problem. The main thing is to try to convince yourself that everything is okay and that your fear is normal.

3. Meditation

Meditation is very helpful in dealing with anxiety. Relax every cell of your body. Feel that even your hair is relaxed. Meditation is beneficial both before and during the flight.

If it is not meditation that helps you calm down, but prayer, read it.

Trick No. 4: I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do? Trust the crew

Take an example from the crew
Tips from pilots and flight attendants can be viewed in advance on YouTube (including at the end of this article), but the confident and friendly appearance of the crew should have the greatest therapeutic effect on you.

Imagine these people are on board airplanes most of their lives. It is unlikely that they would devote themselves to heights if they were driven by the fear of getting into an air pocket or, worse, a plane crash.

And they also want to return home safe and sound to hug their family and friends. Some airlines allow you to go into the cockpit and get acquainted with him so that his appearance will inspire you with confidence.

But, to be honest, we have not yet encountered such precedents. Just in case, ask the flight attendant.

Methods to combat fear of flying

There are a number of different techniques that can reduce nervous tension and make it easier to endure an airplane flight. These methods may differ in effectiveness, and what works well for some may not work for others, so everyone must choose the best option for themselves.

A way to deal with fearDescription

Self-hypnosis, meditation

If you focus only on pleasant moments, for example, the anticipation of a foreign vacation or meeting with family (friends), the power of fear will significantly weaken. You need to start before the trip begins: set yourself up for the positive, put your thoughts in order, and constantly repeat that the flight will go well. On the plane, mentally imagine yourself already at the final point of the flight, make plans for the coming days.

Communication with fellow travelers

Many people meet fellow travelers on the flight and spend most of their time interacting with them. An interesting conversation will help you take your mind off negative thoughts and experiences, and time will fly by faster. But even if you don’t really like your interlocutor, it’s still better to keep the conversation going than to dwell on your fears.


If you don’t like to communicate on the road, take a book with you. The more exciting the plot, the less you will pay attention to what is happening around you. You can also use a tablet or laptop and browse the Internet, because now every plane has Wi-Fi on board.

Listening to music

Another great way to distract yourself is to listen to your favorite music while flying. Of course, this should only be done with headphones, so as not to disturb others. It is advisable to turn the music up louder - this way you will drown out the noise and hum in the cabin, which can cause unpleasant associations.

Use of talismans

If you believe in the power of amulets, talismans, and lucky numbers, then be sure to take some item with you on the road for good luck. Some people specifically reserve seats in the cabin under a certain number or order tickets for the same date. This allows you to psychologically tune in to a safe flight and reduce emotional stress.

Eating sweets

Sweet foods have a calming effect on the nervous system, so you should take with you what you like best, for example, chocolate, candy, candied fruit. You need to eat them little by little, stretching out the pleasure and enjoying the taste.

Taking sedatives

If you are very nervous, you can take a sedative before the flight, but not exceeding the permissible dose. In case of a long flight, a light sleeping pill will also do; the main thing is not to overdo it and not mix sleeping pills with a sedative.

Increased nervousness and fear of air travel

Psychologists recommend that people with a fear of flying arrive at the airport in advance to avoid worries associated with check-in and boarding. By arriving early, you can calmly go through all the procedures and prepare yourself psychologically for the flight, and at the same time get to know other passengers.

Video - 10 techniques on how to overcome fear of flying

Trick #5: Have fun!

Find yourself an interlocutor
by all available means. Listen to music, read books, find someone to talk to. In general, do everything that will help you abstract yourself from the feeling of danger.

Psychologists believe that the best way to overcome the fear of flying while on board is audiobooks - unlike songs, when listening to the text, you will have to concentrate your attention to understand what is being said.

No need to be afraid all the time during the flight

Also, don’t worry, as they say, “from gangway to gangway.” Yes, the most dangerous moments when piloting an airplane are during takeoff and landing. But in flight at flight level, apart from shaking from turbulence, nothing will threaten you. But turbulence, no matter how frightening and harsh it may be, has never caused a single modern aircraft to fall apart. However, you can get injured or even die from a heart attack. Therefore, once again: DON’T WORRY and BUCKLETUP as required by the pilots!

More details about probabilistic calculations of aircraft crashes can be read in the following article from the website of the Alexey Gervash Center “Flying Without Fear”: Aircraft crash statistics, or assessing the probability of an aircraft crash

Trick #7: Stay Fluid Balanced

Instead of alcohol and medications, drink water
“I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do, what medications should I take to dull my feelings of fear?” - this question is one of the most popular on aerophobe forums.

We answer: none, since a tablet (even two) of valerian is unlikely to help. Serious sedatives and hypnotics can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since it is unknown how side effects will manifest themselves at altitude.

But a sufficient amount of liquid will not harm: the air on board is very dry. Drink plain still water or natural juices. And don't forget to grab hand cream.

Fight fire with fire

How to stop being afraid of flying? Start flying. Exactly. Start with flying clubs and take a few introductory airplane flights. In general, join the aviator community, fortunately today small aviation is developing quite quickly, and more and more special clubs are appearing for those who love flying. People began to fly and discover a whole new world with completely new sensations. Learn to fly a glider, hang glider, or helicopter. All in your hands!

In addition, such flights help not only get rid of the fear of heights, but also take your mind off heavy thoughts, daily routine and stress. After all, soaring high above the ground, you forget about all the troubles of life and enjoy the beauty of flight.

For those who for some reason cannot fly on a real plane, there is also a way to immerse yourself in an environment that is as close as possible to a stressful situation. Today, many airlines offer classes on a special flight simulator. During the session, you will be able to feel like a pilot, get used to the sensations of takeoff and landing, turbulence, and also become familiar with the smart systems of the aircraft.

Trick #8: Use Useful Mobile Apps

There are quite a few of these specially invented for aerophobes. Just download one of the many on your smartphone and while on board you will be able to monitor the bank angle, speed and altitude, and g-force during turbulence.

You will also learn a lot of useful technical information: how the plane stays in the air, how the weather affects flight safety, how the aircraft works, how many ships are in flight at a particular moment, etc. There are even special audio trainings that you can listen to on board.

Are flights carried out during thunderstorms?

Many people who are afraid of flying are interested in the question of whether a plane flies during a thunderstorm. The reason for postponing the departure time of a flight to its final destination can be not only a thunderstorm, but also fog in combination with strong wind. Despite this, some flights take off even in the absence of necessary weather conditions. In this case, the airliner crew, together with the air traffic control service, makes careful calculations, on the basis of which the final decision is made. The flight may be delayed in the following cases:

  1. Possibility of worsening weather conditions.
  2. There is a danger to the health and life of passengers.

Such a factor as passenger safety is one of the basic principles of aviation . Each aircraft is designed to take into account the various weather conditions that may occur during the flight. As a result of such calculations, a special protective system is installed on each aircraft. It should also be understood that no pilot would fly a plane directly into a thundercloud. Flying over or under such clouds does not pose a danger to passengers. Even a lightning strike on the side of an aircraft cannot cause a failure of the main or additional control systems.

People suffering from claustrophobia should sit near the emergency exit or aisle

Trick #9: Prepare for Turbulence

Don't be afraid of turbulence
Every plane occasionally encounters turbulence. And this is natural, but in the entire history of aviation, no more than 50 people died specifically from turbulence, and that was when suitcases fell on their heads or a passenger was not wearing a seat belt.

The oscillation of an airplane in the air is caused by vortex wind currents. As a rule, an ordinary bumpiness does not threaten anything, and in 9 out of 10 cases the warning to the pilot is just a formality.

Tip: Some airlines refund money to passengers if they cancel their flight at the last minute due to aerophobia. To do this, they must provide a medical certificate of health.

Think positively

Try to discard all “bad feelings” and think only about the good. Remember the purpose of your flight: why, why, to whom and where you are making your journey. Think about the people you will meet when you step off the plane, about the city you will see. List at least three important and positive reasons why you cannot help but fly. Focus on them and replay them in your head all the time. Believe me, motivation is a powerful thing.

Try to charge the person sitting next to you with positivity. Smile at your neighbor, even though you yourself are not comfortable. Suddenly it will become your “lifeline”. After all, time flies unnoticed in a casual conversation. This way, you will calm down yourself and help others.

Turbulence is not dangerous

A few more words about turbulence. Yes, she is a problem. But no - it's not dangerous! Pilots have talked about this many times. Don't believe ours? Listen to foreigners.

See also How to calm down during turbulence on a plane

Commercial pilot Patrick Smith explains:

“In any case, the plane cannot be turned upside down or thrown into a tailspin by even the most powerful gust or pocket of air. The conditions may be annoying and uncomfortable, but the plane will not crash. Turbulence is an aggravating factor, a nuisance for everyone, including the pilot crew, but it is also, for lack of a better term, natural. From a pilot's point of view, it is usually seen as a matter of convenience rather than safety."

The main reason why pilots do everything they can to avoid turbulence is because it's annoying... Nothing more.

Aircraft undergo rigorous testing before entering commercial use

Crash tests for cars are commonplace, but you won’t see similar tests of aircraft widely available on the Internet. Meanwhile, in order to clear a new aircraft for flight, it is tested at a huge number of points. Only after passing all the tests is the new product given special certificates, such as the domestic one from IAC - the International Aviation Committee.

For example, the SSJ100 spent a total of 3 years and 3 months in test hangars and airfields. During this time, more than 2 thousand points were checked, among which, as notes, were: stalling in a tailspin and other extreme overloads, checking structures for strength characteristics, icing, landing in abnormal conditions, “shelling” by birds, heat testing and cold, side winds, flammability of the skin, and so on and so forth.

Video taken from YouTube channel “ssj100ru”

All conducted research and practical tests minimize the likelihood of tragedy even in conditions close to an emergency.

Don't look at the wings while flying

There is also this test:

It is needed to determine the peak load on the wing spars. The standard strength characteristics of the elements are 20-30% higher and are never achieved during normal operation of an aircraft, even a military one.

Therefore, swaying airplane wings are normal. If the structure had no power, it would have collapsed on its first flight. However, if you are afraid to look at the walking wing, it is better to turn your gaze back to the book or to the tablet. There is no need for extra nerves!

Even a bird in the engine is no problem!

Birds are a problem at any airport. Flocks of birds, of course, try to drive them away from airways, but no one excludes them getting into the engine. To do this, the following tests are carried out:

The main task is to prevent fragments of the turbine impeller from flying outside the turbine protective casing.

The meaning of all of the above is this: the “raw” aircraft will not be released from the test hangars.

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