Diseases and disorders
Mutism can develop at any age, but is not often diagnosed in older people. Given
A disease of the peripheral nerve of an inflammatory nature, characterized by impaired sensitivity, the appearance of painful sensations along the nerve,
Contents What traits should an informal leader have? Types of informal leaders Absolute leader Anti-leader Leader-organizer
Multiple sclerosis This is the most common pathology among demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system; in the world approximately
Older people are susceptible to insomnia for various reasons. This condition is characterized as acute sleep disorder:
Verbal communication Verbal communication - communication with words, speech, the process of exchanging information and emotional interaction
Causes Scientists currently cannot name the exact causes of the disease. However, experts highlight
First aid for traumatic brain injury is a necessity that can save a human life. For any damage
General information The study of abulia has been carried out since 1838. Currently, experts are considering abulia
Psychomotor agitation occurs during acute mental disorders and is manifested by increased motor activity, which can