How to get rid of depression. What the unconscious is silent about

Religiosity as a contributing factor

Many believers have a fear of the afterlife - they are afraid of doing something wrong in this world and after death ending up in a not very pleasant place (hell, purgatory).

Such people are often tense because of the fear of making a mistake.

Each religion tries to console a person, to rid him of the fear of death and the fear of life.

Therefore, believers are much less likely to suffer from depression - they are firmly convinced that the soul is immortal and is in the hands of a wise and infinitely loving God.

Sometimes depression is religious in nature. In this case, a person can be helped by both his spiritual mentor and a certified psychologist.

The initial stage of depression bothered, perhaps, every person. But in some cases it develops into a more severe form of the disorder. Severe depression - signs and methods of treatment.

Whether proper nutrition can relieve depression, you will find out here.

If a person has been depressed for many months or even years, then we are talking about chronic depression. It does not always occur clearly, but it threatens human health. How to understand that a loved one is depressed and how to get rid of it - more on that in the next article.


In the issue of “KP” - Health dated October 26, the material “Heart attack: under the pressure of stress” was published.
The topic of heart problems due to nervousness has hit the mainstream and caused a lot of responses, some of which we will discuss today with experts. I am 31 years old. Until the spring of this year I was quite healthy. And she turned out to be very nervous: problems were everywhere - both with her wife and in business. In April, a strange attack occurred: a sharp pain in the chest, my legs became cold, and I began to lose consciousness. The ambulance arrived 2 hours later. They said that the ECG does not show a heart attack, but there is tachycardia.

Alexei. Samara.

— ECG is the main method for diagnosing a heart attack. In 80% of cases it is informative. But in 15%, a heart attack can be masked. To completely exclude it, it is advisable to carry out Holter monitoring - an ECG in dynamics, several hours or days, and undergo ECHO-cardiography - in other words, this is an ultrasound of the heart. And also take a blood test to study enzymes. If organic damage to the heart is not detected, then the nerves are to blame.

- The cause of the attack was most likely masked - hidden - depression. This is when nervous tension does not manifest itself in obvious mental problems, but “gives complications” to the internal organs. This diagnosis is also supported by night pain in the heart, which is characteristic of such conditions. After a complete cardiac examination, Alexey will receive help from a psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of borderline states. Training to increase resilience, relieve tension, as well as mild anti-anxiety medications will have an effect.

Should we be afraid of “bad heredity”?

Both of my parents died “from the heart” quite young. My father left six months ago, he was not even 60 - a massive heart attack, that’s all. I’m 37, I don’t have any symptoms yet, but I’m just scared to the point of panic. If everyone in my family has a weak heart, am I also destined for such a fate? I read a lot of literature and tortured doctors.

Sergey Nosenko. Moscow.

— Of course, there is a hereditary predisposition to heart disease. But it is only responsible for 15% of the development of heart attacks; the rest depends on lifestyle and attitude towards your health.

With the help of a psychotherapist, relieve lingering post-traumatic syndrome after the death of your parents.

Get rid of the fear of death and the anxious depression associated with it.

And, in fact, fight obsession, finding new interests and priorities in life.

After a heart attack, my husband has childhood fears.

My husband Nikolai (he is now 46) suffered a myocardial infarction a year ago. The attack was severe, they barely saved him. Thank God, I recovered completely. But after being discharged from the hospital, the person was replaced. He was always decisive and tough, but after his illness he immediately wilted. At work he’s still okay with people, but at home he’s hysterically afraid to be alone. He began to sleep with the light on and acted up like a little boy. Will he be able to return to normal life?

Tamara Sergeevna. Moscow.

— Nikolai developed somatopsychic depression. The cause of mental disorder is physical illness. It affects 98% of people who have suffered a serious illness with the threat of death. Then in about 40% of people it goes away on its own, 30% are helped by psychological training, 20% need medical help from a psychotherapist, and 8%, unfortunately, develop chronic mental disorders with fixation on the disease.

Against the backdrop of depression, Nikolai developed a need for security, a desire to hide and not be responsible for anything. That’s why he behaves “like a little one.” What seems like whims to you is now real pictures for him. Your patience, a positive attitude in the family, as well as the help of a psychologist with experience in the rehabilitation of patients will help you cope with this. Good consultants work at the Russian Research Center for Surgery (Russian Scientific Center for Surgery) and the Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs.

The doctor suggested: if you miss a pill, you will die

After the heart attack, my husband was prescribed many medications. And the cardiologist, in response to her husband’s simple question about how this or that drug works, began to intimidate him, saying that if you miss a pill, you will die. And after the operation his nerves are already on edge! Now these pills have become an obsession. He constantly goes through them, keeps a diary of his intake, constantly doubts whether he took them, he is afraid of mixing them up. And the whole family is already drawn into this madness. It turns out that the person’s heart was healed, but his psyche was broken?

Marina G. Ivanteevka.

— Your husband became a victim of iatrogenicity - fear provoked by the doctor’s improper behavior. A person recovering from a serious illness is very anxious, highly suggestible, vulnerable and susceptible. When a person realizes that he almost died from a heart attack, he is confused, his psychological defense is weak. And one careless word from the doctor formed an obsession.

Approach the issue rationally. First, find a good consultant cardiologist who will clearly explain all the prescriptions to your husband.

Obsessions associated with medications are very tenacious and difficult to treat. After all, it is impossible to protect a person from the source of the problem; he still must take medications for health reasons. I advise you to contact the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry on the street. Amusing, there are good specialists in the treatment of obsessions.

Where to check blood vessels, how to get rid of angina pectoris and how to properly lower high blood pressure

These and other questions were answered during a direct line with AiF-Chelyabinsk readers by the chief cardiologist of Chelyabinsk, professor, head of the department of internal diseases, doctor of medical sciences Igor SHAPOSHNIK.

Why does my heart constantly “prick”, so that sometimes it is impossible to breathe? Is it dangerous?

- This is a sign of cardioneurosis and a rather unpleasant sensation. Manifestations of cardioneurosis are common to many people, especially young and emotional ones. Don't think that "tingling" means heart disease. Better pay attention to the state of the nervous system.

In general, up to 40% of people who see a cardiologist have a healthy heart. All of them suffer from nervous system disorders, which are accompanied by depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. This feeling is uncomfortable and painful, and patients with cardioneurosis feel much worse than real cardiologist patients. During a heart attack, for example, chest pain lasts only one and a half to two hours.

My hands and feet are always cold, even indoors. Maybe diseased blood vessels are interfering with blood circulation? How to check if there are plaques in the vessels?

Most likely, your vascular tone is impaired. This often happens to sensitive, emotional people who worry about anything. It is unlikely that cold hands and feet indicate plaques in the blood vessels. But to make sure that your blood vessels are healthy, consult a doctor at your local clinic. He will order an ultrasound examination for you. True, in some Chelyabinsk clinics there are queues for vascular ultrasound.

I suffered two heart attacks, became a group 2 disabled person, but I am tormented by angina pectoris. Are there ways to get rid of it?

B. Plotnikov, Etkul

- If the medications prescribed by your doctor do not help you, you need to conduct a study of the heart vessels - coronary angiography. This study can be done at the Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital with a referral from a district doctor.

Are there any methods other than surgery to treat heart failure? Maybe it’s worth “digging in” with something?

L. Tumanov, Chebarkul

— Doctors used the “dig in” method about 30 years ago. Heart failure must be treated for a long time with medications or surgery. But even after surgery, if a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, the result goes down the drain within a few months.

I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, I suffered a heart attack. How to get examined at the Chelyabinsk Cardiocenter? We don't have a cardiologist in our city.

— Contact your local physician and ask for a referral to a cardiologist at the Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital. The cardiac center you are talking about has its own specifics - it is a cardiac surgery center. People go there on a doctor's referral for surgery. The center does not perform diagnostics separately.

I am 62 years old, diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. Doctors tell me that with such a diagnosis, I shouldn’t go under the knife too early. Is it so?

— Your diagnosis is not the competence of cardiologists, but of vascular surgeons. The Chelyabinsk Regional Hospital has a very good vascular surgery department. Take a referral in Satka for a consultation with a vascular surgeon at the regional hospital. As for the operation, it is right not to go under the knife until a certain point. To what extent - only the doctor will determine.

She suffered 2 heart attacks. Now I don’t feel well: my blood pressure is fluctuating, shortness of breath, headaches. I take the tablets as prescribed by the doctor. What else can you recommend?

L. Koroleva, Miass

— Perhaps the medications you are taking at home are not selected correctly. And one more nuance: replacing one medication with another, and core patients often do this, must be done with pinpoint precision. Check with your doctor and they will probably dosage your medications differently. You can also, with a referral from your doctor, come to a regional hospital for examination. If necessary, you will be referred for surgery.

I am 70 years old, diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. I feel good, but I can’t stand physical activity. I have heard about such a method as electrocorrection. Will he help?

A. Ivukov, Magnitogorsk

- If you feel well and the number of heartbeats does not exceed 60-80, then no intervention is needed. This may make things worse. It is enough to maintain your health with the help of medications. Methods like electrical correction are very complicated and do not always give results.

Awareness of mortality at different stages of life

At each stage of life, depression caused by fear of imminent death has its own special character and proceeds in different ways.

fear of death
In childhood, a child encounters death for the first time - a dead pet, the funeral of a relative, the withering of nature.

As a rule, the fear caused is quickly calmed down by assurances from adults that everything will be fine, or by fictitious stories.

In adolescence, this fear arises with renewed vigor. The old explanation invented by the parents no longer meets the requirements of the grown-up mind, and in order to overcome the horror, the teenager is looking for ways to fill his life with meaning. Often, in such searches, teenagers find a way out in computer games, drugs, bad company, and so on.

In adulthood, people experience a so-called midlife crisis. At this stage of life, a person has already achieved a lot and has a lot, and the question begins to haunt him - what awaits next? And then withering, old age and death. Such thoughts, as a rule, become the cause of depression. Often, out of fear, a person begins to deny his mortality and becomes irritable and nervous.

In old age, people come to terms with the inevitability of death and willingly talk and even joke about it. In old age, depression occurs in people who were unable to realize themselves in life and now regret it.

Several asanas to relieve psycho-emotional stress and anxiety

  • Asana with support on the wall.
  • To take this pose, you need to lie on your back with your buttocks to the wall, put your feet on the wall. You need to stay in this pose for four to five minutes.

    Helps relieve mental stress and disconnect from obsessive thoughts.

    The pose represents an inverted English letter V. The feet should be shoulder-width apart. Hands are the same distance from each other. The head should be in line with the hands. It is enough to stay in this position for one minute.

    Helps restore the nervous system, improves sleep.

    To perform this pose, you need to sit on your knees, then lower your pelvis onto your heels, spread your knees slightly to the sides and bend over so as to place your head on the floor. Stretch your arms back along your body.

    Helps fight stress, relieves headaches, and calms.


    Depression can occur due to several reasons:

    • Unknown - no scientist can reliably say what awaits a person after death. Highly intelligent people often suffer from depression.
    • Loss of control over life - people strive to control their life, to make it understandable. Death is unpredictable and uncontrollable by humans, which is why it causes horror. Often people try to delay death using life extension techniques, special medications and magical rituals.
    • Pain – Often what people fear is not death itself, but the pain it can cause.
    • Family – Depression can also arise from fear of leaving your family and fears about what will happen to them later. This fear often occurs among single mothers.

    Why is the disease so dangerous?

    The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the regulatory, unconscious reactions of the body, the ability to adapt to sudden changes in temperature, lack of oxygen and food.
    Malfunctions are long-term, often not diagnosed in a timely manner. Aggravates the course of the disease, a constant state of anxiety. Features of the disorders and symptoms are given in the table. If measures are not taken in time to eliminate the discomfort and the nervous system is not brought into balance, the condition will worsen and severe pathologies of the affected internal organs will develop.

    Life with VSD

    Depressing, depressive thoughts haunt the patient, not allowing positive emotions to improve the psychoneurological state. Constantly wondering whether death could occur from VSD, the patient falls into long-term depression and programs himself for death.

    Positive life planning, an optimistic look into the future, will be the first and most confident step towards stabilizing your general psychological and physical state. Psychotherapists claim that thoughts are material, and confidence in the future is the most effective therapy for nervous system disorders.

    With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the risk of dying is minimal, since the nervous system itself triggers a self-preservation mechanism. The need to survive becomes a priority, and the obsessive thought about the need for recovery leads the patient to the doctor. In the case of VSD, a psychotherapist is considered a specialized specialist.

    Divisions of the autonomic nervous system

    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is an autonomous part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of internal organs, as well as blood and lymphatic vessels. In neurology, there are two types of ANS: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

    The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) accelerates the heartbeat, increases myocardial oxygen demand, blood pressure, dilates the bronchi, pupil and slows down intestinal motility. The SNS is activated during stressful situations. The SNS realizes its effects through the release of hormones - catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine). The active substances bind to special junctions of beta-adrenergic receptors.

    The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) has the opposite effect on various organs of the body: it slows the heart rate, reduces the heart's need for oxides, reduces blood pressure, and increases intestinal motility. The PNS exerts its effects through acetylcholine, which binds to muscarinic receptors.

    Previously, it was believed that due to disruption of the normal functioning of the PNS or SNS, symptoms characteristic of the disease arise. However, new research has shown that the cause of symptoms is mental disorders, not ANS disorders.

    Currently, the diagnosis of “VSD” includes neurosis, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder or neurasthenia.

    Is it possible to die from depression?

    Of course, you cannot lie down and die from a state of severe melancholy and unwillingness to do anything.
    But symptoms of depression can lead the human body to psychological and physiological exhaustion and, accordingly, to early death.

    These symptoms are:

    • deterioration in performance, attention, concentration can lead to an accident;
    • decreased immunity and protective functions of the body can cause a dangerous infectious disease;
    • loss of appetite causes sudden weight loss and often leads to stomach problems and anorexia;
    • apathy and reluctance to desire anything, even to make any movement once again, leads to many diseases associated with an inactive lifestyle;
    • dangerous thoughts about the meaninglessness of life can lead to suicide.

    Also, a depressive state can cause mental problems - the appearance of neuroses, phobias, manias, and so on.

    What to do if you have cardiophobia

    With cardiac neurosis, patients begin to suffer from the fact that they are afraid of dying from the next attack of cardialgia. They constantly listen to their heartbeat, thereby only stressing themselves out more, causing tachycardia and, each time, aggravating their condition. To reduce cardiophobia, you definitely need to work with a psychotherapist. He will help the patient understand the meaning of the object that determines his reaction and help him change this reaction.

    Cardio exercise will also help get rid of the fear of a strong heartbeat. For example, running. With its help, a person will understand that a strong heartbeat can not only be a sign of some unhealthy condition, but also a normal response of the body. The intensity of cardio exercise should be alternated. And you need to start at a slow pace. For example, walk for one minute and then run for one minute. Next, alternate.

    Cardioneurosis requires mandatory treatment, since its prolonged course can lead to other serious diseases, such as hypertension.


    To recover from depression, you first need to analyze your condition and admit that you need help. Depression is a serious illness that should not be ignored, as it will go away on its own. There are several methods for getting rid of this insidious disease:

    • For a religious person, a conversation with his spiritual mentor will be useful.
    • Consultation with a doctor - this can be a therapist or psychoanalyst. Often, in severe stages, specialists prescribe medications and sedatives to their patients.
    • A person is able to help himself. To do this, you need to pull yourself together and try to find joy in life, learn to live with thoughts of death and not get upset. Relevant literature and watching motivating films can help with this.

    Experts have already called depression an epidemic of the new century. The disease affects 40 to 60% of the world's population, regardless of age and social status. In order to avoid terrible consequences, it is necessary to monitor your state of mind and, at the slightest sign of the onset of this disease, raise your spirits by all means.

    Depression occurs for both psychological and physiological reasons. Prolonged depression is observed in every fifth inhabitant of our planet.

    Did you know that some types of depression can cause hallucinations? This applies to agitated depression. For more information about its symptoms, follow the link.


    The diagnosis of cardiac neurosis is made by the method of exclusion. Since the symptoms of cardiac neurosis are similar to those of other diseases, it is difficult to immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. To make a diagnosis, procedures such as ECG, cardiac ultrasound, and Holter monitoring are prescribed. This allows us to exclude organic heart damage. And then, based on anamnestic data, a diagnosis of cardioneurosis is made.

    It is worth adding that at the time of an attack, a patient with cardioneurosis fusses and panics, trying to get rid of the pain. In contrast to a true heart patient with organic heart disease, who during an attack tries to take a pain-relieving position and not move.

    Thus, the patient first consults a cardiologist. After all the examinations, the cardiologist does not find true heart lesions and refers the patient to a neurologist. Further treatment takes place with the participation of a neurologist and psychotherapist.

    Treatment of cardiac neurosis is complex. A psychotherapist provides assistance in how to treat cardiac neurosis, since the cause of a neurotic state lies in a person’s perception of the surrounding reality. Moreover, drug treatment is prescribed only for severe cases of the disease.

    To cure cardiac neurosis, the patient should follow the following recommendations:

  • First of all, avoid provoking factors and exciting situations.
  • Establish a work and rest schedule.
  • Do physical education.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Do your favorite thing (hobby) more often.
  • Avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system.
  • Don't overeat at night.
  • Follow doctors' recommendations.
  • Various relaxation and spa procedures can also contribute to recovery.

    Feelings of dying people

    The physical sensations of a dying person will depend primarily on what led him to death. He can experience both severe pain and pleasant sensations.

    As for psychological perception, at the moment of dying, most people instinctively feel fear, panic and horror, and try to “resist” death.

    According to biology, after the heart muscle stops contracting and the heart stops, the brain continues to function for about five minutes. It is believed that in these last minutes, a person’s mind reflects on his life, vivid memories emerge, and the person, as it were, “sums up” his existence.


    The diagnosis of cardiac neurosis is made by the method of exclusion. Since the symptoms of cardiac neurosis are similar to those of other diseases, it is difficult to immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. To make a diagnosis, procedures such as ECG, cardiac ultrasound, and Holter monitoring are prescribed. This allows us to exclude organic heart damage. And then, based on anamnestic data, a diagnosis of cardioneurosis is made.

    It is worth adding that at the time of an attack, a patient with cardioneurosis fusses and panics, trying to get rid of the pain. In contrast to a true heart patient with organic heart disease, who during an attack tries to take a pain-relieving position and not move.

    Thus, the patient first consults a cardiologist. After all the examinations, the cardiologist does not find true heart lesions and refers the patient to a neurologist. Further treatment takes place with the participation of a neurologist and psychotherapist.

    Treatment of cardiac neurosis is complex. A psychotherapist provides assistance in how to treat cardiac neurosis, since the cause of a neurotic state lies in a person’s perception of the surrounding reality. Moreover, drug treatment is prescribed only for severe cases of the disease.

  • First of all, avoid provoking factors and exciting situations.
  • Establish a work and rest schedule.
  • Do physical education.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Do your favorite thing (hobby) more often.
  • Avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system.
  • Don't overeat at night.
  • Follow doctors' recommendations.
  • Death classification

    Biological scientists divide death into two categories:

    • Natural;
    • Unnatural.

    Natural death occurs according to the laws of normal physiology and occurs due to the natural aging of the body or in the case of underdevelopment of the fetus in the womb.

    Unnatural death can occur due to the following reasons:

    • Due to various serious and fatal diseases (oncological, cardiovascular, etc.);
    • Mechanical effects: suffocation, electric shock;
    • Chemical exposure: overdose of drugs, medicinal substances or alcohol overdose;
    • Unspecified - a seemingly healthy person dies suddenly from a latent disease or a sudden, acute form of the disease.

    Stages of death

    To better understand what a person may experience during death, we can consider the stages of the process, identified from a medical point of view:

    • Preagonal stage. At this moment, a malfunction occurs in the blood circulation and breathing systems, causing hypoxia to develop in the tissues. This period lasts from several hours to several days;
    • Terminal pause. At this moment, the person stops breathing, the functioning of the myocardium malfunctions;
    • Agonal stage. The body is trying to come to life. At this stage, a person periodically stops breathing, the heart works increasingly weaker, which causes malfunctions in the functioning of all organ systems;
    • Clinical death. Breathing and blood circulation stop. This stage lasts about five minutes, and it is at this moment that the person can be brought back to life with the help of resuscitation measures;
    • Biological death - a person finally dies.

    Important! Only people who have experienced clinical death are the only ones who can accurately report what sensations are possible in a dying person.

    Morbidity in various deaths

    CauseTime to diePain
    Prescription drug overdose129 minutes8,5
    Falling from height5 minutes17,78
    Drowning18 minutes79
    Shot in the head with a pistol3 minutes13
    Fire1 hour91

    Is it painful to die from cancer?

    Cancer is one of the most common causes of death. Unfortunately, a cure for malignant carcinoma has not yet been discovered, and cancer at stages 3 and 4 is an incurable disease. All that doctors can do in this situation is to reduce the patient’s pain with the help of special analgesics and slightly prolong the person’s life.

    A person with a cancer tumor does not always experience pain when dying. In some situations, before the death of a cancer patient, he begins to sleep a lot and ultimately plunges into a comatose state, after which he dies without feeling any physical illness, that is, directly in his sleep. In another situation, the stages of dying of a cancer patient are as follows:

    • Before death, the patient may experience migraines, see hallucinations and lose memory, as a result of which he cannot recognize his loved ones;
    • Speech disturbances occur, it is more difficult for the patient to say connected sentences, he may utter awkward phrases;
    • The person may experience blindness and/or deafness;
    • As a result, the motor functions of the body are impaired.

    However, this is only a general average picture of how a person with cancer feels before death.

    If we look directly at specific types of cancer tumors, then the localization of carcinoma in the liver makes a person die in agony due to multiple bleedings. Death from lung cancer also causes significant pain due to the fact that the patient begins to choke, vomit blood, after which an epileptic attack occurs and the patient dies. In the case of intestinal cancer, the patient also feels excruciating pain in the abdomen, in addition to this, he is tormented by a headache. Laryngeal cancer patients also feel pain before they die. With this localization, the person also experiences severe pain in the corresponding area.

    Important! Do not forget that the described symptoms are eliminated by doctors with the help of special analgesics, and before death - narcotic drugs, so in some cases it is possible to achieve an almost complete reduction in pain until it disappears.

    Thus, the question “is it painful to die from cancer” can most likely be answered in the negative, since modern medicine has all the means to help reduce the patient’s pain.

    Is it painful to die of old age?

    According to medical research, people in old age experience a feeling of relief when they die. Only 1/10 of those surveyed feel fear before death. Just before death, old people feel discomfort, pain and complete apathy towards everything. When dying, people begin to see hallucinations and can “talk” to the dead. As for physical sensations, dying is painful only due to difficulty breathing.

    Most old people can die in their sleep, and this death is not associated with severe pain and physical suffering.

    Does it hurt to die from a pill overdose?

    The physical sensations of a person dying due to taking an excessive amount of a drug depend primarily on the type of medication and the individual characteristics of the body. In fact, death occurs due to the development of severe intoxication of the body, and before death a person may experience pain due to pain in the abdomen. In addition, he experiences dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

    An exceptional case would be a person who has taken an excessive dose of a potent sedative, since the consequences of such an act will be the onset of a deep coma and the shutdown of all instinctive defense mechanisms. In view of this, a person passes into another world directly in a dream and does not feel pain.

    Is it painful to die from a stroke?

    Because a stroke can occur in different areas of the brain, a person's experience of death may vary. If the motor center has been affected, weakness or paralysis may occur in a particular limb.

    The general picture of a person’s feelings about death is usually as follows:

    • He hears strange voices or sounds;
    • Sleepy;
    • Confused mind;
    • Strong headache;
    • General weakness.

    Some stroke patients may also die in their sleep or go into a deep coma.

    Is it painful to die from a heart attack?

    During a heart attack, sudden changes in pressure occur due to a failure in blood circulation, which is felt by a person as severe pain in the area behind the sternum. In addition, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted, which also causes pain - in particular, blood stagnates in the lungs and swelling of the latter occurs. The patient experiences difficulty breathing and general weakness of the body. In the first minutes, when blood stops flowing to the brain and hypoxia begins, the person will also experience a severe headache.

    However, as a rule, during such an attack, a person may lose consciousness almost immediately, since the organs are not supplied with blood in the normal manner. Without medical assistance, a person in this condition can live no more than 5 minutes without feeling pain.

    Does it hurt to die from a bullet?

    It all depends primarily on the place where the bullet hit and its caliber. If a bullet pierces the brain, then very often death occurs almost instantly, and the organ shuts down faster than the person has time to feel anything. In other situations, as a rule, first a person feels a sharp jolt, then a certain warmth in the body, and only then severe pain. After a few minutes, a painful shock occurs, when pain is no longer felt due to the body’s defense mechanisms being turned on, and the person loses consciousness. If medical care is not provided, he dies from blood loss, but there is no physical suffering.

    Does it hurt to die from a fall?

    Death from falling from a great height occurs almost instantly - within a few seconds or minutes. The sensations largely depend on the position in which the person landed and on the surface on which he fell. If you land on your head, death occurs instantly, and the only thing that can be experienced in this case is psychological panic during the flight.

    Death due to a fall occurs due to multiple fractures, rupture of internal organs and large blood loss. In the first seconds after the fall, a person experiences severe pain from the impact, then weakness occurs due to developing hypoxia and loss of consciousness.

    Is it painful to die from blood loss?

    The time of death in this case depends on the caliber of the damaged vessels. In particular, if the walls of the aorta are destroyed, the person dies almost instantly, without experiencing pain.

    Losing a lot of blood, a person does not feel pain. When bleeding, he first experiences dizziness, heaviness in the body and weakness. Gradually, strong thirst is added to these feelings. Eventually, due to insufficient blood supply, the person may lose consciousness and die.

    What types of illness are deadly?

    Any form of depression, if left untreated, is potentially dangerous and can be fatal.

    The danger of depression depends not so much on its form, but on the severity and duration of its course.

    However, there are some forms of depression that deserve attention:

    1. Hidden.
      Symptoms of classic depressive disorder - despondency, a feeling that everything is meaningless, loss of interest in communication and hobbies, apathy - are not typical for her. Somatic symptoms come to the fore, manifesting themselves in the form of headaches, changes in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, heart pain, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But doctors specializing in somatic pathologies find nothing, and the disease continues to progress. In some cases, it accompanies a person throughout his life, significantly shortening it.
    2. Bipolar. It is characterized by mood swings: depressive symptoms are periodically replaced by manic symptoms. A person who just yesterday could barely get out of bed is full of plans, his mood is inappropriately elevated, he does not feel the need for sleep and loses the sense of time. The manic period passes quickly enough, and depression returns. In parallel, delusions and hallucinations may occur.
    3. Endogenous. Its occurrence is associated with a disturbance in the production of hormones that affect mood. This is a fairly rare form of depression, which often occurs against a background of complete calm, when there are no traumatic factors.
    4. Psychotic. Depressive symptoms are combined with symptoms of psychosis: hallucinations, delusions, depersonalization and others. People with psychotic depression are more likely to commit suicide.

    The severity of depression and its duration are of great importance when assessing risks.

    If depression is mild or moderate, its effect on the body is quite mild, but the more severe it is, the higher the risk of suicide and the stronger its effect on physical well-being.

    Can your stomach burst from overeating?

    Sometimes it seems to us that just one more piece of cake will make our stomach burst, but no. This digestive organ has very strong walls and is capable of increasing in size.

    The stomach is capable of accepting a huge amount of salad, soup and side dish, but not indefinitely. Overeating makes a person feel sick. If you feel nauseous and add a piece of dessert, you will immediately run to the toilet, as vomiting will begin.

    Although there are facts in history when the stomach can burst from overeating. There are recorded cases where the stomach ruptured from gluttony, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

    The stomach instantly reacts to a large volume of food and stretches. Not enormously large, but for some individuals it can hold sixty hamburgers.

    Doctors are aware of situations when it is not the stomach, but the esophagus that ruptures and minor bleeding occurs.

    All the pressure is from nerves

    V. Gorban, Zlatoust

    - Capoten (put one tablet under the tongue) or Physiotens - one 0.2 mg tablet will help reduce blood pressure. If it doesn’t work, then after an hour you can take another 0.2 mg. “Clonidine” is a good drug, but, firstly, it is available at the pharmacy only with a prescription. Secondly, sometimes the medication causes dry mucous membranes, drowsiness and other side effects.

    High blood pressure in your case is most likely the result of “shaky” nerves. You are probably characterized by emotional instability and sensitivity. I advise you to pay attention to your psychological state.

    By the way

    Consequences of gluttony

    The fact that the above facts do not give a positive answer to whether you can die from overeating does not mean that it is not so dangerous. The consequences of gluttony can be either minor or develop into serious illnesses, consequences that will lead to death. Let's take a closer look at what gluttony leads to.

    Vomiting from overeating

    Most often, what happens from overeating is not rupture of the walls of the digestive organ, but vomiting. Try drinking warm water in small sips. But don’t just drink, but record the number of glasses. After some time, you will notice that the liquid can no longer be contained, that is, you have nausea. The next time you take a sip, you'll just throw up. This is how you will find out how much liquid or food your stomach can accept.

    In case of intoxication, this way you can cleanse your body of toxic substances. You will need to rinse your stomach. Which you will successfully do, since vomiting will begin from overeating, and all the contents of the stomach will come out, and you will feel better.

    Death from obesity

    You can die from gluttony, but not from a ruptured stomach, but from complications that begin from obesity. Love for sweets, fatty and salty foods, snacks on the go lead to obesity. The heart and blood vessels suffer from excess weight, and here it is not far from a heart attack, stroke and a cemetery. So death from obesity is quite possible.

    Congenital Prader-Wili syndrome

    Newborns with this syndrome develop slowly and eat poorly. Children begin to be fed according to an enhanced program. This goes on for a year or a little more. As patients with Prader-Wili syndrome grow, they experience increased appetite. Everything does not return to normal, but goes into the opposite stage. The patient eats everything indiscriminately and cannot get enough. The body quickly gains excess weight.

    Such people can throw not only food into their mouths, but also everything that they can swallow. With this disease, it is not uncommon for patients to die from gastric rupture. This cause of death in patients with Prader-Wili syndrome is not an exception, but a pattern and feature of the disease.

    To save such people, it is necessary to place them in special institutions where there is strict control over food. People with Prader-Wili syndrome can eat indefinitely. Their brain constantly demands food, screams that it is dying of hunger. Such patients do not feel full, do not experience symptoms of overeating, and do not vomit when their stomach is full.

    Cardioneurosis is very sad.

    A little earlier, in one of the posts, I mentioned that I was given a disappointing diagnosis - coronary heart disease (CHD). What kind of disease this is, what its symptoms are and what it threatens, I will describe in more detail a little later, but now I can say one thing: this disease is serious, there is no need to joke with the heart, all this can end in death.

    The key word here is “CAN”, and not like the phrase “lethal outcome”. Unfortunately, I came to this thought only after three months of daily torment, which has its own specific medical name - Cardioneurosis. Well, or this condition is also called cardiophobia.

    Cardioneurosis is defined as an independent psychosomatic disorder in the category of organ neuroses. This provides for the possibility of complicity in the formation of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system of somatic (mainly cardiovascular) pathology. Consequently, a qualified diagnosis of cardioneurosis requires an expert assessment of the patient’s condition, both by a psychiatrist and a cardiologist.

    Very often, fear of cardiac arrest is formed against the background of psychogenic bradycardia (against the background of a stressful situation, the heart rate slows down) or vice versa, tachycardia (increased heart rate), as well as the appearance of extrasystole (extraordinary contractions of the heart), which patients feel as additional heartbeats.

    If you have suddenly been diagnosed with any heart disease, DO NOT GO DEPTH INTO STUDYING THE DISEASE ON THE INTERNET! It’s better to talk to your doctor once again, it will be more beneficial. Medical articles provide generalized information and indicate all the consequences, including the most severe, of the disease. Remember! The course of the disease is always individual and requires an individual approach!

    And now let’s go back to where I don’t want to go back now, but I have to.

    So, I have read enough to understand cardiovascular diseases no worse than a graduate of the cardiology department of a medical institute. I think that even an excellent graduate

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