sense of smell during wine tasting
Which organ is responsible for the sense of smell? Structure and functions of the human olfactory organs
Taste or smell? We often think that we taste, but in reality we
Pyramid path. Neurology
Structure and functions of the pyramidal system. Pyramid system
Syndromes of damage to the pyramidal tract and extrapyramidal system Our brain is a unique multi-complex system that controls
Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of June 16, 2014 N 390/14 Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for determining the total share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality
The brain controls the vital processes of the body, gross and fine motor skills, cognitive functions - orientation in
man and nature life in harmony
Harmony in a person’s life: 7 steps to achieving it
Pessimists and optimists - what's the difference? In life you often have to decide what is more important:
Neuropsychological syndromes with damage to the temporal regions of the brain
Functions of the lobes of the brain The brain is a powerful control center that sends commands to
Communication concept. Basic functions and means of communication
Means of communication - what is it? Means of communication are certain established (accepted in society)
The axon contains all of the following components, except
The request "neurite" is redirected here. A separate article should be created on this topic. Axon of a 9-day-old mouse
head brain areas
Strokes of genius: how head injuries give ordinary people phenomenal abilities
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Neurosurgical anatomy → Large, or dorsal cerebellomedullary,..
, arachnoidea mater cranialis (encephali). Thin, avascular membrane that is held relatively rigid
Lesson summary. Introductory lesson. "Adaptation. Main types of adaptations. Diversity of adaptations of living organisms.”
Lecture No. 7 topic: the concept of human adaptation and acclimatization LECTURE No. 7 TOPIC: THE CONCEPT OF
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