Who are you - auditory, visual, kinesthetic or digital?

The concept of kinesthetics

The term “kinesthetics” (from the Greek word meaning “sense of movement”) became popular after the advent of neurolinguistic programming, in which, in particular, it is believed that all people can be divided into three large groups depending on which channel of perception of external data is the main one for them.
“Visuals” are those who receive most of the information through vision, “audials” are people for whom it is more important to hear, and “kinesthetics” are those for whom tactile sensations are most significant. In the psychology of perception, kinesthetics refers not only to a complex of tactile sensations, but also muscle reactions, the so-called “body memory,” as well as a sense of balance, which allows a person to move with his eyes closed and not fall.

We can say that kinesthetics are all sensations associated with the body: temperature, position in space, muscle fatigue, pain, tension or relaxation. However, in ordinary colloquial speech, kinesthetics is essentially synonymous with the concept of “skin contact.”

Kinesthetic (Sensory typology)

Typical kinesthetics have more prominent ribs than other categories and typically breathe from the bottom of their lungs. The tonality of “ kinesthetic ” can be generally represented as soft and airy; a slow tempo, low tone and volume are also noted. All this is compared to other categories.

Remember the image of Santa Claus. He is always depicted as a soft and slightly rounded man with rosy cheeks and a flowing white beard. When he laughs, his whole belly shakes, and all his senses radiate warmth and pleasure.

This figure is a suitable example for the " kinesthetic " image. The typical " kinesthetic " person is usually more complete than individuals from other categories. When communicating, such individuals often display rounded shoulders and sometimes lean forward slightly when speaking or listening. Their movements are usually smooth and free.

Responds to physical reward. Stands close, touches people. Physically oriented, lots of movement. Rich physical reactions, early physical development. Learns by doing. Remembers while walking.

Moves fingers when reading. Gestures a lot. He remembers the general impression and what he did literally. Laconic, tactful, uses active movements. Chin down, voice lower. Likes action-oriented books. Weak in details.

These are people who value convenience, comfort and are attentive to their own body. They have it quite dense, their lips are wide and full-blooded. Kinesthetic people usually sit leaning forward and often slouch.

These are the people who can wear an old ratty sweater with patches just because it's comfortable. And what its appearance is is not so important.

They like to be close to their interlocutor in order to touch. And if your partner is constantly trying to fiddle with some part of your toilet, twisting a button, touching, etc. - this is most likely Kinesthetic . Although a speck of dust that disturbs harmony and hurts the eye is more likely to be removed by the Visual.

Kinesthetic learners are people of action . They need to move, run, spin, touch, taste and smell. This is their way of perceiving the world, they simply don’t understand anything differently (by the way, all action verbs usually relate to kinesthetics: run, walk, pull, press, roll, saw, plan, hit, swing).

This, however, does not mean that Kinesthetics are very active people, it’s just that their main instrument of perception is the body, and their method is movement, action. Even if they read the instructions, they need to immediately try what is written there in practice, otherwise they simply will not perceive the text.

Kinesthetic learners usually plan very poorly - in this system there is no possibility of inventing something. Therefore, they prefer to get into a fight first and sort it out later. Relationships for them are, first of all, an action. Men (who are usually very kinesthetic) have difficulty perceiving women’s complaints, assuring:

“She doesn’t need a solution to the problem, but just to tell...”

For them, “ just a story ” seems to be meaningless - something needs to be done about it, and if there is nothing to do, then there is no point in chatting. And in sex, “all these colorful foreplays and conversations” are poorly understood and unnecessary for kinesthetics (women too, not just men). You need to do business, work!

Kinesthetics have a hard time withstanding stress and uncomfortable situations - they are immersed in all these experiences. This is why it is difficult to say “ no ”. no to yourself a few times and notice how you feel.

People with a kinesthetic representational system rely heavily on the senses to understand and make sense of what is happening around them. Most likely, they will, if possible, take a position that allows them to literally touch the people they are talking to.

Just as the “ visual ” person receives information about the speaker by observing subtle movements, muscle tension and relaxation, the “ kinesthetic ” person receives the same information through touch and close proximity .

For more information about sensory typologies, see the “Sensory Typology” section.
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Features of kinesthetic perception

In real life, there are not so many so-called pure kinesthetics, since most people are not limited to one channel of perception, but use all possible ones. However, it is quite simple to understand that this is a kinesthetic person, because they are characterized by a shortened “comfort zone” (that is, a person unconsciously tries to get closer to you, enter your personal space), active gestures, the desire to touch the interlocutor, pat him on the shoulder, take hand. Kinesthetic learners often experience problems in communication, since many people are irritated by other people's touch, while for kinesthetic learners, tactile sensations are more important than hearing or vision.

Knowledge of the so-called body language, that is, understanding of non-verbal, kinesthetic signals, is necessary for almost everyone whose activities are in one way or another connected with communications. The nonverbal information conveyed by the interlocutor is no less significant than speech itself, and in some cases may even be more important.

For example, during important business negotiations, public speaking, and political discussions, there are often situations where a gesture or posture directly contradicts what a person is currently saying. That is why professional negotiators pay close attention to the study of nonverbal communication.

Test: Who are you - visual, kinesthetic or auditory?

Some people are ready to walk around in uncomfortable stiletto heels for the sake of beauty. Others don't care what to wear as long as it's comfortable. Still others prefer to receive information “by ear.” But you can come to an agreement with any person if you know who is in front of you and who you are.

Here is a list of 48 statements. Read each one and answer “Yes” if the statement is true about you and “No” if it is false.

The test was prepared on the basis of “Diagnostics of the dominant perceptual modality” by S. Efremtseva.

You are more of a visual person!


Visuals are people with visual skills, i.e. visual perception of the world. They usually have a high voice, a keen gaze, and gestures are horizontal and directed away from themselves. When communicating, a visual person looks into the eyes and demands this from the interlocutor. His principle: “he doesn’t listen to me because he doesn’t look at me.”

Visuals sense the personal space around them very well, and if you suddenly invade it, they immediately “close themselves” by crossing their arms and legs. They do not tolerate touching, much less hugging. They often give the impression of being snobbish, although this is not always the case. In the family and at work, visual people play dominant roles.

You are more of a kinesthetic learner!


Kinesthetic people are sensual people; they need a physical sense of the world around them. Kinesthetic learners most often have a low, chesty voice and not very good vision. All their gestures are directed towards themselves, the usual posture is - arms hugging themselves, legs tucked or intertwined.

When communicating, a kinesthetic person sometimes does not look at the interlocutor, but constantly touches him, guided by the principle: “he doesn’t listen to me if he doesn’t feel it.”

These are very affectionate and sensitive people. Caring mothers, ideal grandmothers. Men are wonderful family men and reliable friends. 70% of kinesthetics are extroverts.

Some people need words, others need touches...

You are more of an auditory learner!


This is a very rare type of people. They have amazingly acute hearing and excellent memory. When communicating, they do not have to look at or touch the interlocutor, the main thing is to hear him.

Audials are human tape recorders. They can remember and reproduce any of your stories down to the smallest detail. But under no circumstances should you interrupt them, because... they will immediately become silent and will no longer talk to you.

Outwardly, an auditory person may seem stubborn and arrogant. But this impression is deceptive; auditory people, as a rule, are very sincere and attentive people, always ready to listen to you and help you with advice.

Mixed type: visual and kinesthetic

You need eye contact as well as touch. In other words, you perceive the world through visual and tactile images.

Read more about “pure” types



Mixed type: visual and auditory

Your whole life is a movie in which the frames are inextricably linked with the soundtrack. You perceive the world through visual and auditory images.

Read more about “pure” types



Mixed type: auditory and kinesthetic

The world of sounds and the world of touch have almost the same value for you. You are more interested in the inner essence of things, objects and people rather than their outer shell.

Read more about “pure” types



Your result cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Try to find your type



Kinesthetic child

Kinesthetics - what is it? It is a way of perceiving the world, laid down from the first years of a person’s life. All children explore the surrounding reality through touching, squeezing objects, and also strive to taste all the toys. A true kinesthetic learner can be determined when a child attends grades 2-3.

This baby still shows a desire to touch all objects. It’s easier for him to show something than to tell him about it. In games with classmates, he often pulls girls' pigtails, hugs and kisses his friends.

Kinesthetic children show great impatience in science lessons when they are shown various models and try to study them on their own. But, it should be noted that at primary school age it can be difficult to understand whether a child really belongs to the tactile type of perception of the world or whether he is simply hyperactive and restless. Both phenomena have similar symptoms.

It’s interesting that if a kinesthetic child slouches, you will not be able to force him to straighten up by any means. At least show a thousand photos from the Internet, at least cite scientific facts that stooping is harmful to health. He won't care, because he feels comfortable in this position .

Such children enjoy using their body by conducting various experiments with it. For example, they may alternate between trying to write with their right hand and then with their left hand. Parents are often asked to send them to swimming, dancing, gymnastics or any other type of physical activity.

It will be useful for parents of kinesthetic learners to listen to the following recommendations, which will facilitate the process of assimilation of knowledge by the baby:

  • for better concentration, it is worth making visual aids for lessons in the form of layouts or diagrams - so that a little kinesthetic learner can more easily absorb information;
  • such a child may demonstrate a very non-standard approach to learning: for example, he simultaneously runs and solves a math problem. You shouldn’t scold him, he has his own methods;
  • You definitely need to sign him up for sports, because thanks to physical activity he begins to feel much better;
  • ideally, send such a child to a specialized school with an emphasis on physical development;
  • You can study poetry or theoretical material with him when he does exercises - the knowledge will be absorbed.

Features of kinesthetics

It’s good when in a dialogue people are friendly to each other and understand what the other person meant. How should you communicate with a kinesthetic learner? The features of this psychological type are definitely worth taking into account if you want communication to be effective.

  • Pay attention to the speech of the kinesthetic learner. He will often refer to his feelings and sensations in dialogue. If you adapt to him and use similar language structures, he will understand you better.
  • If you have pets at home, communicating with them will definitely help a kinesthetic learner develop genuine sympathy for you.

  • For leisure with kinesthetics, a spa salon is best suited, because tactile sensations are important for it. A bath, sauna and massage will help relax a representative of this psychological type and he will be more inclined to have a productive dialogue.
  • Kinesthetic people have developed taste buds, so they love to eat delicious food. If you love and know how to cook, consider that you have already won over your kinesthetic learner. If you don’t know how to cook, inviting a kinesthetic learner to a restaurant will also be very appropriate.
  • Take care of a pleasant perfume. Kinesthetic people are extremely sensitive to odors, so in order to better establish contact, you should smell pleasant.
  • Finally, the most obvious, but most important tip is to provide the kinesthetics with the necessary tactile contact. Whether it's a hug, a hand-hold, or a casual touch, it's touch that will help you connect most effectively.
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