Diseases and disorders
What is ependymoma? The human brain contains tissue called ependyma. This is a thin membrane that
Fear of external noises It is natural for a person to be afraid of loud sounds, to shudder and look away
Sedatives Sedatives for VSD are the main ones. They eliminate anxiety and agitation, block
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Unlike medical suggestion, which is carried out for therapeutic purposes, gypsy hypnosis is
Psychotherapist Leonid Sergeevich Gartsev Psychotherapist, psychiatrist, narcologist Make an appointment Alzheimer's disease –
Psychotherapist Kumov Mikhail Sergeevich Experience 18 years Psychotherapist, member of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League Sign up
Symptoms The diagnosis of “neurosis”, one might say, is on everyone’s lips, but probably many still
Brainstem stroke is a pathological condition in which certain disturbances occur in the usefulness of the brain.
When numerous dystrophic and inflammatory changes appear in the kidneys in the peripheral nerve endings,