Instructions for use. Moclobemide Moclobemide side effects

Aurorix is ​​a drug from the group of antidepressants that is used in the treatment of depression and social phobia. Under the influence of this medicine, there is an improvement in mood and psychomotor activity, a weakening of symptoms of depression in the form of dystrophy, nervous exhaustion, lethargy, and inability to concentrate.

Aurorix in the form of tablets for oral administration can be purchased in pharmacies after presenting a prescription from a doctor. The active ingredient is moclobemide.

Indications and pharmacological effect of Moclobemide

The main active ingredient of the drug is moclobemide. Its weight in one tablet is 150 mg. Indications for use include the following pathologies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • chronic course of alcoholism;
  • depression, which has senile, reactive, involutional and neurotic types.

When using the drug, inhibition of metabolic processes associated with the production of biologically active components such as dopamine and norepinephrine is observed. To a lesser extent, the drug acts on serotonin. Gradually, neurotransmitters accumulate in the synaptic cleft. At the same time, the production of MAO is inhibited, thereby achieving an antidepressant effect.

All about the drug and pharmacological properties.

Find out about: the effect of the medicine, indications and contraindications.

With regular, systematic use, the patient’s mood improves and the patient’s activity increases, as does the reduction and elimination of lethargy and dysphoria. Attention gradually improves, concentration on ongoing events is ensured. Social phobia is almost completely eliminated, sleep becomes longer without waking up at night.

The drug is quickly absorbed. The level of bioavailability approaches 100%. The maximum concentration in blood serum occurs within the first hour from the moment of use. Achievement of equilibrium concentration is observed with regular weekly use of the drug.

When they enter the bloodstream, the active components bind only half to plasma proteins. The substance penetrates various cellular barriers. Excretion is carried out through the organs of the urinary system in an inactive form. Half the concentration of the drug is eliminated after 5 hours from the moment it is taken orally.

pharmachologic effect

Aurorix is ​​an antidepressant whose pharmacological action is due to its ability to selectively and reversibly block the production of MAO type A. In this case, it is possible to achieve an antidepressant effect of more than 65%. The drug also helps to provide a psychostimulating effect, improve mood and sleep, eliminate manifestations of social phobia, increase psychomotor activity, reduce manifestations of depression in the form of lethargy, dysphoria, and inability to concentrate.

The active component of the tablets is characterized by rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Reaching the maximum concentration is observed 60 minutes after using the medicine. The removal of the active substance from the body is carried out by the organs of the urinary system.

Contraindications and side effects of Moclobemide

The product must not be used if the following contraindications exist:

  1. An acute condition accompanied by confusion and psychomotor agitation.
  2. Adrenal tumor or pheochromocytoma.
  3. Pregnancy at any gestational stage.
  4. Breastfeeding period.
  5. Childhood.
  6. An allergic reaction caused by hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

The medication is taken with extreme caution. This is associated with a high risk of side effects. The most common manifestations include:

  1. Headache that does not subside after taking analgesic medications.
  2. Agitation (restlessness) and dizziness.
  3. with insomnia and subsequent increased suspiciousness and anxiety.
  4. Formation of confusion.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Increased irritability.
  7. Development of paresthesia.
  8. Digestive dysfunction with heartburn, nausea, dry mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
  9. Dyspeptic disorders with constipation or diarrhea.
  10. Allergic reactions with skin rashes, itching and redness.
  11. Excessive sweating.

If such symptoms develop, you need to seek help from a specialist and decide on possible withdrawal of the drug. No clinical cases of overdose have been identified. If they appear, you should immediately consult your doctor. If necessary, use symptomatic therapy.

Everything about: composition, pharmacological effect, indications and contraindications.

Find out about and contraindications for use.

Read about: rules of use, recipes for decoctions and tinctures.

Instructions for use

The instructions for taking Moclobemide indicate the optimal dose, as well as the duration of the course. However, treatment tactics are carried out individually by the attending physician based on clinical symptoms and the dynamics of the pathological process. It is recommended to take the drug after meals. The daily dosage ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 g of the main active ingredient. It is divided into three doses.

To prevent overdose symptoms, as well as the development of side effects, a loading dose is used with an initial use of 0.3 g of the drug and its subsequent increase to achieve a therapeutic effect. The amount should be increased no earlier than a week from the start of treatment. After achieving a clinical effect, the amount of the drug used is gradually reduced.

Important! During the first week, monitoring of well-being is carried out in case of suicidal tendencies against the background of depressive syndrome.

The medicine can be purchased with a prescription. The price of Moclobemide ranges from 2400 to 2700 rubles. Analogs of the drug have a similar composition. Among them are Trazodone, Eprobemide, Pirlindol. Despite the fact that reviews about the medicine are mostly positive, driving, as well as work requiring attention control, are prohibited during therapy.

Depression of various etiologies: with manic-depressive psychosis, various forms of schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism, senile and involutional, reactive and neurotic, social phobia.

Moclobemide instructions

Moclobemide is produced by various trading companies. It is always produced in the form of tablets. The dosage of the active substance in one tablet is 150 mg or 300 mg. The package can contain 30, 100 or 500 tablets. The dosage of the drug is indicated on the packaging.

There is a complete analogue of moclobemide - the drug Aurorix. The latter has the same active ingredient - moclobemide - and differs only in its release under a different trade name. There are no other complete analogues of the product.

Side effects

The side effect of the drug is associated with its effect on norepinephrine and serotonin, which, in addition to influencing the emotional sphere, have a number of other functions.

Common side effects of moclobemide include dizziness, headache, nausea, insomnia, or drowsiness.

At the beginning of treatment, many patients experience a decrease in the production of saliva and tear secretion, a feeling of dryness in the oral and nasal cavities, and dry eyes. Gradually these symptoms disappear.

Less common side effects include constipation, epigastric pain, agitation, hand tremors, and transient visual disturbances. In patients with bipolar affective disorder, exceeding the recommended dosage may cause a phase change to manic. Patients with schizophrenia may develop paranoid syndrome during treatment.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken after meals with a small amount of water. The initial dosage of moclobemide is 300 mg per day. The required dose is divided into two doses - one tablet in the morning and one in the evening. Then the concentration of the product is gradually increased.

After just a week, it is recommended to reach an average dose of 450 mg. In this case, two tablets of 150 mg are taken in the morning, one in the same dosage in the evening. After a few more days, you can increase the concentration to 600 mg. In this dosage, the drug is taken twice a day, 150 mg.

When treating anxiety-phobic disorder, it is recommended to start with 300 mg in two doses, and on the fourth day of treatment increase the dose to 600 mg. The duration of the course of therapy is regulated by the attending physician.


Moclobemide is sold in pharmacies with a prescription prescribed by a doctor. The recipe looks like this:

Recipe: Tabulettas Moclobemidi (Aurorixi) 0.15 Da tales doses numero 30 Signa: 1 tablet orally 2 times a day.

The signature may vary depending on the therapeutic dose required.

Chemical name


Indications for use

The drug is prescribed:

  • for the treatment of social phobia;
  • for schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis;
  • alcoholics (chronic);
  • for senile, reactive, involutional, neurotic depression.

Moclobemide is contraindicated for use:

  • in patients who are in acute conditions, with confusion, agitation, psychomotor agitation;
  • with pheochromocytoma;
  • pregnant women;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • in children;
  • if you are allergic to the active substance.

Side effects

During treatment with the drug, the following adverse reactions occur:

  • headaches, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety;
  • paresthesia, confusion, increased irritability, impaired visual acuity;
  • nausea, heartburn, dry oral mucosa;
  • heaviness in the stomach, constipation, diarrhea;
  • skin rashes, hives, hot flashes and other allergic skin reactions;
  • sweating


There are no data on overdose with Moclobemide.


It is not recommended to combine the medicine with drugs that increase the level of serotonin in the blood; serotonin syndrome may develop (clomipramine, fluoxetine, citalopram).

The medicine enhances the effects of taking opioid receptor agonists and sympathomimetics.

When this substance is taken in combination with dextromethorphan and clomipramine, adverse reactions from the central nervous system may increase.

Under the influence of Cimetidine, the biotransformation of this drug slows down.

The combination of the substance with dextropropoxyphene leads to the development of moderate agitation.

Zolmitriptan increases the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma and prolongs the AUC of zolmitriptan.

The combination of the drug with levodopa can increase headaches, cause insomnia, and nausea.

The simultaneous use of moclobemide and selegin increases sensitivity to tyramine.

Under the influence of Cimetidine, the metabolism of the drug slows down.

Terms of sale

To purchase drugs based on this drug, you must have a prescription from your doctor.

Moclobemide price, where to buy

It is impossible to purchase the drug in pharmacies in the Russian Federation. Preparations based on Moclobemide can be ordered on some websites via the Internet.

The price of the medicine in Ukraine is approximately 800 UAH for 30 tablets of 300 mg.


Directions for use and doses

Used internally after meals.

The initial dose is 300 mg per day, in two or three divided doses.

For severe depression, the dose may be increased to 600 mg per day as needed. It is recommended to increase the dose no earlier than 1 week after the start of therapy. When a clinical effect is achieved, the dose is reduced.

In case of serious disorders of hepatic metabolism, the daily dose of moclobemide should be reduced to half or one third.

Minimum dose: 1 tablet x 2 times a day = 300 mg.

Average dose: 2 tablets in the morning + 1 tablet in the afternoon = 450 mg.

Maximum dose: 2 tablets x 2 times a day = 600 mg.

Release form

Tablets of 150 and 300 mg.

Moclobemide (Aurorix) – effect, application, side effect

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Reading time: 3 min

Moclobemide is an antidepressant drug that acts on the central nervous system to treat depression as well as social phobias.

It is a widely held belief in the medical community that this medication acts on certain chemicals in the brain (called amines), and these chemicals play an important role in controlling mood, thereby helping to treat depression. This drug belongs to a class of drugs called reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

You can get a prescription for moclobemide from your doctor. The price of Aurorix varies in regions. Moclobemide is contraindicated for the treatment of general anxiety disorder in people under 18 years of age.

Moclobemide is not sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

The antidepressant moclobemide may also be used for purposes not listed here. The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, conditions after a stroke, infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, and children.

Composition and release form

Moclobemide is available in tablet form. Patients take the drug moclobemide at the same time every day, one piece at a time. Moclobemide may make some people sleepy and others more energetic. This effect of moclobemide may help determine when a person should take the drug.

Aurorix tablets contain moclobemide, corresponding to a dosage of 150 and 300 mg. Aurorix analogues are active ingredients similar in chemical composition and effect on the body.

What is the effect of moclobemide and how quickly will remission occur?

Indications for moclobemide are depression. It belongs to a group of medicines called reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

The metabolism of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin is reduced by this effect, and this leads to increased extracellular concentrations of these neuronal transmitters.

As a result of its enhancing effect on mood and psychomotor activity, it relieves symptoms such as dysphoria, exhaustion, lack of drive and poor ability to concentrate.

How to use moclobemide for depression: dose and frequency of use

If possible, take moclobemide with food to reduce stomach upset. Instructions for using Aurorix are in the box with the tablets, and instructions for moclobemide are also publicly available on the Internet.

The doctor will usually start the adult on a low dosage initially for 1 week, then gradually increase the dosage over time if he or she feels it is needed.

Before starting treatment, you should have a full medical consultation with your doctor to determine if this drug is right for you. There is a possibility that your doctor will prescribe a dosage regimen that will range between 300 mg and 600 mg per day. Patients are usually advised to take the tablets twice a day.

To treat depression:

– Adults – initially, 150 milligrams (mg) twice a day. Your doctor may adjust your dose as needed. However, the total daily dose is usually no more than 600 mg.

– Children – benefit and dose should be determined by your doctor.

Cancellation of moclobemide should not occur abruptly; it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage taken.

Reviews from those taking moclobemide (Aurorix) are usually positive; symptoms of depression are eliminated as much as possible with the correct dosage.

Can antidepressants cause addiction, and what are the side effects of moclobemide?

Like all medicines, moclobemide may cause side effects in some people, but many people have no or only minor side effects. Along with its necessary effects, medicine can cause some unnecessary effects.

Stop taking moclobemide and get emergency help immediately if any of the following effects occur:

– Fast or racing heartbeat

– Irregular or slow heartbeat

– Severe throbbing headache

Some of the common side effects of moclobemide will gradually improve as your body gets used to taking the antidepressant moclobemide. Side effects like fatigue, dry mouth and sweat are common. They are usually standard and go away within a couple of weeks.

Overdose and its treatment

Signs of overdose may include agitation, vomiting, extreme drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat. Overdose occurs when a patient consumes a potentially dangerous amount of the drug moclobemide. Taking too much moclobemide can have dangerous effects.

If you have these symptoms and think you have taken too much moclobemide, call 911.


For patients in whom agitation or agitation is the main clinical manifestation of the disease, moclobemide is either not prescribed or is prescribed in combination with a sedative (for example, a drug from the benzodiazepine group).

Patients with suicidal tendencies, patients with schizophrenic symptoms or schizoaffective disorders, patients with thyrotoxicosis or pheochromacyotoma should be carefully monitored. Concomitant use of moclobemide with clomipramine or dextromethorphan should be avoided. In pregnant women and nursing mothers, the benefits of treatment should be weighed against the possible risk to the fetus and child. Patients with high blood pressure should avoid excessive consumption of foods containing tyramine.

Interaction with other drugs

Cimetidine slows down the metabolism of moclobemide.

Treatment with tricyclics or other antidepressants can be started immediately after discontinuation, i.e. without a waiting period, the same applies for the reverse case.

Strengthens and prolongs the effect of sympathomimetics and opiates.

Increases the likelihood of developing adverse reactions from the central nervous system when combined with clomipramine, dextromethorphan.

Moclobemide (trade name Aurorix) is a reversible MAO inhibitor that primarily affects MAO type A.

The differences from Befol (the original Russian antidepressant) are only in the structure - the side chain contains an ethyl group together with the propyl group.

Aurorix is ​​a synthetic drug, the main active ingredient is moclobemide. The product is available in the form of tablets in a white shell, 0.15 or 0.3 grams. There are 30 tablets in a package.


The medicine enhances the effects of opioid agonists

and sympathomimetics.

When combined with this substance and clomipramine

Adverse reactions from the central nervous system may increase.

Under the influence, the biotransformation of this drug slows down.

Combination of the substance with dextropropoxyphene

leads to the development of moderate agitation.

Increases the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma and prolongs the AUC
of zolmitriptan

Combination of the drug with levodopa

may increase headaches, cause
, nausea.

Simultaneous use of moclobemide and selegin

leads to increased sensitivity to

Under the influence, the metabolism of the drug slows down.

Pharmacological profile

The drug is an antidepressant, inhibits the metabolism of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and increases their content in the CNS (central nervous system). Due to the presence of an antidepressant therapeutic effect, it improves mood, activates attention, relieves, eliminates psychomotor lethargy, restores emotional state and helps stabilize sleep.

The ideal effect when taking the medicine appears when MAO is suppressed by 70-80%. The therapeutic effect of the drug is noticeable after 1 week of treatment. The medication does not have any effect on the reaction rate.

Moclobemide formula

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the selective and reversible inhibition of monoamine oxidase type 4. The drug inhibits the metabolism of dopamine, norepinephrine and, to a greater extent, serotonin. As a result, these neurotransmitters begin to accumulate in the synaptic cleft. To ensure the desired antidepressant effect, there must be a decrease in MAO production by approximately 70%.

Moclobemide helps improve mood and energizes you with activity. Symptoms of depression recede, the person becomes more emotional and attentive. Additionally, signs of social phobia are relieved and sleep function is normalized.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological properties Antidepressant, reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor Moclobemide is an antidepressant that acts on the monoaminergic system of neurotransmitters in the brain, reversibly inhibiting the activity of monoamine oxidase, mainly type A. The drug thereby reduces the metabolism of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, which leads to an increase in extracellular concentrations of these neurotransmitters. By improving mood and increasing psychomotor activity, moclobemide relieves symptoms such as dysphoria, nervous exhaustion, lethargy and inability to concentrate. Most often, the effect of the drug appears during the first week of treatment. Moclobemide also relieves symptoms of social phobia. Although moclobemide does not have a sedative effect, it improves sleep quality within a few days of starting treatment in most patients with depression. Moclobemide does not interfere with the speed of mental reactions. Short-term and long-term animal studies indicate low toxicity of the drug. No toxic effects on the heart were observed. Pharmacokinetics: Absorption

Indications and contraindications for use

The drug Autorix is ​​used for the following disorders:

  • depression of various origins;
  • dysthymia and;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • social phobia.

Contraindications to prescribing the medication:

  • acute cases of confusion;
  • increased sensitivity to the active component;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • Concomitant use with Selegiline is prohibited.

The initial dose of the medicine should be 300 mg per day, drunk three times a day after meals. In case of prolonged and severe depression, the dose must be increased to 600 mg per day.

If there are serious problems with hepatic metabolism, the daily dose of the drug should be reduced by 30 or 50%.

The minimum dose of the drug is 300 mg per day. Maximum – 600 mg per day.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on selective and reversible inhibition of monoamine oxidase type A

The drug inhibits metabolic processes, and to the greatest extent -. As a result, these neurotransmitters
accumulate in the synaptic cleft.
production be suppressed by approximately 70%.
Moclobemide significantly improves mood and increases the patient's activity. Symptoms are reduced, the remedy eliminates inhibition, improves concentration. During therapy with drugs based on the substance, symptoms of social phobia
and sleep normalizes.

The medicine is almost completely and quickly absorbed and enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract. The maximum plasma concentration of the substance is reached within an hour. Its bioavailability is from 40 to 80%. Metabolism of the drug occurs with the participation of CYP2C19 isoenzymes

. When taking the drug systematically, its equilibrium concentration is established within 7 days from the start of treatment.

Moclobemide binds to blood plasma by 50%. Overcomes various tissue barriers. It is excreted through the kidneys, mainly in the form of metabolites. The half-life ranges from 1 to 4 hours.

special instructions

The drug should be taken with extreme caution in patients who suffer from thyrotoxicosis.

Due to limited clinical studies, Moclobemide should not be used in patients with schizophrenia or other psychiatric diseases, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions or recommended by the attending physician. You should also monitor the behavior of suicidal patients, especially at the beginning of treatment.

The medicine is not prescribed in childhood, since no research has been conducted on this topic.

In addition, the drug has a negative effect on the reaction. Therefore, during the course of therapy, you should refrain from driving a car or operating other mechanisms, as well as from any dangerous types of work that require constant concentration and increased attention.

For patients with a history of or, Aurorix is ​​usually not prescribed or is combined with sedatives.

It is necessary to carefully monitor patients with suicidal behavior, symptoms of schizophrenia or , as well as patients with pheochromacyotoma and thyrotoxicosis.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, medication is prescribed in extreme cases, after weighing all the pros and cons of such treatment.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

There have been no adequate and strictly controlled studies of the safety of moclobemide during pregnancy in humans. Experimental studies have not revealed a negative effect of moclobemide on the fetus.

Moclobemide is excreted into breast milk in small concentrations - approximately 1/30 of the maternal dose.

Moclobemide is a drug belonging to the group of antidepressant and psychostimulant drugs. Despite the convenience of dosing, it can only be used under the supervision of a doctor and according to strict indications. Changing the dosage or discontinuing the drug on your own is prohibited.

Drug interactions

It is not permissible to use Aurorix in combination with Selegiline, as well as serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Before using Moclobemide after completing a course of therapy with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, you need to follow a certain interval that will be equal to five half-lives of SSRIs from the body.

The drug does not need to be taken together with dextromethorphan, which is present in many cough suppressants.

It is also necessary to avoid the combined use of Aurorix with ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanalamine. Use with great caution together with drugs that can increase the level of serotonin in the body - morphine, fentanyl.

The use of Aurorix helps improve and prolong the effect of adrenal stimulants, Ibuprofen and opiates. Moclobemide increases the vasoconstrictor effect of tyramine, which is found in food, so it is advisable to remove it from the diet.

The drug should not be combined with Clomipramine, as the chance of serious reactions from the central nervous system will increase. Therapy can be carried out immediately after stopping Aurorix.

Dextromethorphan increases the risk of serious CNS side effects.

Point of view

Most often, Aurorix is ​​taken by patients with sophiophobia or depression, and judging by the reviews, some are very pleased with the result, but there are also those who did not see the proper therapeutic effect.
Depression of various etiologies: with manic-depressive psychosis, various forms of schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism, senile and involutional, reactive and neurotic, social phobia.


Hypersensitivity, acute impairment of consciousness, simultaneous use of selegiline, pregnancy, breastfeeding (stop during treatment), childhood (safety and effectiveness of use in children have not been determined).

Side effects:
From the nervous system and sensory organs:
dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, agitation, anxiety, irritability, confusion, paresthesia, blurred vision.
From the gastrointestinal tract:
dry mouth, nausea, heartburn, feeling of fullness, diarrhea/constipation.
skin reactions (rash, itching, urticaria, hot flashes).


Strengthens and prolongs the effect of sympathomimetics and opiates. Increases the likelihood of developing adverse reactions from the central nervous system when combined with clomipramine, dextromethorphan. Cimetidine slows down the biotransformation of moclobemide.

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, after meals - 300–600 mg, in 2–3 doses. The initial daily dose is 300 mg; for severe depression, it can be increased to 600 mg. It is recommended to increase the dose no earlier than 1 week after the start of therapy. When a clinical effect is achieved, the dose is reduced.

Precautionary measures:

Prescribe with caution for thyrotoxicosis and pheochromocytoma (possible development of hypertensive reactions). Not recommended for patients in whom agitation is the main clinical manifestation of the disease. In case of schizophrenic or schizoaffective psychosis, an increase in schizophrenic symptoms is possible (in this case it is necessary to switch to antipsychotics). Patients with high blood pressure should avoid excessive consumption of foods containing tyramine.


Film-coated tablets1 tab.
moclobemide150 mg

10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (3) – cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Antidepressant, selective inhibitor of MAO type A. Inhibits mainly the metabolism of serotonin, as well as norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, increases their content in the central nervous system.

In clinical conditions, it exhibits moderate thymoanaleptic and distinct psychostimulating properties: improves mood, increases mental and motor activity, and increases the ability to concentrate. Improves sleep in patients suffering from depression and sleep disorders.

In terms of effectiveness for typical endogenous depression, it is somewhat inferior to tricyclic antidepressants. The clinical effect of moclobemide develops by the end of the 1st week of treatment; usually, already in the first days of administration, a pronounced activating effect is noted.

The optimal antidepressant effect is observed when MAO is suppressed by 60-80%.


After oral administration, moclobemide is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Subject to a “first pass” effect through the liver. Cmax in plasma is achieved 1 hour after oral administration.

Moclobemide is widely distributed in the body. Vd is about 1.2 l/kg. Binding to plasma proteins, mainly albumin, is 50%.

Almost completely metabolized in the body. Metabolism occurs mainly by oxidation with the participation of the CYP2C9 isoenzyme. At the same dose of moclobemide, plasma Cmax and AUC values ​​in slow metabolizers may be 1.5 times higher than in extensive metabolizers.

T1/2 is 1-4 hours. Plasma clearance is about 20-50 l/hour. It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of metabolites, less than 1% - unchanged.


Depression of various etiologies, social phobia.


Acute conditions accompanied by confusion, states of agitation, agitation, pheochromocytoma, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity to moclobemide.


For adults, when taken orally, the initial dose is 300 mg/day in 2 divided doses. If necessary, the daily dose can be gradually increased to 600 mg. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system:

feeling of restlessness, anxiety, general agitation, sleep disturbances, dizziness, headache, fear, paresthesia, tremor, blurred vision; rarely – confusion.

From the digestive system:

dry mouth, nausea, feeling of fullness in the stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation.

Allergic reactions:

skin rash, itching, urticaria.


increased sweating.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with drugs that increase serotonin levels, there is a possibility of developing serotonin syndrome.

In experimental studies, moclobemide potentiated the effects of opioid agonists.

When used simultaneously with dextropropoxyphene, moderate agitation may develop; with zolmitriptan - increased plasma Cmax and AUC of zolmitriptan; with clomipramine – cases of serotonin syndrome have been described; with levodopa – possible headache, nausea, insomnia; with selegiline – increased sensitivity to tyramine; with sumatriptan – increasing the bioavailability of sumatriptan; with fluoxetine, citalopram - the development of serotonin syndrome is possible.

With simultaneous use, cimetidine slows down the metabolism of moclobemide.

special instructions

Use with caution in patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis.

Due to limited clinical experience, it should not be used in patients with concomitant schizophrenia or schizoaffective organic brain diseases.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of patients with suicidal tendencies when starting treatment with moclobemide.

During treatment with moclobemide, you should not eat large amounts of foods containing tyramine.

When used simultaneously with cimetidine, the usual dose of moclobemide should be reduced by 2 times.

It should not be used simultaneously with selegiline and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Before using moclobemide after finishing treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, an interval corresponding to 4-5 half-lives of the drug and/or its active metabolite should be observed.

Moclobemide should not be used concomitantly with dextromethorphan, which is included in many antitussive drugs.

Avoid simultaneous use with ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine.

Use with caution simultaneously with drugs that increase serotonin levels; with morphine, fentanyl (dosage regimen adjustment may be required).

Due to the lack of sufficient clinical experience, it should not be used in pediatrics.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from potentially hazardous activities associated with the need for concentration and increased speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

There have been no adequate and strictly controlled studies of the safety of moclobemide during pregnancy in humans. Experimental studies have not revealed a negative effect of moclobemide on the fetus.

Moclobemide is excreted into breast milk in small concentrations - approximately 1/30 of the maternal dose.

Use in childhood

Contraindicated in children.

The description of the drug AURORIX is based on the officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

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