Panic fear, feelings of fear and anxiety, causes

Anxiety syndrome is a mental disorder that is associated with stress of varying duration and intensity, and is manifested by an unreasonable feeling of anxiety. It should be noted that if there are objective reasons, a feeling of anxiety can also be characteristic of a healthy person. However, when feelings of fear and anxiety appear unreasonably, for no apparent reason, this may be a signal of the presence of a disease, which is called anxiety neurosis or fear neurosis.

Folk remedies for relieving tension in the head due to neurosis

With neuroses, patients' complaints about unpleasant sensations in the head area are very diverse in nature.
Some people complain of constant, but not very strong, compression of the head, which resembles the feeling of wearing a helmet. For others, the headache seems so unbearable that the person begins to really fear sudden death. The most common complaint is heaviness in the head, which persists even after a long rest.

Painful sensations are usually constant and of moderate intensity; as a rule, they intensify with increasing psycho-emotional stress. Complaints may differ depending on the form of neurosis.

For example, with neurasthenia, the nature of cephalgia is usually sharp, burning, with a feeling of pressure or heaviness in a specific area, which may be accompanied by dizziness. In patients with hysteria, the pain has a clear localization and is manifested by boring sensations.

With nervous exhaustion after stress or depression, painful symptoms in the head area intensify in the evening, the pain is usually very excruciating, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Most often, patients with neurasthenia and hysterical neurosis complain of cephalgia as the leading symptom.

There are also recommendations that are used in traditional medicine. For example:

  • Take a bath with lavender before bed. The proportions should be as follows: for 1 liter of boiling water – 50 grams of plant. First, an infusion is prepared, then added to the bath. Has a calming and relaxing effect.
  • You can also add various oils to the bath - chamomile, mint, orange or jasmine. On average, 5 to 10 drops at a time are enough.
  • A positive effect is also achieved with the help of a fragrant pillow. You can even make it yourself - just put herbs in a canvas bag that have a relaxing and calming effect - mint, hop cones, lavender, and so on. The prepared pillow should be placed next to the place where you sleep, which will ensure maximum effect.
  • It is also recommended to take tea or herbal decoction before bed, which has a calming and relaxing effect.

As a result of neurosis, constant headaches can develop. For the most part, they are oppressive in nature. They can be removed either by drug treatment, which can best be prescribed by a doctor, or by folk remedies (soothing decoctions and baths) and by changing your lifestyle to a calmer one.

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Cases from practice

Male, 26 years old, freestyle wrestling coach.

In March 2012, during sparring, I felt a crunch in the cervical region.

In the evening of the same day, a severe headache appeared, which was associated with the neck injury. A few days later, an unreasonable fear of death arose. Then tinnitus appeared, and the pressure began to “jump” (up to 190). Already two months after the described incident, he began to have classic widespread attacks of panic attacks of the sympatho-adrenol type. The man underwent a full examination of the body, including an MRI of the brain and spinal cord (a small protrusion was discovered in the cervical region). No violations were identified.

Meanwhile, the attacks began to become more frequent and their severity intensified. And during the interictal period, a high level of anxiety remained. The man became afraid to be alone. “My character has changed a lot, I’ve become weak, weak-willed, I’m afraid of everything, I’m constantly expecting panic to set in.”

Complaints at an appointment with specialists at the Center for Autonomic Neurology: panic attacks at least twice a week, constant noise in the right ear, a squeezing, “like a hoop” headache that can begin in the morning and not go away until the night, frequent numbness of the forearms and right shin.

The examination also revealed: tension in the muscles of the cervical spine, disturbances in the functioning of the paravertebral ganglia.

A month after the course of physiotherapeutic treatment, there were no complaints. The man returned to coaching.

Anxiety neurosis - the first steps to madness

Anxiety neurosis can manifest itself differently in different people, but there are main symptoms and features of the manifestation of this condition:

  • aggressiveness, loss of strength, complete despair, anxiety even in a minor stressful situation;
  • touchiness, irritability, excessive vulnerability and tearfulness;
  • fixation on one unpleasant situation;
  • fatigue, low performance, decreased attention and memory;
  • sleep disturbances: shallow, there is no lightness in the body and in the head after waking up, even the slightest overexcitement deprives one of sleep, and in the morning hours, on the contrary, there is increased drowsiness;
  • autonomic disorders: sweating, pressure surges (mostly downward), disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, rapid heartbeat;
  • a person during a period of neurosis reacts negatively, sometimes even aggressively, to changes in the environment: a decrease in temperature or a sharp increase, bright light, loud sounds, etc.

But it should be noted that neurosis can manifest itself both openly in a person and hidden. There are often cases when a trauma or situation preceding a neurotic failure occurred a long time ago, and the very fact of the appearance of an anxiety disorder has only just taken shape. The nature of the disease itself and its form depends on environmental factors and the person’s personality.

The causes of anxiety disorders cannot be divided into one clearly defined group, because each person reacts to one or another circumstance in life differently.

Causes of constant anxiety

Most of our negative states lie in our individual ability to respond to external stimuli. As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology says, this happens because we are all from birth endowed with different mental properties. A set of innate mental properties is called a vector. A person can have from one to eight vectors. It is they who determine our desires, ability to interact with other people, preferences, and thus form our individuality.

If you look closely, not everyone wants to get rid of the feeling of constant anxiety and fear simply because it does not arise. They move through life confidently and flexibly, without worrying about little things, like examples of medical advice - and they look at life more simply and do not pay attention to trifles.

And for some, fear is a part of life. Sometimes a person himself cannot clearly explain what exactly he is afraid of, but the feeling of constant internal anxiety and fear deprives him of peace.

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, emotional states of such severity can only be experienced by owners of the visual vector. By nature, they are capable of true love and creating sensual emotional connections with other people. The properties of this vector contain a huge emotional amplitude; it is this that makes them especially impressionable.

This impressionability under unfavorable external circumstances, lack of fulfillment in society or prolonged stress becomes anxiety. It’s as if a person is caught in a trap of his own thoughts and fantasies. Moreover, a constant feeling of fear and anxiety can arise due to bad premonitions.

Various mechanisms of headache formation

The variety of pathophysiological mechanisms that cause neurotic cephalgia is so great that in medical circles there is an expression: “how many patients, so many types of headaches.” For ease of diagnosis, neurotic pain symptoms in the head area are divided into three large groups:

  • Muscular cephalgia. The nature of pain is influenced by neuromuscular mechanisms. Most often, pain and pressure are observed in the neck and back of the head.
  • Vascular cephalgia. Pain occurs primarily as a result of neurovascular disorders. Localization usually corresponds to the zones of the vascular basins, most often - temporal, less often - occipital and frontal.
  • Psychogenic headache. There are no obvious muscle or vascular abnormalities.

Cephalgia of a psychogenic nature is more often observed with hysterical neurosis, and neuromuscular and neurovascular pain manifests itself most often with neurasthenia.

How to overcome fears, worries and anxiety

There is such a concept as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) - this is one of the forms of anxiety disorders, with one caveat - the duration of this kind of disorder is measured in years, and affects absolutely all areas of a person’s life.

We can conclude that it is precisely this monotonous state of “I’m afraid of everything, I’m afraid always and constantly” that leads to a complex, painful life.

Even ordinary cleaning of the house, not done according to schedule, upsets a person, going to the store for a necessary thing that was not there, calling a child who did not answer on time, but in his thoughts “they stole, killed”, and many other reasons why There is no need to worry, but there is anxiety.

And all this is generalized anxiety disorder (also sometimes called phobic anxiety disorder).

To get rid of fear, anxiety and anxiety today there are two main approaches.

Psychotherapy sessions

Psychotherapy sessions, alternative name for CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). During such therapy, the causes of mental vegetative and somatic disorders are identified.

Another important goal is a call for proper stress relief and learning to relax. During sessions, a person can change his stereotypical thinking; during a calm conversation in a conducive environment, the patient does not fear anything, which is why he opens up completely: calmness, a conversation that helps to understand the origins of his behavior, realize them, and accept them.

Nausea, anxiety and fear

Alexey, good afternoon.

You noticed everything correctly that


it's because of nerves


When I'm calm, I can eat normally


when it becomes scary that I won’t be able to eat, I don’t want to eat anything, even with difficulty I can do it. Nausea makes me scared that I will get worse if I can’t eat, and this makes the nausea worse, it’s some kind of vicious circle. At such moments, it's like I'm always fixated on nausea and food,

In this way, an emotional disorder may manifest itself, which is supported by difficulties in relationships with your environment. Something in your life bothers you and does not allow you to relax, it causes tension and causes the initial appearance of symptoms, and then the fear of recurrence of symptoms becomes a secondary reason for emotional tension and intensifies the symptoms.

However, as you already understand, understanding the process does not help you, since what underlies the disorder remains unclear to you. This usually happens, since through the mechanism of psychological defense a person represses the main primary experiences. Previously, this helped to avoid suffering, because it gave you the opportunity to maintain your status quo - self-respect, and was a way of protecting yourself from experiences. However, it did not solve the problem of the relationship itself or the internal conflict in which your needs are suppressed. Over time, repressed emotions and experiences begin to be “repressed,” that is, transformed into bodily symptoms, since any emotion is experienced by the whole body and psyche. This is always a complex, complex process that combines thoughts and ideas, emotions and experiences, relationships in a social group, physiology and biology of the body. In your letter, you described in detail only some biological aspects and secondary emotions (anxiety for health), but completely missed the lifestyle and system of relationships, which most likely served as the reason for the development and maintenance of the disorder. This is not surprising since it could take several years for bodily symptoms to appear. In other words, the problem that initially initiated the development of the disorder may have been in the distant past. And now it is supported and strengthened by current experiences.

This happens especially often to people who, for some reason, have difficulty recognizing emotions and grew up in an environment where it is not customary to attach much importance to this, but rather, it is typical for feelings to be restrained, suppressed or ignored. For example, these are attitudes like “boys don’t cry,” “be a man and don’t whine,” or, for example, there is a strict ban on showing anger.

If the basis of the disorder and health problems is psychological, then the solution must be sought in the same place. This is a conversational psychotherapy course with a clinical psychologist. It is contact interaction with a specialist that will help you in conversations and conversations structured in a certain way. Attempting to solve the problem yourself will temporarily relieve tension, but its original basis will unfortunately remain with you. Or you can hope for dramatic changes in the system of relationships with your environment, which can also bring relief.

If you are ready to ask for help, call and come to an appointment. I work with similar issues and would be happy to help you understand yourself better.

I wish you clarity of thoughts and feelings, harmony with yourself and mutual understanding with others.

please contact

Anastasia Biryukova, Clinical psychologist Gestalt therapist St. Petersburg and Skype
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Neuromuscular headache

What sensations does a person experience during the muscular mechanisms of the formation of neurotic pain?

Panic attacks - this expression is known to almost every person today.

Modern man, especially in a large metropolis, is in an environment of constant stress. The daily “struggle for survival” and “place in the sun” is reflected in fluctuations in mood, health, quality and standard of living.

All this happens against the backdrop of a not entirely clean atmosphere and other “delights” of the urban environment.

The cocktail called “Happy Life” adds discomfort and hassle on the way from home to work and back, traffic jams, quarrels and conflicts, various problems at work and at home, “proper and balanced” nutrition, illness and much, much more.

Long-term stress leads to decreased immunity, a weakened nervous system, chronic fatigue, disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, forgetfulness, depression, and movement disorders.

And then there’s the depression...

Anxiety-depressive disorder, as a form of neurosis, according to experts, by 2020 will take second place after coronary heart disease among disorders that lead to disability.

The states of chronic anxiety and depression are similar, which is why the concept of TDR appeared as a kind of transitional form. The symptoms of the disorder are as follows:

  • mood swings;
  • sleep disturbances for a long period;
  • anxiety, fears for yourself and loved ones;
  • apathy, insomnia;
  • low performance, decreased attention and memory, inability to learn new material.

There are also vegetative changes: increased heartbeat, increased sweating, hot flashes or, conversely, chills, pain in the solar plexus, gastrointestinal disorders (abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea), muscle pain and more.

Anxiety-depressive syndrome is characterized by the presence of several of the above symptoms over several months.

Anxiety disorder

Hello, dear doctors! My name is Ekaterina and I am 23 years old. I am very worried about my current condition. Starting in April, I began to have sudden attacks that were incomprehensible to me. In April, I was walking down the street and nothing foreshadowed trouble, until some kind of wave suddenly passed through me, my heart started beating, I felt hot, my head became cloudy and I thought I was fainting. I immediately thought it was the heart and when I came home I started looking for where the pulse was in my hand (before that I didn’t even know where this point was) - it seemed that the heart was giving a pause. In those days, I thought that I was just tired and decided to lie down at home, but after several days of lying down, I tried to go outside, but right on the stairs I felt sick. I went to a neurologist and she immediately told me about VSD, but suggested doing an MRI of the brain, taking a hormone test and an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. I did this and it turned out that the hormones and thyroid gland were normal, everything was fine on the MRI, only there was a suspicion of a pituitary microadenoma, but the neurologist told me that this was unimportant and had no effect. But my attacks continued, it became difficult to breathe and I went to have a fluorography scan - everything was normal. I started measuring my blood pressure, 110/70, but my pulse was 90-100, sometimes 120. Pain appeared in the heart area, and once I had a severe attack and I called an ambulance, they took an ECG - they said everything was normal. I went to do an ultrasound of the heart - PMC 1st degree with mitral regurgitation 1st degree. The co-ordiologist told me to take magnesium b6 and adaptol and donate blood to rule out anemia. I donated blood and everything is normal. But my condition continued, I became afraid to sleep alone and slept with my mother, because I was afraid that in my sleep my heart would stop and I would die. At the moment of falling asleep, it seemed that I was falling through and I was twitching violently. This lasted for a month, but then it all somehow passed... But exactly a month and a half later I had my graduation, where I drank a lot and felt bad in the morning. After that day, completely new symptoms appeared: the floor began to collapse under my feet and some kind of unreality appeared!!! I again went to the co-ordiologist (new) and she prescribed me a holter and ultrasound of the neck vessels. both there and there everything is normal. my condition was constant, without attacks. I was afraid to stay alone at home, I thought that something would happen to me and no one would help me and I would die. Moreover, my condition was precisely in an upright position; when I lay down, everything went away immediately!!! I went to Bulgaria with a friend, but in the evenings I practically didn’t go out, because there was a terrible unreality, as if behind glass, everything was remote (I can’t describe it exactly) and there was a constant premonition of something, something began to press on my chest and arms , a disgusting feeling, as if anxiety or worry, began to seize me in attacks, but this did not reach the point of a panic attack. By the end of the summer, I had more symptoms: periodically a lump in my throat, attacks of suffocation, stabbing or pulling pains in the chest, numbness in the head and ear congestion, sometimes some kind of internal trembling. In general, I saw 4 psychotherapists, who diagnosed me with anxiety-depressive disorder. Only lying down could I feel good. And in September of this year, I began to have new symptoms: I began to lose my breath, I was very worried about the pain in my chest, but the worst thing was that a weakness I did not understand began, I physically cannot do basic things, I feel faint, it seems that I am about to die. I am very afraid of sudden death!!! This is my biggest fear - that things will suddenly get worse and I will die! In September there were a couple of such moments: I was walking down the street and suddenly I felt as if something was dying inside me, that I was about to faint, I twitch sharply at such moments and continue walking and it slightly lets me go... I also did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, I donated blood for sugar, biochemistry and cholesterol, 10 hormones, including the pituitary gland - everything is normal. I started going to a psychologist, where we analyze my personality, what I want and what I need, analytical psychology so to speak. They prescribed me Fevarin, but I didn’t take it, because I know that the condition was caused by the image and that everything would return if I stopped it. But 3 weeks ago, when my unreality became weaker, the unsteadiness disappeared completely, and I thought that I was getting better, I was riding on the bus after the psychologist, and it became difficult for me to breathe, I thought that it was as usual. But then I began to choke and a wave of weakness suddenly passed through my body. At that moment, I kept telling myself that it was anxiety and that’s all, but my heart began to beat wildly, a haze appeared in my head and I realized: this is not like an ordinary panic, I HAVE SOMETHING WITH YOUR HEART, A HEART ATTACK! I stood up and realized that my legs were weak, I got off at the next stop and everything swam before my eyes, I realized that I was going to fall at any moment. I began to dial my mother’s number with weak hands, but no one answered. Then I caught the first taxi I saw and asked to take me to my mother’s work! I couldn’t breathe, everything was floating... at work at my mother’s infirmary, I began to tremble all over my body, I couldn’t stop my body! They measured my blood pressure - 140 over 90 and pulse 120. I was in such a faint state that I thought I was just going to pass out, I had animal fear. They gave me some pills under my tongue, but they didn’t help, so they called an ambulance. By her arrival I had calmed down a little, the ambulance immediately assumed VSD based on my symptoms, they took an ECG and said that everything was fine there. The pressure then was already 130 and they didn’t give me anything except ammonia and I slowly calmed down and an hour later I felt as usual. But this attack left a mark on me: at first I was afraid to ride the bus and was afraid of the place where I got off the bus, but after a week the fear of the bus passed, because an attack can happen anywhere. At the moment, I am still worried about the incomprehensible pain in the heart area, which has been going on for so long, although I visited the 4th cardiologist in October and she said that I had low blood pressure and that’s all, she didn’t prescribe any more examinations. a state of lightheadedness also appeared, some kind of noise in the ears before bed and in the morning, terrible weakness throughout the body, and constant attacks of suffocation. But the most unpleasant thing is the surging anxiety that appears in the chest like a wave and spreads through the arms. My problem is that I don't fully believe it's nervous and I still think I have heart problems. More than anything else, I am afraid of a heart attack or stroke, and also sudden death. Just recently on the forum I met a man who says that he suffered a heart attack at the age of 25, and before that he had a completely healthy heart, only a PMD, that for him it was completely out of the blue and he was also given a VSD. After that, I’m almost convinced that there’s something wrong with my heart, that it could be ischemia, or that the attack was actually a heart attack, but I missed it. I signed up again for a heart ultrasound and want to do a stress ecg. I'm afraid to play sports, although I really want to. And I constantly have pain in the chest area. My psychologist is not helping me much yet... It seems to me that my illness is constantly transforming: at first, incomprehensible attacks with palpitations and a faint state, then a period of constant unsteadiness and unreality, then a period of some more or less calmness - now the period of “I’m sick” heart or blood vessels, I may die suddenly.” Tell me, can my condition still be related to cardiac activity or is it due to neurosis? Should I check my physical health again? How long can the unreality last and is it related to the vessels of the head (I’ve just had it for 5 months with periods of exacerbation and weakening)? Am I going crazy? how to prevent attacks and stop thinking about your condition all the time, listen? and lastly, how can you overcome weakness? I am VERY grateful in advance and sorry for writing so much, I can’t do less.

Neurovascular pain manifestations

Vascular mechanisms cause pain of a pulsating nature. Patients may complain that something is pounding in their head; they may feel as if a vessel in their temples or the back of their head is about to burst.

Such throbbing pain usually appears after a certain period of time after the onset of neurosis: from a couple of weeks to several months. In the case of vascular mechanisms, the dependence of pain intensity on traumatic factors is clearly visible.

An aggravation of a stressful environment contributes to pressure disturbances and increased cephalgia. The course of the pain syndrome does not depend on the time of day and can be constant or paroxysmal.

Concomitant autonomic symptoms such as dizziness and nausea are less common than with neuromuscular headaches. Patients suffering from hysterical neurosis describe their pain in a particularly exaggerated manner.

In the process of making a diagnosis, one should first of all exclude various variants of migraine. An important criterion in this case is the presence of psychogenic factors that influence the appearance of symptomatic headache.

It is the psychogenic nature that distinguishes neuroses from other diseases that occur with pain in the head.

Get rid of the feeling of constant anxiety. The Magic Pill of Understanding

How to get rid of constant feelings of anxiety and fear and is there any treatment, since antidepressants give only a temporary effect?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan does not offer treatment in its traditional sense. It is based on the fact that a person, understanding his mental characteristics, is able to independently get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety and fear. After all, what we are aware of ceases to control us, which means that the quality of our life increases noticeably, making us happy.

You can find out in more detail how you can cope with constant feelings of anxiety and fear, and understand in more detail the properties of anal, visual and other vectors at free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Follow the link and register>>

Author: Natalya Zhalnina

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Complex of manifestations

Symptoms of anxiety disorders are divided into two groups:

  1. Somatic symptoms. Characterized by pain, deterioration of health: headaches, sleep disturbances, darkening of the eyes, sweating, frequent and painful urination. We can say that a person feels changes on the physical level, and this further aggravates the anxious state.
  2. Mental symptoms: emotional stress, a person’s inability to relax, fixation on the situation, constantly turning it over, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate on something, inability to remember new information, irritability and aggression.

The transition of all of the above symptoms into a chronic form leads to such unpleasant consequences as neurosis, chronic depression and stress. Living in a gray, scary world, where there is no joy, no laughter, no creativity, no love, no sex, no friendship, no delicious dinner or breakfast... all these are the consequences of untreated mental disorders.

Help needed: diagnostics

Diagnosis should only be made by a specialist. The symptoms show that all anxiety states are intertwined; there are no clear objective indicators that can clearly and accurately separate one form of anxiety disorder from another.

Diagnosis by a specialist is made using color techniques and conversation. A simple conversation, a leisurely dialogue, which is a “secret” survey, will help reveal the true state of a person’s psyche. The treatment stage begins only after the correct diagnosis has been made.

Do you suspect the development of anxiety disorders? You need to contact your local physician. This is the first stage.

Then, based on all the symptoms, the therapist will tell you whether you need to see a psychotherapist or not.

All interventions should be made only depending on the degree and severity of the disorder. It is important to note that treatment is tailored only individually. There are techniques and general recommendations, but the effectiveness of treatment is determined only by the correct approach to each patient separately.

A person suffering from excessive anxiety often wants to know how to overcome and remove unpleasant symptoms that can greatly complicate life. A qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after a detailed conversation with the patient and a thorough examination.

First, you should visit a therapist, who needs to explain the symptoms and talk about the possible causes of the condition. Then the doctor will issue a referral to a specialist: a psychologist or neurologist, and if there are specific diseases, to another doctor.

Don't make it worse

Most often, if a person applies at an early stage of the development of the disorder, doctors recommend several simple preventive measures after the situation has resolved:

  1. Healthy lifestyle.
  2. Getting enough sleep, proper quality sleep is the key to peace of mind, the key to overall health of the whole body.
  3. Eat properly. Varied, high-quality, beautiful (and this is also important) food can lift your spirits. Who would refuse a freshly baked, fragrant, hot apple pie with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream? Just these words make your soul feel warm, let alone the meal itself.
  4. Find a hobby, something you like, perhaps change jobs. This is a kind of relaxation, relaxation.
  5. Learn to relax and deal with stress, and for this, with the help of a psychotherapist or independently study relaxation methods: breathing exercises, using special points on the body, when pressed, relaxation occurs, listening to your favorite audiobook or watching a good (!) movie.

It is important to note that doctors and specialists use forced rehabilitation only in very severe cases. Treatment in the early stages, when almost all people tell themselves “it will go away on its own,” is much faster and of better quality.

Treating persistent fear and anxiety

Self-treatment of anxiety and fears

If you have just recently begun to feel that you are haunted by constant fear and anxiety, but there are no other symptoms and you have not experienced severe emotional distress, then you can take steps to self-treat. The word “treatment” here is conditional. Try the following tips:

  1. think about switching to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. This will not only help you maintain good physical shape, but also stabilize your hormonal levels;
  2. sleep and rest more;
  3. combine mental stress with physical exercise, only in conditions of such a balance will you feel in good shape;
  4. Find something to do that gives you maximum emotional satisfaction. It can be any hobby;
  5. communicate with people you like and limit unwanted contacts;
  6. try not to think about what bothers you, especially if these events are in the past. There is no point in imagining an unfavorable future by deliberately exaggerating;
  7. Find a relaxation method that suits you. This could be auto-training, a relaxing bath, massage and much more.
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