Let's find out what will help against insomnia at home? What medications and folk remedies help with insomnia?

Release form and composition

The drug contains the following substances:

  • glycine;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin B12.

The unique formula of Glycine allows:

  • stabilize the psycho-emotional state, reduce the likelihood of sudden mood swings;
  • significantly reduce aggressiveness, nervousness, and conflict;
  • improve adaptation in society;
  • speed up falling asleep at night, ease awakening, improve sleep quality;
  • significantly increase mental performance;
  • reduce the risk of developing vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • reduce the manifestation of disorders in ischemia and traumatic brain injury.

Also, Glycine tablets can significantly reduce the toxicity of alcohol, so the drug can be used for hangovers.

Glycine is an amino acid that is found in all proteins. Its deficiency in the human body leads to serious consequences. Glycine tablets help saturate the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids and help prevent deterioration in well-being.

Glycine for insomnia - tablets, available in a box of 50 pieces. The active ingredient is glycine. Additional components:

  • calcium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • montan glycol wax.

The tablets have a slight sweetish-metallic taste. You can buy the drug without a prescription at any pharmacy kiosk.


There is no data on an overdose of Glycine (Glycine Forte). However, if we compare a person’s daily need for an amino acid with its true volume in the body, it turns out that an overdose is practically impossible.

Indeed, the body itself produces about 3 mg of glycine/day (children’s body – 0.1 mg). The body receives the same amount from the outside. Scientists are confident that the amount of endo- and exoglycine is not enough to cover the body’s daily requirement for the amino acid. To produce collagen you need from 8 to 10 g of the substance/day.

Therefore, in reality, we are dealing with a constant deficiency of the amino acid; Glycine tablets help establish the necessary balance, and nothing more.

Glycine Forte – features

The product is also available in pleasant-tasting tablets. It contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and activate the body's natural forces to increase resistance.

The use of tablets helps the body in the following:

  1. normalize sleep, get rid of insomnia;
  2. reduce mental and nervous tension;
  3. increase mental performance.

They are easy to use and, due to their sweet taste, are easy to give to children. The effect is achieved almost immediately after resorption, because beneficial substances penetrate most quickly through the mucous membrane.

Components in the composition and features of their action:

  1. amino acid glycine - its deficiency in the body causes constant fatigue and psycho-emotional stress, so replenishment in the form of tablets helps protect the nervous system from negative external factors, the psyche becomes stronger, and brain function improves;
  2. B1 – important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, increases mental performance, improves the perception of information, promotes mental activity and cognitive activity;
  3. B6 – improves brain function, is important for preventing drowsiness, irritability and lethargy, promotes better absorption of other vitamins in this group;
  4. B12 – is needed for the natural renewal of cells of the nervous system, improves concentration, prevents irritability, its deficiency can cause serious changes in the structure of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that the drug is very useful for the brain and the entire nervous system, it should not be abused. The tablets should be taken as recommended by your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Aminoacetic acid - glycine - has the properties of a natural regulator of metabolic processes in the body. As a neurotransmitter, it has an inhibitory effect and participates in metabolic processes occurring in the central nervous system.

The drug has an antitoxic, antioxidant, adrenergic blocking effect, and is involved in the regulation of glutamate receptors. Due to these mechanisms of action, glycine is able to eliminate aggression, reduce psychological and emotional stress, and improve social adaptation.

Taking the drug increases intellectual abilities, reduces the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders and cerebral disorders with insufficient oxygen supply to tissues. It stops the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol, which is why it is often prescribed for hangovers and to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Prices in pharmacies

The cost of Glycine ranges from 40 to 5,900 rubles, depending on the packaging and manufacturer.

Prices for Glycine tab. sublingual 100 mg No. 50

Prices for Glycine forte Evalar tab. No. 60

Prices for Glycine forte Evalar tab. No. 20

Prices for Glycine-bio pharmaplant tab. sublingual 100 mg No. 50

Prices for Glycine extra tab. sublingual No. 20

Prices for Glycine d3 tab. fast-melting 600 mg 400 me №12

Prices for Glycine forte tab. cheek 250 mg No. 30

Prices for Zdravcity glycine, tab. 110 mg No. 50

Prices for Glycine now tab. 1184 mg №100

Prices for Glycine-vis caps. 0.4g No. 36

Prices for Glycine Forte Vitamir with cherry flavor tab. 300 mg No. 30

Prices for Glycine tab. sublingual 100 mg No. 100

Prices for Glycine Ka tab. d/rass. No. 18

Prices for Glycine-MHPP tab. sublingual 100 mg No. 50

Prices for Ginkgo biloba glycine tab. 200 mg. No. 30

How much the medicine costs depends on the dosage and the manufacturer.

Average prices in Russian pharmacies:

  • Glycine Evalar - available in the form of chewing gum, the cost for 12 pieces is about 160 rubles;
  • Glycine Forte is an enhanced form with a high content of active ingredients in each tablet, also contains fructose, price - on average 155 rubles for 60 tablets;
  • Glycine Bio - produced by the pharmaceutical company Ozone, tablets contain 100 mg of the active ingredient, the price for 50 pieces is an average of 60 rubles;
  • Glycine Extra is a form of the drug containing 600 mg of the active substance; you can purchase 20 tablets from the Pharmstandard company for about 60 rubles;
  • Glycine with vitamin C - in addition to the main components, the drug also contains vitamin C, the cost is on average 90 rubles for 20 tablets.

The drug is available without a prescription from a neurologist.

Instructions for use

Glycine tablets are intended for resorption. The standard dosage is 3 g - 1 tablet three times a day. This treatment regimen is indicated for adults and the elderly:

  • with frequent awakenings during night sleep;
  • to increase intellectual abilities;
  • with severe pathologies of the nervous system;
  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • to calm down.

If the patient is overtaken by insomnia, then drink this way:

  • in the first 14 days of therapy, dissolve half a tablet three times a day;
  • then drink 0.5 g per day for 9 days.

After a stroke, the scheme is as follows:

  • in the first hours take 10 mg;
  • for 5 days, 10 g, and to alleviate the condition, drink 2 tablets three times a day.

For insomnia

One of the properties of Glycine is the normalization of the process of falling asleep and staying asleep. When using the drug, the process of falling asleep is facilitated, and the biological structure of sleep is normalized. The phase and depth of sleep is restored, and awakening is made easier. Taking aminoacetic acid helps normalize circadian rhythms.

Taking the drug immediately before bedtime makes it easier to fall asleep. Patients who completed a full course of taking Glycine noted a normalization of sleep and wakefulness. In addition, it was noted that when treated with Glycine, patients stopped having nightmares caused by hypoxia of brain tissue.

As a result of the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the central nervous system, the brain receives more oxygen and nutrients, thereby eliminating causeless awakenings, nightmares, and excessive excitability of the central nervous system, which interferes with falling asleep.

Instructions for use and dosage

The instructions for use do not indicate the consequences of an overdose, since the drug is considered quite safe.

However, large doses of even healthy foods can harm the body, not to mention medications.

Doctors warn patients against excessive use of Glycine, as the consequences can be extremely dangerous.

What will happen if you eat a lot of Glycine (possible consequences):

  1. A sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Cardiopalmus.
  3. Darkening of the eyes, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  4. Ringing in the ears.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.
  6. Heavy sweating.
  7. General malaise, weakness.
  8. Daytime sleepiness.
  9. Inhibited state, disorientation.
  10. Poisoning.

If you suspect an overdose of the drug, you must rinse your stomach and take activated charcoal (one tablet for every 10 kilograms of the victim’s weight). If necessary, call an ambulance.

The exact lethal dose of Glycine has not been determined, since it is individual for each person.

It is recommended to take 1-2 dietary supplements every day, divided into 2 doses. Approximate course – 30 days. The drug is not addictive and can be discontinued at any time if necessary. The course can be shortened or increased depending on how you feel.

For ischemic stroke, Glycine is recommended to take 10 tablets per day for a week, then 3 tablets for another month. For toxic encephalopathy and alcohol dependence, a course of 2-3 tablets per day is prescribed for a month.

For children, the drug is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks in case of deviant behavior and decreased performance. Up to 3 years of age, the maximum single dose should be no more than 50 mg.

Features of the use of Glycine tablets for various disorders:

  1. for preventive purposes to improve brain activity, memory, concentration - 100 mg up to 3 times for 15-30 days;
  2. for organic and functional brain disorders, poor sleep, irritability, mood swings, excessive excitability - 100 mg up to 3 times for 7-14 days with the ability to extend the course if necessary;
  3. consequences of ischemic stroke - 1 g for the first 6 hours, after 200 mg 3 times throughout the month;
  4. encephalopathy, in drug treatment practice - 100 mg up to 3 times a month, the course of therapy is repeated 3 to 6 times a year.

When Glycine is needed by a baby, the mother can take it. The amino acid passes into breast milk and enters the baby's body.

Key differences and similarities

Glycine for insomnia is an absolutely safe sedative. The medicine helps regulate metabolism in the body and improves all intellectual abilities. It is an effective remedy for insomnia, as it improves the quality of dreams and facilitates the process of falling asleep.

Glycine also has the following effects:

  • prevents sleep problems;
  • helps reduce diseases affecting veins and blood vessels;
  • fights depression and irritability;
  • normalizes vision;
  • reduces love for alcohol;
  • enhances thinking abilities;
  • eliminates muscular dystrophy.

With a properly calculated dosage, the drug has only a beneficial effect.

Oddly enough, the drugs Glycine and Glycine Forte belong to different pharmacological groups. The first is a nootropic drug that increases mental performance, the second is a dietary supplement.

The similarities between the drugs are that they have a similar active ingredient, are available in lozenges, and are produced in Russia.

The drug with the prefix “Forte” has a richer composition. In addition, it contains 3 times more amino acids than the standard product of the same name.

There is a big difference between the means and the cost. For 60 tablets of Glycine Forte you need to pay about 150 rubles, for 50 tablets of Glycine - from 30 rubles.

How to help improve sleep

Glycine is an excellent remedy for insomnia, sold in pharmacies and is not a serious medicine. It acts quite understandably and expectedly - it compensates for the lack of the necessary acid involved in the biochemical processes of the brain. You can stop taking it and try to forget about the problem, or you can use several recommendations for changing your lifestyle and habits and forget about the problem forever.

  1. First of all, you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. This creates a biological clock, following which helps the body wake up and fall asleep more easily;
  2. It is necessary to get into the habit of ventilating the bedroom before going to bed;
  3. It is worth making sure that the bed and pillow are comfortable, and that there is no irritating light, noise or sounds;
  4. Avoid heavy and fatty dinners. Spicy and sour foods are also undesirable for dinner;
  5. Caffeine-containing drinks should also be excluded after 18:00;
  6. Avoid late-night snacking. It wakes up the body at night to digest food;
  7. Excessive liquid before bed is undesirable. It often contributes to waking up in the middle of the night and going to the toilet;

Glycine and alcohol: compatibility

It is strictly unacceptable to combine medications with alcoholic beverages, but Glycine is an exception.

According to clinical data, if you take a Glycine tablet every hour during a feast, the toxic effect of alcohol on the body is significantly reduced, and the effect on brain cells is less destructive.

Just one tablet helps relieve severe alcohol intoxication. In addition, the drug is actively used in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

When asked whether Glycine helps with hangover syndrome, experts answer positively. The drug allows you to speed up metabolism and remove ethanol from the body in a shorter time.

However, it is necessary to carefully use the help of Glycine in this area, since the combination of large doses of the drug and alcohol can cause a narcotic effect.

special instructions

Hypotensive patients should take Glycine, despite its relative safety, with caution: if there are fluctuations or a persistent decrease in blood pressure, the drug should be discontinued.

Caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities due to the risk of unpredictable reactions (glycine interferes with the functioning of the central nervous system).

Glycine or Glycine Forte, unlike all other medicines, is perfectly compatible with alcohol. The drug is recommended to speed up rehabilitation after heavy drinking, since the amino acid minimizes the toxic effects of ethanol on the brain and the entire body. In this regard, Glycine is often used during a feast, dissolving a tablet every hour.

It is unacceptable to mix Glycine with coffee, since the substances have different directions of action: coffee invigorates, the amino acid calms.

Stress can lead to zero results from using Glycine or even cause nervous overexcitation.

Patient reviews

Glycine tablets were prescribed by a doctor to my son (4 years old), who had hyperactivity and associated sleep disturbances. I gave the child a pill in the morning and half an hour before bedtime. The duration of therapy was scheduled for two weeks.

A good drug, it eliminated the problems the child had and did not cause any adverse reactions.

I was very surprised when the doctor prescribed Glycine tablets in the complex treatment of alcoholism. The drug is old, inexpensive, I used to think that it was intended only to eliminate mild stressful conditions and increased mental stress. However, the doctor explained to me that Glycine is able to speed up metabolism, remove ethanol, and reduce alcohol intoxication.

The therapy ended positively. I don’t know whether Glycine is able to cope with alcohol addiction on its own, but in combination with other drugs it has shown itself to be a quality remedy.

In general, patient reviews are positive. Only a small percentage of patients noted an allergic reaction to the drug.

Reviews from neurologists

A time-tested drug that successfully copes with psycho-emotional disorders and active mental stress.

Safe for both children and pregnant/nursing women. Despite this, it is recommended to take it only as prescribed by a specialist.

One of the strengths of Glycine is that it actively helps with alcohol intoxication and hangover.

A unique medicine that is allowed to be combined with alcoholic beverages to relieve intoxication.

Despite the fact that the drug is available without a prescription, neurologists do not recommend using it for self-medication.

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