Success in a person's life. What is real and real success in life

From time immemorial, humanity has been concerned with the question: why some people, as if by nature, are endowed with supernaturally lucky and easily achieve success, while others, no matter how hard they try, cannot escape from poverty and oblivion. Moreover, despite the fact that the answer is obvious, for many this riddle to this day refers to some unknown magic of the world. But everything is simpler than it seems and the magic of success

hidden within ourselves, in our attitude to life, to the world around us and to ourselves. Think for a moment, what primarily distinguishes a successful person from a failure? No, it’s not money, influence or appearance, but above all, self-confidence and willpower. A successful person will not mark time for years just because defeat may await him ahead, because he is confident that even if he loses the battle, he will be able to win the war sooner or later. Not a single one of the now famous and rich people received their wealth just like that; he earned it through hard work and taking full advantage of everything that nature endowed him with.

This is the main difference, because look at yourself. Every day, when you go to work, you deprive yourself of time, invaluable time, during which you could implement a huge number of things and plans. And if it seems to you that going to the office every day is just an intermediate stage - just look around, how many people are like you next to you? Maybe this is a signal that it’s time to change something in your life? After all, the magic of success

lies dormant in each of us, and it is enough just to take a closer look at what we are doing and where it will lead. Everyone can see prospects, but it is much more pleasant to engage in self-deception, hoping for a promotion at work, than to open your own business or do something similar, more profitable and interesting, but, nevertheless, entailing certain risks.

But let's digress a little from the topic and talk about what should convince you to start believing in yourself completely. And we'll talk about real magic. Surely you are a completely progressive person, and you understand that the basis of any magic is psychology. So, we will tell you how the magic of success

on those who come for it to sorcerers, magicians and fortune-tellers. Elementary: you go to the sorcerer, and he, in turn, gives you a talisman, or reads your future, in which he sees an obstacle. And they tell you that if you overcome yourself, for example, quit smoking, drinking, or, for example, start life from scratch, success will certainly await you. You fulfill this condition and, miraculously, you really start to get lucky! And there is no magic here, everything is only because you believed in yourself, shifting responsibility to another person. If you don’t go to magicians, then everything is somewhat more complicated, because it is easier to believe what others tell you than what you yourself would like. In other words, most magicians are people who are responsible for us and tell us what we want to hear and nothing more. Why is anything else needed if this psychological scheme, tested by time and practice, undoubtedly works?

Every woman wants to become happy and successful. However, desire alone is not enough; to achieve success, it takes time and some effort. Let's try to figure out how you can become successful, self-confident and just a happy person.

What is success?

Success is a quality of a particular person, which is usually developed through constant work on oneself and the desire for self-improvement. Contrary to popular belief, to become successful, a woman does not have enough bright external data. It is also important to constantly learn and acquire new knowledge.

It is very good for personal development when a person can do what he loves, which brings moral satisfaction and material stability. However, success concerns not only your career, but also your personal life. A happy and successful woman can achieve a lot: she is able to easily combine caring for her family, caring for herself and solving everyday problems, success in her job, and at the same time is in a state of spiritual harmony. How can this be achieved?

Law of Success No. 7 - Restraint

How can you achieve success in life

To succeed in life, you must practice restraint. This applies to all areas of your life, be it financial restraint in overspending, relationship restraint in being truthful and faithful, business restraint in being honest with clients, employees and partners, and so on. The list goes on and on. . Temperance is something that must be strictly practiced if you want to succeed in life.

But the fundamental law of deterrence success also comes down to our desire for instant gratification and pleasure, which is common to all human beings. We are pleasure-driven animals; it is instinctive in us to want to satisfy our needs immediately. Think about the impatience of the general population - we want what we want now, be it high-speed internet, prompt service in restaurants, or anything else; We live in a “now” society.

Thus, being able to overcome our inner psychology is akin to being successful at anything. If you want long-term success, you must practice restraint in every area of ​​your life. This applies to everything, abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, food, etc.

How to become a successful woman

Of course, you won’t become a successful person in one day, but by adhering to certain rules, you can achieve this fairly quickly. These simple tips will help you achieve positive results:

It is important to set yourself up for success. Just close your eyes and repeat to yourself that you are successful. Let at this moment before your eyes be a kind of picture that personifies what you would like to achieve: a happy family, a large living room with a fireplace, pets. Some psychologists even advise hanging in a prominent place a selection of drawings or photographs that embody your dreams, for example, a car, a house by the sea, or something else that you have been dreaming about for a long time, but have so far unsuccessfully dreamed of.

Law of Success No. 5-Contribution

Contribution may not seem like the law of success to some people, but it is just as important as other laws. Why is this so? Well, when you contribute, you are sending a message to your mind telling you that there is more than enough. But beyond that, you also shift your focus from a lonely-oriented position to one of success.

This mental shift not only helps those less fortunate, but also helps your mind realize that you are doing more than enough to stay on the path you have chosen. Many people don't value their contributions. They do not value the importance of giving to others when striving to achieve whatever success they desire in life. But it's just as important.

Without contribution, you cannot succeed in the long run. You should help others whenever you can. Even if you don't have money to give to others, give your time, which is much more valuable than money. When you start investing in others, it opens up a whole new world of perspective that can help you build a greater foundation for success in life.

Secrets of success

To become successful, you must first develop self-confidence. It’s okay if you don’t have this quality from birth, you can learn everything. A successful woman is always active; she is not a spectator, but an actor. There are three main traits of a successful person:

  • The desire for self-improvement.
  • The ability to part with the past without regret.
  • Ability to take risks when necessary.

We must not forget that a person’s strength lies in the support of loved ones. Don’t sacrifice the people you care about for your career or social life, be sure to pay attention to them.

Another important rule is don’t allow yourself to be lazy. Laziness is the most important obstacle to achieving a goal. If you are suddenly tempted to give in to it, imagine your goal and the lengths you have already gone through to achieve it. Is it worth giving up on this because of momentary weakness?

Finally, remember the wisdom: all the best things in this life are given for free! Appreciate happy moments, notice them. Little successes of a child, a walk with a loved one, the health of parents - pay your attention to all this, because, in fact, this is what makes life worth living.

Psychologists believe that it can be very useful to keep a diary in which you can record all your victories and achievements. There you can also mark small goals that you have planned to achieve in the coming days. As you know, thoughts can materialize, so such an assistant can assist you in realizing your plans.

For some, success is measured by the amount of money that he managed to earn. Someone has the ability to identify success by the number of things they have accomplished. It turns out that everyone has their own definition of success, which means the formulas for achieving it are also not similar. Success is achieved through hard work every day. Having set a specific goal, a person moves towards it and every day tries to determine whether he has moved away from the chosen course. It is very important to observe your behavior and attitude towards others, because a sufficient percentage of success is built on relationships with people. A successful person is always welcome and wherever he appears, he always stands out clearly among others. For a successful person, there is not just one way to achieve a goal. He tries to look at several ways to achieve it and chooses the best one. He doesn’t always manage to choose the easy one, but there is no doubt that it will bring him a lot of important and useful things.

Modern people really want success, they talk a lot about it, but many do nothing to achieve it. After all, it is not enough to sincerely wish, but continue to sit in one place. There is such a thing as getting out of your comfort zone. That is, start doing something that you have never done before. For example, you have problems communicating with people, you are embarrassed to make contact, and even when they try to talk to you, you do everything possible to end this conversation as quickly as possible. Having left the zone of discomfort, the fear of communicating with people, you need to meet them halfway, smile and be interested in how your loved ones, friends, and acquaintances are doing. These will already be the first steps towards meeting a new and desired success. Success can be considered deserved when it does not stand in one place. Having reached certain places, it is necessary to continue to develop, and not rest on the laurels of what has been achieved. Every day is given to us in order to try to make it as useful, important and effective as possible. For a successful person, benefit for himself is always important, but he also does not forget about others. A successful person always tries to take into account the interests of the other person so that cooperation between them is not only profitable, but pleasant and long-term. Successful people operate according to the “Win-Win” formula. In this case, the interests of each participant in the transaction are pursued, without concealing any other important points. Openness of relationships, and in our case business relationships, plays a very important role in building long-term and successful business contacts. Perhaps in the short term, pursuing only one's interests will bring greater benefits, but in the long term this formula is a losing one. For a successful person, it is very important to have a goal that is truly meaningful. A successful inhabitant of our planet believes in his dreams, improves his skills and shares in various ways with the world around him.

In this article, we will understand what is not success in order to avoid the trap of false goals


When we say that this cannot be success, we understand that these things cannot be the primary goal in life that you concentrate on.

We are in no way claiming that money, material security, fame, popularity are something bad. To be financially independent, to be popular, to live in luxurious conditions is wonderful! We ourselves strive for this, but nevertheless, we do not set any of the above as our primary goal.

We ask you very much , do not define these things for yourself as the most important in life!

Example: a man has set himself the main goal in life - to earn a billion dollars. This is a bad goal! Because money is not success. They are a consequence of success.

I am sure that you will understand us correctly.

As an example of a good life goal, something that really makes sense to focus on, here is your life goal: to help a million people find themselves.

1. Success is not money.

This is perhaps the biggest misconception people have. Money is a consequence of success, but money is NOT a measure of success. We live in the material world, and we perceive everything with our own eyes, but with our eyes we are not always able to see the truth. Yes, people who achieve great success in life are rich. But these riches came to them as a result of their work. We only see the tip of the iceberg - wealth - and set ourselves goals to make money. But we miss the fact that 95% of the iceberg is hidden under water. We don't think about it, but blindly accept the fact that success is wealth and set goals for ourselves.

Understand that money is a consequence of success.


2. Success cannot be material security (what a person possesses)

Unlike the previous point, by material security I mean the house/apartment in which a person lives; a car, yacht, helicopter that he owns; where such a person goes to have fun, what restaurants he eats at.

Material surroundings are also only a manifestation of success. Material surroundings are purchased with money. The mistake people make is that they strive to live like successful people, to have what successful people have, but not to be successful people. They take out loans and buy an expensive house, they take out a loan and buy an expensive car. They live at a very high level, but it’s not theirs. Their life resembles a house of cards - it stands while everything is quiet and calm, but when the wind of change begins to blow, the house immediately collapses.

And other people look at them and think “this is a successful person,” he has such a luxurious lifestyle, he has so many things. But if you were put in his skin, you would fly out of a cannon. Would you rather stay where you are now? Because that is not success at all.

We have the opportunity to communicate with such “successful” people, and many of them said that they don’t sleep well at night, they don’t know how they will pay off their loans. They constantly live in a sense of fear, because God forbid something happens, their wives and children will remain on the street. Believe us, it’s scary to live like this. Here's what else they said: “I bought these things to prove to them that I was better than them, but I understood that I could not afford such a luxurious house. The first 2-3 weeks after the purchase I felt amazing. I felt successful, but when, after some time, I realized how much I needed to pay for this house, I became scared. And it was scary until the end of repaying this loan.”

3. Success is not power.

Look at our presidents and other high-ranking officials. How often can you see a smile on their faces? How often do these people look happy? For some reason, it never seemed to us that our presidents, prime ministers and other officials were happy. When we look at them, we always read on their faces endless fatigue and pain. They would be glad to step away from all this and relax, but the ego does not allow it.

Power cannot be success because power is control. You constantly need to maintain this control, because what you control constantly strives to be freed from this control. Power is subject to the “win-lose” principle. That is, if I am in control, I win, but if I am controlled, I lose. True success always operates on a win-win basis.

4. Achieving high status cannot be considered success.

In other words, status is a position in society. People achieve status because they feel important when they are ranked above others in society. The very thought that they are superior to others makes them feel proud. Being taller than others makes them consider themselves successful. But if you accept the fact that you cannot compare yourself with other people, then the status immediately loses its meaning. Comparing yourself to other people is dangerous in any sense. Here's why: when you compare yourself to people who are better than you, your self-esteem drops. When you compare yourself to people who are lower than you, you stop developing. As you can see, both options are detrimental and lead to failure. Successful people don't compare themselves to others. They understand where any comparison leads. If they compare themselves to anyone, it’s to themselves.

5. Success at the expense of others

Success is always built on mutually beneficial cooperation. This type of collaboration is often referred to as “win-win.” For cooperation and partnerships to develop and strengthen, both sides must benefit—each to a certain extent. In a win-win relationship, there is no need to control or manage other people. People who also benefit by cooperating with you work without your control and reminders. This frees up a lot of free time and energy for you to do more important things.

Success at the expense of others is a type of win-lose collaboration. An option that fits this type of cooperation is when someone deceived someone or used someone for their own purposes. People who cooperate with others in a win-lose manner very quickly lose trust from others. On an energetic level, they take on dark tones, and others feel this. Success is a team sport

, and when you have to change your team every now and then, you will achieve nothing.

Long-term success is not possible at the expense of others.

6. Success is fame and popularity

Fame and popularity are another consequence of success. Fame and popularity are not success. Let's go back to the example of officials. Many of them have fame and are very popular, but they cannot be called successful. By the way, many officials have the above attributes of success (they are rich, they have a luxurious material environment, they have power, they have a high status), but you just have to look at their faces and you will see tension and fatigue. Their faces don't tell you that they are successful.

Now, dear friend, please look at yourself and think about your beliefs. Maybe you, like us before, also fell into these traps and are chasing success, which is not success at all?

Find your purpose - make this world a better place!

“What does success in life mean to you???”

I ask you to think, stop for a minute.

Okay, now let me help you. We talked about what is not success above. Let’s discard these concepts right away.

Success is spiritual harmony.
Success is being happy.
Success is realizing yourself and unlocking your potential. Success is fulfillment in life. Success is doing what you love, what lights you up and you can do it around the clock. Success is giving of yourself for others and making this world a better place and other people happier .

Success is inextricably linked to the state of mind. Our soul came into this world to gain pleasure and realize itself, and we (our mind, our body, our consciousness) must support it in this. When our soul creates and realizes itself, we feel happy. When we feel and see that the creation of our soul and what we do brings great benefit to other people, we feel bliss. This is what is called success. Success is a fullness of life.

Any realization of soul talents is possible only thanks to other people

. The soul does not create for itself. She creates for others - to help them and make the lives of others fulfilled and to convey to them a piece of her happiness. A happy person conveys a piece of his happiness to others, an unhappy person conveys his unhappiness to others. Avoid unhappy people!

If suddenly all people disappear, self-realization will become impossible - what is the point in writing books, because no one will read them, what is the point of creating new models of clothes, because no one will wear them, what is the point in building new houses, in which no one will live?

Obviously this makes no sense.

Here the dual nature of success is revealed: the soul creates and realizes itself, and also helps other people become happier

. The most accurate definition of success that can be given would sound like this: success is the realization of one’s true talents, which make our world better, more perfect, and people happier.

I want you to deeply understand that people who live only for themselves and collect wealth only for themselves are unhappy

. They collect these riches in order to fill the spiritual emptiness that has formed as a result of a meaningless life. But this emptiness can only be filled with love, bringing value to other people. The soul is happy when it gives itself without excess to making this world a better place. And what is the point of all the wealth that a person has collected when he passes away, because we are not durable. The soul comes to create value, realize itself and then returns “home”. If she doesn't create that value and does something else, she feels bad. She feels like she came into this world and doesn't do what she wants. And the reason for this is our mind - it is blinded by “success” in the general understanding of this word. He pursues the illusory, and when he achieves it, if he achieves it at all, he realizes the meaninglessness of what he has achieved.

What is success in general understanding? - wealth (money, material things) - fame, power, popularity - status

But look, it all comes from the ego. A person wants to feel his importance, but he does not understand that wealth, fame, status are an illusion. They are like sea water, which no matter how much you drink, you will never satisfy your thirst. That's why people spend their entire lives chasing them. They think, I’ll earn so much money and I’ll be happy, I’ll reach an income level of $100,000 a year and then I’ll be happy, when I go on stage and sing I’ll be happy, I’ll get married, I’ll have children... You can do this check, but I can say with 100% certainty that you will not be happy. Moreover, your level of happiness will become even lower. You are moving away from your calling, and realizing this, the soul becomes even more unhappy. The more wealth, fame, status you receive, the more control the mind takes over life and the further the role of the soul moves away. But true happiness comes from the soul


Success is harmony between soul and mind. The role of the mind is to help the soul self-realize.

We have our priorities wrong.
We put the short-lived body and material things in first place, and we put the immortal soul and inexhaustible wealth in last place. The Bible says: “Lay up your wealth in heaven, not on earth.” Our body is a vehicle for the soul
The soul is connected with the Higher Mind and only it is able to understand what is needed for this world. The Universe favors people who follow their own path
. Your own path is the least energy-consuming, and in our world everything flows along the path of least resistance. I always say that success is a normal course of events. Failure is a deviation from the norm. If now you are not as successful as you want, then you are not doing what you were meant to do. Soul and mind are in discord. And the greater this discord, the more unhappy a person is.

But don’t think that I am saying that a person does not need material things. It's very necessary. And here’s why: when a person doesn’t have money, he is forced to go to work and do some kind of “stupid thing.” A person spends 10 hours a day in order to earn money, but by doing this he does not realize himself. The boss is the person who realizes himself at your expense. (I say what happens in most cases. Most people hate their jobs, but they work because they need money to survive).

Material things create comfort for the soul. Material things arrange this world for the soul. It is much more pleasant for the soul to create masterpieces in places that inspire it. It is much better to paint a picture in a house by the sea than in a “garbage pit”. The soul needs peace and comfort in order to create. But what peace can there be if there is not enough money in the family and every day the husband and wife quarrel about this.

The soul needs time to express itself. Only after some time has passed, the value created by the soul can be sold and sold for hundreds, or even thousands of times more than a person receives at work. But it takes time to create such value.

Material things are important, but only in order to satisfy the needs of life.

I’ll be honest: without receiving income, it’s harder to create and create masterpieces

. The mind constantly says: “What you are doing is good, but what will we live for?” And this question constantly and greatly distracts from creativity. He takes away our happiness. In order to turn off this dialogue, your favorite activity must bring money. Of course, the mind then begins to ask other questions, but the more money your favorite business brings in, the less painful and distracting these questions become.

Often people work at work, earn money, but also have hobbies. What is a hobby? A hobby is an activity for the soul that does not generate income. But why not turn a hobby into a job? The happiest people are those whose hobby is their job.

. They do what they love non-stop. Everything we talk about, about work, about money, we want to convey to you two important thoughts: 1) Soul and mind should be in harmony 2) Intangibles should always come first

The focus should be only on the intangible! Material things will come as a consequence

Here are the correct priorities in life: happiness -> health -> wealth
And many people live according to the scheme
And what’s even worse, there are people who live according to the scheme
. No wonder they don’t happy. These people have millions, but they have no friends, they have problems in their family. They have problems in relationships with people. Because they think that all the people who surround them are with them only because of their money and nothing more. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want such happiness. When priorities in life are set correctly, wealth arises as a consequence. There's no point in focusing on him. High levels of happiness and health inevitably lead to high levels of income


Material things and our wealth can only serve as an addition to our happiness. They cannot serve as a foundation. What is the foundation, we have already discussed with you earlier.

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No matter how much people strive for equality in life, some still have everything, others only complain about their fate and beg for money, or simply survive, more or less making ends meet. What's the matter? Why is one a successful person, while the other remains a failure in life?

Law of Success No. 3 - Gratitude

The third law of success involves gratitude. This means that you must be grateful in order to be happy. You can't base your entire life and self-worth on some dollar amount. You can't tell yourself that you're worthless if you don't have a million dollars in the bank (or euros, pounds sterling, or whatever currency is a large amount of money in today's economy).

Gratitude allows you to approach things differently. This allows you to navigate your path to success from a different perspective. You cannot focus on missed opportunities, fears, worries and anxieties. Be happy for what you have and be grateful that you are not in a worse situation than you are now. There are many more people who are suffering more than you.

Look to those less fortunate than you on your path to success in life, whatever that success means to you. Once you start doing this, you will not only experience life on a higher level, but you will also gain some peace of mind. Gratitude helps fill our mind, body and spirit with a gentle comfort, like a gentle breeze on a summer day that lasts longer than expected.

What is success?

From an early age, each of us dreams of becoming successful, rich and famous, but not everyone achieves this dream. And the point here is not in fate, as many believe, but in the pursuit of the goal. Those who cannot get out of poverty do not even think that they are the creators of their own destiny. For this reason, they just sit with their sleeves down and wait for everything in their lives to work out on its own. And in this they are deeply mistaken.

Those people who have success and are a little higher on the social ladder have gone through a difficult path to achieve it. They set a goal and pursued it, despite the difficulties, and ultimately achieved what they wanted in their lives. At the right moment, they take the reins of life into their own hands and treat this with full responsibility.

A successful man and woman will always look at any situation with a positive attitude, even if it brings failure, and they take as their motto the phrase: “What is not done is always for the better.” Such people are always optimistic and do not give up under any circumstances. Their favorite books and films only have a positive plot. They eliminate all negativity from their lives.

A successful person is always calm and balanced. He does not allow his emotions to take over his consciousness, for this simple reason he never experiences depression. A person will be successful in everything only when he achieves everything himself, and many people know about this. Therefore, in order to achieve success, it is necessary to move forward according to the dictates of the heart, and not according to someone’s advice, be it parents or influential members of society. For those who want to achieve their goals, there are unspoken rules for successful people.

Law of Success No. 6-Family

Family is one of the most important things we have in life. And, in life, we only get one family. We should not ruin our relationship with our family over petty disputes. No matter what it is, the importance of family is paramount. When there is relationship stress or internal family conflicts, it becomes surprisingly difficult to succeed at anything in life.

Don't take your family for granted. A harmonious family is an integral part of success in any area of ​​life. You cannot succeed if you are spending all of your mental, emotional, spiritual and even physical abilities related to your family. Your mind has difficulty processing overall progress in any area of ​​life when so many of its resources are struggling with internal contradictions.

Rules for all successful people

Most people live according to the principle: they built a house, raised a son, planted a tree, which means they have achieved their goal in life. But in reality, everything is completely different. For a successful man, the mission does not end there. He reserves perseverance and determination, patience and thirst to achieve his goal. In order for a dream to come true, a successful man adheres to rules in his life that cannot be neglected.

The rules of a successful person are as follows:

  1. First of all, a successful man must be balanced and reasonable. Under no circumstances should he lose his temper or get involved in arguments or various debates. He keeps all his emotions to himself.
  2. Anyone who dreams of achieving success will always objectively assess any situation related to his movements towards his cherished dream. He will never boast about success that was not achieved through his own efforts, and he will also never become discouraged because of the failure that befell him. In addition, a successful person regards all achievements as fair payment for his efforts.
  3. A successful person is one who cultivates discipline and self-control. In order to become what he dreams of being, he has to sacrifice his small, less priority desires.
  4. The secrets of all successful people also lie in the ability to organize and lead a team.
  5. If you want to be successful, you must know that firmness of word and loyalty to it is what not only inspires respect, but also inspires confidence in such a person, thanks to which success gradually comes.
  6. Thanks to respect and trust in a successful man, people consider him an authority for themselves. In addition, he has knowledge that he uses regularly. Thanks to the respect and trust of other people in a successful man or woman, they are authorities for them. In addition, they have knowledge that they use regularly
  7. The secrets of any successful person also lie in his hard work. On the way to his cherished dream, he works tirelessly and ultimately achieves success.
  8. Before becoming successful, almost each of us is tempted to achieve wealth through dishonest means, so the main thing is that honesty and morality prevail, and you can say with complete confidence that you achieved success only in good faith.
  9. The rules of every successful person also consist in the fact that he is not capable of greed. In difficult times, he will help his family and friends or do charity work. This again earns him authority among people.
  10. Among other things, a successful person has well-developed intuition, thanks to which she quickly makes decisions, analyzes the current situation and, if successful, takes risks. But even if she fails, she does not blame herself or someone else for such an event, but tries to learn a lesson from what happened.
  11. But the most basic rule of all successful people is the passion and love for the work they do, as well as the enthusiasm with which they move towards the goal. And, of course, faith in success. Even when failure occurs, such people tell themselves: “I can do anything, nothing is impossible for me.”

Law of Success No. 4 - Conscientiousness

When we want to succeed, some want to do it at any cost. We've all had this battle in our heads. Should we take the easy way out even if no one is watching? Are we looking for short-term gains and sacrificing our long-term reputation? Honesty is an important law of success and every person should live by it.

We have all seen the great and successful in business fall from grace due to a momentary decline in integrity. But how many others fail to reach the top because of a lack of integrity from the start? Always do things honestly if you want to be successful in the long run. Sure, taking a shortcut may give you some short-term boost on your path to success, but karma will come back to spite you.

Never sacrifice your integrity for anything. Your word must be strong if you want to succeed. Our entire civilization is rooted in this law. Don't take it for granted, no matter what.

What is success in a person's life?

The idea appears that you can become successful without money, but this is not entirely correct, because the material component is also important. After all, life in austerity does not bring any joy; on the contrary, it makes you forget that there is still good in life. A person concentrates on what he does not have. Hence the problems in the family, with friends, and dissatisfaction with work. This again leads to depression and thoughts of suicide.

Summarizing all this, we can conclude that true success means complete harmony of its material and spiritual components. This word can also be understood as the ability to make life the way you want.

Law of Success #10 - Forgiveness

In life we ​​must learn to forgive. This is an integral part of success, because if we cannot forgive, we cannot move on. No matter what the situation is, you can forgive but not necessarily forget. When you forgive, you let go of the hatred that holds us back and takes away our precious mental resources. So you must learn to forgive.

As much as most people would like to believe that success in life is just about monetary success, it is much more than that. And in the heart of a person who has achieved success, there is a pure and forgiving heart. You cannot achieve any significant success when you harbor anger and resentment in your soul and spirit. Learn to let it go and live a more carefree and successful life.

Can success be universal?

People often want to universalize success, but each person puts his own meaning into the concept of this word, since he has a separate concept and perception of the world. It is worth noting that each person’s vision attributes his own characteristics to success, which depend on his personal characteristics. After all, one individual may be very ambitious, for whom it will not be enough to receive a Nobel Prize for his own achievement, while for another it will be enough to become a role model for his own son. Some people want fame and will constantly attract attention to themselves, while for others it is enough that they are adored by their family and friends.

For this reason, it is impossible to give an exact definition, not even of the word “success” itself, but of its components. Each person should think about what this term means to him, or rather, what he puts into it. You should not be guided by other people's dogmas and try to adapt to them, because all this will not bring him satisfaction. If you will be happy by installing a gold toilet in your home, then do it, even though most people will not understand you. You don't need to depend on their opinion, you should feel successful.

For this reason, you need to stop for a moment and think about which way you are going. Is she true? Does it make you happy? If not, then perhaps you should change the path. Do you like helping other people and feeling needed? Dare to conquer this peak. It is best to fill the word “success” with its own meaning, then it will take on clearer outlines. After this, it will be possible to make plans and goals, the achievement of which will bring joy and satisfaction, and most importantly, happiness, because this is what all people strive for, replacing it with various synonyms, which are only components of this broad concept.

You may be able to find answers to your questions from the articles in this section.

At some point, each of us thinks about the meaning of our own lives. Certainly, the purpose of human existence is to achieve a state of happiness. But this is all somehow vague, generalized and often very complicated. Let's talk about success.

What is success? This is when everything in life is good. Previously, children were explained this way: “To grow up to be an intelligent person, you need to study, study and study again... And do it well!” Another very important point is to have excellent health. So, at least, it was believed in Soviet times.

But later it turned out that smart, educated people are not always successful. An important point is also the ability to establish the necessary connections, be sociable, persistent, and punchy. These qualities have little to do with learning. However, a person can be completely mediocre, but very outgoing, and most likely he will be more successful.

What should the younger generation do? How can we clearly explain to them what success is? And what does it take to achieve it?

1. You have to be smart. To do this you need to study well. But this is definitely not enough!

2. You must be able to find a common language with the people around you, be able to convince, and make sure that they listen to you.

3. Take good care of yourself and your health.

But what about a more specific concept? What is success?

First, let's try to break down this general value into its components:

1. This is money. There should be enough of them. Everything here is more or less clear.

2. Availability and inexhaustible desire for its implementation. This is where it gets more complicated. If he is engaged in an activity in which he does not see much meaning for himself, then most likely this will sooner or later lead to depression. This is a very important and significant moment.

3. Relationships with others like you. This is how the world was created. And there's nothing to be done about it.

4. It is important to constantly improve and develop in the desired direction. Without self-development it is impossible to achieve a state of harmony.

5. Harmonize with the world around you. It is important to realize that you mean something, are needed by someone, are useful, etc.

After we have more or less decided on success, the next moment comes. What needs to be done in order to get closer to this state, and ideally, to achieve it.

Firstly, it is important to be internally programmed, tuned in to Faith and desire can do a lot. Readiness for decisive action. Your emotions and mind should be in complete harmony with each other.

Success is a pattern, a desired development of events. But failure is a kind of deviation from the norm.

What does success mean to you personally? It is important to decide and understand this! And it is not at all necessary to have material wealth. Everyone, of course, wants to be the owner of a good house or car, but not everyone’s soul desires this. Someone dreams of something completely different. All people are different, and their views and desires are different. There is no universal success. Everyone has their own. When it is achieved, a state of peace of mind, inner joy, and self-satisfaction arises. This feeling is an inexhaustible source of positive energy that gives strength.

To achieve success you need to constantly work on yourself. Work hard, plan your life, set goals, treat yourself well. Don’t forget about self-hypnosis, which helps you successfully control your actions. Also the most important point is motivation for success, only after that the subconscious mind will begin to tune in to the desired “wave”. Many people do not choose, they simply “go with the flow,” and therefore their life turns into continuous “the sound of the surf.”


    , -a,

    Positive result, successful completion of smth.
    Successes in cultural construction.

    Ivan Ilyich's trip was crowned with amazing, unexpected success -.
    Arriving in St. Petersburg, Ivan Ilyich found Zakhar Ivanovich and received the promise of a right place in his former Ministry of Justice. L. Tolstoy, Death of Ivan Ilyich.
    The audit of Senator Manukhin, who arrived from St. Petersburg with great powers, achieved some success.
    Sayanov, Lena.
    || Favorable outcome, victory in smb. battle, duel, etc. - Let's go out to sea and attack the enemy fleet.
    If successful, we will destroy enemy ships and deprive the allied army of food and reinforcements. Stanyukovich, Sevastopol boy.
    Three weeks of fighting brought the partisans many successes.
    Pavlenko, Russian story.
    || pl.
    h. (
    , -
    Good results in academic activities, achievements in mastering, studying something. Father rector knew Latin well and loved me for my successes.
    Herzen, Doctor Krupov.
    He congratulated us on the start of the new school year and wished all the students good success in this new school year.
    Nosov, Vitya Maleev at school and at home.


    Public recognition, approval of something, someone.
    achievements. The poem “On the Origin of Evil” was a great success and gave rise to hundreds of imitations.
    Chernyshevsky, Lessing, his time, his life and work.
    As an agitator, Spivak was valued in the regiment.
    His lectures and conversations with officers and soldiers were a success. Ovechkin, Greetings from the front.
    || Recognition by others advantages; interest, attraction on the part of people of the opposite sex. Success for women.

    My success with all our friends was completely unexpected for me.
    L. Tolstoy, Family Happiness.
    With success
    - easy, successful, without difficulties.
    With the same (
    the same) success
    - just as ineffectively, unsuccessfully.

Source (printed version):

Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics.
research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. — 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):
In this article we will answer the question - “What is success?”

We will also identify -
“What exactly does success mean to you in your life???”

Law of Success No. 8-Focus

At the other end of the spectrum from restraint lies focus. When we can focus our mind's eye on something, we can bring it closer to us. Think about a car you've recently bought or leased in the past. Suddenly, as soon as the transaction was completed, you see that the car is everywhere. Maybe you think it's because in some mystical or magical way more people bought that car after you decided to do so? Well, of course not.

This is an example of the mind's ability to focus on something and begin to see it everywhere. When we don't focus on things, we can't see them or bring them closer to us. Moreover, focus is an important law of success because without it, we would not be able to get closer to our hopes and dreams every day. Focus allows us to succeed in the long term rather than in the short term. And when someone lacks focus, they cannot achieve success in any area of ​​their life.

Success in any area of ​​life depends largely on your ability to focus on something so sincerely that it becomes almost an obsession. Find something positive that you want to achieve and focus all your energy and effort on it, and you will be amazed at how over time you will get closer and closer to that goal.

Law of Success No. 11-Action

One of the biggest and most important components to achieving success in life is action. Without action there is no recipe for success. And, of course, action is an integral part of a successful life. You must learn to take action, no matter how small those actions are. Small actions linked together lead to remarkable transformations over time. Get used to taking action in your life. Don't let small things become big problems because you tend to procrastinate.

Most of us are simply hindered in life by our inability to act. We cannot achieve success when we sit still and do not move closer to our hopes and dreams over time. One of the biggest ingredients for success is the ability to consistently take action day in and day out. If you don't want to take action, then you may either not want something bad enough, or you may be suffocating yourself from bad habits that are holding you back.

Break this pattern by deciding what you want in life and why you really want it. Set the goals you want to achieve and move towards them every day and learn to manage your time. You will succeed eventually, but it won't happen overnight.

Law of Success #9 - Commitment

As you can imagine, commitment is an integral part of success in any area of ​​life. Giving up is not an option. When the going gets tough, you have to buckle down and keep going. No matter what you want to achieve in life, it won't be easy, especially if that achievement is something notable. Doing anything worthwhile will be difficult and living the life of your dreams is not easy, which is why so many people want it.

Many people set a goal in life only to give up after a while. They want to make more money, lose weight, get a better job, have more fulfilling relationships, and so on, but they are often unwilling to do what it takes to get there. But, for the person who can remain persistent and dedicated, limitless opportunities ultimately await. Stay committed to your hopes and dreams and don't give up.

When JK Rowling worked menial jobs as a secretary while writing her first Harry Potter book, she certainly remained dedicated to her craft. In fact, she was so passionate about writing this book that she did it during her regular work hours, which caused her boss to fire her. For seven years she suffered from divorce, the death of her mother and lived on government benefits, but she remained dedicated to her work. And we know how successful this book was for her.

Success in a broad sense

If we consider success in a broad sense, then under this word people imagine themselves living in expensive apartments, with designer furniture, necessarily a huge bank account, as well as a person whom society idolizes for his particular merits.

As a rule, a person who has climbed the career ladder, has good achievements in a certain field and has reached a high financial level is called successful. But often the word “success” has other facets that, at first glance, may seem invisible or insignificant. However, without them the soul would be empty, that is, the person would not feel happy. To achieve this state, you need to understand the word “success” more capaciously, holistically. After all, for complete happiness, a person must be successful not only financially, but also in social, professional, family, and private life.

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