Sleeping pill Donormil and its compatibility with alcohol

Description and release forms

The sleeping pill Donormil is available in the form of tablets for internal use. Each of them contains 15 mg of doxylamine succinate and additional components:

  • lactose;
  • croscarmellose;
  • cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate.

The medicine blocks M-choline and H1-histamine receptors. This allows it to have a calming and hypnotic effect. Donormil helps improve the quality and duration of sleep without changing its phase; its effect lasts 6-8 hours.


It is quickly absorbed and absorbed into the body and begins to act within 15-20 minutes after use. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed after 2 hours. Has the ability to pass the blood-brain barrier well. Metabolized in the liver over 20 hours, excreted in urine and feces.

In persons with liver and kidney problems, as well as in patients over 65 years of age, the elimination rate may be prolonged. Therefore, Donormil should be taken with caution, since with regular use the likelihood of an overdose of tablets increases.

Analogues substitutes

Drugs similar to Donormil are divided into two groups:

  1. drugs with identical active ingredients;
  2. drugs with identical therapeutic effects.


Valocordin-Doxylamine (an analogue of Donormil based on the main active ingredient) is a drug for sleep correction. Produced by the pharmaceutical concern Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Germany. The drug is available in the form of drops.

The main active ingredient of the drug is doxylamine (25.0 mg). Taking Valocordin-Doxylamine gives a sedative and hypnotic effect. The patient's period of falling asleep is reduced, sleep becomes deep and long.

The therapeutic hypnotic effect of the drug appears after half an hour and lasts about six hours.

The duration of treatment for insomnia with Valocordin-Donormil usually lasts about two weeks. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for Donormil.

Sondox (an analogue of Donormil in terms of the main active ingredient) has a hypnotic and relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Produced at the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant in Ukraine. Indicated for insomnia, organic sleep disorders and nervous system disorders. The drug has the same indications, contraindications and side effects as Donormil.

Trivalumen is an analogue of Donormil with identical therapeutic effects, a combined substance on a plant basis. Produced at the Borshchagovsky Chemical Plant in Ukraine. The drug is used in the treatment of insomnia due to chronic fatigue and stress.

In addition to the hypnotic and sedative effect, the drug improves appetite in neurocirculatory vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drug also normalizes heart rate and blood pressure.

Alora is a plant-based sedative and sedative, similar to Donormil in terms of therapeutic effect. Produced by the Nobel Ilach Sanai Ve Ticaret concern in Turkey and Kazakhstan (Almaty FF).

Plant components reduce the tone of smooth muscles, slow down the speed of nerve impulses, and reduce the excitability of the nervous system. In addition to its hypnotic effect, taking the drug improves mood, relieves anxiety and psycho-emotional stress.

Alora does not cause drowsiness during the day, the patient retains clear consciousness and performance. Alora is available in tablets and liquid dosage form in the form of syrup.

Indications for prescribing the drug: autonomic disorders of the nervous system, depressive states, recovery period after prolonged stress, menopausal syndrome, recovery period after exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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Relaxozan is an analogue of Donormil in terms of therapeutic action on a plant basis from Russia. Available in tablets. Prescribed as a mild hypnotic.

Used to treat excessive nervous excitability. In complex therapy, Relaxozan is indicated for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system and spastic conditions in the digestive organs.

Reslip is an analogue of Donormil based on the main active ingredient doxylamine. FP "Obolenskoe" is produced in Russia. As a histamine receptor blocker it has a pronounced hypnotic and sedative effect.

It is also used to treat insomnia and allergies. Indications, contraindications and side effects are the same as for Donormil.

Persen is an analogue of Donormil in terms of therapeutic action. Produced in Slovenia by the LEK DD concern in tablets and capsules. The drug consists of plant extracts. Sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic effect is mild.

Indicated for insomnia, neuroses, withdrawal syndrome of potent sedatives, for the prevention of psychosomatic disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Persen is recommended to be taken if the patient has psychologically difficult situations in order to stabilize the emotional background. The drug relieves anxiety, irritability, and improves sleep.

Photos of drugs:


Reslip Persen

Indications for use and dosage

The only indication for the use of the drug is transient sleep disturbance. But to obtain the desired effect, it must be used correctly. The doctor recommends that patients usually take 0.5-1 tablet at night, sometimes the dose can be increased to 2 tablets. Wash them down with a small amount of clean water.

The course of treatment ranges from 2 to 5 days. The product is also used occasionally, as needed. Patients with liver and kidney failure, as well as the elderly, should reduce the recommended amount of the drug by half.


Sleeping pills are usually well tolerated if you follow the rules of use described in the instructions. Sometimes side effects of Donormil occur:

  • constipation;
  • dry mouth;
  • heartbeat;
  • urinary retention;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • drowsiness during the day (can be eliminated by reducing the dosage);
  • disturbance of consciousness, hallucinations.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the active substance and antihistamines;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • diseases of the genitourinary tract, including prostatitis, accompanied by impaired urine excretion.

The tablets should not be used if lactase levels are low, or in children under 15 years of age. When prescribing to persons with a history of sleep apnea, caution should be exercised, since Donormil can cause sleep apnea.

Varieties and composition

They produce regular Donormil tablets (coated) and effervescent ones. Film-coated tablets are rectangular in shape and white in color. There is a notch on both sides. The main active ingredient is doxylamine succinate (15 milligrams per tablet). Auxiliary components: croscarmellose sodium - 9 mg, lactose monohydrate - 100 mg, magnesium stearate - 2 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 15 mg. Donormil is sold in tablets in polypropylene tubes of 30 pieces - in cardboard packages.

Effervescent tablets have a cylindrical, flat shape, with beveled edges on one side, and are white in color. When the tablets are dissolved in water, gas bubbles are released. One effervescent tablet of Donormil contains 15 milligrams of doxylamine succinate. Excipients are: anhydrous citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate, macrogol 6000, sodium benzoate, anhydrous sodium sulfate. Donormil effervescent tablets are sold in polypropylene tubes of 10 pieces - in cardboard boxes.

Is there an addiction to the drug?

If you take sleeping pills for the specified time (no more than 5 days) and in the usual therapeutic dose, then addiction to it does not occur. If insomnia continues, you should not extend the course, but rather consult a doctor and reconsider the treatment.

Taking the drug

Cases of the development of physical and mental addiction to H-histamine receptor blockers are described if they are deliberately used in large quantities. Some people, trying to enhance the sleeping pill effect of Donormil, take it with alcohol. In this case, the likelihood of addiction and other complications increases many times over.

Reviews of the drug as a sedative and anti-anxiety drug

Neurologists and psychiatrists often prescribe Donormil to people with increased anxiety and neuroticism. In this case, the dosage of the drug is halved, and it should be taken in half: one in the morning, and the other in the evening. This method of administration does not have a pronounced hypnotic effect. In some cases, not half, but a quarter of one tablet is enough.

Many people take the drug on the plane. Reviews about Donormil as a means to prevent passenger anxiety are only positive: a quarter of a tablet is often enough to relieve symptoms of panic and fear. The exact dosage can be prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Why is Donormil dangerous?

The sad glory of this remedy is that it is used by some citizens who want to commit suicide. The lethal dose of Donormil is not indicated. It all depends on the characteristics of the human body. For some, a few tablets will be enough, while for others, even a package will not be enough.

Poisoning with Donormil occurs more often than death with a single use of a large dose of the drug, so this drug is not suitable for suicide. But it is quite possible to cause irreparable harm to health and psyche with its help. The change in the condition of a person who has a tendency to mental disorders is especially noticeable. Usually it manifests itself in the form of strong excitement, turning into depression of the nervous system.

You can die from Donormil faster if you mix it with a large portion of alcohol, psychotropic drugs or opioid analgesics. The likelihood of death is higher in the elderly, children and people with problems of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.

Lethal dose of sleeping pill Donormil

Donormil, like many other sleeping pills, is of interest to mentally ill people who are prone to suicide. Such individuals believe that drinking a large dose of sleeping pills and not waking up is the easiest and most painless way to take one’s own life. However, in reality, without pharmaceutical knowledge, this is too difficult to implement.

Usually the dose taken is not enough to kill, but it is quite enough to cause irreversible disability, not to mention the mandatory treatment in a psychiatric hospital for unlucky suicides.

The lethal dose of Donormil has not yet been determined. There is no risk of death from taking Donormila tablets, but severe poisoning is guaranteed when using large doses. Symptoms of overdose: excessive excitability or drowsiness, disorientation, dry mouth, nausea, convulsions and coma.

Overdose symptoms

An overdose of Donormil manifests itself in many different symptoms. A person has the following deviations:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • hyperarousal;
  • fever;
  • persistent pupil dilation;
  • increased heart rate;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anxiety and hallucinations;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • allergic reaction (from rashes and itching to the development of anaphylactic shock);

Often, as a result of intoxication after taking a large amount of the drug, acute renal failure develops, and as a consequence, rhabdomyolysis.

The most important

The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription, but this is not a reason to resort to it at the slightest reason. First, you need to try to improve your sleep using non-drug methods: maintain a work-rest schedule, and eliminate nervous stress. If these measures are ineffective, it is best to seek help from doctors.

If the doctor has prescribed Donormil, then it would be better to exclude all other anti-allergenic drugs, refrain from driving vehicles and from work that requires increased attention. Such restrictions must be adhered to for several days after taking Donormil.

Help with overdose

If an overdose of Donormil occurs, you should immediately call a doctor. And before his arrival, you need to give the victim water and induce vomiting. If a person is conscious, it is important to find out whether he took the drug in its pure form or mixed it with tranquilizers, alcohol or other substances. This information will be needed for specialists who will be able to more easily make decisions about the method of providing assistance.


A person who has been poisoned by sleeping pills should be given activated charcoal. The dosage of the sorbent is calculated as follows: 1 tablet is given per 10 kg of body weight. And if a person weighs 70 kg, then he needs to be given at least 7-10 tablets. To prevent fluid loss due to intoxication, the patient is recommended to constantly drink clean water in small sips.

For such poisoning, specialists use saline laxatives, intravenous colloidal solutions and M-anticholinergics. Severe forms of intoxication may require hemosorption or hemodialysis. Otherwise, death cannot be ruled out.

Exposure with alcohol

The instructions for use indicate that Donormil should not be used with alcohol, as it is life-threatening. In addition, the effect of the drug in this case is reduced, and the rate of elimination slows down, and addiction quickly develops. In order to fall asleep, a person begins to increase the dose of the drug, and this leads to daytime drowsiness, lethargy, and loss of coordination.

Ethanol acts on the body as a substance that depresses the functions of the nervous system; sleeping pills also have an inhibitory effect. Therefore, Donormil and alcohol potentiate each other and disrupt brain function.

Who needs to take the drug

Donormil was developed as a result of many years of work on sleep problems.
It is an innovative drug for the treatment of disorders such as insomnia. Its composition is based on doxylamine, a very effective histamine blocker, which does not cause addiction in patients even with very long-term use.

According to statistics, up to 30% of people may experience various sleep disorders, and long-term insomnia leads to disability and health problems in general.

Experts recommend choosing a drug for treatment and carefully studying the instructions for its use.

Doxylamine is better known as Donormil, the brand name under which it was marketed. This drug instantly became a significant competitor to most of the most famous sleeping pills. Among the advantages of the drug it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Duration of action. The period of action of the tablets is from 5 to 8 hours. This allows you to get a full night's sleep.
  2. Dispensed without a prescription. You can buy Donormil in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. This way the patient is spared unnecessary problems.
  3. There is no side effect. When treated with Donormil, there is no daytime sleepiness, as well as apathy and constant fatigue, and there is also no feeling of weakness after sleep in the morning. This makes treatment more effective and comfortable.

It is not recommended to use Donormil and alcohol together. This is logical from the point of view of the effect on the nervous system. Donormil is a special drug that causes drowsiness and speeds up the process of falling asleep. It is taken according to the specific indications of a specialist. It is advisable to use the product in the following cases:

  • with prolonged sleep disturbance;
  • for severe diseases that are accompanied by acute pain;
  • with severe allergic reactions that provoke the development of severe itching.

Systematic and most importantly correct use of the drug allows you to get rid of many problems.

This is appropriate in certain cases; it is not recommended to independently use drugs that affect the state of the central nervous system.

The medication has a lot of advantages, but only if the person knows the optimal dosage and is not at risk. The main contraindications include:

  • age over 65 years;
  • glaucoma;
  • childhood;
  • presence of problems with the prostate gland;
  • pregnancy.

Each person should evaluate the positive and negative properties of this drug. Incorrect interactions with certain medications or alcoholic beverages can cause serious consequences. In especially severe cases, death cannot be ruled out.

Donormil is a sleeping pill that has a sedative effect on humans. It helps to cope with many unfavorable situations and facilitate the process of falling asleep. The action of the drug is aimed at calming the excited state of the nervous system.

In most cases, it is prescribed as a sleeping pill, which must be taken according to a certain algorithm. Some people do not realize the dangers of the drug and take Donormil and alcohol at the same time.

This is a difficult combination that can lead to the development of irreversible processes.

The instructions for the medication suggest a gradual reduction in the dose of sleeping pills. This will improve your general condition and teach your body to fall asleep on its own. In this matter, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. Increasing the dose on your own can lead to increased sleep, which will negatively affect a person’s general condition.

Instructions for use contain standard information regarding taking the drug. However, it is not recommended to do this yourself.

The dose directly depends on the person’s condition, his emotional background, individual characteristics and the problem that has arisen.

If a patient decides to take a drug without consulting a doctor, he should familiarize himself with the main side effects. These include:

  • severe drowsiness;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • feeling of constant anxiety;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • red spots on the skin.

The most dangerous combination is the use of the sleeping pill Donormil with alcohol. This could be fatal. Alcohol products negatively affect the human nervous system and lead to the development of insomnia.

It can be eliminated by stopping alcohol consumption. Trying to cope with the situation with the help of sleeping pills is not recommended in this case. Alcohol excites the nervous system, this issue must be addressed immediately.

The best way to get rid of problems is to give up bad habits.

Proper use of the sleeping pill Donormil guarantees the patient uninterrupted sleep for 8 hours. The correct dose makes the process of falling asleep safe. If a person wakes up before the set time, dizziness and lethargy may occur. This happens due to incorrect dosage prescription.

To achieve optimal results, the drug is used exclusively according to the recommendations of a specialist. Treatment with this medication must not be combined with other medications and alcohol.

The presence of alcohol in the blood leads to the rapid development of addiction and dependence on the drug itself. Such a concept as “compatibility of sleeping pills and alcohol” is unacceptable.

This is a serious danger to human health and life.

The simultaneous use of two incompatible “components” provokes the development of severe consequences. First, the person loses pain sensitivity, then excessive arousal occurs. At the last stage, inhibition appears. This is due to a negative impact on important centers in the brain. Alcohol products in any volume and Donormil are a lethal dose.

The period of elimination of the drug from the body is about 16 hours. During this time, you should never drink alcohol.

The active influence of two incompatible components affects human behavior. The patient experiences outbursts of aggression, giving way to tearfulness. This indicates the fact that brain activity is heated to the limit.

If no action is taken, the development of epileptic seizures is possible. The enhanced effects of alcohol and sleeping pills lead to death.

If a person takes two of these components at the same time, it is necessary to immediately rinse his stomach and call an ambulance.

The consequences of combining medication and alcohol can be severe. Sleeping pills can enhance the effect of other drugs, in particular ethanol. This component is found in all alcoholic beverages. It has a special effect on the central nervous system and affects the functioning of the brain.

Modern society is fearless and unpredictable. Therefore, combining prohibited foods or drugs does not cause fear. Many people believe that there is nothing wrong with this, and everything will definitely be fine with them. Statistics show that several hundred people die every year in dangerous interactions.

The instructions included with the drug Donormil prohibit any interaction with alcoholic beverages. Even if the percentage of alcohol in them is minimal. The body quickly gets used to the effects of the drug.

Simultaneous use of alcohol with it leads to a decrease in sensitivity. The emergence of new problems with the process of falling asleep forces the patient to independently increase the dose. This is where the mortal danger lies.

The central nervous system is unable to cope with the load placed on it. As a result, a person can “switch off” at any moment.

The simultaneous calming and depressing effect provokes mood swings. At the same time, strange reactions from the body are recorded, including impaired coordination of movement.

A person can fall asleep at any moment, fall and get seriously injured. With a significant increase in the dose of the drug, a high body temperature is recorded.

This symptom indicates an increasing likelihood of severe consequences.

The high pace of modern life often makes us tired. Constant worries and stress do not allow you to relax normally and spend the weekend in peace and quiet. Some people can't even sleep. Sleep disturbances, irritation, and lack of energy force people to resort to radical methods.

Alcohol helps some, others use medications. If we consider the second option, then experts recommend the drug “Donormil”. An analogue of this medication (for example, Doxylamine, Reslip), in case of individual intolerance, can be selected for you by your attending physician.

So if you have insomnia, be sure to consult a doctor.

Drinking alcohol in the 1st half of the night causes increased drowsiness, and in the 2nd half - fragmented sleep, accompanied by anxious and animated dreams. With regular consumption of alcohol, its hypnotic effect decreases.

And in general, 50% of patients suffering from alcoholism have sleep disorders. Taking the drug "Donormil" provides deep 8-hour sleep.

But if a person wakes up earlier, he may experience drowsiness, dizziness and lethargy.

If you take the drug "Donormil" and alcohol at the same time, it will have a suppressive effect on the central nervous system. Depending on the dose of alcohol, the body’s pain sensitivity threshold decreases, then excitement increases and, as a result, the work of vital centers of the brain slows down.

A long period of elimination (8-16 hours) of the drug Donormil from the body increases the hangover syndrome. In this case, the person is in a sleepy state. He may also experience outbursts of tearfulness and aggression at the same time. One of the symptoms characteristic of hardened alcoholics is noted - trembling of the limbs.

This suggests that the brain is working at its limit. In addition, body temperature rises, coordination is impaired and epileptic syndrome appears. The drug "Donormil" and alcohol taken together can lead to death.

Use of the drug for alcoholism

With chronic alcoholism, there are often problems with sleep, especially during the period of abstinence from drinking alcohol. Withdrawal is accompanied by many negative symptoms from the organs and dysfunction of the nervous system. If at the same time there is no proper rest, then this will lead to wear and exhaustion. And many people at this time try to use sleeping pills to get some sleep.

Experts say that resorting to strong drugs in this case is dangerous. Liver and kidney diseases may worsen, and other complications may arise. Therefore, preference should be given to soothing herbal decoctions (chamomile, motherwort), and use Glycine. If nothing helps, then you can start with a minimum dose of Donormil; if a person does not break down and does not drink alcohol afterwards, their compatibility can lead to catastrophic consequences.


It is recommended to take the drug shortly before bedtime - a maximum of half an hour. The dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor.

For adults

For the treatment of adults, it is recommended to take 0.5-1 tablets of Dorminal once. In especially severe cases, it is allowed to increase the dosage to two tablets. The duration of treatment should not be more than five days. If there is a need to continue therapy, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of such actions.

For children

If the child is over 16 years old, if there are appropriate indications and after consulting a doctor, you can use the same dosages as for adults . At a younger age, the use of Donormil is unacceptable.

During pregnancy and lactation

During these periods, treatment with Dorminal is prohibited.


Use for hangover

A hangover differs from withdrawal in that it is caused by intoxication, which is provoked by the products of ethanol metabolism.


Their circulation in the blood continues, and the use of Donormil with alcohol can cause complications:

  • the properties of the drug decrease or increase;
  • severe inhibition develops and the person falls into a coma;
  • brain cells die;
  • The liver suffers greatly, even to the point of developing failure.

It is especially dangerous if the alcoholic is used to “healing” using the hangover method. When a person is drunk, he is unable to control his actions and the amount of medication he takes. The result can be overdose and death.

Consequences of combination

The severity of the consequences of taking Donormil with alcohol depends on the total volume, quality and strength of the drink. It is also important what dose of the drug is used. The general condition of the body and its individual characteristics should not be discounted. Most often, with this combination, the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe prolonged depression and suicide attempts;
  • severe tremor;
  • feverish condition;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • seizures;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • violation of orientation in space;
  • death.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has two types of effects. Being a blocker of antihistamine receptors, it acts as an antiallergic drug. The hypnotic effect of the drug is associated with the effect on certain areas of the brain responsible for arousal. Antiallergic drugs often cause a similar effect.

Donormil differs from other over-the-counter sleeping pills in that it has no destructive effect on brain cells and is a completely safe remedy. This drug will help not only with difficulty falling asleep, but also in cases of causeless restlessness, excitability, and constant anxiety.

Taking Donormil helps normalize sleep: shortens the period of falling asleep, prolongs night sleep and improves its quality - thanks to its strongly expressed sedative effect

When can you take the drug after drinking alcohol?

For people who have recently taken alcohol, it should be noted that it is completely incompatible with Donormil. Therefore, it is possible to continue or begin treatment for insomnia only after the complete removal of ethyl alcohol and its metabolites from the body.

If this happens naturally, then the cleansing time will depend on the quantity and strength of the drink. Metabolic speed and normal functioning of the liver and kidneys play a significant role. On average, it is recommended to wait at least 12 hours, and it is better to pause for 24 hours.

Absorption and excretion

After oral administration, the special coating of the tablet form dissolves in the intestines. The drug is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The active component penetrates the bloodstream and acts on cellular receptors. The maximum level of the substance in the blood occurs approximately 120 minutes after administration.

Appointed by a specialist

The half-life is ten hours. The substance is modified in the liver tissue and is primarily excreted from the body in the urine. It is also partially excreted through the digestive tract. In elderly patients and people suffering from kidney or liver problems, the half-life is prolonged. With a new course of use, a constant level of the substance and its derivatives in the blood appears later and at an increased level.

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