Econ Dude: How to cure computer game addiction?

In our country, the problem of alcoholism is now extremely acute: according to statistics, about half a million residents of the Russian Federation die annually from diseases, the main cause of which is excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Despite the fact that today many quite effective methods for treating alcohol dependence have been developed, the use of many of them often does not give the desired effect. The reason for this state of affairs is quite simple and trivial: as practice shows, it is guaranteed that an alcoholic can be cured only when an integrated approach is used. It includes a number of activities for detoxification of the body, psychological correction of behavior and social adaptation of the individual.

With regular and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, many toxic substances (toxins) accumulate in various internal organs, which the body is simply unable to cope with without outside help. In addition, physical dependence forces a person to continue drinking alcohol, which further aggravates the situation. Therefore, to get out of binge drinking and cleanse the body of toxins, medical intervention is necessary.

Do you need help figuring out how to cure an alcoholic?



How to overcome addiction on your own?

It has long been known that living in the country can easily become addicted to drugs. One of these addictions is drug addiction, which in any form of manifestation will become undesirable for a person, despite gender and national characteristics. Technology addiction is a factual difficulty and an example of a potentially destructive addiction that affects millions of people around the world. Not every person can understand that they are addicted, and they also do not know how to free themselves. Main types: The list will help overcome any of the addictions: gambling, the use of modern technologies, drug addiction (drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs) and behavioral addiction.

Behavioral addiction includes:

• Food • Sexual • Pornography (viewing, distribution) • Addiction to modern technologies (computers, Internet, video games, social networks) • Addiction to work • Submission to physical exercise • Spiritual obsession • Addiction to pain (masochism) • Attempts at suicide • Addiction to constant purchases (shopping)

Is it possible to cure an alcoholic: recommendations, experience, effectiveness

As a rule, the first procedure during detoxification is gastric lavage, during which the alcohol present there is removed from the stomach and intestines. In addition, in order to prevent the absorption of alcohol, the patient takes drugs that absorb it (polyphepan, activated carbon, etc.). At the same time, he is given IV drips to cleanse his blood. In this case, saline solution, saline solutions and vitamins B1 and group C are infused intravenously. In order to prevent severe damage to internal organs, the patient is prescribed various drugs (for example, those that normalize liver function, antioxidants, antihypertensives). In a number of cases, he is also prescribed to take antidepressants and psychostimulants.

After drug therapy is completed and the detoxification procedure of the body has already been completed, it is very important to prevent the patient from “breaking down”, and this is why psychological correction of his behavior, that is, rehabilitation, is necessary. As practice shows, for this it is necessary to protect the patient as much as possible from the harmful influence of the environment in which he was before starting treatment for alcoholism. Most often, rehabilitation is carried out in specialized centers, in which patients relearn how to live without drinking alcohol, restore normal life, regain their physical shape, as well as mental health and balance.

Additional Tips

If you cannot cope with a constant addiction and the methods listed do not help, you can resort to additional advice that affects not so much the person as the mind and spiritual life. • Start a business, a hobby that interests a person • You need to constantly be in a busy state, allowing a person not to be repulsed by external factors that have a bad influence • If the day went badly and left you feeling unwell, you shouldn’t get hung up on the fact that using a constant “drug” will help avoid problems • Bring new things into life. For example, change your wardrobe, make repairs, change jobs, change your environment, go abroad. • Fill your mind with structured thoughts • Follow advice. • Drop preconceptions and open your mind • Plan your daily routine

Cure an alcoholic at home

The main question of all those who seek help in treating alcoholism is that they want to be treated at home. Many people believe that curing an alcoholic at home is much easier and more effective. Yes, as they say, houses and walls help, but the good idea of ​​home treatment also has its downsides:

  1. Complications from prolonged drinking bouts
  2. Manipulation of relatives during treatment
  3. Lack of psychological assistance and specialist support
  4. Risk of relapse

Cure an alcoholic

folk remedies are also not the right idea. Relatives always want to help, but they forget that alcoholism is a disease and it is better to trust the life and health of a person close to you to a specialist. The same applies to requests: how to cure an alcoholic without his knowledge, although there is some common sense in this.

You can start treating an alcoholic without his knowledge or desire

, a similar practice is used by psychologists who begin to work with relatives of an alcoholic and teach them how to form the desire of the alcoholic himself. Practice shows that after such psychological work with relatives, alcoholics accept an independent desire to begin treatment.

We will help you formulate your desire if you are interested in:

how to cure an alcoholic without his knowledge, then seek advice

Where to effectively cure an alcoholic: where to go and where to look for help?

  1. Specialized drug treatment clinics
  2. Consultations at home
  3. Formation of desire if an alcoholic does not want to be treated

The question of how to stop drinking can be completely resolved, but it is equally important not to start drinking alcohol after the stages of detoxification of the body and psychological correction of behavior have already been completed. Patients returning to normal life need to undergo social adaptation. They need it in order to restore lost connections in society and gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. The problems that have to be solved at this stage of alcoholism treatment also include finding employment, learning a new profession, as well as restoring normal interpersonal relationships in the family. If all these tasks can be solved successfully, then the person, as a rule, completely gets rid of such a dangerous and extremely insidious illness as alcoholism.


When the situation begins to improve and a person understands that he has gotten rid of subordination and can independently control himself, one should not succumb to a false opinion. A person can independently sabotage himself, assuring that the difficulties have passed and a “new life” has begun without addictions. In such situations, you may get the impression that you can give in to a bad habit a little and nothing bad will happen. However, the situation suggests that the patient is at a stage when a strong craving occurs, allowing the results to be destroyed.

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Many players try to choose more difficult games in order to prove to themselves and everyone what they are capable of. Calm your gaming ego. This is just virtual reality. If you don't enjoy a game, just don't finish it.

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Go on a game hunger strike

Econ Dude: How to cure computer game addiction?

Not everyone can suddenly give up video games for a while. But sometimes it works. If you feel that it’s time for you to return to reality, try deleting all the games from your computer or collecting all the discs and taking them to one of your friends for safekeeping. For example, for two weeks or a month.

You will understand that real life is much more interesting and games will not replace it for you.

Signs and symptoms

It is not difficult to identify pathological cravings. Signs of computer gaming addiction:

  • Before the game, a person is in a good mood, in ecstasy before the action begins. He strives to finish all his work as quickly as possible in order to immerse himself in the virtual world.
  • During the game, the addict is overexcited and his emotional state is elevated. All senses are heightened.
  • If for some reason you need to break away from the computer, a person becomes irritated and anxious.
  • It becomes impossible to reduce the time spent using equipment.
  • Craving initially manifests itself in episodes, then becomes systematic.
  • The patient constantly promises to stop gambling and start spending time with loved ones. His words lead nowhere.
  • Play is a way to escape from difficulties, loneliness, bad mood, etc.

All of the above signs indicate the formation of addiction. It must be dealt with to avoid adverse consequences.

1. Constant manipulation of PCs, tablets, phones (searching for devices with your eyes, checking their functionality, charging, carrying with you in transport, on the street, setting loud alerts in games or chats). 2. Absent-mindedness or irritability (in severe cases, anger, aggression) when distracted from games, network communication (in children - when using a computer is prohibited). 3.

The physical health of computer addicts also suffers - immunity and visual acuity decrease, inflammatory eye diseases, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis occur more often, and aches and pain in the fingers and wrists can be bothersome.

In addition, they also experience psycho-emotional disorders - sudden mood swings, indifference to loved ones, sleep disorders, lack of vital activity and motivation for real achievements.

Prices for alcoholism treatment in Tyumen

Consultation with a psychologist (on the choice of rehabilitation method and program)For free!
Activities to motivate rehabilitationFrom 10 000
Social and psychological rehabilitation (Economy)850 days.
Socio-psychological rehabilitation (standard)1,000 days.
Socio-psychological rehabilitation (VIP)1,150 days.
Individual consultations with a clinical psychologist3000 hours
Individual consultations with a chemical dependency consultant1500 hours
Working with codependent rehabilitatorsFor free!
Post-rehabilitation program11,000 months
Calling a psychiatrist-narcologist according to the price list of the State Budgetary Institution of Health Care OndFrom 3500

Your Narcologist recommends: test for gambling addiction

To determine the presence of a dependency, you must agree or refute the following statements:

  • Staying at the computer lasts for hours. You can refuse to consume food, hygiene procedures, and other things in order to prolong your session in the game.
  • There are regular delays in the game longer than planned.
  • A person thinks of himself as a virtual character with a reputation in the game, and not as a real person.
  • Cyberspace is more important than interacting with people in the real world (even sometimes).
  • After completing the game you feel pleasure. I want to experience euphoria, adrenaline, and satisfaction again.
  • It’s hard to tear yourself away from the simulator, even at someone’s request.
  • It is difficult to stop the game during important events (battles, fights, etc.).
  • I have to hide my passion for computer games because I’m embarrassed to admit how much time it takes.
  • Relatives notice a pathological addiction.
  • Because of simulations, there is not enough time for studying, household chores, work, etc.
  • If you can't sit down at the computer, your mood worsens.
  • Immersion in a fictional world occurs even at the workplace or in an educational institution.
  • Games caused absences from work and school.
  • It is much easier to relieve stress using a computer than using other methods.
  • Because of the games, relationships with friends and family have deteriorated.
  • Money needed for other purposes is invested in simulators.

The more positive answers, the higher the risk of developing gambling addiction.

The main stages of alcoholism

The line between normality and pathology is extremely thin. It is quite difficult to recognize the first signs of disease progression and decide that it is time to go to an alcoholism treatment clinic. The main reason for the late start of therapy is reluctance to notice the presence of a problem. Alcohol addicts, finding a lot of pretexts and justifications, refuse to recognize the pathological craving for alcoholic beverages.

The task of relatives is to notice the first symptoms of mental and physical dependence in time. Experts distinguish three stages of alcoholism when immediate treatment is required:

  • Stage 1: An alcoholic periodically feels the urge to drink. When drinking alcohol, control over the amount drunk is lost. But the attraction is fickle and can fade away if there is no opportunity to satisfy the need for the next dose of alcohol.
  • Stage 2: Tolerance to alcohol-containing drinks increases, the patient does not hesitate to ingest liquids of unknown origin and questionable quality, and justifies drinking alcohol on insignificant dates, holidays, and events. As a result, physical dependence develops and the slightest control over one’s addiction is lost. Withdrawal syndrome occurs. Progression is accompanied by headaches, increased thirst, insomnia, chills, and a burning desire to interrupt these painful manifestations of the body by drinking another dose of alcohol.
  • Stage 3: Without treatment, alcoholism of the third stage leads to personality degradation. Against the backdrop of long-term drinking bouts, memory loss occurs, interest in relatives is lost, alcoholics become callous, indifferent, and easily resort to deception, crime, and betrayal in order to achieve their goals. Addiction displaces former interests, dulling intellectual abilities. Intoxication occurs quickly; it is enough to drink a few glasses of alcohol. There is a high risk of developing mental disorders and addiction to light or hard drugs.

We wrote more about each stage of alcoholism here.

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