Essential oils for sleep (for insomnia). What aromatic oils help you sleep?

Aroma oils for good sleep are increasingly used.

Everyone knows that sound, healthy sleep is a fundamental factor for excellent well-being, as well as the coordinated functioning of all internal organs.

Today, eighty percent of the population is susceptible to insomnia, which pushes people to radical methods of combating this disease.

However, many have heard of aromatic oils as a panacea that helps cope with many diseases. These also include chronic lack of sleep, or in other words,...

Therefore, before swallowing tablets that adversely affect not only the liver, but also the body as a whole, you need to familiarize yourself with a more gentle, but no less effective remedy - aromatic oils.

First of all, before you go to the pharmacy and buy all kinds of oils, you should find out the cause of your illness


If you are too stressed after a hard day at work, your body is unable to relax and fall asleep.

, buy
. It is these smells that can relax your body and help you fall asleep.

Another cause of insomnia is stress

It is after stressful situations during the day that it is difficult for the body to recover. Essential oils of sage
fragrant marjoram
will help relieve accumulated stress, calm anxiety and clear your thoughts of negativity.

If the cause of chronic sleep deprivation is still unclear, you can use benzoin essential oils

, as well as
, because they are universal methods for combating the problem of insomnia.

For adults, oils such as basil

lemon balm
, thanks to which you can get rid of irritability, depression and melancholy.

If your sleep is constantly interrupted, ylang-ylang or juniper oil will suit you

essential oil also has miraculous results .

orange oil is perfect for a child.

. It will relieve the baby from stress, various nightmares and help calm the psyche.

One of the simplest and most uncomplicated ways to make a child's sleep healthy and sound is to lightly moisten a cotton pad with aroma oil and place it near the baby's bed. Delicate scents will calm you down and help you fall asleep.

Those for whom aromatherapy has become a regular practice purchase special aroma lamps

. An hour before bedtime, you need to light a lamp and smells pleasant to your olfactory organs will fill the entire room with soothing and relaxing aromas.

Another way to use aromatic oils is to use spray bottles. Add a few drops of your chosen oil to the water and spray this aroma throughout the room.

The only disadvantage of this technique is that with a spray bottle the oils do not have such a rich aroma.

If for some reason one of the above methods does not suit you, you can prepare yourself a special bath with essential oils


Fill it with water and add a couple of drops of your chosen oil. Light candles, turn on pleasant music - you are guaranteed good health and good mood.

In some cases, when insomnia does not leave you, complex treatment is prescribed using inhalations, aroma lamps and other treatment methods.

Of course, aromatic oils have proven their undeniably good reputation in the treatment of insomnia, but in order to avoid sleep deprivation, you need to remember a few rules for healthy sleep.

Learn to go to bed no later than eleven in the evening and rest at the same time, so that your body can subsequently adapt to the rhythm of your life.

Eliminate the effects of electromagnetic fields

, which come from mobile phones, computers and televisions.

Get into the habit of eating a couple of slices of orange, then your sleep will be more restful. Or drink a cup of warmed milk with honey at night. In this case, even your stomach will thank you.

Mint tinctures

lemon balm
will help you fall asleep faster.

And remember, in order not to resort to treating diseases, they must be prevented!

Aroma oils have firmly entered our lives - we enjoy using perfumes that contain notes of a particular aroma, we use oils for cosmetic procedures and improving our mood. Oils also have a great effect on overall well-being. With their help, you can relieve headaches, resist colds and flu, and aromatic oils for good sleep will help get rid of insomnia and anxiety.

Beneficial properties of aroma oils

Aroma oils have many healing properties, and in the form of essential compounds, penetrating into the body instantly, they have a preventive or therapeutic effect. They can improve overall performance, brain function, they normalize the coordinated functioning of internal organs, and help eliminate wrinkles and cellulite.

Very often we use aromatic oils just like that, in order to feel a pleasant and calming scent, or, conversely, in the hope of getting a boost of vivacity and energy.

Aroma oils also have another wonderful effect - some of them can solve the problem of the century, that is, cope with insomnia, which affects more than eighty percent of the population.

Insomnia occurs in response to the severe stress to which we are exposed at work; it is also caused by bad air and extraneous noises of the city at night. It is no secret that many sedatives cause drowsiness that continues after the night is over, which is very inconvenient for those who go to work, and even while driving a car. In this case, an alternative to tablets and drops can be aromatic oils for good sleep, which help with sleep disorders and nightmares.

This remedy will also help a child suffering from increased activity, which often increases in the evening hours due to overwork. For babies who have restless sleep, orange and lavender aroma oils are usually recommended - for safety, you don’t need to use an aroma lamp, just drop a couple of drops on a piece of cotton wool and place it next to the baby’s pastel. This will calm his nervous system and improve the quality of sleep, eliminating nightmares. Moreover, periodically inhaling the aroma of orange will help the child to be calmer and more collected during the day.

Why good healthy sleep is important

Effective aroma oils for insomnia

Why is it important to have sound sleep, what are the consequences of lack of sleep and lack of proper rest:

  • mood deteriorates, performance and quality of life decrease;
  • mental, physical, activity, emotional background deteriorates;
  • there is a decrease in reaction speed, excessive irritability;
  • concentration decreases, neuroleptic functions are impaired;
  • Lack of sleep reduces sexual activity and causes impotence, frigidity, and intimate problems.

When people have sleep disturbances, they turn to doctors who prescribe sedatives. In addition to side effects, pharmaceutical products cause drug addiction, allergies, and other troubles. Over time, they increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and internal organs.

Oils in the fight against insomnia

For adults whose sleep is disturbed or does not occur at all until late in the morning, the use of aromatic oils can become a real panacea: all phenomena associated with emotional stress, physical or emotional exhaustion, atherosclerosis can be easily eliminated with the help of aromatherapy. For these purposes you can use:

  1. aroma lamp;
  2. massage with essential oils;
  3. baths with oils and inhalations.

The best effect is provided by anise, valerian, geranium, vanilla, benzoin, basil, ylang-ylang, marjoram, camphor, lemon balm, juniper, neroli, rose, sage, thyme, chamomile, sandalwood, and sage.

If insomnia is caused by depression, bergamot oil is perfect. If lack of sleep is caused by indigestion, marjoram oil will come to the rescue. If you have nightmares, chamomile and neroli oils will help restore sleep, a sense of peace and balance.

If insomnia does not subside even when an aroma lamp is used before bedtime, you can begin complex treatment, including massage, baths and inhalations. To prevent the aroma of one oil from becoming boring and causing rejection, you need to use different aromatic oils. For massage it is best to use lavender, ylang-ylang, rose, juniper oil, roses. To do this, dilute five drops of one or the other oil in 50 ml of corn or almond oil and rub it into the body. A mixture of rosemary oil, ginger, sesame oil, basil oil, lavender and eucalyptus oil, orange oil is very soothing (you need to mix 4-5 drops of each essential oil with 50 ml of base oil).

Regular massage using aromatic oils will give you physical and mental relaxation and ensure healthy and sound sleep. It is advisable to take a shower before the procedure, but after it it is recommended not to take a bath or shower for 8-12 hours in order to prolong the healing effects of oils on the body. During the procedure, it is necessary to carefully massage the area of ​​the temples, feet, ears, and collar area.

Peppermint and rose, lavender, bergamot, jasmine, cedar, lavender, basil, and rosemary oils are perfect for aroma lamps.

Deep relaxation will be provided by juniper, clary sage, vanilla, ylang-ylang. Please note: these oils should not be used if increased concentration is required (for example, when driving a car). You also need to remember that inhaling the aroma of clary sage in parallel with drinking alcoholic beverages can provoke nightmares and even hallucinations.

Some more ways to use oils

A relaxing mixture can be made by combining several aromas at once. Here are some options:

  • 2 drops of jasmine combined with incense, vetiver and lime (6 drops each);
  • a drop of lemon balm, 3 drops of chamomile and 4 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops each of rose, ylang-ylang, lavender.

If you want to apply such mixtures to the skin, you must first dilute them with base oil - olive, almond, vegetable - in an amount of 20 ml.

  • For baths, we can recommend clary sage, lavender, and rose oils. Use 4-8 drops of the product per 10 liters of water. The water should not be hot;
  • inhalations are possible with oils of valerian, mimosa, dill, rose;
  • Palmarosa oil will help fill the bedroom air with peace and sweet bliss, and basil oil will help induce yawning and pleasant slumber.

Aroma oils can be used to impregnate pillows, blankets, pillowcases, and handkerchiefs.

Oils are used not only externally, but also taken internally, but only if you are sure that there is no allergic reaction to such products. To restore healthy sleep, drop 3-5 drops of lavender oil onto a piece of refined sugar. This should be done an hour before bedtime. This method will not only allow you to fully relax and unwind, but will also help you get rid of anxiety.

Quite often there are publications about the benefits of essential oils. In particular, many aromatics can influence the quality of our sleep. But not all of them are in a positive direction. What smells will relieve us of insomnia, and which ones, on the contrary, should be avoided? Let's turn to the recommendations of aromatherapy specialists.

Lavender scent

Experts say that the aroma of lavender stimulates special alpha waves in the brain, which allow a person to relax and fall asleep quickly. Moreover, he will sleep peacefully, without waking up in the middle of the night.

Smell of vanilla

The smell of vanilla, although it seems quite “aggressive”, actually gives a feeling of peace and security, relieves fatigue and overwork.

Linden scent

Has a mild calming effect. It is good to inhale its scent just before going to bed.

Melissa scent

The aroma of lemon balm is useful for those who have experienced stress during the day. After all, after stressful situations, we often cannot fall asleep for a long time. This smell will help you get back to normal and go to bed without any problems.

Mint flavor

A well-known sedative. Having inhaled the aroma of mint, you will sleep peacefully and deeply.

The smell of geranium

The smell of geranium calms the nervous system and not only strengthens sleep, but also helps get rid of nightmares.

For those who have difficulty falling asleep, we can recommend orange, cedar, tangerine, juniper, and myrrh

Lavender oil, neroli, chamomile
will help with restless sleep .
Vanilla flatfolia
oil will promote complete relaxation.

But it’s better not to use these scents before bed.

Jasmine is an irritant

The scent of jasmine sends beta waves to the brain, which irritates the nervous system and arouses painful sensitivity. As a result, we may find it difficult to fall asleep and may also become upset at the slightest thing.


The smell of grapefruit makes sleep restless. In addition, it can cause feelings of fear during sleep and contribute to nightmares.

Lemon invigorates

The lemon scent itself is not harmful, but it is more invigorating than calming. It is better to inhale it in the morning after sleep to quickly perk up.

How to use aromatic oils?

There are special aroma lamps into which oil is poured. Nowadays there are also scented candles on sale in various scents. By the way, after lighting, the smell of such a candle may not dissipate for a long time.

You can also drop oil on a regular light bulb. When it lights up, the room will be filled with ethereal vapors. You can drip aroma oil onto clothes, carpets, sofas, and other objects, but this is not always appropriate, and such a smell can disappear quite quickly.

However, not everyone likes to use essential oils. You can also brew aromatic herbal teas

. Say, mint or lemon balm will give a result completely similar to what would happen if you used the oil of these plants. You can also place bags of herbs on your pillow - they can not only have a positive effect on sleep, but are also good for health. So, mint protects against headaches...

You should be careful with indoor flowers

. If you have difficulty breathing at night, have nightmares, or have a headache the next morning, pay attention to whether there are strong-smelling flowers in the room. Remove them, and if everything goes well, then it’s because of them.

You should not leave bouquets given by someone in the room overnight. Many flowers emit a “thick” aroma that is harmless during the day, but literally turns into poison at night. And it’s good if the matter is limited only to insomnia or headaches! Strong floral odors can also cause breathing problems or a heart attack. Therefore, at night it is better to place flowers in the kitchen or in a room where no one sleeps. In this case, it is advisable to open the window.

Remember that any smell is completely material molecules of a substance that, when inhaled, enter our body. , emitted by plants, are organic in nature and affect our organs accordingly. And it is not at all a fact that the more pleasant the aroma, the greater the benefit it will bring to our health. It may be the other way around.

So it is better, before using any odorous product, to find out more about its properties.


There are many tips on how to deal with insomnia. There are walks in the fresh air, warm foot baths, and pleasant relaxing music. However, if all this does not bring the desired success, you can seek help from aromatherapy and the use of essential oils.

Essential oils for sleep have been used since ancient times.

Experts from the field of Ayurveda never cease to assert that aromatic oils and esters should become common remedies for insomnia, because in terms of the degree of influence they have on the body, they are not comparable to any other drug.

In addition, these are completely natural products that are not harmful to health. Possible contraindications may include only individual intolerance and allergic reactions. In addition, some of them are not recommended for use by women during pregnancy.

What essential oils will help restore disturbed sleep?

Tops the “sleepy” list. It has the most pronounced calming and relaxing effect. Emotionally, lavender brings the inner world into a state of harmony. Anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, and general nervous excitement recede before the enchanting smell.

It is reliably known that the English queens Elizabeth I and Victoria highly valued lavender oil. During Victoria's reign, the royal palace was scented with the scent of lavender. Read more in the article. Clinical trials have shown that inhaling lavender oil reduces stress and anxiety and restores heart rate.

Lavender is followed by frankincense essential oil. The oil is suitable for relieving depression and anxiety. Incense creates a calming atmosphere. Calm energy helps bring the mind and soul into balance and restore lost harmony. In aromatherapy, incense is used for meditation and relaxation. Aromatherapists recommend mixing incense in a 1:1 ratio with bergamot oil for a soothing massage.

Rose essential oil helps calm raging female emotions. The scent of rose relieves anxiety and helps cope with panic attacks. During periods of grief and grief, aromatherapy experts recommend rose essential oil. To relieve anxiety, inhale the scent of roses and take a warm foot bath with rose oil.

Vetiver essential oil has a tart, sweetish odor. By inhaling vetiver, you become aware of yourself again. A feeling of calm and stability comes. The aroma of vetiver calms the nervous system, reduces panic attacks, and restores disrupted biorhythms.

Ylang-ylang helps calm a child, ward off night terrors, and relieve anxiety. Ylang-ylang essential oil is considered an aphrodisiac. Ylang-ylang is often included in oil mixtures for erotic massage. Ylang-ylang is a mild sedative that can help with insomnia.

How to choose?

Essential oils need to be chosen correctly, based on the problem itself. So, to solve different sleep disorders, different types of products are needed:

  • will help you fall asleep faster: myrrh, and cypress;
  • if sleep is restless, intermittent, or if you are tormented by “nightmares,” then it is better to give preference to lavender, chamomile oil and;
  • in case you cannot relax after a hard day, you can use flat-leaved.

Aroma oils can be used externally, for massage, added to cosmetics, used when taking baths, etc., or internally, a few drops half an hour before bedtime.

Effective aroma oils

The most effective oils for complex therapy of sleep disorders are essential oils, and. They not only have the necessary calming properties, but also allow you to harmonize nervous activity, contribute to the stabilization of the emotional background, a productive way out of stress and relieve anxiety, irritation, and obsessive states. Giving a feeling of comfort, they help cope with problems that result in insomnia.

  • If the cause of sleep disturbances is too much responsibility or unpleasant events, then benzoin will be the optimal aroma oil.
  • Sleep disturbance caused by depressive disorders helps to cure, and if you are too tired, it is better to use (it should not be used with alcohol!).
  • If you want to create positive change, the calming and warming effects of marjoram will be a real healing experience.
  • Aroma oils will also help cope with sleep disorders.
  • For chronic insomnia, severe and prolonged sleep disorders, you can use oils of laurel, juniper, sandalwood, and neroli in any combination.
  • If you suffer from nightmares, scent the room with.
  • Neroli, cypress, lavender, wormwood, juniper, will help eliminate irritability before bed.
  • Feelings of loneliness, misunderstanding, and inferiority will be carried away by the smells of mint, laurel and fennel.
  • If you are haunted by anxiety and worry, add laurel to essential oils.

Massage to improve sleep

Massage using special oils is best done in the evening or just before bed. It is recommended to perform self-massage in the ear area. In this case, any of the listed oils is selected. The composition is applied to the tip of the little finger, which is then gently massaged into the inner surface of the ear.

Massage of the feet, temples, etc. is quite effective. Some people prefer facial or collar massage. It is important to understand exactly what type of massage leads to maximum relaxation in your case.

The massage oil recipe is quite simple. The base is sesame, corn or olive oil.

. The volume of the base composition is no more than 10 ml. Next, a few drops of essential oil of one or more types are added to it.

Compositions from:

  • geranium – 2, patchouli – 3, chamomile – 4 drops;
  • lavender – 2, myrrh – 1, juniper – 3 drops;
  • chamomile – 3, lavender – 2 drops;
  • rosemary – 1, ginger – 3 drops;
  • basil – 1, lavender – 2, orange – 1 drop.

For a back massage, it is better to choose either lavender. Rose and valerian products also performed well. When performing a foot massage, you can choose rosemary or pine.

Aromatherapy for insomnia

An excellent remedy is aromatherapy for sleep. With its help you can get rid of insomnia once and for all. Plus, it's always nice to enjoy the wonderful aromas of essential oils.

The same oils are used to improve sleep. The difference is that the composition is poured into an aroma lamp, which is placed in the bedroom. It is also possible to impregnate pillows or blankets with a few drops of the substance. In winter, the oil can be applied to a damp piece of fabric and placed on the radiator - the aromatic product will slowly evaporate, creating the atmosphere necessary for a sound sleep.

The most common combinations of oils used in aromatherapy to improve sleep are chamomile and ylang-ylang, or chamomile and lavender.

If the cause of insomnia is excessive nervous tension or irritability, then the aroma of peppermint, as well as jasmine or rose will help you relax. It is allowed to use an aromatic composition of oils: cedar, sandalwood, bergamot, rose. Some people prefer to add another flavor here - basil.

When the cause of sleep disturbances lies in nightmares, it is recommended to use valerian oil in combination with lemon balm and rose. Also, aromatic oils will help cope with unpleasant dreams: petitgrain, dill, lemon balm. They can be used either in combination with each other or separately, refilling the aroma lamp.

Video on the topic

Nervous shocks, chronic fatigue, stress - all these symptoms are well known to modern people. Mixed with troubles and constant time pressure at work are misunderstandings in the family, often caused by material issues and misunderstandings between household members. Even children can be susceptible to stress, which subsequently makes itself known by the development of complexes. The practice of regular visits to a psychotherapist is widespread abroad. In our country, you can cope with stress and unnecessary worries much easier by arranging soothing aromatherapy sessions. All you need to do is learn the characteristics of some essential oils and learn how to use them correctly.

Impregnation of pillows

One of the oldest ways of using aromatic oils will help you fall asleep faster. A few drops of the composition are applied to the bed linen or to the pillow itself. For this, the preferred combinations of oils are:

  • cedar, rose and lavender - one drop each;
  • ylang-ylang – 1, lavender – 2, chamomile – 1 drop.

If you are afraid that you will not like the aroma and the pillow will be ruined, then applying the composition to an ordinary handkerchief, which will lie at the head of the bed, will be sufficient.

Baths to improve sleep

Baths with essential oils help you relax and set yourself up for a good, sound sleep.

  • add to the bath or chamomile at the rate of 5 drops of the substance per 10 liters of warm water. Just 15-20 minutes of this procedure will give you a healthy, sound sleep;
  • Benzoin oil is added to water, 5-8 drops per 10 liters. Such a bath will help get rid of anxiety and relieve nervous tension;
  • a combination of lavender and ylang-ylang oils (4 drops of each per 10 liters of warm water with sea salt previously dissolved in it) will not only help you relax, but also improve the condition of your skin.

If you use aromatic oils correctly, the benefits of their use will not take long to arrive.

Thanks to a full and sound sleep, a person regains strength and feels good during the day. During a night's rest, all organs and various systems of the body return to normal and are adjusted. Also, good sleep allows the brain to rest, which sorts information, gets rid of unnecessary information and eliminates stress. However, some people have problems falling asleep or waking up frequently at night. To avoid such difficulties, you can use essential oils for sleep, which are a safe, pleasant and effective method that allows you to get quality and full sleep.

Cream that helps you sleep

The cream, rather an oil mixture, is applied to the temples, forehead, neck, and feet. Inhaling a soothing aroma helps you relax and fall asleep peacefully. Natural night cream helps you sleep and cares for your skin at the same time. A rejuvenating blend of oils restores the skin's fresh appearance.


  • 5 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon organic coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil
  • Small container or jar for mixing and storage


Soften the coconut oil. To do this, place a jar of coconut oil in a container of hot water. The melting point is 24*. You will need 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

Add other oils and stir. Apply to face and body with light massage movements. Allow the mixture to absorb into the skin. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Advantages of aromatic substances

Aromatherapy is much better than calming or sleeping pills and has been used for a long time for adults and children. The healing properties of aromatic oils were known in ancient times, in Rome and Egypt. However, for several centuries almost the whole world forgot about this remedy, and only in the 20th century aromatherapy began to gain popularity again.

Representatives of traditional medicine have even begun to study various soothing essential oils. Many studies have been conducted, as a result of which experts have found that these drugs have many advantages in comparison with conventional tablets and other medications:

  • have a minimum of contraindications, many of them are allowed to be used during pregnancy;
  • are non-toxic, made only from natural ingredients, so they have no side effects;
  • the effect of their use is visible almost immediately, since the active components are volatile, so they very quickly enter the circulatory system through the skin and respiratory organs;
  • allow you to cure various chronic diseases;
  • improve the immune system of adults and children;
  • have rejuvenating and restorative properties.

Thanks to the use of essential substances, you can achieve the same results as when using sedatives.

Individual intolerance

The first step is to determine whether a person has an intolerance to certain components, and also not to use very high concentrations.

To check if there is an allergy, you need to apply a couple of drops of oil to the skin, preferably on the wrist, and wait about 15 minutes. If after this time there is no irritation, redness on the skin, burning sensation, if there is no nasal discharge, coughing or tearing, then the liquid can be used without any problems. But if allergic symptoms appear, it is important to wash the skin with tap water as quickly as possible and take an anti-allergy pill.


For adults, you can use essential oils from any plant and fruit, but not every one is suitable for a child. Doctors do not recommend using this product for newborns and children under two months. From 2 months and for a child up to one year, it is allowed to use lavender, orange, chamomile, and sandalwood oil. Although for such young children some advise adding an aromatic liquid to the bath or using it for massage, it is better not to allow the very delicate baby skin to come into contact with essential products. For a child under one year old, it is advisable to make aromatic lamps, soak scraps of fabric with the product, or wear aromatic medallions. And for children from 2 years of age, it is quite safe to spread aromatic liquids on the skin and add them to the bath, but in small proportions, no more than 5 drops.

Important! When using aromatic products, they should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the body or the eyes. Even if they come into contact with exposed skin, they can cause burning and severe irritation. If contact with the eyes occurs, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with tap water, and then drip a few drops of saline solution.

There are quite a few different ways you can use aromatic mixtures to treat various diseases and for a full, good sleep. The most popular methods are the following:

  • aroma lamps. This method is the most widely used. Usually a special aroma lamp is used, but if you don’t have one, you can wet a napkin with water and drop a little aromatic product, after which the wet napkin should be placed on the radiator or fireplace. You can apply a couple of drops to a regular light bulb, after which you need to turn it on; when it gets hot, the liquid will gradually evaporate. Modern air humidifiers have a special section for aroma oils. And some use a regular candle, onto which a little mixture is dripped. The aroma lamp should not be left on all night. You can use it for about half an hour in the evening;
  • You can use soothing essential oils for sleep while taking aromatic baths. Thanks to such baths, you can perfectly relax after a hard day at work, the condition of the skin will improve, it will be saturated with useful components that slow down the aging of the skin. However, a bath requires much more aromatic product than a lamp. Typically, about five drops of the substance are used for every 10 liters of water. After taking a shower, you can rinse your hair with a fragrant liquid, so that the pleasant smell will remain throughout the night. For rinsing, it is enough to use five drops per liter of water;
  • Massage is an excellent method to help you relax. If you add a couple of drops of aromatic liquid to the massage gel, the effectiveness will increase many times. The procedure does not have to be performed by an experienced specialist. A loved one can calm and relax a tired person with pleasant, gentle movements and kneading. It is important to avoid intense, sudden movements to avoid pain;
  • scented pillows. You can use special small pads, although ordinary soft toys, on which a little aromatic liquid is applied, are excellent. This creates a calming, peaceful environment in the room. Properly selected aromas promote good sleep and excellent mood;
  • internal use. Not all aromatic liquids can be taken orally, so if you have any doubts about a particular product, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Typically, you can take lavender, sage, lemon balm, anise and mint oils for internal use. You can apply no more than three drops to a sugar cube, which is placed under the tongue. Or you can add a couple of drops to warmed milk and drink half an hour before going to bed.

Almost all essential oils for adult sleep work fairly quickly, but it is advisable to use them for a week or longer. You can mix two or three scents and then replace them with others after a couple of weeks.

Effective oil options

Some aromatic oils help fight neurosis, relieve stress, and gain peace of mind. Regular use of the products will help normalize your emotional state and take a fresh look at the world.


One of the essential oils that calms the nervous system is lavender. It is an oily liquid with a characteristic odor.

The product can be used for relaxation, relieving overstimulation,. The oil helps relieve muscle spasms, bring the mind to a state of peace, cope with insomnia, gently lower blood pressure, and improve memory.

This aroma oil can pacify anger and irritability, so it is recommended to use it to aromatize rooms where people prone to outbursts of anger live.

Lavender oil is used to treat neuroses and strengthen the emotional background. It is useful to spray it in office premises - workers will become calm and will be able to easily withstand stress. The aroma of lavender stimulates intellectual activity.

Lavender aroma oil can be used in different ways:

  • Moisten cotton pads and place them indoors. The procedure has a short-term effect, so the disks will have to be updated regularly.
  • Place 4-5 drops of the product into the aroma lamp bowl, add water, light a tea candle under the lamp and place it in the middle of the room. The aromatization time is no more than three hours. So that the liquid from the bowl does not evaporate completely.
  • Dissolve 10-15 drops of aroma oil in a small amount of emulsifier (sea salt, honey, diluted clay) and pour into a bath with warm water. Take an aroma bath for 15-30 minutes (before bed).

Important: strong concentrations of the product can cause headaches.


Basil essential oil is produced from the flowers and leaves. Interesting fact: to produce one kilogram of product, about one hundred kilograms of raw materials are used. The product has a wide range of effects on the body.

It is capable of:

  • Improve mood and mental performance.
  • Eliminate fatigue.
  • Promote rest and relaxation.
  • Get rid of insomnia.
  • Have a strengthening effect on the body.
  • Reduce tooth, ear, headache, joint pain.
  • Stimulate brain activity.
  • Get rid of anxiety, fears, worries.

The oil is used to enrich creams, shampoos, balms, and other cosmetics for skin and hair. In perfumery, the product is used in the manufacture of soap, toothpaste, and colognes.

Recipes for use:

  • Cold inhalations. Apply a few drops to a napkin and inhale for 10-15 minutes. After such a procedure, the person calms down, the activity of the nervous system is normalized.
  • Hot inhalations. You can use a special inhaler (sold in pharmacies). If it is not available, you need to add five drops of aroma oil to hot water and inhale, covered with a towel. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes.
  • Compress. Moisten a clean, damp cloth with cool water with 7-15 drops of oil added, and apply the cloth to your forehead. This compress will relieve headaches, calm nerves, and improve your mood.
  • Hot compress. Heat any vegetable oil, add 20 drops of basil, moisten a napkin in the mixture and apply it to the sore joint, wrapping it with a scarf on top. Leave for 60 minutes.

Important: if you have serious chronic diseases, the use of hot compresses should be agreed with your doctor.


The fact that valerian has a beneficial effect on health was known in the distant past.

Its medicinal properties are concentrated in the root; it is from this that essential oil is made, which is a relaxation tool recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine.

The unique aroma of the product has a calming effect, eliminates neurosis, relieves anxiety, helps cope with heavy psycho-emotional stress, recover from stress, normalize sleep and improve its quality.


  • The drug can be taken orally. To do this, dissolve a drop of the product in warm milk and take it before bed. Indications: nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders, various emotional disorders.
  • To conduct a bioactive massage session, mix five drops of aroma oil with a teaspoon of cream or massage oil, apply to the shoulders, neck and back with light movements. The session is best done 10-20 minutes before bedtime.
  • An aroma pendant is a soothing remedy and a beautiful decoration that can be worn every day. This accessory is made from dry porous clay or stone. Such materials absorb perfectly and retain the aroma for a long time. It is enough to drop 3-4 drops of the product on the pendant, put the jewelry on your neck, a pleasant soothing smell will be nearby. If the aroma becomes weak, the pendant needs to be “recharged”.

Important: do not use the product at a time when a person is required to react quickly, concentrate, or concentrate.


This is one of the expensive essential oils. The price corresponds to the beneficial properties that the product has. It is used in perfumery, cosmetology, pharmaceuticals, dermatology, and medicine. Actions of rose oil:

  • Helps cope with insomnia.
  • Has antiviral properties.
  • Calms, relieves anxiety and unreasonable fears.
  • Restores the nervous system after stress.
  • The smell of a rose brings positive emotions; almost everyone likes it.
  • Helps normalize heart rhythm.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, suitable for hypertensive and hypotensive patients.
  • Eases postpartum depression.
  • Fights neuroses (see).
  • Improves memory and performance.
  • Has tonic properties.

Directions for use:

For chronic fatigue, anxiety, and mental stress, you can use rose oil for taking baths, aromatizing rooms using an aroma lamp, or adding a few drops to an aroma pendant.

Aroma stone helps with insomnia. It has a porous structure that can retain odors for a long time. The stone spreads the aroma over a distance, drop a few drops on the stone, it is better to put it on the bedside table. A restful sleep will be ensured.

To give clothes or bedding the scent of roses, you can make a sachet. This is a bag filled with cotton wool or natural fabric soaked in oil. It is enough to put the sachet in a drawer with linen or hang it in a closet, things will acquire a pleasant aroma that evokes positive emotions.


Cedar oil will help relieve anxiety, improve your mood, and return to normal after a hard day. It will purify the air in the room and improve the overall energy of the space.

Directions for use:

  • To relieve nervous tension, you need to mix 10-15 drops of the product with a handful of sea salt and a spoonful of cream, dissolve in a bath with warm water, and immerse in water for 20 minutes. The procedure will help not only relieve fatigue, but also normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  • You can use it in the bath. Add a few drops to a ladle of water and pour over the hot stove. After this, inhale healing air through your nose for 5-10 minutes.
  • For headaches, add 7-8 drops of the product to half a glass of warm water, soak a gauze or clean cloth bandage in the mixture, apply to the forehead and temples, leave for 10 minutes, repeat if necessary. After this procedure, the headache quickly goes away.

Scent selection

Each oil has individual properties and characteristics, so the choice of aroma must be taken seriously. It is necessary to select a mixture taking into account the existing problem:

  • Valerian, chamomile, basil and lavender are suitable for relieving tension;
  • to relax, you need to use rose, bergamot, jasmine, mint or sandalwood oil;
  • sandalwood, cedar, ylang-ylang, patchouli are used to calm the nerves;
  • in order to drive away bad dreams, you should give preference to lemon balm, dill, neroli and petitgrain.
  • To relieve stress, overcome psychological fatigue, lethargy and weakness, coconut oil is used.

It is not necessary to mix the ingredients exactly according to the specified recipes that can be found on the Internet or that friends recommend. You can select fragrances based on personal, individual preferences and desires. When mixing, you must adhere to the following principle: one or two components should be the main ones, to which a couple more aromas can be added if desired, but only as an addition, in a smaller volume.

You can experiment at your own discretion in a separate container. Use 10-20 drops of the main aromatic liquid, to which 2-5 drops of additional liquid are added. For some, the process of creating unique scents becomes a real hobby.

You can purchase ready-made soothing compositions for aromatherapy at the pharmacy. But before purchasing, you should read the composition of the mixture; perhaps it contains any components to which you are allergic. In addition, it is important to look at the expiration date and pay attention to whether the packaging is intact. If the bottle is not screwed in completely, the essential oil may quickly evaporate. You can ask your pharmacist to help you choose the right flavor mixture for your specific situation. Although calming essential oils normalize sleep, if you have prolonged insomnia, it is advisable to see a doctor.

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