Psychiatry Psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy named after. P.B. Gannushkina — Cognitive and psychotropic effects of the drug Cortexin in the treatment of patients with epilepsy

Cortexin is a nootropic consisting of peptides. It is obtained by special preparation from the bark of cattle. The drug has neuroprotective and antioxidant properties. The use of Cortexin increases the resistance of nerve tissue to damaging influences such as toxins, chemicals, microbes and viruses. When using this drug, the processes of regeneration of central nervous system structures are accelerated, impulse transmission between neurons is improved. Due to this, the healing process for neurological diseases is significantly accelerated.

Cortexin as part of complex therapy is successfully used in the treatment of many pathologies, but the main indications for its use are:

  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Consequence of traumatic brain injury.
  • Encephalopathies of various origins.
  • Encephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis.
  • Epilepsy and convulsive syndrome.
  • Asthenic condition (suprasegmental autonomic disorders).
  • Cognitive disorders (disorders of memory, thinking and attention).
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Delayed psychomotor and speech development in children.
  • Reduced learning ability.

Can it be used for treatment in adults and children?

Cortexin for epilepsy is the only nootropic that can be used to treat children.

Some medications of this group can also be used in childhood, but due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, such drugs are used as a last resort.

For epilepsy, such a nootropic began to be used only in the 21st century, and only as a neuroimmune agent to eliminate the physiological prerequisites for the manifestation of epilepsy symptoms.

Cortexin for epilepsy: can it be used for treatment in adults and children
The medicine is equally safe for children and adults suffering from this disease, but it is important to strictly follow the dosages, which differ for these age categories.

When using the composition in patients with epilepsy, the following positive effects are observed:

  • oxidation processes slow down in brain cells;
  • in the tissues of brain cells, metabolic processes are activated and nerve cells are regenerated, as a result of which the functions of the central nervous system are improved;
  • convulsive activity of the brain decreases, which helps to stop seizures for long periods.

According to studies, the drug demonstrated the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of patients with acquired epilepsy (in particular, people who developed the disease due to traumatic brain injury).

But to achieve positive results, long-term treatment is necessary: ​​in general, a noticeable beneficial effect appears after 4-5 years.

Release forms

There are different forms of release of the drug:

  1. Pills. Received the most widespread use. They are prescribed in most cases for a course of 2–3 weeks, when there is no need to use emergency measures.
  2. Ampoules. In this form, Actovegin is often used in a hospital setting to achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time. Indications may include severe conditions during pregnancy that require immediate intervention. To administer the drug, a dropper, intramuscular or intravenous injections are used. The method is determined by the doctor.
  3. Creams, ointments. Used as a regenerating agent for burns, wounds, cuts, weeping ulcers, to prevent bedsores and exposure to radiation.
  4. Eye gel. Used for various types of inflammation or damage to the cornea and sclera of the eyes.

The only analogue of Actovegin is Solcoseryl. The disadvantage of this drug is that it is not available in tablet form.

Actovegin is available in several forms: tablets, ampoules, ointment, cream, gel. The use of the drug in a certain form depends on the condition of the woman and child, her diagnosis, and the duration of pregnancy.

Most often, doctors prescribe the tablet form of the drug to expectant mothers for the purpose of prevention if the woman has previously had miscarriages or a frozen pregnancy. It is not clear how these phenomena are generally related to the use of Actovegin.

  • An early miscarriage always has a reason: either physiological, when something in your body prevents you from carrying a pregnancy, or genetic, when the embryo already had developmental disorders and the body rejected it;
  • Frozen pregnancy occurs for similar reasons.

In both cases, you should have undergone a full examination before pregnancy and understand the reasons for what happened.

Actovegin is not used to prevent miscarriage. These are not vitamins, not a safe medicine and not an indication for taking it.

Droppers are administered intravenously; they are usually used when treating an expectant mother in a hospital. They are often used for emergency therapy, when urgent improvement in the condition of a woman and child is necessary.

Intramuscular administration of Actovegin (in ampoules) has a similar effect. The injections also give a quick effect if urgent intervention is needed.

The drug in the form of a gel, ointment and cream is applied to the affected areas of the body. Actovegin in these forms is used to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns, radiation injuries to the skin and eyes, and is used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

Actovegin is a pharmaceutical drug of natural origin. It is based on fractions of calf blood purified from high-molecular protein compounds.

The medicine contains:

  • low molecular weight peptides, which, unlike high molecular weight ones, do not cause allergies and take an active part in the regulation of many natural processes in the body;
  • amino acids, which are the building blocks for protein molecules that are necessary to accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • nucleosides - components that play an important role in the formation of genetic information for newly formed cellular structures;
  • intermediate products of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats - form the basis for the production of non-essential amino acids, which later become components of protein fractions;
  • antioxidants - prevent the destructive effect of free radicals and improve the physiological process of oxygen formation inside cells;
  • microelements and electrolytes - are part of the blood plasma and are present in any of its fractions.

Actovegin is available in various forms - tablets, gel, cream, ointment and injection solution intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Indications for use

This is a multidisciplinary nootropic, which, in addition to treating epilepsy, helps with the following pathologies and diseases:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • encephalomyelitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • asthenia;
  • speech development delays;
  • memory impairment and problems concentrating;
  • neuroinfections (bacteria or viruses that attack the nervous system);
  • hydrocephalus;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • encephalopathy.

As a supplement, the drug is often prescribed for any serious traumatic brain injury to eliminate or prevent complications associated with impaired brain function.

Effect on the body

In the presence of vascular dystonia, this drug is often used. The lack of blood supply to the systems of the human body, which is caused by vegetative-vascular pathology, leads to the fact that a person begins to feel unwell.

Such violations provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • development of hypoxia;
  • frequent panic attacks;
  • retention of toxins and increased slagging in the body;
  • metabolic disorders that interfere with the absorption of glucose;
  • the appearance of dizziness, apathetic state;
  • disorders in brain function.

The action of the drug allows you to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, improve blood circulation and solve other problems inherent in dystonia. A correctly administered course of treatment improves the condition, first of all, of the cardiovascular system. This occurs due to the effect on nerve endings, stabilization of energy processes, and proper absorption of glucose, which additionally gives a person strength.

The wide spectrum of action of the drug allows it to be used in various areas of medicine, especially in people who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Actovegin is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • headache, dizziness, muscle weakness;
  • disruption of normal blood supply to the brain;
  • hypertensive condition, cardiac syndrome;
  • stroke;
  • skull injury;
  • encephalopathy;
  • various types of dementia;
  • retinal angiopathy;
  • pathological conditions during pregnancy and childbirth with the presence of infection;
  • ulcerative lesions of internal organs;
  • varicose veins of the limbs;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • trophic diseases of the skin;
  • bedsore pathologies and prevention of their occurrence;
  • skin lesions due to radiation therapy;
  • burns.

Tablets are used to normalize the following processes:

  • venous and arterial disorders;
  • vascular and metabolic pathologies;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • therapy of heart pathologies.


The drug, like any other nootropics, is sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. For epilepsy, a prescription can be issued by a neurologist, psychiatrist or pediatrician (if prescribed to a child).

The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day for ten days. Considering that Cortexin has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, it is better to inject it in the first half of the day in order to avoid problems with night sleep and administer it later in the evening.

For epilepsy, long-term treatment is indicated, but the duration of the course cannot be more than 10 days.

Between such courses you should take breaks of 4-5 months.

Injections are given every day, but if for some reason the injection is missed on one of the days, you should not inject a double dose the next day.

This will not enhance the therapeutic effect, but the development of allergic reactions is quite possible. In such situations, treatment is simply extended by the number of days missed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Actovegin's release form, dosage and treatment regimen are determined by a specialist on an individual basis. In this case, the main task of the doctor is to assess the threat and severity of the clinical situation for the mother and child. There are no universal schemes for drug therapy, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

If we talk about treatment with Actovegin tablets, then in most cases expectant mothers are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The drug should be taken with water. Treatment with tablets is usually long-term, on average it lasts at least 4 weeks.

Typically, this type of drug treatment is used in women with intrauterine chronic fetal hypoxia. Actovegin tablets are also actively prescribed for prophylactic purposes if a woman has experienced pregnancy complications or has a history of spontaneous miscarriages. As a rule, tablets are part of the complex treatment of the expectant mother.

Actovegin solution, intended for intravenous administration, can sharply increase blood pressure, so it is administered slowly, especially to persons suffering from hypertension. In pregnant women, the initial dosage of the drug is 5 ml.

The total number of Actovegin injections prescribed during pregnancy usually does not exceed 10. But if necessary, the doctor can extend the treatment course to 20 injections. Actovegin injections are prescribed for severe circulatory disorders in the placenta to prevent spontaneous abortion or in the event of a threatened miscarriage.

In any case, detailed instructions and treatment regimen should be determined only by a doctor.

The instructions for Actovegin during pregnancy help determine the method and dosage of taking this drug, which is isolated from the blood of calves. The active ingredient of Actovegina, a deproteinized hemoderivative, promotes the activation of metabolic processes in tissues at the cellular level, improves cell nutrition, and also stimulates their renewal.

The “Instructions” for the drug “Actovegin” indicate that it can be used in different dosage forms: tablets, ointments for external use, solutions for injections and solutions for infusions. Actovegin tablets are 200 mg tablets. The tablets are taken before meals; it is recommended to drink the pills with a small amount of water.

It is necessary to take into account that the dosage and method of taking Actovegin in a given case should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Naturally, the tablets act more slowly, but over a long period of time. In acute forms of circulatory disorders and oxygen starvation of the fetus, it is optimal to take this medicine in the form of injections or droppers.

Actovegin during pregnancy has a rapid effect within 10-30 minutes after administration, reaching its maximum within 2 to 6 hours (on average after 3 hours).

Directions for use and dosage

The dosage for adults is 10 milligrams. The drug for this purpose is diluted in water for injection or saline (sold separately) with the addition of 2 milliliters of the anesthetic procaine.

To calculate the dosage in children, it is necessary to know the child's body weight. If it weighs less than 20 kilograms, the weight is multiplied by 0.5.

The resulting number is the number of milligrams that the child needs to be administered per day. For children weighing more than 20 kg, the adult dosage is relevant.

Despite minimal side effects and contraindications, the medicine for epilepsy cannot be used at will.

Before prescribing such a course, you must undergo an examination with your doctor and agree with him on the possibility of using this nootropic.

Safe analogues

The drug closest in composition to Actovegin is Solcoseryl. Both of these drugs have the same indications for use and contraindications. They can be called analogues, their only difference is that Solcoseryl is not available in tablet form.

Also, Actovegin and Solcoseryl have minor differences in the form of the injection solution: the amount of active substance in them is different. 1 ml of Actovegin solution contains 40 mg of deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat, while 1 ml of Solcoseryl contains 42.5 mg of the same active substance. Of course, this difference is so insignificant that Solcoseryl can be safely called a real analogue of Actovegin.

It is necessary to understand that the drug Actovegin during pregnancy can only be prescribed by the attending physician; its release form and dosage, as well as the duration of treatment and dosage regimen for each expectant mother will be individual. You should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can adequately assess the current clinical situation and try to correct it, preserving the woman’s pregnancy.

Actovegin during pregnancy

In general, the drug itself is not intended specifically for pregnant women. But it is often prescribed to them. During this period, Actovegin promotes:

  • restoration of damaged tissues and cells;
  • normalization of metabolism in the placenta;
  • improves placental blood circulation;
  • protects the fetus from negative factors when hypoxia occurs.

Actovegin is often prescribed to women who are 35 years of age or older, especially if this is their first pregnancy, or there are some complications, for example, intrauterine infection, oligohydramnios, or vice versa - polyhydramnios and others. Why else are Actovegin injections and tablets prescribed during pregnancy:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • arterial angiopathy;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • disturbances of placental blood flow;
  • gestosis;
  • the woman’s aggravated medical history (previously there were spontaneous miscarriages and missed pregnancies).

In case of Rh conflict during pregnancy, an injection of anti-Rhesus immunoglobin may also be prescribed.

Discounts for wholesale and regular customers

Are there any analogues of Actavegin?

Solcoseryl is the same as
Actovegin and Cytoflavin. Strokes. Meningitis. Encephalitis. Neuroinfections. Epilepsy.

Nervous form of plague!

Well, you should have asked the attending physician...

ACTOVEGIN. Treatment of epilepsy abroad. There is a connection between autism and epilepsy.

Ask your doctor

I’ve had a form of nervous plague for a long time, it’s getting worse when I look at the prices, especially at the bills for rent and salary

These are either complications that need to be treated purely symptomatically, or a deterioration of the condition after incorrect treatment (and it is most likely incorrect.. because nowadays people are suffering not just from the plague, but with a spillover into a nervous form...) advice - change your doctor urgently if It's not too late. because if it turns into a nervous form, this is the finale, the finale of everything

I can’t answer it myself, you can look it up here: The decision is yours

There are people who studied, here's to them

My son is 8 months old, we have epilepsy, shuddering mostly at night. Actovegin was prescribed in m...can anyone tell me how to calculate the dosage per kg?

It's individual

This is the first time I've heard this (

From a month

Your veterinarian will tell you that!

One Word: Veterinarian!

In this case, vascular drugs Cavinton, Sermion, Stugeron are used, metabolic drugs Actovegin, Mexidol, nootropic drugs for epilepsy can be used...

And the nervous form develops as complications, have all the symptoms of the pulmonary form gone? and now, the prescriptions are the same as for a stroke, I raised my dog ​​from paralysis, injected the drugs Actovegin with Milgama, one day, every other day Proserin with Cerebrum Compositum, check with the doctor about the dose for your dog and the frequency of injections, I injected one and a half -two months, honestly, I don’t know how the dog survived, but after that there were no recurrences. healthy! otherwise his hind legs no longer moved. This course was recommended by a gynecology nurse; she brought their father back to life after a stroke! I was able to lift the dog! I wish you good luck in the fight!


If it’s only on the paws, then everything will be fine, but if it’s epilepsy, then the number of attacks will increase over time and eventually the animal dies. Alas


At what age is perinatal encephalopathy diagnosed and on what basis?

From birth, based on symptoms.:) In general, thousands of pages have been written about AEDs on the Internet.

Drug treatment of epilepsy with effective drugs and medications. Those who have seen attacks of epilepsy know very well how terrible this disease is.

Well, in general, maybe from birth... this is due to hypoxia during childbirth, as far as I know. being treated. do not worry. it will be over by the year

The translation of the term PEP (Perinatal encephalopathy) is literally a brain pathology that arose during the perinatal period. Essentially, it encompasses all brain dysfunction that cannot be more specifically defined. Some experts believe that such a diagnosis is valid within 1 month of a child’s life, others argue that during the first year. Before the baby reaches this age (1 month), it is extremely difficult to determine what kind of brain pathology is present. Therefore, all cases of disruption of the structure or functioning of brain tissue were called perinatal encephalopathy. The insidiousness of the diagnosis lies in the fact that its manifestations are too many-sided. Competent neurologists make a diagnosis as follows: “Perinatal encephalopathy in the form of such and such a syndrome.” If you can, get this wording from your doctor. For what? Then, you yourself will understand much more, both in relation to the manifestations of the disease and in relation to the prognosis. So, what are the main syndromes that PEP can manifest? 1.Syndrome of movement disorders - muscle hypotonia or hypertension. Difficulties in diagnosing these conditions are associated with physiological hypertonicity, the degree of which is not easy to assess. I know many adult neurologists who are hesitant to see children for precisely this reason. Determining the age norm of tone is one of the most necessary skills for a pediatric neurologist. 2. The syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability speaks for itself. Watch your baby. Does he sleep enough, does he fall asleep easily? How does he behave while awake: is he too active? Are his chin and limbs trembling? If anything on this list worries you, tell your doctor. 3. CNS depression syndrome is also difficult to miss. The baby is inactive, lethargic, and lethargic. Hypotonic, there may be asymmetry of the face and torso due to different muscle tone, strabismus for the same reason. Poor sucking, choking when swallowing. 4. Intracranial hypertension syndrome is one of the most serious. After all, it is he who can then develop into hydrocephalus, requiring surgical treatment. Pay attention to the baby's skull. If the large fontanel is enlarged in comparison with the age norm and bulges, the head circumference is slightly increased, the seams are coming apart - start sounding the alarm. 5. Convulsive syndrome. In children of the first year of life, it is not so easy to recognize it, because it can manifest itself not only with seizures, but also with their equivalents. These include hiccups, regurgitation, increased salivation, automatic chewing movements, and small-amplitude trembling. Since all children spit up and hiccup, more research is needed to clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of encephalopathy Treatment of the acute period of perinatal encephalopathy is carried out by specialists at the maternity hospital. If necessary, the child is transferred to a specialized neonatal unit in children's treatment centers. They use drugs that improve cerebral circulation (vinpocetine, actovegin), piracetam, and perform syndromic thearpy. Treatment during the recovery period is also carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. It depends on what clinical manifestations predominate in the child. If necessary, use anticonvulsants, diuretics, vitamins, piracetam and other drugs. Repeated courses of massage, herbal medicine, and homeopathy are conducted. If a child has developed hydrocephalus, he requires observation by a neurosurgeon. It is imperative to strictly follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and neurologist who are observing the child. Full recovery occurs in 20-30% of children. Frequent consequences of encephalopathy are minimal cerebral dysfunction, hydrocephalic syndrome, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. The most severe outcomes are cerebral palsy and epilepsy

Encephalopathy is diagnosed even when the child just has a headache sometimes. Smacks of overdiagnosis. Generally a strange diagnosis. My friend’s child was given exactly the same diagnosis as you wrote. The vessels on his face simply burst while passing through the birth canal. But overall the child is completely healthy.

They can put it on almost from birth. And they give it to everyone, no need to, so as not to make a mistake. So don’t worry, 90% of the time your child doesn’t have any PED. To be sure, so you don’t have to worry, you can ask the clinic for a referral to the Institute of Neurology. That's what I did. The child was examined by a professor and concluded that there was no PED. My heart just lightened. But what's most amazing! Even on the basis of this conclusion, the diagnosis was not removed at the district clinic!! ! As a matter of principle, I did not give my daughter any medications. Now she is a healthy, beautiful girl without any abnormalities.

You haven’t read anything yourself???

The child is 10 years old. Idiopathic epilepsy and developmental delay against its background. Both in Krasnodar they prescribed it to the Children's Clinical Hospital, and here. They told me Actovegin provokes, but Cortexin does not.

We were diagnosed with a mild level of PEP at 1 month... not at the district clinic, but at another more qualified one through acquaintance, so to speak... none of the things listed on the Internet worked for us... I didn’t understand what was what.. they prescribed injections, massage, pills... They gave injections, massage too... when I didn’t forget, I gave pills... not completely at all... and what is typical, 2 neurologists looked at the district, not one confirmed the diagnosis! I was removed at 9 months in that hospital... I really regret that I stuffed my daughter with medicine. I advise you to go to several more specialists.

Is it necessary to treat hyperexcitability in a 5-month-old baby with medications?

It will definitely pass, just be patient and accept the fact that for up to a year you will belong to your baby every minute while he is not sleeping. My girl had it too, they prescribed barbiturates, but I said no. I got up every night 5-6 times for up to a year, then everything returned to normal.

Cheap drugs, as a rule, are less likely to give good results in the treatment of epilepsy and have a number of side effects.

Go to a neurologist. . and preferably more than one. In any case, I would not take advice from strangers regarding my 5-month-old child!!!! I'm talking about ANSWERS

As neurologists tell us, if your chin shakes when you cry, it’s no big deal, it’s worse when it just shakes like we do, give your doll a massage.

The fact is that hyperexcitability is a diagnosis, and it must be made by a doctor, you cannot give medications without permission, you need to go to a follow-up (children's neurologist), he will tell you what is wrong with your child. Almost all children have a shaking chin when they cry a lot, and this is not a reason to worry so much, but besides what you describe, how else does his hyperexcitability manifest itself?

Mine was also given this without any pressure and everything is fine, doctors often play it safe and heal both parents and children

Are you sure that your child has hyperexcitability? Everything you described are physiological reflexes, everything returns to normal over time. Now it has become fashionable to give neurological diagnoses to almost all children, so think about whether it is worth poisoning your child!

The effectiveness of using Actovegin in the form of intravenous infusions of 250 ml of a 20% solution was studied. Key words: cerebral metabolism, Actovegin, epilepsy.

A quivering chin is just one sign of hyperexcitability. First, consult a neurologist and, as Brutal Zaiko answered quite rightly, preferably more than one. If there is a problem, then within a year it can be solved quite painlessly - massages, swimming, ozokerite. Among the medications - Actovegin, it has practically no contraindications, but works wonders (ONLY WHEN PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR!) Don’t turn a blind eye to the problem, because in adolescence this “shaky chin” can shoot out anything - up to epilepsy.

How to improve memory? Just don’t advise me to learn poetry!!! (I don't like poetry)

You can take Nootropil...)))

If the EEG does not show a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness of the brain and there are no pathological waves characteristic of epilepsy, then it is possible that this was a reaction to Actovegin.

If you don’t like poetry, learn prose...)

Scientology auditing or use the book - “Self-Analysis” by L. R. Hubbard

Piracetam, glycine, Actovegin are drugs that improve cerebral circulation, and, accordingly, performance and memory. But this should not be abused, especially at a young age. If you don't like poetry, learn prose.

Many people complain that their memory is not good enough, but in most cases they are mistaken. Almost every person has a good memory; another thing is that it works differently for everyone, basically choosing only the most interesting. This was noted in ancient times: “He who is able to concentrate and give time to impressions that he considers precious to take root in the soul itself has a good memory.” In order to improve memory, it, like muscles, needs to be trained. What are some ways to improve memory? Of course, there are a lot of ways. And each of us owns half of them, without even knowing it. In fact, the volume of our memory is almost limitless, we just don’t always know how to use it correctly. The method that is practiced in schools: rote learning by heart is far from the best way to improve your memory. How to quickly remember something specific: So, if you absolutely need to remember something specific, take three simple steps: 1. Focus your attention - if you want to remember something, just relax and spend a minute on exactly what you need to remember. Don't switch to other objects - concentrate on only one object. 2. Create associations - think about what you can associate with what you want to remember. It can be anything - a pun, an animal, a number, a building or anything else of your choice. 3. Few repetitions - after this, simply repeat this association several times. It’s better to hear it, but you can also say it silently. These three simple steps will allow you to remember anything quickly, without resorting to unnecessary rote learning.

Stop dreaming, and better concentrate on what you need (as suggested above by the answer).

Actovegin has a pronounced antihypoxic effect due to the activation of a number of drugs. The drug is contraindicated in subcortical hyperkinesis, epilepsy, bronchial asthma...

You shouldn't drink anything. What you remember is yours. Don’t strain in vain; too much is always too much. Everyone has their own destiny .

When I was a student, I made a brief summary of lectures and wrote down the most valuable things. It was just psychology. I didn't have time to repeat all the tickets. I took notes on the last ones already at 2 am. And for good reason. They gave it a 5.

What kind of injections can be given for epilepsy. except Actovigin

Actovegin is useless for epilepsy... And in general, it is advisable to poke needles less often, so as not to provoke an attack...

Compliance of the drug with the type of seizures and epilepsy Each drug has a certain selectivity in relation to one or another type of seizures and epilepsy

Usually medications are prescribed by a neurologist or epileptologist depending on the patient’s condition and type of epilepsy.

Is this epilepsy?

Possible reaction.

Actovegin for epilepsy. Albina Female, 25 years old. Russia Kazan. Please tell me if this drug is contraindicated for epilepsy? Thank you!

Anticonvulsants are not simply reduced at will. In order to find out whether it is epilepsy or not, it is necessary to do an EEG. If the EEG does not show a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness of the brain and there are no pathological waves characteristic of epilepsy, then it is possible that this was a reaction to Actovegin.

You need to get better examined. There is or was some kind of illness: it’s not for nothing that Actovegin was given to you. Actovegin can sometimes cause exacerbation of epilepsy, but cannot be the cause of the disease. It is necessary to do daily EEG monitoring. It is better with sleep deprivation. Consult an epileptologist after this examination. Tell the doctor the truth about the dose of convulex.

Tell me, does Cerebrolysin often cause epilepsy in children?

What nonsense

Actovegins, Mexidols, Piracetams, etc.. are not only ineffective, but USELESS and CAN HARM your child. first, you need to decide on the form of epilepsy...

It was prescribed to us precisely in the presence of it

It will improve the functioning of cerebral blood vessels

I was prescribed piracetam and actovegin, is it possible to inject piracetam alone?

Nootropics: Since some fools strongly advocate the pills they need so much, I have to be succinct - the nootropic effectiveness of most of them has been refuted: in addition to the absence of miracle drugs like substance z in nature, there is not a single FDA-approved drug for the treatment of even vascular dementia. Piracetam (Nootropil/Lucetam/Nootobril/Noocetam/Noopept/Piratropil/Escotropil/Pyracetam/Piracetamum): a thousand names for the same useless molecule that everyone is trying to make money on. It is noteworthy in that there is reliable information about provoking seizures in patients with epilepsy, due to which the anti-epileptic drug Keppra was suddenly made from it. FDA 0; RXlist 0; WHO 0; FC (-) Actovegin/Solcoseryl/Actovegin/Solcoseryl: another product of the suffering extract of livestock proteins (deproteinized hemoderivative of the blood of healthy dairy calves) without a mechanism of action and evidence, created specifically for the CIS; FDA - prohibited for use [20]; There are 125 publications on PubMed of varying degrees of uselessness, the latest RCT [21] speaks of a possible positive effect, moreover, based not on the data obtained in the work, but on previous ancient publications. Similar data are provided by another RCT with ten (!) experimental subjects [22]. There is a real danger of getting a mild side effect like mad cow disease against the background of the placebo effect, which is not even denied by its manufacturer Nycomed.

Mentally retarded children. Epilepsy. Community rules. Injection of Cortexin for 10 days did not help, gliatilin and Actovegin for 20 days only provoked epi.

You can, inject. Actovegin is expensive and therefore many people do not want to inject it. And the effect is questionable, but some people praise it. A neurologist praised me. He said that patients like it.

Who took piracetam and other nootropics to improve memory? helps? what is better to take? Thank you

Piracetam for dizziness

Recommendations have been developed for the use of individual drugs based on their effectiveness in this or that form of epilepsy and types of seizures.

All nootropic drugs are used strictly as prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist; it is not safe to use these drugs to improve memory without consulting a doctor; there are contraindications.

If you don’t have epilepsy, then nootropil is better, there is also phenotropil, a nuclear warhead, and Actovegin in a tablet.

I took piracetam for several years, very positive dynamics

I took it for several years - no effect. Apparently everything is individual.

Cortexin - any reviews?

Olya, as a doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator I will say. I’ll tell you what I can say. A good remedy. But not for all central nervous system disorders. If only I knew your illness, it would be possible to answer more accurately. And sometimes it’s not a sin to use something else. Did you type the annotation yourself? Or they took a scan.

La Epilepsia Espa a. Diagnosis of epilepsy. Analyzes. Diary of seizures.admin to the entry Work and epilepsy. Remedies for epilepsy.

Replace Brain-o-flex

It might save someone's life. To others it will be like a dummy. Only for a specific disease can we talk about the impact. The annotations are approximately the same for the products in this series.

In hospital 8 they said that it helps some, but not others. My child was injected 2 times. I really see the effect. When I only injected Actovegin and vitamins, I did not observe such a (pah-pah) leap in development.

I work in a treatment room at a clinic; I give 30-40 injections a day (30-40 patients are prescribed). I can’t say that I see an improvement. They've been going on this drug for years and years, but as it was, .. so it is. Here they write about Actovegin - nonsense, it’s all fake. Solcoseryl is better, we haven’t gotten to it yet.

Neurology in a child.. Can density be cured?

Somehow, Cognum and Magne are drugs against epilepsy, among others. One scared me, the other kept silent and wrote me out.

Epilepsy is a brain disease characterized by attacks of disturbances in motor, sensory, autonomic or mental functions.

Neurology in children occurs only in non-Russians, Russians have neuralgia, non-Russians are treated with some kind of density

He is being treated. Remember, in children under 3 years of age (and if there is convulsive activity, then over 3 years of age), the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 38.


IT IS TREATABLE, YOU ONLY NEED TO TREAT WITH VERY DISCIPLINED AND FOLLOW ALL RULES. Consult an epileptologist. Look not for a third neurologist, but for an epileptologist. After 2 attacks it is already possible to make a diagnosis according to the rules. .Fulfill all assignments strictly according to the rules. And Cognum and Magne simply brushed you off. They were required to refer me to an epileptologist. Never allow your temperature to rise above 38, even if you sleep with a thermometer in your hands!

I'm losing consciousness while I'm choking

It could be from an allergy, if the form is acute. Go to the doctor, you can't leave this like this

Girls, tell me, is it possible to inject Cortexin for epilepsy? Mama Nastya But the fact of the matter is that we haven’t injected it yet, there have been no attacks, we just finished the course of Cortexin with Actovegin - and again an attack...

Alcohol can cause acquired epilepsy over the years.

Drink glycine

See a neurologist urgently!!!! and then Actovegin and other drugs to nourish the brain

Sometimes I lose consciousness for a split second and my hands twitch, I drop objects from my hands

What you wrote in the last one is normal; as you exhale, the parsympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve) is stimulated, which slows down the heart rate. Inhalation stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which accelerates the heart rate.

They prescribed aminophylline and cytoflavin in droppers and actovegin in a stream - everything that is possible. For my daughter, MERRF Syndrome Epilepsy, the neurologist prescribed droppers with Cytoflavin.

Listen to the doctor, something is bothering you, go back to him, 17 years old... the army is ahead, you can’t wait for a diagnosis

With your height, you are light in weight. With a height of 173, the weight should be 70 kg. You need to build muscle and fat mass. It is better to do this in the form of high-quality nutrition and physical training. Considering that you have lost consciousness, you need to start training gradually and look at your condition. Ideally, start practicing yoga under the supervision of an experienced instructor. There, inverted poses are specifically designed to combat such conditions when there is clouding of consciousness

Is it epilepsy?

Dilatation of the internal and external liquor ducts in a baby

Show the child to an epileptologist. Well, take anticonvulsants.

MENTAL AND SPEECH DISORDERS IN EPILEPSY IN CHILDREN, diagnosis and4. Cerebral angiodystonia of the hypotonic type Actovegin at an age dose of 1 month...

Ring the bells! Look for an epileptologist! Do not allow the temperature to rise above 38.

Pediatric neurology

Eh, why are you doing this to the baby? What harm has he done to you that he needs to be dragged around to doctors at such an age? Feed properly, go for walks, love... Medicine, alas, has turned into a business... You can look here 17671/ (remove spaces)

Treatment was prescribed: Cortexin 10 mg 10, Actovegin 2 ml 10 every other day, Gliatilin 400 mg 0.5 capsules 2 times. Diagnosed with cryptogenic frontal epilepsy with simple and complex motor and psychomotor...

Don’t torment a child... And it’s not something they just outgrow and forget...

Consult an epileptologist!!!! Do EEG monitoring there.

If anyone knows, please answer

You need to stop drinking vodka, beer, they recommend 100g of cognac per day. It is useful to take the amino acid glycine (sold in tablets, glycine forte). You have symptoms of alcoholism, an alcoholic experiences the same thing.

Can you rewrite the EEG result to our neurologist during consultations? Because epilepsy is treated with antiepileptic drugs, not Cortexin.

My dear. Firstly: no one makes a diagnosis, much less treatment, remotely. Secondly: Actovegin in the Russian Federation is prescribed to everyone, like vitamins, but Neurox is an antihypoxanthoxidant, and if you take it off, either your nerves are acting up, i.e. it didn’t hurt for Uzbagoitsa to rest. Or there are eleven more options. But I think it’s too early to immediately diagnose cerebral atherosclerosis)))

Well, actually, you went to the doctor. And he even prescribed treatment after the examination. What do you want from us now? So that we can diagnose and make prescriptions without looking at it? Don't be weird. Listen to your doctor and follow the instructions. No disease can be cured in one day.

Progressive migraine in advanced form... consider epilepsy to be an easier disease

Question for psychologists.

Fuck, calm down and go to bed. I’ll call Kurpatov tomorrow and he’ll advise you.

Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions.2.1. Brain metabolism activators actovegin, instenon, acetyl-L-carnitine, phosphatidylserine, homopantothenic acid esters...

We need to remember how it all started... the first attack.

Have you tried Actovegin injections? Try Cavinton. Just get treatment, everything will be fine. Is it possible to give up right away without a fight? Your illness has a root cause - resentment towards women! Try to forgive all the women who have offended you.

Strong people stop at nothing. So thoughts of suicide are forgotten, move on with your life. gain strength. VSD is a terrible diagnosis, and in fact, many doctors themselves do not know what causes it in a given situation. Most often it goes away on its own. Otherwise, only go to the doctor for treatment. there are no other ways.

Are you familiar with the concept of karma? This is a punishment for past sins in this or past lives. You just have to accept it and put yourself on the path to healing. You need to cleanse yourself spiritually and physically. Physically, don’t eat meat, because you will take on even more karma. Spiritually-various purifying mantras of your religion, if there is none, then take them from Buddhism. Place inviolable: peace and love in your heart. I sincerely sympathize. Good luck, happiness, love, harmony.

Suicide is not a solution.

Drugs for epilepsy. Epileptic seizures with impaired consciousness can affect memory impairment, concentration and mental abilities...

Ayurveda Look for Ayurvedic doctors This is just for them

Actovegin! who injected their babies? for what reason? your reviews about this drug.

Actovegin is prohibited abroad because its consequences on the psyche of children affect them during adolescence. And here they appoint almost every other person.

Surgical treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects the patient’s brain and is accompanied by a predisposition to...

H... I'm complete in my opinion. And they prescribed it to me, I didn’t see any benefit and gave it to the little one in tablets as prescribed. I don't see the difference either

This cannot even be called a medicine, the drug naturally increases the flow of oxygen through the blood to the organs and brain, in principle the procedure is useful, if there is no epilepsy, it is safe for both children and pregnant women, by the way, if pregnancy continues, Actovegin is also prescribed. If the child becomes restless, then stop taking it, although this drug is designed to ensure that the brain begins to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, develops correctly, and naturally, problems with sleep, behavior, and development will disappear.

I heard it during pregnancy, but for babies...

Hello! Please advise!!!

Epilepsy, alas, has no cure...

Drugs for epilepsy. The main reason for the development of this disease is that the functioning of brain cells is disrupted.

Try calling the MIG Moscow clinic to doctor Khokhlov, he is a neurologist, maybe he can tell you something

[link blocked by decision of the project administration]

Can pregnant women take Mexidol? severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, the doctor prescribed mexidol, pregnant 13 weeks, day

Mexidol is not an anesthetic and not an antiemetic

You are here Let's defeat epilepsy together! Medicines Cortexin So no special intellectual leap has occurred either from Cortexin, or from Actovegin, or from gliatelin.

Mexidol is an antioxidant that improves blood circulation, no side effects were observed at all, and no benefits... Better take your vitamins... and the nausea will go away THINK ABOUT THE CHILD, fresh air helps with nausea, in general you can drink activated charcoal, it will absorb toxins…. GOOD LUCK

There was a TV program about him recently; the manufacturer mixed up the labels on the ampoules, so there were a lot of casualties. In general, it is better to avoid medications during pregnancy. For nausea, in extreme cases, cerucal, or better yet, tea with mint

Once a representative of one headlight company came to our hospital (a competitor of Mexidol - Actovegin), and said that an undeclared substance was identified in Mexidol during registration, which, under unfavorable circumstances, threatens to ban the sale of the drug, since it turns out that the side effects have not been fully studied …. Of course, this is not official information yet, but we remembered this, and for now it’s time to prescribe this drug to ordinary patients... let alone pregnant women

My son has episyndrome, a disease close to epilepsy, he was prescribed this drug, I think it improves cerebral circulation. And in the first trimester it is better not to get carried away with pills, it may affect the fetus. But here you need to weigh the risk and benefit. Read the instructions for the drug, there are usually contraindications written there.

Yes, our TV-radio broadcasting. Yes, if only everything were that bad. we would have died out by now. and if two scoundrels meet, is everyone already like that? Mexidol is an antioxidant (antihypoxant). and your headaches are caused precisely by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and the child is suffering and no amount of fresh air will help here - this is a pathology (this does not happen in a normal pregnancy) and if you want your child to be born healthy, listen to your doctor. turn off the TV. radio. turn on some nice music. good films. move more, and believe me, you will be born healthy. beautiful child

Epilepsy is a symptom complex characterized by convulsions or sensory symptoms. We take Depakip, Actovegin. Do medications taken for a long time affect him?

People, help!! who knows about pain relief for trophic ulcers..

Analgesics - NSAIDs.

2. Actovegin - what is it and does a child need it? Let's look at Vidal - a drug from Or he can have any pathology - from atopic dermatitis to epilepsy.

Iruksol - at this age will not help quickly, but it will alleviate the condition

This process speaks of thickened and dirty blood: the individual has no joy in life, loves to eat food and people, there is a lot of negativity and discontent. The blood vessels need joy, so that purer blood joyfully flows through the vessels, delivering oxygen and nutrition to all extremities of the body. To make the processes a little easier: there are ointments and powders such as Baneocin, Capilar tablets (taking 4-5 tablets immediately per dose will allow you to expand all the vessels and capillaries of the body for 2-3 hours, and you can take up to 3-5 times a day) , in pharmacies there are gels, ointments for trophic ulcers, Alazol aerosol, do not massage, but simply rub your legs and arms a little (with ointments or a shower mitten after taking a capillary), but also thin the blood with tablets, tea with ginger (root or ground , just at the tip of the knife), drink tea with chamomile, calendula and calamus, but a quarter of calamus, drink clean warm water up to 1-1.5 liters per day + infusion of lingonberry leaf as a diuretic, replace sugar with fructose. You can and should wipe your body with camphor alcohol (for bedsores and for the body), and rub your back with a shower mitten (especially the cervical-collar and sacral-lumbar areas, 5-7 movements a day). It is important to change tablets, ointments and pain-relieving injections periodically to avoid addiction. My mother was injected with Ketanov for a hip fracture, but I switched to pills because my head started to “flow,” but this didn’t happen with the pills. Good luck!

I tried almost everything, but RELIEF ADVANCE ointment helped. as you apply after 5 minutes you can 3 seconds LIDOCAINE ASEPT, spray for topical use. Good luck everyone

Traditional painkillers + drugs for the treatment of epilepsy (oddly enough!!!), in my case we were saved by the drug Finlepsin, 1/2 tablet 2 times a day!!!. Until they started using it, nothing relieved the pain of a sick mother with a trophic foot ulcer! The drug is sold in pharmacies, as far as I know, without a prescription.

How to reduce pain from a trophic ulcer? The most pressing problem in treatment, as other problems fade into the background. There is such an organization ASSOCIATION OF PHLEBOLOGISTS OF RUSSIA, find out what advice is given to a patient who has addressed the above question My answer is laconic Lido-cain spray

They prescribed intramuscular injections of Actovegin and Mexidol. I was terribly upset when they said that I had epilepsy. The doctor prescribed me Konvulex and Mexidol.

1. Lidocaine Topically (in the form of an aerosol, gel, spray, plate). Prescribed for superficial anesthesia. 2. Anestezin - powder; - Anestezin ointment; oil solutions. 3, OLAZOL aerosol for external use.

EMLA ointment with lidocaine. Add to ointments, or smear with the ointment itself.

Stellanin ointment.

Side effects and precautions

Like any medication, Actovegin has side effects. For some people who took Actovegin, the benefits of its use are significantly less than the side effects. But most patients tolerate this remedy well, with the exception of those who have individual intolerance or suffer from allergies. Among the negative phenomena are:

Method of useSide effects
When using external products
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • redness and rash on the skin;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of pain in the treated area.
When taken orally (tablet and injection forms)
  • fever, hyperthermia;
  • sweating;
  • fever;
  • pale facial skin;
  • pain in the head, back, heart area, muscles;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • attack of nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • difficulty swallowing
  • pain in the mouth and throat;
  • fainting;
  • loss of sensitivity in areas of the body and face. Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur in the form of anaphylactic shock, as well as angioedema.
When using eye gel
  • tearfulness;
  • burning in the eye;
  • blurred vision;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • short-term visual impairment.

What is it prescribed for?

Actovegin is a medication that belongs to the group of tissue repair stimulants. It also provides:

  • improving the supply of oxygen to cells and organs (including the brain);
  • feeding cells with glucose;
  • acceleration of metabolism in the body;
  • increased blood supply;
  • rapid cell regeneration;
  • increasing the body's energy reserves.

Mechanism of action of the drug

It is widely used in many branches of medicine. For example, Actovegin is often prescribed by therapists, ophthalmologists, and dermatologists; it has proven itself effectively in neurology. It is also often prescribed for the purpose of recovery after tissue or organ transplantation.

The main active ingredient of the drug Actovegin is hemodialysate purified from proteins - an extract that is obtained by ultrafiltration from the blood of young calves (up to 3 months old). It contains biologically active elements. Among them:

  • amino acids (alanine, glycine, taurine, leucine and others);
  • lipids;
  • saccharides;
  • peptides;
  • nucleoside phosphates;
  • antioxidants;
  • trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, sodium, chlorine, copper, selenium and iron).

Active ingredient of the drug

These organic components, which are part of Actovegin, make up about 30% of the weight of the drug. How are they mined? The blood of a calf that has fed only on its mother's milk is processed and purified from large proteins (proteins) and from high molecular weight prion proteins.

But some scientists believe that the use of Actovegin increases the risk of developing a special disease that is transmitted through the blood of cows with rabies. It is also called prion disease. With this pathology, neurodegenerative changes occur in the human cerebral cortex, which are manifested by dementia, visual impairment, and the development of mental disorders.

Therefore, the drug Actovegin is a prohibited drug in a number of developed countries - in Western Europe (except for Switzerland, where the drug is produced), the USA, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Although manufacturers deny this theory, the drug's safety has not been fully proven.

About 70% of Actovegin's sales market is in the countries of the former Soviet Union (among them Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia and others); it is also widely used by medicine in China and South Korea.

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