Symptoms of ulnar nerve neuritis. Diagnosis and treatment methods
Ulnar nerve and its diseases: neuropathy, neuritis, tunnel syndrome and others Throughout the brachial
Radial nerve of the arm
Damage to the radial nerve of the arm treatment. Anatomy of the radial nerve and treatment of lesions
Causes: Crutch paralysis (pressure in the armpit) "Saturday Night Palsy" (falling asleep with your hand on your arm)
mental retardation is
The concept and characteristics of control equipment. UO and UPR. Difference between UO and other types of legal entities
What do you think about when you hear a phrase like “mental retardation”? This is certainly accompanied
Cerebral infarction - what are the consequences in older people?
If a cerebrovascular accident occurs, this can lead to the development of an ischemic stroke. Wherein
Arachnoid cyst of the brain: what is dangerous, symptoms and treatment
Source of the image for the article (c) Can Stock Photo / peshkov If you are looking for information
Primary meningitis
Purulent meningitis: symptoms, treatment, consequences
Causes and types of meningitis The inflammatory process is provoked by bacteria: meningococci, pneumococci, hemophilus influenzae. In the presence of
Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself
How to get over the guy you love, advice from a psychologist
In this article, psychologist Evgenia Dvoretskaya answers the question “How to score on a guy whose
How to train your memory: simple exercises that quickly give positive results
Date: March 31, 2012 Category: Short-term memory Comments: Tweet Greetings, reader! IN
fear of death
Thanatophobia, or obsessive fear of death
Many people (or rather, the majority) are afraid of death. Some people are afraid to die, but
Eye twitching - how to easily cope with a nervous tic?
Eye twitching: how to get rid of a nervous tic and what provokes it?
Many people have to wonder why the eye twitches. Nervous tics are widespread phenomena. Twitching
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