All convolutions and grooves of the human brain have long been named and described. In neuroanatomical atlases the same
Greetings, friends! Not all people correctly understand what self-awareness is, despite
Location The thalamus is part of the cerebral hemispheres of the forebrain. It is located lateral to the lateral ventricles -
Nikolai Frantsuzov, neuropsychologist and researcher at Vikium, spoke specifically for Netology about memory problems
KtoNaNovenkogo FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS You are here November 17, 2019 Sublimation is... Its essence is simple
Many mothers wonder: when does the nervous system of the fetus form? Almost from the very
There are two movement control systems in the human body that work in conjunction with each other.
07/05/2013 Parts of the brain An important role in the higher nervous activity of a person belongs to the brain,
General characteristics The brain is one of the constituent organs of the central nervous system. His
General information Inside both hemispheres, in addition to the cortex, there are separate nuclei of gray matter. They