What is the fear of dolls called? Pediophobia - fear of dolls - causes, symptoms and treatment People are afraid of dolls.

Neuroses caused by dolls

  1. Pediophobia is the name given to fear provoked by toys. People suffering from pediophobia fear that the doll might suffocate them during sleep or cause a heart attack.
  2. Glenophobia is a neurosis associated with the fear of the gaze of dolls. A person becomes anxious because it seems to him that he is being watched. Fear of mannequins prevents you from visiting clothing stores. Glenophobia affects both children and adults.

Fear of dolls can arise upon contact if a person enters a room filled with them. This could be a certain type of doll - beautiful girls, babies. Pediophobia is observed in women with a rich imagination. In men, this type of phobia is rare and has a pronounced character.

There is another variant of the manifestation of pediophobia. Some people take a doll with them all the time because it makes them feel safe.

Why are people afraid of dolls

In adults, fear of dolls arises for various reasons. Many consider the creation of a human likeness from artificial materials to be completely absurd. This is frightening, alarming, and causes mistrust. But such a reaction of rejection is rather natural and requires only a slight correction of behavior.

When inexplicable fear occurs at the sight of dolls and mannequins, when the patient is focused only on internal discomfort and does not imagine ways to calm down, this is a mental disorder. A pediophobe is convinced that he could have a heart attack, go crazy, or die. Painful symptoms appear even when remembering objects of fear.

Irrational fear of dolls causes changes in mental and physical state:

  • disorientation;
  • distortion of perception of reality;
  • dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • hallucinations;
  • hearing impairment;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tremor;
  • problems with bowel movements and urination.

For emotional, impressionable people, the causes of pediophobia can be numerous horror films with animated dolls . You should categorically refuse to watch such “film masterpieces.” Films with the participation of “evil” dolls have a negative effect even on a healthy person.


There is still no single concept about the causes of pediophobia. Sigmund Freud claims that all psychological problems originate in childhood. Experts give several reasons:

  • Fright. The child may not remember the situation that started it all. The stressful situation could be anything: a broken expensive figurine, a mannequin that fell in a store. Sometimes this is a real threat to the life of the child and his loved ones.
  • Until a certain age, the line between living and nonliving was not formed. A dummy with pronounced human features is perceived as a threat. Realistic mannequins, wax figures, humanoid dolls can cause anxiety in a small child because they are too similar to real people. It is worth emphasizing the wisdom of our ancestors, who gave small children toys without a face or with poorly drawn eyes.
  • For an impressionable child, it is enough to watch a film where evil spirits inhabit children’s toy objects, so that later they will be afraid to be alone in the room. Horror and suffering are excellent reasons for problems to arise. The image of a toy is associated in a child with good feelings, but here are bloody fairy tales that are harmful to the fragile child’s psyche. Even adults predisposed to suspiciousness should not watch films where dolls become tools in the hands of evil. The list of films makes you shudder: “Child’s Play,” “Bloody Dolls,” “Bad Pinocchio.” Looking at such a “masterpiece” at night has a chance of triggering neurosis.

Typical causes of phobias:

  • A way to attract attention to yourself, manipulating others.
  • The influence of the environment.
  • Low emotional tone.

Fear of dolls in children

Pediophobia is a common occurrence in children; they are impressionable and naive. When contacting a doll, a too “live” gaze, reminiscent of the gaze of a living creature, can cause a feeling of anxiety and childhood fears. Psychologists do not recommend choosing dolls that are very similar to people. If a child is not interested in a new toy and avoids it, this may be a sign of a phobia. He will not be able to explain what exactly scares him.

A child develops a fear of dolls if he breaks a beautiful porcelain toy or a mannequin falls on him in a store. You should not visit wax museums with a small child. This is a very accurate imitation of a person, the exhibits are realistic, but do not move. Their visual perception provokes dissonance in the child’s mind, this can be the beginning of the development of a phobia.

There are often cases when only a silent toy witnessed an event that greatly frightened a child. Children's memory recorded this object, and it began to cause a negative association.


The manifestation of this psychological problem is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • in a room where there are many dolls, anxiety arises and a desire to leave the room;
  • increased breathing and heart rate;
  • attack of nausea, dizziness;
  • tremor;
  • loss of clarity of thought, control over the situation, feeling of unreality; problems with urination and defecation.

In a complex case of pediophobia, a person is in a state of constant danger, he develops anxiety, and sleep is disturbed. A person on a subconscious level tries to avoid the source of anxiety by avoiding stores. He finds it difficult to shop in areas where there are mannequins.

How does pediophobia manifest itself?

In everyday life, when a person does not encounter objects that resemble doll-like outlines, pediophobia is quite adequate. But as soon as a person sees the object of his, he simply changes before his eyes. In this case, it absolutely does not matter whether there are other people nearby, where exactly the pediophobe is and in what situation his panic began.

People who have this phobia learn to avoid dolls. They do not visit children's stores, toy exhibitions and puppet theaters. If such an object comes into view, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety may arise, a real panic attack or psychological stupor may begin. The last manifestation of the fear of dolls is expressed in the form of numbness. At the same time, a person cannot move at the sight of even a small toy.

It is worth noting that any stressful situation has a negative impact on your overall health. During panic or after coming out of a stupor, you may experience a feeling of nausea and severe dizziness. Breathing can become difficult, and in the most severe cases, fainting occurs.


Psychotherapists offer techniques that can help reduce the number of attacks and achieve emotional balance. Experts recommend that patients:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Systematically practice relaxation techniques.
  • Avoid stress. Learn to behave more calmly in extreme situations.
  • Increase the amount of physical exercise.
  • Learn to react calmly to irritating factors.
  • Limit the consumption of energy drinks and coffee.
  • Reduce the amount of psychoactive substances consumed.


To get rid of it, the technique of self-hypnosis is used, based on an attempt to overcome one’s horror. You need to know that after a temporary retreat of this problem, discomfort accumulates, and the slightest reason leads to complications.

The self-medication method of destroying the dummy is extremely incorrect. This can lead to dangerous consequences both for the sufferer and for those around him.

To treat a phobia you need to see a psychologist. At the initial stage, a specialist, using the conversation method, identifies the cause of the obsessive state and selects treatment options.

Today there are several treatment practices:

  • Hypnotherapy.
  • Anti-stress therapy.
  • Meditation.
  • Behavioral therapy.
  • Drug assistance used in combination with other measures.
  • Neurolinguistic programming.

It is important to understand that fear of dolls is a serious psychological problem. Today there are effective methods for dealing with obsessions.

Pediophobia. The story of the mythical doll.

It seems like a cute, harmless doll, but it instills so much fear. However, everyone knows that dolls are quite often found in mystical films, mainly in an evil guise. There are beliefs that were passed on from one nation to another about six mystical killer dolls, one of which we will tell you about. A belief about dolls, one of which was recently seen by witnesses in the western part of Russia. While covering up drug dealers and describing their wealth, we noticed an original doll, originating from past centuries, very shabby and having a specific smell. Experts suggested that drug dealers were transporting a container of drugs in it, however, an autopsy showed that the contents inside the doll were hair and dirty, smelly rags. During the autopsy, the specialist was seriously injured, which caused a fuss, and at that moment the doll disappeared. A month later, several people saw her in Moscow in an antique store, under different circumstances.

One of the witnesses was Victoria Averbukh. She says: “This doll was wrapped in a small white burial towel with beautiful embroidery. This package had the smell of a sugary mixture of mothballs, old sugary perfumes and something else incomprehensible, but strange. In general, the smell was specific and is still sometimes found in my room. When she was turned around, I immediately noticed her angry and narrowed gaze, which haunted me for a long time. I felt very scared, as if fear had paralyzed me. I asked the collector showing me this exhibit to move on to the next one, but the gaze of this doll followed me the entire time. When I came home, the fear did not leave me, as I constantly felt this unpleasant and terrifying smell, as if the doll had come with me to my house. To get rid of this feeling, I went to church more than once.”

In mystical stories that circulate around the world and pass from century to century, all dolls are called devilish or damned. They, as a rule, are very similar to humans - an example is Korean dolls - https://orient-gift.ru/kuklyi/korien-kukla.html, Barbie, marionette doll, and sometimes with gray hair, the so-called “little old man" - an aged baby. Usually these dolls have arms or legs made of wax. According to the description, this is exactly the doll that was seen in Moscow. But whether this is the same doll is just speculation, and nothing terrible has happened to those who touched it yet. Perhaps they hid something from us, because this doll is accused of several accidents, and even three murders!

The story of Rosie McKean.

Many people know the reliable story that in America in 1922, master Charles Wincox invented a doll that was ordered by the parents of a little girl, Rosie McKean, who suffered from anemia. The master was very famous and there were rumors that his dolls were able to cure and prolong the lives of seriously ill people. But Rosie, having received her gift, died a few days later. In the morning the girl was found dead. She squeezed her doll with such force that her hands could hardly be unclenched. The girl was buried along with the toy. After this, the parents accused Master Charles of poisoning their daughter with the help of a doll. To clarify the circumstances, it was decided to excavate the grave for an examination and find poison in the girl’s body. But the doll was not in the grave, and then the master also disappeared.

Twelve years later, the doll was discovered by Rosie’s mother in one of the junk shops. She decided to buy it and brought it home, putting it in her daughter’s bed, which remained there for many years. A few days after this, Rosie's father died of a stroke, and her mother went crazy and committed suicide by jumping out of the window along with this “cursed” doll. Before her death, the woman repeated: “Ba..y..ba..”. Those around him decided that this was the name of the ill-fated doll. As it later turned out from the ancient Book of the Dead, “Ba” is translated as the spirit of death that inhabits surrounding objects, and “Bai” means to appear.

After that, this doll was kept in a museum in Key West, Florida for several years. Then all the museum workers began to find themselves in a variety of unpleasant situations and became unlucky. Then the doll disappeared and later appeared in the Museum of Horror and Witchcraft. It was bought by the American magazine Anthony Price, a leading editor about anomalous phenomena, from the Satanist community in New York, and donated to this museum. But before the doll could be put on display, a fire broke out in the museum due to a short circuit, and absolutely everything burned. However, the doll, nicknamed "Miss Horror", was found on a train heading to Russia's western border. Perhaps it was she who was noticed by witnesses in Moscow, as described above.

Yuliy Litvin, known as a parapsychologist, has never met dolls similar to Baibu, but has come across similar stories more than once. Julius says: “Such dolls are often used in rituals in black magic, but the doll must be made completely differently, from wax. This ritual is called “involtation”, and the doll is a volt. For this purpose, a doll is made as an image of a specific person for whom this ritual is intended: to cause illness in him, death, in a word - evil. If you use human hair or some personal item, the effect of the magical ritual is enhanced. But only strong magicians can achieve the desired result. Such dolls can only work once and only on a specific person for whom this doll was intended. That's why they have this or that power, because they were originally created for evil intentions. Perhaps the dolls absorb the evil energy of a person who died nearby, or did evil in their presence, and after that they began to give this black energy to people they met along the way, while “devouring” the person, bringing him nothing but misfortune. I do not recommend that young parents give their child old toys, much less ones that resemble people. You also shouldn’t accept toys from strangers, because you don’t know what motivates this person, maybe he doesn’t have the good intentions that seem at first glance.”

There is also a legend about the doll of the daughter of Nicholas II. It says that when the royal family was shot, the youngest daughter intensely clutched the doll to herself. After that it was saved. To this day, on the day the family was executed, drops of blood appear on the doll in the form of tears.

One way or another, these stories exist, they are not fictional, but based on real events. And such mystical dolls, mysteriously, move around the world. So be careful! Perhaps you will meet a damn doll on your way...

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