Why is a guy so jealous of his girlfriend?

Why are men jealous?

It's not uncommon for guys to be jealous of their girls.
Some girls like it and others don't. There are even girls who are turned on by it. In fact, jealousy is good in moderation. And when a guy is very jealous, it infuriates. Where does jealousy come from? And why is the guy so jealous? In this article we will provide answers to presentation questions. In order to understand this issue, you need to understand feminine and masculine nature. The girl is the keeper of the family hearth. Women by nature need a strong and reliable shoulder. We need a male breadwinner who will protect the family from external threats. Men love freedom very much. And any encroachments on freedom will be met with hostility. The most interesting thing is that they allow themselves things that a girl is not allowed to do. Let's say you drink beer with friends, go fishing and be late from work.

When there is love, there is such a feeling as jealousy. It's hard to imagine a couple who have never been jealous of each other. But if such a feeling is excessive, then it spoils the relationship. Resentments, conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings in general begin.

Jealousy is a negative feeling that occurs when you feel a lack of attention. This is especially evident if this attention is paid to other people by a loved one.

Now let's look at the feelings that prompt a man to be jealous:

1. Sense of ownership. Gender equality emerged in the 19th century. Until this time, a man had more rights. And the woman was considered almost his property. In some countries there is still no equality. Therefore, it is in the guy’s genes to perceive the girl as something of his own and he does not want to share with her. People still say the following phrase: “Who is she after? “She’s behind him (husband’s name).”

2. Feeling of fear . Fear of losing you. What if you like someone else? Or you will cheat on him. But he loves you, what to do next. These are the thoughts that are spinning in the guy’s head. And as a result, strong negative emotions arise.

3. Selfishness. Guys have ego in this regard, like children. Imagine two harmful children and a mother. If mom plays with one, then the other gets offended. After all, he wants all the time to be devoted to him. And if the second child took his toy without his asking, then there is a general emergency.

In fact, the feeling of jealousy is inherent in everyone. This is normal, but it's good when it's in moderation. This is what you need to convey to your loved one. Explain to him that jealousy only destroys relationships. In love, you need to compromise and, for the sake of the common good, be able to give in. Therefore, collect arguments and facts that will clearly show the guy that there is no point in being jealous. Teach him how not to be jealous.

What is jealousy between a man and a woman and vice versa?

What is jealousy? How is jealousy different from possessiveness? And can a man love a woman, but not be jealous of her?


Jealousy is a manifestation of feelings of inferiority and one’s own complexes. Why is a person jealous? Because he is afraid that his partner will find someone better, prettier, smarter, taller, stronger, more well-read, etc. Of course, the easiest way is to tie him to a stool, put on a burqa and, every 10 minutes, start scandals on the topic: “Who did you call? Who did you chat with? Why did you arrive 3 and a half minutes later than usual? We sat with some friend (some friend) in a cafe and what did we talk about?” Well, further in the text. And it is much more difficult to learn to love yourself, value yourself, get rid of complexes and not stoop to the above.


Jealousy sometimes is not only the death and destruction of the lover, but often kills love itself, especially when it gives rise to indignation: after all, *jealousy* is so inflated by this offspring of its own that it pushes away love and begins to neglect the object, and even ceases to consider it its own object.


NO, Ladies and Gentlemen….JEALOUSY (within moderate limits) is first of all Love….nowadays some guys have no male solidarity at all…I can’t be sure that if my girlfriend says no to the guy, they will leave her alone…I will to be jealous...after all, this is a manifestation of love (one of the types)


A man’s jealousy is still very close to the feeling of possessiveness. With a woman it’s a little more complicated, rather it’s closer to the feeling of not being imitable or something, or how else to say it more precisely, I don’t even know... But in any case, these two are a little different jealousy...no, there are, of course, general aspects....:)


Jealousy is the feeling of a selfish person who has a great sense of ownership and loves only himself very much, and cannot forgive his woman for anything that she wants to allow herself to at least go out in public or go to a restaurant with a friend, i.e. no freedom. This feeling is destructive for both women and men and everyone suffers from it Mikhail


Jealousy is the passion of the wretched, afraid of loss, the fruit of our rotten morals and the right of ownership of who we have... A woman rarely forgives men for jealousy and never forgives its absence... If in one case jealousy proves love, then in another case it proves just the opposite ...


This is, first of all, a feeling, a very difficult feeling that one person experiences for another. He/she himself is tormented by this feeling and the path of resonance, provided that people are open to each other on a resonant basis and torment each other... Of course, you can live without feelings of jealousy, you are in peace, or better yet, in Love, in Bliss... PS this feeling is imprinted on the child before the age of 7, as a rule from the parents, and subsequently it is difficult to get rid of it...

Mixoh vshchischwoodschm

I agree with Maproxa. If spouses or partners love each other, they will trust. But on the other hand, if they truly love each other, they will try not to give their loved one a reason to be jealous of others. For example, what will my beloved think about me if I’m gone for unknown reasons all night, and in the morning I come back with traces of lipstick on my face, or something like that. If you have decided on your loved one, then it is better to stop flirting with others. I am of this opinion


the feeling of jealousy and the feeling of ownership are one and the same. only the names are different, teaching a man not to be jealous is very difficult, but it is possible, provided that he is madly in love. I was taught at the time. learned to be jealous to such an extent that he could even forgive her for sex with another. But this is a double-edged sword, this sex with someone else turned into betrayal. That is, not sexual betrayal, but spiritual betrayal. Maybe there is some meaning to jealousy

Why is a man jealous?

Jealousy is a complex issue that can easily cause turmoil in relationships between people. Jealousy does not come alone. This is usually accompanied by contempt and hatred. You should avoid jealousy at all costs. There is nothing good or useful in jealousy. But why is a man jealous? These jealous people mix jealousy with love. Jealousy in men arises from a possessive and exploitative approach towards women. Even when a man is not dating a girl, he may be upset because someone else is dating her. Read the following guide to learn everything you need to know about men and jealousy.

Low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem can easily be confused with high self-esteem, since their symptoms are practically the same, but if in the first case a man seems to be a king, then here he will feel like an unnecessary nonentity waiting for the worst turn of events (as if he is a participant in the competition, knowingly believing that will be the last), that's why a man is jealous.

A jealous person, day after day, keeps in his mind the thought that he will never be lucky, that he does not deserve better, that such a sweet, educated and beautiful girl like you cannot truly fall in love with him, that you are pursuing some benefit by being married to him and one day, having received yours, you will definitely leave the family.

He will feel like a victim and fervently believe it, without having the desire to make an objective analysis of his behavior. If you pay attention to another man, talk to him, then the husband will perceive this action as a desire to copulate on the side. In this case, behavior can be both whiny and aggressive. Usually this works in such a way that a loving woman begins to justify her behavior, empathize and show the ardor of her feelings.

Why is a man jealous?

Love is not defined by jealousy

When you love someone, you should not try to control the woman or try to possess her in any way. Unfortunately, men love to own women and demand submission. Why is a man jealous? This may be due to historical and social reasons. Nowadays, in the era of feminism, when women are liberated from submissiveness, many men find themselves confused when they do not have enough woman for themselves. The truth is, you cannot and should not control the person you love. Moreover, you cannot love and control at the same time. If you control someone, it shows that you have no love. If a man is very jealous, then there is no love here.


So why do men get jealous? There are many reasons for jealousy in men. For starters, men think that if a woman is free, she can refuse, cheat, or hurt them in other ways. This is why men try to control women. Thus, men deprive women of their freedom in order to remain safe. When a man controls a woman, he takes responsibility for everything that might happen. In other words, men are jealous because they consider women's freedom to be dangerous to them.

By controlling women, men have the opportunity to control everything themselves, using a woman for pleasure and comfort, while avoiding risks. Men become possessive out of fear that they might lose a woman. However, paradoxically it proves that they care about women and love them. Denying women's freedom shows that jealous men are selfish and actually love themselves, not their women.

True love is voluntary. If a woman wants to be with another man, then there is no love. So why try to keep a woman on your side if she doesn't love you? If she really loves you, there is no reason to be jealous. However, jealousy often appears without any specific reason.

The opposite of love

Jealousy is the opposite of love. How does a man get jealous? With men who behave badly, jealousy is to blame. Jealousy destroys mutual understanding. Because men think they are better equipped to know what is best for women. Logically speaking, jealous men love themselves through their women. This is why jealousy is unethical. Jealous men use women as a means to achieve their goals. To be ethical, you need to allow the other person to decide for themselves. How can you love and be jealous at the same time? This is impossible because loving a woman means allowing her to act as she wants. Any other behavior imposed on men by women makes love insincere. And insincere love is not love.

Is jealousy normal?

According to recent statistics, more than 65% of men reported that they have been jealous at some point in their lives. One might wonder if all people are predisposed to jealousy. A historical reference to the patriarchal age may help explain why most men may feel jealous. The patriarchal age is one of the causes of jealousy in men. The will of men to possess and exploit women by possessing their freedom can be explained historically.

Why are people jealous? In the past, society existed in a patriarchal paradigm. Men weren't so jealous because they owned women. In our time, modernity has given women freedom. This could lead to men suffering from jealousy because they are no longer calling the shots in the relationship. Therefore, the existence of jealousy is normal because it is widespread and historically justified. Moreover, people have been jealous throughout human history. Take, for example, Shakespeare's Othello, the most famous story about jealousy. Believe it or not, but, paradoxically, a person can love and hate a person at the same time.

Although some men may be naturally jealous, they have no control over it. You can't just make a decision and start being jealous. It's more like a disease that ignores the desires of men. In other words, people are not jealous on purpose. However, pathological jealousy in men must be confronted and challenged. Jealousy is a feeling of unsatisfied desire. In fact, this desire cannot be fulfilled without violating ethics. You need to fight jealousy, fight it and come to terms with the way things are.

In general, jealousy often accompanies love. When you love someone, it's hard to see someone else getting what you can't have. It is an irritating, depressive, traumatic and stressful condition. Jealousy is the way your mind deals with such a situation. In other words, you are as sad as anyone who didn't get what they wanted would be.

Why is a man jealous even if you are not dating?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Why am I jealous” of a girl I haven’t dated? This means that you want to date this girl. You may not be in love with her yet, but you are definitely interested. Now that you know why people get jealous, you must understand that possessiveness doesn't work for you. You can't attract a girl or start dating her because of jealousy. This will only push the woman away from you. Nobody likes jealousy, although most people become jealous at some point in their lives.

Why is a guy jealous of a girl he's not dating?

In this article, psychologist Evgenia Dvoretskaya answers the question “Why is a guy jealous of a girl he’s not dating?”

Jealousy is a complex issue that can easily cause turmoil in relationships between people. Jealousy does not come alone. This is usually accompanied by contempt and hatred. You should avoid jealousy at all costs. There is nothing good or useful in jealousy. But why is a man jealous? These jealous people mix jealousy with love. Jealousy in men arises from a possessive and exploitative approach towards women. Even when a man is not dating a girl, he may be upset because someone else is dating her. Read the following guide to learn everything you need to know about men and jealousy.

Why is a man jealous?

When you love someone, you should not try to control the woman or try to possess her in any way. Unfortunately, men love to own women and demand submission. Why is a man jealous? This may be due to historical and social reasons. Nowadays, in the era of feminism, when women are liberated from submissiveness, many men find themselves confused when they do not have enough woman for themselves. The truth is, you cannot and should not control the person you love. Moreover, you cannot love and control at the same time. If you control someone, it shows that you have no love. If a man is very jealous, then there is no love here.

So why do men get jealous? There are many reasons for jealousy in men. For starters, men think that if a woman is free, she can refuse, cheat, or hurt them in other ways. This is why men try to control women. Thus, men deprive women of their freedom in order to remain safe. When a man controls a woman, he takes responsibility for everything that might happen. In other words, men are jealous because they consider women's freedom to be dangerous to them.

By controlling women, men have the opportunity to control everything themselves, using a woman for pleasure and comfort, while avoiding risks. Men become possessive out of fear that they might lose a woman. However, paradoxically it proves that they care about women and love them. Denying women's freedom shows that jealous men are selfish and actually love themselves, not their women.

True love is voluntary. If a woman wants to be with another man, then there is no love. So why try to keep a woman on your side if she doesn't love you? If she really loves you, there is no reason to be jealous. However, jealousy often appears without any specific reason.

Jealousy is the opposite of love. How does a man get jealous? With men who behave badly, jealousy is to blame. Jealousy destroys mutual understanding. Because men think they are better equipped to know what is best for women. Logically speaking, jealous men love themselves through their women. This is why jealousy is unethical. Jealous men use women as a means to achieve their goals. To be ethical, you need to allow the other person to decide for themselves. How can you love and be jealous at the same time? This is impossible because loving a woman means allowing her to act as she wants. Any other behavior imposed on men by women makes love insincere. And insincere love is not love.

According to recent statistics, more than 65% of men reported that they have been jealous at some point in their lives. One might wonder if all people are predisposed to jealousy. A historical reference to the patriarchal age may help explain why most men may feel jealous. The patriarchal age is one of the causes of jealousy in men. The will of men to possess and exploit women by possessing their freedom can be explained historically.

Although some men may be naturally jealous, they have no control over it. You can't just make a decision and start being jealous. It's more like a disease that ignores the desires of men. In other words, people are not jealous on purpose. However, pathological jealousy in men must be confronted and challenged. Jealousy is a feeling of unsatisfied desire. In fact, this desire cannot be fulfilled without violating ethics. You need to fight jealousy, fight it and come to terms with the way things are.

Actor play.

The psychology of a man’s jealousy in an acting performance is no different from a woman’s, but why are men jealous in this format? Everything can be explained simply - lack of attention, long-term coldness radiated by a woman. Whatever one may say, a man is also a person and needs love, support and care. Let us note the fact that the care of everyday life does not fall here, since everyday life is, first of all, taking care of things, household items, and men themselves are able to prepare food or order delivery.

Why is a man jealous even if you are not dating?

Often men get jealous thinking they love someone. However, although love and jealousy go hand in hand, you cannot love and be jealous at the same time. So, for example, if you really like a girl who is dating someone else. You must have the strength to let her go. If you truly love someone to the point of being jealous, you must confront your jealousy and allow the woman to be happy. You really don't want to date someone who doesn't want to date you. It would be insincere and hypocritical. You will not get any pleasure or happiness from this.

You don't have time because you are intent on possessing women or preventing them from being with anyone else. Feminism and women's emancipation are a reality. Women are no longer subservient to men. You have to accept equality and make a woman decide for herself whether she wants to be with you or not. And you must be strong enough to cope. That someone you like might not want to date you. It can be painful, stressful and traumatic, but you have no other choice. So, deal with it and stop being jealous.

Jealousy is a disease. It makes you obsessed with a woman you're not even dating. This is called brooding because your entire existence is focused on a particular woman whom you are jealous of. You are hurting yourself by doing this. It's like seeing a cake in front of you that you can't eat. Imagine someone eating in front of you when you can't get a bite to eat.

Imagine that you are very hungry. That's what jealousy does to you. It is draining and works the same way as stress. In fact, jealousy can lead to stress and depression. So, the next time you ask yourself why men get jealous, keep in mind that they suffer in this way. Suffer because they can't get what they want. Seeing someone else get it just makes things harder. You have no choice but to deal with it for your own sake.

In general, now you know the most important things about jealousy. Men are historically predisposed to jealousy. This is because they have dominated women in the past but can no longer do so. The emancipation of women made them equal to men. Therefore, you cannot and should not attempt to possess, possess, or exploit women. You shouldn't be jealous of a girl you're not dating. This reduces your chances of meeting her. Jealousy pushes people away and causes chaos in relationships. If you're not dating someone you want to date, you automatically become jealous. Confront your jealousy and remove it at any cost. Good luck!

Love and jealousy, although they often go through life together, are still not faithful neighbors. Love is love, and jealousy is jealousy. If a guy really loves, he understands everything and tries not to poison her life with his suspicion. How to understand that a guy is jealous and learn not to give a reason to the jealous person? Let's try to figure it out together. Psychologists have identified the most common causes of jealousy:

The idea of ​​idealizing relationships.

Sometimes the psychology of a man’s jealousy can be inexplicable, sometimes you live like in a barracks, all the time waiting for new rules, plans and orders. There are husbands who are pedants (people who want to see the ideal in everything), so, idealizing the concept of family, everything should be according to plan, and if not, a scandal begins, which, by the way, can be followed by divorce proceedings.

A wife must be decent and consistent in everything, she must stick to the plan, if she is 2 hours late after working out at the gym, this is already a reason to think that she was with another man, that is why the husband is jealous, including a different picture of reality in his head, because a woman is not called and did not report the previous delay.

How to understand that a guy is jealous - recommendations from a psychologist

Even the most successful guys are sometimes pathologically afraid of rumors, gossip and scandals. Such jealous people are frightened not so much by the fact of betrayal as by its publicity. Connoisseurs of a good reputation are often inclined to vigorously sort things out. If your guy is one of these shy types, be mentally prepared for family scenes.

How can you tell if a guy is jealous? You will unmistakably understand this as soon as you notice that your phone, social network profiles and email are regularly checked. Your jealous person is persistently looking for evidence; you must do everything possible to ward off offensive suspicions.

Reasons why a guy is jealous

But what to do if we are faced with the problem of jealousy? Why did the guy become jealous? Let's deal with the issues that concern us in order.

The reasons for jealousy in guys can be very diverse.

Let's highlight the most common ones.

There have been bad relationships in the past. If a guy didn’t work out with his ex, she didn’t want a relationship with him, cheated on him, etc. - then the guy will feel discriminated against. Constant worries will accompany your relationship.

To solve such a problem, you need, first of all, time and your sensitivity. A guy needs your affection and care like oxygen. But, don’t make yourself a nanny! You should have time for yourself and your friends.

The girl has a large number of friends. Especially if these are male friends and your boyfriend doesn't know them well. He begins to come up with a rather vivid scenario for the development of the walk, if you just said that you met a friend by chance and went to a cafe to drink tea.

Treat the scenes of jealousy that occur as a natural experience. Tell more about what you think about this or that friend, how you met, what you talk about most often. The best solution would, of course, be for your boyfriend and friends to meet in a free space.

If a guy is jealous, it means he is an owner. He tries to control you, even from a very long distance. You are already tired of constant calls and texts, but he still says that he is jealous. This is one of the reasons why possessive guys get jealous: the idea that you could be with someone other than him (and it doesn’t matter to him who is next to you, a guy or a girl).

Mistrust. We earn every person's trust through our actions, but there are people who do not trust anyone. Even to your loved ones. The guy gets very emotional about your trips to the club or walks with your friends without him, even if he doesn’t tell you about it.

Be honest with your boyfriend, let him know that he is important to you. Girls, talk to your boyfriends. Let them know what you expect from them, tell them more often how wonderful they are, and then there will never be jealousy in your relationship.

Almost all girls accept the jealousy of a young man as a pleasant addition to the expression of his emotions - if jealousy manifests itself, it means he loves him strongly. There is some truth in this statement, but only too insignificant, since jealousy is considered a destructive and destructive feeling.

Objective reason for jealousy in men.

What's not to like about every person who has been promised fidelity? Of course, a settled man will not want to share his betrothed with someone on the horizon, so he will begin to feel a sense of anxiety about the loss of love, which is why the husband is jealous of his wife even without having children together. Natural causes include any type of woman’s behavior that denies the institution of family and marriage:

Objective grounds can also include head injuries, if the man’s psyche was damaged and this fact is documented.

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