Features of manifestation and treatment of mixed forms of NCD
Neurocirculatory dystonia of mixed type is one of the most common disorders, from which
Impaired muscle tone
What is dystonia? Muscular dystonia syndrome in adults
Torsion dystonia affects an average of 3 people per 100,000 population. Usually the first
Three behavioral strategies for wives who burned their husbands in infidelity
Cheating husband, and it seems that the world has collapsed. How to behave when you know for sure
MRI of the brain
Childhood absence epilepsy, causes of absence seizures, forms of childhood epilepsy
Authors: Mukhin K.Yu., Petrukhin A.S. Part 1: Introduction Definition, classification of epilepsy Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
It’s not just a headache: scientists have explained why women suffer from headaches more often than men
Headaches, or cephalgia, are a fairly common symptom of many diseases and conditions. It is believed that
cryptogenic focal epilepsy in children
Cryptogenic epilepsy: what is it, diagnosis and treatment
Ivan Drozdov 05/07/2019 0 Comments Frontal epilepsy is a form of the disease in which epileptogenic
How long to cook mushrooms and umbrellas
Simple forgetfulness or a symptom of illness? How to understand that your memory has failed
“I can’t concentrate on anything” is a fairly common complaint among patients suffering from disorders
The goal is self-sufficiency. 10 principles for women from a popular psychologist
It seems to me that when talking about self-sufficiency, we often replace concepts. For example, as soon as I start
The problem of cerebral hemorrhage
Cerebral hemorrhage: causes and treatment, signs of the acute stage and precursor symptoms, consequences and prognosis
Cerebral hemorrhage in more than half of all cases is a complicated consequence of stable blood pressure.
Symptoms and causes of migraine
How to get rid of migraines at home and more? Symptoms and causes of the disease
Severe headache, loss of energy and bad mood - all these are symptoms of an unpleasant disease,
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