Nudes and dick pics: what are they and is it worth going for the new fashion?

Anencephaly is a congenital abnormality of fetal development that develops at an early stage of intrauterine life. The pathology is characterized by the complete or partial absence of individual fragments of the skull and brain - the cerebral hemispheres and other parts, bones of the cranial vault, and soft tissues. The defect leads to the death of the patient in 100% of cases. The timing of death varies slightly. In 7% of cases, the fetus dies during pregnancy. The remaining children are born alive and can live up to several weeks. Cases have been described in which the life expectancy of patients was more than 3 years.

Characteristics of the pathology

Anencephaly is a pathology that in the medical classification refers to dysraphism (non-fusion) of the cranial region, which is caused by a violation of the formation of the mesodermal and ectodermal germ layers. Such fetal malformations are accompanied by abnormal formation of the meninges, cranial bone structures and soft tissues of the head.

The prevalence of the pathology is 1 case per 10 thousand newborns (US statistics), 1 case per 1 thousand newborns (statistics from European countries). It is more often detected among female infants (the ratio of sick male to female newborns is 2:3). Full-term babies survive after birth in 75% of cases.

In 9% of cases, concomitant anomalies and diseases are detected simultaneously with the tube defect - absence of the pituitary gland, heart defects, underdevelopment of the adrenal glands, cleft palate, spina bifida (the vertebrae do not close together, which leads to prolapse of the spinal cord).

The medulla in patients is a hemorrhagic mass, which consists of the choroidal plexus, abnormal vessels, cells of fibrous and nervous tissue. One of the most famous patients with anencephaly is an American, a native of Virginia, Stephanie Keene, who received the nickname Baby Kay. The name of this patient is associated with many public controversies regarding issues of bioethics.

The parents consciously supported the life of a doomed child whose future was predetermined. Medical experts insisted that the girl be taken off the ventilator. The mother defended her daughter’s right to exist in court, supporting her position with religious beliefs. Organizing Stephanie's care cost the clinic more than $500,000. The child died of cardiac arrest 2 years 5 months after birth.

Baby Kay’s compatriot named Jackson Emmett Buell, also known as Jackson Strong (translated from English as “strong”), was born in 2014 with a diagnosis of anencephaly. In 2020, he turned 4 years old and was recognized as the record holder for life expectancy among patients with a similar pathology.

How long people live with anencephaly is determined individually, taking into account such factors as the general health of the newborn, the presence of concomitant diseases, the nature and degree of influence of the defect on life activities, the type and amount of available medical care. Life expectancy in most cases does not exceed several weeks.


Do you know how many guys and girls were threatened by their exes after breaking up with “leaking”, that is, the distribution of private photos and videos? Thousands and millions.

No one is immune from this. You never know what an angry and vindictive person who was once dear and loved might do. Can you be sure that your current partner will not allow himself too much, even in the heat of anger?

And besides, do not forget that the phone can get lost or fall into the wrong hands. How will you react if one day you see your own photos on the Internet?

Forms of the disease

Pathology refers to the group of organic lesions of brain tissue. Anomalies in the development of parts of the telencephalon that occur in the embryonic period as a result of non-fusion (lack of closure) of the neural tube are divided into types:

  1. Anencephaly is the absence of the cerebral hemispheres in the brain, bone structures of the cranial vault and surrounding soft tissues.
  2. Hemiencephaly is underdevelopment (partial absence) of one hemisphere of the brain.
  3. Agenesis (complete absence, aplasia) of the corpus callosum is the absence of a plexus of nerve fibers connecting the hemispheres and called the “corpus callosum.”
  4. Hypoplasia (absence of part) of the corpus callosum.
  5. Exencephaly is the absence (partial or complete) of the bone structures of the cranial vault.

There are abnormalities in the development of parts of the telencephalon, which are associated with impaired differentiation (formation of a certain phenotype) of cells of the nervous tissue. These are agyria, microgyria, microcephaly, macrocephaly, which, along with anencephaly, are manifested by severe disorders of mental and physical activity. Brief description of pathologies:

  • Agiriya. Absence of grooves and convolutions on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres.
  • Microgyria. A large number of small convolutions, chaotically, abnormally located on the surface of the hemispheres.
  • Microcephaly. Reduced diameter and weight of the brain.
  • Macrocephaly. Abnormal, non-standard increase in the diameter and weight of the brain. It is accompanied by an incorrect location of the gyri, the appearance of foci of heterotopia (the appearance of tissue areas in uncharacteristic places) in the white medulla. Usually the skull is enlarged in size and pathological changes occur in the cytoarchitectonics (cellular structure) of the cortex.

In 40% of cases, when anencephaly is diagnosed during the perinatal period, a woman experiences premature birth - before the 37th week of gestation. According to statistics, the birth of a child by planned cesarean section is associated with a reduced risk of infant death immediately after birth (only 4% of newborns died after birth by cesarean section). With vaginal birth, the risk of infant death is 2 times higher.

Is the game worth the candle?4

If you decide to join the League of Nude Lovers, remember certain safety rules. Namely:

  • Don't send nudes to someone you're not sure about. Don't fall for blackmail and ultimatums. This is especially true for girls. Is your regular partner plaintively asking you for 18+ photos? Explain to him why you are not ready for this. A guy you don't know says he'll go crazy if he doesn't see your nudes? Let him calmly go crazy, sitting on the black list.
  • Don't take photos that you won't be able to survive leaking.
  • Take photos without your face that do not show anything that can identify you (tattoos, scars, moles, etc.). Do they want to dump you? Who said that it’s you in the photo?
  • Exchanging nudes and sexting in general should be as voluntary as regular sex.
  • Use platforms that offer disappearing messaging to exchange nudes. For example, instant photos and videos on Instagram or Snapchat. If the other person takes a screenshot of the screen, you will receive a notification about this.

Do you have a hidden album on your phone with interesting photos, hmm?


The mechanism and causes of fetal anencephaly are not fully understood. In some cases, the pathogenesis is based on chromosomal mutations in combination with negative external influences. 10% of children have a gene mutation, chromosomal abnormalities, or a history of teratogenic exposure. The development of the anomaly is influenced by many factors, which are mainly associated with environmental conditions.

As a result, the process of formation of the primordium of the central nervous system - the neural tube, which occurs on days 20-28 of gestation, is disrupted. Normally, the cells that make up the neural plate subsequently form the central nervous system. During normal formation, the edges of the plate close to form a tube, which is the basis for the further development of the brain and spinal cord.

With fetal anencephaly, the front of the tube remains uncovered. As a result, the child often lacks important parts of the brain - the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, and the meninges. Sometimes patients have a brain stem. The remaining parts of the brain are protected by a thin membrane. Main teratogenic factors:

  1. Adverse environmental influences (poor environmental conditions, ionizing radiation).
  2. Intoxication (chronic, acute) suffered by the mother.
  3. Infectious diseases that the mother suffered from during pregnancy.

Among the influencing factors are alcohol abuse, smoking, sudden changes in body temperature and blood pressure of the pregnant woman, and severe stress. The disease is not associated with hereditary predisposition. In 95% of cases, the parents of a sick child do not have neural tube defects.

What is it?i

The term comes from the English nudes - “naked”. These are nothing more than 18+ photos. Genitals, breasts, buttocks - in general, the most piquant parts of the human body from various angles. Nudes can be quite primitive and shameless. But some guys approach the process creatively and create real works of art. From the category of “if this gets on the Internet, I won’t grieve - let people enjoy the beauty.”

Now we smoothly move on to the term “dick peak”. This is another Anglicism. Dick – dick, pic – photograph. You dare, right? The same nudes, only for men. By the way, this term is often accompanied by a negative connotation.

The fact is that some men are completely confident that their genitals are created to be seen by the whole world. Without a twinge of conscience, they send their dick pics to girls they don’t know well in private messages on Instagram and other social networks. Such an initiative is punishable - “supermodels” immediately end up in the block.


Externally, a child suffering from the disease often does not show pronounced abnormalities and lesions. He lacks a cranial vault above the eyebrows. The back half of a child's head is usually protected by skin and hair. At the back of the head there is a hole through which dark red nerve tissue is visible.

The hole sizes are individual. The eyeballs sometimes protrude forward due to defects in the formation of the orbits. Different children's brains are affected to varying degrees. Some of them can swallow and eat, cry, feel vibrations, and hear. Some children respond to light stimuli and touch.

Why is this cool2

In order to fully enjoy sex, you need to accept your body with all its features and flaws. Realize that it is beautiful, attractive and sexy. And nudes can help.

There is no need to send them to anyone. You can arrange a whole photo shoot for yourself, even if you don’t have a partner right now. Many sex coaches advise girls who just can’t love their body to have an erotic photo shoot. Look at your body from the outside, admire it.

Exchanging nudes with a partner is the hottest type of sexting. This can serve as a kind of foreplay - a couple of text messages, equipped with erotic photographs, will do the trick - when they meet in the evening, both partners will be in the most cheerful mood.

For couples who are forced to be away from each other, this is one of the best ways to keep the fire of passion alive. Here we will also add erotic video sessions on Skype and other technological gadgets.

Unfortunately, the sun also has spots.


Anencephaly is detected by ultrasound examination of the fetus, which is carried out starting from 11-12 weeks of gestation. A blood test of a pregnant woman, starting from 13-14 weeks of gestation, shows an increase in the concentration of alpha-fetoprotein - a glycoprotein that is formed during the development of the embryo.

If the level of alpha-fetoprotein increases, an additional examination in the format of ultrasound or amniocentesis (study of a sample of amniotic fluid) is prescribed. The diagnosis of anencephaly is usually an indication for termination of pregnancy. Some parents choose to keep the child and care for him.

Who takes such “embarrassing” photos?__171187

Even celebrities do nudes. Otherwise, hackers would not be hunting for their personal data with such frenzy. Every now and then scandals break out due to the fact that private photographs of one or another celebrity are on public display.

What makes guys and girls around the world take pictures of themselves without clothes? Why are they so fearless in sending naked pictures to their significant other and strangers?

There are probably several reasons for this:

  • The desire to diversify relationships with a partner, add spice to them;
  • Fear of falling behind friends and acquaintances who excitedly share their impressions of what luxurious nudes they made in their spare time;
  • The inability to express your sexual energy in another way if we are talking about a long-distance relationship;
  • The desire to taste the forbidden fruit - “damn, this is so depraved and dangerous!”;
  • Trying to come to terms with your own body, discover your sexuality and love yourself;
  • Trivial interest - everyone is doing it, and why am I worse?

Sharing nudes in a relationship is great. But this has its pros and cons.

Tension headache

The most common are chronic (occurring regularly, more than 15 times a month) and episodic tension headaches.

In this case, cephalgia syndrome is caused by excessive overstrain of the nervous system, as well as individual psychological characteristics of a person’s character, his suspiciousness, “self-criticism,” and anxiety. With tension cephalalgia, pain in any specific area of ​​the head is not localized. It can be felt in the forehead, temples, and the back of the head. Putting on a hat, combing, bright light, loud or sharp sounds, or odors can intensify it. Patients often experience nausea and vomiting. As a rule, such headaches are relieved with analgesics.


All headaches are divided into two types - primary and secondary. Secondary cephalgia is a headache that occurs against the background of a disease, for example, a brain tumor.

In rare cases, secondary cephalgia is not dangerous - for example, if it was caused by the use of large doses of drugs. Most often, secondary headache is an alarming symptom. To get rid of it, treatment of the underlying disease is required. Primary cephalgia is tension headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headache and hemicrania continua. These headaches are most often caused by nervous tension or changes in blood pressure. According to pathogenesis, headaches are divided into neuralgic, vasomotor, muscle tension, liquorodynamic and mixed.

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