All people are different - smart and not so smart, slim and fat, cheerful and sad, and so on. They also distinguish people by their mood in life, saying whether they are optimists or pessimists. The former always see only the good in all situations, the latter are negative. So let's figure out who is an optimist and a pessimist, and also who has an easier time in life.
Who is an optimist: the meaning of the concept
The word Optimus means good, the best. Therefore, an optimist is a person who, in a given situation, always sees only the best outcome and is determined to achieve a good result.
But optimists should not be confused with people who are constantly “on their own wavelength” and do not pay attention to life’s problems. This is simply irrationality, although psychologists say that this concept also falls under the category of “optimist.”
There are 2 types of optimists
- A rational person soberly analyzes the situation, but tries to “steer out” of it so that everything turns out well. At the same time, he is firmly confident in a good outcome. He simply believes that he will be able to make the right choice and get out of this situation. If it doesn’t happen the way he wanted, then the optimist does not get upset, but continues to believe that next time everything will be fine;
- An irrational optimist, when faced with a situation or problem, does not try to analyze it and solve it, but simply does nothing. He believes that higher powers will help him. Thus, the irrational optimist is confident that if he does nothing, everything will be fine.
Concomitant diseases
What is pessimism? Can such a worldview be attributed to illnesses, and can pessimists be considered sick people? Very often, such a state, when everything is bad in this world, is just a negative look, filled with negativity, which is imperceptibly woven into a person’s character. But sometimes pessimism accompanies certain personality disorders. A gloomy view of the world around us occurs in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. They do not have enough energy for everyday activities and life is perceived as a meaningless whirlwind.
People who are susceptible to a midlife crisis also look sadly at the world around them. This is the period when many men and women, having crossed their 40-year mark, cease to see any prospects for their own future. They believe that their life is already over, and that only old age and death await them. Thinking about this constantly, people sometimes lead themselves to neurosis.
Those who suffer from hypochondria are also far from optimistic. This disease causes people to “find” they have “incurable diseases” such as AIDS or cancer. In this case, there is simply no prospect of further existence.
Who is an optimist and how does he behave?
Optimists develop a characteristic behavior in life. It distinguishes them from other people and is the basis of their lives. We will tell you about these qualities.
Distinctive Traits of Optimists
- according to their psychotype, they are, as a rule, sanguine - people with an active life position, sober-minded, positive always and in everything;
- they are always mentally balanced and able to think analytically;
- optimists are always tuned to a positive outcome of events;
- If any problem occurs, even one of the most difficult in life, an optimist does not give up. At the same time, he does not put on rose-colored glasses and will not demonstrate his attitude where it is not appropriate. For example, an optimist will not convince everyone at a funeral that life goes on, it is beautiful, and so on. He is capable of regret, sadness and crying like most ordinary people.
The virtues of optimists
Is it good to be an optimist, you ask? But there is no exact answer to this question. If you read the qualities that we talked about above, you can conclude that being an optimist is a good character trait. He does not look at the world through rose-colored glasses, but tries not to lose his positive attitude even in the most difficult life situations. He may doubt, but he never whines. This undoubtedly helps in life not to give up and make the right choice.
And also - scientists have proven that those people who are always positive are less likely to get sick. After all, pessimism certainly leads to fear, bad mood and stress. And as a result of stress, a variety of health problems arise, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. An optimist has a higher level of happiness hormones in his blood, which will prevent him from getting sick.
Since we have figured out that optimism in a person is good, let’s talk about how to become an optimist. After all, this quality is not inherent in nature; it needs to be developed. And it is possible.
According to the doctrine of optimism, the main representative of which is the German philosopher Leibniz (1646–1716), the perfection of the world is a necessary consequence of the perfection of its Creator. According to Leibniz, by His omnipotence and freedom, God could choose any of the countless number of possible worlds; but in His absolute wisdom and goodness He had to choose only the best between them. This is the real world. No matter how much evil there is in the world, every other possible world would contain even more of it, and if evil exists in the world at all, it is because even the most perfect world is unthinkable without evil; if evil did not exist, the world would not be the best. If it seems to us that the existence of evil contradicts the perfection of the world, then this depends on the fact that, due to our limitations, we cannot understand and survey the entire world plan, where everything is necessary in its place and everything is completely consistent with one another. Evil itself cannot distort the perfection of the world because, in essence, it is not something positive, is not any active, real force, but consists only of a lack or deprivation (privatio) of good, like, for example. , in the same way that darkness is only a lack of light or cold is a lack of heat. Evil is only the reverse side of good, a negative moment in the development of good, necessary for the full and comprehensive implementation of the idea of good. This optimistic view of the present world, as the best of all possible worlds, contradicts the concept of the perfection of the Creator. Representations of the perfections of the Creator are quite possible, infinitely many and in infinitely many degrees and forms of world existence - and God would be limited in His power if He could not create any world better than the present one, and in His nature, if He were obliged to choose for creating only one best world. To recognize as fair that with the existence of evil the world can be perfect, that evil is necessary for the realization of good, which consists in nothing more than the fight against evil and victory over it, that therefore the existence of evil is an inevitable condition of perfection itself, of good, - means to contradict moral consciousness, which is considered completely conceivable, and such an ideal order of things where this perfection is achieved through the free self-development of rational beings, without the need to fight actually existing evil. It is finally impossible to reconcile the existence of evil in the world with the perfection of the latter, considering evil as the negation of good. On the one hand, the lack of good in the case where it should take place according to the moral law is evil; on the other hand, experience shows that in the moral world there are not only such phenomena that reveal the lack or weakness of moral will in a person, but also those in which his positively evil disposition is revealed. Such, for example, are all crimes committed under the influence of vicious passions. Being theoretically untenable, optimism leads to disastrous consequences in moral life. If there is no evil in the world and if what is considered evil is necessary for world harmony, then the only protection of morality - the consciousness of the difference between good and evil - must be destroyed. As a result, anyone, mired in vices, can be quite sure that he not only acts indifferently, but even does good, contributing to the perfection of the world. The selfish aspirations of men will not be hindered in their gratification, and humanity will have to present a terrible picture of the struggle of individuals for personal interests.
How to become an optimist?
To become an optimist, first of all, you need to remember that happiness and peace of mind always depend on ourselves. Even if you cannot yet achieve the goal you dream of, you need to live for today - find a job, a hobby, communicate with loved ones. You need to do everything that gives you pleasure.
At the same time, you cannot complain to yourself or others. Even if you cannot yet buy, for example, a car, the next nail that you drive into your subconscious will not help you buy it. You need to analyze the situation and take small but confident steps towards achieving your goal. And, having risen to a higher level, do not forget to praise yourself.
So, we need to change our attitude towards the bad, because the situation becomes bad only in our head. And also, communicate only with positive, confident and cheerful people, and do not adapt to anyone.
Obstacle to professional activity
A person who allows sadness and dissatisfaction into his life is likely to become a failure. Self-doubt, expressed in lack of initiative, does not allow him to work well and climb the career ladder. In addition, pessimists, as a rule, blame other people for their failures and complaints. By doing this, they alienate others and destroy relationships. Pessimists are often called whiners, as well as walking misfortunes. In addition, those who look negatively at the world around them create an atmosphere of illness, passivity and despondency around themselves.
Pessimism in religion
It is worth noting that in each of the currently known confessions, traits of despondency can be found to a greater or lesser extent. For example, all religions promise a person heaven not on Earth during life, but in heaven after death. This is precisely what emphasizes the lack of hope for a good existence in the “world of Satan.”
According to the religious worldview, a person should step away from everyday affairs and devote himself to serving God. After all, only the Lord is able to solve all the problems that humanity faces. But it is worth noting that believers cannot be called completely pessimists. After all, they are negatively disposed only towards earthly existence, looking optimistically at the future heavenly existence.
The worst people in this regard are atheists. After all, such a pessimist is a person who does not believe in either the Creator or the earthly future of people.
But sometimes a pessimistic mood is a symptom of an independent illness, and one that has a severe course. The name of this disease is “dysthymia”. Clinical manifestations of the pathology include low mood, low self-esteem, and insufficient ability to experience pleasure. Psychiatrists, describing such people, say that they look at the picture of the world through a mournful veil, seeing only the dark sides in everything. And even if joy happens in the life of such a person, he immediately poisons his consciousness with the thought that this will not last long.
Patients suffering from dysthymia are very sensitive to troubles that arise and react to them quite sharply. Such patients are constantly anxious in their souls. After all, they expect misfortunes, which is why they have a depressed appearance and a gloomy mood, and are also constantly gloomy.
The criteria for pessimism in such people are reflected in their external features. These are limply hanging hands, lethargy, a slow gait and a sad face. Such people, as a rule, are not at all deprived of intelligence. Nevertheless, they are very stressed and quickly tired of mental work. They often fail to complete their task because they are powerless to complete the work they have started.
Advantages and disadvantages
Is it bad to be a pessimist? In fact, a dose of reasonable pessimism allows you to avoid many mistakes.
Overly positive people are prone to impulsive actions that can have a destructive impact on the future.
Therefore, such a phenomenon as pessimism has both positive and negative sides.
- Refrain from impulsive, dangerous behavior. Pessimists are less likely to spend money on unnecessary things and do not have a tendency to make spontaneous purchases.
- Prepare for trouble. When pessimism is not expressed in extreme forms of powerlessness, a person who expects pitfalls copes with them faster. Life presents him with fewer surprises because he tends to predict them.
- There is no disappointment from the anticipation of positive changes.
Optimists often build castles in the air, counting on a carefree, happy future. Such a craving for joy and total, unceasing pleasure leads to the collapse of one’s own hopes. Pessimists, on the contrary, do not have high expectations. So they don't get upset if things don't go according to plan. - Defensive pessimism. Willingness to fail on the way to the goal. A person does not have high hopes and accepts failure more easily because he is ready to accept it. This allows you to remain collected and internally calm during the process of achieving results.
- Passive performance at work reduces the likelihood of increased income and improved living standards.
- Difficulties in solving creative problems - a skeptic tends to act straightforwardly, without using imaginative and abstract thinking.
- Low assessment of one's own successes. “Well, I achieved it and guess what!” - the words of a pessimist who underestimates his achievements. He does not stick out or advertise his successes and advantages, considering them unimportant and not particularly outstanding. This has a negative impact on a career, since a person does not know how to present himself, as a result, remaining in his old position, which he has long outgrown.
A negative perception of the world is a good tool in your arsenal, if you don’t go too far with skepticism. Together with reasonable optimism, it will help to level the balance and develop a realistic attitude towards life.
Basic criteria: collecting evidence against a pessimist
Pessimism is a certain outlook on life, which is characterized by a predominance of negativity and dark colors. Thus, a person to whom this type of assessment applies is inclined to look for the bad rather than the good in almost any situation. Pessimists often try to share their worldview with others, complaining about various injustices and failures, which is why they are often considered whiners.
Some people mistakenly believe that pessimists are essentially losers. However, this is far from the case. Statistics show that pessimism does not prevent many people from achieving career growth and other successes in life. Also, pessimists cannot be called unhappy people. There is no need to put an equal sign between these concepts.
Eliminating negative attitudes towards life
In the event that pessimism is not caused by a mental illness, for which it is necessary to contact specialists and carry out appropriate treatment, you can influence this worldview yourself. It is noted that a sad outlook on life, as a rule, distinguishes lonely people, those who have low incomes or are unemployed. This condition is also influenced by long-term communication with those who suffer from depression.
How to become an optimist? First of all, you need to pass the pessimism test. It will help you understand the reasons for your constantly bad mood. Next, you will need to take decisive steps towards changes in your personal life (if the gloomy mood is associated with problems in the family), try to change jobs, if a negative attitude towards the world is associated with constant conflicts with colleagues and bosses, and also learn to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts and negative experiences. And it is worth remembering that many people experience certain problems in their lives, but not all of them fall into despair. On the contrary, difficulties should strengthen a person and encourage him to master ever new heights.
A pessimist is...
Psychologists say that waiting for bad news is already a stressful factor. Therefore, such people are prone to severe anxiety, suspicion, distrust of others, isolation, overwork, fatigue, and headaches.
Organs that suffer from pessimism:
- The amygdala is responsible for emotions and transmitting information throughout the body.
- Spinal cord – impulses pass through it, transmitting signals about increased readiness for something bad.
- The adrenal glands produce excessively and without reason the hormone of fear - adrenaline.
- Kidneys and intestines - blood vessels contract, so the processing of food and urine slows down in these organs.
- The liver processes glycine (what is it?) in large quantities into glucose - the body prepares for the load.
- Respiratory system - due to increased breathing, the body requires more oxygen.
- Heart - contractions become more frequent.
A pessimist often falls into long-term and protracted depression. Physical health also often fails. Due to their lack of self-confidence, it is difficult for them to achieve great success both in their careers and in their personal lives.
Negativism is a trait that is passed on genetically. It is neuropeptide Y that determines that a person will not expect anything good and pleasant from life, and will believe that all attempts by citizens to make positive changes in the country are futile.
Such people are often not informed about important events (birthdays, weddings), since they will not be able to appreciate and react cheerfully.
Harm to life
The pessimistic forecast with which a person looks into the future invariably attracts negativity. By this he himself programs his life for troubles and failure. Of course, every day of a pessimist is filled with both bad and good events. However, he does not notice the positive. All his attention is focused on problems and troubles.
A pessimist is a person who aims his subconscious at a negative assessment of what is happening. Over time, all this becomes reality. The bad things that a pessimist sees begin to materialize. Moreover, with every failure, such a person only becomes convinced of the correctness of his own thoughts. This completes a vicious circle. Life moves on to the rails of constant expectation of troubles, failures and betrayals.
Doctors consider this constant waiting mode to be a powerful stress for the body. If the situation is not changed, then such a race for everything negative will end in a depressive state.
Direction in philosophy
A negative outlook on life can also be found in one of the scientific disciplines. It is considered by a separate direction in philosophy. It is called philosophical pessimism. The most famous representatives of this trend are Schopenhauer and Hartmann. In their opinion, everything in this world is not only bad, but completely hopeless. Such a philosophy considers the very existence of man to be meaningless from the very beginning to the end.
Often adherents of this trend expressed pessimistic thoughts about the meaning of life. The following questions were asked:
- Why is a person born if he has to die anyway?
— Why does injustice flourish in society?
- Why is there so much suffering and trouble in this world?
Trying to give answers to these questions, pessimistic philosophers came to the conclusion that this world is ruled by an inherently vicious system of relationships. At the same time, those who held such views firmly believed that people cannot change anything. To prove their rightness, these philosophers cited as an example the entire history of human existence, filled since the time of Adam and Eve with countless wars, problems, tears and grief.
Start every day on a positive note
The first half hour to hour of the morning sets the tone for the whole day. Therefore, if you start with pessimism, it will be difficult for you to get rid of this feeling until the evening. But if you start your morning positively, it will be easier for you to maintain this attitude for the rest of the day.
Here are some simple ways to start your day with something positive:
- Place a sticky note near your bed or on your mirror with something uplifting. It could be a quote that lifts your spirits. Or the main thing you should be focused on.
- Listen or watch something motivating: a podcast, a video, or your favorite music.
- Read a book, articles that will inspire you or just make you laugh.