Ambidexterity - what is it? How to develop ambidexterity? Pros and cons of ambidexterity

Is ambidexterity a developed skill or a talent of phenomenal people?

Ambidexterity is the ability to use both hands equally. Most often it develops as a result of conscious training of left-handers. However, about 1% of babies are born with congenital ambidexterity, which is often genetically determined. The percentage of people who are equally proficient in both their right and left hands is negligible. Nowadays, ambidextrous children are considered to be people with phenomenal abilities, and there is some logic in this. Both hemispheres of the brain are stimulated and equally developed, and what kind of bonuses this gives, we read further.

Personal characteristics of ambidextrous people

During observations, psychologists found that ambidextrous people are people who:

  • compared to right-handers and left-handers, the IQ level is increased;
  • hyperactivity is naturally developed;
  • decisions are made quickly and intuitively;
  • focus on multitasking;
  • It’s easy to write the same word/figure with both hands at the same time.

Ambidexters have not just a physiological feature, but a specific way of thinking and mind. The right hemisphere controls the left side of our body, and the left hemisphere controls the right. The right hemisphere includes: intuition, non-verbal perception, emotionality, creativity, sensuality. The left is more responsible for analytical and mathematical abilities, logical conclusions, memorizing facts and learning languages. Therefore, left-handers are guided by feelings, and right-handers are guided by logic. An ambidextrous child synchronously uses both of his hemispheres, therefore he has the abilities of both.

What is extendo - Meaning of the Word extendo

Morphological and syntactic properties

Infection basis: extend-

Sing.1 p.m.extendōextenderextendamextendar
2 p.m.extendisextenderisextendasextendarisextendeextendere
3 p.m.extenditextenditurextendatextendātur
Plur.1 p.m.extendimusextendimurextendāmusextendāmur
2 p.m.extenditisextendiminiextendātisextendaminiextenditeextendimini
3 p.m.extenduntextendunturextendantextendantur
Sing.1 p.m.extendēbamextendēbarextenderemextender
2 p.m.extendēbasextendebārisextenderesextenderēris
3 p.m.extendēbatextendebāturextenderetextenderētur
Plur.1 p.m.extendebāmusextendebāmurextenderēmusextenderēmur
2 p.m.extendebātisextendebaminiextenderētisextenderēmini
3 p.m.extendēbantextendebanturextenderentextenderentur
Futurum I
Sing.1 p.m.extendamextendar
2 p.m.extendsextendērisextendito
3 p.m.extendetextendēturextendito
Plur.1 p.m.extendēmusextendēmur
2 p.m.extendētisextendeminiextenditōte
3 p.m.extendenturextendunto
Infīnitivus praesentis actīviextendĕre
Infīnitivus praesentis passīviextendi
Participium praesentis actīviextendens
Gerundivumextendendus, -a, -um

Perfect stem: extend-

PerfectumPlusquamperfectumFuturum II
Sg.1 p.m.extendīextenderimextenderamextendissemextenderō
2 p.m.extendistiextenderisextenderasextendissesextenderis
3 p.m.extenditextenderitextenderatextendissetextenderit
Pl.1 p.m.extendimusextenderimusextenderāmusextendissēmusextenderimus
2 p.m.extendistisextenderitisextenderātisextendissētisextenderitis
3 p.m.extendēruntextenderintextenderantextendissentextenderint
Infīnitivus perfecti actīviextendisse

Support base: extent-

Participium perfecti passiviextentus, -a, -um
Participium futuri activiextentūrus, -a, -um
Supinum Iextentum
Supinum IIextentū

Forms formed from another base of the supina are also used:

Base of the supina: extēns-

Participium perfecti passiviextēnsus, -a, -um
Participium futuri activiextēnsūrus, -a, -um
Supinum Iextensum
Supinum IIextēnsū


Verb, third conjugation.

Prefix: ex-

root: -tend-
ending: -o


Semantic properties


  1. stretch; extend, extend ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  2. pull out (head, etc.) ◆ No example of use (see recommendations).
  3. unwind, unwind, pull ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  4. increase, expand ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  5. distribute ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  6. lay down, throw down ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  7. extend, spread ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  8. strain ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  9. increase, inflate ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  10. lengthen, tighten ◆ No example of usage (see recommendations).
  11. draw, draw (a line, etc.) ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
  12. Antonyms



    Related words

    adjectives: verbs:
    Derived from ex- “from-, from-” + tendere “to pull, strain” (goes back to Proto-Indo-Hebrew *ten- “to pull”).

    Phraseologisms and stable combinations

    Closest relationship
      nouns: extensio (extentio),

    CC © 2011-2018. Copying is prohibited.

Ambidexterity: advantages and disadvantages

  • People with a dominant hemisphere, when emotionally overloaded or worried, switch their attention to other activities, work, and find a way to escape from unpleasant feelings. Ambidextrous people are less capable of this. Along with mental anguish, they analyze it logically, which causes them even more suffering. Technically, they will move on to other things when they forget the drama they experienced. This property of ambidexterity negatively affects the general psycho-emotional state. In this regard, a number of experts note that ambidextrous people have a tendency to schizophrenia and migraines.
  • An ambidextrous adult or child has a high level of involvement “in the now moment.” At the same time, he perceives the situation simultaneously from the position of both logic and feelings, so the world appears before him in brighter colors. Since an ambidextrous person analyzes the current situation objectively, he has a high speed of making impulsive decisions. In a critical situation this is an invaluable skill.
  • Ambidextrous children are characterized by attention deficit disorder and hyperreactivity, which negatively affects the learning process. For the same reason, some teachers make premature conclusions about their low mental abilities. In practice, such children learn the material faster and demonstrate a higher IQ.
  • The modern education system is dominated by a one-sided approach and attempts to squeeze everyone into a single framework. Educators strive to teach the child the traditional method of writing with the right hand, and ambidexterity is equated with a personality defect. Such pressure is emotionally difficult for a child to bear.
  • Mastery of both hands gives such people a chance to more easily master musical instruments or exercise equipment. Therefore, there are especially many ambidextrous people among talented musicians, athletes, and creative people. At the same time, an injury to one arm allows the ambidextrous child to retain his legal capacity. Many professional athletes deliberately develop ambidextrous abilities in order to improve professionally and physically surpass others.

If your baby is showing signs of ambidexterity, read “If your child is ambidextrous, what should you do?”

Who is ambidextrous

Recently, changes have been taking place in the formation of the brain activity of humanity, and quantitative changes have been observed in the percentage of ambidextrous children in relation to those who have developed one leading system of perception and action (the percentage increases in its measurements from a few to 10-15%). And if relatively recently one could hear the question “ambidextrous, who is this?”, now this quality has become familiar, customary and desirable. People who did not receive this feature from birth develop equal control of both hands through exercises, performing habitual actions with the other hand, etc. What is characteristic is that the changes do not remain at the level of simple physical functioning, but affect the processes of brain activity and its specifics. Those for whom the right hand was the dominant hand, during the training process, notice the development of not only the ability to use the same hand, but also the discovery of creative inclinations that had not previously manifested themselves even in early childhood. Left-handed people notice how they have become more capable of structuring their time and planning future activities, based on factual analysis, rather than an emotional outburst.

An ambidextrous person cannot describe the peculiarities of his perception of the world as something different from the general one; most often one can hear “I just don’t care how to hold a mouse.” But ambidexterity concerns not only the hand, it determines the absence of a leading system in relation to any system of the body - a sighting eye, a pushing leg, a finely recognizing ear, all this is characteristic of people with a defining modality and is not characteristic of ambidexterity. They can always write with their right hand in a notebook, but on the board with their left hand, the visual system will be leading with the left, and the auditory system with the right. Depending on the circumstances or upon request, it will not be difficult for them to change a hand (leg, eye) and continue performing the work with the same quality.

Due to the cross-function of both hemispheres, an ambidexter can designate the features of his worldview as knowledge, without receiving information, by intuitive guesses. A subtle sense of the world and excellent logical skills help analyze and read information in a split second; thanks to this combination, it seems that such people see the future and draw information from space.

Ambidexterity looks like a special vision of the world, because where it is customary to observe only one component (or feelings, or reasoning), the ambidexter perceives a whole complex of concepts. Since our world is split, and we continue to do everything possible to further avoid the intersection of feelings and thinking on the same plane, it is at the same time quite difficult to understand what psycho-emotional and nervous overloads a person experiences, perceiving the picture more holistically. Ambidexterity is not only a gift, but also a curse.

Ambidexterity test

Initially, every person controls both hands equally well. During the learning process, one of them becomes the leader, and the control skill of the second is largely lost. But since you have it and are healthy, this ability can be restored. As a rule, ambidextrous people are well aware of their peculiarities. Still, you might be interested in conducting an ambidexterity test and determining your dominant hemisphere.

Calmly watch the following video for a couple of minutes. If the figure spins clockwise, you have left-hemisphere thinking and are right-handed. If counterclockwise, the right hemisphere dominates. When you see rotation alternately left and right, this is a sign of ambidexterity.


The brewery's assortment includes the following brands[3]:

  • Andechser Vollbier Hell
    is a classic light straw-yellow lager with a slight sweetness and hop bitterness, alcohol content 4.8%.
  • Andechser Spezial Hell
    is a sparkling light golden lager with a malt aroma, sweetness and notes of hops, alcohol content 5.8%.
  • Andechser Bergbock Hell
    is a light golden strong bock beer with a subtle hop bitterness combined with a light honey sweetness, with a soft aftertaste, alcohol content 7.0%.
  • Andechser Export Dunkel
    is a classic light straw-yellow lager with a malt aroma and hints of chocolate, alcohol content 4.9%.
  • Andechser Doppelbock Dunkel
    - dark doppelbock, dense and velvety, with the sweetness of malt, notes of cocoa and dark chocolate, alcohol content 7.0%.
  • Andechser Weissbier Hell
    is a light wheat weissbier with a fruity taste and aroma of bananas, melon and cloves, with an alcohol content of 5.0%.
  • Andechser Weissbier Dunkel
    - dark chestnut wheat weissbier with a fruity aroma of ripe bananas and pineapples, notes of caramel and chocolate, alcohol content 5.0%.
  • Andechser Weissbier Hefetrub
  • Andechser Weissbier Dunkel
  • Andechser Doppelbock Dunkel

Dextrose in food

Dextrose occurs naturally in corn and some other plants. In commercial production, it is often added to baked goods, as well as other products that contain sweeteners - various sweets, breakfast cereals, frozen desserts. Don't be surprised if adding dextrose to your post-workout shake makes it even sweeter—you're increasing your sugar intake!


Dextrose, although simple in its chemical composition and action, can provide you with many benefits if you are looking to improve your carbohydrate intake. It affects blood sugar levels, so may not be suitable for everyone. However, dextrose is also a quick and effective tool for increasing energy levels. It can improve performance and have a positive impact on your training results.

Translation: Farida Seidova

Articles on our website are presented for educational and informational purposes only. We do not recommend using article materials as medical advice. If you decide to take dietary supplements or make fundamental changes to your diet, first consult with a specialist.

What is it for?

Nowadays, there are many different types of videos and photographs that are gaining popularity in many areas, but not the behind the scenes type of work. The thing is that quite often this type of shooting is considered as an additional bonus to a photo shoot. Only this is a strong misconception.

Backstage can be the perfect addition to a fashion show or party, it is not tied to a specific event.

backstage what is it

The main goal of the behind-the-scenes work is to capture the entire creative life of the event and show its preparation. You know, this is much more interesting than looking at the finished picture! Backstage complements any work given by the customer.

What is dextrose?

Dextrose is a simple sugar. Unlike complex carbohydrates, which release energy gradually during digestion, it is a quick source of energy. Chemically, dextrose has the same structure as glucose, which is the body's main source of energy. It is also a component of the sweetener high fructose corn syrup. Fructose is a sugar found in berries and fruits.

Is dextrose a sugar?

Yes, dextrose is sugar. Sugars can be simple (containing a single sugar molecule) or complex, which have several types of long chains of molecules linked together. Commercially available dextrose is usually made from corn sugar. It quickly enters the bloodstream and is easily digested.

Ambidexterity - how to develop?

The development of ambidexterity suggests that a person begins to better use the creative potential inherent in him due to the formation of new neural connections and harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres. Right-handed people begin to develop intuitive abilities, and left-handed people sometimes lack logical, reasoned thinking, which right-handed people have in abundance. Training and exercises help both achieve their goals.

Developing ambidexterity in yourself is not that difficult. Discipline and daily practice will give results over time. Exercises for developing the second hand and synchronizing both hemispheres:

  • perform normal daily work part of the time with the “weak” hand (right-handers - left, left-handers - right);
  • juggling – helps to use both hands equally;
  • embroidering alternately with both hands;
  • learning to play musical instruments: piano, button accordion, accordion;
  • ten-finger typing practice on a keyboard;
  • simultaneous drawing on two sheets of paper: the right hand draws a square, the left hand draws a triangle;
  • “mirror drawing” - drawing identical symbols, letters, figures with both hands.
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