Weakness after illness: causes, methods of recovery and recommendations for correcting the diet

Constant drowsiness is a condition that is accompanied not only by the feeling that a person does not get enough sleep at night.

At the same time, he is tormented by weakness, mood swings, lethargy and apathy. This condition in medical terminology is referred to as “hypersomnia.” Constant sleepiness negatively affects cognitive function and performance, but that's not so bad.

Much worse and more dangerous is that sometimes hypersomnia is not a consequence of lack of sleep, but indicates the presence of serious pathological processes in the human body.

Causes of constant fatigue, drowsiness and muscle weakness

Anyone can feel tired and sleepy , but a good night's sleep is usually all it takes to revitalize yourself and get excited about the thousands of tasks of daily life again.
However, if fatigue persists for many weeks and cannot be explained, you should consult a doctor to examine the problem. Doctors in this case talk about asthenia, the meaning of which is a constant feeling of physical exhaustion.

Remember, fatigue is not a disease, but it can be a sign of pathology, a side effect of a drug, or a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle.

A disorder characterized by fatigue and drowsiness is called chronic fatigue syndrome , which persists for a long time and does not provide relief after rest.

Diseases associated with fatigue

Feeling tired, tired and drowsy are often warning signs that the body uses to report problems in its functioning.

Pathological conditions that can cause asthenia are:

  • celiac disease, i.e. gluten intolerance, which has fatigue, anemia and weight loss among various symptoms;
  • anemia is one of the most common causes of constant fatigue (mainly found in women of childbearing age), most often associated with iron deficiency;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition characterized by tiredness and fatigue;
  • fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by pain and fatigue;
  • sleep apnea syndrome, a condition characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during night sleep, which greatly affects the quality of night's rest;
  • hypothyroidism, one of the most common symptoms of thyroid weakness is asthenia;
  • diabetes mellitus, one of the most common symptoms of diabetes is fatigue, which is accompanied by thirst and weight loss;
  • mononucleosis, a viral infection that affects the throat and, especially in adults, can cause fatigue for several months;
  • restless legs syndrome - a condition characterized by the need to constantly move the legs, even at night;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, a painful condition that affects the joints and is often accompanied by fatigue;
  • tumors, regardless of the affected organ.

Medicines that cause fatigue

Many medications can cause asthenia, but the most common side effects are:

Psychological causes of fatigue

Emotional experiences and other psychological conditions can often cause asthenia:

As we'll see later, regular physical activity can effectively help reduce these feelings, improving your mood and overall well-being.

Life style

Even lifestyle can have a specific impact on energy:

  • staying up too long in the evenings
  • excessive caffeine consumption
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • consumption of fast food (rich in empty calories)

An important cause of chronic fatigue can be excess weight, which makes any form of activity tiring for the body.

In the case of insufficient body weight, the problem is associated with a lack of energy reserves, which is expressed in a constant feeling of fatigue.

Winter fatigue

Many people suffer during the long winter months due to reduced daylight hours. Days become shorter, the body's circadian rhythms shift toward increased production of endogenous melatonin, which leads to increased sleepiness.

The production of this important hormone is highly dependent on darkness, so at the end of a winter day we often feel the urge to go to bed early.

In some cases, the problem can be so profound that it is referred to as seasonal affective disorder, which is directly related to depression.

When to see a doctor

If fatigue persists for several weeks without any relief and seems to have no explanation, this is certainly a reason to discuss the situation with your doctor. He will take your medical history (ask questions about your sleep, daily activities, appetite, and exercise routine) and may order blood tests.

Where do we waste energy?

You can find some hidden reasons that can significantly affect our energy reserves.

Let's see which ones:

  • Long periods of immobility: When we watch TV or read a book, it is recommended to periodically change positions, do a few quick stretches, and, if possible, a brisk walk; the fact is that when immobile, the body goes into “sleep mode”, reducing concentration and the desire to act...
  • Poor posture: staying in an incorrect position for a long time leads to fatigue of the spine, which is forced to compensate with muscle strength for the incorrect closure.
  • Dieting too aggressively: Not being overweight is certainly a good thing, but switching to a diet too quickly can lead to fatigue and metabolic disorders.
  • Home life: exposure to sun and fresh air has a specific effect on the production of hormones and their absence can lead to asthenia (and also cause vitamin D deficiency).
  • Excess sugar: Indulging in a portion of calories for breakfast is very healthy, but eating sugars should be accompanied by eating fiber (for example, fruit or whole grains); this way, you will gain energy while avoiding hypoglycemia two hours after breakfast due to the body's insulin response.
  • Anxiety and stress: Even if we exclude pathological anxiety, a life of constant stress is accompanied by increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and muscle tension, which results in a huge and unnecessary expenditure of energy.
  • Excess exercise: Physical activity improves mood, reduces cardiovascular risk and is generally good for the body. But excessive involvement in sports is counterproductive, as it does not give the body the opportunity to recover.

Remedies against chronic fatigue

In many cases, exhaustion and asthenia appear due to stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors.

Let's see how we can solve them:

  • 5-6 meals a day instead of 2-3 “classic” - this will help maintain a constant level of energy and avoid drowsiness.
  • Moderate physical activity, practiced regularly, helps maintain a healthy body and reduce fatigue while increasing energy levels.
  • Losing weight allows the body to expend less energy for the same amount of activity (this applies primarily to everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or even just standing).
  • Improve your sleep quality and get enough hours of sleep (at least 7-8 hours for an adult).
  • Reduce stress.
  • Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake to improve your night's rest.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (in some cases, fatigue is associated with mild dehydration).
  • Take daily, regular walks in the sun and open air; Sun exposure stimulates the body's production of hormones and regulates circadian rhythms, helping the body to be alert and active throughout the day.

Source: https://sekretizdorovya.ru/blog/ustalost_sonlivost_astenija/2018-10-01-550

Will the doctor help?

Most often they ask the attending doctor what to do with severe weakness after illness. Traditionally, people turn to infectious disease specialists or general practitioners for help. As studies of ordinary people's opinions show, the majority of citizens are dissatisfied with the results of visiting a doctor. The infectious disease specialist reports that the underlying disease is over, so a specialist in this area cannot help the person. You won’t be able to ask a neurologist for help: such a doctor treats stroke, encephalitis and other similar diseases, but not asthenia caused by them. Some visit psychiatrists who prescribe medications that are relatively effective for weakness, but their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

Some groups of doctors who studied cases of weakness and drowsiness after illness came to the conclusion that the cause of this syndrome was a metabolic disorder. This is explained by endogenous intoxication due to the peculiarities of metabolic processes. At the same time, the activity of energy metabolic reactions decreases. Organs and tissues receive too little energy, and as a result, asthenic syndrome forms after infection. However, such a perception of the condition is characteristic only of limited groups of doctors, so this characteristic has not yet become widespread.

Constant fatigue, weakness and drowsiness: causes and what to do?

Feelings of chronic fatigue, apathy, drowsiness, and general loss of strength have, unfortunately, become frequent companions of modern life. We get used to them and even consider them normal, forgetting that the reasons for loss of strength can be very serious and require medical correction. Read on to find out what diseases most often cause such ailments.

Thyroid hormones are natural energy boosters. By stimulating metabolism, they speed up metabolism, activate blood circulation, regulate the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems, and affect the central nervous system.

An imbalance of thyroid hormones leads to disruption of metabolic processes throughout the body.

Hypothyroidism - a lack of thyroxine and triiodothyronine slows down the functioning of organs, hyperthyroidism - an excess of hormones, on the contrary, leads to excessive acceleration.


With hypothyroidism, you may feel constantly tired, very sleepy, cold, and have difficulty withstanding low temperatures. Weight gain is possible with the same diet. You may feel like your body is going into hibernation. Decreased thyroid function is a common pathology in women over 40 years of age.

Hyperthyroidism is completely opposite in its manifestations. The body is in good shape and, as it were, “on edge”. Metabolism accelerates and weight decreases, the number of heartbeats increases and blood pressure and body temperature rise, all mental processes are activated. However, you may experience severe muscle weakness during exercise. The thigh muscles are especially affected.


To assess thyroid function, 3 main tests are used:

  • Determination of the concentration of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
  • Analysis of the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland. TSH is the main regulator of the thyroid gland, stimulating its work. With hyperthyroidism, its concentration decreases, with hypothyroidism it increases.
  • Detection of antibodies in thyroid peroxidase. Detection of AT-TPO is a marker of an autoimmune inflammatory process in thyroid tissue.

The results of the analyzes are evaluated comprehensively. An increase in TSH in combination with a low concentration of thyroid hormones is an indicator of hypothyroidism. Low TSH with high thyroxine and triiodothyronine, in combination with the detection of AT-TPO, is an indication of hyperthyroidism.

To identify the causes of hormonal imbalance, you will need to do an ultrasound and, possibly, a puncture of the thyroid gland.


The goal of therapy is to normalize hormonal balance:

  • In hyperthyroidism, this is achieved by prescribing drugs that suppress the thyroid gland. In severe cases, treatment with radioactive iodine or surgery may be required.
  • For hypothyroidism, thyroxine, a synthetic analogue of the thyroid hormone, is prescribed.
  • For hypofunction associated with a lack of iodine in food, potassium iodide is used.


Optimal intake of iodine into the body ( 100–200 mg/day depending on gender and age), especially when living in regions with low iodine content in drinking water, is the best prevention of hypothyroidism.

A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells is one of the causes of chronic fatigue.

Anemia is observed in every third woman of childbearing age, since menstruation means a monthly loss of up to 60 mg of iron (10–20 mg comes from food daily).

Latent anemia often manifests itself in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, when the body bears a double load.

Anemia is a marker of chronic blood loss, which is observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis. The first symptom of cancer and kidney failure can also be anemia. Therefore, anemia requires careful examination.


A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness that does not go away even after proper rest. A little physical activity causes severe tachycardia, chest pain, and a feeling of lack of air. You may notice an increase in hair loss when brushing. Nails change - they become brittle and peel easily.

Diabetes symptoms

In addition to feeling tired, diabetes is accompanied by thirst, increased appetite, and frequent and excessive urination. Itchy skin, decreased vision and skin infections are also signs of hyperglycemia. Read more about the symptoms of diabetes here.


There are no specific tests to detect chronic fatigue syndrome. A general examination of the body is necessary to exclude possible serious diseases for which fatigue is only one of the symptoms. The criterion for diagnosis is symptoms of chronic fatigue observed for six months or more.

Symptoms and causes

A common cause of apnea in adults is snoring . During it, the soft palate relaxes and falls at the entrance to the larynx, blocking the flow of air into the lungs. Apnea is often accompanied by hypertension, excess weight, and coronary heart disease.

Holding your breath during sleep also occurs in children . The reason is enlarged adenoids , blocking the airways when the child is in a supine position.

Treatment of apnea in children and adults

Removing adenoids in children , as a rule, completely solves the problem of breath holding. In adults, a special device is used that pumps air into the respiratory tract, preventing the lower palate from descending. In severe cases, surgery is recommended.

If, after 2-3 weeks after reducing stress and changing lifestyle, the feeling of excessive fatigue does not go away, it is important to undergo a medical examination, since it is possible that a decrease in body tone is a symptom of a somatic disease.

Anastasia Khomyakova, diagnostic laboratory doctor

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

Source: https://www.vitajournal.ru/health/disorders/postojannaja-ustalost-slabost-i-sonlivost-prichiny-chto-delat/

Are baths necessary?

When figuring out how to get rid of weakness, how to restore strength after an illness, it is worth turning to the experience of visiting a bathhouse. Not everyone likes this water procedure, but some are used to going to the bathhouse at least once a week. While recovering from infection and fighting asthenia, you should not give up this habit and give up your favorite procedures. Moreover, you can make your usual visit to the bathhouse doubly useful if you use honey during washing. The process is quite simple. First, a person warms up in the dry part of the bath, then moves to the wet part and applies honey to the skin. The product is distributed in a thin layer. Because of it, sweat is released more actively. The process will become even richer if you drink a warm drink with honey and lemon. The skin pores will open wide. On average, during one visit to the bathhouse, a person loses 3-6 liters of fluid, which is replenished by drinking plenty of mineral medicinal water and drinks with honey and lemon.

Together with sweat, the body leaves the toxic substances that have accumulated during the period of illness. My health is gradually getting better. The person returns to his previous active state, he is cheerful and filled with the desire to live and create. Many describe the condition as general lightness.

Chronic fatigue: what to do when you have no strength even after rest

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April 08, 2020

The “just sleep” recipe does not help with the fatigue that has accumulated over the years or arises from stress. Usually behind it there is a set of problems that require systemic solutions. To find out about them, we turned to specialists from the Austrian center Verba Mayr.

Irina Khakamada , guest of Verba Mayr

“Energy is always in motion. And both a person’s brain, his soul, and his body, which must be maintained for endless energy, must always be in motion. You need to do this consciously, understanding that it is your tool for achieving success.

Many people work around the clock, pushing themselves hard for some large-scale goals, but ultimately this leads to absolute burnout. When the goals are achieved, it turns out that there is no longer any health, depression fills the entire soul and brain, and that’s where it all ends. Success is brain gymnastics, on the one hand, and on the other, a decent body that does not interfere with the work of the brain.

This in no way means a fanatical healthy lifestyle and constant diets and sports. The secret is balance and periodic breaks for respite and self-care.”

Adjust your sleep schedule

The increasing popularity of radical biohacking can cause serious harm to health. Characters like Elon Musk who advocate sleeping 30 minutes every six hours instead of getting a full night's rest completely fail to take into account that such dangerous practices are suitable for a small number of people.

Svetlana Kovaleva, a neurologist at the Verba Mayr center, is sure that circadian rhythms, which are responsible for sleep, are laid down at the genetic level, and for personal effectiveness, most people need a high-quality nightly six to eight hours of sleep.

It works like this: with the onset of night and darkness, the production of melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” is activated. In the morning, light enters the retina of the eye through the eyelids, and instead of melatonin, serotonin and cortisol begin to be produced - the same ones that “make you want to live and work.”

Moreover, at night, active production of somatotropin begins, which serves as a natural fat burner, and also triggers the anabolic process - the process of storing energy in cells. Following this program, proven over millions of years of evolution, is one of the most effective solutions for deep restorative sleep.

Falling asleep is also affected by the degree of fatigue: lack of activity during the day or, conversely, overtiredness can prevent you from falling asleep at the right time.

Good health and a stable psyche also support an established daily routine. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time - both on weekdays and on weekends. This way, the habit will be fixed in your brain, it will be easy for you to fall asleep and pleasant to wake up.

Take care of the functioning of the stomach and intestines

Dr. Alex Vitasek, president of the International Association of Mayer Therapists, pointed out that the causes of chronic fatigue are often due to digestive disorders. The same pursuit of high results and personal efficiency forces many to skip meals, spend minimal time on lunch, choose useless foods, overeat, or, conversely, eat too little.

Often the only opportunity to eat properly is late in the evening. Accumulated hunger and fatigue make it difficult to control appetite, which increases the risk of overeating, including sweets - the most accessible antidepressant. This overloads the gastrointestinal tract, interferes with sleep and proper rest, worsens well-being, and reduces the body’s protective functions and performance in the long term.

According to Vitasek, in order to get rid of chronic fatigue, it is important to normalize your diet: give up sweets and starchy foods, avoid gluten, eat foods rich in amino acids (Omega-3 and Omega-9) and green vegetables.

And so that all digestive processes are completed before going to bed, Alex Vitasek advises skipping dinner. Of course, such strict restrictions are a temporary measure.

When the problem of chronic fatigue is resolved, you can again introduce light and healthy dinners into your daily practice.

Get enough nutrients

Gastroenterologist Anna Borisova, in turn, suggests monitoring the correctness and balance of the diet. The problem with our diet is that eating habits have changed for the worse.

The basis of the diet began to consist not of useful and important microelements for the body, but of carbohydrates and “useless” food. Therefore, the first step to replenishing energy should be a diet rich in all the necessary elements.

In order to get them, the doctor advises adding the following products to the grocery basket: meat and poultry, fish, dairy products, nuts and, of course, fruits and vegetables. A varied menu is also important for good nutrition.

Optimizing your diet to some standard combination of “buckwheat - chicken breast - cucumber” will be a bad choice.

It is not enough to eat the same set of healthy foods: in this case, an excess of some microelements and a deficiency of others may occur.

To get what you need and feel energized, it helps to try new foods, experiment with recipes, and regularly update your grocery list.

Deal with internal conflicts

We can actually experience a lack of energy due to lack of sleep and poor nutrition. But our energy also goes into resolving internal conflicts. If you do what you don’t like or what seems unnecessary (in a personal or professional field) day after day, one day you may experience moral exhaustion, a feeling of depression and apathy.

This is a psychodynamic state that needs to be corrected through various mental practices, meditation, and working with a psychologist or psychotherapist. The body is a system that cannot be deceived.

And even if you convince yourself that everything is fine, but in reality it is not, he will respond to you with disruptions in the functioning of internal systems, increased anxiety and other unpleasant signals.

By resolving internal conflicts, you can set priorities and direct all your energy and motivation to what really matters to you.

Normalize energy exchange

“Energy cannot appear from emptiness and disappear into emptiness,” says the law of conservation of energy. It must be drawn from a variety of sources, and the body, in turn, is capable of absorbing the best that the environment and food give us.

All the resources it receives are processed into energy, the cells are enriched with oxygen, and the work of mitochondria is accumulated. With a lack or excess of glucose and fatty acids, which produce energy, a malfunction occurs in the body - an energy deficiency develops.

It brings constant fatigue, drowsiness, weakened immunity, so it is necessary to solve problems.

It’s easy to normalize energy exchange—proper and regular nutrition comes to the rescue again. An effective technique is playing sports: regular exercise activates necessary processes, enriches cells with oxygen and “restarts” the body. As a result, the energy level increases and your mood improves.

Restart immunity

The health of the immune system also directly affects our overall health and energy reserves: it is impossible to be active if you are always suffering from colds and walking around tired. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and excess of unnecessary medications weaken the natural barrier against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, its protective properties must be restored.

An effective way is to contact specialists who help the body recover at all levels. For example, at the Verba Mayr center there are two programs aimed at strengthening the immune system - “Detox + Immunity” and “Strengthening the Immunity”.

The programs were created by the center’s doctors in close partnership with colleagues from Austria and Germany and are aimed at an integrated approach in order to enhance the body’s protective properties.

Cleansing the intestines, removing toxins, stimulating the immune system through infusions and natural mechanisms increases the body's resistance to viruses.

Therapeutic nutrition, walks in the coniferous forest and light physical activity complement the effective program: they are useful for both the immune system and the nervous system. It is better to prevent diseases than to treat them.

Verba Mayr is an Austrian health center in the Moscow region. For those who want to find the true causes of their fatigue and restore strength for a long time, the center offers special programs lasting 3, 5, 8 or more days.

All center programs are based on the Mayer therapy method (Austria) - a therapeutic and health process of cleansing and restoring the body, which leads to a general improvement in well-being, strengthening the immune system and overall tone of the body.

Source: https://style.rbc.ru/health/5e81bf139a7947a3d908c17b

Beekeeping products: what else will help?

Doctors, explaining to those who are concerned about weakness after an illness how to recover, may advise using propolis as a means of improving immune defense, eliminating intoxication, and allowing the entire body to heal as a whole. Propolis normalizes impaired metabolism, which causes asthenia, and stabilizes metabolic reactions. More often, an alcohol tincture with a concentration of the active component of 10% is used. The tincture is taken 15-20 drops. The optimal frequency is twice daily, half an hour before meals. The product is washed down with warm liquid. You can use milk, your favorite type of tea, not brewed too strong. The duration of treatment varies about a month, after which a break of similar duration is taken.

Chronic fatigue and drowsiness: causes and treatment

A very common syndrome is chronic fatigue and drowsiness, the causes of which can be very different, including serious diseases of the body.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can occur in both women and men, and most often this disease worries people in the age group of 25-45 years. This condition can last for several weeks, or maybe for years.

If a person has had enough sleep, but drowsiness and fatigue still do not go away, it is time to consult a doctor, and you should not self-medicate.

Why does fatigue and drowsiness occur?

The modern pace of life, especially in large cities, leads to disruptions in the body, but for some reason many ignore this bell. Symptoms of chronic fatigue most often include drowsiness, lethargy, and general malaise.

The main causes of drowsiness and chronic fatigue:

  • Chronic lack of sleep. Lack of sleep has an extremely negative impact on health and concentration. An adult needs 8 hours for proper rest.
  • Apnea syndrome. Apnea greatly interferes with proper sleep, even if it does not cause significant discomfort. Sleep apnea can be caused by being overweight or smoking.
  • Lack of energy. When you are malnourished, you feel constantly tired, and this symptom also occurs when you eat the “wrong” foods. You need to try to balance your diet to maintain the desired blood sugar level. The breakfast diet must consist of complex carbohydrates and protein.
  • Anemia. Anemia is common in women, especially during the menstrual cycle. You need to eat more meat, liver, fish, grains, beans.
  • Depression. Depression is an emotional disorder that causes loss of appetite, headaches, and constant fatigue. In this case, you can contact a psychotherapist and undergo treatment with medications.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to obesity and a feeling of constant fatigue. Here you need to get tested, and if your hormone levels are low, take a course of synthetic hormones.
  • Caffeine. Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to neuro-reflex excitability, and as a result, drowsiness and constant fatigue. It is necessary to reduce tea, chocolate, coffee, and medications that contain caffeine in the diet.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI). With a UTI, there is a burning pain and a constant urge to go to the toilet, but these are obvious symptoms, and they may not always be present. To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a urine test. For treatment, antibiotics prescribed by the attending physician are used.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes causes cellular starvation; if a person experiences constant fatigue, it is urgent to get tested for diabetes. Treatment of this disease involves proper nutrition and insulin therapy.
  • Dehydration. CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) can cause dehydration, in which case you need to drink plenty of water so that the color of your urine is as light as possible.
  • Heart disease. With heart disease, a person feels constant fatigue. There can be no self-medication, strictly consultation with a doctor and medications prescribed by him.
  • Allergy. Food allergies can also cause fatigue and drowsiness, especially if these symptoms occur after eating. You need to determine which product you are allergic to and exclude it from your diet.
  • Fibromyalgia. If the fatigue is chronic and lasts more than half a year, it may be fibromyalgia. There are no quick solutions to treatment in this case, but the syndrome can be alleviated by changing your daily schedule, healthy sleep and exercise.

The causes of chronic fatigue and drowsiness may lie in the above factors.

A little about the symptoms

This disease has several symptoms, primary and secondary. The main symptoms are debilitating weakness even after proper rest, performance decreases.

Secondary symptoms are progressive malaise, sleep disorder, headaches, aching joints, drowsiness, low body temperature. Drowsiness and chronic fatigue syndrome leads to diseases such as narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep apnea.

With apnea, breathing becomes difficult, and most often such attacks occur at night. With narcolepsy, a person is overcome by attacks of daytime sleep; insomnia speaks for itself.

It is still impossible to exclude one possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome - the Epstein Barr virus, this is an infectious disease that is transmitted mainly through saliva; the virus can only be detected by doing a blood test.

In any case, if fatigue and drowsiness lasts more than 3 months, this is already a syndrome, and treatment is necessary.

Drug treatment

  • Treatment of chronic fatigue is quite complex, and an integrated approach is needed: Drug therapy + a balanced vitamin complex. The use of restorative drugs and physiotherapy is necessary. Massage, electrosleep, electrophoresis, therapeutic exercises are useful. Spa treatment is also useful.
  • Psychological therapy, a psychologist will correct habits and lifestyle, after which the emotional and mental state will normalize.
  • At the initial stage, treatment of chronic fatigue is possible with proper rest and sleep, and it is also necessary to avoid worries and stress.
  • For complex CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), you need the help of a psychotherapist and reflexology.


Chronic fatigue... Not everyone knows how to deal with it, and in addition to drug treatment, you can use traditional methods. Plants such as:

  • Hop;
  • Gotha;
  • Ginseng;
  • Leuzea;
  • Motherwort;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Cola;
  • Golden root.

But you need to be extremely careful, since these herbs can cause a number of side effects, and using them on your own without prescription and consultation with a doctor is highly not recommended.

Complex of vitamins and minerals for drowsiness and fatigue

If you are overtired and drowsy, it is useful to take ascorbic acid, that is, vitamin C, although a direct connection between a lack of vitamin and these symptoms has not been identified, ascorbic acid will help get rid of fatigue. This vitamin also stimulates concentration and performance.

Regarding the diet, it is useful to include citrus fruits, currants, greens, rose hips, and buckwheat. It is better to snack on fruit, but it is better to exclude sweets in the form of confectionery for now.

Brewer's yeast is very useful, it contains a lot of vitamin B; both baker's yeast and pharmacy versions are suitable. If it is baker's yeast, it must be steamed with hot water or milk.

Also, the body lacks thiamine, this is the same B1, the human body has it, but when drinking a large amount of coffee daily, it is lost, and it turns out that there is no point in drinking coffee for vigor. Coffee will only bring a short-term effect of vigor and activity, after which apathy and drowsiness will only intensify.

Drowsiness and fatigue will disappear with the use of aspartic acid and magnesium, so it is necessary to include legumes, vegetables, fruits, cereal seeds, dairy products, and nuts in your diet.

When white spots form on the nails, this indicates that there is not enough zinc in the body, and in this case it is useful to eat orange, pumpkin seeds, shrimp, raspberries, seaweed, cheese, and meat.

Zinc should be consumed in combination with other minerals to avoid excess, and it is better to consult a doctor.

Consulting a doctor will help determine which minerals and vitamins are missing in the body.

In order to maintain vitality, the mineral vitamin complex “Perfectil” will be useful; it equips the body with the necessary amount of red blood cells and iron, and magnesium and selenium, which are contained in the complex, help to avoid loss of strength.

Vitamins are a natural prevention against mood swings, irritability and fatigue.

Prevention of drowsiness and chronic fatigue

  1. At the workplace, regardless of whether the work is mental or physical, it is necessary to take ten-minute breaks every 2 hours; if the work is sedentary, then during the break you need to do a physical training session. When doing physical labor, on the contrary, it is better to sit quietly.
  2. On weekends, it is better to change your usual surroundings, go out of town or on an excursion.
  3. There is no need to force the body to sleep with sleeping pills. You need to walk more in the fresh air, and the most important thing is to properly distribute your free time. Taking 15 minutes to relax is very helpful and helps you unwind.
  4. It is necessary, if possible, to give the body a rest and sleep at least on a day off, with at least 9 hours of healthy sleep. If you can’t allocate that much time to sleep, you need to make it a rule to go to bed at a strictly defined time; if you normalize a clear schedule, 6 hours will be enough for your body.
  5. An interesting option to escape from depression and constant fatigue is to have an aquarium with fish at home, this has a positive effect on the mood and the human body as a whole.
  6. Do not overeat; overeating leads to drowsiness.

In any case, neglecting a medical examination is dangerous, since CFS can lead to anemia, immune disease, depression, hormonal imbalance and other dangerous chronic diseases. Be attentive to your health!

Source: https://sstress.ru/nadolgo/hronicheskaya-ustalost-i-sonlivost-prichiny-i-lechenie.html

Tested by practice!

As can be concluded from some publications, clinical observations were carried out on individuals who, after suffering an infectious disease, underwent a rehabilitation course with daily receipt of the described combination of products. These observations have proven that the systematic consumption of healthy and natural food allows you to cleanse the body of harmful compounds in just a week and restore health and vigor to a person. To do this, you need to eat honey with cheese and drink it with tea and lemon at least four times a day.

The described measure is extremely simple and accessible to everyone suffering from weakness after illness. What to do in such a situation is described above. If a person decides to resort to the described recipe and drinks at least four cups of warm lemon tea daily, eating it with natural honey, he significantly reduces the intoxication level and completely gets rid of asthenia. If the weakness is very strong, you can add a couple of tablespoons of Echinacea syrup to the tea. For one cup, 10 ml of this safe drug is enough. This combination is especially recommended if asthenia after infection is combined with depression. Echinacea is a plant enriched with a variety of beneficial substances, thanks to which the immune system becomes stronger and the body’s natural ability to resist disease increases. In addition, for severe asthenia, monofloral Echinacea honey can be recommended.

Vitamin diet

Since to this day scientists have not unequivocally proven that industrially produced vitamins are well absorbed by the human body, during the period of combating post-infectious asthenia, the menu should be diversified with products containing natural vitamins. Sprouted seeds and sprouts themselves are very useful. In this form they eat wheat and soybeans, pumpkin and lentils. A variety of root vegetables and their seeds, alfalfa seeds, and sesame are enriched with vitamins. To prepare a healthy dish, pour a small amount of seeds with clean water and wait a while until the sprouts appear. After this, you can use the product fresh. Salads are made with the seeds. A couple of tablespoons of wheat sprouts can be combined with the same amount of lentil sprouts and seasoned with olive oil. This portion is enough to provide the body with the daily requirement of vitamins. For greater effect, serve the salad with rosehip infusion or a drink with lemon and honey.

You should also include liver, egg yolks and citruses in the menu. Fermented milk products are useful. It is recommended to drink fresh juices and eat kelp. A useful drink for asthenia after an infectious disease is freshly brewed cocoa, the powder of which is enriched with substances important for the human body. Cranberries, ginger, and lingonberries help to quickly overcome weakness.

Author: Natalya Balagurova

Source: fb.ru

Attention to detail

If you are concerned about weakness after an illness in a child, as well as in an adult, you need to analyze the characteristics of the condition. Asthenic syndrome due to influenza or other infectious disease is a normal phenomenon, but only if it lasts no more than a couple of weeks. The symptoms of the condition, although unpleasant, do not bother the person much. The temperature should be approximately normal. If the weakness is very strong, you literally can’t move your leg or arm, then something is going wrong. The infection is likely still active, which means specialized treatment is needed. The doctor will select it, assessing the person’s condition and determining what the pathogen is and what will help against it.

Possible complications are indicated by weakness after illness, accompanied by headache. If a person regularly vomits, this condition may signal the onset of encephalitis. If, with asthenia, there is simultaneously pain in the chest, pericarditis can be assumed. It is possible to maintain a temperature of about 37.5 degrees for a long time when coughing and viscous secretions of a greenish or even brownish hue are released. These signs indicate a risk of pulmonary inflammation.

About the nuances

When asking doctors and healers how to get rid of weakness, how to restore strength after an illness, you should pay special attention to the recommendations of a course of treatment. You can combine the drinks described above, honey baths, and a visit to the steam room. In just a couple of weeks, a person’s condition will likely improve significantly. A sauna, accompanied by treating the skin with honey, very effectively improves the immunobiological qualities of the body. For maximum effect, the air temperature should be maintained at about 90 degrees (or slightly less). If you warm up the room even more, the effectiveness of removing toxic substances will decrease. The duration of the water procedure from the very beginning is up to 2.5 hours. During this time, a person must move from a heated zone to a cool one and back. Staying in the hot part should last 15-20 minutes. Staying in a cool zone is recommended for 20-25 minutes. To prevent sweating from stopping, people stay in this room wrapped in a sheet or wearing a robe.

When resting between visits to the steam room, driving away weakness after illness, you need to drink plenty of fluids. The best options are mineral water and a drink with honey and a lemon drop. Such drinking improves the quality and efficiency of the circulatory system, replenishes the loss of salts caused by sweat. Just a day after such a procedure – and the person’s condition is already noticeably improving. Your performance will be higher and your body’s natural defenses will be enhanced. Some doctors advise introducing such procedures in a hot bath as an element of the rehabilitation course after a serious infectious disease as a mandatory element.


The patient seeks help from a specialist when symptoms appear. Each person perceives them differently, so they can visit a psychologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, therapist or immunologist. The doctor will figure out the source of apathy and poor health and, if necessary, refer you to another specialist.

Manifestations of the disease must be distinguished from signs of other severe pathologies. For this reason, the doctor is described in detail about the symptoms and is told about taking medications. After an examination and medical history, the doctor will make a diagnosis.

In some cases, blood and urine tests may be required to rule out other pathological changes in the body. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the doctor will send the patient to take a test to determine hormones in the blood.

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