What to do and what to do if you don’t want anything

At times, many of us experience apathy and depressive moods, which, of course, does not have the best effect on the quality of our lives. Some people plunge into this state for a long period, while others manage to cope with the problem that has arisen in a short time. How to find ourselves in the second category, and not allow apathy to take over us? First you need to define what apathy is.

What is apathy and how to get rid of it

Why don't you want to do anything?

Almost everyone from a young age is familiar with the state of mind when you want to lie down and do nothing. It can be difficult for anyone to force themselves to work. This phenomenon is quite normal. However, sometimes behind the described state there is hidden absolute indifference to what is happening, complete disinterest in being. A person doesn’t feel like going for a walk, he doesn’t want to take care of his appearance, he doesn’t want to work, even getting up from his favorite sofa in the morning seems meaningless to him. This condition is called. It arises in the absence of desires, aspirations and motivating factors.

Complete indifference to events, detachment and indifference, lack of desires and interests, weakening of motives, indifference, emotional inertia - these are all the clearest manifestations of apathy.

The reasons for the described condition may lie in stressors that daily affect the mental state of individuals. Apathy can also be a response to severe emotional shock or act as a self-defense mechanism. It can protect individuals from excessive stress or excessive outburst of emotions.

In addition, manifestations of apathy often signal exhaustion of the body. In addition to the above symptoms, drowsiness, dizziness, dizziness, and lack of appetite are added.

Often, powerlessness, which is a sign of apathy, is mistaken for banal manifestations of laziness. However, apathy and laziness are completely different psychological problems.

A state where you don’t want to do anything is often provoked. Laziness can occur due to a low level of motivation for a particular task, or a lack of willpower. Some individuals position laziness as a way of being. In addition, laziness can be generated by a fear of responsibility.

And in a state of apathy, the individual loses his sense of reality, loses interest in reality, a desire for loneliness appears, lack of will and reluctance to perform basic actions arises. Outwardly, apathy is manifested by inhibition of reactions.

The state when you want to lie down and do nothing other than laziness is caused by emotional burnout. More often, a similar phenomenon is observed among medical workers and law enforcement agencies, since they have to deal with human grief and pain every day. In fact, it is also a loss of motivational factor, interest in life in general and activity.

Depressive moods often give rise to a reluctance to act, work, and perform basic daily activities. has an impact on the intellectual sphere, feelings, social interaction.

Fatigue can also cause idleness. This problem is especially relevant today, when society is aimed at the fastest results, when the pace of life is simply off scale. In the conditions of today's era, human subjects, due to the constant race for the benefits of civilization, have no time left for spiritual development. This pace deprives individuals of energy and poisons existence.

The feeling of one’s own uselessness neutralizes the meaning of existence, which gives rise to the desire to do nothing. The absence of a goal or an overly ambitious goal also leads to idleness.

Often, when an individual is guided only by obligations and the phrase “I must” is his original motto, this leads to a kind of psychological slavery. Permanent debt will never bring joy and will only be an unbearable burden, leading to apathy and depressive attitudes.

Since human subjects are inherently social beings, the lack of communicative interaction creates a deficit in recognizing one's own person as a social being. The consequence of this is a reluctance to work, perform the necessary daily manipulations, and act.

Obsession with a particular activity or one-sidedness of activity ultimately provokes the desire to quit everything. If only one aspect of being is developed, then it will not extend the remaining aspects, since human subjects need harmony.

Life interest can destroy the monotony of existence. After all, life is a continuous process moving forward. Life is all about growth. In the absence of progress, human existence turns into a quagmire.

The inability to enjoy trifles, little things, and everyday banalities is also the culprit of apathy and depressive moods.

How to identify depression?

Before you begin the problem of getting a person out of depression, you need to make sure that this is what it is. It has long been known that depression is not a figurative description of a person’s condition, but a medical term that reflects one of the types of mental disorders. The antonym of mental disorder is mental health. If a person knows how to adapt to different life situations and cope with difficulties, then he can safely be called mentally healthy. When people are thrown into a stupor by the appearance of another problem, be it their personal life or a work or everyday situation, there is a mental disorder and in most cases it is depression.

Sometimes people confuse depression with temporary experiences, which may include changing jobs, losing a loved one, etc. There is no need to panic if a person often cries or does not want anything at such turning points in life. But at the same time, the line between diagnosis and temporary experiences is very thin, so as not to miss the moment, we note the following obvious signs of depression:

  1. Anhedonia - a person does not experience joy at all, which manifests itself in the absence of hobbies, loss of interest in the opposite sex, friends and everything that once brought joy.
  2. Pessimism - all human judgments in any area of ​​life become negative, no matter what it concerns, starting with everyday trifles and ending with low self-esteem.
  3. Inactivity - a person withdraws from business, he loses motivation to work, play sports/music/any hobby, and even just communicate with people.
  4. Addiction to alcohol - very often people “drown” their grief with alcohol, but if this continues for a long time in uncontrolled doses, then there is a high probability that temporary experiences have already passed into the stage of depression.

Major depression: a dangerous mental state that clearly requires the help of a qualified specialist - a psychologist, and possibly a psychiatrist; the actions or words of an unprepared loved one can worsen the situation, lead to other disorders or suicide (depression can be part, symptom, consequence of an undiagnosed mental illness or traumatic events; drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician)

What to do if you don’t want to do anything and nothing makes you happy

There is no universal mechanism to help solve the problem of idleness. There are many reasons for the blues and the desire to do nothing, so it is necessary to look for appropriate ways to get rid of the described condition.

So, if you are wondering what to do if you don’t want to do anything at all, then, first of all, it is recommended to load yourself with something. Idleness is addictive. Therefore, in order to overcome the state of doing nothing, you need to come up with an interesting activity. In this case, it is advisable to devote all available time to this activity. You need to start yourself up like an automatic machine and work without brakes: exercise, work, hobbies. You should diversify your daily existence to the fullest.

When melancholy overcomes, sadness reigns in the soul and indifference rules existence, when everyday life becomes more and more monotonous, then sport comes to the rescue. After all, a positive spirit lives in a beautiful bodily shell. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the type of activity or sports activity individually. The main condition is pleasure. You should not forcibly tear your own “carcass” out of bed for the sake of the hated morning jog. If your gut is calm and measured sports exercises, then forcing yourself with fitness is not the best option.

Unblocking your own negative feelings, which individuals often try to hide far away, will also help overcome apathy. In order to bring hidden emotions to the surface, you can use the services of a psychotherapist or look deep into yourself. Unlocking it yourself is not difficult at all. You need to think alone about your true feelings for yourself, your parents, your partner, your children, and immerse yourself in the emotions you feel without being embarrassed by them. This way, a lot of negativity will spill out, the attitude towards relatives will improve and, at the same time, interest in life will return.

To remove melancholy from your own life, you should laugh. It is not without reason that there is a saying that laughter prolongs life. Therefore, it is recommended to read funny stories, jokes, and watch comedy films. You also need to smile at yourself and those around you: passers-by, colleagues, sellers, without thinking that someone will consider such behavior strange. Some will indeed consider the smile abnormal, but others will respond with a sincere smile, which will certainly lift the mood and awaken the desire to act.

Friends are another element that helps you stay afloat and prevents you from getting bogged down in the abyss of the blues. Therefore, it is recommended to remember “old” comrades, new acquaintances, best friends and create a “party”.

To be happy you need to find your own purpose. After all, successful individuals are successful because they do exactly what they really like. Having replayed your own life like stills from a movie, you need to remember the joyful moments of your existence, what caused them, what made your eyes sparkle, when everything stopped, why did this happen?! You should find this moment and rewrite the “frame” from life that changed it.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of laziness, a person just needs to rest. Many, in pursuit of ephemeral signs of happiness, forget about simple things - rest, proper sleep and nutrition, spiritual development, communication. If apathy is caused by banal mental fatigue and physical overstrain, then it is recommended to go to the forest, take a walk near the sea, and enjoy the gifts of nature. After all, nature coupled with rest are two irreplaceable components of a healthy personality.

What to do if there is a lot of work, but you don’t want to do anything?

When work has piled up like a snowball, you don’t have the strength to force yourself to work, then the question becomes what to do if you don’t want to do anything at all. There is nothing unusual in the desire to idle, since a person is a living being, and not a soulless robot. Therefore, you should not reproach yourself; you need, first of all, to understand the nature of laziness by answering several questions:

– at what point did you stop wanting to do anything?

– what happened up to this point;

– what steals strength;

– what are emotional resources, intellectual reserves and physical potential spent on?

If you managed to find the cause by answering the above questions, then you need to eliminate it. Maybe a person just needs a good rest or to get rid of it in a work environment.

Listed below are several typical causes of laziness and options for eliminating them.

A large number of accumulated cases, when the individual no longer understands what to grab first. Here, the preference to do nothing is a kind of “solution”. This is a kind of persistent desire to put off even important and urgent matters, leading to pathological psychological effects and everyday problems. Planning, delegation, and prioritization can help here.

Often the state of not wanting to do anything is generated by a reluctance to do something specific. Identifying the cause and all the above mentioned variations in the fight against laziness will help here.

If the reason lies in a lack of understanding of how to complete the task, then it is necessary to take a consistent approach to its implementation. Divide the problem into its component elements and solve them step by step. Set intermediate feasible goals and achieve them.

If internal confrontation is the reason for failure to complete the work, then it is recommended to try to come to an agreement with yourself so that feelings and motives are united. If it is impossible to deal with the problem described on your own, then communication with loved ones or a psychologist can help.

If the culprit of laziness is depression, not the blues that come periodically, but a disease, then it is imperative to consult a specialist. You can distinguish depression from banal sadness by the duration of the state of depression (more than six months), decreased physical activity, lack of feelings of joy, and the presence of negative thoughts.

So, when there is a lot to do, but there is no desire to work, then you just need to start acting. After all, laziness gives rise to inaction.

When you need to do something important, but are overcome by lethargy, apathy and laziness, this most likely means that the individual does not want to do it strongly enough. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the reasons for such reluctance.

It happens that the reason lies in the lack of willpower to make a decision and complete the assigned tasks. This is not a matter of laziness, but of indecision. A sufficient degree of self-education can help develop this quality.

People often come up with excuses for themselves so as not to do anything. The most popular is a phrase whose semantic implication lies in the perception of doing nothing and laziness as a kind of driving force of progress. However, they do not realize that lying on your favorite sagging sofa is not constructive laziness, which is truly the engine of progress. Therefore, you should not put off until tomorrow what you planned for today.

Without an activity plan, it is quite difficult to force yourself to work, so you need to learn to plan and also follow the planned actions. Two approaches can be used:

– outline a plan for the amount of work done for a specific time period. For example, “I have to peel a bucket of potatoes in an hour, until this is done, I won’t do anything else”;

– follow the established time standard (“I work for 2 hours, with two five-minute “smoke breaks”, after a given period, I rest for 30 minutes and work for another hour”). The amount of work done doesn't matter here.

The most important thing in overcoming the desire to do nothing is to focus on the task at hand. In other words, you need to learn not to be distracted. Having planned a time interval for completing work or the number of tasks that need to be completed, you need to exclude from your attention everything that can distract. That is, you need to turn off Skype or Viber, close social networks, and use the Internet only for work needs. Often individuals do not notice how much useful time is stolen by visiting social networks. But in addition, the effectiveness of activities drops sharply when distracted from the work being performed.

Therefore, in order to increase productivity, you need to make a vow to yourself not to do anything extraneous while completing the planned task.

There is a clear decline in your life right now. And it’s not a matter of age at all; the source of everything that happens to us, as well as the strength to help ourselves, is always within us. Believe me, this happens to everyone. You can handle it, everything passes, you just need to try a little and find a way to switch to something positive, bring yourself joy by any means, give relief, an outlet for negative emotions. All problems are actually in our heads, we create them ourselves, believe them, and then heroically overcome them. Remember this expression - whether a person is happy or not depends on what he himself thinks about it? Think about it too. Think about your lifestyle. You live without mood, joyful emotions (this is a direct risk of disease). You lack a positive start. You don’t allow yourself much, thereby depriving yourself of an outlet for emotions, you are squeezed. There is little joy from the phenomena of the surrounding world, pleasant surprise, a feeling of delight from events, satisfaction from one’s physical, intellectual or other capabilities. All this makes our life happier, fills it with meaning, colors it in different colors. A person himself can influence how he will live. You just need to choose the right life guidelines, because as a rule, we ourselves, with our behavior, appearance, and desires, give a certain message to the world and people around us. Change your attitude, first of all, towards yourself. Find the positive in yourself and your situation. Try to switch to something that is quite serious, important, necessary and brings stable pleasure. This could be your new personal project, hobby, new job, sports, additional training in courses, trainings. It is better to have several such activities at the same time. But there is absolutely no need to fight with yourself. Who told you that right now you have to be an active lively person? You don’t owe anyone anything, you don’t have to explain or make excuses. If you want to lie on the sofa, please. Listen to your body, have pity on it, take care of it. The human body is an amazing self-regulating system. Yours chose exactly this method to show that you are not behaving correctly, to attract your attention and respect for him, to feel sorry for him. Physical and mental health are closely related, interdependent, interpenetrated. Everything that happens to our body and psyche is mutually conditioned and is a reflection of our thoughts, experiences, emotions, desires and prohibitions to experience them, and satisfaction of needs. Live with pleasure, do constantly, every day, what brings you joy - this is the most important thing, what you need to put all your efforts into now, because happy people do not experience insecurity and negative emotions, they have no time, they enjoy life. Find these classes and start today. It is a stable feeling of joy that will allow you to perceive the world around you differently. Don’t forget about the need to laugh plenty and from the heart - laughter makes us happier, humor not only lifts our spirits, but also helps to establish contact with people, defuse a tense situation, focus on the positive yourself and switch others, laughter really makes us happier (proven by scientific research ). Give joy, positive emotions and they will definitely return to you. Start to slowly act, move, try for yourself. No one will pull you out of this whirlpool for you, unless you undergo a series of consultations with a psychologist, then - yes (I suggest). In the meantime, let's try it ourselves. Give yourself more attention than you've ever had before. Remember that employment is the best and most effective (according to Dale Carnegie) medicine for depression as well. All this will allow you to get to know yourself better, learn to feel people, build competent connections with them, and positive emotions, new opportunities, people will appear in your life, new paths will open. Look for yourself in different types of activities, you will definitely find something that makes you happy and brings pleasure. Breathe in life, let it into you, believe me, there is a lot in it that gives you drive, that can cause delight, a surge of vitality. You can restore harmony with yourself and with the world much faster with the help of a specialist, he will help you understand everything and find ways out of the current situation. All the best to you. Contact us via chat It wouldn't hurt to have at least one consultation. Don't forget to rate the answers.

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Date: 2013-03-03

Hello site readers.

We've all had that day when we wake up and realize we don't want to do anything. We didn’t want to get out of bed, go brush our teeth, cook food, go to our FAVORITE job, and what can we say, we were too lazy to even push ourselves when there was a strong need. You're all too lazy!!! And if you are asking this question, then this day has finally come to you. Welcome to the ranks of the “lazy people”

In this article I will explain why you don’t want to do anything
and what to do in such a situation.

Psychology Library

The state of apathy and depression, when nothing makes you happy in life and you have no strength for anything, is striking people en masse, and doctors are already sounding the alarm. Previously, it was believed that apathy was a temporary phenomenon and did not require special attention. However, now, more and more often, apathy turns into severe and protracted depression, which already needs to be treated in a hospital.

What is apathy in humans, how does it appear, and why does it happen?

The main reason for apathy is a simple lack of energy. In the modern world, we must be on the move all the time, run all the time, hurry, and we don’t have a second to rest.

For some time the body copes, a “second wind” may open, then a third, fourth, but the body’s resources are not limitless.

At some point, our body begins to rebel and turns on a defense mechanism called “apathy.”

Apathy sets in, you don’t want to do anything, and you feel constant fatigue, when you don’t even have the strength or desire to turn your head. We know what to do when the battery in our phone runs out, but what to do when the battery in our body runs out? This is even more difficult when you don’t want to do anything.

Apathy due to emotional burnout occurs in those who take their work too seriously. These are doctors, rescuers, firefighters, police, etc.

Giving all of themselves to work, saving people and not feeling the return, people burn out. Sometimes powerlessness and inability to save someone who trusted you causes disappointment in your profession or in yourself.

At first this manifests itself in rudeness, and then indifference to one’s work.

Apathy is a rather serious condition. Starting with indifference and detachment, aversion to life may also appear. No one is immune from this misfortune, and apathy can overtake a woman, a man, and a child.

The state of apathy, if you don’t want to do anything, is not simply laziness, with which it is often confused. Apathy is based on psychophysiological reasons. The causes of laziness are similar to those of apathy, but they are not as dangerous.

With laziness, a person is in harmony with himself, and he is consciously lazy, not wanting to do anything. A lazy person causes irritation, and an apathetic person causes anxiety.

Laziness is a permanent human state that lasts continuously for years, while apathy occurs in active and cheerful people, and is of a severe nature, requiring the attention of a psychologist.

Weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, causes in women

Women are physically weaker than men; in addition, they are often more emotional and vulnerable. In this regard, the causes of apathy in women can be of various origins.

Hormones play a huge role in a woman's health. Pregnancy, menopause, PMS, cause a hormonal storm in the body, frequent mood swings, and at some point, this mood may freeze at its lowest point.

To treat certain diseases, women undergo hormonal treatment. A hormonal imbalance in the body can cause a whole chain of disruptions that lead to apathy.

Appetite is disrupted, as a rule, women begin to overeat, gain weight, and when looking in the mirror, experience extreme stress. This stress is exacerbated if treatment does not have the desired effect.

Lack of faith in the future and lack of strength to fight further leads to apathy and depression.

Unhappy love is a huge challenge for any person, but some women experience it more acutely. If a breakup occurs, the woman feels abandoned, unwanted, and is overcome by a wave of despair.

At first, this is an understandable desire to cry, and at such moments no one is eager to interrupt this flow. It is believed that in such cases you need to let her cry, but without friendly support, the woman is exhausted from tears, and soon there is emptiness left.

Then there are no more tears, but there are no other desires either.

Apathy in women can be caused by overwork. This especially often occurs after the birth of a child, when chronic lack of sleep gives way to constant fear for the child, and not very correct statements from relatives or lack of help from a spouse cause a feeling of inferiority.

A woman tells herself that she is a bad mother, a bad wife, and all her efforts lead to nothing. Why then all this? Why cook, clean, take care of yourself if no one cares about you. A bad mood is combined with physical fatigue, which over time leads to apathy.

Unfulfilled dreams, shattered hopes, when everything goes wrong and a woman does not have time to comprehend what is happening around her, she withdraws into herself and does not react to the outside world at all.

In fact, there are many reasons why apathy occurs. The death of a loved one, stress, loss of a job, and when a series of unpleasant events does not stop, a certain fuse is triggered in the head, which turns off all feelings and emotions.

Causes of apathy in men

Apathy can arise against a background of dissatisfaction with oneself. Men often shoulder an unbearable burden. They clearly plan everything, but if the plan goes awry, irritation arises, they blame themselves for their inability to cope with the situation, and as a result, any desire to do something disappears.

The constant routine, repeated day after day, has already received its name: “Groundhog Day.” A person feels trapped and cannot escape from it. Every new day is similar to the previous one. A person does not see the future, he walks in circles, and there is no end to this.

Everything loses its meaning, home-work, work-home, and all the colors in life have faded. The man automatically goes through all the movements, actions, and slowly loses control over himself. He doesn’t remember what day it is, whether he put on his shoes, or wears slippers to work, he is overcome by indifference to everything.

One day he simply won’t get up for work in the morning and will remain lying on the bed, looking blankly at the ceiling. He ceases to recognize himself as a living person, and this is not an exaggeration. With apathetic depression, devitalization of mental alienation appears when a person loses awareness of his own “I”.

The instinct of self-preservation disappears, as does the desire to exist.

If a man is too responsible, he often takes on too much. He helps everyone, of course, everyone uses it with pleasure.

Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, irregular nutrition and every second responsibility lead to chronic fatigue. The word “I want” is replaced by the word “need”, and so on endlessly.

If you always follow circumstances, ignoring your own needs, over time, weakness, drowsiness along with insomnia, fatigue and apathy appear.

Often, apathy in men can be the result of prolonged stress. A job you don’t like, bad relationships in the family, all this accumulates over the years and gradually drains all your strength. For his own reasons, a man cannot or does not want to change the situation and continues to go with the flow as long as he has the strength.

First of all, a man gives up his hobbies. If he used to go fishing or go to a bar with friends on weekends, then with the onset of apathy this becomes uninteresting to him. He moves away from his friends and spends more and more time alone, just staring at the wall.

Then there is confusion, lethargy, memory loss and drowsiness. People around him write this off as laziness, and the alarm begins to sound only when a person stops taking care of himself, washing, eating and reacting to his surroundings.

This is a severe stage of apathy, and if this condition continues for more than two weeks, it’s time to get down to business. A person will not get out of this state on his own and will simply wither away.

How to deal with fatigue and apathy

Quite rarely, a person with apathy turns to doctors for help. I want to lie down and do nothing, not even breathe or blink. Everything has lost its meaning and absolute indifference to one’s own condition does not allow a person to realize the need for treatment.

After all, many people miss the first symptoms of apathy and attribute everything to simple fatigue. They hope to sleep off, go on vacation and everything will pass. But it’s not always possible to rest on time, and at work they can be loaded with additional urgent work.

In such cases, it is important to listen to yourself and not drive yourself like a “draft horse.” Sometimes, for the sake of your own health, you can give an ultimatum to your superiors.

Of course, this is not the best option, but the fact is that if apathy overtakes you, you may lose your job anyway. Only you will be sick, unhappy and useless to anyone.

Yesterday's valuable employee will turn into a pale shadow of yesterday's workaholic.

Apathy is a problem in modern society, and therefore it is wiser to prevent this disorder and not bring it to a clinical state, which, according to the International Classification of Diseases, has an index of R45.3 “Demoralization and apathy.”

Treatment of apathetic depression - the right approach is important

Apathetic depression is not always easy to treat. Often an integrated approach is needed, combining psychotraining and restorative therapy of the body. By the time relatives begin to sound the alarm, the patient is already exhausted both mentally and physically, he simply does not have the strength, even for treatment. Weakness and prolonged fasting exhaust the body, and every movement is difficult.

In such cases, a vitamin complex is prescribed to improve the patient’s physical condition, enhanced nutrition, and only then psychotherapy sessions are prescribed.

In cases of severe apathy, treatment often begins with hypnosis sessions. It is important to reach the patient, bring him out of his stupor and give him motivation to heal. In a state of hypnosis, a person is freed from his problems, and by exploring all corners of a person’s memory, one can find what exactly caused the disorder and how to get out of it.

Subsequently, during psychotherapy sessions, the patient, together with the psychologist, sorts out what was wrong. It is important to correctly measure your capabilities and strengths so as not to be upset by failures and unfulfilled dreams. You can get out of apathy this time, but you need to learn not to get into such situations again.

It is important to be aware of your “I”, which determines all our and not our “wants”. Being kind and sympathetic is wonderful, but we must not forget about ourselves. If the inner “I” protests, a person comes into conflict with himself, and it is important to realize this.

When psychotraining does not bring results, the doctor may prescribe psychostimulants for nervous activity.

It is better not to select medications on your own, and amateur activity is not encouraged here. Most over-the-counter medications have a sedative effect of varying degrees. These drugs can only harm the patient. In addition, drug therapy must be combined with psychotherapy.

The psychotherapist will tell you how to live further, so as not to encounter this terrible illness again. It’s a good idea to create a clear daily routine for yourself. Don't be afraid to be considered a bore, and stick to your own schedule.

Scientists write that it is enough for an adult to sleep 6 hours a day, but they forget to add that these are average figures. Allow as much time for your sleep as your body needs.

Don't forget about exercise and proper nutrition. It is not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

The body will find the necessary resources during the next trouble, but these resources need to be protected and replenished in a timely manner.

Learn to be optimistic. It sounds strange, but optimism can be learned. There is a share of optimism in every person, and with regular training you can develop the ability to see the good and believe more in miracles. Treat everyday problems with irony and a bit of humor, because these are little things that are not worth your worries.

Most often, the people who fall under the influence of apathy are those who themselves allowed this to happen. They limited themselves only to work and responsibilities, and completely abandoned entertainment.

It’s always a pity to spend time and money on entertainment, but a person needs them. Let it be a trip to the zoo, to the cinema, or riding a bike, but the human brain needs a change of scenery and emotions.

Otherwise, the repeating image of “Groundhog Day” will return again.

For dessert, we recommend watching the video...

Why don't you want to do anything?

The first reason is YOU! Sorry, I meant to say seasonal depression

, which most often occurs either in autumn or spring.
Personally, I have noticed how lazy I keep getting during the spring season. In the spring, your health is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and physical activity. Therefore, drink “Complevit”
and eat porridge. In autumn it occurs due to psychological and hormonal disruptions. There is no need to explain here at all; after summer, we all have a bad mood due to the onset of autumn. Especially among schoolchildren and students.

As always, everything is according to the standard, here’s my advice to you - get enough sleep, eat fruits and vegetables, take vitamins, do morning exercises.

The second reason is more common than the first, these are life difficulties and problems

. Nothing tires us more than the eternal problems that endlessly pile on us. For example, being fired from a job, a quarrel with a loved one, difficulties in the family - all this is enormous for the body. And these problems suck the vitality out of us, which leads to apathy and laziness.

So what should we do? The best solution is this. If it doesn’t light up, then put off solving the problem until later. By the way, this is effective. If possible, go to a psychologist, or find someone who will listen to you. Friends solve our problems better than us, because it doesn’t concern them. I have written about this many times.

The third reason is the loss of meaning in life

. You are not satisfied with the activity you are engaged in. In this I understand you perfectly. Because of this, deep pain arises.

And if you are faced with this, fortunately for you I wrote articles: and. Read and soon you will get out of this ridiculous situation, but this will not happen right away, as it takes time.

And if you are too lazy to read articles, then I will give you some tips right here. So let's get started. Take a blank piece of paper and write down your most basic values ​​and values, and then compare them to identify the main ones. It is better to distribute them into separate categories: immediate goals, universal human values, the meaning of your existence, optional.

Having done this, you will understand what you need to do and where to strive.

My first piece of advice is both simple and more complex than ever. And it lies in accepting your position

. After all, this won’t last forever anyway!!! So why shouldn’t you enjoy your stupid position? Let laziness in and embrace it. You are not a horse to work endlessly, although horses get tired too. Give yourself two days and do nothing at least until you lose it. Get some sleep, go somewhere (if you're not too lazy), watch TV or stare at the ceiling. REST. Remember, at this moment you are regaining your strength.

During such periods, I am often overwhelmed by inaction. If guilt also bothers you, don’t pay attention to it. You have the right to rest, so explain this to your guilt. Let it fall on all four sides, and if necessary, we will find a fifth side for it.

The second piece of advice is banal to the point of idiocy - do something useful and enjoyable for you.

. We all have something that we like and that we are ready to do until exhaustion. I hope that doesn't include throwing eggs from balconies at people. Don’t even think about trying this, otherwise once you start, it’s hard to stop. In short, do what makes you happy. If you don’t have such an activity or you don’t even want to do it, then stare at the ceiling or read the next advice.

The third tip is a little difficult to implement. When you don’t want anything, it’s enough to take the first step through I can’t

to correct this state of affairs. For example, I often get overwhelmed by laziness when I have to go to the gym. Guys who work out in the gym will understand me. There are days when I have a headache, irritability, apathy, but here the gym is on schedule. At first you look for reasons not to go to the gym, but having broken yourself, you still go there. My friends and I watched how their health improved dramatically after training. To do this you had to take the first step!!! This is my third piece of advice - take the first step.

I know that this is not easy, and that the words are spinning in your head: “I have no desire to do anything,” “I don’t want to make decisions,” “I’m in a bad mood,” “Not today,” “Nothing.” Want"

and so on. Drop those excuses and take a step forward through the can'ts.

Sometimes we spend several times more time and effort on tasks than we really need. And the point is not only laziness, but also the fact that all days become similar to each other, and tasks become the same and boring. Sometimes we lack energy, motivation, or just want to relax. But the work doesn’t wait, and as a result, the list of tasks only grows. Therefore, I believe that on such days you definitely need to give yourself a little shake-up and upgrade. Here are some ways to reboot and overcome reluctance to work.

Our song is good, let's start... from the end!

One of my favorite ways to “unwind” my brain. When I can't concentrate or I just don't have the inspiration to do something, I change the order of actions and start from the end. It doesn’t matter what the task is: working on new material or preparing a content plan for a project. I simply take on those pieces of work that seem easiest and most attractive to me. Then putting them together is much easier than creating from scratch. And writing from the end is sometimes even very interesting.

Let's change the situation

If I do, then I can temporarily move my workplace to another room, to the kitchen or even to the balcony. The same can be done in the office by moving yourself to another office or meeting room. The main thing is to create an unusual environment for yourself, surround yourself with new objects or work in a cafe.

...or tools for work

For example, leave the computer alone and pick up a notepad and pen. This activity can be combined with a short walk in the park and work in the fresh air: draw up a detailed plan for a presentation or report, write down all possible solutions to the problem that needs to be dealt with. Even if most of them don't make any sense, you'll get creative and wake up your brain. And writing on paper itself is excellent and helps to get out of stagnation.

Breaking the daily routine!

Make a little change in your life by coming up with a completely different plan for your day. Do the things in the morning that you usually do in the evening or at lunch. Clean your apartment, have borscht for breakfast, or work early in the morning. I really like to work early in the morning, when everyone around me is still asleep and does not disturb the calm atmosphere. In these few hours I manage to do much more than in the daytime.

Time to go for a run

Nothing energizes you like . Even if you're not a fan of this activity, do a test run to clear your head and relieve stress. Even 2 kilometers and several circles around your home will fully charge you and improve your performance. Personally, I always come home with fresh ideas and a boost of energy for work.

In extreme cases, you can rest

Well, when it’s completely unbearable, you don’t need to force your body, it’s better to give yourself a few hours of rest by doing something useful and enjoyable. You just need to be honest with yourself and agree that after a walk, shopping or watching a movie, you will devote a certain amount of time to current activities. Often this approach works, as we motivate ourselves by “idleness” and, already satisfied, are more happy to tackle the to-do list.

Tell us about your methods of dealing with stagnation and reluctance to work.

How often can you hear this statement from the lips of a modern person. Moreover, women suffer from this condition no less than men. The male sex simply has more opportunities for camouflage. That’s why they admit that they don’t want to do anything much less often. As a rule, they refer to fatigue after a difficult day at work. It is much more difficult for a woman in this regard.

Let's try to figure out why you don't want to do anything from time to time? Where does this condition come from and how to overcome it?

I don’t want to do anything or...

It is important to understand for yourself purely psychologically what the cause of this condition is. It often happens that the habitual “I don’t want to do anything” hides a banal reluctance to do some specific work. This happens due to everyday routine. We all perform most of our official and household duties under some kind of psychological compulsion. That's how it's supposed to be. That's all. This is not disputed. Therefore, a state often arises when it seems that there are no longer any desires of one’s own.

What to do in this case? Everything is very simple. You need to stop and take a time out to think. It is important for us to understand whether depression is really overtaking us or is it just a desire to find time for our own desires and hobbies. Very often, the reluctance to perform any actions is associated with a depressive state. In this case, all the colors of the surrounding world fade. It seems that absolutely nothing interests him anymore. Sometimes it begins to seem that life has been lived completely in vain and there is no meaning in what we do every day.

Only experienced psychologists and long-term work on one’s own spiritual development can help with this condition. It is necessary to find the lost meaning. This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. However, without it, life really seems absolutely meaningless.

If such a state is associated with a desire to engage in another type of activity, then you just need to set your priorities correctly. If this is not a job you love, then quit without hesitation. You can pay very dearly with your health for this coercion. Look for a job that will give you moral satisfaction. If this is not possible, then you should look for the positive in the place where you work now. It is quite possible that your workplace is simply not organized correctly or there are difficulties in relationships with colleagues. Because in a friendly team there is always someone who is ready to lend a reliable shoulder to a friend in difficult times.

Actively involve family members in completing household chores. You shouldn’t put all the responsibilities of cooking, buying groceries, washing dishes and washing clothes on your fragile female shoulders. For this there are stronger husbands and more energetic children. Instead of walking down the street, your daughter or son can vacuum the apartment or peel potatoes. There is a special technique for the husband’s load, which we will talk about next time.

Is it illness or laziness when you don’t want to do anything? Why is this condition dangerous?

When you don’t want anything at all, that’s already a disease. Its name is nervous exhaustion. Only a specialist and long rest can help. If you feel this condition, then immediately go to see a psychologist. There you will understand your psychological problems. After that, take a vacation and go somewhere far away. Out of town. Towards village life. A good way is to live in a nunnery. If you have such an institution in your area, then call its abbess and tell them about your desire to live there for a few days. Most likely, after your arrival you will be given various assignments to do physical labor. But fresh air, physical activity, communication with a priest and proper natural nutrition will do their job very quickly. After a week, you will return to your normal life in a completely renewed state of mind. There will be so much strength that there is more than enough. Try it, you will understand everything yourself.

An alternative to this method is to visit relatives in the village. But you should not go to resorts and holiday homes. You will not find your healing there. A radical change of scenery is needed.

Do not delay treatment. This condition is dangerous for the psyche. At one point you may feel like you should end your life. And, believe me, in a depressed state you will try to do this. It is possible that after this step it will be too late to change anything.

Admit the problem

For many, the state when they don’t want anything at all doesn’t seem like a problem. They continue to lead a vegetable-like lifestyle, thinking that everything is fine with them, gradually slipping into depression. If you were mopey for just a day, and the next day your mood and state returned to normal by itself, then you have nothing to be afraid of and this is really a common thing. But if apathy doesn’t go away, then you should admit to yourself that it has become a problem that needs to be solved.

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