Fear of people: causes of occurrence and methods of combating
How does the disease manifest? Symptoms of social phobia are divided into 3 groups: cognitive; behavioral; physiological. Social phobes experience
Drug addiction: causes, methods of recovery
Causes of drug dependence Drug dependence occurs for the following reasons: psychological; situational; biochemical; social.
what is hyperthymesia
“Under the power of memories”: how people live who cannot forget
Hyperthymesia - what is it? Hyperthymesia is a phenomenal autobiographical memory. In this state
Querulantism and how it is treated
Litigation - diagnosis and treatment of querulism, prevention
What is querulantism The term querulantism also has another name in psychiatry - litigiousness or
Schizophrenic psychosis is defined by impaired thinking
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that occurs with rapidly or slowly developing personality changes
causes of polyneuropathy
Toxic polyneuropathy - symptoms and possible complications
Polyneuropathy is the clinical manifestations of multiple lesions of peripheral nerves of different nature. Often in the role of damaging
Sick man in bed, looking at thermometer
Types of constitutional character accentuations in adolescence
Reasons for formation The development of the cycloid type is influenced by certain factors, in particular genetic predisposition, and
Let’s find out what ointment is prescribed for treatment of intercostal neuralgia?
What ointments for intercostal neuralgia will help relieve combat syndrome and discomfort? A question
At a chiropractor
Progressive muscular dystrophy of Becker (Becker muscular dystrophy)
Myopathy is a congenital pathology caused by a gene mutation. The mechanism of development of the disease is not fully understood,
Swelling on the head in the occipital region. Why do the lymph nodes on the head become inflamed and how to treat them?
In Ozhegov's dictionary SHISKA, -i, zh. 1. Inflorescence and fruit of conifers and certain others
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