Why does my right arm go numb from the shoulder? My right arm goes numb at night - causes and treatment

Many people noticed that sometimes their arms and legs went numb at night after lying in an uncomfortable position, but did not attach any importance to this. Such unpleasant sensations rarely cause concern. But when discomfort appears every morning, there is reason to think about the presence of a serious disease in the body. Let's consider why arms and legs go numb at night during sleep, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Expert opinion!

If you are constantly bothered by “wobbly legs and arms,” it is recommended to undergo a full examination. Otherwise, serious consequences of numbness may occur - metabolic disorders in local tissues, the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and exhaustion of the limbs. In severe cases there is a risk of developing gangrene. All these complications can be avoided if timely treatment is started.

Causes of numbness not related to pathologies

When your arms and legs go numb during sleep, do not rush to assume the presence of chronic pathologies - often this condition occurs under the influence of some external or internal factors that cause the symptom.

These causes of numbness in the arms and legs at night include:

  • Sleeping position is the first thing to consider when limbs begin to go numb. Please note that if the knees are too bent and the arms are compressed by the weight of the body, this can lead to compression of blood vessels and nerves, causing numbness,
  • Clothes - often tight pajamas are the reason that in the morning your arms and legs become weak. When clothes tighten during the day, we can control this process, but at night it is more difficult to notice. As a result, after a few hours you wake up with “cotton” arms and legs,
  • Mattress and pillow – sometimes your legs go numb during sleep due to the surface being too soft or hard to sleep on. Don't forget about your hands - your head should rise a few centimeters above the level of the mattress. Otherwise, the vessels and nerve roots going to the hands and forearms are compressed,
  • Bad habits - many patients suffering from alcohol and nicotine addiction note tingling hands and feet in the morning. Here the cause is poisoning at the cellular level, due to which the blood supply and trophism of the limbs are disrupted,
  • Nutrition - lack of vitamins and necessary building materials for tissues is a common cause of numbness. To prevent its development, it is recommended to follow a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Numbness often occurs during pregnancy in women - here the reasons may be increased stress on the legs, changes in posture and displacement of internal organs due to the growth of the fetus. In such situations, an uncomfortable position, clothing or a hard mattress puts more pressure on the nerves, causing loss of sensitivity. Don’t forget about hormonal imbalances and vitamin deficiencies during this period.


A comprehensive examination will allow you to accurately determine the causes of hand numbness during sleep, during which you will visit the following medical specialists:

  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist.

consultation with a neurologist

If your hands go numb at night for a long period of time, you need to carefully listen to the opinion of specialists and undergo an examination according to the following scheme:

  • x-ray of joints and spine;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • MRI.

Based on the results obtained, it will be easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis and select an effective treatment program.

When pathology is to blame

Sometimes the cause of loss of sensitivity can be a chronic disease. In this case, numbness is only a symptom that occurs against the background of a disturbance in the physiology of the body. The list of diseases is as follows:

  • Intervertebral hernias, curvatures, osteochondrosis,
  • Sciatica,
  • Arthritis of various types,
  • Vascular diseases, varicose veins, atherosclerosis,
  • Stroke and cerebral sclerosis,
  • Injuries,
  • Tumors.


With these pathologies, a characteristic clinical picture is observed in the form of many syndromes indicating damage to other organs.

Why your hands go numb in your sleep: mechanisms of paresthesia

Lack of blood supply . From a simply uncomfortable position, narrow pajama sleeves, a sedentary lifestyle to blockage of small and medium-sized vessels with cholesterol plaques and Volkmann’s ischemic contracture.

Neurological diseases . Destruction of the myelin sheath, disruption of conductivity and trophism, inflammation, overload, toxin poisoning are factors affecting the failure of the transmission of nerve impulses.

Lack of vitamins , microelements; hypovitaminosis, less often vitamin deficiency. The propagation of a signal between neurons requires the presence of neurotransmitters, the synthesis of which requires certain substances and enzymes.

Inflammation . Tunnel syndromes, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and injuries are common root causes of numbness in the hands during sleep.

Associated symptoms

Numbness of the hands and feet is a systemic disorder and is therefore accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Against the background of a lack of innervation and blood circulation, cell nutrition is disrupted, which leads to a disorder of local physiology.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain – occurs with prolonged numbness or complications. The cause is lack of blood flow. Usually the pain is aching, bursting or burning,
  • A decrease in pulse indicates compression of the arterial vessels. Marked on the forearm, in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa,
  • Paresthesia is an unpleasant sensation in the palms and soles. According to the descriptions of patients, they resemble short-term numbness for a few seconds of a migrating nature.

In the absence of treatment or the presence of pathology in the chronic stage, trophic disorders can be observed - pale skin, the appearance of ulcers, hair loss. Gradually, the nails become fragile and brittle.

When is the cause of numbness in the hands due to illness?

Numbness of the hands during sleep can be a symptom of many diseases in which nerves and blood vessels are affected to one degree or another:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. With cervical osteochondrosis, compression of the roots of the spinal nerves innervating the arms occurs. Other symptoms: pain and crunching in the neck when rotating or tilting the head, headache, dizziness, weakness in the arms.

    The nerve trunk and artery are pinched between the two scalene muscles, resulting in loss of sensation in the arm.

  • Anterior scalene syndrome. In the neck area, compression occurs on the brachial nerve plexus and vertebral artery between the middle and anterior scalene muscles. In addition to numbness, other symptoms are: weakening of the pulse in the affected arm, cyanosis and coldness of the skin of the arm, autonomic disturbances below the site of compression, pain. The development of the syndrome is promoted by: osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine, injuries, intense sports in adolescence. The Edson test will help clarify the diagnosis: the affected arm is pulled back and the head is thrown back. As a result, compression of the nerves and subclavian artery increases, the intensity of pain increases, numbness becomes pronounced, and the pulse in the wrist may completely disappear.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome. The hypertrophied transverse palmar ligament compresses the median nerve located in the carpal tunnel. It manifests itself as numbness, a “crawling” sensation, pain in the area of ​​the fingers and palm. Symptoms intensify when raising the arm up. Over time, weakness and wasting of the hand muscles occurs. The disease develops in people whose profession involves constant tension in the muscles of the hands and forearms: stenographers, seamstresses, musicians. Currently, the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome is growing due to the increase in the number of personal computers, tablets, and smartphones, when using which the hand muscles experience enormous stress.

    The median nerve, passing in the “tunnel”, is pinched between the hypertrophied ligament and bones

  • Tumors and injuries. Compression of nerves and blood vessels can occur as a result of the growth of tumors or swelling at the sites of bruises, fractures and dislocations.
  • Diabetes. Most often, people with diabetes are aware of their diagnosis, but some of them do not take into account their condition and violate doctors’ recommendations regarding treatment and diet. Numbness may be a consequence of complications of this disease, in which the innervation and blood supply to the limbs are disrupted. This means it’s time to make adjustments to your lifestyle, diet and treatment.
  • Stroke and transient cerebrovascular accidents. Sensory disturbances are one of the focal symptoms of vascular lesions of the brain. Very often such manifestations appear precisely after sleep. Since it is very important to provide timely first aid for a stroke, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs of this pathology.
There is a simple way to diagnose a stroke at home: the “FAST” test - Face Arm Speech Test, which literally translates as “Face-Arm-Speech-Test” (the domestic analogue is “UZP-test”).
Face (face) or U - a person is asked to smile broadly or show his teeth. Normally, the smile should be symmetrical; with a stroke, one of the corners of the mouth will be drooping.
Arm (hand) or P - ask to raise both hands at the same time and hold for several seconds. A person with a stroke will not be able to lift or hold one of their arms.
Speech (speak) or Z - they ask you to speak and pronounce any simple phrase. If you have a stroke, your speech will be difficult and unintelligible.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance!
  • Myocardial infarction. Tingling, numbness and pain in the left arm may be a sign of an atypical form of myocardial infarction. An accurate diagnosis can only be made using an ECG, so if such symptoms appear (especially if coronary heart disease or hypertension has already been diagnosed), you should immediately seek medical help.
  • Lack of vitamins B1 and B6. Damage to peripheral nerves, manifested by numbness of the extremities, is one of the consequences of vitamin deficiencies B1 and B6. Currently, such conditions are extremely rare, but can develop with severe nutritional disorders and some chronic diseases. This is another reason to consult a doctor if your hands often go numb, and there is no explanation for this.
  • Multiple sclerosis. Focal symptoms, including paresthesia, may be early manifestations of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system. Such a pathology can only be detected by conducting a thorough neurological examination, as well as through MRI and other diagnostic methods.

Diagnosis of numbness in hands and feet

To find out the cause of numbness, it is recommended to consult a doctor - the doctor will listen to your complaints and conduct an examination. The first specialist is a general practitioner who will refer you to a neurologist if nerve damage is suspected. If the doctor suspects other diseases that are causing the numbness, a consultation with a phlebologist, rheumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon, or oncologist may be prescribed.

The following methods will help confirm the presence of the underlying disease:

  • X-ray,
  • CT scan,
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or ultrasound (ultrasound),
  • If necessary, blood tests to detect inflammation.

After the examination, a final diagnosis is made and treatment for numbness is prescribed.


Some methods of therapy are also indicated when a symptom is identified without the presence of pathology. In this case, treatment will be preventive in nature.

What measures to take during hand numbness

If you are faced with this problem, you should seek advice from a therapist, neurologist and cardiologist, and also undergo the following examinations:

  1. Cardiogram.
  2. Ultrasound of the heart.
  3. MRI of the cervical spine.
  4. X-ray of the spine.
  5. Take blood tests (general and detailed).

Ultrasound of the heart

These studies will help to put together an overall picture of the disease. If the results of the study do not reveal any abnormalities, it may make sense to consult a surgeon.


When a specific cause of numbness in the arms and legs is identified, the necessary therapy is prescribed. Medicines are selected to eliminate a specific disease; other methods are used for almost all diseases, if there are no contraindications.

Drug therapy

Treatment of numbness begins with the selection of medications. Typically used:

  • Analgesics (Voltaren, Nise-gel) - indicated in the presence of pain, swelling and inflammation. Prescribed for detecting pinched nerves, arthritis, vascular disease,
  • In cases of brain damage and the development of movement disorders, nootropics (Glycine, Piracetam) are indicated.
  • Antirheumatic drugs, immunosuppressants - prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, suspected local oncology,
  • Anticoagulants (Heparin and its derivatives) are excellent for circulatory disorders and vascular diseases.

To strengthen the body, vitamins and active supplements can be prescribed, the daily intake of which stabilizes physiological parameters.


In order to increase regeneration, increase blood circulation and improve drug absorption, physiotherapeutic methods can be prescribed:

  • Electrophoresis,
  • Magnetotherapy,
  • Laser treatment,
  • Warming up,
  • UVT or ultrasound treatment.

On a note!

It is important not to miss sessions and to visit the doctor’s office on time. In the absence of the disease in an advanced stage, a course of 10-12 procedures can eliminate the problem of numbness in the legs forever.

Exercise therapy and massage

Don’t forget about therapeutic exercises - exercises are always useful, helping to restore mobility and coordination of movements within a few months. For the warm-up, the following are prescribed:

  • Exercise bike,
  • Athletics,
  • Swimming,
  • Special exercises for fingers and toes.

You can supplement your gymnastics courses with a massage, which is carried out 2-3 times a week. In total, both methods promote vasodilation, accelerate blood circulation and improve cellular nutrition.

Alternative medicine for numbness in hands and feet

Some methods in the form of acupuncture, leech treatment and vacuum massage show good results in the treatment of numbness of the limbs. These methods will not eliminate the cause, but will strengthen the body, improve blood counts and the condition of blood vessels. The introduction of thin sterile needles stimulates reflex activity and improves nerve function. It is better to carry out these procedures in specialized salons under the supervision of experienced specialists.

Treatment methods

You should not treat the disease yourself; self-medication can worsen the condition and cause complications. Any treatment is prescribed by a specialist based on the results of the examination.

Main methods of treatment:

  • Physiotherapy . This method allows you to influence blood circulation, improving it and nourishing the cells.
  • Manual therapy . This method allows you to relieve the inflammatory process of tissues and reduce vascular hypoxia.
  • Exercise therapy . Excellent for helping with atrophy of joints and muscles, developing and strengthening them. Exercise therapy helps improve blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and enriches the blood with oxygen.

Physical activity has an excellent effect . Regular exercise, long walks, and daily morning exercises will return blood vessels to normal, saturate the blood with oxygen, and develop muscles. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to relieve numbness at home

When it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can resort to temporary therapy at home. This approach will not cure the underlying disease, but will help remove the symptom of minor disorders. The scheme is as follows:

  • Before going to bed, take a contrast shower - in most cases, numbness of the arms and legs at night is caused by poor circulation, which improves with a temperature difference during ablution,
  • Warming rubs or special products will help speed up blood flow. Warming ointments from the pharmacy (Capsicam, Viprosal) or folk recipes with spices are indicated as medications for numbness.


If numbness occurs at night, and the hand is already numb, it is recommended to clench and unclench the fingers on the hand or foot. The blood vessels gradually dilate and blood flow to the problem area is restored.

Treatment of numbness

The range of diseases that are accompanied by numbness is quite wide, so there is no universal remedy for getting rid of this disease. After complex treatment, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions. He will explain what to do and select drug treatment that suits the patient’s financial capabilities. If your hands go numb even after sleep, then in parallel with drug therapy, massage, gymnastics, and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.


If your hands go numb at night due to an intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, then conservative treatment is prescribed. In certain situations, there is a need for surgical intervention, and there is no point in delaying the examination. If your back and limbs become numb, numb, get the correct diagnosis to avoid serious consequences. Night sleep is important at any age, as it is an indicator of the state of the body.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Why do adults grind their teeth in their sleep: reasons

If the cause is established, but it is not possible to visit a doctor, the use of restorative methods of traditional medicine is practiced.

“I don’t sleep well” is a complaint of patients whose hands go numb both at night and during the day. They are recommended to undergo treatment with B vitamins: introduce more fish and meat dishes into the diet. Patients with spinal diseases experience numbness in their hands after sleep. A course of massage will have a positive effect on their capillary system and help get rid of discomfort. Essential oils are used to enhance the effect. Poor circulation (Raynaud's syndrome) is another cause of numbness in the limbs. If you are sure of the diagnosis, support the vessels with ascorbic acid, but this treatment method is contraindicated in patients prone to thrombosis.

Raynaud's syndrome

It is recommended to pay due attention to nutrition, especially during the off-season: eat more citrus fruits, drink rosehip infusion.

Parallel treatment with medications and folk remedies is also practiced, the most effective of which are the following:

  • mix celery and parsley in equal proportions (1 kg each), add a glass of honey, take a tablespoon on an empty stomach for a month (the advantage of the product is its safety);
  • rub your hands overnight with a mixture of sunflower oil (1 liter) and ground black pepper (100 g);
  • pumpkin porridge is distributed over the entire hand, wrapped with film and a woolen scarf on top, while the sleeper does not experience discomfort;
  • tie a red thread on your wrist.

Contrast baths are a mandatory stage in the complex treatment of numbness of the hands during sleep; after them, turpentine ointment is applied to the hands with light massaging movements, and you sleep with gloves on. To prevent and treat vascular diseases, drink a glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach.

a glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach

Preventive measures

If there are characteristic diseases that cause loss of sensitivity, prevention of the specific disease is carried out according to the doctor’s recommendations.

If the cause of numbness of the limbs during sleep is physiological, or the pathology is at an early stage, it is recommended that the following rules be observed:

  • Comfortable bed - it is advisable to sleep on a mattress of moderate hardness, and the pillow should provide a slight elevation of the head. Under such conditions, the spine does not bend, optimal blood circulation is ensured in the upper and lower extremities and other parts of the body,
  • Clothing - choose pajamas without elastic bands, preferably a little larger,
  • Sleep in a comfortable position - try to control the position of your arms and legs during sleep, do not bend your knees, forearms, and hands should not be squeezed. Try to sleep less on your side.

It is also recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise, giving up bad habits and periodically visiting a doctor.

Numbness of the legs and arms during sleep is common and may be a symptom of chronic pathology. If discomfort bothers you constantly, you need to undergo an examination. In the initial stages, conservative therapy is effective.


Numbness of the hands at night may indicate a pre-stroke or pre-infarction condition . If you don’t consult a specialist in time, you can be caught off guard by a stroke or heart attack. Also, numbness in the upper limbs in a dream may indicate the presence of a blood clot in the artery ; such a disease can cause complete loss of sensitivity or even death.

If the examination does not show any abnormalities in the body, pay attention to your sleeping place. Perhaps the bed or sofa does not allow you to completely relax at night, it may also be that your pajamas restrict your movements and, as a result, this causes numbness in your limbs and discomfort throughout your body.

Fickle reasons

There are reasons that cause paresthesia that are not associated with any disease. In this case, no treatment is required. All a person must do is eliminate negative factors. If numbness in the right or left arm is observed rarely and only at night, perhaps the cause is not due to the disease.

In these cases, due to physiological processes, blood circulation in the left and right hands is disrupted. Nerves and tendons are also pinched. Blood may also flow poorly to the legs. Main reasons:

  • Incorrect posture. If your hands go numb in your sleep, perhaps the reason is an incorrect or uncomfortable position of the body. When a person raises his hands and throws them behind his head, hides them under his cheek or under a pillow, this leads to poor blood supply. It is a little worse at night than during the day. By changing the position, the discomfort quickly passes. This confirms that treatment will be unnecessary in this case.
  • Tight clothes. If a person sleeps in inappropriate, too tight clothes, or even simply does not remove compressive objects from the limbs (rings, bracelets), this leads to obstruction of blood flow. It is necessary to change your pajamas or night stitching to a more spacious one. Excess items should be removed before going to bed. This way your hands and fingers will stop going numb.
  • Uncomfortable pillow. A pillow that is too hard or too large can bend the cervical spine. Because of this, blood flows poorly to the extremities. This is expressed in the fact that unpleasant sensations appear in the hands. If this situation occurs frequently, you need to change the pillow to a softer one. It is best to buy an orthopedic pillow. The problem will immediately disappear.
  • Habits. Drinking strong coffee before bed, as well as a large amount of liquid an hour before, can cause difficulty in blood circulation. This also applies to spicy, salty foods. The left and right arms become numb due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. This also prevents adequate blood flow to the legs. Drinking alcohol can also lead to similar problems. Proper, balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will solve them.
  • Pregnancy. You shouldn’t be surprised why your hands go numb if a woman is expecting a baby. During pregnancy, certain conditions may appear that cause such problems. They can cause numbness in the left, right arm or leg at night. These symptoms will go away after the baby is born. A gynecologist can prescribe adequate treatment for paresthesia. He will give recommendations on what to do with paresthesia and indicate the correct behavior during pregnancy.

What to do if your fingers go numb at night?

First, you should try to find the cause of this condition. It is worth analyzing after which this symptom could appear.

We also recommend that you read the article: Medicines that will help you fall asleep

Relief from hand numbness not associated with disease

It would seem that if the problem is not illness, why do anything? I woke up, stretched my fingers, and I could continue sleeping. But such awakenings negatively affect the quality of sleep, which means they have direct consequences for the state of the nervous system.

Sometimes, due to numbness in the fingers, adrenaline is released, the pulse rises and breathing quickens - this is how the body tries to deliver blood to the affected part of the body. Such an “emergency” wake-up leaves little chance of being able to immediately fall asleep later.

Some actions should be taken immediately; they will never be superfluous. This applies to the mattress and pillow; if necessary, they should be replaced with more comfortable ones. This will ensure good sleep and give you a better chance of a healthy spine.

An orthopedic mattress and pillow will help solve another problem - incorrect sleeping position.

Sometimes a person takes a sleeping position, trying to get comfortable on an uneven surface. If it has been noticed that this is the case, you need to try to control yourself and at least fall asleep in the right position.

You will also need to reconsider your night wardrobe and replace narrow, tight-fitting and constricting items with more spacious ones. Particular attention should be paid to the width of the sleeves in the forearm area.

If there is no urgent need, it is better to remove jewelry while sleeping and put it in a box. This will not only protect your fingers from numbness at night, but will also prevent the chain or bracelet from accidentally breaking. The caution regarding jewelry also applies to watches with tight straps.

If it’s all about medications for regular use (for example, drugs for hypertension), you should consult with your doctor about prescribing possible analogues. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or combine medications with alcohol. It is better to postpone the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and spicy foods to three hours before bedtime.

It will take an effort of will to unlearn harmful but habitual poses. You can ask your loved ones to remind you of this, because often, when falling asleep, we cross our legs without even noticing it.

If your work involves stress on your neck throughout the day, you need to set aside time to warm up and relax your muscles. For example, make smooth bends forward, backward and to the sides, or “write” the numbers one to nine with your nose in the air: first holding your head straight, then turning it in one direction and the other. After this, knead and rub your neck yourself. This will restore impaired blood flow and relax the muscles.

If the load is unusual, you should work without fanaticism: stop, rest and periodically stretch your neck. In the evening, relax your muscles under a warm shower and rub with some warming ointment.

Why does my right arm go numb from the shoulder? My right arm goes numb at night - causes and treatment


Why does my right arm go numb from the shoulder? My right arm goes numb at night - causes and treatment The right hand goes numb at night - the reasons for the appearance of this condition are different.
Numbness is not considered an independent disease. This is the result of physical impact on a limb or a sign of changes occurring in the body.

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Causes of numbness

Why does my right arm go numb from the shoulder? My right arm goes numb at night - causes and treatment
Temporary loss of sensation in the upper right extremity, accompanied by pins and needles and the sensation of many small needles piercing a condition that is medically called paresthesia.

The right limb is more susceptible to numbness than the left. She is a worker and experiences a lot of workload.

The muscles of the right hand are in constant tension. At night, paresthesia occurs especially often, causing the limb to go numb.

There are 2 main types of causes of paresthesia:

  1. Temporary. These include: alcohol, smoking, squeezing, impact. When these factors are eliminated, the numbness goes away.
  2. Chronic. Diseases of internal organs. Numbness caused by these reasons is long-lasting and can progress. Without treatment, the underlying disease does not go away on its own.

Temporary reasons causing paresthesia of the right limb:

  1. Poor circulation. It occurs due to the tightening of the arm by tight clothing, rings, and bracelets. The reason may also be staying in one position for a long time. An uncomfortable pillow, a hard bed, lying on your arm while sleeping - all this causes numbness in the arm and its paresthesia.
  2. Hypothermia.
  3. Carrying heavy things.
  4. Bad habits: drinking alcohol and nicotine
  5. Unhealthy diet: fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  6. Lack of sleep.

Diseases, one of the symptoms of which is paresthesia of the right hand at night:

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Herniated discs;
  • Impaired blood flow in the brain;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Polyneuropathy;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Right scalene syndrome;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • Scoliosis.

Impaired blood flow at night, and paresthesia of the right hand from the fingertips, can occur due to stagnation and adhesions in the body after pneumonia or uterine fibroids.

Effective treatment

If your right arm becomes stiff in your sleep, when this symptom is rare and occurs due to the awkward position of the limb, you don’t have to worry. If the condition recurs frequently, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor.

For a preliminary examination, you need to contact a therapist, neurologist or cardiologist.

Based on the external examination and the results of general tests, the patient is sent to a specialist to confirm the diagnosis. Based on the results of a set of examinations, treatment is prescribed aimed at eliminating the disease itself.

To reduce the severity of symptoms of numbness, general treatment procedures are prescribed. Of them:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Medicines that dilate blood vessels.
  • Taking vitamins and minerals;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;

The prescribed procedures are used in combination with the main treatment of the existing disease.

Necessary actions for numbness

A systematically recurring or prolonged state of paresthesia serves as a signal of changes in health status and possible serious diseases.

To eliminate discomfort, the right approach is required:

  • Timely consultation with a doctor to receive treatment;
  • Performing general procedures aimed at reducing the symptoms of numbness;
  • Reducing the load on the limb;
  • The use of alternative medicine after consultation with a doctor.

The emerging state of numbness of the right hand, which manifests itself at night, requires careful monitoring.

The first slightest signs indicating the presence of a disease require seeking medical help. Timely treatment will prevent the progression of the disease and the onset of dangerous consequences for health and life.

Why does my right arm go numb from the shoulder? My right arm goes numb at night - causes and treatment

Preventive actions

As we said earlier, it is better not to ignore such a syndrome and contact highly qualified specialists in a timely manner.

If hand numbness is not permanent and does not cause severe discomfort, getting rid of it is not difficult. Basic morning exercises and regular moderate exercise, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can help. It is very important to periodically stretch your joints.

There is also one proven method that has proven effective in preventing numbness - rubbing with camphor and ammonia. To prepare the solution, you need to take 50g of ammonia, mix it with 10g of camphor and pour in 1 liter of water, after which you need to shake everything thoroughly.

Then add 1 liter of salt and stir until it dissolves. After preparation, a similar alcohol-saline solution is rubbed into both the hands and feet at night, which prevents their numbness.

Night numbness

All ailments associated with the upper extremities, which can be divided into a separate group - neurovascular, are problematic to treat, because it is not easy to influence underlying factors. Treatment is also aggravated by the fact that at a certain stage it is impossible to accurately diagnose the disease. It is sometimes possible to specifically determine the cause that provoked the disease only after 5-7 years of regular observations.

But, in no case should you let this state of the body take its course. If your clinic cannot provide you with adequate assistance in examination and diagnosis, or do not prescribe tests or a course of therapy, do not give up. Today you can find a lot of private clinics that will provide you with decent medical care.

If the discomfort appeared relatively recently and is not permanent, it is worth trying to eliminate possible external factors:

  • choose a different pillow for sleeping and resting;
  • change body position more often during sleep to avoid squeezing blood vessels;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol (especially before bedtime);
  • Before going to bed, do not overload your hands.

Also, no less effect can be achieved with simple exercises:

  1. While lying in bed, you need to roll over onto your back and raise your arms up. Having fixed the body in this position, you need to clench and unclench your fingers 50 times. Then you need to move your arms along your body and repeat the steps in a similar pattern.
  2. To relax and develop your wrists, you can perform rotational movements, both clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. To develop the shoulder and elbow joints, you need to grab your hands behind your back in a “lock” and try to lift them as high as possible with light springy movements.
  4. Sometimes, if the numbness is not pronounced, it is enough to shake your hands.

It is very useful to do self-massage on the neck muscles before resting at night and throughout the day. This is very easy to do even at the workplace. To do this, just massage the cervical region with your palms; you can also add anti-inflammatory ointments.

If you are not a supporter of traditional medicine, you can resort to traditional methods, for example:

  • compress and honey (apply a thin layer of honey to numb hands, wrap them up overnight and repeat these procedures for 7-10 nights);
  • rubbing from marsh wild rosemary (add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 5 tablespoons of rosemary and leave the raw material for about 7 days, after which the rubbing should be applied to numb areas);
  • For preventive purposes, you need to drink 1 tbsp every morning on an empty stomach. hot water (this procedure will strengthen the vascular walls).

Depending on what the root cause provoked numbness in the hands, and whether the person has any contraindications, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used, such as:

  • exposure to a magnetic field on the cervical-collar area;
  • combination of ultrasound and drug treatment;
  • applying paraffin “masks”;
  • subcutaneous administration of drugs using direct current.
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