How to attract what you want or the “beautiful garden” technique

The human mind can be likened to a garden that is either cultivated or allowed to become overgrown. But this garden, both cultivated and abandoned, must and will bear fruit. If you do not sow it with useful seeds, the seeds of useless weeds will germinate in abundance and continue to multiply.

- James Allen wrote in the book “Man as a Thinker,” comparing the human thought field to a garden and talking about how the power of thought works and how to attract what you want and what you don’t want to remove from your life.

Important! The garden analogy helps us understand how the human thought process really works, what its impact on life is, and what results it leads to >>>

Imagine that all your thoughts live in the garden. Imagine that every thought you think is a seed.

A beautiful garden from your thoughts

Chickens and robot

Rene Peoch did the following.

He created a simple robot whose movements are influenced by a random number generator. It will randomly determine the direction, causing the robot to move in a random direction for a long time. Then it will randomly determine the direction again, and the whole process repeats.

He then showed this robot to the chicks. Thus creating an imprint, the chicks began to consider the robot as their mother. This is a known phenomenon. Animals tend to create a strong brain connection with whatever they see first after birth. It could be a jeep, a robot, or another inanimate thing. They may try to feed from the wheels of a car. This is a known fact.

And now comes the time of the unknown. In an experiment, he allowed the robot to ride in a confined space without chicks. The robot moved according to expectations randomly, its movements corresponded to a statistically random value. But the situation changed when he placed the chicks in the cage next door.

The robot quickly began to move towards the place where the cell was located, and all its movements occurred next to the cell. The effect was especially strong on the pattern of its movements recorded over time (the robot had an attached pen with which it drew on paper. This experiment was carried out in other ways:

- on chicks that were not imprinted, but a candle was placed on the robot. After it went out, the chicks dreamed of light, and the result was similar to picture B. It moved next to the cage again.

- on rabbits, again not imprinted. Different behavior was noted here. it was clear that the rabbits were afraid of the rabbit, and the robot immediately moved in the opposite direction of its “field”. After a certain period of time (weeks), however, the rabbits realized that the robot did not pose a threat to them, and curiosity apparently prevailed because the robot began to approach them.

You are not in control of your thoughts. Thoughts control you. How the hell can I change this?

Or do you think differently?
You just don't know how your thinking works. Let's get to know him. Your head generates about 60 thousand thoughts per day. Typically, most of these thoughts are repeated day after day.

Some of them form the backbone of your thinking, the foundation of your thinking machine. You get used to thinking the way it is in your head.

The trouble is that you don’t know what’s in your head, you can’t control it, although it seems to you the opposite. As a result, it turns out that your thoughts have already formed into a certain program that is responsible for the algorithm of your actions.

  • Your fears.
  • Complexes.
  • Goals and ideas.

Your physical condition and your results are all an effect of HOW YOU THINK.

How do you think?

Hey, stop.
What were you thinking an hour ago? Can you remember? Why did these thoughts arise? Why exactly these thoughts? If you sit down and become aware of your thoughts, you will come to the conclusion that they DO NOT DEPEND ON YOU, but on the circumstances that surround you.


Your boss bends you over and you feel inferior. In fact, nothing terrible or terrible is happening, but something is holding you back. Your thoughts begin to be analyzed and as a result, your state is called resentment. Not fair!

Although the most effective thing would be to remain calm and not notice the barbs of your superiors.

But you can't.

You can’t precisely because you don’t control your thoughts. And they control you.

When you go bankrupt, everything falls to hell, the world turns its back on you, then you give up. It is more profitable to change the situation calmly, remove shortcomings, draw conclusions, learn from experiences, but you give up. You feel bad and this is bad - the work of your thoughts.

Your loved one left you.

It is reasonable to find out the cause and eliminate the problem, but you begin to behave anti-effectively, throw tantrums, get offended, pronounce something that does not need to be spoken out and your partner understands that he is doing the right thing, that he is disappointed in you.

I use the word REASONABLE because the mind can control thoughts, but in the end it turns out that you are not as intelligent a person as you think you are...

From this we can conclude that if the human mind is unable to control thought processes, then it is beneficial to do the following.

Start loading EFFECTIVE thoughts into your head that will effectively influence your life.

Here are 7 correct thoughts that we cannot control, but having which create benefits for us.

1. I can.

Repeat this thought often until it becomes obvious to you. And she will definitely shoot!

2. HOW?

Stop thinking with such questions - why, why, what does this mean. Think like. How to do it? How to earn? How it works? How to do it better? How to change your life?

3. Just do it.

When doubts overcome you, when thoughts lead you astray, clench your fists and Just Do It.

4. Don't care!

Often your conscience torments you at those moments when it is better to turn it off. And the best thought for this is DO NOT CARE! And with an exclamation mark!

5. I'm still alive.

Yes. The fact that you are alive already gives a reason for joy, so when it seems to you that everything is so terrible, download the thought, roll it around in your head and enjoy it - I am still alive.

6. Until the end.

People love to start and even more love to quit. Don't be like that. Repeat the thought often - until the end. To end. To end!

7. I'm here for a reason.

People live just like that. They do not change lives, they do not play an important role in society. And all this because they do not believe that they are here for a reason.

You're here for a reason. You are needed to do something great. So do it!


You can continue to be a puppet of your thoughts. You can believe that you control your thoughts and then nothing will change for you.


Thinking influences reality more than we realize

The experiment, I think, shows that our thoughts and fears have a much greater influence on the world around us than we are willing to admit. Perhaps to the extent that they are able to change our DNA or influence events in the world. Much has already been written about how negative thoughts attract negative events and vice versa, but an experiment confirming this could open the door to a completely new world. Fear of terrorism, war, anger at someone... all this can strengthen these phenomena. Our thoughts can directly influence the collective morphogenic field of humanity. That is, the thoughts of other people. And even the structure of DNA. More people may suffer from aggression or denial, and this may have a metaphysical impact - realizing that everything around us is an illusion of a world we have created (where particles dance according to our desires to show us different types of scenes).

Studies have also been conducted with a group of people focusing on positively influencing a specific geographic area/city regularly over a period of several months. These studies have shown that crime rates are significantly reduced in this area. Modern media only feeds the negative – fear, hatred. Hatred of politicians, refugees, other countries and enemies. Fear of crime, accidents. When you turn on the news, you can see that there are no other messages there, especially in the main news. One negative.

The implications of this research may also apply to new technologies. It turns out that certain phenomena of advanced energy sources, etc. encounter problems operating in certain geographic areas or when being monitored by someone who does not believe it. I think one of these technologies is cold fusion. The repeatability of the effect after years has allegedly increased by 90%.

Preventing Negative Thoughts

In order to free yourself from negative thoughts, sometimes you need to get closer to your own fear. In fact, the main fear for a person is the fear of death, that is, deprivation of one’s own body. This gives rise to variations of various fears on the theme of deprivation:

  • work;
  • loved ones;
  • provisions;
  • money;
  • reputation;
  • pleasures;
  • comfort.

Note! We consider the most standard person, the average. It is clear that for, for example, a believer, the greatest fear is often the loss of faith or the violation of vows and commandments.

Of course, ideally, you need to perform a rather severe practice like Buddhist meditation on a corpse. Such experience can cut off fear as such, but it is used mainly by monks and advanced practitioners, and preparation is also required. Therefore, we will not recommend anything like that, but we suggest choosing for yourself an option that will get rid of attachments and bring fearlessness and peace.

For example, there is a meditation that suggests seeing all people as skeletons or as a combination of tissues, flesh. In general, the point is to accept and realize the illusory nature of the body, to see that all these people will die, that everything is temporary and ephemeral. If such reasoning is done with the necessary persistence and competent reasoning, then negative thoughts disappear by themselves, after all, is it worth worrying in this practically illusory world?

Are good imprints created in maternity hospitals?

By the way, this is where the insert about alternative hospital births occurred to me, because leaving the baby after birth for a long time in the hands of the mother can be really important so that the child has a feeling of security and does not create an imprint of motherhood on the angry tired doctor or nurse who must first measure the child, catalog and check that everything is in order with him, and only then return him to the mother.

Read here: He considered himself Moses, but made a pact with the devil: Sigmund Freud wanted to master the dungeon. The father of the culture of death is especially popular in the United States. Why?

Why get rid of pity?

Pity often takes a lot of our energy and turns our attention to another person. Sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves, which certainly will not bring any result other than developing depression and low blood pressure. Of course, there are exercises that will help restore your biofield. But remember that each person has his own resource that he can use to achieve a particular goal, and everyone is responsible for his choice and the result he has arrived at.

Einstein: reality is an illusion

And experiments with DNA show that DNA is a product of the so-called morphogenic field, and DNA is created without permission. Life arises spontaneously anywhere. For example, in nuclear reactors organisms that feed on radiation arise. Experiments have shown that if you put sand in a hermetically sealed container and expose it to heat, it creates DNA and life in the form of simple organisms.

Everything around us is obviously changing, as Einstein said, “indeed, it is an illusion, although a very persistent one.” And information/impressions are important. Knowledge that is stored somewhere outside of matter. If the Universe perished, this information would not be lost, and human DNA would arise again.

Why is resentment dangerous?

Resentment occurs most often when a person has been unfairly accused or insulted of something. This is a very strong negative emotion, it is anger, which we do our best to restrain within ourselves, but which at any moment can break free in the form of hysteria. It is the feeling of resentment that destroys us from the inside and can provoke serious cancer. To prevent this from happening, try to openly express even emotions such as anger, as well as defend and defend your point of view. Remember that bad emotions also have a place in our lives; you should not hide or lock them inside yourself.

The brain as a product of consciousness

Physical matter, as a form of creating scenes, as in a dream, is intended only for play. Therefore, dreams are capable of producing something as realistic as “reality.”

This is also confirmed by quantum superposition of particles - each particle is in all places at the same time, until we look. This position is then determined by the collapse of the Heisenberg probability wave. The observer somehow influences which of all possible particles becomes reality. This whole world is made up of these particles, which we influence as observers of the experiment.

This way, the chicks have no problem influencing the random number generator. DNA arises spontaneously. And it develops. Thoughts that influence health and evolutionary changes in DNA. Random mutations are obviously not the natural way that evolution occurs, but consciousness is. Although we can influence this process through improvement and genetic manipulation.

The brain is a product of consciousness, not the other way around.

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Criticism is dangerous to health

Criticism and condemnation primarily negatively affect the joints and lead to throat diseases. By judging other people, we first of all broadcast our dissatisfaction with the world. Such statements and thoughts can come back to us like a boomerang, hitting us even harder. Try to concentrate more on your own behavior, your attitudes and desires, then you simply will not have time to criticize and judge other people. Remember that only you are responsible for your life.

It is important to understand that working on your consciousness and thinking takes a long time and changes do not happen in one day.

To change your quality of life, you should start by controlling your thoughts and expressing your emotions. Try using daily affirmations to help you gradually change your mindset into a positive one. Never be afraid of change and moving forward, because only by overcoming difficulties do we learn and gain experience, and whether it will be negative or positive depends only on us.

Fulfillment of desires through thought

Many of us are unaware of the powers that lie within the power of our thoughts. Without delving into the influence of thoughts on each individual person in any case, I will say that successful people think positively about life and always generate positive and optimistic thoughts.

This is the use of a person’s mental power to bring the desired result to life. It's like creating a movie in your mind from your dreams and desires.

Seeing what you want in your mind means materializing it in reality. This is precisely where this strength lies. This control of your own life through the power of thought and word is called visualization.

Visualization has several positive properties, namely: it promotes the emergence of good and positive thoughts. We receive the greatest amount of information about the world through visual information.

How to get rid of the negativity that society brings

The people who surround us greatly influence our consciousness and perception of the world. If your social circle consists of negative people, nothing good will come of it. They will pull you to the bottom, and any endeavor you undertake will obviously be a failure.

Of course, you should avoid such people, or clearly limit their influence on yourself. But first, think about this aspect: “Like attracts like.” If you are surrounded by negative people, then maybe there is negativity in your thinking that you need to get rid of?

But it happens that it is impossible to avoid such people - these can be close people, good friends, colleagues and neighbors. You need to learn not to succumb to their influence, and learn to stop them in time. And here there can be two developments of events:

Do this to prove otherwise. That is, you are predicted to have an unfavorable outcome in some matter. You need to think for yourself and weigh all the risks. After making a positive decision, act with a positive attitude.

Don't give in to everyone's despondency. In most cases, negative people are boors. Communicate with boors in such a way as to be able to put them in their place and make your own decision, regardless of their opinion.

And if a negative-minded person constantly complains and cries to you, try to bring bright colors into his life, bring him out of depression, but do not become a constant vest. This will only reinforce the negative mindset in your mind.

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