ASIP tablets ppo 10 mg No. 28

Antidepressants, whose action is based on selectively blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, are actively used in the fight against depression. Unlike tricyclic analogues, these medications are able to cope with simultaneous manifestations of tardive dyskinesia, and not aggravate this condition. The extensive list of effective remedies includes the drug “Aisipi”. According to the instructions for use, the product is able to relieve depressive episodes of any severity and alleviate the clinical picture of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The medicine copes with the symptoms of panic attacks and is well tolerated by patients.

The drug is able to relieve depression of any severity.

Pharmacological properties

The medicinal properties of the drug "Asipy" are associated with its ability to provide selective reuptake of serotonin. This leads to an increase in the concentration of the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft, and an additional prolongation and potentiation of its effect on the receptors is noted. The description of the medication indicates minimal or no connection of the active substance with a number of receptors in the brain. This ensures the stability and clarity of the drug. The body's therapeutic response becomes obvious on days 14-30 of therapy. The result reaches its peak after a 3-month course.

Asipi tablets are taken orally, after which the active substance is absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa. After 4 hours, a peak concentration of the composition in the blood plasma is observed. After 7 days of systematic use, the equilibrium content of the chemical compound in the body is achieved.

The active component is destroyed in the liver with the release of active metabolites. The functionality of a number of isoenzymes can affect the level of drug concentration in the blood. When taking the drug "Asipy" in a course, its half-life is about 30 hours. The composition and its metabolites are excreted primarily by the kidneys and liver.



Olga Lesheva
It helped me a lot. They give me time to come to my senses. Take a breath of fresh air. I drank them for almost a year. Now I know that all diseases are not given to us for nothing. I became a completely different person. It turned out that the world around me is like that beautiful, but I didn’t notice it before because I was busy with my stupid grievances and anxieties. People, don’t waste your time on all sorts of nonsense, there’s already very little of it.


Ksenia Tarasova
She helped me from the first days. My anxiety went away, I began to breathe deeper, I stopped perceiving problems so acutely, and social activity appeared. And what’s surprising is that PMS also subsided)


LyudMila Makarenko
It helped me a lot. They give me time to come to my senses. Take a breath of fresh air. I drank them for almost a year. Now I know that all diseases are not given to us for nothing. I became a completely different person. It turned out that the world around me is like that beautiful, but I didn’t notice it before because I was busy with my stupid grievances and anxieties. People, don’t waste your time on all sorts of nonsense, there’s already very little of it.


Sebostian Fereiro
It seemed to me that the drug is a complete placebo, it doesn’t help much, at least for depression and apathy.


It helped me a lot. They give me time to come to my senses. Take a breath of fresh air. I drank them for almost a year. Now I know that all illnesses are not given to us for nothing. I became a completely different person. It turned out that the world around is so beautiful, but I didn’t notice this before because I was busy with my stupid grievances and anxieties. People, don’t waste your time on all sorts of nonsense, there’s already very little of it.


Helped me from the first days. My anxiety went away, I began to breathe deeper, I stopped perceiving problems so acutely, and social activity appeared. And what’s surprising is that PMS also subsided)


Ksenia Tarasova
Ksenia, tell me my hands are shaking. will this drug help?


only on the recommendation of a doctor!


Ksenia Tarasova
won’t this drug help?


it helped me, the drug is very good, just choose the right dosage, life has become much easier, I feel like a different person, irritation, fear have gone away, PMS is not observed at all. The doctor selected the dosage for me, so no problems


Anton Rukaleev
I relaxed in two weeks, but now I can’t cum, I don’t recommend it to men


Ekaterina Bargatina
I’ve been drinking Adepress for six months. I'll finish now. I think he helped me. The side effects were weakness, nausea and cramps, and I attribute this to the fact that I started drinking it when my body was in a severely dehydrated state and suffered from irritable bowel syndrome. Almost immediately everything got better. I drink alcohol sometimes, nothing bad has happened. I am pleased.


The drug helped a lot. True, it takes about two weeks to get used to it, even with a dose of 1/2 tablet per day. Nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, apathy... all this during the period of addiction. It’s worth being patient for the result - the anxiety, the feeling of fear, worry out of nowhere, and tearfulness are gone. Life sparkled with colors))


Russian Forge
I’ve been taking this drug for the second week, there is no effect yet, I’ve lost my appetite, my desire for sex has disappeared... my pupils are very dilated, which worries me... Tell me, is the situation with the pupils normalizing, has anyone encountered this? And then like a drug addict.....


Elena Samarina
I’ve been drinking Adepress for six months. I'll finish now. I think he helped me. The side effects were weakness, nausea and cramps, and I attribute this to the fact that I started drinking it when my body was in a severely dehydrated state and suffered from irritable bowel syndrome. Almost immediately everything got better. I drink alcohol sometimes, nothing bad has happened. I am pleased.


I took the drug for almost a year, I had severe depression. For the first six months I took one tablet in the morning, then I began to reduce the dosage. In the end I started taking a small piece of the tablet once a week. And thank God, I got off him. At the beginning of taking it, when it became easier, I stopped taking these pills, I just didn’t know that I couldn’t do that. It was so bad that I can hardly remember these days after the withdrawal, I had terrible anxiety and in general it was very, very bad. Under no circumstances should you throw it suddenly. A month after the start of treatment, I was able to return to work fully


more of a question. My sister takes Adepress 1 t. in the morning. sleeps around the clock. Has anyone had this and does this condition go away?


Tatyana Dunayskaya
I’ve been drinking Adepress for six months. I'll finish now. I think he helped me. The side effects were weakness, nausea and cramps, and I attribute this to the fact that I started drinking it when my body was in a severely dehydrated state and suffered from irritable bowel syndrome. Almost immediately everything got better. I drink alcohol sometimes, nothing bad has happened. I am pleased.

Active substance

The active component of the drug "Asipy" is escitalopram. This is a white powder, perhaps a yellow tint. The compound is poorly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. According to the manufacturers of the antidepressant, its active substance is more effective than its chemical predecessor. The formulation has been observed to be better tolerated by patients, but skeptics point to a lack of evidence to support such conclusions. Conducted research and statistical data make it possible to regularly include drugs based on the substance escitalopram in the lists of the most effective antidepressants.

The main component of the drug is escitalopram.

Comparison of prices for ADEPRESS and ASIP

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