Tablets for dizziness: review of the 24 best drugs, pros and cons, prices, analogues

Groups of medicines

There is no ideal medication that can be used to get rid of both the symptoms and the cause of this condition. All medications for vegetative vascular dystonia are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Sedatives.
  2. Vasodilators.
  3. Antidepressants for VSD.
  4. Tranquilizers for VSD.

It is possible to answer the question of how to treat the pathology only after examination and identification of the root cause. In some cases, the emphasis is on the use of antidepressants, in others the patient is prescribed nootropics for VSD.

You cannot “diagnose” the problem yourself and drink strong medications uncontrollably. Otherwise, vegetative vascular dystonia will be even more severe.

The patient is prescribed the following sedatives for VSD:

  1. Novopassit
  2. Motherwort
  3. Persen
  4. Sedafiton
  5. Dormiplant
  6. Valerian
  7. Gerbion
  8. Cardiplant
  9. Green drops
  10. Sodium bromide
  11. Anthonycin
  12. Corvalol
  13. Bromcamphor
  14. Validol

Also, for the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia in women and men, sedative medications with extracts of Baikal skullcap, astragalus, and wild rosemary are prescribed.

Sometimes dystonia is treated with powerful medications, which are a combination of barbiturates with herbal ingredients. Medicines such as Corvalol, Barboval, Valocordin are prescribed.

The following vasodilator drugs are prescribed for vegetative vascular dystonia:

  1. Vinpocetine.
  2. Asparkam.
  3. Panangin.
  4. Alpha adrenergic blockers.
  5. Sympatholytics.

The best alpha-blocker is Atenolol.

The patient is prescribed medications for vegetative-vascular dystonia, such as:

  1. Sertarlin.
  2. Coaxil.
  3. Paroxetine.
  4. Sydnofen.
  5. Amitriptyline.

These drugs for VSD help fight depressive and subdepressive symptoms.

Vegetative vascular dystonia can be treated with medications such as:

  1. Pantogam
  2. Noofen
  3. Lutsetam
  4. Piracetam
  5. Glycine

Such tablets for vegetative-vascular dystonia help restore attention, improve memory and concentration. With their help, you can cope with such unpleasant conditions as dizziness during VSD, as well as weakness and fatigue. Aspirin will help cope with mild dizziness. Betagistine is also prescribed

The following tablets are prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  1. Pentoxifylline.
  2. Oxybral.
  3. Stugeron.
  4. Cavinton.

These drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation in the brain. They are designed to cope with headaches. These are very effective remedies for VSD. They are used simultaneously with the main methods of treating pathology. Aspirin will help relieve a mild headache.

Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia in women involves taking a medication such as Vinoxin. It has a beneficial effect on vascular walls and relieves headaches.

Normalization of blood pressure

With elevated blood pressure, autonomic dystonia involves taking medications such as Anaprilin and Metoprolol. When blood pressure drops, Mezaton and Rhodiola rosea are recommended. Both infusions and drops are prescribed.

To relieve chest pain, Mildronate is prescribed for VSD. Riboxin also helps a lot.

Sometimes the attending physician has to prescribe the following drugs for VSD:

  1. Propranol.
  2. Anaprilin
  3. Mexidol
  4. Riboxin.
  5. Actovegin.

The drugs most commonly prescribed are beta blockers. Also, the doctor who has identified the symptoms and treatment may prescribe adaptogens.

Beta blockers work well with enzyme supplements. At the same time, vitamins are prescribed for VSD.

What to take? Doctors recommend treating vegetative vascular dystonia at home with vitamins B and C.

Sleeping pills help treat sleep disorders with VSD. If signs of insomnia appear in adults, they are recommended to drink:

  1. Dormikum.
  2. Donormil.
  3. Zolpidem.

If the patient has a mild degree of sleep disturbance, then he is prescribed Barboval drops.

These are quite good drugs that have a powerful sedative effect. But you should be careful with some prescribed medications. They belong to tranquilizers and neuroleptics. You can’t take them for a long time if you have VSD.

When does the drug help and how to take it?

This drug can be prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • nocturnal enuresis, including in the youngest patients;
  • depression of various etymologies;
  • neuroses based on bulimia and anorexia;
  • various anxiety-depressive conditions;
  • chronic pain in different areas of the body associated with neurological abnormalities;
  • phobias and various behavioral changes.

The medicine also copes excellently with headaches and migraines. In some cases, for example, with enuresis, Amitriptyline is part of a complex treatment. For diagnoses related to nervous system disorders, treatment may include only this medicine.

Amitriptyline should not be used without clear indications for use. As a rule, it is not taken for preventive purposes. How to take the drug? The standard dose for an adult is from 150 to 250 mg per day.

If the patient's condition is severe and requires treatment in a hospital, the daily dosage can be increased to 300 mg. As a rule, the dose is divided into 2-3 doses and drunk at regular intervals. The initial dose is always minimal, 25-50 mg. Also, in a hospital setting, the drug in tablets can be replaced with a liquid form of the drug - Amitriptyline Akos, which is administered intramuscularly.

For elderly patients, the dosage should be reduced to 100 mg. For children, the amount of the drug is calculated based on the patient’s weight. The maximum dose per 1 kg of body weight is 2.5 mg. When treating migraines, it is enough to take 12.5-25 mg per day.

If the dosage is incorrect, side effects may occur. In case of an overdose, an increase in temperature, the appearance of ventricular arrhythmia, convulsions, hallucinations, and extrasystole are possible. The situation can even reach the point of a comatose state of the patient.

Another important note is that abrupt discontinuation or reduction of dosage is also unacceptable. This may cause symptoms to return. This factor can be compared to addiction or dependence, which some patients fall under. This drug can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

Release form

Cavinton is available in different forms: tablets, injections, and an option with a dropper is also possible. Injections of the drug in question are the best treatment option, since the active component itself is extremely quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, having an immediate effect on the required organs. The main active ingredient of the drug is considered to be vinpocetine.

Cavinton in ampoules

The medicine is a specific solution for intravenous administration. The solution itself has no tint. Auxiliary components include:

  • tartaric acid,
  • sodium disulfide,
  • water for injections,
  • benzyl alcohol,
  • ascorbic acid.

Ampoules are brown in color with a white breaking point, 2.5 or 10 ml. There are 5 ampoules in a plastic tray. 2 pallets per cardboard package. There is also a medicine called Cavinton-Forte, which has an increased content of the active substance in 1 injection.

Cavinton tablets

Cavinton tablets are a good remedy prescribed to patients who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. Tablets are available at 5 mg in a pack of 50 pieces. They are white in color, flat, round, with divisions, and the name engraved on 1 side. Additional components of the drug:

  • silica,
  • magnesium stearate,
  • talc,
  • corn starch,
  • lactose monohydrate.

When a dangerous stage of the pathological process is identified in a patient, a Cavinton drip is placed. The medicine is administered intravenously as a drip infusion. The drug is administered gradually, the infusion rate does not exceed 80 drops per minute. It is prohibited to administer intramuscularly and intravenously in its original form. To prepare the infusion, use saline solution or solutions that contain dextrose.

Grandaxin and alcohol: compatibility

Doctors warn patients against taking pills and alcohol at the same time. An atypical benzodiazepine does not potentiate the effects of ethanol.

At the same time, alcoholic drinks enhance the effect of the antidepressant and help reduce the concentration of the active substance in the blood. This reduces the therapeutic effect of drugs to zero.

The danger of the tandem of Grandaxin and alcohol also lies in the increased risk of side effects. Therefore, drinking alcoholic beverages during therapy is out of the question.

At the end of treatment, after 24 hours, the active substance of the drug is completely removed from the body. Then you can treat yourself to a glass of wine or a stronger ethanol-based drink.

Taking herbal medicines

What drugs should be used to treat VSD when the pathology is at the initial stage? Many people have been cured with herbs that have a powerful sedative effect. Most often they are prescribed for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in pregnant women.

For VSD, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • peony tincture;
  • thyme;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • ginseng;
  • motherwort tincture.

Persen is a good remedy for dystonia. It can be combined with medications such as Negrustin, Novopassit.

Features of medicines

Taking medications depends on how severe the VSD is. It also takes into account which symptoms the person complains about most.


Sometimes tranquilizers are prescribed for the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia in men and women. According to some doctors, Adaptol is the best drug in this group.

Its use helps to enhance serotonin levels in brain tissue. Adaptol for VSD has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. No peripheral parts are affected. The result of its impact is almost similar to the effect of antidepressants.

This medicine for VSD has a specific taste. The instructions for use state that it should be combined with those drugs that give a sedative and psychotropic effect. You should not take these tablets at the same time as alcoholic beverages.

It is best to take this medicine that helps with VSD at the initial stage of the pathology. In case of exacerbation, it helps little.


This remedy for vegetative-vascular dystonia combines fatty acids with minerals. It has a powerful antioxidant effect and helps stop metabolic abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. Prevents the development of vascular pathology.

To treat this pathology, injections are prescribed. They are placed in the muscle.


To enhance the hypotensive effect of beta-blockers and slow calcium channel blockers, the patient may be prescribed Andipal.

For adults, the drug is prescribed orally. The maximum permissible dosage is 1 tablet, twice or thrice/24 hours. The duration of the therapeutic course is 15-20 days.

It is not recommended to take Andipal for people suffering from decompensated chronic heart failure. In case of overdose, side effects such as drowsiness and decreased speed of psychomotor reactions appear.


One of the most powerful tricyclic antidepressants is Amitriptyline. This medicine is taken only with a prescription from your doctor. Amitriptyline for VSD helps reduce anxiety. This remedy also has a good effect on the general condition.


When the body lacks vitamins C or P, ascorutin is prescribed. It strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of ascorbic acid destruction.

As the instructions for use say, Ascorutin is taken orally. It is not prescribed for the treatment of the main symptoms of VSD.

Ascorutin has a beneficial effect on the condition of cerebral vessels during VSD. Not prescribed during pregnancy. Sometimes Ascorutin contributes to headaches.


If blood pressure rises against the background of VSD, then the best remedy for VSD is Andipal. The use of this medicine is especially effective in stage 1 arterial hypertension. At high blood pressure, Andipal has a mild sedative and hypotensive effect. It contains papaverine and dibazole. They have not only a symptomatic effect.

With elevated blood pressure, Andipal is taken not occasionally, but systematically. These tablets for VSD help restore the tone of the vascular walls and reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Andipal is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. They are recommended its analogues - Papazol and Drotaverine.


What should I take to prevent anxiety conditions that usually occur with autonomic disorder? According to reviews, the best remedy is Afobazol.

It enhances the anti-anxiety effect of Diazepam.

Afobazole for VSD gives an effect for about 21-30 days. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.


One of the effective histamine analogues is Betaserc. It acts on the H1-H2 receptors of the inner ear and vestibular nuclei of the central nervous system.

Betaserc helps with headaches due to VSD. Another indication is vestibular vertigo. Betaserc helps improve microcirculation and capillary permeability.

According to the instructions for use, this medicine is taken before meals. Betaserc is not recommended for persons with sensitivity to its components.


Sometimes treatment of VSD involves the use of beta-blockers. Such a drug is Bisoprolol. Its action is based on blocking some receptors that are located in the heart. Taking this medicine for VSD helps stop excessive stimulation of the heart. This leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Bisoprolol is prescribed for:

  1. Angina pectoris.
  2. Arrhythmias.
  3. Heart failure.

Bisoprolol helps improve the electrical stability of the myocardium. This gives an antiarrhythmic effect. If vegetative-vascular dystonia is combined with heart failure, then this medicine can be taken only if the pathology is at a stable stage.

According to the instructions, Bisoprolol is contraindicated in persons with bradycardia.


All medications recommended for VSD are included in the following list:

  1. Adaptol.
  2. Actovegin.
  3. Amitriptyline.
  4. Anaprilin.
  5. Andipal.
  6. Ascorutin.
  7. Atarax.
  8. Atenolol.
  9. Afobazol.
  10. Betahistine.
  11. Betaserk.
  12. Bisoprolol.
  13. Vaso collected.
  14. Valemidin.
  15. Valerian.
  16. Validol.
  17. Valocordin.
  18. Valoserdin.
  19. Westinorm.
  20. Vinoxin.
  21. Vinpocetine.
  22. Ginkgo biloba.
  23. Glycine.
  24. Grandaxin.
  25. Darsonval.
  26. Ginseng.
  27. Zoloft.
  28. Cavinton.
  29. Drops of greenery.
  30. Clonazepam.
  31. Combilipen.
  32. Concor.
  33. Corvalol.
  34. Cortexin.
  35. Lutsetam.
  36. Magnesia.
  37. Magnesium.
  38. Mexidol.
  39. Mexiprim.
  40. Meldonium.
  41. Mydocalm.
  42. Mildronate.
  43. Milgamma.
  44. Peony tincture.
  45. A nicotinic acid.
  46. Novopassit.
  47. Noopept.
  48. Nootropil.
  49. Noshpa.
  50. Panangin.
  51. Pantogam.
  52. Papazol.
  53. Persen.
  54. Picamilon.
  55. Piracetam.
  56. Motherwort.
  57. Riboxin.
  58. Spasmalgon.
  59. Strezam.
  60. Stugeron.
  61. Tanakan.
  62. Tenoten.
  63. Teraligen.
  64. Troxevasin.
  65. Phezam.
  66. Phenazepam.
  67. Phenibut.
  68. Phenotropil.
  69. Fluoxetine.
  70. Ceraxon.
  71. Cinnarizine.
  72. Cipralex.
  73. Cytoflavin.
  74. Citramon.
  75. Cigapan.
  76. Evalar.
  77. Eglonil.
  78. Elastin.
  79. Eleutherococcus.
  80. Eltacin.
  81. Eltsin.
  82. Antonycin.
  83. Eufillin.
  84. Succinic acid.

Classification of antidepressants

When treating VSD, four groups of psychotropic drugs are prescribed:

  1. Tricyclic: "Amitriptyline", its derivatives. These drugs are widely used in the CIS countries. Half of all antidepressants were developed on the basis of Amitriptyline. Such drugs have a profound effect on metabolic reactions in nerve cells. But because of this, it is important to avoid overdose of this type of drug. Otherwise, the patient’s mental state may deteriorate sharply to the point of complete loss of interest in life.
  2. Tetracyclic: “Pyrazidol”, “Lyudiomil”, “Lerivon”. The specificity of the use of these drugs is that their effect extends to certain areas of the nervous system. Therefore, they have a gentler effect on the patient. This is their advantage. But these drugs have strong side effects, which increase when combined with other drugs.
  3. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: Cipralex, Paroxetine, Zoloft, Prozac. Today, this group of drugs is becoming increasingly widespread due to its effectiveness in combination with the mildest effects.
  4. Selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are the newest generation of antidepressants. So far they are not used very often, although scientific studies prove their effectiveness with minimal side effects. This group includes the following drugs: Venlafaxine, Cymbalta, Remeron. Taking them quickly relieves anxiety, disorders, and vascular dystonia.

Anxiety tranquilizers, unlike antidepressants, are drugs of different chemical groups and different effects.

Indications for use

There are the following indications for the use of Cavinton:

  • Neurological: when detecting various forms of insufficient blood circulation in the brain. In such a situation, the medicine helps to reduce the severity of neurological or mental symptoms.
  • Ophthalmological: the drug is prescribed to counteract chronic pathologies of the vessels of the membrane and retina of the eye.
  • Otiatric: Cavinton makes it possible to eliminate difficulties with perceptual hearing, get rid of Meniere's disease, and idiopathic tinnitus.

Cavinton 10 mg is prescribed for dizziness, if cervical osteochondrosis has had dangerous consequences on the body. The medicine must be taken in accordance with the regimen, following medical prescriptions. When a patient is diagnosed with a severe stage of the disease, an IV is placed.

Cavinton for children

The instructions for taking Cavinton include information that this drug is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age. It is often used by people in old age, for example, to do electrophoresis on the neck area, to treat glaucoma or atherosclerosis.

A large number of neurologists still prescribe Cavinton even in infancy, for example, at 3 months. They justify the decision with medical practice and necessarily take into account the risks, believing that there are diseases in the presence of which the medicine shows effectiveness. In such a situation, its use will be of great benefit.

The use of Cavinton begins only after consultation with a specialist, however, it should be noted that there are certain contraindications that prevent the use of the drug in question:

  • Hypersensitivity to components (an allergic reaction occurs);
  • Arrhythmia at the last stage;
  • An extremely complex form of ischemia;
  • Pregnancy (from 1st trimester);
  • Lactation;
  • Suffering from diabetes. When the medicine is prescribed, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream (since Cavinton contains sorbitol).

In addition, when the product is used in tablet form, it is not recommended for those who have an allergic reaction to lactose. If the patient uses Cavinton, after 2 days a noticeable improvement occurs. Painful sensations are reduced, appear extremely rarely and are not global in nature. Bioelectrical activity also returns to normal, and blood circulation in the brain improves.

What vitamins help best with VSD? The answer to this question depends on what type of vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. In total, attending physicians distinguish mixed, hypotonic and hypertensive types of this disease.

Vitamins E and A help with VSD quite well. They are drunk both before and after meals. For the best effect, vitamin therapy and homeopathy are combined.

If a person with VSD also has tachycardia, then he is prescribed medications containing potassium. Many doctors believe that vitamins are the best thing they could come up with for VSD. They calm well and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. They are often prescribed for the treatment of VSD when pregnancy occurs.

Vitamin injections may be prescribed. Combilipen is usually prescribed. This is a new domestic generic, an analogue of Milgamma.

The patient is also prescribed the following vitamins for VSD:

  1. Nerorubin.
  2. Neurovitan.
  3. Neurobex.

Taking prescribed vitamins for VSD is necessary for the overall health of the body.

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