Causal classification of stressors 4.3.1. The degree of controllability of the stressor As the experience of many psychotherapists, to whom
The female body reacts differently to the start of pregnancy mode. Global hormonal changes and
Internal anxiety, relationship difficulties, haunted failures and failures, psychosomatic illnesses that have come from out of nowhere -
At the legislative level in the Russian Federation, the interests of working women are protected in cases of pregnancy and
Value judgments about one’s own importance (or insignificance) are formed very early. His first and main
Sociological explanations of the causes of deviation ⇐ PreviousPage 8 of 8 Many forms of deviation are practiced by many
Craniography Using this method, both general and
Causes and risk factors Brain hemorrhage in a newly born baby may be a consequence
What is suggestion? Suggestion is the exchange of thoughts with others. This is the involuntary acceptance of ideas
A hypnotherapist (the correct name for a hypnotist) is not a magician, but a medical specialist, or a person endowed with