War color. What color car is most practical?
The color of healing and compassion, nature and life - this is how grass color can be described
Treatment of the soul
Coloring books
Auto-training to calm the nervous system: 5 exercises
The exercises described below are very simple, but, nevertheless, their benefits are great. Each of
Treatment of the soul
How to help a person get out of depression, what to do, how to support
12 ways to help a depressed person
Depression is a disease! separation from a loved one, death of a loved one, some serious material losses.
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Biofeedback technology in correctional work with children with special educational needs. article on the topic
Why is stress dangerous? Stress can disrupt the smooth life of a person of any age, social status and
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How to become a person with a strong character?​
If you still consider yourself a quiet, gray mouse, then force your character to obey you,
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hypnosis for weight loss
How to lose weight with hypnosis
The method of hypnosis has long been known to man and is widely used in various practices. He is known to many
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how to cheer up
How to cheer up a person by correspondence with a guy. How to cheer up a man. What cheers guys up
Mood is the emotional state of a person - a long-term general psychological background with moderate or
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How to calm your nerves at home and without pills
Constant worry is a serious problem for modern people. If some problem is solved, there is no need for nervousness
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Hypnosis for sleep: treating insomnia with hypnosis
Lack of balance and stress Almost 60% of people have an unbalanced brain. With dominance of the left hemisphere
Treatment of the soul
Structure and functions of the human nervous system (biology, grade 8)
The structure and functions of the human nervous system are studied in 8th grade biology. CNS -
Treatment of the soul
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