Danger and features of meningioma of the frontal lobe of the brain
Hypertension syndrome Increased intracranial pressure occurs as a result of an increase in brain volume and hemo-
tension pain
How to get rid of tension headaches: treatment, reviews
Pressing, throbbing headaches (cephalalgia) are a common complaint among patients, causing suffering and worsening
Senile dementia
Treatment of senile dementia: medications and physical therapy
From this article you will learn: What is senile dementia What are the causes of senile dementia
Cerebral palsy is a chronic congenital neurological disease characterized by damage to the central nervous system. Arises
Sexual neuroses. Sexual neurasthenia is curable
Sexual neurasthenia: symptoms and treatment, consequences Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are fraught with such pathological
Aseptic meningitis: Causes, symptoms and treatments
Aseptic (abacterial, toxic-chemical) peritonitis
In aseptic meningitis, the meningitis causes inflammation similar to that of bacterial meningitis. However, unlike
lung diseases
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases: classification, symptoms, causes and treatment
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD) are one of the most important problems of modern pulmonology, representing
How to talk to assholes: Instructions from a famous psychiatrist
How to talk to assholes: Instructions from a famous psychiatrist
Don't feel guilty It happens that we suddenly realize that we are suffering in relationships with
Child in maternity hospital
Single person psychology. A single person is the smartest and most faithful
Emptiness: necessity or compulsion? Loner syndrome refers to the behavior of a person who is afraid, avoids and does not
brain atrophy
Treatment of cerebral necrosis after radiation therapy
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