Stuttering in children - causes and treatment of logoneurosis

  • the patient's age is less than 2 years;
  • the patient has renal or liver failure;
  • a person suffers from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, its use is strictly prohibited. Also, treatment with Phenibut should not be carried out in combination with tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics.

    To prevent the development of complications when taking the drug for a long time, patients need to periodically examine their liver. The simultaneous use of Phenibut with drugs that have a toxic effect on the body poses a great threat to human health.

Stuttering in children treatment reviews

Stuttering - need advice.

replied in PM.

rizika Oct 25, 2012

I share my experience. My son is 5 years old, he started stuttering in June, we went to classes on Smolenskaya, at the same time we took Noofen and vitamins - the child began to speak everything in syllables and very slowly, I didn’t notice much improvement. In September I transferred to Logo. garden. At the beginning of October, there was a VERY STRONG exacerbation; I could not say a single word in a 5-word sentence without prolonged stuttering. The neurologist prescribed calcium hopantenate, I almost bought it, but... and this is where the fun begins. On children's forums I read about an OSTEOPATH doctor or he also practices craniosacral therapy (perhaps I was a little mistaken in the name). There is very little information about them on our forum, but it still exists. I won’t describe the treatment method, there’s a lot of information on Russian websites, google it. I'll tell you the gist. A week ago I made an appointment with such a specialist. (the little one couldn’t speak at all, didn’t communicate with the children, he said “Good morning” for about a minute), we walk along the way to the office, I ask him to tell me a simple poem - he can’t. The doctor carried out a diagnosis and said that he had a pinched hypoglossal nerve, etc. I won’t list all our ailments, I “fiddled around” for about 30 minutes and that’s ALL. When leaving, I asked if we should come again, to which he replied that he always tries to cure in 1 session. We left the office, just in case, we asked the little guy to recite the poem again, but of course he couldn’t. My husband was confused and wondered why we gave the money. With this we went to bed. In the morning I was shocked, the guy stopped stuttering. I won’t say that my speech has become great, no, we had serious problems before, speech delay. But he says everything slowly, without stuttering. as if syllable by syllable, but now I can ask him to repeat any sentence, he will say it quickly and without hesitation. Sometimes, very rarely, probably five times a day, it can repeat itself, but this is NOT stuttering, the speech therapist is at a loss, but continues the classes. Today I recited the entire verse, “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree,” and didn’t stutter once, stumbled twice, repeated “na,” “na” twice. oak vol. This is my story. We agreed to call the doctor in 2 weeks, because... there were several problems. in addition to stuttering, but I’m already in a slight shock, I don’t know how long this effect will last. I don’t give coordinates, I don’t write prices, so that they wouldn’t be considered advertising.

Elen_Fox 27 Oct 2012

thank you very much for the information! wrote to you.

Inokentiy Oct 28, 2012

And we turned to an osteopath after a traumatic brain injury. I’m also in shock, but the little one started to sleep, before that he had big problems with sleep. Literally in one session, he is also a neurologist, he worked in Croatia and now receives them in Kyiv.

rizika Oct 28, 2012

Oh, tell me what your results are. Our stuttering went away, but the second problem didn’t work out, there was no result.

SaAli Oct 29, 2012

you gave me hope. If possible, contact me in a personal message or THANK YOU!

rizika Oct 29, 2012

Phenibut. Stuttering.

Message 37062929. Author: VreDina Status: User Time: 11:35 Date: May 12, 2008

Girls, my daughter (3, 5) has a stutter. It's been going on for a little over six months now. We dragged her to speech therapists and doctors. The neurologist prescribed Magne B6 and Phenibut. I've heard terrible things about phenibut, and Magne B6 is generally contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. Who gave these pills to their children?

1. what side effects might phenibut have? 2. Can Magne B6 tablets be replaced with a similar liquid solution? 3. Maybe someone can suggest a good speech therapist for stuttering in Moscow?

We were prescribed encephabol for stuttering - in my opinion it only made things worse. I stopped giving it... I gave Magne to a baby - no big deal - when there is evidence... and another question for those in the know - stuttering - logoneurosis - this is a medical problem - why then do they send everyone to speech therapists - who have a pedagogical education.

Message 37126545. Reply to message 37123391 Author: Elena Status: Corypheus Time: 17:10 Date: May 14, 2008

Treatment for stuttering is complex. Medicines help relieve nervous tension, spasms, etc. A speech therapist helps teach a child to speak smoothly.

Message 37069288. Reply to message 37068414 Author: Elena Status: Corypheus Time: 15:34 Date: 12 May 2008

It depends on what kind of stutter you have. Many doctors agree that stuttering is incurable, however, you can only teach the child to control his speech. And classes need to be carried out constantly. At your age, you can already fully correct your speech, but this is not a matter of one or two sessions, but a very long process. Moreover, even if there are improvements, you cannot relax, because... under some new stress or nervous situation it may arise again. But at the same time, the age of up to 4 years is the most favorable for correction. I won’t say anything about the homeopathic doctor, because... never encountered it. But if you are being seen by a homeopath, then, in my opinion, this should exclude treatment with traditional remedies. So you need to choose an approach for yourself, and then start treatment.

Message 37071223. Author: Mary&Co Status: Veteran Time: 16:32 Date: May 12, 2008

Girls, what about phenibut? We also took a 2-week course and didn’t think about the consequences. what could they be?

Message 37071676. Author: crazy mink Status: VIP Time: 16:48 Date: May 12, 2008

We took 6 courses of Phenibut, no side effects, the results are there. The drug is good, no doubt about it. It's worse to go to doctors and... do not take anything, because Mom is scared. Why go to doctors? In the hope that he will throw up his hands and everything will pass?

Message 37101217. Reply to message 37071676 Author: Izyaslava Status: User Time: 19:16 Date: 13 May 2008

I absolutely agree with you. At the age of five, my son began to stutter severely. Classes with a speech therapist did not produce results. Only after treatment from a neurologist and a course of phenibut did everything go away and I didn’t notice any side effects.

Message 37102073. Author: Mom_Nastenysha Status: User Time: 19:53 Date: May 13, 2008

I gave my daughter phenibut, I began to sleep better, and was much calmer. For stuttering, we found a good vertebrologist, they straightened our spine, and prescribed a course of massage. Didn't show to speech therapists :)

Message 37113178. Author: Dominic Status: User Time: 09:16 Date: 14 May 2008

My son is now 3 years old and has been stuttering for almost a year. We have been prescribed Phenibut 2 times already. The first time I was very pleased, the child did not stutter for 1-2 months, then everything came back. The second course of phenibut had no effect on us at all. I didn’t notice any side effects, in my opinion it’s a good drug. Advice: it is better to buy Phenibut produced in Latvia. There is also Belarusian - it is worse. We also drank Magne B6, I didn’t notice any effect, although the neurologist and speech therapist praised the medicine. We were immediately prescribed liquid Magne B6, in glass ampoules, it has a pleasant cherry taste. Doctors also tell us that stuttering cannot be cured. It is necessary to strengthen the nervous system so that the child learns to control himself.

Message 37119954. Reply to message 37113178 Author: VreDina Status: User Time: 13:18 Date: May 14, 2008

what are you doing now? Are you working with a speech therapist, are you continuing to take medications?

Message 37147203. Reply to message 37119954 Author: Dominic Status: User Time: 12:35 Date: May 15, 2008

At this point, I have finished taking the medications. The speech therapist from the clinic does not work with us because we are not 4-5 years old, I can’t find a private one yet. Now the speech therapist has prescribed physiotherapy for us - electrosleep, he says that it is very effective, we will be walking soon.

Message 37115552. Author: Tory&Lina Status: VIP Time: 10:53 Date: May 14, 2008

Go to the speech center at the Yauza hospital, it’s on Taganskaya. There, first there are examinations and consultations with specialists, and then treatment is prescribed and group classes. The center is state-owned, free, so the queues are long. The main thing is to find out the cause of stuttering. In the treatment of stuttering, it’s not pills that are important, but correct breathing and the ability to think correctly. Our speech therapist said that we need to remember for the rest of our lives “Breathe in, think, say” and bring it to automatism.

Message 37124612. Author: Yarosa Status: Newbie Time: 16:16 Date: May 14, 2008

Phenibut + panntocalcin were also prescribed for stuttering. We drank it and stopped stuttering. I don't see any side effects. In parallel with drug therapy, we went to church weekly. The church suggested to me that it is important to give Holy Communion to a child three Sundays in a row, without missing them, and then - if possible, but preferably more often for small ones. There, the mother (the abbot’s wife) said that you shouldn’t ride around “grandmothers”, it’s a big sin. In general, I read that in children aged 2-3 years, stuttering is a fairly common phenomenon, often does not even require treatment, and goes away on its own. Soothing teas and baths are helpful.

Message 37130784. Reply to message 37124612 Author: Izyaslava Status: User Time: 19:54 Date: 14 May 2008

The doctor told us the same thing. He also clarified that this infection occurs much more often in boys than in girls.

Message 37136914. Author: Vivir Status: User Time: 23:41 Date: May 14, 2008

Ours, too, at just over two, after a slight fright (he is generally very calm, gentle, but easily excitable and timid), began to stutter. very much so. this coincided with a trip to a neurologist in a very good center (immunological), she prescribed phenibut - we, to be honest, only took it 3 times a night, the stuttering somehow went away on its own, in general they didn’t give me any more. But in general, the pills, apparently, are very serious. Ours, even from half the recommended dose (0.25 at night, but was not given in the morning) slept and slept. 3.5 hours a day

Message 37137387. Reply to message 37136914 Author: Elena Status: Corypheus Time: 23:56 Date: May 14, 2008

0.25 at night only three times and has such an effect on sleep? We would like that. We have been taking it for two weeks, 1/3 3 times a day, and we are also younger than you, but we only dream of peace, we didn’t notice anything at all, as I woke up at night, I still wake up.

Message 37192725. Author: Anonymous Status: anonymous user Time: 22:23 Date: May 16, 2008

Phenibut helped us. And then when the tics started a couple of years later, I also removed them. We have neurology, it’s with us throughout life. But the drug is praised by doctors whom I trust. I drank it myself. I don’t see anything terrible in it :) Not an antipsychotic, although by the way, neuroleptics are used in microdoses in severe cases of tics.

Message 37244115. Author: mom Status: VIP Time: 16:38 Date: May 19, 2008

Help me calculate the dose, we were also prescribed phenibut, but the dosage is 6.25 mg, if we consider that the tablet is 250 mg, then how to divide it.

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Messages: 1 Registered: Wed Nov 19, 2008 13:34 From: Moscow, Russia

The child is 3.6 years old, we go to kindergarten. Half a year ago I started stuttering after attending a relative’s birthday party. There were no fears or nervous tension. We contacted a neurologist, she prescribed Edas 306, lecithin, glycine and not to take him to the garden, to stay at home, she said that maybe the child was not a gardener. As a result, the condition became better. In the summer everything seemed to be calm, but about 2 weeks ago the stuttering started again, he inserts a word before almost every word, he starts talking with a-a-a-a-a-let's eat, he goes into the garden crying, there is a speech therapist in the garden, we'll go to the other day, I made an appointment with a neurologist in Semashko, what else can I do to help the child?

Sevastyanova Olga wrote: At what age did you start stuttering or did you start stuttering right away?

why do you differentiate these as different things? After all, stuttering in our case is that same stuttering. We had a favorite letter A - he inserted it everywhere - A - a-a-a-a, and I want a train! a-a-a a-a-a. let's go out. With strong manifestations, it’s as if his jaw is cramping - it’s clear that it’s moving to the side. But this is not always the case.

The essence of breathing exercises is to streamline inhalation and exhalation, calm the nervous system through calm breathing and speak only as you exhale. Take your hand, hold your palm, pressing lightly when you need to speak - as if you are setting the rhythm. Inhale, exhale, inhale - speak! For example, a phrase about a train - Inhale, while exhaling immediately with an aspirate - I WANT a train - or I want a train. You can practice conversations in a slightly sing-song manner - yaaa haachuuu poooeeeeez - but to avoid jagged speech I-I-I ha-ha-hachu po-po-train - it is the pure vowels in the syllables that are drawn out, and not the syllables are completely repeated. You need to constantly talk, so that you don’t rush to say whatever you want - we are listening to you, we are not in a hurry, speak slowly, clearly - when successful attempts, praise, praise, praise.

About Us. Still stutters sometimes. That is, the same as before - there are periods of pure speech, there are periods with stuttering. I decided not to worry too much about this.

Added after 4 minutes 43 seconds:

Olga Sevastyanova wrote: What is the cause of speech impairment?

Sevastyanova Olga, read the thread about speech therapy problems - there are many similar descriptions there:

Messages: 10 Registered: Tue Feb 24, 2009 14:04 From: Ulyanovsk, Russia

Good day, dear Pokklya!

Pokklya wrote: why do you differentiate these as different things? after all, stuttering in our case is that same stuttering..

To sort out our problem, I visited quite a few different sites. I tried to find a solution to this problem with the help of yoga, neurology, homeopathy, speech therapy, and massage. After reading a lot of information, I came to the conclusion that stuttering can APPEAR suddenly due to severe stress, fright or OUTGROWTH of “stammering”, if you do not pay attention in time and do not take appropriate measures. With my question, I wanted to find out how your stuttering began and what you did to return normal speech to your son.

Dear Pokklya, what does it mean?

Pokklya wrote: I decided not to worry too much about this.

I really, really ask you not to give up! No one will help your son except you and your family! Maybe the baby’s current condition is not in an acute phase, but who knows how it will turn out. You have probably read quite a bit of literature and know about the various difficulties in the future life of children with a speech impediment. I want to inspire action with my personal example! Knock-knock-knock... - I knock on wood so as not to jinx it. For the last three weeks, my children have been talking completely clearly. My joy knows no bounds. Only one son (Tolya) had truly serious problems with speech, and the second son (Lenya) most likely imitated Tolik, or maybe not, because... Lenya repeated the first letter of the word several times. And Tolichka periodically had tics in her eyes and convulsions of the articulatory apparatus (he could not start to speak). For me it was a heartbreaking sight. And I was annoyed that no one could help my child. For a month and a half we followed all the recommendations of the neurologist. Apart from complete peace and silence, I understand the importance of these factors, but there is no way to implement them. We tried to separate the children into different rooms, but the sons cannot be apart - alone they only lasted for 20-30 minutes, and then they rushed to each other - this again results in stress for them. There was no improvement. Quite the contrary – tics and convulsions have become more frequent. In addition to the general recommendations, we also performed several breathing exercises: - whistled into penicillin bottles - built a goal on a table from cubes and scored a goal with a piece of cotton wool, blowing on it - blew pieces of cotton wool from the palm, pretending to be snowfall - sometimes we performed gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova in a playful way. In late February, we had consultations with three speech therapists (including paid ones) but they refused to work with us. Because The age is too young and the cause of stuttering is neurological. The most interesting thing is that children’s speech itself is drawn out, in a sing-song manner. We also visited two neurologists - and everyone agreed - they prescribed the same pills and nothing more. And so it coincided, literally, the next day after all our visits to the doctors - it seemed to dawn on me - all the many methods for treating stuttering offered on the Internet may be effective, but for our age, because... Children are not yet able to fully CONTROL their speech. It is necessary to correct speech as if through indirect influence. I came to this conclusion after reading the book by L.I. Belyakov. Dyakova E.A. Stuttering. Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes in the specialty “Speech Therapy” - M. V. Sekachev, 1998. - 304 p. ill. The full version of this book is on the Pedagogical Library website. There is also a lot of useful information on the websites “Chatterbox”, “Sunny”, “Music with Mom”, etc. Children’s speech is already stretched out (and even very stretched out) - we rarely do breathing exercises (and we don’t have enough time for them). Changed the tactics of the events. I began to place great emphasis on the development of fine motor skills, because... it is directly related to speech (I don’t need to tell you). Three or four times a day I massaged the feet and hands, the collar area, and before bed, a speech therapy massage. After finger gymnastics and articulation. During the day: they mastered logorhythmics, threaded buttons on a needle and thread, drew on a tray with semolina, did lacing, etc. Everything turns out beautifully and smoothly. Although, of course, sometimes they didn’t do something - we had to adapt to the children’s mood. And as always, the law of meanness is right there. It is Tolik who is especially difficult to persuade and entice into playing the desired game. I found many different variations of finger and articulation gymnastics from Ekaterina and Sergei Zheleznov. But Tolik is not interested in anything, he doesn’t need anything. In addition, my husband does not understand my actions and certainly does not support me in any way. And this despite the fact that he also read quite a few books on raising children. His attitude towards our problem greatly surprised me. He believes that everything will go away on its own. My dad’s voice itself is loud, and when he communicates with his grandchildren, then his voice becomes even louder (as if he is trying to shout over them). I asked him to speak more quietly, but for some reason he couldn’t do it. Only my mother tried to help me in every possible way - gave me a massage, protected the children from stressful situations, and so on. And, in my opinion, it is an effective procedure. First, play the game “Who takes longer?” with your son. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and simply place it on your lower lip. And who will hold his tongue in this position longer? If your baby’s tongue is narrow and tense, then you can do the following: stroke the tongue with the bristles of a toothbrush 2-3 times a day, and then tap with the back of the toothbrush. In a few days you will see how the tongue becomes thinner and wider, like a cake, and therefore less tense. Speech therapy massage is also a very good way to relieve tension from the lower jaw and root of the tongue. This type of massage is not complicated, but very effective. While I was writing this letter to you, two days have passed. Yesterday I noticed that, no, no, Tolik was having some “stammers” again. HORROR. Is it really starting again? The music played for a while... Although this was to be expected - from April 1 to April 12, he suffered from bronchitis. The antibiotic tablets make him vomit. In the form of a suspension, it would not be effective in our case (we already went through this when we treated bronchitis again in October last year). I had to give injections for 5 whole days. And now my nose is stuffy during sleep. I have suspicions that our adenoids have become inflamed again. In November, after bronchitis, the ENT diagnosed me with grade 2-3 adenoiditis. But with adenoiditis, breathing is impaired and, as a result, blood circulation in the cerebral cortex is disrupted……. In addition, the children turn three years old on April 30. I have to go to work, otherwise I will be fired. At first, we decided to take the children to kindergarten only until lunch, in order to somehow reduce their stress and make their grandmother feel better. We would sleep at home, and after sleep a couple of hours later I would come home from work. And now the grandmother refuses to sit with her grandchildren. He says that he is afraid - they are very, very mobile....... Of course, the health of children is more important. But you also need money. Please tell me what we should do.

Logoneurosis. Symptoms

The main symptoms of logoneurosis, or stuttering, are pauses in conversation, frequent repetitions of individual syllables, sounds or whole words, difficulty pronouncing syllables or words, spasms of the speech apparatus (tongue, lips, muscles of the larynx), articulatory spasms.

These and other symptoms of logoneurosis are aggravated by emotional experience and nervous excitement.

Associated symptoms of logoneurosis are facial grimaces, muscle tension, facial tics, rapid blinking, lip trembling, respiratory spasms and a feeling of lack of air.

Logoneurosis, or stuttering, is usually also accompanied by general neurotic symptoms, which include mental stress, anxiety, fear, depressed mood, feelings of inferiority, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and sweating.

The severity of symptoms of logoneurosis depends on the stage of development of the disease.

In the initial stage, stuttering can manifest itself as episodic speech disturbances. The next stage of logoneurosis is characterized by a permanent speech disorder, in which the intensity of symptoms depends on the situation (nervous excitement).

The later stages of logoneurosis are characterized by an obsessive fear of speech, or logophobia, in which the mechanism for pronouncing sounds is paralyzed.

Another name for logophobia is lalophobia.

Logoneurosis. Causes

As a rule, logoneurosis, or stuttering, develops in childhood during the period of speech formation. Another dangerous age for the onset of logoneurosis is adolescence (15-17 years).

Factors contributing to the occurrence of logoneurosis include increased excitability, impressionability, nervousness, and emotional instability (lability) of the child.

In addition to psychological trauma, the cause of logoneurosis can be an infectious lesion of the nervous system, cerebral palsy, or endocrine disorder.

General recommendations

Cure stuttering is quite difficult, but with the right approach you can get the desired result. Methods for the prevention of speech defects play an important role. They include:

  • maintaining the correct daily routine (alternating periods of wakefulness and rest);
  • proper nutrition;
  • maintaining a normal state of mind;
  • restricting the child from stressful situations;
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • developmental activities with parents.

It is necessary to limit the child from strong emotional shocks. It is imperative to control the programs he watches on the computer or on TV. It is worth noting that too noisy and active games can provoke the development of short-term logoneurosis. You need to carefully monitor your child’s condition and immediately consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms.

Disease prognosis

With timely consultation with a specialist and proper treatment, stuttering is cured in 70-80% of cases. Age plays a role - the defect can be easily corrected in children 3-5 years old. The earlier the problem is identified, the greater the chances of a positive result. Stuttering in school-age children is more difficult to deal with. A less favorable prognosis for the treatment of advanced pathology in children 9-11 years old. Source: Anne Smith, Ph.D. and Christine Weber Childhood Stuttering – Where are we and Where are we going? // Semin Speech Lang. 2020 Nov; 37(4): 291–297


Name of service (price list incomplete)Price
Appointment with a neurologist, therapeutic and diagnostic, primary, outpatient1600 rub.
Consultation (interpretation) with analyzes from third parties2250 rub.
Consultation with prescription of a treatment regimen (for up to 1 month)1800 rub.
Consultation with prescription of a treatment regimen (for a period of more than 1 month)2700 rub.
Consultation with a candidate of medical sciences2500 rub.
Transcranial duplex scanning (TCDS) of cerebral vessels3600 rub.
Electroencephalography3100 rub.
MRI of the brain4200 rub.
CT scan of the head (brain structure)3300 rub.
Corporal acupuncture (session)1200 rub.
Superficial acupuncture1200 rub.
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