Communication as interaction. (Interactive side of communication)

What does it depend on?

This is a component of communication that reflects direct interaction.

Such interaction always leads to some result.

Moreover, the result can be both positive and negative.

This aspect of communication largely depends on the social roles that are imposed on a person by society. So, a young woman can be at the same time a mother, wife, boss, daughter, friend, etc.

Each social role requires it to fulfill the obligations that these roles imply . So, as a mother of children, she attends parent-teacher meetings, matinees and events that take place at school and kindergarten.

She enters into cooperation with other parents to solve various organizational issues. As a wife , she performs household duties, solves household problems together with her husband, and interacts with his parents.

The role of the boss imposes obligations on her to build relationships with subordinates, coordinate the activities of the team, develop an effective work strategy, etc.

Compliance of behavior with social expectations is confirmed by numerous interactive interactions during which the individual performs the actions expected of him.

If during communication a person demonstrates socially unacceptable behavior, his interaction with others becomes more complicated .

Forms and examples

Typically there are three forms of interactive interaction :

  1. Positive (cooperation, agreement, adaptation, association). In the first case, it is expressed in the organization of joint activities aimed at achieving the desired result for all participants in the process. In cooperation, a number of people unite into a common group to achieve a common goal. Consent means that a person expresses his approval of the majority position, without necessarily participating in activism himself. Adaptation implies that a person adjusts to the given circumstances. Association - the presence of a close connection between participants in the process who are similar to each other.
  2. Adversarial (competition, rivalry). This is where the competitive aspect comes first.
    In competition, there is a clash of interests of subjects who simultaneously claim the same benefits or achievements. Moreover, such a social process is both positive and negative.

    On the one hand, participants in the competition try to make every effort, improve their skills, and develop effective strategies. On the other hand, they are in a constant state of emotional tension and may resort to forbidden techniques in order to get what they want.

    Rivalry implies the manifestation of a desire to prevail over an opponent of equal strength. It can manifest itself openly or covertly. Rivals are in a state of active struggle for power, prestige, realization, recognition, etc. They realize that one will be a winner and the other will be a loser, which encourages them to defend their own interests.

  3. Negative (conflict, opposition, dissociation). What is? During joint activities, serious obstacles to effective interaction arise.
    Conflict is the most negative type of interactive interaction, in which serious disagreements and disputes arise between participants.

    Opposition is a manifestation of a negative reaction to a proposed action, behavior pattern or strategy. Dissociation is a mental process in which a person protects himself from an unpleasant situation by withdrawing from it. He imagines that everything that happens has to do with someone else, and not with him.

Positive interaction is observed during any effective joint activity. This could be the learning process, working on projects, holding cultural events, spending time together and much more.

For example, a positive interaction can be called a situation when, during a cleanup day, the organization’s staff jointly cleans up the area in front of its building.

Another example is children’s joint efforts to clean the apartment before their mother’s arrival.

The adversarial form of interaction is typical for business and professional activities.

This is where the clash of key interests of people who strive to achieve career success, realize their ambitions, and ensure their material well-being occurs.

Employees occupying the same position in the company may compete with each other during the implementation of projects, since everyone will strive to attract the attention of their superiors.

Negative interaction causes significant damage to the emotional state of its participants and reduces the effectiveness of their joint activities.

Parties that are in a state of hostility to each other cannot join forces to achieve a goal .

Thus, a conflict between spouses that arises when choosing new furniture for an apartment will lead to loss of time, irritation on both sides, and reluctance to make efforts to find a compromise.

Perceptual component

This component allows you to correctly interpret the appearance and behavior of your interlocutor .

Based on the information received, a conclusion is drawn about the personality characteristics and reasons for actions.

Without perception, communications would be quite superficial and ineffective. A person would perceive only the “external picture” - the image of the opponent and his words.

Real thoughts, motives of behavior, hidden experiences and much more would escape attention. It is thanks to social perception that it becomes possible to accurately perceive surrounding objects and build effective interaction with them .

This component is fully manifested when a person is free from stereotypes, predetermined attitudes and beliefs. They interfere with an objective assessment of a partner and in advance form a certain image in the mind, which is often far from reality.

It is also important not to rush to a conclusion and give yourself time to form a reliable assessment . Often people make erroneous conclusions about an interlocutor with whom they have communicated for a fairly short time.

A person’s personality can be correctly assessed only by obtaining comprehensive information about him and observing him in different life situations.

The perceptual component allows you to change an already established opinion about an individual .

Sometimes people meet a person they knew well in the past and are surprised to discover significant changes in his character.

Such an opportunity to abandon the primary assessment that was formed earlier appears as a result of understanding and accepting those characteristics of the interlocutor that are observed in him at the current moment in time.

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