Stroke is an acute cerebral circulatory disorder accompanied by dysfunction of the central nervous system. It occurs as a result of negative environmental influences against the background of the patient’s existing chronic diseases. Timely medical care plays an important role in the treatment of circulatory disorders in the head, since only a qualified specialist is able to select an adequate list of drugs that will help a person with a cerebral stroke.
The rehabilitation period is also important. The consequences of cerebral lesions vary depending on their cause, the individual characteristics of the patient and the time that has passed since the onset of the first symptoms. For example, treatment for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes differs because they have different mechanisms. The same applies to the recovery period. Patients suffering from chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism or diabetes require ongoing maintenance treatment.
What to do before the doctors arrive
If a person shows signs of a stroke at home or on the street, you need to do the following:
- Place the victim on his back.
- Create an unimpeded flow of air (open the windows, turn on the fan, unfasten the top buttons, loosen the collar and belt).
- If nausea and vomiting begin, turn the patient's head to the side so that the vomit does not go into the throat and then into the bronchi.
- Place a wet handkerchief or a bottle of cold water or ice on your forehead.
- If the person is conscious, measure blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension usually always have pills with them. Therefore, if a patient complains of hypertension, you need to get and give him a pill.
Tablets for cerebral stroke should be prescribed by an experienced specialist as soon as possible after the first signs of a stroke. Therefore, be sure to call an ambulance. The patient’s life depends on the actions of doctors and the efficiency of people nearby at the time of an attack.
The doctor assesses the patient's condition and the severity of the attack. The task of emergency physicians is to quickly transport the victim to the hospital department. Along the way, blood pressure is measured and medications are administered to stabilize the respiratory and cardiac systems.
Effective medications for recurrent stroke
Doctors prescribe restorative drugs that have proven themselves in Europe.
The main active component of the drug for the treatment of stroke is citicoline, which improves metabolism in brain neurons. The substance eliminates cerebral edema, minimizing cognitive disorders, attention and memory impairment.
The drug accelerates metabolic processes in the cortical structures of the brain, improves the intellectual abilities of the victim. The patient's memory processes and speech activity are normalized.
Doctors prescribe this medicine for ischemic forms of pathology and lesions of the brain stem. The action of Gliatilin is based on increasing cerebral blood flow and improving metabolic processes in nerve structures.
The drug for cerebral stroke is administered even to those patients who are in a coma. The medication reduces the intensity of involutional processes.
The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of blockade, as a concomitant treatment of diabetes mellitus. The components of the drug are compatible with any medications.
The medicine stimulates the functioning of brain structures and is used for victims with any degree of brain damage.
Available in the form of injections and tablets. The medication increases tissue resistance to lack of oxygen and nutrients.
To improve the therapeutic effect, Mexidol is administered intramuscularly along with the use of Actovegin and Cortexin.
MASP-2 enzyme
Recently, an enzyme was synthesized that urgently helps to get rid of the consequences of a blow, provided that it is used in the first hours after the blow. An injection after a stroke is given in the abdominal area.
Innovative medicine minimizes post-stroke complications.
For recurrent stroke, thienopyridine derivatives are often prescribed. These include Clopidogrel and Ticlopidine. These contribute to a pronounced suppression of platelet cell aggregation.
The drug Ticlopidine is used twice a day, 250 mg. The medicine acts not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for prophylactic purposes, reducing the risk of recurrent stroke. Ticlopidine often causes gastrointestinal complications, skin rash, and diarrhea. Treatment in such cases is symptomatic. The drug Clopidogrel has chemical similarities with Ticlopidine, but is accompanied by less severe side symptoms.
Only a doctor should prescribe medication for a stroke. When selecting, take into account the characteristics of the general state of health and contraindications.
There are a huge number of medications prescribed to patients to treat the consequences of a stroke.
Which drugs are suitable for a particular person should only be determined by a doctor.
Under no circumstances should you self-medicate if you value your life and health. Let's look at the most effective medications after a stroke.
- Actovegin is prescribed to the patient to improve cellular metabolism. The drug stimulates intracellular glucose utilization and ATP metabolism. The energy properties of cells increase. Actovegin activates blood supply.
- Cerebrolysin is a drug that activates neurotrophic stimulation of nerve cells of the central and peripheral nervous system. Cerebrolysin helps activate protein synthesis in cells. Protects neurons from damage due to insufficient oxygen saturation. Improves memory.
- Piracetam well accelerates metabolism in the cerebral cortex and well increases brain interactive activity, improves memory.
- Pantogam helps control the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. This drug protects the brain from intoxication, has a mild sedative effect, and also has a moderate stimulating effect. Prevents seizures, reduces motor activity. Stimulates performance. Has an analgesic effect.
- Vinpocentine is a drug that activates blood circulation in the brain. It promotes vasodilation, oxygen saturation of tissues, thins the blood, and has neuroprotective properties.
In the hospital
A depressed state is not uncommon after a stroke. Very often (especially in cases of severe functional disorders, when a previously completely healthy person becomes disabled), depression requires consultation with a psychotherapist and treatment using a specialized group of medications.
The most popular is amitriptyline. It is prescribed at 25-75 mg per day. It not only treats depression, but also reduces the so-called central pain in paralyzed limbs, usually caused by damage to the thalamus.
Tricyclic antidepressant
Since the manifestation of unpleasant pain is a consequence of a previous illness, when considering the question of what medications are prescribed, it is worth noting that these are pills for headaches.
- MOVALIS is suitable for use in the initial stages of the development of the disease.
- Analgin has an effect and double action to relieve spasms and other phenomena.
- Aspirin is an inexpensive and effective remedy for relieving the syndrome.
- A group of diuretics will relieve stress from the head area and naturally remove excess fluid from the body.
All of these medications should be taken after a stroke in consultation with a doctor.
Treatment of an admitted patient begins in the intensive care unit, equipped with everything necessary. The arriving patient is examined by a neurologist, and, if necessary, by a neurosurgeon. Further medical actions depend on the type of disorder and its severity.
Medicines for hemorrhagic cerebral stroke with high blood pressure are aimed at relieving hypertension. The patient is given intravenous antihypertensive drugs at the doctor’s discretion:
- Dibazol.
- Hemiton.
- Benzohexonium and others.
The patient lies on a special bed: his head is slightly elevated, and a cold compress is periodically applied to his forehead.
To increase blood clotting, which is often reduced in hemorrhagic stroke, drugs that improve thrombus formation are administered. Therapy is carried out under the strict control of a coagulogram. Hemostatic agents are prescribed in small doses:
- Calcium chloride.
- Etamzilat.
- Vikasol.
With pronounced manifestations of atherosclerosis and hemorrhage in the subarachnoid cavity, drip administration of Contrikal simultaneously with Heparin is indicated.
Medicines for ischemic stroke work on:
- Ensuring blood flow to the brain structures.
- Formation of endurance in cells to oxygen deficiency.
- Normalization of metabolic processes in unaffected neurons.
As in the first case, the patient is provided with bed rest. Drugs are administered to improve blood flow and dilate blood vessels. For hypertensive manifestations, diuretics are prescribed to reduce swelling. Later, Heparin is used for therapy, which is then replaced with Phenilin or Dicumarol.
There is no specific medicine to treat brain stroke. There are only medications that help a person recover after an attack. Of course, hospital treatment is not enough for a complete recovery and getting rid of residual effects.
The patient may experience many pathologies:
- Paresis or loss of muscle tone in the limbs.
- Numbness in some areas of the body.
- Changes in sensitivity to irritants (cold, heat).
- Impaired coordination of movements.
- Partial memory loss.
- Speech disorder.
All this is the result of severe oxygen starvation of cells during a stroke. It is necessary to restore lost functions and take medications to avoid a second blow. The patient will need to undergo a course of vascular therapy, exercise therapy, and massage.
The doctor prescribes drugs after a stroke for the brain that improve metabolism:
- Nootropil or Piracetam, a time-tested cerebroprotective remedy, helps restore movement and speech.
- You can improve blood circulation and the functioning of the cerebral cortex with Glycine, Semax, Solcoseryl.
- Vinpocetine restores metabolic processes in neurons and normalizes impulse transmission.
- Pyritinol can speed up energy metabolism in the brain. It is used in the early stages of rehabilitation.
Medicines containing lecithin are prescribed. This substance helps stabilize the patient's condition and speed up recovery.
Vitamins and dietary supplements
After an attack, vitamins help cope with undesirable consequences. They strengthen vascular walls, stimulate tissue regeneration, and improve blood composition.
When intensive drug therapy ends, dietary supplements can be used. They contain plant substances with a nootropic effect:
- Tianshi capsules.
- Dorogov's drug ASD (fraction 2).
- Papaya attiva from Italian producers.
Strict adherence to doctors' instructions can increase your chances of recovery. No matter how effective and powerful the medicine is for cerebral stroke, it is necessary to observe its exact dosage and not exceed the recommended course duration.
The effectiveness of drug treatment
One of the options for treating ischemia in a limited area of the brain is drug therapy. Medicines are taken after a stroke for 3 main reasons:
- As a means of preventing a second strike. In this case, nootropic drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements may be prescribed to improve the blood supply to neurons with oxygen and nutrients.
- Pathogenetic technique. This method of therapy involves reducing the activity of pathological processes that lead to loss of function after a stroke. In the presence of cerebral vascular diseases, such drugs are constantly needed to treat the pathology and reduce the likelihood of developing a stroke.
- As a syndromic method of treatment. Drug therapy is aimed at accelerating rehabilitation. When using medications, cognitive functions, muscle tone, speech, motor coordination and psycho-emotional state are restored.
In the presence of acute pain and frequent vascular spasms, take painkillers.
After ischemic stroke
Ischemic stroke develops when there is an acute disturbance of cerebral circulation due to blockage of a cerebral artery by a thrombus or cholesterol plaque. As a result, a limited area of the brain does not receive nutrients and oxygen. In the first 2-3 hours after the development of ischemia, thrombolytics are required to break down blood clots and restore natural trophism.
The second most important are anticoagulant drugs to reduce the risk of developing a new blood clot:
- Dalteparin;
- Heparin;
- Aspirin;
- Nadroparin.
Anticoagulants can provoke the development of internal hemorrhage and hemorrhagic stroke if the following contraindications are present:
- damage to more than 50% of the central cerebral artery;
- ulcerative-erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- severe liver or kidney damage;
- high blood pressure readings.
For any type of stroke in a critical situation, neuroprotectors are prescribed. Such drugs for ischemic stroke (Ceraxon) reduce the area of tissue damage and improve the transmission of nerve impulses.
Important information: Symptoms and first signs of stroke in older women: consequences and chances of surviving at 80 years old
After a hemorrhagic stroke
Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blocked vessel ruptures. The pathology is characterized by hemorrhage in the brain and the formation of a cavity filled with blood. First of all, angioprotectors and hemostatic drugs are required. Among the latter are Etamzilat, Hemlibra, Cyclonamide.
To normalize blood pressure and stop the strong flow of blood into the brain cavity, Clonidine is used. If it is ineffective, drugs from the group of ganglion blockers are used for stroke: Dimecoline and Pentamin.
ACE inhibitors
Drugs for cerebral stroke, belonging to the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, can reduce vascular tone and normalize blood pressure:
- Captopril. Due to the short effect, it requires frequent administration (about 4 times a day).
- Enalapril. In addition to the ability to gently lower and normalize blood pressure, it improves blood flow and prevents the development of certain diseases.
- Lisinopril. It does not decompose in fatty tissues, which increases its effectiveness in obese patients.
- Perindopril. Promotes the restoration of large vessels.
- Moexipril. Has antihypertensive and diuretic effects.
!Treatment with ACE inhibitors is not combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and potassium-sparing diuretics.
First aid
To provide the necessary assistance for a stroke, it is important to know the signs by which it is determined. The first thing that worries a person is a strong and sharp headache. His speech becomes slurred or disappears altogether. At the same time, dizziness occurs, vision decreases, double vision or flickering of spots before the eyes is noted. The patient cannot distinguish someone else's speech, he is disoriented in space, and may lose consciousness. A person is usually bothered by nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is important to quickly call an ambulance, calm the patient and not show him your excitement. Then everything depends on the doctors.
The most common type of stroke is an attack caused by thrombosis. Due to factors such as poor nutrition, the presence of parasites in the body, impaired liver function and many others, the blood becomes thick and viscous. It does not pass through the vessels well, and over time a blood clot forms, which provokes a stroke. Therefore, first aid, which can be provided directly by a doctor, is to give the patient drugs that help reduce blood viscosity.
Below is a list of medications that are used in providing first aid during a stroke:
- Aspirin is used both before and after an attack to reduce the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. "Clopidogrel" effectively copes with its tasks, however, it has a number of contraindications and serious side effects, therefore it is only available with a doctor's prescription. Other drugs that prevent blood clots include Pentoxifylline. All of them help reduce the viscosity of biological fluid and improve cerebral circulation.
- Medicines that prevent blood clotting and the adhesion of blood clots are Heparin and Warfarin . Medicines are used in intensive treatment of stroke, as well as in first aid in the form of injections.
- If the patient needs surgery, the doctor takes a blood test for clotting and administers the drug “Fibrinolysin” or the like. This medicine helps prevent new blood clots from forming, but is only used during surgery.
- During a stroke, cerebral circulation is disrupted. as to reduce intracranial pressure and accelerate vascular regeneration, drugs such as Vinpocetine, Vasobral , and Eufillin .
- During the recovery period, medications are used that increase tone and normalize the permeability of capillary walls, improve the density of the vascular wall: “Ascorutin”, “Troxerutin ” and others.
- High blood pressure in the post-stroke period is lowered with Captopril, Enalapril or Clonidine.
- In the case of low blood pressure, hypertensive drugs are prescribed: Dopamine, Prednisolone, Gutron.
Tablets to improve blood circulation
Stroke medications to achieve these goals should be used with extreme caution to preserve vascular health. It is important to take into account difficulties with blood clots.
- A group of vasodilator tablets helps increase metabolism and stimulate blood flow in the brain.
- Herbal preparations, thanks to their natural base, are the safest and no less effective means.
- Combination drugs are used comprehensively and provide a beneficial effect on the body.
Stroke treatment is carried out under the supervision of a competent doctor, so he must be directly involved in this process and provide the necessary assistance.
Drug therapy
Rehabilitation after such an attack involves the use of medications. Before prescribing certain medications, the type of stroke, the area of the area of dead cells are determined, and the individual characteristics of the body are also taken into account. Treatment with drugs helps to slow down and even completely stop the destructive processes provoked by an attack. In addition, medications help restore brain tissue and eliminate blood clots that interfere with normal blood flow in the vessels.
Beta blockers and calcium antagonists
These drugs for cerebral stroke have a prolonged effect and do not cause serious side effects. These include:
- Losartan. When taken, the patient’s body is cleansed of sodium salts and uric acid.
- Valsartan. One of the most common means to combat arterial hypertension.
- Candesartan. It has a minimal number of side effects compared to other drugs that lower blood pressure.
- Irbesartan. Use with caution for aortic valve stenosis.
Drugs for the treatment of cerebral stroke in this category work to dilate blood vessels, reduce cardiac output, and fill the myocardium with oxygen. Often doctors prescribe:
- Atenolol is a cardioselective adrenergic blocker.
- Corvitol is a membrane stabilizing agent.
- Concor is a selective adrenergic blocker.
- Betaxolol is prescribed cautiously for angle-closure glaucoma.
- Nebilet is a common medicine for ischemia and heart disease.
Calcium antagonists are prescribed to older people suffering from hypertension and angina. Simultaneous use with ACE inhibitors makes it possible to avoid diuretics.
List of drugs used after a stroke
Beta blockers
- Bisaprolol, Atenolol, Propranolol, Metopralol, Practolol, Pindolol.
ACE inhibitors
- Captopril, lisinopril, perindopril, ramipril, enalapril.
Calcium antagonists
- Nifedipine, nimodipine, amlodipine, verapamil, diltiazem.
- Losartan, irbesartan, valsartan.
- Furasemide, torsemide, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone.
Cholesterol drugs
- Lovastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin.
Fibrates (rarely used)
Antiplatelet agents
- Aspirin, pentoxifylline, clopidogrel, dipyridamole.
- Warfarin, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, apixaban.
- Mexidol, Meldonium, alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine chloride.
- Magnesium, citicoline, cerebrolysin, glycine, nimodipine, piracetam, encephabol, phenibut, cavinton, memantine, actovegin, acetyl-l-carnitine, vinpocetine, gingko biloba extract, lemongrass, semax.
- Fluoxetine, paroxetine, amitriptyline, sertraline, duloxetine.
- Gabapentin, pregabalin.
What drugs are used for cerebral ischemia? The acute process is treated in a hospital and reperfusion therapy is carried out. For chronic ischemia, all groups of drugs listed above are used. The main thing is to consult a doctor, the presence of indications for use and the correct dose of the drug.
Addition! For attacks of vomiting and to facilitate the installation of a nasogastric tube for dysphagia, the drug Cerucal is used.
What medications can cause a stroke?
- — Tablets with caffeine (citramon);
- - Pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine (cold medications);
- — Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- - Antispasmodics.
We are talking here about drugs taken for self-medication. Uncontrolled taking of pills without doctor's recommendations and indications can lead to disaster.
Means for speech development
When choosing drugs against stroke, since speech is impaired in pathology, you should pay attention to drugs for speech, memory functions and attention.
- NOOTROPIC GROUP has a positive effect on the higher functional characteristics of the brain.
- ENCEPHABOL is a substance designed to improve metabolic processes in the brain tissue.
- PANTOGAM is a relatively “mild drug” that is useful in any cases of illness.
A person taking these medications should be under strict medical supervision and supervision.
Dietary supplements for stroke
Bioactive supplements are drugs with unproven effects. Unlike the drugs of official medicine, dietary supplements have not undergone clinical trials with the participation of volunteers. These funds lack medical statistics.
Therefore, in the acute period, such drugs are completely prohibited. You should not try to replace medications prescribed by your doctor with dietary supplements. During the rehabilitation period, the use of dietary supplements should be discussed with the neurologist who is caring for the patient. The same recommendation is relevant for preventive use.
Stroke therapy is an individual matter. Sometimes doctors have to try several different drugs, even complete analogues, in order for the patient’s condition to improve.
Recovery from circulatory disorders in brain tissue is a long, and in some cases, lifelong process. And the quality of his life and life itself depend on how carefully the patient follows the doctor’s orders.
There is no need to search on the Internet for “stroke injections” or “what medications and what to drink.” The main thing you must do is deliver the patient to a medical facility. And the best prevention of cerebrovascular accidents will be giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition and minimal physical activity.
Thiazide diuretics
In low dosages, diuretics are effective in treating hypertension. They reduce swelling of the vascular walls, increase the production and excretion of urine, which has a positive effect on blood pressure. In addition, most diuretics have a vasodilating effect.
- Hypothiazide. Promotes increased release of sodium and chloride ions, which entails loss of fluid by the body.
- Hydrochlorothiazide. Has a pronounced saluretic effect. In addition, it reduces polyuria in people suffering from diabetes insipidus.
- Indapamide. It has a hypotensive, vasodilating and diuretic effect.
- Arifon. Enhances the removal of salt from the body.
!For diabetes mellitus and renal failure, diuretics are not prescribed.
Medicines used after a stroke
Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants
Name of the drug (international) | Dosages, possible regimens | Indications | Contraindications | Price |
Acetylsalicylic acid | 75 mg, 100 mg 1 time per day | Prevention of thrombosis | Allergic reactions (bronchospasm in bronchial asthma), peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12th intestine | From 4 to 275 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Clopidogrel | 75 mg, 1 time per day | Prevention of thrombosis | Severe liver failure, allergic reaction, active bleeding | From 58 to 1400 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Ticagrelol | 60 mg, 90 mg, 2 times a day | Prevention of thrombosis | Hypersensitivity to the drug, bleeding of any location, severe liver failure | From 2,600 to 14,600 rubles, included in the list of free funds after a stroke |
Warfarin | 2.5 mg, regimen selected individually | Prevention of embolic complications | Bleeding of any localization, severe renal and liver failure | From 56 to 14 6 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Rivaroxaban | 2.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg regimen is selected individually for each patient | Prevention of embolic complications | Bleeding from any location, severe renal failure | From 1,500 to 10,000 rubles, included in the list of free funds after a stroke |
Dabigatran | 75 mg, 110 mg, 150 mg, applied 2 times a day | Prevention of embolic complications | Bleeding from any location, severe renal failure | From 1,700 to 10,000 rubles, included in the list of free funds after a stroke |
Apixaban | 2.5 mg, 5 mg, taken 2 times a day | Prevention of embolic complications | Bleeding from any location, severe renal failure | From 850 to 2570 rubles, included in the list of free funds after a stroke |
Antihypertensive drugs
Name of the drug (international) | Dosages, possible regimens | Indications | Contraindications | Price |
Amlodipine | 5 mg, 10 mg, dosage individually according to the scheme | Arterial hypertension | Aortic stenosis, pregnancy, arterial hypotension | From 110 to 200 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Bisoprolol | 5 mg, 10 mg, dosage according to individual scheme | Arterial hypertension | AV block, bradycardia, arterial hypotension | From 100 to 320 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Moxonidine | 0.4 mg, tablets are dosed individually | Arterial hypertension | AV block, bradycardia, arterial hypotension | From 88 to 500 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Name of the drug (international) | Dosages, possible regimens | Indications | Contraindications | Price |
Atorvastatin | 10 mg, 1 time per day | Hyperlipidemia | Individual intolerance, pregnancy/lactation, active liver disease | From 130 to 900 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Simvastatin | 10 mg, 20 mg once daily | Hyperlipidemia | Individual intolerance, pregnancy/lactation, active liver disease | From 200 to 240 rubles, included in the list of free remedies after a stroke |
Rosuvastatin | 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, once daily | Hyperlipidemia | Individual intolerance, pregnancy/lactation, active liver disease | From 230 to 1500 rubles |
Neuroprotectors and nootropics
Name of the drug (international) | Dosages, possible regimens | Indications | Contraindications | Price |
Actovegin | 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 200 mg tablets Regimen 2000 mg (intravenous drip) per day for 20 days with switching to tablet form 2 tablets * 3 times a day for up to 6 months | Post-stroke cognitive impairment and dementia, acute and chronic cerebral ischemia | Individual intolerance | From 300 to 1400 rubles |
Cerakson | Solution 1 ml, 10 ml for oral administration Scheme: 1000 m every 12 hours for the first 6 weeks, then 1 sachet 1-2 times a day depending on the severity of symptoms | Acute period of ischemic stroke, rehabilitation after stroke | Severe vagotonia, childhood, individual intolerance | From 600 to 1000 rubles |
Piracetam | 400 mg capsules or IV solution, regimen selected individually | Cognitive and vestibular disorders due to acute or chronic cerebral ischemia | Hemorrhagic stroke, severe renal failure, individual intolerance | From 70 to 140 rubles |
Cortexin | 3 ml bottles, dose selection is individual | Acute or chronic cerebral ischemia | Individual intolerance | From 750 to 1125 rubles |
Semax | Nasal drops 0.1%, dosage is selected individually | Acute and chronic cerebral ischemia | Convulsions, acute mental conditions, pregnancy and lactation | From 360 to 1500 rubles |
Sermion | Tablets 5, 10, 30 mg, individual regimen selection | Acute and chronic cerebral ischemia | Recent myocardial infarction, bradycardia, orthostatic dysregulation, bleeding, pregnancy/lactation, childhood | From 316 to 2300 rubles |
Cerebrolysin | Solution for injection 1 ml, the regimen is selected individually | Acute and chronic cerebral ischemia | Status epilepticus, individual intolerance, severe renal failure | From 1000 to 1400 rubles |
Mexidol | Tablets 125 mg, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day | Consequences of acute or chronic cerebral ischemia | Acute liver and kidney failure, individual intolerance | From 300 to 2300 rubles |
Combilipen | Ampoules of 2 ml, the regimen is selected individually | Painful post-stroke syndrome | Severe heart failure, individual intolerance | From 150 to 400 rubles |
Glycine | Tablets under the tongue 100 mg, first 1000 mg per day, then 2 tablets 3 times a day | Acute and chronic cerebral ischemia | Individual intolerance | From 26 to 100 rubles |
Interesting! Is it possible to take Omnic (tamsulosin) after a stroke? As a rule, a break in treatment is not required. It should be remembered that the drug can lower blood pressure. Dosage adjustment of antihypertensive drugs is required.
Constipation is a common problem for patients after a stroke. It is typical for people who are bedridden. It is recommended to adjust the diet, massage the abdomen, and gradually expand the motor regime. Among the drugs recommended are Lactulose, Bisacodyl, Fortrans for severe constipation. In case of fecal impaction, a cleansing enema is performed.
Addition! Can ascorutin be used after a stroke? As a drug for strengthening blood vessels, it has not shown its positive effect. In addition, large doses of the substance can cause kidney problems and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Treatment of insulin resistance
Diabetes mellitus is the main provocateur of strokes. To reduce glucose, hypocarbohydrate diets and hypoglycemic drugs are used. A monoscheme or a combination is selected by an endocrinologist. The following drugs are used:
- Glibenclamide;
- Gliclazide;
- Repaglinide;
- Metformin and others.
Antidepressants and sedatives
Treatment of depression is a complex and lengthy process that takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Psychotherapy is effective in the early stages. Tablet preparations are selected individually. Treatment begins with small doses, gradually increasing the concentration. It is important to assess concomitant pathology before prescribing the drug. Most often used:
- Amitriptyline;
- Fluoxetine;
- Paroxetine;
- Duloxetine;
- Escitalopram.
Many antidepressants relieve anxiety and anxiety, so they can be used as sedatives. In addition, with increased suspiciousness and anxiety, you can use valerian tincture, herbal preparations (novopassit). It is advisable to avoid medications containing phenobarbital (Corvalol).
The drugs are indicated as part of complex therapy for hypertension. Used for urinary tract diseases. After a stroke, your doctor may prescribe:
- Furosemide (to relieve swelling, for 1-2 days);
- Hypochlorothiazide;
- Veroshpiron;
- Torsemide.
Psychotropic substances
The consequences of a stroke sometimes affect the mental sphere. This affects the behavior of the patient or the well-being of his loved ones. In especially elderly patients, delusional or obsessive ideas, hallucinations, and causeless aggression may appear. Any psychotropic drugs are prescribed after consultation with a psychiatrist.
Interesting! Doctors recommend that the patient get rid of nicotine addiction after a stroke. There are tablets, sprays and lozenges for this. But here it is important to be careful and study the instructions. For example, Tabex is contraindicated if you have recently suffered a stroke. Treatment should begin no earlier than six months after the attack.
Anti-thrombosis drugs
The thrombus acts as the main cause of the formation of this disease, since due to its “fault” there is clogging of blood vessels. If blood clotting is increased, measures must be taken to stabilize the situation.
- TROMBO AC thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots, promoting brain activity.
- AVELIZIN - this drug helps dissolve blood clots in the internal and external parts.
- Heparin improves blood flow and makes the blood fluid even more liquid, while increasing the function of cerebral vascular resistance.
Each drug taken has its pros and cons, so it is worth consulting a doctor.
New drugs for stroke
Every year, new treatments for diseases come onto the market. And pharmacologists are trying to make each subsequent drug safer and more effective. Below is an overview of new drugs that are used for inpatient and outpatient treatment of stroke and its accompanying symptoms.
- Blood pressure medications are used to prevent stroke. Combination agents have the greatest effect. Such drugs have a prolonged effect and fewer side effects due to a reduced dose of substances. Acceptable combinations: amlodipine 2.5 mg or 5 mg + benazepril 10 mg or 20 mg (Lotrel), amlodipine 5 mg + lisinopril 10 mg (Equator), verapamil-sr 180 mg + trandolapril 1 mg (Tarka). Constant monitoring of blood pressure not only helps treat hypertension, but also reduces the risk of recurrent stroke.
- Cholesterol drugs are constantly criticized by the scientific community. And many patients refuse to take them due to severe side effects (muscle pain, increased liver enzymes). However, modern drugs allow you to take smaller doses of the drug with greater effect. Popular new drugs: rosuvastatin (Rosucard, Tevastor), atorvastatin (Tulip, Atoris), fluvastatin (Leskol Forte).
- A new effective drug for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks is ticagrelol (Brilinta). Its combination with aspirin can reduce the incidence of deaths due to strokes in patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart attack or stenting in history. However, it demonstrated a good safety profile with regard to bleeding risks.
- New anticoagulants also help prevent strokes. Among them are the drugs Xarelto (rivaroxaban). It is effective for the prevention of cardioembolic events (dose 15-20 mg), and for reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack and lower limb ischemia (2.5 mg twice daily + aspirin 100 mg). At the same time, the frequency of dangerous bleedings is significantly reduced when comparing the drug with warfarin. And also, rivaroxaban does not require routine laboratory monitoring of INR, as was required by the “old” anticoagulant.
- The risk of cardioembolic stroke can also be reduced by the drug dabigatran (Pradaxa), a new oral coagulant.
- Modern means for reperfusion (rapid removal of a blood clot from a vessel) make it possible to preserve the viability of brain cells. The clinic uses the drug Actilyse. It is effective in the first 4.5 hours (270 minutes) after the onset of an attack. Thanks to it, it is possible not only to save the patient’s life, but also to restore his ability to work.
Addition! Systemic thrombolysis and drugs for it appeared in the mid-90s in the USA. Meanwhile, in our country this method of treatment began to be used not so long ago. Therefore, thrombolysis can be classified as a new treatment method.
- Since 2007, the drug citicoline (Cerakson) has appeared on the Russian market. It belongs to the group of psychostimulants and other nootropics. Its action: improving the plasticity of neuronal membranes, enhancing cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism. Used for injuries, poisoning, acute and chronic cerebral ischemia. Has a relatively small number of side effects. It is prescribed both in the acute period of stroke and during rehabilitation treatment.
- The drug Semax was registered in the mid-90s. And the first studies and tests on animals were carried out in the 70s of the last century. Meanwhile, its popularity came only in 2005, when a production line for the substance was established at a Russian plant. The medicine is declared as a nootropic, is used in the form of a nasal spray and is a set of amino acids that are similar in structure to the hormone ACTH (but do not have hormonal activity).
- A big issue is the treatment of post-stroke pain syndrome. Typically, standard pain management regimens do not work for these patients. Recently, low doses of anticonvulsants have been used to treat patients. In 2004, a new drug, pregabalin (Lyrica), entered the market. It helps not only in the treatment of neuropathic pain, but also helps relieve hyperkinesis in patients after stroke. When taking pregabalin, sleep improves, anxiety decreases, and most importantly, it allows you to reduce the doses of other pain medications.
- Cipralex (active ingredient escitalopram) allows not only to treat, but also to prevent post-stroke depression. About 70% of patients suffer from this terrible complication to one degree or another.
Tablets for normalizing blood pressure
To restore blood pressure function, it is necessary to monitor its indicators, especially after a stroke. If hypertension is combined with this phenomenon, you should pay attention to taking the appropriate type of medication.
- ATENOLOL helps reduce blood pressure and influence the pulse.
- CLOPHELINE is a drug used to constrict blood vessels and thin the blood.
- CONCOR-COR is a new generation medicine that provides protection against high blood pressure.
Each tablet has its own contraindications, so before treating the disease, you should consult with your doctor.
In what forms is it better to use drugs after a stroke?
The dosage form of a drug is a convenient state of the substance that is added to the raw material. The following LFs are distinguished:
- Pills;
- Capsules;
- Sachet;
- Solutions.
Tablets are one of the most convenient and popular forms. All groups (with the exception of some neuroprotectors) have this dosage form. The most commonly used are blood pressure pills, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, and statins.
Capsules are also convenient to use and dose. Most often they produce antidepressants and anticonvulsants. For patients who have difficulty swallowing solid food, sachets are suitable. This is a soluble form that should be mixed with water and drunk. The neuroprotector Citicoline (Ceraxon) is available in sachets.
Drugs in solutions make it possible to carry out courses of therapy several times a year. They are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The results of the treatment are noticeable quite quickly. But injections or IVs require the work of medical personnel. In addition, any injection is fraught with complications (infiltrates, infections, hematomas, etc.).
Tablets for restoring arms and legs after a stroke
In the case of an ischemic stroke, treatment and recovery after an attack will depend on how competently first aid was provided and how quickly the patient was taken to the hospital. The basic treatment for a disease such as ischemic stroke is a timely call for an ambulance and the provision of all possible support before its arrival. The main goal is to maintain the vital functions of the sick person’s body.
When primary signs of a stroke appear, it is necessary to determine the type of stroke: hemorrhagic or ischemic, damage to the right or left hemisphere of the brain during an ischemic stroke.
According to the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe therapy and the patient’s medical card may indicate the following information: “hemorrhagic stroke - treatment..” or “ischemic stroke on the left side - treatment..”, in case of paralysis: “stroke paralysis of the right side - treatment must be prescribed following.."
It is necessary to normalize blood pressure, blood circulation and cardiac activity. It depends on this whether further treatment of a stroke in a hospital will be successful or not. In order to be able to help a stroke victim, you need to understand at least a little that a person is having a stroke - how to treat him will be decided by the doctors in the hospital.
When a stroke strikes a person nearby, you cannot hesitate. In this situation, treatment of a cerebral stroke begins with simple actions.
- Place the victim comfortably.
- Place a cushion or pillow under your head to ensure blood flow.
- Release your neck to make breathing easier.
- Measure the pressure and, in case of high pressure, give the patient blood pressure pills or give an injection, but do not lower the pressure too much. The pressure can be lowered by 20 units, no more.
Of course, without having a specialized medical education, you should adhere to the principle of “do no harm” and first of all call emergency medical help.
But situations are different and, as they say, “rely on an ambulance, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” Because doctors can get stuck in a traffic jam and have many important calls.
In this regard, there is no question of quick medical assistance. Therefore, you should still know what treatment for ischemic stroke should be provided - drugs that will stop or slow down the development of the consequences of a stroke - edema or blood clots that impair blood circulation, damage to brain tissue.
Oxygen starvation occurs in brain cells or they are damaged as a result of edema - this leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire body, failure and paralysis of some parts of the body. In what direction would treatment be most appropriate for ischemic cerebral stroke?
For stroke, drug treatment is a necessary element of successful treatment. The drugs that doctors recommend for stroke can be divided into several groups, acting in different directions.
Reviews about the drugs
Alexey, 58 years old, St. Petersburg
Suffered an ischemic stroke. I was on IV drips in the hospital for two weeks. At home I drank Mexidol and went for Cortexin injections. The doctor said that they help restore nerve tissue. My fine motor skills were impaired, so I took medication and did special exercises. A month after discharge, everything returned to normal.
Inna, 61 years old, Voronezh
I was admitted to the hospital with a hemorrhagic stroke. I spent a week in the hospital, I was given Heparin injections, IV drips, and took Enap. When I more or less came to my senses, I was discharged home. I still take pills to lower my blood pressure and feel much better with them. Additionally, I drink Glycine, it helps maintain good health.
For the speedy rehabilitation of the patient and improvement of cerebral blood flow, nootropic drugs for cerebral stroke are used. This:
- Aminalon is a psychostimulant.
- Pantogam has a relaxing effect.
- Piracetam has a positive effect on brain function.
Taking such medications improves memory and intelligence, increases resistance to hypoxia, injury, stress, and reduces the need of brain cells for oxygen.
What drugs are prescribed
Only the attending physician has the right to determine the list of medications that need to be used to treat a cerebral stroke. It is strictly forbidden to resort to independent treatment, because there is a high probability of complications or relapse.
The list of drugs for cerebral stroke is selected depending on the severity of the pathological process:
- At the initial stage of development of the disease, the first symptoms appear, on the basis of which appropriate medications are selected. Medicines are aimed at eliminating one or more signs of the clinical picture of stroke. Arterial hypertension requires antihypertensive drugs to normalize blood pressure. To improve cerebral circulation and neuronal trophism, nootropic drugs are prescribed. Against the background of stress or fatigue, sedative medications are prescribed. The duration of therapy depends on the patient’s well-being.
- If a stroke worsens in the first 2-3 hours, only those drugs are required that will help stabilize normal cerebral circulation. The most effective means in a critical situation are blood thinners. They reduce plasma coagulability and platelet aggregation, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis and complete blockage of small vessels. Thanks to the anticoagulant effect, in 95% of cases it is possible to avoid paralysis and prevent the recurrence of a stroke. Analgesics help relieve pain.
- After discharge from the hospital, drug therapy continues at home. In this case, it is necessary to take anti-stroke medications on an ongoing basis. If the patient develops a feeling of restlessness and anxiety about the possibility of a relapse, the doctor prescribes sedatives, mild antidepressants and drugs that improve sleep. You will need to take blood thinning medications for about 2-3 years due to the high risk of blood clots.
Only complex therapy with several drugs can restore blood circulation.
Important information: What is the pressure during a stroke and can an attack occur with normal (low blood pressure) blood pressure
Muscle relaxants
Stroke medications, which are necessary to relax skeletal muscles, are in most cases used as agents to restore motor function. By 3 months after the pathology, increased muscle tone develops, which provokes the occurrence of severe spasms and convulsions. As a result of the contraction of a muscle group, it becomes difficult for the patient to move. The patient experiences severe cutting pain. Therefore, treatment with muscle relaxants is aimed at eliminating hypertonicity.
Treatment with muscle relaxants lasts until the completion of rehabilitation measures to resume the patient’s motor activity. Muscle tone will return to normal on its own over time. Until this happens, do not stop taking the pills.
During the rehabilitation period, 80% of patients are depressed. This behavior is caused by the loss of certain functions and the loss of motivation to restore them. To improve psycho-emotional control, antidepressant drugs are prescribed after a stroke. They belong to the group of psychotropic drugs, therefore they are taken under the supervision of a doctor.
Anticonvulsants are medications designed to reduce seizure activity. When using this group of medications, you must be careful because they cause drowsiness, weaken memory, and cause severe weakness and frequent dizziness. Carbamazepine is prescribed as an anticonvulsant in 80% of cases, and Phenytoin in the remaining cases.
Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants
These medications for cerebral stroke are necessary to prevent relapses. Antiplatelet agents reduce the ability of platelets to stick together, thereby serving as a means of preventing thrombus formation. Anticoagulants are necessary to reduce blood clotting. Under conditions of increased viscosity in the blood, the likelihood of blood clots increases.
The most popular antiplatelet agents on the pharmacological market:
- Thrombo ACC;
- Aspirin;
- Heparin;
- Ticlopidine.
Injections into the abdomen with Heparin are carried out only by medical personnel.
Anticoagulants are prescribed to patients prone to increased blood clotting. The pathology is dangerous due to disruption of natural blood circulation. When platelet aggregation increases, there is a risk of blood clots and vessel blockage with subsequent rupture.
It is important to remember that when antiplatelet drugs are prescribed simultaneously with anticonvulsants, it is necessary to periodically donate blood for biochemical analysis. This need is due to the high risk of bleeding. The first signs of complications when taking 2 drugs will be:
- dizziness;
- gagging;
- causeless appearance of hematomas on various parts of the body;
- diarrhea.
Important information: What are the contraindications to thrombolytic therapy (thrombolysis) for ischemic stroke
If symptoms develop, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors
Stroke medications are complemented by neurometabolic cerebroprotectors, the main task of which is to stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the central nervous system. The second name for medications is nootropic drugs or neuroprotectors. The use of this group of drugs makes it possible to eliminate some pathological processes: ischemia, cerebral hypoxia, intracellular intoxication after necrosis. Cerebroprotectors allow you to increase glucose consumption by neurons and stimulate the metabolism of nucleic acids.
Clinical studies have proven that after a stroke, vitamins can speed up the rehabilitation process. In this case, the dosage should be adjusted by a specialist depending on the diet and laboratory parameters. In case of drug abuse, hypervitaminosis is possible. Vitamins are prescribed in the form of injections for stroke. The following groups are most effective:
- vitamin A - stimulates cell growth and division, increases tissue regeneration;
- thiamine and riboflavin stabilize blood pressure, improve neuron function and cerebral circulation;
- ascorbic acid activates the regeneration of the vascular endothelium and promotes the formation of new vessels;
- Vitamin D maintains the amount of formed elements within normal limits, preventing the blood from thickening, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
- Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and prevents the development of oxidative reactions caused by free radicals.
dietary supplements
Dietary supplements made from natural products can be taken at all stages of stroke therapy. In the first 1-2 months, medical specialists prescribe dietary supplements to improve cerebral circulation and accelerate tissue regeneration processes. Over the next 6 months, biological supplements help correct deficiencies in the diet and replenish the supply of microelements in the body.
In the first few months, the main task for the patient is to normalize the functional activity of the digestive and immune systems. Therefore, nutritional supplements are essential for recovery after a stroke. Dietary supplements, along with other medications, must be taken under the supervision of a physician.