How to take revenge on your boss, top 10 most sophisticated ways

What to do if your boss is a tyrant and how to put him in his place: advice from a psychologist

Unfortunately, sometimes in our lives we come across tyrant bosses who constantly ignore the opinions of their employees and do everything at their own discretion, sometimes even humiliating or insulting their colleagues.

Receptive and more educated people sooner or later have a question: what to do in this case? How to behave correctly? And, perhaps, the most important thing is how to determine that the director is not just a strict boss, but a stupid tyrant?

7 signs of such a leader

  1. The director rejects other people's projects without justified criticism , simultaneously commenting on your mental abilities in an unflattering way.
    In the spirit of: “Just look at this, I won’t even read this nonsense,” “Do you even know what you’re doing here?” and so on. Thus, he only dumps his anger on his subordinates, but one cannot expect any constructive proposals from him.
  2. Employees do not communicate with the manager. They try not to get noticed, don’t go into his office, decide all important issues behind his back, so as not to accidentally anger him.

    This is a completely abnormal situation: the boss should not be an executioner, but a senior comrade to whom you can come for advice.

  3. The boss holds “planning meetings” during non-working hours : for example, late in the evening or on a weekend. For what? The answer is simple: to distract subordinates from their well-deserved rest and at the same time check who is ready to sacrifice their personal life for the sake of his whim. Such sacrifices bring true pleasure to the tyrant. Those who do not agree with the rules of the game may be punished by losing their bonus.
  4. The boss loves toxic phrases that damage your self-esteem. You will never get praise from him: work done correctly will be a reason for a condescending nod, but not for a bonus or promotion.
  5. You realize that work has long become hard labor for you , from which you do not enjoy. Even completed projects leave a bitter aftertaste and a feeling of dissatisfaction.
  6. The boss has a certain retinue of followers who agree with him in order to remain “at the trough”. They also inform him of rumors about other employees, and the tyrant listens to them.
  7. And finally, the director is extremely hot-tempered and even boorish : he cannot control himself during a conflict, showing unprofessionalism. This is a sign of self-doubt.

How to work with a tyrant man?

I will give here recommendations that will help you choose the right model of behavior. Meanwhile, gifts on his birthday and February 23 will help you win the boss’s favor.

  • Based on common gender patterns of behavior, male leaders tend to be more rational . They listen to the voice of reason. Try to provide a compelling reason why their behavior is unacceptable. For example, because long conversations interfere with the work process.
  • A male director will react more sharply to a competitor who decides to take his place one way or another . Therefore, during a heated argument, do not try to outshine your boss or convince him of something. This will only make him angry. Offer your own options more correctly and gently.
  • Do not deviate from your chosen position . Men evaluate the actions of others more logically and value consistency. If you criticize your boss's idea, go all the way and defend your thoughts - this will gain more respect.

How to behave with a tyrant woman?

Now let's talk about the characteristics that are characteristic of women in leadership positions.

  • Women tend to analyze a person’s inner motives more than his specific actions . Therefore, it is extremely important to earn the “credit of trust” from the boss and win personal sympathy. Then almost all office “storms” will bypass you. To win favor, I recommend choosing a good gift for a female executive on her birthday.
  • Try not to react to scandals and hysterics from your boss . You must remain absolutely calm and neutral. If the boss does not see a response from you, she will quickly calm down and, probably, begin to talk in a more acceptable form.
  • Don't give in to provocations . Firmly declare your job responsibilities to the team and perform only those tasks that you really can do. ATTENTION !! Don’t waste your energy and time on useless showdowns - only care about the end result. If it is impeccable, no one can blame you.

Advice from a psychologist - how to protect yourself and how to put yourself in your place?

Constant hassle at work is, unfortunately, becoming commonplace. In psychology you can find advice that will help you find justice for the tyrant director and protect yourself from his anger.

  1. Constant surveillance . This means that you must take control of the emotional climate in the office. Since the atmosphere at work depends entirely on the boss, try to predict when the next outburst of anger will begin. This will make your life much easier: at the right moment you will be able to withdraw yourself, prepare the necessary papers, or simply prepare yourself for an important conversation.
  2. Try to identify the weak points of your “enemy” . Every person has a set of topics that they would like to avoid. Monitor your boss's reactions to any micro-topics in the conversation - and after a while you will get a slight advantage that allows you to resist the tyrant. As soon as he raises his voice or gives another ridiculous order, you bring up a topic that is unpleasant for him. This will make him become calmer.
  3. Break established patterns of behavior . If the director is again sitting opposite you and scolding you, try to do something unexpected: for example, suddenly drop documents from the table or even spill water - the main thing is that another object enters the field of his attention. You will see, the aggressor will immediately become confused, because until that moment he was directing aggression towards you, and suddenly everything changed dramatically. Do this every time, and eventually the boss will stop showering you with reproaches.
  4. Understand that the main purpose of your stay in the workplace is salary and self-development .
    Constant stress is not specified in the employment contract. The fact that your manager likes to make trouble and upset the nerves of others has nothing to do with you. You don't have to live in a state of war. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels, shouting, and swearing. ADVICE . Treat your boss like a sick person - with pity and understanding. Yes, you sympathize with him, but you don’t want to “sick” like him.

Is it worth trying to get rid of an unwanted boss?

There are several ways that will help you get out of the situation with dignity or annoy your boss. Which one to choose is up to you, since each case is unique.

  • You can continue to work in the same place, but start ignoring the boss . Walk around the office, run errands, develop new projects, and then go home, not paying attention to the swearing and shouting around. This is not the worst way, but it requires nerves of steel and high professionalism from the employee. However, remember that an unhealthy atmosphere in a team cannot but leave its mark on your nervous system.
  • The other way is more aggressive. You will have to openly tell the director that you do not like his rules . From this moment on, an endless struggle for a place in the sun will begin, from which you are unlikely to emerge victorious. For one simple reason: from a formal point of view, the boss has an advantage from the very beginning. CAREFULLY ! The boss can simply fire you: you will be right, but unemployed. Are you ready for such a turn of events?
  • The next option is a device . When things start to get tough, you shouldn’t fight, but just trust your boss and do as he asks. This is not a particularly productive or useful method. However, sometimes he can help you out - for example, in situations where issues are being resolved that you do not understand.
  • You can still compromise . Voice reasonable terms of your potential agreement: perhaps the director will change his anger to mercy and listen to the opinion of his subordinate and begin to communicate more respectfully.
  • And the last option is constructive cooperation . Nobody hurts other people's interests, each person works as expected. Perhaps this is the ideal relationship between boss and subordinate - strive for it!

Watch the video, which gives advice from a specialist on how to deal with a tyrant boss:

After all, if you feel unbearably bad at work, you can always quit and find a better place. You shouldn’t endlessly endure the inadequacy of others: remember that you are a first-class specialist and deserve the best.

Sometimes a change of team transforms a person beyond recognition - who knows what talents you can discover in yourself?


How does the ritual work?

Revenge on the offender-boss at a distance in the photo.
Usually, a photograph or personal item of the person who needs to be punished is used to carry out the ritual. Ideal if you can get hair. It is the hair that carries the genetic memory of a person and is filled with his energy.

That is why, when there is hair left on the comb, it is recommended to burn it. So that no one can cause damage or harm in any way through the curls.

Punishment rituals are aimed at invading human bioenergy and destroying it. A bad leader will never be able to guess who caused the damage.

Tyrant boss: how to behave, deliverance, signs

Relationships between subordinates and superiors do not always work out well. Arbitrariness or stubbornness of management disrupts the calm atmosphere in the work group and interferes with its effective work.

The type of manager who does not allow the team to work well

Getting rid of a boss who behaves willfully and disrespectfully is very difficult. Such management survives gradually: employees cannot expose their boss, but they can show his incompetence.

Control type

If the boss is a tyrant, then unhealthy competition develops in the workplace.

The rules of business communication come from management, and if management neglects them, it is difficult to build proper interaction between the work group.

It is even more difficult to behave with a tyrant boss, as with higher management; logical arguments are not taken seriously: initially the employee is at a disadvantage.

The thinking of the tyrant that the work group is trying to get rid of is based on his personal complexes and feelings of inferiority. By belittling the people dependent on him, the boss asserts himself and rises in his own eyes. He is inappropriately autocratic and not objective about everything that happens.

He is irritated by the employee’s qualifications and his incompetence - in the tyrant’s head there is a picture of how everything should happen, and if reality differs from expectations, he shows unacceptable capriciousness. A tyrant finds fault with his subordinates, imposes unfair punishments, and humiliates an employee whom he does not like for subjective reasons.

Correct employee behavior

You can't openly try to get rid of management

What to do if your boss turns out to be a tyrant? This question is asked by employees who are directly dependent on a manager with questionable management methods.

First of all, the employee needs to understand that it is impossible to act without permission in response to the incorrect behavior of senior management.

Open confrontation will only harm the company’s employees, and the tyrant will get out of it and get away with it. How to behave if your boss is a real tyrant:

  • reserved;
  • make important decisions carefully;
  • hedge your bets, make deals and hold meetings in the presence of witnesses;
  • In front of senior management, treat your superiors with respect and respect.

If subordinates are trying to overthrow an incompetent leader, it is necessary to think through a secret strategy. The primary task of employees is to maintain their place and not lose their position. You cannot complain about your superiors to senior management: in modern companies, denunciations are not welcomed and are punished.

It’s also not worth flirting with the fight against a tyrant. First of all, the employee must be responsible for his duties, and only then deal with the way of working life. If the bosses do not harm the employee’s work process, before declaring war, it is necessary to weigh all the risks and assess your chances of defeating the tyrant.

Psychologist's advice

To resist management, an employee needs support and resources: time, money, additional consultations. Build intrigues that do not bring any results - a waste of time. Useful tips for subordinates:

  1. If you need to change management, there should be no complaints against employees - assigned duties must be performed impeccably.
  2. All members of the work group must work together. This is the only way to overthrow an unwanted boss.
  3. You cannot be mean to your superiors. Rumors about the behavior of subordinates will reach the new management, and there will no longer be respect on their part.

Psychologists advise: if you cannot put up with such a boss, you should fight him without belittling your own dignity. Combat subordinates can influence the composition of the leadership only by thinking through safe tactics.

First, an idea and a plan are thought through, and only then action

It is important to maintain a business style in communication, even if your superiors cause bewilderment or irritation. The behavior of employees as employees should not be questioned by the employer.

Observation and patience

Difficult situations that overshadow the work process should be dealt with correctly. At first, you need to observe tyranny: if his behavior is temporary, associated with personal problems or troubles, it is better to forgive the willfulness of the leadership. If a person humiliates subordinates for pleasure, he does not deserve his position.

Observation will help to calculate the correct plan for further actions: you can find the weak points of your superiors, collect dirt on them or evidence of their incompetence. You need to be careful with despots; such people always prepare escape routes. Patience will help you act rationally and not make emotional mistakes.

Dealing with negativity from bosses

If management's behavior does not change, the employee needs to prepare for a serious confrontation. This struggle is more difficult for a woman who fights for equal rights with her male boss. Sexism demeans the worker, and such views from management make her vulnerable to the entire work group.

Signs that you need to start fighting a tyrant:

  • the boss does not take into account the advice and competent arguments of employees;
  • a manager imposes unfair punishments;
  • the boss belittles the merits of his subordinates and puts them in an unattractive light in front of the company management.

It is difficult to come to an agreement with a tyrant, and sometimes it is not possible to find a constructive solution at all. The boss is on his own, he does not consider it necessary to listen to advice. In case of failure, the tyrant finds someone to blame - the one he likes least. The entire working group must fight such decisions without fear or fear.

The struggle is based on the incompetence of the bosses - which means that in order for him to be fired or demoted, there must be real evidence, supported by documents. Until all the evidence has been collected, it is impossible to express the radical position of subordinates in relation to the tyrant.

Objection and opposition

The correct objection is an appeal to superiors, which is devoid of emotion or aggression.

If management's decision is not clear to an employee, he has the right to ask for an explanation. The dialogue is conducted in a courteous manner and in front of witnesses.

If in response the boss shows disrespect or starts shouting, the employee politely asks to follow the rules of business communication (their basics are spelled out in the employment contract). You cannot enter into an unequal dispute, otherwise the employee himself will suffer, and the boss will avoid punishment.


You can punish a tyrant only through higher management. It is important to maintain subordination: disrespect for your superiors does not give reason to belittle or insult him. If violations of business communication come from a tyrant, it is better to record such facts and file a complaint at the official level with the trade union or the company manager who deals with personnel issues.

In case of harassment or obscene hints, such facts cannot be concealed - an appeal to the company management is made in writing, outlining all the details of the incident. Sexual harassment and humiliation of an employee based on race or gender differences is a serious reason for a fine or dismissal from management.

How to be safe

The basis of the fight against tyrants is relationships in the team. If they are trusting and reliable, the confrontation will not be fruitless. The more a person is involved in a problem, the easier it is to convey the general idea. Belittling your subordinates is the only weapon a tyrant uses, so all employees must know their rights.


Collect incriminating evidence

But still, the boss is not necessarily the director of the company; in relation to his subordinates, he can also be the head of the department. In this regard, not only the owner of the company, but the director of the enterprise (naturally, if he himself is not one) can fire the boss from his job.

The next method is probably the most common option for firing your manager. It consists of collecting incriminating evidence against him, and the incriminating evidence can be either directly related to the professional activities of the boss or to his personal life.

You can dispose of the collected incriminating evidence in different ways, depending on its content and your goals. The main ways to use incriminating evidence to fire a boss from work are as follows:

  • go to the boss and declare that if he does not write a letter of resignation of his own free will, then the incriminating evidence will be transferred to senior management, law enforcement agencies, or simply be disclosed;
  • transfer available information to the prosecutor's office, police authorities or other government agencies;
  • immediately transfer the available incriminating evidence to a senior manager or owner of the company;

The first option is the simplest, since if successful, the desired result will follow almost instantly, but it is also the most dangerous, since your actions may be perceived as blackmail, and this is already a criminal article against the employee himself who wants to remove the boss.

Your plan is especially likely to fail if the material collected is not of critical importance to the manager. In this case, it is quite likely that your actions will turn against you.

The second option, contacting law enforcement and regulatory authorities, seems quite correct and legal. But only it can harm not only your immediate boss, but also the company as a whole. And the leadership, naturally, won’t pat anyone on the head for this.

The boss will most likely be fired, but with a high degree of probability we can say that the next in line to be fired will be the employee who transmitted important information to government agencies.

The third option, with the transfer of information to the top management of the company, seems the safest and most correct. No matter how things turn out in the future, in the eyes of the director or owner of the company you will earn an additional bonus, and if your information reveals the boss’s fraudulent schemes, then, probably, the goal of his dismissal will be achieved.

But here it is worth considering one more situation: the owner of the company and your boss may be connected with each other in fraud. In this case, an attempt to denigrate the manager in the eyes of the owner will again hit you.

How to deal with a tyrant boss?

Relationships between subordinates and superiors do not always work out well. Arbitrariness or stubbornness of management disrupts the calm atmosphere in the work group and interferes with its effective work.

Getting rid of a boss who behaves willfully and disrespectfully is very difficult. Such management survives gradually: employees cannot expose their boss, but they can show his incompetence.

If the boss is a tyrant, then unhealthy competition develops in the workplace.

The rules of business communication come from management, and if management neglects them, it is difficult to build proper interaction between the work group.

It is even more difficult to behave with a tyrant boss, as with higher management; logical arguments are not taken seriously: initially the employee is at a disadvantage.

Observation and patience

Difficult situations that overshadow the work process should be dealt with correctly. At first, you need to observe tyranny: if his behavior is temporary, associated with personal problems or troubles, it is better to forgive the willfulness of the leadership. If a person humiliates subordinates for pleasure, he does not deserve his position.

Observation will help to calculate the correct plan for further actions: you can find the weak points of your superiors, collect dirt on them or evidence of their incompetence. You need to be careful with despots; such people always prepare escape routes. Patience will help you act rationally and not make emotional mistakes.

If management's behavior does not change, the employee needs to prepare for a serious confrontation. This struggle is more difficult for a woman who fights for equal rights with her male boss. Sexism demeans the worker, and such views from management make her vulnerable to the entire work group

Signs that you need to start fighting a tyrant:

- the boss does not take into account the advice and competent arguments of employees; - the manager imposes unfair punishments;

- the boss belittles the merits of his subordinates, portrays them in an ugly light in front of the company management.

It is difficult to come to an agreement with a tyrant, and sometimes it is not possible to find a constructive solution at all. The boss is on his own, he does not consider it necessary to listen to advice. In case of failure, the tyrant finds someone to blame - the one he likes least. The entire working group must fight such decisions without fear or fear.

The struggle is based on the incompetence of the bosses - which means that in order for him to be fired or demoted, there must be real evidence, supported by documents. Until all the evidence has been collected, it is impossible to express the radical position of subordinates in relation to the tyrant.

Objection and opposition

If management's decision is not clear to an employee, he has the right to ask for an explanation. The dialogue is conducted in a courteous manner and in front of witnesses.

If in response the boss shows disrespect or starts shouting, the employee politely asks to follow the rules of business communication (their basics are spelled out in the employment contract).

You cannot enter into an unequal dispute, otherwise the employee himself will suffer, and the boss will avoid punishment.

Features of the ritual

Here it is worth touching on the moral side of the issue. When a conspiracy is struck out of a desire for revenge, it carries the most powerful force. But won’t your conscience begin to torment you later when problems and troubles begin to attack your boss? It will be impossible to stop the conspiracy process. However, this is all lyrics.

The magic to punish an offender from a distance lies in sending a powerful energy message to the irritant. You can punish your boss in various ways:

  • For loss of money, financial difficulties;
  • For deteriorating health;
  • To problems in personal life;
  • Discord in the family;
  • To go on a binge, etc.

The ritual is carried out according to the punishment that the offender deserves. After the ritual, it is imperative to carry out a cleansing protective ritual in order to protect yourself from a magical return.

A conspiracy to punish a boss is considered black magic. The stronger the feeling of hostility and anger, the more dangerous the consequences for the one to whom the damage is sent. The ritual is aimed at blocking the enemy’s forces, at torment, illness, suffering, but not at death. Any magic of this nature will not be fatal to the enemy. The magic is aimed at punishing the boss, but not destroying him.


It is worth paying attention to an important factor! The boss is damaged only if he was actually wrong. The punishment must be justified.

Magic against human malice can only be used if you are right. It is not recommended to punish the offender if you provoked the dispute yourself, since the damage can be turned against the one who inflicts it.

If the boss is a tyrant, advice from a psychologist

Bullying, mobbing, bossing - all this is about office bullying. If the boss shouts and humiliates, then this happens with the permission of his subordinates. Don't let anyone treat you the way you don't want to. How to follow this advice in practice?

If the boss screams and humiliates the advice of a psychologist

The first option is not to work with such a leader. Because a tyrant leader always needs subordinates - victims. Find a new job. It’s normal to leave a workplace where you feel bad. The second option is to try not to let your manager tyrannize you.

The manager must understand from your behavior that you will leave if his behavior remains unacceptable to you. • The goal of the aggressor is to get you emotional and force you to make a mistake that will be used against you. Remember this.

• Analyze your conflict resolution strategies.

Did you choose the most effective strategy in this particular case or is it better to act differently based on the situation?

• Stop the attacks immediately. Do not look for an excuse for the offender (his family is not going well, the deal fell through - so he is not in the mood). If you allow yourself to be shouted at, it means they will shout at you. Always respond to attacks. Lack of reaction only increases aggression. • Never make excuses at the moment of aggression. Your desire to soften the situation, to resolve it with a compromise at this stage will be perceived as weakness.• Translate communication into a written format, for example, e-mail, corporate chat, this will provide you with evidence.• If there are video cameras at work, communicate with the aggressor under them, and not in office areas where they are not available.• Report the situation to Human Resources. They have the tools to resolve the situation. In many companies, the ethics of interaction at work are documented. And its violation leads to an order to impose a disciplinary sanction on the company. If this measure does not help, penalties and dismissal may be applied.

• Talk to your manager, describing your feelings using the “ I Statement ” method. For example: “It’s very difficult for me to listen to swear words every day. I understand that our work is difficult. But when I hear profanity, it seems to me that our relationship with clients is completely negative.

Please don't use obscenities. It’s very difficult for me to get into the mood for productive work with a client, I make fewer calls than I could and our department loses sales, and we receive a bonus.”

Such a statement will work more effectively than statements: “You have no right to swear at work” or “Your swearing at your employees is rudeness.”

• When planning a conversation, use the guided dialogue . In the correct form, write everything you plan to say to your manager. Next, think through all the boss’s possible responses to each of your phrases. Prepare your answers to each possible statement of the manager. An example of your first statement: “I always get confused when you yell at me and then I can’t come to my senses for a long time.” Option 1 of a possible answer from the manager: “I had a hard day.” Your answer : “Yes, I understand, today there really was an unpleasant situation with a client. I'll be glad if we try to speak in a calmer tone. I am sure that we will be able to find a way to retain the client.” Option 2 of the manager’s possible answer. “I speak in a normal tone when employees work with clients “without mistakes.” Your answer: “Yes, I agree with you that this is very important. Let's discuss the current situation in a calmer tone. I have two suggestions as to how the situation can be resolved.” Option 3 of the manager’s possible answer. “In a calm tone, I have already explained our policy of working with clients. But apparently no one understands anything in a normal tone.” Your answer: “Indeed, you have already talked about how to work with clients. It is very unfortunate that the unpleasant situation with the client repeated itself. Now it is very important to resolve the client’s issue as quickly as possible so as not to lose him. Let's calmly discuss this. I have a couple of suggestions.” Etc.

• Analyze your own behavior and its impact on conflicts. Example from practice. Oksana (name changed) works as a salesperson and is a sales leader. But the relationship with the store administrator did not work out and it became simply unbearable to work.

Since Oksana was satisfied with everything else (schedule, salary), and the owner was satisfied with the results of Oksana’s work, she was transferred to another store. But even in the new store, Oksana began to have conflicts with her immediate manager.

Conflict analysis revealed that in both situations Oksana used the same model of behavior: “complain” to the owner about the administrator, talking about his “shoals”. According to Oksana, she did this to improve the store’s performance.

At the same time, Oksana remembered that she had done this before, because at her previous place of work, the director of a retail chain called employees for conversations in order to clarify the situation at the outlet and encouraged such “reports.”

Realizing this and realizing that at the current place of work such behavior inevitably leads to conflicts, Oksana and I came up with a decision to initially discuss the situation with the immediate supervisor, and not run to report them to the owner. This is an example of how important it is to understand your role in a conflict in order to form a harmonious working relationship.


1. Do not use phrases in dialogue: “You are mistaken”, “You are wrong”, “You did not understand me”, as they shift the dialogue from the essence of the issue to clarification of interpersonal relationships. It’s better to say: “I agree that this option exists, however...”, “Allow me, I’ll explain with other examples.”2. Remember that “If you criticize - suggest, if you suggest - do, if you do - answer.”

Therefore, tell your manager that you disagree with him when you think of an alternative solution to the issue. In such a dialogue, the following work effectively:• numbers, facts;• successful examples of how a similar solution worked effectively in similar situations;• identifying weaknesses in the manager’s position and refuting them.

This will undermine the credibility of the opponent's position as a whole;• arguing in favor of the manager's point of view. This will let your opponent know that you have a good understanding of the situation. After this, you can argue against his point of view;3. Consider how the decision will benefit the manager and the company;4.

If your point of view is still not accepted, remember that it was not you who received the refusal, but your proposal.


Job exchange in your city

“By reduction of staff” By law, this is the main method of dismissal in cases of financial and other problems at the company. Attention: if the employer has not completed all the formalities required for dismissal due to staff reduction (see below), the employee may apply to the court for reinstatement. If he wins, the employee is paid the average salary for the entire period from the date of dismissal to the day the court decision is made. According to the rules, dismissal should proceed as follows: Employees are notified of the upcoming layoff at least two months in advance, against receipt. An oral announcement of staff reduction at a general meeting does not count! The employer offers candidates “on the fly” all the vacancies available in the organization. The employee is paid severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings. If within a month the unemployed does not find a new job, then the average earnings for the second month are paid. You can also receive earnings for the third month: if within two weeks after dismissal the employee registered with the employment service and was not employed by it for two months. Article 77, don't forget about it. In addition, the benefits that certain categories of employees have by law when staffing is reduced must be respected. Also keep in mind that there are employees whom the Labor Code generally prohibits from laying off! These are: - pregnant women; - women with children under three years of age; - single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age, as well as other persons raising such children without a mother. CONCLUSION: For employees, staff reduction is usually the most favorable dismissal option. The exception is workers who receive most of their salary in cash. These people receive a modest severance pay based on their official earnings. + TIP: you can agree with your employer that you will be fired earlier than two months after notice (see above). In this case, additional compensation is paid: based on the employee’s average earnings in proportion to the time remaining until the expiration of two months after the notice of layoff. This option is beneficial to employees whose earnings depend on output if, due to the crisis, it is falling every day.

We recommend reading: Official Salary of a Working Disabled Person of Group 3

How to resist a tyrant boss

“There are two types of bosses - tyrants and nuggets. The second ones are not yet visible,” M. Zhvanetsky likes to joke. Today you rarely meet a reasonable, wise, mature leader who is respected by the entire team.

Most often, a pathological aggressor (“joker”, psychopath) ends up in power, towards whom the team experiences hostility, fear and other negative emotions.

What should you do to avoid becoming an object of nagging from your tyrant boss and maintain your self-esteem?

How to put a tyrant boss in his place

A tyrant leader acts only according to his own whim, discretion, and views, humiliating and devaluing his subordinates. It’s really difficult with such a boss, since he often contradicts himself, ignores other people’s opinions, is fixated only on his own person, is rude, and breaks the chain of command. Either an absolute phlegmatic person or a real madman can work this effectively.

Dismissal statistics prove that the “superior-subordinate” relationship occupies one of the highest levels in decision-making about changing jobs. So what to do if a person falls under incompetent management? How to resist a tyrant boss?

Aggressive boss

An aggressive tyrant violates other people's boundaries, invades personal space, does not respect the team, gets personal, insults subordinates, screams, gives orders in a rude manner, etc.

How can you not behave with an aggressive, tyrant boss? Aggressively respond. Yes, I want to interrupt the angry, undeserved tirade, point out my rights, call the upstart back, point out his shortcomings and mistakes, and deliver a decisive ultimatum. But this is a fiasco if you want to keep your job. A tyrant does not forgive such an attitude towards himself from a subordinate.

Patience and wisdom will help to put such a leader in his place.

First rule: wait until the end of the angry monologue. Has the boss let off steam? Next is your move: “You’re right, this should have been done differently, I’m sorry.

This will be corrected in the near future and this will not happen again. Your harsh tone is not at all necessary in this situation; it only distracts me from my official duties.

Please, let's focus on work and not make things so tense."

Second rule: rebuff an aggressive tyrant boss only in private. If this happens in front of a team, the boss’s pride will still be destroyed, no matter how carefully you choose your words. And with pride, the subordinate will also be destroyed. Decide for yourself.

Boss with passive derogatory attitude

Such tyrant bosses, instead of openly insulting them, find fault with their subordinates in a veiled manner. This is manifested in a sarcastic tone, an offensive joke, derogatory notes in the voice, ironic remarks, and a mocking tone when addressing an employee.

“Zinaida, there’s a corporate party in a week, but rest assured, we will combine this event with a meat processing plant so that you definitely have enough food,” “Lyudmila, did you accidentally drop your crown when you got off the trolleybus?” “The team, from now on this is not Roma, and Roman Viktorovich. Today he reminded me of his two higher education degrees.

Well, dear, from now on, I will bring you coffee in the morning!”

Frankness and perseverance will help put a tyrant boss in his place. Pretending that these jokes are harmless or unnoticeable is a failed strategy. This way the disrespect will only grow. All you need to do is tell your manager how you feel and explain the situation.

“Nikolai Petrovich, such statements addressed to me bother me, and I don’t like such treatment” or “You said that I would fit perfectly into the Mausoleum team. What is meant by this statement?

Your culture and rationality makes you invulnerable and boring to further nagging of a tyrant.

Your tone should sound confident and your speech should be correct. If this is a calm dialogue without prying ears, you will have every chance to establish contact with your boss.


If not only you, but also other employees of the company or department are dissatisfied with the actions of your boss, then there is a real opportunity to use such an effective means against him as sabotage. Sabotage can be carried out in both hidden and open forms.

In the first case, this will be expressed in the regular disregard of the boss’s orders while creating the appearance of their execution and in the failure of the tasks assigned to him.

In general, the main goal is to create an environment in which either the boss himself will write a letter of resignation of his own free will, realizing the impossibility of managing a team that is hostile against him, or he will be removed from his position by senior management, seeing that as a leader he cannot cope with his duties. direct responsibilities.

This form of sabotage is called an Italian strike.

It is also possible to carry out sabotage in an open form in the form of a boycott and outright disobedience to the orders of the boss. With this form of protest, the top management of the enterprise is given a condition in the form of an ultimatum to dismiss the manager who does not get along with his subordinates.

Of course, sabotage is a fairly strong remedy against a picky boss, but during a boycott the main thing is to show the cohesion and unity of the team on the way to the goal, otherwise it will not be the manager who will be fired, but those few employees who dared to speak out against him.

So, carrying out sabotage or an open boycott requires a long preliminary preparation, and in the strictest secrecy, so that all your undertakings do not turn against you and you are not left without a job before your boss.

Career growth

We started with the least likely option for dismissing the boss and will end the same. You can fire your boss by rising above him in the ranks.

Of course, this is a rather long path, and also difficult to implement, since it is rare for subordinates to rise above their recent boss. The more likely option is that the boss will be fired or promoted, and you will begin to manage in his place.

But even if you manage to jump over the head of your immediate supervisor, then in this case the meaning of his dismissal may disappear by itself. His dismissal may simply become of no interest to you, since now he will not decide what you should do and determine your future professional destiny.

If, during his leadership, the boss annoyed his former subordinate so much that the thirst for revenge did not fade away, then it will be much more pleasant to see this person in his previous role, forcing him to experience everything you experienced earlier, than to simply fire him.

But in any case, when implementing this plan, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will get rid of the nagging and demands of your annoying boss and significantly increase your professional status.

Interesting ways of revenge

Having learned the specifics of drawing up a revenge plan, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a punishment for the offender. However, it is important to realize that you are about to disrupt the harmony in the inner world of the person who brought you “evil.” Be sure to think about the “price” of your actions, providing for all possible consequences in advance. You should not cross the line of the law - it is better to carefully plan your actions and cause spiritual discomfort to your leader by choosing one of some of the methods below:

  • If your boss regularly pesters you with advice, doubting the professionalism of his employees, then you can reduce his ardor with the help of public opinion. The manager considers himself a qualified specialist, and the rest of the employees are “office plankton” - “give” the team unpleasant news regarding the personal life or career of the boss. Colleagues' conversations will definitely reach the culprit, who will feel vulnerable. The main thing is not to expose yourself - no one should know that you “introduced” rumors into the team.
  • Some people will categorically not like this method, but there are people who are ready to take advantage of such advice. Collect dirt on your boss that will “destroy” him as a professional employee. Take the collected documents to the director of the enterprise, telling about the insolvency of the manager - “punishment” will certainly befall your enemy.
  • If you are a valuable employee who is liked by the founders but disliked by your immediate bosses, then “threaten” them with your departure. “Intermediate” management will not want to enter into conflict with their management over dismissal, having adjusted their own behavior.
  • You can frame your boss with a phone call addressed to his wife. If the boss is late at work, then call your wife and ask about the affairs of the unscrupulous husband. To aggravate the situation, you can say any phrase into the telephone receiver that compromises the manager in the eyes of his wife. She must believe that she just spoke with her chosen one’s mistress.
  • If your boss breaks the law, and you know about it, then a significant “trump card” appears in your hands. By collecting a set of incriminating papers, you will provide the hated leader with a ticket to prison. The main thing is to be aware of the scale of your actions. Ask yourself: Does your boss deserve this?

Revenge should not be obvious and compromising you, so it is recommended to wait a long period of time before implementing the plan

If the only thought that warms you is “I want to be a boss,” then do not be prudent, guided solely by this desire. Having damaged your current boss, it is not a fact that you will get the coveted position - not every employee knows about the peculiarities of the hierarchical ladder of the enterprise. Be sure to weigh the many “Pros” and “Cons” so as not to end up with nothing as a result of revenge.

Remember that in some cases you should think about retribution only after a certain period of time, rationally assessing the appropriateness of the proposed actions. It will not be surprising if you regret your actions, so do not be guided by negative thoughts, but approach upcoming events with a “cold” mind. Revenge is an insidious phenomenon that can change the direction vector overnight. Don't give in to your emotions while making rational decisions.

How to take revenge on your boss?

  • If he cheated you out of bonuses for a large amount, then you need to sue, and if he uses his position to humiliate you or something like that, you can write about him in the toilet, paint the car pink, shit in a little bag and put it behind the batteries. .
  • The best revenge is to go to work for a competitor, revealing all the secrets of quot;past workquot;.

    There are many ways you can take revenge on your boss (or boss). You can read about it here. What is most interesting is that all the methods of revenge described in the article were actually carried out in that other city.

    On the other hand, when preparing intrigues for your boss, you need to understand that what you have done can come back like a boomerang, so try to do dirty tricks hidden, with a hint, and not straightforward.

    And further. If you know your boss’s fears (especially for women), you can plant one or another creature in his office. For example, a mouse, a beetle or a frog =) Just try to do it unnoticed. =)

  • Working according to the rules, down to the last comma, is perhaps the most unpleasant option for the boss. And it’s not easy to fire someone, because you’ve already proven yourself to be faithful to the rules. It is also called the Italian strike. Although revenge is empty and useless, it is better to make an effort to move to a more decent place, or start your own business.
  • Revenge is not a good thing. There is no need to take revenge on anyone. Forgive him better. And this will count towards you in the next world. If you can’t live without it, then it’s better to quit. If you are a good worker, then this will be a punishment for your boss.
  • Revenge is not a very good thing, but if the boss has really annoyed you, then the best way to take revenge is to give him a gift. But the gift is not simple, it is a gift with humor. You can buy such a gift in souvenir shops. As an option: an ordinary cone on a stand - with such a gift you will let him know that he is not such an important boss.

  • I saw a good prank today)

    It will be interesting to experience and look at the boss when he opens his laptop, and it’s covered in milk!

    You will need: a little, glass, PVA glue.

    Lubricate the glass thoroughly with soap and pour PVA on top. Spread quickly until it looks like spilled milk. When it hardens, carefully remove the stain (it should come off well), place it on the laptop keyboard for your boss and close it. Go away. Wait.

  • From small dirty tricks to the biggest ones. Be progressive. Enter his office with unwashed shoes. So that every step you take leaves wet, slimy marks on the surface. I understand that they will clean it up, but how it infuriates the management from the moment it gets dirty until the moment it is cleaned. And it’s even better to enter in a herd, and more than once. Turn on the most disgusting ringtone on your mobile phone at full volume. And when you are in the management’s office, ask someone to call you more than once. The manager will flinch and be terribly nervous. If the leader is a woman, then dress exactly the same as she does. And then persuade your employees to naturally shout after her from behind: “Why do you look so bad?” And when the leader turns around, he immediately parries - Sorry, I thought it was Daria Evgenievna. And so more than once. In any case, volunteers are needed for greater effect. Also, during a meeting, snap your fingers, it’s better to crunch. This is so fucking irritating, etc. and so on. Well, something more impressive - Get sick at the most crucial moment. Even better at the most crucial moments. So that revenge would be terrible. Throw a bullet at him in the trust box of the RF IC.
  • How to take revenge depends on what he did to you))) Not letting you go on vacation is one thing, but for example, depriving you of a bonus of 50,000 rubles is a completely different thing. Clarify the question
  • If you were underpaid, you can take your client base with you when you leave (if there is no clause in the employment contract about this) and your conscience allows it.

    If your salary was unofficial, you can report this to the labor inspectorate and tax office. In this case, it will be great to have several more witnesses or copies of documents (black accounting). An inspection will be scheduled

    If you are aware of any violations (for example, fire safety), you can also report them to the relevant authorities for an inspection.

    Use only legal methods.

  • The best way to take revenge on your boss is to kill him with your professionalism, loyalty and ability to rise above the situation. To make it clear that at any moment you can become the boss. This is not difficult if you maintain the range of your professional interests wider than your position.
  • It’s a great idea to take revenge on your boss by quitting on time or getting sick. take over the entire preparation of the event, have all the contacts yourself, and then simply resign from your superiors. And when that manager calls, say, I’m sorry, but I don’t care anymore
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