Diseases and disorders
Sensations: Irritability, constant feeling of fatigue, sudden reactions to simple events, frequent headaches, feeling
. There are many phobias in the world. Some of them are absurd, while others are quite rational.
331 0 Every person has at least once experienced a feeling of fear or anxiety in their life.
The man must take the first step. Yes, but I want to step in the right direction. How to understand
Varieties There are two types of convulsive muscle spasms: tonic, which are accompanied by prolonged muscle tension; clonic,
Additional diagnostics Smells that others cannot sense are a reason for a detailed examination. To figure out
Signs signaling danger In order to eliminate the problem in time, everyone should know how a headache hurts
Looking for a job is always a troublesome and time-consuming task, which, moreover, is not
MedStroke -> Types -> This article is intended to explain concepts such as heart attack and stroke
HOW THE SYNDROME OF OBSESSIVE CONDITIONS ARISES According to the theory of our domestic physiologist I.P. Pavlov, in